Window insulation: simple methods of do-it-yourself insulation for wooden and PVC windows for the winter + recommendations for repairs

Despite the popularity of energy-saving structures made of metal-plastic profiles, there are still many adherents of wooden windows. A number of reasons force one to make a choice in favor of wooden structures: a healthy indoor microclimate, environmentally friendly material, high decorative qualities of the product.

A positive property - the ability of natural material to “breathe”, has another side - increased heat loss indoors. Owners of wooden windows need to take timely care of reliable insulation for the cold season.


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Experts have calculated that an apartment loses 30% more heat through the window perimeter than through the same wall area. Which, by the way, can also be insulated. Read about insulating an apartment from the inside.

Places on windows with poor seals can be detected with a burning candle. On a windy day, we will carry it along the window frame, where the flame will fluctuate, there is a place for heat leakage. Such areas must be insulated from the inside and outside of the room.

You can invite specialists to do the work, but it won’t be difficult to do it yourself with the help of improvised materials and special materials.

(1 method) Insulating wooden windows using paper and fabric strips

The simplest, rather primitive, but very economical way is to insulate wooden windows using paper and paper or fabric strips. Completing of the work:

  • we tear paper, newspapers, wallpaper into pieces, twist them into strips;
  • soak in water and clog the cracks between the window frame and sashes using a knife or ruler;
  • Carefully glue strips of paper or fabric of small width (4-5 cm) along the joints, coat them with a solution of laundry soap or make a special glue (paste) from flour or starch.

Paste recipes:

  • Flour paste: take flour and water in equal proportions (1:1), mix well until lumps disappear and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  • Starch-based paste: 2 tbsp. Dissolve the starch in water and add a glass of boiling water in a thin stream, keep it on the fire for a short time.

It is not easy to clean a window from this insulation; sometimes the paint is removed along with the paper, and pieces of it and prints of printing ink remain on the surface of the window frame.

Simple and forgotten insulation also includes window putty and even children's plasticine.

Cover with film

If you have done all possible types of work, but the room is still cold, you will have to use an extreme method - cover the window with film. Yes, it's ugly. But it’s better not very beautiful, but warm. This method is usually used for windows facing the backyard. We take a thick transparent plastic film, stretch it from the outside onto the window, securing it with strips from the street. Not the most aesthetically pleasing window insulation, but effective.

Ugly? But it's warm...

Why does this method work? Because an additional insulating layer of air is created between the film and the outer glass. This is the first point. The second is this. Since the film is usually nailed to the walls, it turns out that cold air does not penetrate to the frame.

Energy saving film

The same effect - an additional insulating layer - also works in the case of the recently advertised insulation of window glass using film. As you know, any room loses heat through walls, windows, roof, floor. Windows account for up to 40% of heat loss. Previously, this problem was solved by installing additional winter frames. Heat-saving film is essentially a modern substitute for such a frame. Thin double-sided tape is attached to the window frame, and a film is glued to the tape. How smooth is not the point. It needs to be heated with a hairdryer (a regular one, not a hair dryer), after which it will level out and be unnoticeable.

Special energy-saving films are sold

This simple method allows you to raise the room temperature by several degrees. The same film will prevent overheating in the summer - prevent the sun's rays from passing through the glass. The only disadvantage of this method is the inhumane price. A square meter of film costs from 350 rubles, plus you will need double-sided tape.

Is this energy efficient film different from regular film? It's hard to say until comparative tests have been carried out. Will anything change if you cover the window with regular plastic film? Hardly. The advantage of this film is that it is crystal transparent and, after heating, is invisible on the window. So this is a relatively inexpensive and easy way to raise the temperature in the room without ruining the view from the window.

Cheaper way

Almost the same effect can be achieved if you stick packaging film with air bubbles on the inside of the glass. Of course, using this film we lose transparency, but the price is not so high. The film is generally very easy to install. We moisten a piece of film cut to the size of the glass with water (from a spray bottle). Water is applied to the smooth side. We spray it on the glass. We lay the film, align it, press it, straighten it with our hands. That's it, the film is glued.

