Which temperature controller is best to install on a heating radiator and how to do it

In some cases, it becomes necessary to remove the thermostat from the heating radiator. For what? If the riser passing through your apartment heats up normally, but the radiators remain completely cold, then first you should try to bleed out the air (perhaps it is because of the airlock that this problem arose).

If bleeding the air does not help, there is nothing left to do but remove the thermostat from the battery: there is a high probability that the problem lies with it.

The fact is that if the thermostat has an electronic head, then it carries out “decalcification” once a week. But thermostats with a regular head cannot perform this procedure, and, as a result of contamination of the water used as a coolant, the valve gradually becomes “overgrown” with scale and sediment. Over time, it simply stops opening normally.

The thermostat on the heating radiator has broken off. What can be done?

I have it too - I threw the needle all the way out and it warms

Well, you have a nut in the photo, of course you can. Only if you don’t know how to do it yourself, don’t do it, the pressure is high there, you’ll get scalded!

I’m not an expert, but judging by the picture, I’m also in favor of a complete replacement. And I can’t do this on my own! If only because it is necessary to completely drain the water from the main line. So there is only one way out - through local technicians!

You can unscrew it, the nut is right there!! Having unscrewed it, remove the rest of the thermostat, in this case call a plumber, turn off the riser, in case the taps don’t hold))

>is it possible to unscrew what remains screwed in? Are you interested in theory or practice? In theory, everything that is screwed can be unscrewed. But in practice, to do this, you first need to turn off the heating in a good way and drain the water from the entire riser, otherwise it will be oh. If The battery is too hot, before the plumbers arrive, you can press this little thing with something, like a clamp.

We installed a new one for ourselves after the same problem https://www.obi.ru/radiatory-otopleniya-i-prinadlezhnosti/radiator-bimetallicheskii-royal-thermo-biliner-500-bianco-traffico-12-sekcii/p/3828126 , since it is not very expensive. And calling the experts is half the cost of the radiator itself.

Yes, this can be turned off without any problems using a pliers, and as for the new thermostat, you can purchase it from a specialized company such as https://55m.ru/shop/avtomatika/termoregulyatory/eberle-rtr-e-3563/

Jerk off, your hands are only meant for dick.

How to remove a Danfoss thermostat from a heating device?

It clicks into place, but where and what should I press now?

Unscrew the nut under the head and remove

Paletsky wrote: Unscrew the nut

What kind of nut? After all, it was installed without a nut.

eded wrote: What kind of nut is that?

Each head is equipped with a large iron nut with which it (the head) is fixed to the valve

Instead of a red cap, a thermostat is snapped onto the RTD-N valve. No nuts. » >

eded wrote: Instead of a red cap, a thermostat is snapped onto the RTD-N valve. No nuts.

..shiert papieri! I can clearly see the nut in the picture" >

The diagram provided on the resource is not very helpful. I started looking for the nut and accidentally removed the thermostat. It turned out that part of it at the bottom is spring-loaded and rotates 90 degrees, as if unscrewing a nut, while the clamps are released and the assembly comes off.

Withdrawal specifics

The structure of a thermostat is shown. The temperature regulator consists of two parts: a valve and a thermostatic component.

Removing the thermostatic component itself is not a problem at all: it is very easy to do by hand, and if it is clamped a little tighter, you will need to use pliers.

Once the head is removed you will have a visible stem. It needs to be moved back and forth a couple of times, then left unwrapped for some time. In many cases, the battery

will start to warm up well. After it warms up, it is possible to install the regulator head in place.

If this does not help, you need to remove and replace the thermostatic valve itself.

The thermostatic valve valve is a more difficult situation.

In most forums devoted to this topic, the question “how to remove a thermostat from a battery” is given a recommendation to contact a plumber. If for some reason you cannot do this, then you will need to disconnect the heater from the system.

How to close a heating radiator with a thermostat2 This can be done if there is an additional shut-off valve. But in most houses with many apartments they simply don’t install it. If there is no shut-off valve, you will need to drain the heating system.

We hope that the publication was useful to you. Share it on social networks with your own friends, please.

Have a great day!

