Heating a house - what are the heating systems and wiring diagrams?

In an effort to make their home comfortable and independent from various utilities, many begin with autonomous heating of a house or apartment. In the process of its construction, issues arise that have to be resolved in a hurry or even “retroactively.”

You can install a heating system in a private home yourself or with the help of professionals. In any case, you need to be familiar with the design procedure, approval of permits and installation of the system. Such knowledge will allow you to monitor the quality of work at each stage and eliminate obvious errors.

Do-it-yourself heating of a private house

How to make heating in a private house

To begin with, we will briefly list the main steps that will need to be completed on the way to achieving the goal:

  1. choice of heating system;
  2. selection of heating system components;
  3. calculation of heating of a private house;
  4. development of an individual heating scheme;
  5. registration and obtaining permits;
  6. heating system installation;
  7. test run of the system.

It is important to adhere to consistency, because... phased implementation of the project eliminates errors that are difficult or expensive to correct.

Choosing heating - which heating system is best for a private home

The choice of autonomous heating is based on the type of boiler that runs on a certain type of fuel and differs in design elements. Among the most popular heating systems are gas, electric, liquid and solid fuel heating.

The main criteria for choosing a heating boiler are:

  • safety;
  • fuel availability;
  • compactness, ease of regulation, maintenance and maintainability;
  • economical installation and operation;
  • the opportunity to make heating yourself.

Heating systems for a private house - types and types

Features of combined heating

A combined system combines several heat sources of different types. One of them, as a rule, is a gas or solid fuel boiler with a minimum cost of thermal energy, serves as the main one. The rest are auxiliary and serve to ensure energy savings of the main system or to support it in difficult weather conditions.

Combined systems use different combinations of sources, for example:

  • electric boiler for heating water with the main gas boiler;
  • solar panels or collectors in addition to a solid fuel boiler;
  • air source heat pump to complement the wood stove.

Combined heating system
When choosing a heating system, many factors are taken into account, primarily the availability and comparative cost of various energy resources. In modern conditions, owners are increasingly choosing combined systems in which renewable heat sources become reliable aids in home heating.

Water heating system

One of the most used heating systems in our country is water heating. Laying pipes in a house or apartment is a common occurrence.

The principle of operation of water heating is as follows: water heated from the boiler naturally (or forced) circulates through the pipes, giving off heat to the room. Considering the fact that along the way water moves at joints, at pipe bends, etc. friction and local resistance are formed; many systems are equipped with valves to provide pressure, the force of which is equal to the resistance losses. Such a water heating system is called a system with artificial water circulation.

A water heating system can be structurally implemented according to two schemes:

  • Single-circuit
    (closed water circulation system, focused only on heating)
  • Double-circuit
    (a system focused simultaneously on heating the room and heating water in the water supply system). Such a system requires the use of a special double-circuit boiler.

The water heating device involves 3 fundamentally different pipe layouts in the rooms.

Heating pipe layout

Single-pipe home heating system

The diagram of a single-pipe heating system is shown in the photo.

As can be seen from the figure, the pipes are looped, and the radiators are connected in turn. Thus, the coolant leaves the boiler and passes through each of them in turn. It is worth noting that the temperature of the coolant gradually decreases. This is a significant disadvantage of the system. However, it is quite common due to its simplicity, cost-effectiveness and the ability to make a one-pipe heating system with your own hands.

How to reduce heat loss with a single-pipe heating system:

  • increase the number of sections in the last radiators (the last two or three);
  • increase the temperature of the coolant at the outlet. This, in turn, increases heating costs;
  • provide forced circulation of the coolant. That is, install a pump that will create additional pressure in the system, forcing the water to circulate faster.

Two-pipe house heating system

The diagram of a two-pipe heating system is shown in the photo. The exhaust pipe, which drains the cooled coolant from the radiator to the boiler, is highlighted in blue.

Two-pipe house heating system with bottom wiring - diagram

Scheme of a two-pipe heating system A two-pipe system ensures the supply of coolant to the radiators without loss of heat. Its varieties are shown in the photo. With parallel connection, savings on materials are achieved. With radiation, it becomes possible to regulate the temperature in each room separately.

Collector (radial) wiring

It involves the use of a special device - a collector, which collects coolant and distributes it through pipes to the batteries. The scheme is complex to implement, so it is rarely used.

