Which infrared heater is best to choose for your home and garden?

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It is impossible to imagine life in a country house or in an apartment without centralized heating. It entered our reality so tightly and brought a lot of comfort. But due to various factors, this type of space heating sometimes does not cause positive emotions, or is absent altogether. And then modern technologies take over, one of which can be considered infrared heating.

Infrared heating radiator

The method of heating with infrared rays came to us not so long ago. But even under this condition, its distribution is expanding very quickly. For this reason, the manufacturer is trying to modernize old models and come up with new, more advanced and more comfortable ones.

As a stationary device, you can’t think of anything better than infrared radiators. In use, you don’t have to worry about their safety and, compared to other electrical devices, they have many advantages.

What types of IR heaters are there?

The modern market offers so many varieties of products that it is easy to get confused in this abundance.
Let's divide all types of heaters into categories. According to the type of installation, infrared heaters can be divided into the following: ceiling; floor; wall-mounted Ceiling heaters are considered the most effective in terms of heating the room. Their radiation covers almost the entire area of ​​the room. Such heating is safe, harmless, and comfortable. Some models are installed at the junction between the ceiling and the wall.

Floor heaters are not as efficient as ceiling heaters. However, their advantage is ease of use (they do not require special installation, they are plugged into an outlet). It is recommended to buy such devices to replace oil heaters, since they are much more comfortable and economical.

Wall-mounted IR heaters are used outdoors. This is a separate class of IR heaters - convective-infrared heaters. This is a type of device that not only emits IR heat, but also warms up the air next to it. In this they are similar to Soviet cast iron batteries.

Types of heaters by wavelength

According to the wavelength, IR heaters can be: short-wave;
medium wave; long-wave. Shortwave heaters. They have a high heating temperature (up to 800 degrees Celsius) and glow red. Short-wave heaters are halogen, quartz, carbon.

As a rule, they are mounted on the wall or installed on the floor. It is very comfortable to be under the rays of such a device for a long time, since the temperature is high. As a rule, shortwave models are installed outdoors.

Medium wave devices. They are also not recommended for heating residential premises. These are models of heaters with an open heating element. Medium wave heaters consist of a steel tube heated to a red glow, surrounded by a reflector. Application: rooms with high ceilings (workshops, warehouses), rooms exposed to drafts (subway).

Long wave heaters. They emit a fairly gentle flow of heat. It is this variety that is recommended for use for basic or additional heating of residential premises, as well as children's and medical institutions. The heat from long-wave devices is felt much less, but it is much more comfortable and pleasant.


  • Manufacturers produce radiators in various colors, with or without drawings, and even to order with photographs of the customer;
  • devices have significant thermal power;
  • are not subject to corrosion, so they are equipped with a two-layer coating that reliably protects them from moisture;
  • tolerate fairly high temperatures of the coolant, up to 100 degrees;
  • comfortable light weight is good and convenient for installation and transportation of equipment;
  • has different types of connection. Both an autonomous connection, through a socket, and a connection in a radiator circuit with electrical wiring.

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Mounting material included. The radiator is packed in tight packaging, which makes it reliable during transportation. There is no need to remove the packaging material until all installation and finishing work is completed. Only in this case will the device remain clean and without mechanical damage.

IR heaters have a surface without protruding parts, which makes it possible to place such equipment in a children's room without fear for the children. This equipment does not make noise or vibrate, so it can be installed in a bedroom.

Ceramic heater in the interior

General information about PLEN

PLEN – film radiant electric heater. In it, electrical energy is converted into infrared radiation, which heats the floor and, from it, the room. The system itself is multilayer, where there are non-conducting polymer films and resistors connected to each other.

This film is usually sold in rolls

When electrical energy passes through the resistors, they heat up and transfer heat to a highly conductive surface. It then transmits the received and converted thermal energy into infrared waves with a length of 9 to 12 microns. These rays heat another surface, which warms the room.

Principle of operation

After installing the system and connecting to electricity, the energy flowing through the resistors is converted into heat. This occurs through contact with an aluminum foil covering the entire film.

With proper distribution of resistor elements, the heat will be distributed evenly. When the surface heats up to a temperature of 40 - 45 ⁰C, infrared radiation appears, which moves to another surface, for example, the floor. Reflecting from it, it is evenly distributed throughout the room.