Which temperature controller is best to install on a heat supply radiator and how to do it

Before talking about thermostats, you need to understand in what variants these devices are needed. First things first, thermostat

should be placed on heating devices in rooms where temperature adjustment is required. In particular, we are talking about the upper floors of multi-storey buildings, in which the heating system provides for an upper supply of coolant and a vertical wiring design. Using an external water thermostat placed on the radiator, a specific temperature value is set, and heat is supplied to the living area with the set parameters.

But do not forget that the thermostat is not used to increase the heat output of the heating device. In addition, thermostatic valves are not compatible with cast iron batteries, which have significant thermal inertia.

Therefore, before choosing and installing a regulator on a battery, the main thing is to learn in detail the types of devices, as well as the specifics of their installation process and use.

Thermal valve - structure, purpose, types

The valve in the thermostat is very similar in structure to a regular valve. There is a seat and a shut-off cone that opens/closes the gap for coolant flow. The temperature of the heating radiator is regulated in this way: by the amount of coolant passing through the radiator.

Sectional view of thermostatic valve

The valves are installed differently for one-pipe and two-pipe wiring. The hydraulic resistance of a valve for a one-pipe system is much lower (at least two times) - this is the only way to balance it. You can't mix up the valves - it won't heat. For systems with natural circulation, valves for single-pipe systems are suitable. When installing them, the hydraulic resistance, of course, increases, but the system will be able to work.

Description of thermostats and operating principle

The design of the devices that change the temperature of the heating device looks like this:

  • Thermal valve. This part is a traditional valve, which consists of a metal body with a through hole, a seat and a cone. Essentially, the cone is considered a locking type mechanism, the lowering and raising of which acts on the valve's ability to flow.
  • The thermostatic component is considered to be the means for driving the closure cone. The thermoelement is made in the form of a small sealed cylinder, in the middle of which there is a thermal agent. The cylinder is called a “bellows”; gas or liquid is used as a thermal agent, the volume of which strongly depends on temperature.

The working principle of an external water thermostat is as follows: as soon as the temperature increases, the volume of the thermal agent increases, which leads to the stretching of the cylinder. For its part, it presses on the piston, which moves the locking cone. As a result, the flow of the coolant is blocked, and the thermal agent begins to cool. Here you can see the opposite reaction: the agent substance decreases in volume, and the cylinder contracts. Based on this, the piston returns to its initial position, the shut-off cone opens the movement of the coolant and the head heats up again. This way the set temperature in the room is maintained with the greatest accuracy.

However, different devices have different accuracy, which is explained by their properties. Heating and cooling occurs in stages, therefore, the bellows contracts and becomes wider slowly. Thanks to this, the coolant supply opens and closes also slowly. This suggests that a cone cannot be maximally closed or open.

For each thermal there is gestesis - an indicator characterizing the amount of inaccuracy. The minimum value of this indicator indicates a faster response of the device to temperature changes.

When deciding to install a regulator on a heating radiator, you need to understand one more characteristic: in this case, the heating device will not heat up completely and equally. To understand that such a condition is not considered the basis for the formation of air pockets or blockages, it is necessary to remove the thermal head. A working heating device should heat up equally.

Thermostatic heads

There are three types of thermostatic elements for heating thermostats - manual, mechanical and electronic. They all perform the same functions, but in different ways, provide different levels of comfort, and have different capabilities.


Manual thermostatic heads work like a regular faucet - you turn the regulator in one direction or another, allowing more or less coolant to flow through. The cheapest and most reliable, but not the most convenient devices. To change the heat transfer, you must manually turn the valve.

Manual thermal head - the simplest and most reliable option

These devices are quite inexpensive, they can be installed at the inlet and outlet of a heating radiator instead of ball valves. Any of them can be adjusted.


A more complex device that maintains the set temperature automatically. The basis of this type of thermostatic head is a bellows. This is a small elastic cylinder that is filled with a temperature agent. A temperature agent is a gas or liquid that has a high coefficient of expansion - when heated, it greatly increases in volume.

Thermostat device for a heating radiator with a mechanical thermostatic head

The bellows supports the rod, which blocks the flow area of ​​the valve. Until the substance in the bellows heats up, the rod is raised. As the temperature rises, the cylinder begins to increase in size (gas or liquid expands), it puts pressure on the rod, which increasingly blocks the flow area. Less and less coolant passes through the radiator, and it gradually cools down. The substance in the bellows also cools down, due to which the cylinder decreases in size, the rod rises, more coolant passes through the radiator, and it begins to warm up a little. Then the cycle repeats.