You can do it easier - stick bubble wrap on the inside of the glass

It can last for months. It can be removed without any problems - they pulled the edge and it all came off. The same piece can be used for several years, since nothing happens to it. This is a simple method that makes insulating wooden windows more effective.

(3rd method) Self-adhesive foam tape - convenient and reliable insulation for a wooden window

You can buy such insulation in any store; it is easy to work with, although the whole process takes a lot of time.

The procedure for laying elastic, resilient material - foam tape, for insulation and insulation:

  • we measure along the perimeter the joints between the window sashes and the window frame;
  • we take into account the width of the gaps, and buy foam tape a little thicker than what is required when measuring;
  • We clean the mounting points from dust and dirt and degrease the surface with alcohol or acetone;
  • We remove the protective base and glue the insulation onto the pre-designated area.

For better sealing, it is necessary to cover the top with self-adhesive paper, which is best removed in the spring, but the foam rubber can be left and used for several seasons.

Let's sum it up

In conclusion, it should be noted that window insulation is an important and responsible job, which must be taken very seriously. After all, the warmth and comfort in your home depends on this, so it is better to entrust it to professionals.

accepts applications from residents of the Moscow region for insulation of wooden and plastic windows in a wooden log house and bathhouse. We employ qualified and experienced craftsmen to whom you can confidently entrust the finishing and thermal insulation of your home. We work in strict accordance with technology, use safe materials, guarantee high quality and fast turnaround times.

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Select types of work:

Select materials:

(4 way) Tubular seal for a wooden window

The tubular seal does not lose its quality for a long time, is durable, and does not limit the ability to open and close the window.

Rubber seals are convenient to use, especially if the gap has different widths along its entire length. When purchasing, make sure that the rubber is soft and elastic.

  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gaskets are suitable for even openings, are considered the most reliable, and are often laid in two layers;
  • Rectangular polyurethane seals are suitable for openings of equal width; insulation areas can be covered in two layers.
  • Seals come with a self-adhesive base - it is convenient and easy to attach, so that there are no problems with use, you need to pay attention to the expiration date.
  • Seals are also available without self-adhesive tape; they are attached to the base using silicone sealant.

Application of Swedish technology

The essence of Swedish window insulation is to glue an additional rubber seal between the sashes. A “glazed window effect” is achieved, which contributes to a significant increase in thermal insulation.

This method is considered the most expensive, as it involves window repairs.

Even the smallest gaps can become the main cause of heat loss. You can carry out window insulation work yourself. If difficult situations arise, when the house is still cold, you need to contact the installers to correct the defects.

(5th method) Insulation of wooden windows with polyurethane foam

Modern insulation that hermetically seals all cracks and cracks, both on the outside and on the inside of the window - polyurethane foam.

Removes gaps and cracks:

  • between the frame and the slope (pay special attention from the outside);
  • under the windowsill is the place where warm air leaks the most;
  • between the window and the beam located above it;
  • between the slope and the window sill.

Insert the end of the tube into the crack and start blowing out the foam by pressing on the cap. Having filled all the cracks, wait until it hardens and remove the excess with a knife. The foam on the outside of the window must be plastered or painted, since polyurethane foam (the composition of polyurethane foam) is subject to the destructive effects of ultraviolet rays.

Need to remember:

  • You can work with polyurethane foam if the air temperature is not lower than +5° – (+30°);
  • foam can expand, so the frame must be secured with spacers, otherwise distortion is possible;
  • fill the cracks with polyurethane foam to 1/3 of the width, because it, having increased in volume, will occupy the necessary space;
  • the filling goes from the bottom up along the seam to prevent the seal from falling out.

A cheaper, but more troublesome method of insulation is a putty made of plaster and chalk (2:1) with the addition of water. With this mixture we can easily seal the cracks, and the surface has an attractive appearance. By the way, there was a time when plaster bandages were used to insulate windows, which were used in medicine to fix bones during fractures. They were moistened with water and applied to joints and along cracks and crevices.

