How to check the draft sensor for a gas water heater: troubleshooting

From the author: hello, friends! A geyser is a rather complex structure consisting of many elements. Each of them plays an important role in the operation of the device. If some of these elements break down, the problem is immediately visible and does not require any testing. But how can I check the draft sensor for a gas water heater? And what is this part even needed for? This is exactly what will be discussed in today's article.

In general, a gas water heater is an excellent heating device. No wonder it is the most popular among owners of both apartments and private houses. The boiler is highly efficient, does not require too much maintenance, and the fuel used usually costs literally pennies.

The only drawback of this equipment is the possible danger of its operation in the event of any malfunction. Everyone knows that a gas leak, for example, can have dire consequences, including an explosion, destruction of a house and death. Therefore, each element of the column must work perfectly, any problem must be corrected immediately, and a part that is absolutely faulty must be replaced.

Therefore, it is extremely important to detect a breakdown in a timely manner. To do this, regular checks of the system are carried out, and, as a rule, they are performed by gas service specialists. But you yourself can periodically inspect some elements on which the safety of the people living in the house depends. One such part of the design is the traction sensor.

Terms of use

The rules for using equipment that runs on gas in everyday life are not simple, but must be followed for the purpose of safe operation:

  • in a room with an installed gas water heater, first of all there must be a ventilation channel, and free access of clean air is guaranteed;
  • Before turning on the equipment, it is necessary to check the chimney draft using a lit match;
  • It is strictly prohibited to operate equipment that runs on gas if there is not sufficient draft in the chimney;
  • do not leave a lit burner in a gas-powered column without proper supervision of the equipment;
  • It is not allowed to leave the tap in the column open when the pilot burner is not lit.

Unexpected termination of the gas supply requires urgent closing of the burner tap in the gas-fired column.

It must be remembered that the rules for using a geyser strictly prohibit any independent repair work, as well as reinstalling this type of equipment with your own hands.

To be able to carry out certain boiler maintenance procedures, you need to know its design.

Read about the good qualities of a diesel fuel boiler at the link.

Find out how to remove an air plug from a heating system here.

Top reasons for lack of traction

It is necessary to determine the time frame for the occurrence of the malfunction. Separately, it is worth considering cases when the chimney is new and during a test run the fact of reverse draft is revealed. Let us consider the reasons separately and in detail.

Reason 1. Incorrect chimney.

Proper chimney design is important for good air movement. If there is no draft when checking a new heating structure, then the reason is one or a combination of errors:

  • The pipe diameter is too small and does not correspond to the installed capacity of the heating system being served.
  • The chimney design has 90 degree turns. The maximum allowable rotation angle is 45 degrees. For ideal operation, the entire chimney must be extended along a strict vertical axis. However, such a design is not always possible; then tees and reducers are used. For a 90 degree rotation angle in the chimney, it is necessary to add 1 meter of pipe length. For a rotation angle of 45 degrees you need to add 0.5 meters.
  • The presence of horizontal sections of the chimney. The total length of horizontal sections should not exceed 1 meter.
  • Irregular pipe shape. The pipe must have a round cross-section. In the corners of the square pipe, a turbulence of the air flow occurs, which clogs the chimney. Square sections have chimneys made of brick; for their normal functioning, stainless steel pipes must be installed inside. Stainless steel pipes are easy to install, airtight, and their smooth surface prevents the accumulation of soot.
  • The blower is not long enough, which does not provide the required oxygen flow.
  • The chimney consists of pipes of different diameters; in places where there is a difference in size, favorable conditions are created for the accumulation of soot and soot.
  • Insufficient tightness of pipe joints.
  • No cap over the chimney. The cap protects against exposure to precipitation and objects that can clog the chimney (snow, dead birds).
  • Incorrect pipe placement. The pipe should rise above the flat roof by at least 0.5 meters. The distance between the ridge and the pipe should be 1 meter. The total length of the sleeves must be at least 5 meters.
  • Insufficient chimney insulation. The part of the pipe located outside the heated room must undergo insulation. Insulation will prevent gases from settling in the form of condensation on the inner surface of the pipe.

Reason 2. Ventilation

For proper operation of the heating system, proper ventilation must be established in rooms with approved combustion equipment. Often because of this there is no draft in the chimney. Reasons for lack of sufficient traction:

  • Constantly open windows in the furnace room. Especially when the windows are located above the firebox.
  • A strong draft, aerodynamic forces can change the direction of air movement.
  • Insufficient fresh air required for combustion.

Reason 3. Exposure to natural factors.

The reasons for the lack of chimney draft can be:

  • Rain, snow, hail, creating a pressure difference. Exposure to high street pressure leads to combustion products settling in the chimney, reducing the useful volume of the chimney.
  • The crown of a tree obstructs free access to air masses.
  • A tall building nearby reflects the smoke coming out of the chimney.
  • Using raw wood as a raw material.
  • The canopy is too low above the pipe.

How to check the draft of a gas water heater

Equipment that has an open firebox requires proper smoke exhaust and good draft.

Almost all the newest models are equipped with an automatic safety control system, which prevents the equipment from starting in conditions of no traction.

Basically, a competent thrust check involves the forced use of a specialized measuring device, which helps to verify the presence of air traffic and find the thrust force. If this device is not available, the following check can be done:

  • remove the horizontal part of the chimney pipe from the entrance to the shaft channel and secure paper strips, the movement of which will signal the presence of draft;
  • light a match, then point it vertically towards the viewing window on the front panel of the gas water heater . The deflection of the match flame indicates sufficient draft.

If there is no draft in the chimney pipe, using an atmospheric burner is strictly prohibited.

What to do if the craving suddenly disappears?

This situation sometimes arises suddenly. More often in bad weather. Before dealing with the chimney system, you should assess the duration of the malfunction and the likelihood of carbon monoxide poisoning - ventilate the room by opening windows and doors. Then the reasons for stopping the hood should be assessed. It is better to make sure that the chimney is not blocked mechanically - there is no ice freezing on the tip, no soot has collapsed. Then begin to restore the operation of the equipment: open the damper, ignite the heating unit, build a strong fire in the stove or fireplace to warm up the walls of the chimney.

If movement through the chimney is not restored, you cannot leave the equipment turned on or the fire burning in the stove - you can be poisoned by carbon monoxide and carbon monoxide. Measures should be taken to clean the chimney and get rid of frozen ice and condensation (just not at night).