Gas or liquid

With such a device, the room temperature is fairly maintained at exactly +- 1°C, but in general the delta depends on how inert the substance in the bellows is. It can be filled with some kind of gas or liquid. Gases react faster to temperature changes, but are technologically more difficult to produce.

Liquid or gas bellows - not much difference

Liquids change volumes a little more slowly, but are easier to produce. In general, the difference in the accuracy of temperature maintenance is about half a degree, which is almost impossible to notice. As a result, most of the presented thermostats for heating radiators are equipped with thermal heads with liquid bellows.

With remote sensor

The mechanical thermostatic head should be installed so that it faces the room. This way the temperature is measured more accurately. Since they are quite large in size, this installation method is not always possible. For these cases, you can install a thermostat for the heating radiator with a remote sensor. The temperature sensor is connected to the head using a capillary tube. You can place it at any point where you prefer to measure air temperature.

With remote sensor

All changes in heat transfer from the radiator will occur depending on the air temperature in the room. The only disadvantage of this solution is the high cost of such models. But the temperature is maintained more accurately.

Name/CompanySetting rangeOperating temperature rangeControl typeFunctions/purposeConnection typePrice
Danfoss living ecofrom 6°C to 28°Cfrom 0°C to 40°CElectronicProgrammableRA AND M30X1.570$
Danfoss RA 2994 with gas bellowsfrom 6°C to 26°Cfrom 0°C to 40°CMechanicalFor any radiatorsclip-on20$
Danfoss RAW-K with liquid spongefrom 8°C to 28°Cfrom 0°C to 40°CMechanicalFor steel panel radiatorsM30x1.520$
Danfoss RAX with liquid spongefrom 8°C to 28°Cfrom 0°C to 40°CMechanicalFor design radiators white, black, chromeM30x1.525$
HERZ H 1 7260 98 with liquid spongefrom 6°C to 28°CMechanicalM 30 x 1.511$
Oventrop "Uni XH" with liquid spongefrom 7°C to 28°CMechanicalwith zero markM 30 x 1.518$
Oventrop "Uni CH" with liquid spongefrom 7°C to 28°CMechanicalwithout zero markM 30 x 1.520$

Types of thermal heads for batteries

By thermal head for a heating device we mean the upper replaceable part of the device.

There are several types of it:

The thermal head of a mechanical type thermostatic regulator on batteries is considered a basic configuration, on the basis of which different variations are produced, differing in price and properties. The highest level manufacturers produce products in which the valve is compatible with any thermoelement.

A manual thermostat is essentially considered the same valve that does not stop operating on the same principle. In other words, as the handle rotates, the amount of passing heat carrier changes. The only difference is the following: the manual mechanism can be removed and replaced with a mechanical or electronic device. At the same time, the housing itself does not need to be removed or changed; it is considered multifunctional. The main thing is to know how to remove the temperature regulator from the battery.

The electronic type thermal head is the most expensive and massive. You can insert batteries into the case of this option; there are specialized niches for this. An important difference is the wide range of possibilities. For example, you can maintain a constant temperature throughout the entire time. In addition, it is possible to set specific values ​​by day of the week or hour. If residents are not in the apartment during the day, then it is not necessary to create a comfortable climate at this time. It is enough to adjust the thermal head and by a specific time the air in the room will warm up to the set temperature. This suggests that by using electronic thermal you can save on heating costs while maintaining a level of convenience.

It all depends on the temperature agent used; temperature regulators on heat supply radiators are divided into several types:

When selecting a device based on this criterion, it is necessary to pay attention that the two options have a very high quality level, almost the same speed of response to temperature changes. At the same time, the manufacture of a liquid external water thermostat is more common, and the choice is wider.

The main selection criterion must be the temperature range that the device can support. In many cases these are values ​​from +6 to +26 degrees with small deviations. By the way, the cost of thermal power, its size, appearance and method of connection depend on the breadth of the range.

Design and types of thermostats

Based on the principle of operation, thermostats are divided into two large groups:

  • Direct-acting devices that respond to coolant temperature. Inside such devices there is a bellows filled with liquid, solid or gaseous material and a poppet locking mechanism. The working fluid of the bellows changes its volume with temperature changes and moves the rod, increasing or decreasing the flow of coolant into the radiator.

Such devices benefit in terms of cost, but are already obsolete. In apartments it is recommended to use thermostats of the second type.

