Insulating a floor with plywood underlay - do-it-yourself thermal insulation

The role of underfloor heating in a residential or office space can hardly be overestimated. In winter, when there is frost outside the window, it is not very pleasant to walk on a cold surface both at home and at work. If you are faced with a similar problem, it means that the floors require insulation. The material used for this purpose must conduct heat poorly, be resistant to moisture, be lightweight and have good strength properties. It is recommended to use natural materials for thermal insulation of floors. Wood is considered one of the best. Sheets of plywood are placed on top of the wooden beams from which the logs are made, securing them with ordinary self-tapping screws. Not only high-quality timber is quite suitable for arranging the logs themselves. You can also use second-grade wood and even third-grade material. Different grades of plywood contain different marking options.

Expert opinion

Konstantin Alexandrovich

When insulating floors with plywood with a backing in premises intended for residential use, it is recommended to use plywood under the MK brand. It is resistant to moisture and does not contain compounds toxic to humans.

Tools and materials

To install the flooring, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • liquid or laser construction level;
  • tape measure and pencil for taking measurements and markings;
  • electric drill or hammer drill;
  • concrete drill, wood drill;
  • screwdriver with bits for self-tapping screws;
  • self-tapping screws for chipboard and anchors for concrete;
  • screws and metal jumper brackets for joists;
  • power saw or hand miter saw;
  • grinding machine;
  • sealant;
  • sandpaper.

You will need to purchase wooden blocks from which the logs will be made. Using logs, the floor surface is leveled, creating a base frame for plywood flooring. To make the logs, choose a dry wooden beam 2 m long. The width of the beam can be from 80 to 100 mm, and the thickness should be at least 40 mm.

To make fastenings, purchase hardware - galvanized self-tapping screws with screw threads.

An alternative method is laying with self-tapping screws and polyurethane foam.

There is an alternative version of how to lay plywood on a wooden floor. This method is applicable if the old coating has sufficient strength, but the horizontal difference is too large.

The essence of the method is as follows: self-tapping screws are screwed into the old coating so that the ends of their heads are located exactly on the same plane. The distance between adjacent screws should not exceed 10-15 cm. The free space is filled with polyurethane foam. The result is a cushion on which plywood sheets are attached.

Additional insulation

If you need to insulate the floor in a house on screw piles, you should take into account the features of such a housing structure. Typically, houses on stilts are built in swampy areas with high levels of moisture, and they always have basements or basements. On the one hand, this is a plus, because such an elevation provides maximum opportunity for dryness, but the lower part of the house is always blown by the wind, which contributes to strong heat loss. Therefore, it is better to use reliable solid materials such as mineral wool or penoplex as insulation, especially if you plan to live in the house permanently.

Any house on screw piles requires additional insulation due to the high level of heat loss due to the design features. In order to equip the base in advance and eliminate the blowing, you need to either make masonry or build a frame. The masonry is constructed by digging a shallow trench around the entire perimeter of the house. A reinforcing network is laid in the trench, then a concrete screed of the required height is made.

The frame is built by installing sheathing around the entire building - it can be wooden or metal. It is on this sheathing that the heat-insulating material is attached. As a rule, this is EPS or extruded polystyrene foam. The final cosmetic stage is covering the structure with plaster and sheathing with corrugated board.

Which variety to choose

To determine which plywood to choose for your floor, you should consider the existing varieties. Plywood is classified according to the following criteria:

  • According to wood material

Plywood can be made from softwood and hardwood. Hardwood material has higher mechanical properties, but is also more expensive

  • By moisture resistance

Moisture resistance directly depends on the adhesive composition used in plywood. For example, FBA plywood uses natural albumin-casein glue, so it is resistant to moisture. FSF plywood contains formaldehyde glue, which ensures high moisture resistance

  • By defects

Based on the presence of knots, wormholes, curls, etc. in the veneer, 4 grades of plywood are distinguished. Grade I is the highest quality and most expensive, grade IV has a large number of defects

  • For surface grinding

Plywood can be sanded on both sides (Sh2), sanded on one side (Sh1) or unsanded (NS)

  • By number of layers

There are three-, four-, five-layer and multi-layer plywood

There are many varieties of material Source

To determine which plywood is best to lay on the floor, you need to know the conditions of its use. The room where the subfloor will be laid must be heated. Temperature changes are allowed within 16-28 °C. The relative humidity in the room should be within 60%.

If you plan to make a substrate in rooms with low humidity levels (bedroom, living room, hall), you should use FBA plywood, as this is the most environmentally friendly material. In rooms with humid air, it is better to use moisture-resistant varieties - FK or FSF.

A typical solution to the question of which plywood is best for the floor is to use birch plywood Ш1 or Ш2 grade II or III with a thickness of 10-22 mm. This solution combines a fairly high quality surface combined with an acceptable cost.

It must be said that the thickness of the plywood should be 2-3 times thicker than the final floor covering. Using thick plywood will provide greater rigidity to the subfloor, but working with such material will be inconvenient. In addition, the price of plywood will be higher.

Mid-price plywood is suitable for the substrate Source

How to insulate a basement

It is extremely necessary to insulate the basement in a private house. Thanks to this, it will be possible not only to reduce heat loss, but also to protect the house from dampness and destruction in the future. To carry out thermal insulation work, you can use penoizol, polystyrene foam, but mineral wool can be used to seal the ceiling on the basement side. The floors and walls of the basement are insulated using polystyrene foam.