The main ways to turn on gas-type water heaters

Nowadays, different options for switching on gas water heating equipment are practiced; their selection depends on the design features of the device.

In any case, before turning on the gas water heater

it is necessary to take a number of measures that will make it possible to use equipment of this kind without any problems. First of all, you need to open the fuel and water taps to the water heating system.

How to light a gas-type column: manual ignition

This type of ignition is practiced when using outdated models of gas-powered dispensers and involves igniting the wick using matches.

The manual ignition method is common, and consists of opening the water meter unit connected to the water heating equipment and the key valve for the gas supply, after which the wick is ignited.

A decrease in water pressure is not accompanied by turning off the device; therefore, shutdown is also performed manually.

Piezo ignition

The presence of a piezo ignition in a gas-powered column greatly facilitates the operation and maintenance of this equipment.

Column device with piezo ignition

The wick in such designs lights up by pressing a special button. The igniter of a key burner operating on gas asks for the regulator to be switched on to the gas supply.

Pressing the button causes a spark to form and ignite the wick.

In models with piezo ignition, placing the regulator in the initial position and turning off the water supply does not extinguish the ignition wick, and the main disadvantage of this equipment is considered to be very high fuel consumption.

Automatic switching on

Nowadays, gas water heating equipment is demonstrated in a large assortment, and improved good models with an automatic control system for igniting the wick and igniting the key burner have become even more popular among consumers.

Basically, such columns have an installed turbine driven by water pressure.

Starting the turbine causes automatic operation, but in this case quite large demands are placed on the water pressure in the system.

How it works

In the middle of the column there are two main elements: an atmospheric burner and a heat exchanger, which looks like a long, narrow pipe, in most cases made of copper, rolled into a snake or spiral. Cool water flows from the water meter to the coil, heats up over the burner and leaves the device in a hot state.

Of course, everything is not very simple, because the safe and productive operation of the device is ensured by a number of main components, for example:

  • ignition device or ignition wick;
  • water-gas unit;
  • solenoid valve with a set of sensors.

The ignition device often looks like a pilot burner: a small tongue of flame that burns regularly. With the electronic version of this unit, just before turning on the column, a spark appears, which ignites the ignition wick. This is a much modern version, it even allows you to achieve certain gas savings.

To produce a spark, a piezoelectric element is often used, which can also be started manually. In models of past years, such conveniences are not provided: the ignition wick is lit with an ordinary match. In order for the gas to turn on automatically, a water-gas unit is required when starting water. It consists of a membrane fabric, which is mounted in the water metering unit, and a valve in the gas path.

When the tap is opened, water begins to move, the membrane fabric changes position under the influence of the flow and transmits a signal to the valve. It opens and releases a stream of gas to the burner, which ignites. When the water is turned off, the membrane fabric returns to its initial position, the valve closes the gas flow, and the burner goes out.

Thanks to the water-gas unit, you don’t have to manually open the gas every time you turn on the water. The solenoid valve also changes the gas supply in accordance with the readings of various sensors that detect the presence of flame, draft, unsafe overheating, etc.

This node is needed to increase the security of the system. Sensors react to system interruptions, and the valve closes the gas supply if major problems arise in the operation of the device. In addition to the sensors, a thermocouple is connected to the valve. Such an element reacts to the presence or absence of a pilot burner flame. If there is no fire, the gas entering the column will not ignite, but will accumulate, which is too dangerous.

Review: how to turn on a gas water heater

Almost all of the newest models are distinguished by the presence of the main necessary elements provided by:

  • a unit with gas-powered equipment;
  • water connection unit;
  • smoke exhaust system;
  • devices that run on electricity.

Depending on the design properties, the inclusion of a geyser from popular and unknown manufacturers may vary slightly.

The manufacturer from Germany accompanies the equipment sold with intuitive and understandable instructions.

All models with the index “B” in the name are equipped with electric ignition.

Before starting, you need to open the water and gas valves, and also check for the presence of a type R battery with a power rating of 1.5V.

The equipment is turned on by pressing the power button, which is located on the front panel.

All Neva gas water heaters are sold fully configured for a specific type of fuel and gas pressure.

To turn it on, you will need to install an LR20 battery with a voltage of 1.5V in the battery compartment, after which the shut-off valves in front of the device are opened, and the toggle switches are moved to a small position.

The gas regulator knob on the front panel is moved to the “Ignition” position, pushed down to the limit, then the power button is pressed.


After visually checking all the connections on your Electrolux model to ensure there are no leaks, open the tap and drain the water a little.

Then the gas valve opens, which is accompanied by a distinctive sound of a gas stream penetrating into the system.

The pressure should be about 0.15-10 atmospheres. To make the water a little hotter, you will need to reduce the water flow.

Burner at the gas water heater

This model is located under the central threaded connecting element.

This is not a very convenient option for water heating equipment.

To turn on the device, move the handle to the left, press the power button and, holding it in this position for several seconds, light the ignition wick.

The rules for switching on water heating equipment produced under this brand directly depend on the properties of the model.

When marked “P”, piezo ignition is used, in which the power parameters and water pressure are adjusted using knobs on the front panel.

Marking “B” provides battery ignition and an automated operating mode.

A specific feature of models marked “G” is considered to be automated ignition by the Hydro Power system.

For information on various reasons why gas water heaters fail, see here.

Ways to eliminate backdraft

You should pay attention to any, even the most minor, changes in the operation of the gas device. If the water heater makes strange noises or turns on with a bang, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Popping noises are most common in older speaker models. In modern flow columns such defects are extremely rare. Extraneous sounds occur due to accumulated gas in the heat exchanger, which can subsequently occupy the entire chimney.

You can determine the presence of reverse draft in a gas column using measuring instruments. The indicator is set with maximum accuracy, in pressure units

In most cases, such a violation is provoked by a clogged chimney, a broken valve, or a deviation of the ignition wick.

In new water heater models, a malfunction can be caused by:

  • defective spark plug;
  • spent battery installed in the control module;
  • faulty microswitch located in the water unit.

Having decided to carry out independent repair work, first of all, you need to check the intensity of traction using one of the methods listed above.

Further diagnostics will differ depending on the type of device - with an ignition wick or an automatic ignition system.

Column with automatic ignition system

In this type of water heater, the ignition device is controlled by an electronic module. The system with microswitches located on the fire and liquid regulators is considered one of the most reliable. Repairing a failed part can result in significant costs.