  • Devices with remote sensors and electric drive of the adjustment mechanism. They are more convenient to use, as they are adjusted directly to the desired air temperature in the room. Electronic control systems allow you to set your own heating modes for certain periods of the day; they are also programmed according to other parameters.

The thermostat is selected based on the size of the pipe connected to the device and the type of heating:

  1. Valves marked RTD-G are intended for installation in single-pipe supply systems with natural circulation.
  2. Devices marked RTD-N are used in two-pipe systems. They are also necessary if a sediment is installed for forced circulation of the coolant.

Professionals recommend choosing valves made of brass, bronze or stainless steel. They are more reliable and durable than silumin ones.

More information about all types of devices designed to regulate the temperature of radiators is written in this article. There you can also find ways to increase the heat transfer of batteries.

Classification of thermal valves for heating radiators

The part at the bottom of the thermostatic valve is a valve or valve that is selected depending on the heating system used. It must be said that for a variety of systems, manufacturers produce different adjustment devices. For example, two-pipe systems are characterized by balancing due to a decrease in pressure on the valves. Due to this, the devices in this case have a small flow area and are characterized by high hydraulic resistance.

Installing regulators on heating radiators in single-pipe systems will not give a good effect and the room will be much colder. In this situation, you can install devices whose throughput is of great importance, at least 3.

There are also models that are designed for systems with real movement of the coolant. They have a much lower hydraulic resistance, which makes the use of the listed modifications permissible for single-pipe systems.

Therefore, you need to very carefully study all the characteristics of control devices.

Depending on the method of pipe installation, axial, angular or direct temperature regulators for heating radiators are distinguished. The choice of model in this case is determined by the type of connection of the heating systems. For example, with a lateral approach to pipes, it is more convenient to install a straight valve, but with a bottom connection it is better to use an angle element.

Various materials can also be used for the production of thermal valves. Very often, manufacturers give preference to metals characterized by high corrosion resistance. For good reliability, some of them have an additional layer of protection on the surface.

The key materials for the production of a temperature controller for heating batteries are the following:

  • Stainless steel
    . This is a pretty good option, but the price of such valves is very high, and they are rarely found in the retail chain.
  • Brass
    , a material with a nickel layer can be used.
  • Bronze
    can also be chrome-plated or nickel-plated.

Design of thermostats for heating radiators

The thermostat for a heating radiator consists of two parts - a valve (thermovalve) and a thermostatic head (thermostatic element, temperature regulator). These products are produced for different pipe sizes and different types of heating systems. The thermostatic head is removable; regulators of different types and even from different manufacturers can be installed on the same valve - the seat is standardized.

The thermostat for a heating radiator consists of two parts - a special valve (valve) and a thermostatic head (regulator)

There are different valves and regulators, so before installing a thermostat for a heating radiator, you will have to become at least a little familiar with its structure, functions and types.

Specifics of installation work - how to install the temperature controller correctly

Before installing a thermostat on a heating radiator, you need to become familiar with certain properties of this process. In many cases, thermostatic valves are placed on the supply pipe just before entering the heating device. The design of the valve provides for the passage of the coolant in only one direction, which is indicated by an arrow on the body of the product. The movement of the coolant should be in this direction. The device cannot operate if it is connected incorrectly. You can also place the device at the outlet, but with the necessary observance of the flow direction. The operating efficiency of the thermostatic valve does not decrease depending on the installation location.

When installing an external water thermostat on the battery, you must follow other manufacturer’s recommendations, especially regarding the installation height. For many models, a value of 0.4-0.6 meters from the floor level is considered ideal, since they are calibrated for temperatures specific to such a height.

But do not forget that many models of heating devices have a bottom connection, for which the installation height is set personally. If it is not possible to choose a model with specific parameters, you can set the temperature value lower than the recommended one. The thing is that the air on the floor is always colder, and the meter is programmed to maintain the temperature at the level of the upper edge of the heating device. Therefore, the room will be quite hot.

You can also use the second option, which involves setting up the device yourself. The key actions in this case can be found in the attached passport.

In addition, there is a third option - installing a regulator equipped with an external sensor on the heating battery. In this situation, the installation height does not matter; the main thing is to place the meter correctly. It is necessary to take into account that the price of such models is very high, so if the family budget is short, it is better to use another option.