The first step is to prepare the surface. And to do this, remove all debris and dirt, apply an antiseptic and primer. This will protect the surface from rotting, and will also make the adhesion of the material to the surface stronger. Attaching a heat insulator is a simple matter that even a beginner can handle. You need to apply glue to the surface of the heat insulator, and then immediately apply it to the ceiling.

Video of floor insulation in a wooden house from the basement:

Insulating the floor below in a private house is a necessary measure to create a comfortable and warm environment. The main thing in this matter is to choose the right thermal insulation material. And although the choice today is very wide, you need to choose the insulation that will be convenient for installation, will suit your operating conditions and will provide reliable protection against heat loss.

Types and scope of application of penofol

Main types of material

AFoiling only on the outsideUsed in combination with polystyrene foam
INAluminum foil lining on both sidesCan be used without additional materials
WITHSelf-adhesive type, foil-lined on one side. On the other hand, it is impregnated with a contact adhesive composition. Installation is carried out without the use of additional adhesives.
R and MThe foiling is one-sided, has a relief baseSuitable for interior and exterior work
Super NETNET – means network. Double-sided foiling. It is used for thermal insulation of pipelines, heating mains, air ducts.
A.L.P.Laminated penofol. A cellophane film is applied over the foiling. Widely used in agricultural work.

You may find the brand "Penofol 2000"

- This is the cheapest type of penofol. It is of low quality and less durable.

Scope of application of penofol

The scope of application of insulating material is extensive. The main thing is to choose the right type of penofol.

In construction

reflective heat insulator is used:

Other applications:

  • Refrigerators, refrigerators, vans.
  • Cars.
  • Railway carriages.

Necessary tools, materials

for installation work:

  • Wooden beams.
  • The slats are 15–20 mm thick.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Adhesive composition for certain types of penofol.
  • Dowels, self-tapping screws for fastening the frame.
  • Aluminum tape for gluing joints.
  • Scissors.
  • Furniture stapler.

How to insulate a floor with penofol with your own hands, installation technology, video diagram

Penofol is an effective thermal insulation material that has low thermal conductivity and reliably protects homes from the cold even when laying a thin layer of material. It is often used for floor insulation, since due to its special properties, penofol increases heat transfer resistance.

Scheme of laying penofol with the reflective layer down.

Penofol can be perfectly combined with mineral wool and fiberglass when insulating floors, where it will serve as a vapor barrier. The use of this material will be appropriate in those structures that require not only thermal but also noise protection, but the thickness of the insulator should be minimal. To insulate a floor with penofol, you do not need to additionally use hydro- and vapor barrier membranes, since the material can become a replacement for them.

Penofol classification

Since the production of penofol began, its properties, scope of application and structure have undergone enormous changes. Previously, the material took the form of a roll of cross-linked polyethylene foam, one side of which was foiled with aluminum. This type of material is still used to insulate rooms, as it is highly efficient. In addition to the classic type of penofol, other types of material are produced, which are endowed with a number of useful properties:

Scheme of floor insulation with penofol with double-sided foil.

  1. With one-sided foil - type “A”. Used in conjunction with other materials for insulation.
  2. With double-sided foil - type “B”. Standalone use is allowed.
  3. Type “C” - one side is covered with special glue and protective film, and the other is covered with foil. Installed by gluing to a surface that requires insulation.
  4. Types “R” and “M” are embossed penofol with one foil side.
  5. Type “ALP” - has one-sided foil up to 14 microns, which is laminated with polyethylene film.
  6. Perforated material. It has a special structure that allows air to pass through.

The type of penofol is selected depending on the type of insulation work, i.e. walls, floor, roof.

Penofol laying technology

Penofol characteristics table.

Before insulating the floor with insulating material, you need to decide on its type and installation technology. Penofol types “C” and “A” must be laid under the finished floor. The insulation process begins with a concrete screed mixed with expanded clay, or with the placement of foam plastic slabs with a thickness of 5 to 10 cm. Next, penofol is laid with an overlap of about 10 cm and all joints are taped with construction tape.

It should be noted that condensation may settle on the thermal insulation material, so measures must be taken to prevent this phenomenon. To do this, fill slats up to 2 cm thick above the foil surface, which will create a ventilated space. If a wooden floor is being insulated, then the role of slats is played by logs

It is important to remember that all slats and joists must be impregnated with antiseptic and drying oil to protect the wood from rotting

If insulation is carried out using a “warm floor” system, then penofol is laid with the foil side down on a completely dry screed, and in other cases the material must be placed with the reflective side up. A polyethylene film is spread over the heat insulator, which will act as a vapor barrier. To insulate the floor on the lower floor located above the basement, type “B” penofol should be used.

As a rule, when installing a “warm floor” system, the heating elements must be filled with screed in order to subsequently obtain a flat surface for laying, for example, laminate flooring. In such cases, the “ALP” type of penofol should be used, since its foil side is laminated with a film, and, as is known, cement is aggressive towards aluminum.

Floor insulation with penofol of this type is performed on top of the primary screed, with the reflective side being on top. The sheets are laid with a slight bend, about 10 cm, on the walls and they are glued with aluminum tape. Next, heating elements are installed, a reinforcing mesh is laid, and the entire floor area is filled with concrete screed. When the surface is completely dry, it is necessary to trim the free edges of the insulation.

Using penofol for floor insulation is the best solution. With this material, moisture will not penetrate into the room, noise will decrease and it will become much warmer, since the foil surface reflects heat, directing it back into the house.

Technological stages of independent floor insulation

When organizing floor insulation using plywood, you need to study and strictly follow a number of rules. The plywood sheets must be attached to a concrete or wood base. The base material must be thoroughly dried and thoroughly cleaned. On the wooden surfaces on top of which the coating will be installed, it is necessary to apply an antiseptic composition to prevent the processes of rotting and damage to the wood.