Collector (radial) wiring diagram

An undoubted advantage of a water heating system is its safety.

Disadvantages include:

  • it is relatively difficult to heat a large area without significant costs (due to heat loss during water circulation);
  • aesthetic parameter. An extensive pipe system can be hidden by sacrificing a certain amount of room volume, which is not always convenient, or left in plain sight;
  • large heating radiators;
  • the likelihood of air pockets. This problem occurs after draining water from the system.

Water floor heating in the house

A water heated floor is a system of long plastic pipes laid on the base of the subfloor.

Water floor heating system

Installation of a warm water floor system is carried out in three stages:

  • laying insulation or installing a subfloor;
  • correct pipe routing, which does not allow multiple kinks.
    Both ends of the pipe are connected to the central heating. Hot water flows through one end, and is discharged back into the system through the other. When laying pipes, it is worth remembering the high risk of pipe damage. Firstly, when laying (bending). Secondly, during operation, for example, damage from a hammer drill. To prevent this, you need to draw up a detailed diagram of the pipe layout;
  • pouring screed onto the pipe system.

This system can be used as a primary or secondary system. When choosing water heating for the floor, you should remember that the system must maintain an optimal temperature regime, because at minus temperatures and the heating is turned off, the water in the pipes will freeze, which will inevitably lead to their deformation. Actually, this applies to any water heating system.

Ways to improve heating performance

Methods for thermal insulation of a house
Modern heating boilers or pipes made of new materials are not always the only factors in improving system parameters. First, experts recommend conducting a comprehensive analysis of external and internal factors affecting the characteristics of heat supply.

The most important of these is the reduction of heat losses in the building. They directly influence the optimal power that modern heating without electricity or a traditional type should have. However, ventilation standards should be taken into account - the air exchange in each room must comply with the standards. Modern methods of heating a private home should not impair the comfort of living.

Methods for optimizing the operation of a heating system can be divided into several types - installing boilers with a high efficiency rate, installing pipes with reduced heat transfer and using batteries with a good heat transfer coefficient.

First you need to calculate the feasibility of installing a particular heating element. It is important that its operation actually improves the heating performance.

Heating system modernization

Indirect heating tank in heating
To increase the current parameters of the system, you can change a number of its components. Such an improvement will be carried out only after calculating the current characteristics and identifying “weak” points in the heating circuit.

The easiest way is to install an indirect heating tank (heat accumulator). Modern electric heating combined with a multi-tariff meter will make it possible to reduce energy costs. It is important to correctly calculate the volume of the tank.

You can also make more global changes to the schema:

  • Installation of collector pipeline distribution . Relevant for houses with a large area;
  • Replacing steel pipes with polymer pipes of smaller diameter . This will make it possible to reduce the total volume of coolant, which will entail savings on its heating;
  • Installation of control devices - programmers, thermostats, etc. These modern heating devices are designed to monitor the current parameters of the system and change its operating mode depending on the settings.

Installing a new heating boiler will also significantly improve the performance. Modern gas models consume an order of magnitude less energy and have built-in control devices and safety groups. Often, modern methods of heating a country house involve the installation of long-burning pyrolysis boilers operating on fuel pellets or briquettes.

It is necessary to check in advance whether the new heating elements can be installed with the old ones. For example, in open heating installations of polypropylene pipes of small diameter are impossible. They will not be able to ensure natural circulation without installing a pump.

Alternative heating supply at home

Geothermal heating
Modern heating of a private home should include new methods of generating thermal energy. Unlike standard ones, they have low energy consumption, but are characterized by a small amount of heat generated.

Solar radiation or soil heating of the coolant can be used as a source of thermal energy. It all depends on climatic conditions, land area and financial capabilities:

  • Geothermal heating . It works on the principle of temperature differences between different layers of soil. To organize the system will require large expenses and special equipment - a heat pump;
  • Solar collector . This is one of the types of modern heating without electricity. Directly depends on the intensity of solar radiation in a particular region. In summer it can be used as hot water supply.

Often these systems are installed as auxiliary systems to reduce heating costs. Each of them requires a detailed calculation to determine the feasibility of acquisition and installation. Thus, a complex geothermal installation for a house with an area of ​​150 m² will cost about 700 thousand rubles.