The main condition when installing a thermostatic head is its placement; the device must first be deployed in a horizontal position. Otherwise, a hot stream of air will always wash over the head, and the substance in the bellows will be regularly heated. Therefore, the heating device will be turned off regularly, and the result will be cool in the room.

The situation with a heating device installed in a niche or covered with curtains looks somewhat better. In this case, the thermoelement will be in a heated state for a very long time. This situation has two solutions: the temperature regulator is set to a high value or a remote meter is used. Another option will cost several points more, but the control point is selected on an individual basis.

Before installing a thermostat on the battery, you need to worry about the presence of an unregulated circular pump. This prevents the riser from blocking when the supply to the heating device is closed and will not cause trouble for neighbors.

The connecting type of thermal valves can be of two options and depends on the type of nuts used, which can be union or crimp type. Accordingly, it is used for a specific type of pipe components. The connecting type and optimal type of pipes are indicated by the manufacturer in the accompanying documentation.

Is a thermostat needed in a heating system?

The use of temperature control is caused by the need to provide comfortable conditions in rooms according to individual requests. Temperature adjustment directly affects fuel consumption during autonomous heating. In the absence of regulation and monitoring, the room will be hot and there will be a need for constant ventilation. High temperatures contribute to increased humidity and the occurrence of fungal diseases.

There are several stages of temperature control:

  1. Control on the boiler (in autonomous heating version);
  2. Control on the distribution manifold or individual branches of the heating system;
  3. Adjustment on heating devices.

Setting rules

Maintaining the optimal temperature depends on how the battery thermostats work and the correct settings. This process involves the following steps:

  • Turn on the heat supply and close the door to the room.
  • A thermometer is installed in the place where temperature control is supposed to be carried out.
  • Turn the regulator head all the way to the left, completely opening the flow of coolant.
  • Wait until the temperature rises by 5-6 points.
  • Turn the head to the extreme right position, thus closing the flow of the coolant. This should result in gradual air cooling in the room.
  • When the optimal temperature is established in the room, the valve begins to open. The head is turned until the body begins to heat up and the coolant begins to make noise. You can leave the thermal head in this position, since the temperature has reached a comfortable value. For consumer comfort, most devices have a digital scale that can be used to guide settings and further use.

Setting up an external water thermostat can hardly be called a labor-intensive process; thanks to this, you can calibrate it yourself according to specific conditions. In most cases, this procedure has a standard scheme, although there are certain exceptions for certain models. You can find out how to install the regulator on the battery in the product data sheet.

How to adjust (reconfigure)

All thermostats are factory adjusted. But their settings are standard and may not match your desired parameters. If you are not satisfied with something in the work - you want it to be warmer/colder, you can reconfigure the thermostat for the heating radiator. This must be done with the heating running. You will need a thermometer. You hang it at the point where you will control the state of the atmosphere.

  • Close the doors, put the thermostat head in the extreme left position - completely open. The room temperature will begin to rise. When it becomes 5-6 degrees higher than what you want, turn the regulator all the way to the right.
  • The radiator begins to cool down. When the temperature drops to a value that you consider comfortable, begin to slowly turn the knob to the right and listen. When you hear the coolant making noise and the radiator starting to warm up, stop. Remember what number is on the handle. It will need to be set to achieve the required temperature.

Adjusting the thermostat for a radiator is not difficult at all. And you can repeat this action several times, changing the settings.

Regulating the heating operating temperature is an important task both from the point of view of ensuring a comfortable temperature in the room and in terms of fuel economy. Excessive overheating of the air leads to increased fuel consumption and uncomfortable sensations for the inhabitants of the home. There are several ways and stages of adjusting the operation of the heating complex. Thermostatic temperature control of heating devices is considered the most effective. It is implemented using temperature control devices. How to install a thermostat on a heating radiator - the material in this article will answer this question.

Device diagram

The device is used both in systems of one and two pipes. Regardless, it includes:

  • valve;
  • static component (thermal head);
  • receptive element;
  • spool;
  • stock;
  • compensator;
  • retainer;
  • scale.

also several fasteners, a drive and a regulator . The device is filled with working liquid or gas, as required.

Photo 1. Diagram of the external water thermostat for heating batteries. The arrows indicate important parts of the structure.