The operation of new generation geysers is based on the principle of automatic ignition. Such devices are equipped with several security sensors

You can determine the severity of the failure as follows:

  1. Research batteries . Delayed ignition of the gas may be due to a low battery charge. In this case, it is enough to replace the power source with a new one.
  2. Check the functionality of the liquid pressure microregulator , designed to transmit signals to the control module. Its activity is associated with the supply of water when it is necessary to ignite the gas. Like other regulators, it can fail and issue incorrect commands. The problem can be determined using an ohmmeter and a multimeter. The worn element should be replaced with a new one.
  3. The appearance of uncharacteristic sounds can also be caused by deformation of the location of the device that ignites the gas . The malfunction is usually caused by a temperature difference. The part is secured using a screw; you should loosen it a little and correct the position of the spark plug. The gap should be 0.4-0.5 cm.
  4. Gas can also accumulate due to a faulty valve, which causes fluid flow to slow down . The small metal ball should move freely under the lid. If its movement is disturbed, you can try to move the valve from its place with a cable. If there is contamination, the channel should be cleaned. But it is not recommended to carry out such a procedure unless absolutely necessary.

Upon completion of the repair work, it is necessary to check the connections for leaks. You can enhance safety using rubber gaskets and special sealants.

Ignition wick water heaters

Flow-through geysers of the previous generation often emit characteristic pops when turned on. Such structures are considered not very convenient and often even unsafe; at the same time, much less money will be needed to repair them.

You can eliminate gas pops by cleaning contaminants from the hole in the nozzle. The procedure must be carried out monthly or annually, depending on the quality of the fuel used

The accumulation of gas in an area not intended for this purpose can be caused by improper placement of the ignition wick. Failure to do so results in a reduced flame and an inability to reach the edge of the burner with the edge. The main reason for insufficient gas supplied to the wick is a clogged nozzle.

You can fix the problem yourself, but to do this you need to completely disassemble the device.

Be extremely careful when repairing the device; place all removed screws in a separate container so that they do not get lost. After removing the heat exchanger, take a photo of the location of the structural elements, this will help you later easily connect everything correctly

The first step is to turn off the water and gas supply.

The main part of water heaters has the same type of circuit, so the repair instructions will practically not differ:

  1. First you have to dismantle the protective casing of the water heater.
  2. Provide free access to the tee.
  3. Unscrew the fastening screws, and then remove the nuts securing the supply tubes and regulator.
  4. The tee must be carefully pulled out of the groove.
  5. Examine the lower pipe. A small screw with a through hole is the jet.
  6. The nozzle should be cleaned using a needle or wire.
  7. Upon completion of all work, you need to reassemble the water heater in the reverse order.

If the problem persists, you should contact a gas company specialist for help.

There are other reasons for the appearance of reverse thrust:

  1. Seasonal changes , in this case it is necessary to make sure that there are no errors when installing the chimney, and insulate the channels.
  2. An air lock inside the smoke channel can cause reverse draft in the chimney of a household gas water heater. To fix the problem, set fire to the newspaper inside the pipe.
  3. Forced exhaust in a room with a column causes a compensation process , air comes from the smoke duct. Metal-plastic windows only aggravate the problem; in some houses, air from the chimney begins to actively flow into the room.

We discussed more information about the causes of backdraft in a chimney in the next article.

A non-return valve can cause problems with the operation of the gas water heater. If the water heater begins to go out periodically, the reason is that the exhaust is blocked. In this case, you should contact a gas service specialist to check the chimney installation standards and, if necessary, reinstall the damper

The situation with air compensation can also be corrected using a check valve for the chimney of a gas water heater. You should also dismantle the fan and buy supply valves for metal-plastic windows.

Mechanical shut-off devices, known as a check valve or water heater damper, ensure that liquid and gas flow in only one direction.

Designed for turbocharged geysers. Their action is based on the opening of the exhaust hole when the column is operating and its closing after shutdown, which guarantees safe use.

How to check a draft meter for a gas water heater: finding and removing breakdowns

From the author: hello, friends! water heater is a rather complex structure that consists of many components. Any of them plays an important role in the operation of the device. If some of these elements malfunction, the failure is immediately visible; this does not require any testing. And here is a draft meter for a gas water heater

how to check? And why is this detail necessary at all? This is actually what we will talk about in this article.

In general, water heater is an excellent heating device. It is not for nothing that it is the most common among owners of both apartments and privatized houses. The boiler is more efficient, does not require overly complex maintenance, and the fuel used in most cases costs literally pennies.

The only disadvantage of this equipment is the supposed danger of its operation in the event of any breakdowns. Everyone knows that a gas leak, for example, usually has terrible results, even leading to an explosion, destruction of the house and death of people. Thanks to this, any component of the column should work perfectly, every breakdown should be corrected here, and a part that is completely out of order must be replaced.

Because of this, it is very, very important to identify the problem in time. For this purpose, constant checks of the system are carried out, and they are mainly carried out by gas service professionals. But you personally can sometimes examine some details; the safety of the people living in the house depends on them. One of these parts of the structure is considered to be a traction meter.

Increased traction

If checking the chimney draft showed its complete absence or small value. You can also use a device such as a chimney draft stabilizer or turbine. True, their use is limited only to gas boilers. Too high a temperature of the exhaust gases at the outlet of the pipe will contribute to improper operation of the device or its failure.

If we talk about stoves or fireplaces, then in order for the chimney to work correctly during not very good weather conditions. Special tips - wings - are installed on the pipe. This device rotates freely so that its back is always facing the wind. This position prevents wind or rain from entering directly into the chimney.

Special fans can also be used. Such devices have a built-in electric motor. Their operating principle is as follows. Basically, they work from the wind; during strong gusts, the fan rotates, increasing the release of exhaust gases from the pipe; if the wind flows are not strong enough, then the electric motor turns on, which forces the fan to work forcibly and all harmful substances also end up on the street.

A small disclaimer: do not immediately after reading the article run to the store and buy a new device. Before you are going to install it, you should make calculations. And based on the results obtained, it will be clear whether this device can be installed on your chimney.

If there is no draft in the chimney, it will be useful to check the operation of the dampers. For stoves and fireplaces, this is a kind of regulator of the exhaust gas removal force.

Working principle of the sensor


The water heater does not stop working due to the combustion of blue fuel. Naturally, combustion products are released. If they get into the room, it can lead to severe poisoning of all residents of the house, even to the point of death. Thanks to this, the design of the column takes into account the connection to the chimney, through which all substances that are harmful to health are discharged to the street.