Operating principle of infrared heating

IR radiation is electromagnetic waves that are invisible to the human eye. These waves are also called “thermal”; this is exactly how they affect our perception, and even more so, thermal radiation from the sun works in the same way. The peculiarity of this radiation is that it does not heat the air, but it warms objects - people, animals, furniture, floors. As objects cool down, they give off heat to the air. This ensures a comfortable temperature in the room. The sun heats according to the same principle. It does not heat the air, but objects, which in turn give off heat. And since the sun is not dangerous for living organisms, the same can be said about infrared heating. With proper installation and operation, a person will not feel any negative effect from its use.


The decision to install a particular heating system in a private home should be made carefully, since few people decide to redo the entire property. If there are problems with the gas supply, then you can choose an alternative - PLEN heating.

Laying PLEN on the floor

It is easy to install it yourself, but do not forget about the choice of finish. And also correctly calculate the required power and location of the thermostat. During operation, you will appreciate all the benefits of “warm film” in your home.

One of the most pressing issues for owners of country houses, cottages, dachas, bathhouses, and other country-type buildings is the issue of heating. Today there are three main types: solid fuel, gas and electric heating. Let's try to figure out which one is better. Let's calculate three options for heating a small country house of 90 m 2.

Danger of use and harm

People who choose a heating system want to know whether infrared heaters are harmful. If a person falls asleep on the beach, he can “burn” his skin, his temperature will rise, and even a serious burn is possible. The same is true with infrared heaters - if the panel or mobile equipment is directed at the sofa, then dozing on this sofa is dangerous to health (a person may overheat).

The biggest harm of infrared heating is drying out the skin. With prolonged contact of the skin with infrared rays, the moisture on the human body evaporates, and its replenishment is not carried out immediately. In extremely rare cases, this can lead to a burn (sleeping with the heater on), but more often than not, people’s skin simply dries out.

There is also information that infrared waves somehow affect the protein contained in the skin, and with prolonged exposure, such a heater harms the eyes: first of all, the retina suffers, and secondly, the lens. Sometimes the appearance and development of cataracts in people is associated with infrared heating, although all this has not been proven and is hardly true. Such damage can only be caused when the heater power is very high and a person remains under the waves for a long time.

Operating costs of various heating systems

Let's consider heating a country house: options and prices for operating the devices.

Home heating costs

Tips for installing heating systems

  • Installation of the system begins with the installation of the boiler. It will require a concrete pedestal with a height of at least five centimeters. Instead of a concrete pad, you can use a sheet of iron.
  • The joints between the chimney and the ventilation duct must be carefully sealed.
  • In the room where the boiler is located, it is necessary to provide additional ventilation with natural or forced air supply.
  • Any installation must have a thermometer installed to determine the temperature of the coolant.
  • When laying the heating system, make sure that the pipes do not pass through supporting structures or come into contact with electrical wiring.

If you choose an electric boiler, you should choose a system with a built-in pump, automatic control and a large tank

  • The temperature of a solid fuel boiler can reach one hundred degrees or more. Therefore, only metal pipes should be used to install the system.
  • The first start-up of a new heating system is best done in the presence of a professional technician. Otherwise, you may make mistakes due to which the boiler will not be accepted for warranty service.
  • During the first start-up, excess air is released at the highest point of the system. You may have to do this more than once.

It is necessary to monitor the water level in the expansion tank of the water circuit and not allow it to drop sharply. From time to time it is necessary to add water to the tank

Pros of IR equipment

Today, users are finding more and more advantages in the use of infrared equipment and note the following advantages:

  • high-strength equipment. If you accidentally drop it or hit it with something, the device will not lose its functionality;
  • energy saving. Due to the fact that the air is not heated, it is possible to save some electrical energy. This type of heating allows savings of 20%;
  • easy to install. To install, you need to hang the IR batteries on the wall and plug them into a power outlet;
  • wall batteries do not change the air humidity in the room;
  • the device does not make noise and does not vibrate;
  • There is a sensor installed inside the device that is responsible for electrical voltage surges.

Infrared heater

Characteristics of infrared heaters:

  • The heating element of an infrared heating radiator transfers thermal energy to the device. This, in turn, radiates it onto the surface of objects. And the objects already heat the entire room;
  • the heat emitted by infrared heating radiators does not heat the air. For this reason, it reaches the surfaces of objects one hundred percent, heating them faster.