The design and principle of operation of the thermostat

Any automatic radiator valve consists of 2 parts:

  1. Thermostatic valve with an actuator for shutting off the coolant flow.
  2. Thermal head with a control element that responds to changes in air temperature.

The valve, made of brass, has a traditional mechanism with a working cone that fits into the seat and thus reduces its flow area. The difference from a conventional manual tap is that the cone is attached to a pressure rod with a spring that extends outward. Pressing on the end of the rod is carried out by the second element - the thermal head. The stronger the pressure, the smaller the flow area. The diagram below shows the assembly of the heating battery regulator:

Where is the device installed?

The operation of the device is affected by 4 factors:

  • sun rays hitting the body;
  • temperature outside the room;
  • air circulation in the room;
  • additional heating sources.

In apartment buildings, thermostatic valves are installed at the top, near the roof , because heat rises. This helps balance the temperature differences in the building. On the same floor, on the contrary, they are installed near the heater.

Photo 2. Electronic thermostat installed on the heating battery. The device is connected to the coolant supply circuit.

The most optimal location of the highly sensitive device is considered to be on the supply. This principle has a limitation: the strapping parts do not have to be covered with anything. The thermostat is installed in front of the battery, after the branch from the main line. This allows him to change the temperature of the room without disturbing the neighbors who live below.

Main! In another case, you have to use a device with a remote sensor.

Choosing an installation location

There are a number of recommendations on how to install a thermostat on a heating radiator. First you need to choose the right device that will meet all operating conditions. Next, you will need to correctly determine the installation location. You should not install the thermostat on the radiator in a place where the device will be exposed to direct sunlight.

Also, the accuracy of measurements is reduced if there are devices near the thermostat that generate heat (except for the heating radiator itself). It is unacceptable for the thermostat to be covered with curtains or curtains. Normal air circulation should be maintained around it.

If it is not possible to install thermostats on all radiators in the apartment, you need to select several of them, where the use of such devices would be most appropriate.

If this is a multi-storey private house, it is recommended to install thermostats first on the top floor. This is explained by the effect of convection. Warm air rises. Therefore, it is often necessary to reduce the temperature on the second and third floors.

If the batteries are installed in a one-story house or apartment, you need to mount thermostats on those radiators that are located near the boiler.

If it is not possible not to cover the thermal head with curtains, you should choose models with a remote sensor.

How to properly install a thermostat on a battery with your own hands

No special skills are required to install the device. The most difficult part of the process is installing a circular pump in a system with pipes made of metal. If there are problems with the final one, you should invite a professional who can help assemble the device.

To work you will need:

  • specifically the device;
  • shut-off valves;
  • pipeline cutting, fastening or welding for its installation process ;
  • circular pump;
  • set of keys;
  • tow or any other sealant .

At the beginning of work, first of all, the coolant is drained. To do this, it is quite enough to close the valve located after the pipe branch from the main to the heating device.

It is necessary to take into account that the bottom tap, if any, must be opened, otherwise the liquid will become stuck in the battery.

Attention! Installation of the thermostatic valve must be carried out in the warm season . For example, in the summer, before the start of the heating season.

After draining the coolant, proceed to the process of installing the taps. A vertical cut is made in the section of pipe near the heating device, disconnecting the line. Then they do the following:

  1. If the thermostat is made of iron, then the circular pump is simply welded. If electronic, then install a jumper between the pipe sections.
  2. Remove the nuts and shank from the shut-off valves . The same is done with the device. The resulting parts are screwed into the plugs of the heating device.
  3. and temperature control device are installed alternately
  4. The pipeline is assembled by tightening the fasteners or by welding.
  5. The system is filled with working fluid and a test run is carried out.

After carrying out the initial check , they inspect the piping for leaks or deficiencies. The former are eliminated with a sealant, the latter by repeated heat treatment.

Before performing the installation process, when selecting a location, it is recommended to consider access to the device in case of repair. To do this, you will need to choose a place in the free space and correctly direct the head of the device.

How to remove the thermostat from the heating battery yourself

Features of installation and connection of the valve

The device itself is simple, but special attention must be paid to installing and calibrating the thermostatic valve on radiators. Correct installation will ensure the accuracy of the device.

What factors are considered during installation? A type of thermal valve is for one-pipe or two-pipe. Plus the direction of movement of the coolant - it comes from below or from above.