The subfloor insulation material is laid under the subfloor space. For this purpose, you can use stone or glass wool, expanded clay granules, etc. If the insulation is installed on top of a layer of dry concrete-based screed, it is better to use polyethylene foam with foil. A special feature of this insulator is that it is laid with foil up, which allows it to reflect heat back towards the living areas of the house. If you lay penoizol with a margin of 7 to 10 centimeters in the area where the floor meets the walls, and then press this structure with a plinth, this will help retain the heat inside the room as much as possible. The building materials market offers a wide range of insulation products. They must be selected based on their density, thermal conductivity, degree of flammability, ability to absorb water and ease of operation.

List of tools needed during the work process

Regardless of the chosen type of plywood and type of leveling, a certain set of tools will be required to organize a full-fledged work process. They will qualitatively affect the organization and speed of the entire process as a whole.

The list of necessary devices and tools is as follows:

  • A fairly long tape measure, a square, a metal ruler, one meter long.
  • A screwdriver - it is quite difficult to do the job without it, since you will need to tighten a sufficient number of screws. With the help of an ordinary screwdriver, such a task may simply not be possible.
  • Hammer. You will need to drill holes in some areas of the floor.
  • Hammer.
  • Building level. Ideally, it should be equal in length to the width of the plywood sheet. In addition, you will need a completely flat wooden block, which will help determine how smooth the floor is. Its length should correspond to the width of the room.
  • Electric jigsaw. You can use a hand-held electric circular saw instead. These tools will help you cut a sheet of plywood with perfect precision and cleanliness.
  • Some actions will require an ordinary hand hacksaw with fine teeth.

Thermal insulation of concrete floors

Most often, it is floors made of concrete that need insulation. This happens because their surface is very cold to the touch, since the process of heating occurs slowly, and cooling, on the contrary, very quickly.

The most primitive method of insulation is to install plywood sheets on top. It was previously noted that they can be either a subfloor, suitable as a base for decorative material (like laminate), or a finishing coating. In the latter case, it will be necessary to apply a layer of paint and varnish to the plywood surface.

Algorithm for carrying out work when insulating with plywood:

  • Insulation material is laid over the entire surface of the concrete base. For example, penofol (foamed polyethylene). The thickness of this type of insulator can be up to 8 millimeters. The use of such material can protect the plywood surface from dampness that comes from concrete. Penofol is a unique material of its kind because it has a double insulating effect. This is due to the fact that one of its sides has a foil coating. It should be facing upward, that is, towards the sheets of plywood. In this way, it will be possible to return most of the penetrating heat into the room. Before starting the process of laying polyethylene foam, the insulated surface must be properly cleaned of all kinds of debris, dust and dirt that could damage the insulating material.

What is the best way to insulate a floor under linoleum?

When you decide what is the best way to insulate the floor under linoleum, before going to the store, familiarize yourself with the features of the various offers. The most popular types of substrates and insulation are:

  • natural – linen, cork, jute;
  • polymer - foil penoizol, extruded polystyrene foam;
  • thermal insulation paint;
  • warm floor.

Types of substrates

The underlay is a protective material that is placed between the decorative coating and the floor. It helps smooth out small unevenness and is usually used as insulation under linoleum on a concrete floor. You can buy a substrate with a variety of parameters.


The highest quality insulation is made from the bark of the cork tree; this oak can only be found in Mediterranean countries. It contains no synthetic substances at all. Cork does not rot and is not afraid of moisture. It has the best heat and sound insulation properties. With cork insulation you can walk barefoot even in extreme cold. The aesthetic characteristics of the substrate are not important, so its cost is much lower than for a cork floor.

Cork backing is the best solution for linoleum

This substrate has little rigidity and sag under heavy furniture. As a result, the linoleum is deformed. If mechanical strength is in the foreground, it is better to choose a rubber-cork or bitumen-cork substrate. Their strength is much higher than natural. Synthetic rubber is added to the rubber-cork substrate, and cardboard impregnated with bitumen is added to the bitumen-cork substrate.

Installing a cork underlay under linoleum on a wooden floor helps eliminate squeaks. Cork material can be purchased in rolls, their width is at least a meter, the length varies.


The canvas is made from natural fibers of the linden family, which contain resin. They are made using a special knitting technique, thanks to which the substrate becomes strong and elastic. This material contains a fire retardant that prevents rotting and burning of the material. The jute backing is able to absorb moisture and not lose its original properties. This durable material is laid under linoleum on a concrete floor.

Jute feels stiffer to the touch than linen


This material is made from pure natural flax, impregnated with protective additives against fire and fungal manifestations. It maintains natural ventilation between the floor and floor coverings. This eco-friendly insulation is used under linoleum on a wooden floor.

Foil penoizol

Foil pads are best suited for linoleum. Penoizol insulation consists of isolon or polystyrene with an aluminum foil layer. This material is moisture-resistant and durable, and has increased resistance to temperature changes.

Foil penoizol is laid with the shiny side facing the linoleum

Extruded polystyrene foam

Insulating the floor under linoleum with polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene) is the most popular and inexpensive solution. Extruded polystyrene foam substrates are produced by a variety of brands, so they may differ in their characteristics. It is better to choose insulation from well-known brands. Expanded polystyrene is durable, provides good thermal insulation, can withstand heavy loads, and does not allow moisture to pass through. It makes the floors warm and even in severe frosts the child can sit calmly on the floor.