To complete alternative systems, it is recommended to use modern heating pipes made of polymers. They have increased thermal insulation and are easy to install.

Steam heating at home

The system is similar to the previous one, but in this case the heat is transferred using steam. It should be noted that a century ago this system was very common, but today it is prohibited for use in residential and public premises. This is due to the fact that the surfaces of the heating devices became very hot, which causes burns, and any violation of the integrity of the system entails negative consequences.

In modern construction, a successor to the steam heating system is used - a water heating system.

Air heating at home

Also applies to heating systems whose operation is based on the principle of coolant circulation through laid channels - air ducts.

Scheme of air heating of a two-story house with an attic

Laying air ducts for air heating at home

Components of an air heating system

  • air heater or heat generator. Its purpose is to heat the air;
  • air ducts Act as a pipeline to move air flow;
  • fan. Used to redistribute air within the room.

The air system has found wider application in heating large premises: production and industrial facilities, trading floors or warehouses. The main advantage is that it is not susceptible to corrosion, temperature changes, leaks, etc. In addition, the installation cost is much lower than the cost of installing a water heating system to heat a similar area.

In private houses, air heating is rarely used. Most often this is due to the fact that due to the installation of air ducts, some volume of the room is lost.

Types of forced circulation of coolant in heating

The use of forced circulation heating schemes in two-story houses is used due to the length of the system lines (more than 30 m). This method is carried out using a circulation pump that pumps the liquid from the circuit. It is mounted at the inlet of the heating device, where the coolant temperature is lowest.

In a closed circuit, the degree of pressure that the pump develops does not depend on the number of floors and area of ​​the building. The speed of the water flow becomes greater, so when passing through the pipeline lines the coolant does not cool down much. This contributes to a more uniform distribution of heat throughout the system and the use of the heat generator in a gentle mode.

The expansion tank can be located not only at the highest point of the system, but also near the boiler. To perfect the circuit, the designers introduced an accelerating collector into it. Now, if the power goes out and the pump stops, the system will continue to operate in convection mode.

  • with one pipe;
  • two;
  • collector

You can install each one yourself or invite specialists.

One-pipe circuit option

Shut-off valves are also installed at the entrance to the battery, which serves to regulate the temperature in the room, as well as necessary when replacing equipment. A valve is installed on top of the radiator to bleed air.

Valve for batteries

To increase the uniformity of heat distribution, radiators are installed along the bypass line. If you do not use this scheme, then you will need to select batteries of different capacities, taking into account the loss of coolant, that is, the further from the boiler, the more sections.

The use of shut-off valves is not necessary, but without them the maneuverability of the entire heating system is reduced. If necessary, you will not be able to disconnect the second or first floor from the network to save fuel.

To avoid uneven distribution of the coolant, circuits with two pipes are used.

  • dead end;
  • passing;
  • collector

Options for dead-end and passing circuits

The associated option makes it easy to control the heat level, but it is necessary to increase the length of the pipeline.

The most effective is the collector circuit, which allows a separate pipe to be connected to each radiator. Heat flows evenly. There is one disadvantage - the high cost of the equipment, as the amount of consumables increases.

Scheme of collector horizontal heating

There are also vertical options for supplying the coolant, which are found with lower and upper wiring. In the first case, the drain with the supply of coolant passes through the floors, in the second, the riser goes up from the boiler to the attic, where pipes are routed to the heating elements.

Vertical scheme

Two-story houses can have a very different area, ranging from several tens to hundreds of square meters. They also differ in the location of the rooms, the presence of extensions and heated verandas, and their position to the cardinal points. Based on these and many other factors, you should decide on natural or forced coolant circulation.

A simple diagram of coolant circulation in a private house with a heating system with natural circulation.

Heating schemes with natural coolant circulation are distinguished by their simplicity. Here, the coolant moves through the pipes on its own, without the help of a circulation pump - under the influence of heat it rises, enters the pipes, is distributed among the radiators, cools down and enters the return pipe to return to the boiler. That is, the coolant moves by gravity, obeying the laws of physics.

Scheme of a closed two-pipe heating system for a two-story house with forced circulation

  • More uniform heating of the entire household;
  • Significantly large length of horizontal sections (depending on the power of the pump used, it can reach several hundred meters);
  • Possibility of more efficient connection of radiators (for example, in a diagonal pattern);
  • Possibility of installing additional fittings and bends without the risk of pressure dropping below the minimum limit.