Naturally, for good drainage, the ventilation shaft must have perfect draft. But it happens that some kind of violation occurs - for example, the chimney may become clogged with debris or soot. If in such a situation the boiler persistently continues to burn fuel, then the combustion products will inevitably go into the house.

To prevent this, the design of a gas boiler includes a similar element as a chimney draft meter. It is located in the place between the ventilation duct and the equipment housing. The type of sensor depends on the type of boiler:

  • in a boiler with an open firebox, the protective meter is a metal plate to which a contact is connected. This plate is the pointer that tracks the temperature increase. The thing is that well-discharged gases are heated to 120–140 degrees in most cases. If the output is broken and they begin to accumulate, then this value increases. The metal from which the plate is made reacts to this situation and becomes wider. The contact attached to the element moves and closes the valve responsible for the gas supply. Likewise, the combustion process ends, and at the same time the entry of a new portion of substances that are harmful to health is eliminated;
  • in a boiler with a closed firebox, product removal is carried out through a coaxial channel, and a fan is used. The meter in this case is a pneumatic relay with membrane fabric. It reacts not to temperature, but to the speed of flow. While it is within the limits of the possible, the membrane fabric is bent and the contacts are in a closed position. When the flow rate is weaker than necessary, the membrane fabric straightens, the contacts open, and this leads to the gas supply valve closing.

As you can see, if the draft meter is triggered, turning off the gas column, this means some kind of breakdown in the operation of the equipment. For example, it could be:

  • initially low-quality traction. This is the first and main reason why the meter may turn on. Basically, this phenomenon is associated with poor installation of the exhaust structure. If gaseous, liquid and solid substances are poorly drawn out, then this poses a danger to all living things in the house;
  • reverse thrust. This phenomenon occurs when an air plug forms in the chimney. Gases, which normally should move to the very top of the pipe and then come out, cannot overcome this obstacle and return back, filling the room. The reverse draft effect can occur if the thermal insulation of the chimney is very poorly created. The temperature difference leads to the appearance of air jams;
  • dirtier than the chimney. At first glance, it will seem to inexperienced owners that the pipe going to the roof simply cannot become clogged with anything. In reality, there are many factors that cause clogs to form. The first of these is birds. They can make nests on the pipe, which then fall down. And the birds themselves often manage to get stuck in the chimney, and then die there. Apart from birds, it is also necessary to take into account the possibility of penetration, for example, of leaves, as well as the deposition of soot on the walls inside the pipe. If the chimney is clogged, the draft intensity becomes very low, and there is only one way out - cleaning;
  • squally wind. If the pipe is placed incorrectly, gusts can enter it and blow out the burner. Naturally, in these cases the meter closes the fuel supply. To avoid a similar danger, it is worth purchasing and installing a stabilizer.

Troubleshooting instructions

There are various reasons for backdraft in a gas boiler. They have varying degrees of complexity, some will require large expenses to eliminate. These include the following problems:

  1. The design features of the chimney have a serious impact on the formation of draft. Therefore, if there are any defects in the system, they will definitely show themselves. There may be areas that are too narrow, incorrect pipe placement, or incorrect cross-section calculations. All this will require replacing the chimney, which is a rather complicated undertaking.
  2. There may be a blockage inside the pipe. In this case, you will need to clean it. This is a labor-intensive task, however, less complicated than replacing the entire system.
  3. The reason may be too tall trees or the presence of high-rise buildings around. In this case, it will also be necessary to redo the chimney, taking into account such an environment.
  4. The ventilation system also influences the formation of draft. If errors were made during its design, these communications will have to be redone to fix the problem.

And also the reason for poor traction may be less complex. Usually such situations arise suddenly, when everything was fine before, and then the cravings worsen for a couple of days, after which everything returns to normal again. As a rule, a similar phenomenon can be observed when the weather changes, if it becomes cooler. The situation may arise if the oven has not been used for some time. This occurs due to cold air masses that have accumulated in the chimney. The problem can be solved by continuing heating. After some time, it will be possible to break through the layer of cold air, and the draft will return to normal. You can use a special stabilizer device that provides a secondary air supply.

If the draft problem is related to the ventilation system, some actions may be required to restore normal air exchange in the room:

  • Installing additional supply valves on walls and windows will provide additional air flow.
  • A special device for forced air intake from the street can be placed on the windows.
  • The easiest option is to open the window or door a little.

If there is poor draft, the source of the problem may actually be ventilation. If opening a window or door helps, then the problem is in the ventilation system. It may be possible to limit ourselves to only installing additional supply valves. If this does not help, then more complex and costly repairs will be required.

The most important for draft are the characteristics of the chimney pipe. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange everything correctly at the design stage, so as not to encounter problems later. The optimal height of the structure is 5-6 meters, this is enough to provide good traction, but not too strong.

Traditional brick structures perform well as a material, but metal heats up and cools down too quickly. And it is also necessary to ensure that the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe corresponds to the dimensions of the furnace. It is strictly forbidden to arrange the chimney so that there are sections of different diameters on it, since this contributes to the accumulation of soot and blockages, which invariably leads to problems with draft. Careful planning during the construction phase will avoid problems in the future.

Practicality check

All of the above can be summarized into a single whole: the meter is needed in order to close the fuel supply in the event of a danger - such as a gas leak or poor drainage of gaseous, liquid and solid substances. If this is not done, then very unpleasant consequences are possible.

Carbon monoxide poisoning has already been discussed several times above. It quite often leads to death, and it’s definitely not worth making jokes about this. And if the burner goes out for no reason, but the gas continues to flow, an explosion will occur over time. In general, it is clear that a meter is vitally needed.

However, it can only fully produce its own functions in a working state. It is common for any equipment to sometimes fail. The external condition of the boiler will not indicate a problem with this part at all, so it is extremely important to regularly check the functionality of the element. Otherwise, you run the risk of noticing the breakdown only when it’s too late.

There are several ways to control:

  • attach the mirror to the area where the meter is placed.
    It should not fog up during operation of the gas water heater If it remains clean, then everything is fine;
  • partially block the exhaust pipe with the damper. In case of normal operation, the meter should respond quickly and turn off the boiler. To be safe, do not test for too long to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

If in both cases the test showed that everything is fine, it means that the component being tested is ready to respond to an emergency situation and turn off the gas supply at any time. But there is another type of breakdown - when the meter works just like that.