You can choose extruded polystyrene foam in the form of an accordion


Penoplex is produced in the form of slabs of small thickness. This insulation, like the cork backing, is subject to pinpoint compression; it is best to lay it only on a solid base. Well suited as insulation under linoleum on concrete floors and natural parquet.

Properties of insulation material


Mineral wool has several distinctive features:

  • Firstly, it is highly efficient and insulates heat well.
  • Secondly, it resists fire and demonstrates fairly high vapor resistance.
  • Thirdly, it has a good water repellency, and also do not forget how well mineral wool resists mold, mildew, rot, and so on, which is why it has gained wide popularity.

Unfortunately, mineral wool raw materials are quite dangerous to the health of those who deal with this material. Mineral wool mainly damages the skin and also enters the respiratory tract, which can irreparably harm the health of the worker.


But besides this, it stores heat well, absorbs moisture poorly, is extremely easy to install and does not require complex installation procedures or equipment. It is light enough that when insulated from below it has only a positive effect.

Polystyrene foam is slightly, but still susceptible to fire, although when insulating from the basement this fact is not the most important. Also, a simultaneous decrease in temperature and increase in humidity is detrimental for polystyrene foam, so it is worth using high-quality vapor barrier along with it.

Polyurethane foam

This is an effective heat insulator that is practically resistant to fungus, mold and other biological factors. But its installation requires additional equipment and it is often more expensive than other thermal insulation materials.


Thermal insulation with penoplex (extruded polystyrene foam of one of the most famous brands) is also one of the best materials for protection against cooling. In terms of its characteristics and appearance, it is almost completely similar to ordinary foam plastic, although it has a much lower level of thermal conductivity, which accordingly implies better thermal insulation.


Multilayer material in the form of rolls, which is covered on one side with a reflector made of aluminum foil. The base material can be different, but most often foamed polyethylene is used.

Penofol type C, which has a special device, is also determined. Its second side contains moisture-resistant glue, covered with an anti-adhesive layer. Thanks to this, type C penofol can be easily placed on almost any surface, and not only horizontal ones. It is also often used as a reflector for batteries and radiators.

Insulation with sawdust

Sawdust, usually considered a waste product from lumber production, is often used as a thermal insulator, which does a good job of protecting a home from heat loss. In addition to the fact that it is an environmentally friendly material, sawdust can also be used in building materials such as sawdust concrete, wood concrete and others.

Sawdust granular insulation has additional indicators of fire resistance, resistance to moisture, various fungi or mold. Therefore, it has proven itself well as floor insulation in a wooden house, which has a good range of additional characteristics.

You can also insulate a wooden floor with sawdust concrete. It retains heat well, but requires additional waterproofing. If used on the ground floor, one layer of waterproofing material will have to be laid both under and above it.

Wood concrete is a chemical composition of sawdust and cement that has good noise-absorbing and heat-insulating properties. It is easy to process as it comes in sheet form. Its disadvantage is that it also requires additional waterproofing.

Installation of logs on the surface

The timber is laid according to the markings on the fixed linings. The logs are mounted parallel to the wall with windows, i.e. across the direction of sunlight entering the room. The first lag is installed at a distance of 30-40 mm from the wall, and all subsequent ones - 40-50 cm from each other.

When specifying the distance between the logs, you must remember that the gap between the last beam and the rear wall should also be no more than 40 mm. The distance between the lags should be the same. The logs must be fixed parallel to each other strictly at the same height (along the surface). All logs are chosen to have the same section size, except for the log located at the front door. It is advisable to install this beam from a wider beam (at least 50 mm).

The logs are attached with screws to wooden pads, previously positioned and secured with anchors according to the markings. The heads of the screws should not protrude outward (it is advisable to have them recessed into the joist by 2-3 mm). The height of the logs must be strictly the same, so during installation the height is constantly monitored using beacons (if installed) or using a level. To increase the height, a roofing felt pad of the required thickness is placed under the joist.

The beacon allows you to determine the force with which the screw is screwed in, so the height of the log is adjusted. To strengthen the lags, transverse bars (crossbars) are usually installed. Such bars are fastened across the beam in places where wooden pads are installed and are attached to them with screws.

For reliability, after installing the logs, all wooden elements are coated with parquet or other similar glue. It is advisable to fill the volume between the joists with insulation and sound insulation. For this, mineral wool, expanded clay or expanded polystyrene (foam plastic) are usually used. Before backfilling, all communications are carried out (if necessary). It is also recommended to place a layer of parchment or bitumen paper on top of the lag. Sometimes the timber is installed without the use of wooden supports. In this case, the lags are leveled by placing pieces of roofing felt. The joists are secured to the floor with anchors. The length of the anchor is selected 5-6 cm greater than the thickness of the bar.

Why is it important to pay attention to the structure of the plywood itself?

When making the final choice of insulation, you should also take into account what kind of plywood is planned for it.

This component is divided into popular brands:

  • FSF has an extremely high degree of moisture resistance, so during installation it requires the use of toxic types of glue. The best options for such coverage are considered to be non-residential premises (garages, warehouses, offices). The basis is a reliable concrete screed that is not afraid of high humidity;
  • FC is a material that contains special urea resins that are completely harmless to humans in terms of toxicity. For this type of plywood, wood obtained by processing coniferous or deciduous plants can be used as a base for the flooring.

Taking this into account, floor insulation is selected for the specific environment in which it will serve. And a lot depends on the type of plywood itself!

Warm floors on plywood under tiles or laminate - installation tips

If the house is cold, and heating bills are “pleasing” with a steady increase in numbers, then the optimal solution that will heat a room of any size and help reduce the monthly utility bills will be laying heated floors on plywood.