Thus, in modern two-story houses it is best to use heating systems with forced circulation. It is also possible to install a bypass, which will help you choose between forced or natural circulation in order to select the most optimal option. We make a choice towards coercive systems as more effective.

Forced circulation has a couple of disadvantages - the need to purchase a circulation pump and the increased noise level associated with its operation.

Electric heating of a private house

Electric heating of a private home An excellent alternative to water heating is electric heating, which is a leader among autonomous heating systems due to its safety, ease of use, and the ability to regulate the temperature in each heated room.

As a rule, heating a house with electricity is chosen when it is not possible to connect to a gas supply line or for other reasons. Electric heating devices include an electric boiler, heating panels, electric convectors, film heating systems, PLEN, and infrared ceiling heaters. Among all types, heating with electric convectors will be the most optimal and justified.

Types of electric heating:

Heating the house with an electric boiler

Heating a house with an electric boiler A standard system of pipes with water or steam circulating through them, only in this case the fuel source for the boiler is electricity.

Heating a house with electric convectors

Heating a house with electric convectors The use of electric heating convectors is advisable in houses where it is not possible to connect to the gas mains.

Installation of electric convectors involves laying out electrical cables, installing sockets, and installing brackets on which the convector is hung. It is he who converts electricity into heat, while demonstrating the highest efficiency of all existing systems. There are wall-mounted and floor-mounted electric convectors.

Infrared home heating (long-wave infrared radiation)

Infrared heating of the house Essentially, this is heating using infrared heaters, the principle of operation of which is identical to the action of sunlight. Their advantage lies in more economical energy consumption - 35-40% compared to conventional convectors.

Savings are achieved due to the fact that not the entire volume of the room is heated (see diagram).

Principle of infrared heating

The difference between infrared heating and conventional heating

Installation of an infrared heating system involves installing a heater panel under the ceiling. The only condition that must be met is the correct cabling and installation of electrical equipment.

A feature of infrared heating is its high level of controllability. Due to the lack of inertia, such heaters cool and heat up faster.

IR heating at home is often used as an additional resource, heating individual rooms, for example, a bedroom or a children's room.

Electric (cable) floor heating (“warm floor”)

Electric (cable) floor heatingThe peculiarity of the heated floor system is heating the floor surface using electricity. Due to this, an optimal temperature distribution for the residents occurs - warmer at the bottom, cooler at head level (see figure). Thus, energy is not wasted on heating the air under the ceiling. This is an ideal condition both from the point of view of human comfort and from a cost point of view.

An electric heated floor is a system of heating cables (see photo) laid on the subfloor of the house.

Installation of a heated floor system is carried out in several stages:

  • the cable laying scheme is selected. This is an important step because it allows you to eliminate or minimize pressure on the floor. At the same time, it is advisable to apply markings to the subfloor, indicating the location of heavy structures;
  • a heat-insulating layer (reflecting heat) is laid. Allows you not to waste resources on heating the basement or soil;
  • cable laying and installation. To secure the cable, use a metal mesh or mounting tape. It is unacceptable to lay the cable in such a way that it bends, overlaps or bulges, and the distance to the wall must be at least 30cm;
  • installation of a thermostat. Its purpose is to ensure controllability of the system and make it possible to regulate the temperature regime;
  • then the subfloor is filled with cement mortar (layer height 3-5 cm). After the screed has hardened, the functionality of the cable is checked and the final floor covering is laid.

PLEN heating (film heating systems for ceiling or floor)

PLEN ceiling heating The operation of PLEN is based on the use of multilayer resistors located between plastic panels. Such sandwiches are capable of generating thermal radiation when current passes. (see photo).

The principle of PLEN heating design

The film is installed on the ceiling, between the heat-insulating material and the facing material (see diagram). Thus, the effect of the film is close to the effect of sunlight (invisible spectrum, wavelength 15 microns), which warms up the entire room.

Operating principle of PLEN home heating

Or they are mounted on the floor - between the subfloor and the floor covering.

PLEN floor heating

The popularity of film systems is due to their efficiency (savings up to 60% compared to convectors), environmental friendliness and ease of installation. Another factor was the unique warming effect - heat is transferred directly to the room, while the floor temperature remains comfortable. But, the cost of the PLEN system is very high and, accordingly, the payback period is decent.