If you have carefully checked the draft level and other points, but the boiler still turns off, this means that the control component does not stop working correctly. Additionally, you can experience it like this.

Disconnect the component and test it using an electrical (ohmic) resistance tester. The resistance of a working sensor should be equal to infinity. If this is not the case, then the part is broken. There is only one option to correct the situation - you need to replace the broken element.

Some homeowners, in situations where the meter, for no reason at all, begins to regularly interrupt the fuel supply in the absence of noticeable difficulties with the chimney draft, decide to simply turn off such an element. Of course, after which the column

starts working properly.

But similar actions are a direct violation of safety regulations when operating equipment that runs on gas. By turning off the meter, you cannot be sure that everything is fine with the draft and that carbon monoxide does not begin to fill the room. It’s definitely not worth flaunting. It is better to check the functionality of the part using the methods described above. You will also most likely get information on this issue from the video located above. Good luck to you, and a safe and warm home!

Water unit malfunction

Most often, geyser repairs are made due to a faulty water block. Its work is that, under the influence of liquid pressure, the membrane located inside it, arching, transmits movement to the rod, and it then moves the pusher of the gas unit. As a result, the spring valve opens and the electrical power supply to the control module is turned on. Therefore, if the water unit is faulty, the device will not start.

A broken water block can be determined by external signs.

  1. If you opened the water supply, and the rod pressing the switch plate remained motionless (shown in the figure with a blue arrow), this means that the membrane located inside the main component of the water unit - the “frog” - is damaged.
  2. Stem jamming may be due to sticking.
  3. There may be a leak in the place where the gas and water units are connected, or liquid leakage from under the control valve (shown by red arrows).

If you notice even one sign, the unit will need to be removed and repaired. The water unit can only be removed together with the gas module, since they are a single structure. You can do this in the following way:

  • after you have made sure that the gas valve on the pipe is in the closed state, you can disconnect the supply hose (a);
  • similarly, when the water supply is turned off, the nut on the water block pipe (b) is unscrewed;
  • then, using a wrench, you need to unscrew the nut that connects the water block to the heat exchanger (c);
  • disconnect the terminal block (d) on the conductors connecting the solenoid valve to the control module;
  • wires (d) going to the switch are disconnected in the same way;
  • using a screwdriver, you need to unscrew the 2 screws (e) attaching the pipe to the water-gas unit, through which fuel is supplied to the burner manifold;
  • After unscrewing the fasteners, the entire assembly can be easily removed from the device.

Next, you will need to disassemble the gas-water module itself.

After removing the device, you need to separate the water unit. To do this, unscrew the 2 screws (indicated by arrows). It is not necessary to unscrew them completely. They use a clamp to secure the “frog” in the gas unit. The attachment of the “frog” to the latter may differ in different models, as, for example, in the Neva 3208 gas water heater.

This is what the gas module looks like with the water module disconnected.

Next, you will need to disassemble the “frog” itself by unscrewing 6 screws. They can stick and twist tightly or even be “licked off” with a screwdriver if you apply a lot of force. To prevent this from happening, you can first drop a special liquid WD-40 on them, after which they will easily unscrew and none of them will break.

After successfully unscrewing the screws, the module opens into two halves and you will see a rubber membrane.

The membrane must be carefully inspected, and if it is found that it has been stretched too much or there are tears on it, it must be replaced with a new one.

To get to the plate with the spring, you need to remove the membrane. If it is intact, you must do this carefully so as not to damage the ring with which it fits onto the pipe (indicated by the red arrow in the figure above). After removing the membrane you will see a plate with a spring.

To avoid having to disassemble the unit once again, inspect the oil seal

To do this, carefully remove the plate with the rod.

Take out the spring and you will see a plug with a cut for a screwdriver. There is an o-ring underneath

The plug must be unscrewed from time to time to lubricate and replace the rubber seal.

Having previously purchased a repair kit for the “frog”, replace the failed oil seal and membrane. When you install the oil seal back, do not forget to lubricate it with silicone grease, and also lubricate its location.

Assembling the water block of the geyser occurs in the reverse order. The plug must be tightened so that the rod passes through it without much effort. When you have completely assembled the “frog”, the repair of the water block can be considered complete.

Repairing a Neva 3208 gas water heater due to a faulty “frog” is similar and intuitive, although the internal appearance of the unit is slightly different. The Neva 4511 gas water heater can be disassembled in the same way, and repairing it yourself is quite feasible.

When a Chinese gas water heater is repaired, you are always surprised by the size of the water unit. It is quite small in size, and to disassemble the “frog” you only need to unscrew 4 screws.

Gas boiler chimney

Types of exhaust pipes Parameters of chimney pipes Installation standards for chimneys of gas-fired water heaters and boilers Specifics of certain types of gas-type heating devices Installation process of an exhaust pipe Specifications of installation inside chimney pipes Rules for the external process of installing exhaust pipes Small details of installing chimney pipes for gas-type heating devices

The operation of a gas boiler or water heater in an apartment is inevitably associated with the formation of toxic combustion products, which must certainly be removed from the house. For this purpose, an exhaust hood is installed on the equipment, ensuring its safe and efficient use during the period of operation.

The service life of the exhaust pipe in most cases is determined by the accuracy of the calculations made, the excellent choice of materials for it and the accuracy of the installation technique.

The principle of operation of the chimney

A chimney is necessary not only for a stove or fireplace; if you have a gas water heater installed in your house, then the presence of a chimney pipe is also a prerequisite. The chimney itself is a means through which exhaust gases generated during the combustion process are removed. If it is not there, then they begin to enter the living space. This is simply unacceptable, since a person can easily be poisoned by carbon monoxide, which is formed after the combustion of fuel or gas. (See also: How to clean a chimney pipe)

In order to prevent even a gram of exhaust gases from entering the living space, the chimney must have very good draft, due to which all waste harmful substances enter the pipe.

There is a special device called an anemometer to measure draft. Its cost is quite high. It is usually used by gas service specialists when they begin checking chimneys in apartments or private houses. For individual use, buying such a device is frankly quite expensive. In addition, you can use other methods to determine the presence of draft in the chimney.

Usually, ordinary paper is used for this, which is set on fire and brought to the chimney grate. If there is draft, the flame will deviate towards the chimney. You can also use matches instead of paper. (See also: Sitemap 2)

Types of exhaust pipes

Exhaust pipes for gas-fired dispensers or boilers are made of the following material:

  • made of aluminum;
  • stainless steel types 316L, 316, 310S, 304;
  • made of steel with a fire-resistant enamel coating.