Their popularity is due to the fact that this particular method can be installed independently, without involving construction crews. In addition, heated floors under plywood are laid under porcelain stoneware and tiles, which is important for a bathroom, kitchen or hallway.

Benefits of use

If you plan to use wood or parquet for cladding, which will be attached with self-tapping screws and glue, then plywood must be laid between the engineering system and the finishing coating.

It is also advisable to install a warm floor on plywood under a laminate; in this case, the layer additionally acts as noise and heat insulation.

Among the undoubted advantages it should be noted:

  • Long service life and environmental friendliness.
  • Affordable cost of consumables and installation work.

Is it possible to lay heated floors on plywood? This question often worries beginners who want to carry out repair work on their own. The answer from experts is unequivocal - yes. The only thing you need to consider when choosing raw materials is its grade. By and large, all varieties on the market are suitable for installing heated floors, but it is best to give preference to plywood of grades 1 and 2.

Useful tips

Methods for laying heated floors on plywood under tiles and laminate vary, depending on the choice of raw materials. For example, installing a heating system in rooms with high humidity on plywood does not tolerate the use of dowels. The roughing material can expand, so it must be secured with mounting brackets. This will ensure that the plywood will not swell and damage the heating system.

There are several recommended options for installing plywood as a rough covering:

  • If plywood is laid on a sand-cement screed, sheets should be no thinner than 12mm.
  • The logs are laid when it is planned to lay utility networks and communication lines along the perimeter of the floor. This is done in two ways - a single layer of flooring no thinner than 2 cm or a double layer of thin sheets.
  • When installing a heated floor under plywood on a wooden floor, the thickness of the sheets can be any. The main thing is that it does not sag under the weight of the upper layers.

The following recommendations concern glue. It is better to use special adhesive bases marked “for TP”, for example, Litokol K80. Types of alcohol or two-component content are suitable.

To avoid stress and deformation of the sheets, it is advisable to cut them into 4 equal parts before laying. Do not stack them end to end for the same reasons. The distance should be 4 mm between joints and about 8 mm between the wall and the floors.

Before you begin laying the finishing coating, you must carefully prepare the base of the subfloor - clean and level. Errors in height greater than 0.5 cm will lead to the appearance of premature chips and cracks in the cladding material. In addition, changes in height will create unnecessary stress on the plywood, and it will lose its original properties faster.

Despite its apparent simplicity, laying heated floors on plywood is an activity that requires knowledge of the “behavior” of consumables. To avoid possible mistakes leading to premature failure of the structure, the best solution would be to contact specialists who have practical experience in carrying out work of this kind.

What kind of insulation is there and what kind of plywood to use?

Filling the floor with leveler. Leveling the floor. What materials and tools to use. Pouring the floor with self-leveling mixture

So, depending on which floor needs to be insulated, the technology will be special. In general, there are only two options to consider:

Plywood grades according to GOST.

  • insulation of wooden floors;
  • insulation of concrete floor;

It must be said here that not all types of plywood are suitable for such work.

Today there are several brands of plywood:

  • FC;
  • FOF;
  • FSF.

All of them differ from each other in only one parameter - the level of moisture resistance. But this level is determined by the following indicators:

  • the type of glue used;
  • the type of coating that is applied to the top layer of each sheet.

FSF plywood has the highest level of moisture resistance. However, it is mainly used in very damp areas, for example in bathrooms, in unheated warehouses, and so on. It is not recommended to use it at home, since its individual layers are glued together with fairly toxic adhesives.

Plywood can be grades FK, FOF, FSF, OSB and fiberboard.

The FC brand is the golden mean. It is made using non-toxic glue. The composition of this glue is based on urea resins, which are completely harmless to human health.

It must be said that there is one more sign that affects the possibility of using plywood in a particular place, this is the material of manufacture. Based on this feature, plywood is distinguished:

  • from coniferous species;
  • from hardwood.

The first type can only be used in roofing work, since coniferous species emit various resins. But for interior decoration, material made from hardwood is used.

So, from all of the above, we can conclude that the optimal plywood for insulating a wooden or concrete floor will be the one made from birch and labeled FC.

How to insulate a floor with penofol with your own hands, installation technology, video diagram

Penofol is an effective thermal insulation material that has low thermal conductivity and reliably protects homes from the cold even when laying a thin layer of material. It is often used for floor insulation, since due to its special properties, penofol increases heat transfer resistance.

Scheme of laying penofol with the reflective layer down.

Penofol can be perfectly combined with mineral wool and fiberglass when insulating floors, where it will serve as a vapor barrier. The use of this material will be appropriate in those structures that require not only thermal but also noise protection, but the thickness of the insulator should be minimal. To insulate a floor with penofol, you do not need to additionally use hydro- and vapor barrier membranes, since the material can become a replacement for them.

Penofol classification

Since the production of penofol began, its properties, scope of application and structure have undergone enormous changes. Previously, the material took the form of a roll of cross-linked polyethylene foam, one side of which was foiled with aluminum. This type of material is still used to insulate rooms, as it is highly efficient. In addition to the classic type of penofol, other types of material are produced, which are endowed with a number of useful properties:

Scheme of floor insulation with penofol with double-sided foil.

  1. With one-sided foil - type “A”. Used in conjunction with other materials for insulation.
  2. With double-sided foil - type “B”. Standalone use is allowed.
  3. Type “C” - one side is covered with special glue and protective film, and the other is covered with foil. Installed by gluing to a surface that requires insulation.
  4. Types “R” and “M” are embossed penofol with one foil side.
  5. Type “ALP” - has one-sided foil up to 14 microns, which is laminated with polyethylene film.
  6. Perforated material. It has a special structure that allows air to pass through.