Hot water supply pipes to the battery are supplied in different ways. It depends on the heating scheme. The placement of plugs and thermostats are also different. The general recommendation for most thermostat models is to place them within 40-60 cm from the floor level.

The installation algorithm is approximately as follows:

  1. Disconnect the radiator from the heating system and drain the water.
  2. We remove the section of the horizontal pipe and the tap too.
  3. The thermostat can also be mounted in the radiator cap if a shut-off valve is installed in front of it. Or make an insert into the horizontal part of the pipe in front of the battery.
  4. The tightness of the joints is important. We provide this by standard winding of FUM tape onto the threaded area.

Manual temperature controllers for radiators

This type of regulator is the simplest and is a valve mechanism with a rotatable cover, which, when rotated, leads to the raising or lowering of the valve and thereby reducing or increasing the fluid supply.

Therefore, without human manipulation, manual temperature controllers for radiators will not work. When the temperature decreases or increases, it needs to be adjusted. But such a regulator has a universal valve, which, if desired, can be replaced with an automatic one.

Typical questions

How to insulate a heating radiator so that it does not overheat?

To reduce the level of heating of the room from a radiator without adjustment devices, you should use thermal insulation materials. First you need to prevent air circulation near the heated surfaces of the heating radiators. For this purpose, you can use ordinary foil and wrap it around the radiator. A layer of heat-insulating material must be laid on top of the foil covering.

In residential premises, you should not use materials such as asbestos fabric and asbestos sheets, mineral wool and fiberglass, as they emit toxic substances into the air that can be harmful to health.

For thermal insulation, it is advisable to use woolen fabric with good heat resistance.

Which thermostats are better?

You should choose a thermostat taking into account the type of heating system, personal preferences and the allocated budget.

This device has sensors that analyze the temperature and automatically adjust the heating level of the heating radiator based on the set settings. A more budget-friendly option is to install a control valve, with which you will have to manually regulate the heating temperature.

Balancing a central heating system

During normal operation of the heating network, all radiators should receive the same heat. But if the radiators are not balanced correctly, then at the beginning of the chain the radiators will be too hot, and at the end they will be barely warm.

Let's look at how we can solve this problem. In order to control the flow of liquid through the system, it is necessary to install a double adjustment valve on each heating device. Moreover, if you close some of the valves at the beginning of the chain, you can ensure a more uniform distribution of hot water.

In order to properly balance the system, it is necessary to turn off the heating, allow the water to cool and open the valves on all batteries. To do this, remove the covers from them and turn them on using pliers.

Next, turn on the heating and go to the first battery in the circuit, regulate it and then, alternately balance the others

If they don’t know the order, then when turning on the system, pay attention to their heating

It is important! Thermometers for radiators are installed on the return and supply pipes. Close the valve and then gradually open it again until there is a difference of 10°C between the thermometer readings (20°C Fahrenheit)

The same is repeated with all radiators included in a particular circuit. The result is a balanced and efficient heating system.

Do not be surprised if the valve on the last radiator is completely open, since for good heating of the room, uniform operation (heating) of the entire system is necessary.

For efficient operation of the heating system and for high-quality heating of the room, it is necessary to balance the operation of the circuit. To do this, it is better to invite specialists who will quickly and efficiently complete this task, and if you want to do everything yourself, but do not know how to properly adjust the radiators, then read the instructions and the nuances of the work.

  • Bimetallic heating radiators: a new word in the world of heat
  • Floor heating radiator - a step towards modern living space design
  • The main differences between the installation of water heated floors and other home heating systems
  • How to correctly use mats for heated water floors during installation

Disabling radiators without fittings

It is no secret that in most apartments to this day there are old cast iron radiators or steel convectors without any shut-off fittings, which makes it impossible to shut them off during the heating season. Moreover, according to the old heating scheme, convectors in high-rise buildings are connected to risers without straight sections - bypasses. Therefore, if an accident occurs with a coolant leak, you must act as follows:

  1. Try to provide some kind of container to collect hot water. If the stream flows to the side, wrap a thick cloth over the break site so that the water flows along it into a bucket.
  2. Call the dispatch service of your heating energy supply company and report the accident.
  3. While the service personnel are getting there, provide them with access to the basement, find the keys, open the door, and so on.
  4. Try to block the riser yourself.