Since heat energy is not spent on heating the air mass, temperature distribution occurs more rationally, using all the force to heat objects. As a result of the fact that heating occurs through objects, there will be an evenly distributed temperature throughout the room. Infrared wall batteries are capable of heating rooms zonally or even pointwise.

When installing radiators above the bed, you do not need to point it at your head, it is better to place it at your feet or point it at your torso.

By heating rooms with IR radiators, energy costs are reduced, unlike other electric heaters. Electrical energy consumption is approximately 65-70 watts per square meter per hour.

Installing wall batteries is not a complicated process and does not require any special skills.

Infrared heaters are electrical devices, which means they can be connected to the Smart Home system. After which it can be controlled remotely using a cellular connection or using a remote control. It is also possible to set a timer.

Ceramic infrared heater

Infrared heaters pros and cons, price

Advantages of IR heaters:

  • do not burn oxygen and do not dry out the air;
  • with correctly selected power, they are safe for health;
  • quickly heat the room;
  • Possibility of mounting on the ceiling or wall (does not interfere with your feet);
  • fireproof;
  • long service life;
  • do not overheat the air under the ceiling.


  1. Only a certain area of ​​the room is heated (under the rays).
  2. Slight noise (especially noticeable at night).
  3. Red light that some models emit (disturbs at night).
  4. IR heaters are usually quite large.

As for the cost, it is determined based on the type of heater, its power, and brand. The price of IR heaters ranges from 2 thousand to 9 thousand rubles.

Radiation intensity

When choosing infrared heating, you need to be careful with the power of the device. Normally, it should not exceed 350 W per square meter. If the radiating element is not heated above 100°C, then the surface of the heated objects will not be above 35°C. Properly designed and installed IR heaters can distribute heat evenly throughout the home, creating a comfortable microclimate.

Powerful infrared heating over a long period of time is dangerous for the skin and eyes. But household IR devices are adapted and the spectrum is configured for human use in residential conditions.

PLEN heating technical characteristics, price, advantages and disadvantages

Infrared warm ceiling, the price of which varies, has its own technical characteristics, which can be collected in one summary table below.

ParameterManufacturers' declared data
Material of manufactureSpecial alloy for the heating element, and the insulation is made of three-layer PET. Aluminum acts as a reflector.
Weight 1 m²550 g
Thickness0.4 mm
Highest heating temperature45 ⁰С
Power consumption150 or 175 W per m²
EfficiencyAbout 98%
LifetimeAt least 50 years

In addition to the general values, there may be differences in power density from 100 to 150 W/m². This option should be selected based on the ceiling height.

PLEN is also applicable for heating greenhouses in winter, but is mounted differently

So, at a height of up to 3 m, a power of 125 W/m² is applicable, and from 3 to 4.5 m it is necessary to buy a film with a rating of 150 W/m². When choosing this parameter, this parameter is influenced not only by the ceilings, but also by the average negative temperature. The lower it is, the more heating power is needed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Quite often in private homes you can find infrared heating, reviews of which are positive, because the rays are reminiscent of the sun in the way they release heat. In addition, many other advantages can be highlighted:

  • Dimensions. Only a film with a small thickness is mounted on the ceiling, so the entire heating system, to which it remains to add wires, does not take up much space. It is not necessary to attach the PLEN to the ceiling; any surface can be used.
  • Installation. The heating system using “warm film” is easy to install, so every consumer who knows how to handle tools can install it themselves. Since the material is lightweight, you don’t need to involve assistants. Typically, work with a ceiling surface of 70-80 square meters takes 2-3 days.

Heating options using PLEN (schematically)

  • Low irrationality. You can easily change the temperature in a separate room by setting the necessary parameters.
  • Safety. From a fire protection system perspective, PLEN heating is the safest. Maximum heating is only up to 45 ⁰C, which cannot lead to fire.

Thanks to these advantages, you can increasingly find infrared heating using film in private homes, but this option cannot be called cheap. The material itself will require financial investments, and the price of electricity is constantly rising. In addition, the disadvantages, according to consumer reviews of infrared heating using film, include:

Difficulties with finishing. Information from manufacturers states that the film can be hidden under any finish that does not contain metallic inclusions. But, for example, they covered the PLEN with clapboard and got a multilayer device through which it is difficult for IR to penetrate, thereby the heat level drops. It turns out that you need to install a warm ceiling, not a floor. Therefore, it is worth considering the thermal resistance of various coatings. It is best to use through structures with a coating of no more than 50% that transmit thermal rays.