The type of penofol is selected depending on the type of insulation work, i.e. walls, floor, roof.

Penofol laying technology

Penofol characteristics table.

Before insulating the floor with insulating material, you need to decide on its type and installation technology. Penofol types “C” and “A” must be laid under the finished floor. The insulation process begins with a concrete screed mixed with expanded clay, or with the placement of foam plastic slabs with a thickness of 5 to 10 cm. Next, penofol is laid with an overlap of about 10 cm and all joints are taped with construction tape.

It should be noted that condensation may settle on the thermal insulation material, so measures must be taken to prevent this phenomenon. To do this, fill slats up to 2 cm thick above the foil surface, which will create a ventilated space. If a wooden floor is being insulated, then the role of slats is played by logs

It is important to remember that all slats and joists must be impregnated with antiseptic and drying oil to protect the wood from rotting

If insulation is carried out using a “warm floor” system, then penofol is laid with the foil side down on a completely dry screed, and in other cases the material must be placed with the reflective side up. A polyethylene film is spread over the heat insulator, which will act as a vapor barrier. To insulate the floor on the lower floor located above the basement, type “B” penofol should be used.

As a rule, when installing a “warm floor” system, the heating elements must be filled with screed in order to subsequently obtain a flat surface for laying, for example, laminate flooring. In such cases, the “ALP” type of penofol should be used, since its foil side is laminated with a film, and, as is known, cement is aggressive towards aluminum.

Floor insulation with penofol of this type is performed on top of the primary screed, with the reflective side being on top. The sheets are laid with a slight bend, about 10 cm, on the walls and they are glued with aluminum tape. Next, heating elements are installed, a reinforcing mesh is laid, and the entire floor area is filled with concrete screed. When the surface is completely dry, it is necessary to trim the free edges of the insulation.

Using penofol for floor insulation is the best solution. With this material, moisture will not penetrate into the room, noise will decrease and it will become much warmer, since the foil surface reflects heat, directing it back into the house.

Penofol advantages and disadvantages

Penofol is used when it is necessary to insulate a room without reducing its usable area. The material can be used as an independent option or in combination with other thermal insulation.

This material consists of three layers. Along the edges there are layers of aluminum foil. The middle layer consists of polyethylene, which has the property of self-extinguishing. As a result, penofol does not exceed 1 cm in thickness. The presented insulation has one feature that is different from all other materials. Its job is to reflect heat through the existing foil, rather than absorb and trap it.

Penofol is used in construction as:

  • thermal insulation during work on insulation of walls, ceilings and floors;
  • vapor barrier or waterproofing in a bathhouse or sauna;
  • insulation in the installation of heated floors;
  • pipeline insulation;
  • heat-reflecting material for home thermal radiators;
  • sound insulation;
  • insulation of ventilation or air conditioning systems.

It is becoming increasingly popular due to its advantages:

  1. Penofol is made from foil and polyethylene, used for storing food, so it can be argued that this insulation is environmentally friendly.
  2. Subtlety of the material. Penofol 4 mm can replace mineral wool about 10 cm thick.
  3. Low vapor permeability of the insulation, due to which additional vapor barrier is not required.
  4. High level of sound insulation. It is often used to protect a room from acoustic noise.
  5. Easy installation. The material is easy to cut with a special knife and secured with tape or small nails.
  6. The insulation is fireproof.
  7. The manufacturer produces penofol in the form of long rolls that are easy to transport.
  8. Does not allow the existence of rodents, etc.
  9. High-quality penofol passes all the necessary tests approved by sanitary standards.

The disadvantages of insulation include:

  1. Excessive softness. Penofol is not suitable for finishing with plaster.
  2. The material is difficult to attach with glue. To do this you have to use special glue. When insulating walls, fastening with nails is not recommended, since the integrity of the material will be compromised, causing all its properties to be lost.
  3. As insulation on the outside, it is used only as an auxiliary layer so that its reflective surface protects the wall from moisture.

When insulating walls or floors with penofol, several rules should be followed:

  • during fastening, the reflective layer is laid towards the heat source;
  • between the layers where penofol is used, air space should be left, so the effect of the insulation will be much better;
  • it is impossible to attach penofol with an overlap to the previous laid sheets, as this will destroy the properties of the insulation;
  • The joints of the sheets of this insulation must be glued with aluminum tape for better sealing.

If these basic rules are not taken into account during installation, additional reworking of the entire structure may be required.

Installation algorithm

Laying engineered boards, regardless of the type of subfloor base, requires adherence to several fundamental principles:

  • The presence of a deformation gap between the walls and the floor structure.
  • Continuity of the installation process, minimizing the risk of unevenness, or “steps”, due to uneven curing of the adhesive.
  • Mandatory compliance with the minimum (72 hours) period required for all structural elements, primarily the adhesive composition, to acquire physical properties that form optimal performance characteristics.

A variation of the first method - laying on adhesive compounds

Sometimes the surface of the old coating is almost perfectly smooth. It will still not be possible to lay laminate on such a floor, but it is possible to replace the hardware with adhesive compounds. For gluing plywood sheets, water-based glue, mastic, assembly adhesive, bustilate, and liquid nails can be used.

Example of glue used Source

Insulation with electric cable

Heating is provided for 30% of the area, this is enough for an apartment with a centralized supply of hot water. When drawing up a cable layout, exclude places under the closet, wardrobe, bed and similar objects. More often, this type of floor heating is done in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen, with a floor covering made of tiled material.