A noticeable disadvantage of pipes made of metal is condensation, which appears due to differences in temperatures inside and outside the lumen of the product. This can be avoided by insulating the pipes with heat-resistant materials for thermal insulation.

Pipes with an internal heat insulator are also produced, which are distinguished by their reliability and long service life. Another type of pipe products used for smoke exhaust are coaxial pipes, which consist of external and internal pipeline structures: the first is used to remove exhaust gases outside, the second is used to supply air to gas equipment.

On the other hand, pipes for gas-fired dispensers and boilers can be smooth or wavy. The use of corrugated pipes is the most functional option, making it possible to do without additional elements for profiles and transitions. Such pipes have very high strength, reliability and other cost-effective technical features. characteristics.

Parameters of chimney pipes

Diameter of chimney pipe for geyser

or boiler is installed, based on the power of the device and the amount of gaseous, liquid and solid substances emitted (read: “Types of exhaust pipes for a gas heating boiler, installation rules and insulation”). The required pipe dimensions are also influenced by the height of the installed chimney and the ambient temperature in the external environment.

In many cases, with the typical power of the devices, the diameter of the exhaust pipe for a gas water heater

in the apartment it is 11-13 centimeters.

As for the height of the installed pipe, it first of all depends on the type of gas device and its power. In particular, for gas water heaters, the height of the pipe above the roof level should be at least several meters.

Thrust calculation

So, draft calculation is the calculation of the cross-section of a chimney for a gas boiler, fireplace, stove or other heating equipment. How to calculate the cross section? To do this you need to define:

  1. the volume of gas that will pass through the chimney in 1 hour;
  2. cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney;
  3. section diameter.

Calculation of gas volume

To calculate the volume of gas passing through the smoke channel, the following formula is used:

V = B x V1 x (1 + T/273) /3600, where

B – mass of fuel burned per 1 hour of operation of heating equipment;

V1 – correction factor, which depends on the type of fuel used for heating;

T – gas temperature determined at the exit from the chimney.

Indicators V1 and T can be obtained from the table available in GOST 2127 - 47.

Table from GOST for determining calculation parameters

Calculation of cross-sectional area

After determining the volume of gases passing through the smoke channel, you can calculate the cross-sectional size of the pipe:

S = V/W, where

V – volume calculated earlier;

W is the speed of passage of gases through the smoke channel (this value is constant and equal to 2 m/s).

Diameter determination

The next step is to directly determine the diameter of the chimney. The following formula is used for this:

D = √4 * S/ π, where

S – cross-sectional area of ​​the smoke exhaust channel;

π is a constant equal to 3.14.


For example, let’s carry out the calculation using the specified formulas with the following parameters:

  • 10 kg of wood is burned every hour in the stove installed in the bathhouse;
  • the temperature of the gases at the outlet of the pipe is 130ºС.

Let's calculate the volume of gases:

V = 10x10x(1+130/273)/3600 = 0.041 (m³/hour)

Let's determine the cross-section of the smoke exhaust pipe:

S = 0.041/02 = 0.0205 (m²)

Let's find the most suitable pipe diameter according to the given parameters:

D = √ 4 * 0.0205 / 3.14 = 0.162 (m)

This means that for the stove used in the example, it is enough to install a chimney with a diameter of 165 - 170 mm.

How to make calculations and install a chimney yourself, watch the video.

Installation standards for chimneys of gas-fired dispensers and boilers

The ventilation system installed in a wall or partition must be insulated with fire-resistant material. Each heating device must be equipped with an individual chimney pipe.

It is not uncommon for cases when, as an exception, two devices can be connected to one exhaust pipe, in particular:

  • Two heating gas boilers located on the same floor.
  • Two gas water heaters, in case the gaseous, liquid and solid substances in them will be at a distance of more than 75 centimeters from each other, and enter the chimney at different levels.

When installing the hood, the following conditions must be met:

  • Materials used during installation must be non-flammable.
  • Sealing of connecting zones should be done with heat-resistant compounds.
  • No more than three bends should be used in the chimney structure.
  • The integrity of the pipes must be maintained.

Plus, during the installation of the geyser

The plane of the wall on which it will be located should be insulated to prevent condensation from occurring. It is also important to emphasize that under no circumstances should grilles be installed on the ventilation holes in the walls or the lumen of chimneys.

Distinctive problems for individual models

Even speakers from trusted companies can break down over a period of time for a variety of reasons. During operation, the owners of the devices noticed problems that very often appear in certain models. For example, the weak point of the Junkers WR 13-P device manufactured by Bosch is the thermocouple.

Two to three years after the start of operation, it ceases to respond well to heating from the pilot burner. As a result, the flame of the pilot wick regularly goes out, and over a period of time it simply stops lighting well. Sometimes careful cleaning of the thermocouple with fine sandpaper helps, but when this method no longer has a good effect, the component will need to be replaced.

Displacement of the ignition wick tube, which in similar models is not secured very firmly, can also lead to similar problems. The pipe can be moved accidentally, even by simply touching it with a match during ignition. There is a gap between the gas tube nozzle and the burner through which air is supplied.

When displaced, this gap decreases, and the air needed for normal combustion becomes insufficient. The flame does not reach the thermocouple, it does not heat up, and gas does not flow to the key burner. If you resume the normal position of the tube, the column

will work properly again.

For Vector speakers, the oxidation of the contacts in the power supply is considered to be a distinctive problem. If this is the case, then replacing dead batteries with new parts will not give the desired result; a spark will not occur until the contacts are cleaned. Sometimes in such columns the microswitch rod on the water valve becomes sour.

After cleaning, normal operation of the device is restored in most cases. If a characteristic whistle occurs almost immediately after turning on the column, it is necessary to check the condition of the connections of the gas outlet tube; perhaps they need to be resealed.

In Neva brand dispensers, sometimes the rod gets jammed in the gas valve. As a result, such an element stops normal operation. To remove such a breakdown, you need to remove and disassemble the water-gas unit, and then move the rod with an ordinary screwdriver. If the part cannot be mechanically operated, the component must be completely replaced.

Specifics of certain types of gas-type heating devices

Quite a few types of gas-fired dispensers and boilers have closed combustion circuits, which makes it necessary to use coaxial chimneys for them, which ensure effective air circulation (for more details: “How to install a coaxial pipe for a gas boiler - basic installation rules”).