While your water is flowing onto the floor, your neighbors below have a suspended ceiling turning into a bubble.
A few words about how to properly turn off the heating riser. Find in the basement the heating point of your entrance and vertical pipes embedded in a large-diameter main or into a common collector. Follow where they go to determine the emergency riser, and turn it off with a tap. Contact by cell phone someone in the household who can confirm that the geyser eruption in the apartment has stopped. If you couldn’t find your pipe, close all the valves one by one until you find the one you need.

Attention! Don't try to force yourself on basement valves that are stuck due to rust. When they cannot be closed manually, it is better to wait for a team of plumbers; they will find a way to stop the flow of coolant. Otherwise, a very awkward situation will arise when you also break the main fittings, leaving the apartment building without heat during repairs.

It is also worth considering the question of how to shut off the battery if it is hot in the apartment due to the service provider’s failure to comply with the temperature schedule of the boiler room. It would seem that if there are shut-off valves, the problem is solved by manually closing the taps. But after the temperature in the rooms drops, the valves will have to be opened again. This way you will get tired of turning the taps long before the end of the heating season, so you need to think about how you can adjust the heat output of the radiators. The options are:

  • if possible, install a thermostatic valve on each radiator, limiting the flow of coolant and automatically maintaining the set temperature in the room;
  • It is nice to cover the heating device with a blank screen with small holes if there are no shut-off valves on the connections.

Important. The ball valve is not a means of adjustment; it is intended only to completely cut off or open the passage of the coolant. In the “half closed” mode it will not give the desired effect and will fail much earlier.

Thanks to worn-out pipelines, district heating systems are notorious for dirty water that quickly clogs small passages. Therefore, ordinary valves with thermal heads will not last long here; you need to buy special valves with increased capacity, which are produced by the well-known brands Danfoss and Herz. How to install them on the connection to the radiator is shown below in the diagram and described in this material.

What is a thermostat

A thermostat is a discrete mechanical device that, when a given temperature setpoint is reached, changes its state or the state of its electrical contacts.

These contacts, for example, can be used in relay electrical circuits, starting or stopping various units, or transmitting information about the temperature reached to the automated process control system. The word itself comes from two Greek words: “θερµο-”, which means heat and “στατός” - standing, motionless.

Unlike analog temperature sensors such as a thermocouple or resistance thermometer, a thermostat will not show the true temperature value at a specific point in time. Its task is only to “work” at a preset temperature value, that is, to change its state. After this, depending on the type of thermostat, the required control actions are performed.

Thermostats are used in devices or systems that heat or cool something to specified temperature values. For example, in refrigerators, heating appliances, cooling systems for automobile engines, industrial ovens, etc.

What does a thermostat consist of and what is its operating principle?

The design of the thermostat and its operating principle depend on the type of sensing element used. These can be bimetallic plates or metal capsules with capillary tubes filled with liquid or gas.

A bimetallic strip consists of two dissimilar metal strips with different coefficients of thermal expansion that are welded together. During heating, one of the metal plates expands more, which leads, when a given temperature is reached, to its bending or straightening.

Mechanically moving in this way, the bimetallic strip can close or open electrical contacts or, for example, open a coolant valve.

Another common type of thermostat is capillary. Its work is based on the first law of thermodynamics, according to which when the temperature in a thermodynamic system changes, it must perform mechanical work until it reaches an equilibrium state.

The capillary thermostat includes the following elements:

  • a metal capsule containing a working fluid (for example, glycol);
  • a capillary tube connecting the sensor to the thermostat control unit;
  • a control unit or an electromechanical relay that sets the temperature setpoint.

When a metal capsule is heated, the volume of its contents changes, which through a capillary tube presses on the relay membrane and, when a given temperature is reached, its contacts close or open.

For all types of thermostats, the temperature is set mechanically by turning the adjusting screw, or it is rigidly set by the manufacturer to a certain temperature.

Purpose of the thermostat

As mentioned above, the main task of a thermostat is to control the temperature. The scope of use of thermostats is very wide: from an iron in a small apartment to huge furnaces in industrial facilities. They are used in various equipment, heating systems, air conditioners and household appliances.

The thermostat makes their use safe and at the same time comfortable, since the temperature is controlled automatically.

Thermostats can be already built-in or used additionally, for example, in water mixers, to adjust the operation of gas boilers or floor heating.

A car thermostat is an essential component for the engine cooling system. It helps maintain the required temperature without overheating.

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