For dry rooms, energy consumption per square meter per hour is 120 W/, with high humidity - 140 W. For example, for a room of 6 m2 you need 720 W/hour.

The thermostat is placed at a distance of 30 centimeters from the flooring. If it is electronic, then you need to install it higher.

The cable is distributed evenly on the foil-insulating material over the entire area of ​​the site, observing a step of 20 to 40 centimeters. The brought out ends are connected to a power source. The maximum cable length should not exceed 6 meters.

After checking the functionality of the entire system, it is filled with concrete mixture. Bubbles from the inside are removed using the rules for leveling the solution (needle roller).

Note: You can use an electric floor in mats, which will significantly reduce the installation time.

Useful installation video

The first method is laying on the old coating

If the wooden floor in the house remains in good condition and does not have major defects or flaws, but you need to lay a new floor covering, then laying a subfloor made of plywood on the existing wooden floor is the best solution. It is important that the old coating is fairly even: the height difference should not exceed 1 cm. This installation method is demanding on the surface, so it is necessary to prepare the wooden floor by renewing defective old boards and leveling the surface.

For ease of work, pre-dried plywood sheets can be sawed into squares measuring 60x60 cm. If plywood is laid in a room with a large area, you don’t have to cut the sheets into squares, but sawing allows you to identify possible delaminations in the middle of the sheet that are not noticeable from the outside. It is better not to use plywood with delaminations for subflooring.

For large premises, it is permissible not to cut sheets Source

After preparing the old wooden floor and plywood sheets for the new one, the installation process begins, consisting of several successive steps:

  • Marking

The sheets are laid out on the base so that adjacent rows are offset from one another by approximately one-third of the width of the sheet. Protrusions, niches, etc. are marked on the sheets.

Lay out sheets prepared for marking Source

  • Sawing

According to the markings made, recesses are cut out in the plywood. Sheets are cut so that the number of seams is minimal

Cutting plywood with a circular saw Source

  • Laying the substrate

To smooth out minor unevenness in the floor, you can lay a polyisol backing between the plywood and the boards. It consists of polystyrene granules enclosed between two layers of film. In addition to smoothing out unevenness, the underlay provides sound insulation and also removes moisture from the plywood flooring. Polyizol is spread on a wooden base, the seams are taped

Polyizol can be laid not only under laminate, but also under plywood sheets Source


Modern manufacturers of electrical equipment answer the question of how to heat the floor under linoleum. The desired microclimate is created not by retaining heat, but by additional energy expenditure. The cost of the device is determined by the complexity of the technology used.

Film heated floor

The heating element is produced in the form of sheets. The canvas is laid on a heat-reflecting layer and runs on mains power. Low-power thermal film (up to 150 W/m2) continuously maintains a comfortable floor temperature and prevents overheating.


Transparent polyester fabric is fire resistant and moisture resistant. The heating element is mounted directly under the linoleum without the use of cement or putty. This type of insulation is recommended for loggias, where it is effective and safe.

Infrared film floor


This heating method is suitable for any type of flooring except parquet. Heating cables are laid on the thermal insulation material, and a thermostat is mounted against the wall. The entire system is connected to the electrical network. After the inspection, the structure is filled with cement and linoleum is laid.

Video description

This video clearly shows the process of installing joists instead of the old floor that was removed:
The main thing to remember is that the seams between the sheets should run exactly in the middle above the joists so that their edges do not sag. We also must not forget that the thickness of the plywood for the floor along the joists depends on the frequency of laying the joists. Typically, plywood sheets with a thickness of 16-20 mm are used.

The only drawback of the method is that the floor on the joists “eats” about 10 centimeters from the height of the room, depending on the thickness of the joists and plywood. However, if it is installed in a large country house, such a loss will not be decisive. Therefore, to the question of what kind of plywood is best to lay on the floor in a house made of timber, the answer is unequivocal - as thick as possible.

Before installation

It must be remembered that plywood sheets can be laid in a relatively dry room. Before laying plywood on the floor, you should check that the humidity conditions are suitable for installation. To do this, a sheet of polyethylene with dimensions of 100x100 cm is laid on the floor, its edges are pressed tightly, and the polyethylene is left for 2-3 days. If after 2-3 days no drops of vapor appear on the polyethylene, the room is dry and you can lay a rough covering of plywood.

The next stage of preparation is to determine the condition of the old wooden covering. It is necessary to check whether there are any deflections, creaks, or whether the floorboards are rotten. Loose areas need to be strengthened, damaged areas need to be replaced. This stage should not be neglected, since the quality of the future coating will depend on the strength of the wooden base.

After restoring the old floor, you need to check the height difference using a building level. The smoother the old covering is, the denser the plywood sheets will lie on it and the more reliable and durable the final floor covering will be. Therefore, you need to use the rule to determine the protruding areas of wooden boards and level them with a plane.

Leveling the floor before laying Source

Before installation, you need to remove the baseboards, adjust the length of the door leaf and door jamb taking into account the calculated floor level. The prepared old floor must be cleared of debris. If desired, you can coat the surface with antiseptic primer or fire protection. In this case, it is necessary to dry the base for 2-3 days.

Before laying plywood on the floor, you need to prepare it. The plywood sheets should be brought into the room where they will be laid and left in an upright position. If there is enough time, it is better to let it sit for 5-7 days. During this time, the material will “get used” to the conditions and will not expand much in the future due to temperature changes. After drying, it is recommended to soak the plywood with antiseptics and water-repellent agents and ventilate it.