There are devices for heating a room with a forced gas exhaust system, in which air circulation is carried out using a fan.

The fan turns on automatically simultaneously with the gas heating device. With such a system arrangement, the probability of penetration of toxic gaseous, liquid and solid substances into the room space is almost zero.

Exhaust pipe installation process

When installing a geyser, strict adherence to safety regulations is extremely important. The device is located higher on the wall - this makes the gas-powered device more secure, especially from children. If steel pipes are used in the installation, then along with them it is necessary to use L-shaped adapters for the exhaust system and ventilation duct. The distances between system elements must be measured, and pipes and adapters must be selected accordingly. If the exhaust pipe is suspended, it is necessary to avoid its sagging.

Conclusions and necessary video on the topic

An overview of the reasons for the attenuation of the Gorenje speaker and how to eliminate them can be found here:

This video shows how to remove a similar breakdown for speaker :

Useful tips for cleaning and troubleshooting the JUNKERS column:

Column attenuation is a sign of internal failure or violation of the operating conditions of the device. It is necessary to correctly determine the cause of the problem, after which most of the described problems can be removed with your own hands. However, to solve major problems you will have to contact the warranty center.

2016.11.11 The plot of the Day program: Backdraft

Specifications for installation inside chimney pipes

The installation of chimney structures in the middle of houses and premises has the following characteristic features and specifics:

  • It is necessary to prepare areas for pipes in the roof and walls.
  • The assembly of chimney structures is very complex, as well as repair work if necessary.
  • The possibility of toxic gases, liquids and solids entering the living space is relatively high.
  • Detailed compliance with fire regulations and provision of good protection for wooden elements and products is necessary.

First of all, markings are applied, and then, in accordance with it, holes of appropriate sizes are cut out in the wall structures and roof. After which the chimney structure is assembled, starting from the gas-type device.

The pipes are fixed to the wall surface using spider fasteners and clamps. The flow passing through the roof is protected using sheet metal. The joining areas are insulated using heat-resistant sealant and insulation material. The outer part of the pipe should end with a cone-shaped tip.

Reasons for column fading

Any of the nodes described above can cause column attenuation. The flame goes out if the security system detects a violation of the normal operating mode. To start the device, it will be necessary to determine and remove the cause of such a violation. Here is a fairly popular version of acceptable problems:

  • draft in the chimney ;
  • the main burner has gone out;
  • there is an unsafe temperature increase in the water in the heat exchanger;
  • some parts are worn out and require replacement.

If the column does not produce a flame, you must first make sure that its operating conditions have not been violated and check the terms of the manufacturer’s warranty. The relevant information is contained in the product data sheet and instructions for its use.

If there is no draft in the chimney

Checking traction is the most common way to determine the condition of the device. You just need to bring a strip of thin paper or the flame of a lighter, match, etc. to the viewing hole of the column. However, if there is even a slight suspicion of a gas leak, it is better to avoid using open fire.

If the paper or flame is pulled inward, everything is fine, traction

There is.
The absence of changes in their position indicates a lack of traction, and a deviation back indicates that reverse traction
. To be sure of the causes of the problem, you need to disconnect the column and check the draft in the same way only in the chimney. After which it will be clear whether there are any breakdowns in the chimney duct or in the middle of the column too.

When the chimney structure is in order, the “culprit” for the lack of draft is the heat exchanger, or more precisely, the soot particles that clog it and interfere with normal air exchange. It is necessary to remove the casing with a protective function from the column and clean the heat exchanger with a stiff brush.

If the chimney is dirty, all that remains is to simply clean it and reconnect it with the device. If there is no good response, make sure that the chimney structure is assembled correctly from suitable materials. Sometimes the basis for the lack of traction can be errors during the installation process of a given section of the system.

Often problems of this type appear for external reasons, such as lack of normal ventilation of the room. PVC windows and a tightly closed door almost seal the room in which the speaker . There is no influx of fresh air flows, so there is no movement in the chimney channel. It doesn’t hurt to check the ventilation system in the entire apartment or house.

Make sure there is plenty of clean air entering the space. If you can’t really organize ventilation, you can install a supply valve. Then you should make sure that air flows not only enter the house, but also move freely throughout all rooms. To do this, install ventilation grilles on the doors or create a small gap at the bottom.

Why does the burner go out regularly?

The absence of a pilot burner flame is detected by a sensor, after which the gas supply is immediately shut off. This situation may occur if a small light was knocked down by a large gust of wind. There is no need to create a draft in the room during work, especially if it is very windy outside.

Strong air currents can penetrate not only through doors and windows, but also through the chimney duct. The result may be the same - the burner goes out, the automation closes the gas flow. To resume normal operation of the device, you need to turn off the column, check the condition of the pilot burner (a flame should appear here), and turn on the device again.

Causes of water overheating

This occurs when the pressure of the water flow that passes through the heat exchanger decreases, but the heating intensity remains unchanged. In some cases, water even boils, which is dangerous for the integrity of the device. The pressure decreases when cold water is opened to dilute the flow to the optimal temperature, and cool water displaces hot water. It is better to adjust the heating using the column settings.

The second reason for the appearance of this phenomenon is limescale deposits that have collected in the middle of the narrow pipe of the heat exchanger. To resume normal pressure, you need to systematically descale the device and also make sure that the water is not excessively hot. For domestic needs, it is enough to warm the water to 45-50 degrees.

This mode helps reduce the formation of solid sediment. If the water in the system is excessively hard, and you have to constantly clean the heat exchanger, it makes sense to think about installing a specialized filter that will remove salt from the flow. The heat exchanger is cleaned using the necessary products or household chemicals: soda, vinegar, etc.

You will have to remove the casing with a protective function from the column, and also close off the gas and water. Then the heat exchanger is disconnected from the water metering unit and disassembled. A cleaning compound is poured inside the coil pipe and left for some time. After which the heat exchanger is washed, put in place and the column is reassembled.

Sometimes the mesh filter installed at the entrance of water from the tap into the heat exchanger becomes clogged with contaminants. It also needs to be cleaned. To remove ordinary contaminants, it is very easy to wash the mesh in water, but sometimes it is necessary to use chemicals. If damage is found on the filter, it is best to change it immediately.

What other problems are possible?