How to use

Based on reviews from customers and professionals, this product is glued only in the cold season, and removed in the spring. If you carefully separate the film from the window, it can last for more than one season.

The main thing is to protect this item from prickly objects during use. Those. It is not advisable to place flowers such as cactus and other such plants with sharp thorns or needles on the windowsill. And also protect the film from mustachioed prankish cats.

(7th method) Insulating wooden windows using heat-saving film

An innovation in glass insulation is a special film that allows daylight into the room, but does not release infrared radiation. This film has two sides, which must be taken into account when gluing it to glass. We glue the metallic side to the glass and the transparent side to the inside of the room. When performing work, your hands should be clean, and it is better to use cotton gloves so that there are no greasy stains on the surface of the film.

We cut out the sheet with a margin and overlap it so that it can be easily secured to the window frame with double-sided tape. Such a film, if well glued, does not interfere with the design of the window, and it looks aesthetically pleasing and neat. In order for it to lie evenly and without wrinkles on the surface of the glass, we will do thermal shrinkage with a stream of hot air using a hairdryer.

Advantages and disadvantages of heat-saving material

The use of thermal film has many positive qualities, among which it is worth noting:

  1. Strengthening. Heat-saving material increases the strength of glass up to 8 kg/cm². When broken, the glass does not crumble into fragments, but remains glued to the film.
  2. Saving. After gluing the film onto a single-chamber double-glazed window, its energy efficiency becomes comparable to a two-chamber design.
  3. Protection of interior items from fading.
  4. Almost 100% UV blocking.
  5. Blocking IR radiation within 30-99%.
  6. Depending on the type of material, one-way light transmittance.

Thermal film protects well from sunlight and retains heat.
However, thermal film also has disadvantages. The most basic is the almost complete reflection of ultraviolet rays, which negatively affects indoor plants. Therefore, if you use heat-saving film, then provide your plants with additional lighting with photo lamps that provide the radiation spectrum required for their normal growth and development.

The second drawback is the lack of effectiveness in spring and autumn. At a time when centralized heating has not yet been started, the thermal insulation coating will prevent the penetration of heat from the sun's rays into the room.

The film also has the unpleasant property of reflecting radio waves, which can affect the quality of signal reception going to a mobile phone or television receiver. This is due to the fact that metal spraying is used in the production of thermal insulation film.

(8th method) Insulation and modernization of a wooden window

An effective way to insulate a window is its partial reconstruction and modernization. This method will retain heat in the room and limit the passage of cold air through the window perimeter. In this case, the shutters will open freely, and the external design of the window will not be disturbed in any way. The purpose of this method is not only to insulate, but also to reduce the penetration of noise and sounds into the room through the window.

Painstaking work requires time and patience. We remove the window from its hinges and place it on a table or floor. It is necessary to remove the glazing beads along the entire perimeter; if necessary, we replace them. We take the glass out of the frame, carefully clean the grooves on the frame for laying it, then fill the joints with sealant. We install it in its original place, and for greater effect we apply silicone along its entire perimeter. We put glazing beads and nail them in place.

If you have already completed a difficult job - dismantling the frame, then do some minor repairs: remove the old varnish and paint and apply a new paint and varnish coating, replace the fittings, install new locking devices.

It must be remembered that work with polyurethane foam can only be carried out at positive temperatures not lower than +5°.

What are cold bridges

Cold can penetrate into a living space not only through glass, but also in other ways - through elements that are in one way or another in contact with the environment. Areas where windows are in contact with the outer surface of the walls, as well as leaky panel seams in multi-story buildings, significantly reduce the thermal resource of the room, which means that not only the windows themselves, but also each of these areas must be insulated.

Replacing windows even with the most modern double-glazed windows without additional insulation of the above parts will increase the heat resource of the room by only 15-20%. If you take a comprehensive approach to insulating a room, the heat resource can be increased by 45% or more.

(9th method) Removing cracks in window frames

Due to various circumstances (exposure to temperature changes, moisture), cracks appear on window frames. To maintain the integrity of the structure and prevent their further expansion, we seal cracks in several ways:

  • pour molten paraffin;
  • seal with special putty for wood;
  • fill the gaps with sealant, you can match the color to the frame.