Ceiling finishing option using infrared heating

Design. An uncovered film will heat the room best, but in appearance such a room will look like a warehouse.

It turns out that although the film is easier to install, closing or decorating it is much more difficult than ordinary pipes with batteries.


Having considered the technical characteristics of PLEN heating, we present the prices for some options in the table below, so that you have something to focus on when planning to heat a private home.

NameImageFilm characteristicsPrice per 1 m², rub.
“Zebra” EVO-300PRO – 0.6x0.5Heater size600 by 500 mm360
ThicknessNot less than 1 mm
Current frequency50 Hz
Power66 W
“Zebra” EVO-300PRO – 4.2x0.5Heater size4.2 by 0.5 cm2500
ThicknessNot less than 1 mm
Current frequency50 Hz
Degree of protectionIP 44
Heating film TM 0.5 x 1.25Heater size0.5 by 1.25 m440
Thickness0.34 mm
Current frequency50 Hz
Degree of protectionIP 44
Guarantee10 years

In different cities there are various companies offering turnkey installation and sale of IR film heating.

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This equipment has not only positive qualities. There are also disadvantages:

  • Spot action of the heater. If it works in one place, then the heat will be there; in other parts of the room the temperature is lower.
  • Taking into account the fact that the rays of the heater pass through the air and warm the furniture and things that they fall on, it is possible that a plastic smell may appear. This is possible if the heater is directed at the chair on which the TV remote control is lying.
  • Aesthetics suffer in some cases. Portable or even film heaters do not always fit aesthetically into the interior.
  • High price of the equipment itself.

Considering how much an infrared heater consumes (depending on the power, consumption reaches 0.5–1.5 kWh or 50–200 Wh/m²), it cannot be called energy efficient. In terms of energy consumption, these devices are almost no different from conventional oil radiators or convectors. Efficiency can be achieved by insulating the room and installing heat-reflecting screens, but this is also possible with conventional radiators.

What is a heating system project?

For design, the area of ​​heated premises, boiler power and probable heat loss are taken into account. The number of batteries in each room and the length of the pipes are calculated. The number of windows, doors and the nature of wall materials also matter.

Detailed calculations allow you to optimally spend funds and further minimize system maintenance costs. Water heating can be included in the heating system.

When designing a system, it is necessary to take into account the climatic characteristics of the region. For example, in the conditions of the far north, a liquid fuel boiler will be ineffective, since its fuel loses its ability to ignite at minus thirty degrees.


It’s not hard to figure out how to connect an infrared heater - it operates on a 220-230 V network, so the simplest and most obvious way is to plug it into an outlet. At least, mobile models are connected to sockets.

Panels or film systems are connected to each other in parallel, then connected to the thermostat (control panel), after which the wire (phase, neutral and ground) is pulled directly to the machine located in the distribution panel. This allows you to bypass all the wiring brought into the apartment or house. Most often, a separate automatic machine is installed to heat the apartment, which is triggered when there is a heavy load or a short circuit. The rest of the wiring in the apartment is connected to another machine. This allows you to correctly distribute the loads generated during the operation of infrared heaters. If you “hang” a powerful heating system on the existing apartment wiring, then when the heating system and, for example, an electric oven, air conditioner or iron are operating simultaneously, overloads are possible. In rare cases, this leads to a fire, although most often automatic devices are triggered.

However, to create a cozy warm corner with a small number of panels with a total power of up to 2 kW, it is possible to connect an infrared heater to an outlet, that is, the general electrical wiring in the house.

Alternative and traditional heating of a country house prices and options

Let's consider the main types of fuel that can be used to heat private households in our latitudes:

  • firewood and coal;
  • fuel oil, diesel, gasoline, mining;
  • network and bottled gas;
  • electricity (grid, solar or wind);
  • geothermal energy.

Each of the listed types has its pros and cons

When choosing the type of heating, it is important to take into account the financial capabilities of the family to purchase and operate the system, the availability of fuel and the possibility of combining different types of fuel

It is worth considering that cheap equipment is usually short-lived

Saving on qualified technicians can result in system problems

That is why it is important to think through everything down to the smallest detail, draw up a project competently and entrust the work to professionals


As a rule, wall-mounted heat radiators consist of four components, and in the budget version of three. The first part serves as a fastening. It contains fastening elements on which the device is hung. In the middle of the device there are two metal plates with a heating element built between them. This panel acts as a heater.