Impregnations increase moisture resistance Source

After all the manipulations, you need to bring the plywood sheets into the room where the installation will take place, lay them out horizontally and leave them for another 3-4 days. A long preliminary stage is necessary, since the place where the plywood was stored before purchase may differ greatly in conditions from the room where the plywood will be laid. Due to a sharp change in temperature and humidity, the sheets will begin to evaporate or absorb moisture and change their size. Laying such plywood is highly not recommended, because the quality of work can be greatly affected as a result of thermal expansion of the sheets.

About using plywood flooring

Natural wood is widely used in construction for the manufacture of floors. It has good thermal insulation, a pleasant-to-touch surface, and creates a cozy, warm environment in the house. However, over the years, such a coating loses its attractiveness - the boards dry out, begin to sag and creak. There are ways to renew wood flooring, but often it fails and the wood floor needs to be completely replaced.

If you need to lay laminate or parquet instead of an old floor, it becomes necessary to prepare a high-quality substrate. Modern floor coverings are extremely demanding on the surface, and an uneven wooden covering is not suitable, even if it is well preserved. But if the wood floor is still in good condition, you can lay a subfloor made of plywood sheets over it. This substrate is distinguished by the quality of the resulting surface, speed of installation and low cost.

A wooden floor can retain sufficient strength, but be visually unattractive Source

Plywood is a material made by pressing together an odd number of sheets of rotary-cut veneer. The veneer is made on a special peeling machine. Adjacent sheets are laid in a mutually perpendicular direction, which ensures high physical and mechanical properties of plywood. The material is used in construction, furniture production, carpentry and carpentry. Plywood is often chosen as a substrate for parquet, linoleum or laminate due to a number of advantages:

  1. The plywood backing provides a smooth surface.
  2. Large sheet area ensures quick installation.
  3. Plywood sheets have high strength, wear resistance, and load resistance.
  4. The subfloor extends the life of the underlying floor covering.
  5. Creating a plywood backing does not require large financial costs.

You can lay flooring on multilayer plywood Source

How is plywood laid on a wooden floor under laminate?

The majority of craftsmen believe that laminate flooring must be laid on plywood

And it doesn’t matter whether the floor base is wooden or concrete. Of course, according to the rules, it is necessary to lay plywood on a wooden floor

Without it, it will not be possible to level the base. But why is plywood needed under laminate for concrete floors?

Rules for laying plywood

Advice! The standard size of one sheet of plywood is 150x150 cm. Experts recommend cutting it into four equal parts. And now these slabs are laid on the floor base. Let us add that the sheets should only be laid in a running motion with an offset of half a sheet (this is the best option).

Plywood can be attached to a wooden or concrete floor using an adhesive compound. This can be a two-component material or a water-dispersed one based on PVA glue. Please note that the glue must be applied evenly over the entire area of ​​​​the plywood being laid. Gaps should not be allowed. In order to properly level a wooden floor with plywood, it is recommended to additionally secure the sheets with self-tapping screws along the entire perimeter of the laid panel

It is important that the heads of the screws must be recessed into the body of the plywood sheet.

Installation technology

Like any construction and repair process, laying plywood under laminate is divided into several stages. The sequence of their implementation is an important component of the quality of the final result.


Advice! If you decide to repair a wooden base (floorboards and joists), it is recommended that they all be treated with fire-retardant and antistatic compounds. With their help, the service life of the entire wooden structure increases.

Sometimes logs are made from double boards. This increases the strength of the structure, but also increases the budget. If you decide to replace the old logs with new ones, then you can refuse the double option.

As for the concrete floor, it can be leveled by pouring a thin screed made of cement-sand mortar. True, this layer will have to dry well.

Installation of plywood sheets

Please note, this has already been said, starting from the second row, all sheets are stacked offset. By the way, the optimal thickness of plywood for laminate should be 12 mm, no less

It is this size that can withstand all the loads acting on the floor. In addition, the strength of such plywood is several times higher, which increases the service life of the laminate itself.

It will take about a month to dry the screed naturally. With wooden floors everything is much faster. Although the leveling itself is the same, whether on wooden or concrete floors. The technology is the same. Don’t forget to even lay a backing on the plywood floor, with which you can level the floors 100%.

Useful tips

To understand how and what kind of plywood to lay on the floor , you can read brief tips on laying a subfloor:

  1. Plywood sheets should be laid offset, as in brickwork.
  2. When marking recesses and niches, the sheets need to be numbered and a diagram of their installation drawn up.
  3. More than 3 sheets of plywood should not be joined in one place.
  4. There should be a gap of 3-5 mm between the sheets, and 8-10 mm between the sheets and the wall.
  5. The thickness of the plywood sheets should be 2-3 times greater than the thickness of the final coating. Typically 16-20 mm is used.
  6. Self-tapping screws are selected at least 3 times the thickness of the plywood.
  7. The pitch between the screws should be approximately 15-20 cm.
  8. If thin plywood is available, you can lay the floor in 2 layers. In this case, the seams in the layers should be in different places.
  9. If logs are installed, the gap between them should be no more than 50-60 cm.
  10. The edges of the sheets must rest on the joist.

Expert opinion

Strebizh Viktor Fedorovich, leading construction foreman

Installing a water floor is more popular when installed on wooden floors, as it produces uniform heating of the surface compared to electrical systems. If you want to clarify something, please contact me!


  • Type “A” - with a foil layer on one side;
  • Type “B” - with a metal layer on both sides;
  • Type “C” - with foil on one side and a sticky surface on the other;
  • Type “ALP” - the foil layer is covered with polyethylene.

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