If necessary, we repaint the window, and the cracks become invisible and the frame has an attractive appearance.

Production of foam rubber

To produce the material you need two components:

  • Polyester;
  • Isocyanate.

Water is also used.

When mixed, organic substances mixed with water form carbon dioxide. As a result of foaming, a hollow, dough-like mass is created that is quite soft and quite strong. After hardening, the foam rubber only needs to be formed into slabs/pieces of the desired form factor. We tend to associate foam rubber with the color yellow, but in fact it can be painted in any color.

So, let's conclude: foam rubber is one of the varieties of polyurethane.

Selection rules

When choosing insulation, you need to consider the following tips:

  • for wooden frames it is important to use strictly non-flammable material;

  • much depends on the average wind speed and average temperature during the operating period - not all of the listed products can serve for a long time in severe frosts;
  • you need to take into account the width of the slots in the frame. 5-7 millimeters - you can forget about the tape and pay attention to either a self-adhesive seal or putty;
  • The product should only be purchased from a trusted store.

Also, when choosing, you should take into account your financial capabilities and skills - some products are quite expensive and require special steps for processing.


In conclusion, for the sake of polarity of opinions and as additional information, we provide reviews on how to insulate old windows and whether it is worth doing.

Vyacheslav Vladimirovich

I saw restored windows in a friend’s apartment. Someone fitted it for him and insulated it. He himself later worked on their restoration. No worse than new 100%.

Sergey Sergeevich

I have been installing and servicing plastic windows for over ten years. Many clients come to us and order installations. During installation, it turns out that they had already tried to insulate their windows, but then decided not to suffer and do it properly. Regarding restoration - if you don’t want to pay specialists every year, and even suffer before the start of the season - it’s better to install plastic. Some people complain about chalk and harmful substances in the profile - these are handicrafts. Veka and Rehau will never allow this. Although, it is clear that wooden windows are best, but only if they are new. And when choosing between new plastic and old wooden ones, I would choose the former.

Alexander Yurievich

The quality of metal-plastic windows now, and their installation, leave much to be desired. Considering the situation, I advise everyone to restore and restore old ones. This will result in higher quality and cheaper PVC windows.


I could install PVC windows 100 times already. But the house is old and the wooden windows look great. And all the sellers who say that plastic is better are just a business with a lot of competition and everyone wants to sell. In addition, people who have money install only wooden windows. It’s clear that it’s more expensive if they’re new. Plastic is cheaper than insulating wooden ones, but there is something soulful in wood... In terms of beauty, cover the wood frames with a special varnish, just be sure to remove the old paint before repairing.

Where can the heat come from?

Compared to plastic ones, wooden windows have advantages and are environmentally friendly. With sufficient strength and accessibility, wood structures “breathe.” The porous structure of wood ensures air exchange with the street. Over time, it dries out, cracks and gaps form between the mating surfaces. Through them, during the heating season, part of the heat ends up outside.

Another direction of thermal energy leakage is the loss of tightness between the wall and the frame. This is due to:

  • improper installation;
  • wear of seals with loss of tightness;
  • shrinkage of the structure.

Some more heat is lost through the glazing. For ordinary quartz glass, the thermal conductivity coefficient is 1 – 1.4 W/(m°C). Double-row glazing made of glass 4 - 5 mm thick allows you to cope with the cooling of windows. When installing thinner glasses or single-row glazing, all the heat will be outside. Knowing the main directions of heat loss, it is easy to choose a technology for prevention.

Complex repair

What does window repair or restoration include? Using the example of one company from St. Petersburg, let's look at the list of services. So, you can count on:

  • Installation of new sills and window sills;
  • Strengthening window hinges;
  • Adjustment of sashes;
  • Application of Swedish technology for insulation;
  • Replacement of glazing beads;
  • Painting windows.

Not a bad list, right? The prices are quite reasonable, considering that the service includes the entire package listed. Below is the price from the website.

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