And another panel, also with a built-in heater, emitting IR radiation. In addition to the emitter function, the front panel has a decorative function. It comes in different colors and with different images. Some models even come with a backlit front panel that can be used as a night light.

Thermal radiators of this type have the function of a second sun. It also heats objects with infrared radiation. When heat energy passes through the air, losses are minimal. This type of heating has a penetrating effect on human skin. The rays are able to penetrate immediately into the tissue of the body, heating it from the inside.

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We looked at the options and prices for heating a country house. The cheapest types of fuel are gas and coal. It is possible to connect to a free geothermal heat source, but the cost of installation is not yet affordable for most consumers.

In any case, when planning a home heating system, take into account the availability of energy sources and choose the best option

Take the time to do careful calculations and consult with heating experts. Their professional opinion will help you make the right choice.

Most owners of private houses are accustomed to gas heating from a boiler, which is considered the most economical and affordable. However, what about those where it is not possible to install such a heating system? An excellent alternative option is PLEN heating. Specifications, prices and reviews vary between models. We will analyze all the features and independent installation of such a “warm film”.

Installation option in a wooden house

Areas of application

Due to the many advantages available, heating equipment with infrared radiation has a fairly wide range of applications. It has found its place in production areas due to its efficiency and economical use. Homeowners found in these devices such qualities as easy installation and free design.

In apartments it is not used constantly, but between seasons. That is, when it’s not quite warm outside yet, but the central heating has already been turned off. In rural areas where there is no gas connection, the only alternative is electric infrared heating. Of course, you can connect any other electrical equipment, but IR heaters are much more economical.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that wall-mounted IR radiators are the most modern devices and are not inferior in efficiency to other electric heaters.

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Best models

Various manufacturers in Europe and Russia produce home heating equipment. In this rating of infrared heaters, the best models that have collected positive customer reviews are selected.

1st place - Ballu BIH-AP4-0.8-W

The cost of this model is around 3000 rubles. This heater is designed to heat an area of ​​16 square meters, connects to a 220/230 V system and is installed at a recommended height of 2.4–3.5 meters, its power is 800 W.

Based on reviews, we find out that this is an effective and high-quality model that warms up the room quickly enough. The set includes durable brackets - with their help the device can be rotated. This model is mainly used as an additional source of heating in any room, but is also suitable for a garage and for installation outdoors - the waterproof housing will not allow rain to spoil it.

2nd place - Almac IK5

This infrared heating battery has a lower power of 500 W. It effectively heats 10 square meters, so in a single copy it is used as an additional heat source. However, three similar models can easily cope with heating a large living room or hall.

Judging by the reviews, the device effectively copes with its task, is easily attached to the wall or suspended from the ceiling, and is simply adjustable - it is enough to set 23 degrees during the day, 20 at night. The only drawback is the complexity of the connection. And although the instructions indicate how to install an infrared heater, the kit does not include wires and a thermostat, so without the appropriate knowledge and experience you cannot connect it - you will have to call a specialist, but you can turn a blind eye to this, given the low price of around 2,500 rubles.

3rd place - Peony Thermo Glass P-10 (7000 rubles)

The model is from the Russian one, which has become popular on the Russian market. Power – 1000 W, heating area – 20 m². The device is connected via a regular 220/230 V socket and is equipped with electronic control and a thermostat, which allows you to accurately regulate the power and heating temperature. It also received protection against overheating, which ensures minimal safety and increases its service life. The infrared heater can be installed on the ceiling at a height of 2.3–3.5 meters.

According to reviews, the model is effective: it quickly heats surrounding objects, operates silently and provides soft and pleasant warmth. This is an advantage, since some models heat aggressively.

The disadvantage is the equipment and high price. The model is significantly more expensive than similar heaters, and the kit does not include any cables. The device also needs to be looked after - if you do not systematically wipe the dust off it, then over time a burning smell will appear.

There are also many low-quality products on the market with the CE mark. In one case it means “Conformite Europeenne”, in the other it means “China Export”. Try to choose reliable equipment, since heating devices in the house always pose a certain danger.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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