The lack of normal water pressure in the system and without overheating can lead to the valve blocking the gas flow and the burner going out. In this situation, it is necessary to check the condition of the water supply system; perhaps you just need to install a circular pump. Even when purchasing a speaker, you should be curious about the very low pressure values ​​​​for a particular model.

Lack of timely maintenance does not improve the situation at all. If the column provides electric ignition, it is performed using batteries. Worn power parts need to be replaced, and the problem will be solved. And when a piezoelectric element with a turbine is used to produce a spark, it will not start if the water pressure is not strong; this moment will need to be provided for.

The absence of a pilot burner flame often occurs when the pilot wick becomes dirty. Gas simply does not flow in the required quantity to light the burner. The ignition wick must be cleaned with a metal wire so that the column

started to work. It is better to carry out cleaning in advance, without waiting until the hole becomes clogged. The blockages are collected in stages.

If the flame has noticeably shrunk, it’s time to check the condition of the ignition wick. Another symptom of this problem is a popping sound that is heard when the burner is turned on. A weak flame is not able to immediately ignite the gas entering the device. It gradually accumulates and ignites with a pop resembling a small explosion.

As mentioned earlier, there is a membrane fabric in the water-gas unit. This is a polymer component that, with regular contact with water, gradually loses its plasticity. Sometimes cracks even appear on it, limescale deposits, etc. The membrane fabric stops responding to the water flow, and as a result, gas does not flow to the burner. It is worth disassembling the water-gas unit, removing the worn-out component and replacing it with a new membrane fabric.

If upon inspection it turns out that the contamination is not very large, and the component remains elastic, you can simply wash the membrane fabric and install it in its old place. In the newest models with a huge amount of electronics, the control board may burn out, after which the column

, of course, it won't light up.

The reason for this problem is the low level of quality of the electrical supply, for which foreign devices are not designed. Moreover, many electronically controlled models should not be turned off at night, but must be turned on regularly. To get rid of the problem of voltage surges in the network, you can use a stabilizer.

Rules for the external process of installing exhaust pipes

The exhaust pipe for a gas boiler can be routed from the outside of the residential property. This installation option is much simpler than the previous one and is safer during operation.

First, a mark is made on the wall surface where the pipe exits and a hole of the required size is cut. In this case, the gap between the wall surface and the boiler should not be more than 25 centimeters. A pipe section is brought out through this hole, the second end of which is attached to the boiler section of the pipe. Further, its subsequent parts are gradually connected to the outer end of the pipe. The vertical part of the structure is assembled through a rotating elbow.

Metal surfaces are treated with anti-corrosion compounds. The joints are sealed using specialized heat-resistant compounds. The section on the outside of the pipe requires thermal insulation along its entire length.

To fix the pipe on the surface of the walls, holders are mounted every 1-2 meters. Fastening to them is done using clamps.

Principle of operation

Draft ensures the normal movement of smoke up the pipe from an area where there is an increased pressure level to a place where there is a lower pressure level. Gas, due to its natural properties, tends to the zone where there is the lowest level of resistance, that is, to the street. The movement of smoke is carried out in an accelerated mode, which is provided by a pipe that acts as an aerodynamic corridor. In situations where the movement speed meets the standards, combustion products are removed outside in full, while providing an influx of fresh air. In cases where the draft is very strong, most of the heat will fly out through the pipe, and the fire may periodically die out due to a very sharp influx of air. In the absence of draft, it will simply be impossible to light a stove or boiler, and accordingly the efficiency of the device will be zero.

The main nuance in this matter is maintaining a normal level of pressure in the boiler sleeve. This indicator should vary between 10 - 20 Pa. The exact figure depends on the number of rooms, the height of the building, and climatic conditions.

Small details for installing chimney pipes for gas-type heating devices

It must not be forgotten that chimneys for gas-fired dispensers and boilers, along with the removal of gaseous combustion products, provide the operational efficiency of these devices, and also prevent gas leaks from gas pipeline structures, the release of carbon monoxide, etc. Therefore, compliance with the standards and installation rules for these structures have a very high priority.

It is advisable to install exhaust structures for gas-powered dispensers using coaxial pipes. They are easier to insulate and provide excellent air flow. Also, such pipes are distinguished by their very high operational safety.

It is permitted to connect any gas-type device with periodic operation to the chimney duct of another heating device, provided that the conditions for their simultaneous operation are provided. Of course, the cross-section of the chimney pipe must be sufficient to remove exhaust gases from any of these devices.

In general, professional installation of exhaust equipment is possible only if all technical conditions are implemented, taking into account both the properties of the residential structure and the parameters of the heating device itself, as well as other significant details and conditions of the installation work being carried out. Given the serious nature of the installation process, all technical actions should be carried out only by professional craftsmen with sufficient experience in this field.

The geyser goes out

Let's sum it up

If you have a question: why is there no draft in the chimney, then first of all you should check the following

If problems with the removal of waste substances arose when using the stove or fireplace for the first time, then pay all your attention to the design documentation. Check the correctness of the calculations and dimensions of the chimney pipe

If you have used the stove until now and everything was in order, then you should first check for a blockage in the pipe. It is quite possible that after a long period of stagnation, the chimney became clogged with various dirt. Birds can sometimes make a nest in the pipe.

It is possible that the chimney pipe has collapsed over time. In this regard, the normal sealing disappeared, and the exhaust flow of exhaust gases became not so strong. First of all, you should check the chimney, part of which is located above the roof. A pipe that is constantly exposed to precipitation can easily collapse. This can happen if a mortar with a low cement content was used for laying bricks.

Another reason that very often leads to the problem of poor draft is a large amount of draft accumulated in the chimney pipe. In this case, the chimney must be cleaned. After cleaning the soot, be sure to check the return draft in the chimney. If your chimney has not been cleaned of soot for many years, then after cleaning it, be sure to use products that prevent excessive soot from settling on the chimney walls.

Helpful advice. If you have not used the stove or fireplace for a long time, and the weather was heavy with precipitation, then before firing it is recommended to check the efficiency of the chimney. Otherwise, it may turn out that all the smoke goes directly into the room and not into the chimney.

If you find that there is a chimney backdraft, what should you do to eliminate it? Try to remove any excess moisture that has accumulated in the pipe. To do this, before lighting the stove or fireplace with wood or peat, be sure to burn a couple of newspapers. Such actions will somewhat dry out the walls of the pipe and eliminate high humidity, so the stove will melt easier and faster, and smoke from the burning fuel will begin to escape into the pipe.

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