Which heating scheme for a private house is best for you to decide after analyzing the situation, capabilities and parameters of the structure.

Radiant heating

Radiant heating

another type of electric. Radiant (IR) heating is based on the supply of heat to the heated room due to thermal radiation. Heating devices are most often located under the ceiling or even in the ceiling, while infrared radiation heats all objects located in its area of ​​effect. The advantages of this type of heating include high efficiency, noiselessness and mobility, the ability to be useful even in cases where the room is open.

Selection of heating system components

Assembling a heating system without special knowledge is quite difficult. But it's real. To do this you need to purchase:

Heating boiler

The core of the entire system, the basis, is the heating boiler. As already noted, its type depends on the type of fuel. In addition, you need to choose the right boiler power. Efficiency is an important point, because... you need to heat your house without extra costs.

The design of boilers operating on different fuels is not fundamentally different. Each of them consists of two chambers - a combustion chamber and a heat exchanger. The first is intended for combustion of energy carriers (gas, kerosene, diesel fuel, firewood, coal, briquettes), the second is for heating the coolant (water, antifreeze).

Advice. At this stage, you need to decide whether the boiler will work only to heat the house or provide users with hot water. In this case, you will need to install a double-circuit boiler. Or connect the boiler to a single-circuit boiler.

Pipes for heating a private house

The purpose of the pipes is to transfer heat from the boiler to the radiators in the room. Based on different approaches to pipe routing, there are three popular heating schemes: single-pipe, two-pipe and radiant (collector), the principle of which is described above - “water heating of the house”

Pipes made of different materials are used for wiring

Metal pipes (steel, stainless steel, galvanized, copper)

Steel pipes have almost replaced their polymer counterparts. The installation of iron pipes involves welding, plus they are susceptible to corrosion and are less durable. Of course, stainless steel pipes and pipes with a galvanized surface do not have such disadvantages, provided they are installed correctly (threaded connections). As for copper pipes, they have high reliability indicators and also withstand high pressure and temperature well. But the cost makes them inaccessible.

Plastic pipes (metal-plastic, polypropylene, polyethylene)

The best and most common option. Metal-plastic pipes are available and do not require special qualifications for installation work. Joined by hot pressing. The main disadvantage is the high rate of thermal expansion.

Heating radiators (batteries)

Taking into account their popularity and prevalence, three types can be distinguished:

traditional cast iron radiators. They are comparatively cheap, have a large internal volume, and accordingly, they hold more coolant and transfer heat well;

convectors. They heat the room thanks to the air passing through them, which heats individual sections.

panel radiators are a combination of the two previous types.


Allows you to regulate the temperature in each room separately.

Expansion tank

It is installed to compensate for the expansion of the coolant.

There are open and closed expansion tanks (photo).

In the first case, the expansion tank is installed at the highest point of the system. In the second case, the installation location is not decisive.

Air valve

Needed to remove air from the heating system.

We determine the equipment for home

Central heating in a private house

Central heating in a private house

When connecting a house to the central system, you will have to choose from three possible schemes: independent, elevator, dependent direct-flow. They differ in the equipment used.

  1. An independent scheme is chosen when it is necessary to avoid pressure surges in the system due to the design features of the house. If the system is made of plastic pipes, this is required. A circulation pump is required - it helps reduce resource costs and lightens the load on the equipment. And you need an expansion tank. It compensates for excess pressure when the coolant (water) expands during the heating process.
  2. The second scheme: the elevator unit helps to adapt the hot water of the central network, where the standard is up to 150 degrees, to the standard of the house system - around 90 degrees. The water in the storage compartment of the house is mixed with the superheated water of the central system. The elevator performs 3 functions: pump, hot water flow and temperature regulator, mixer. This method of organizing heating is popular.
  3. The direct-flow dependent system is simple to design, operate and maintain. There is only a central boiler room, a pipe system and radiators. No more equipment. Plastic pipes and aluminum radiators are prohibited due to high pressure and pressure changes.

Central heating in an apartment building

Central heating in an apartment building

In apartment buildings, central heating does not require special equipment. But still, there are rules. Heating is done according to four schemes:

  1. Single-pipe works in Stalin's and Khrushchev's houses. There is one main line, both supply and return pass through it. The downside is large heat losses as you move away from the heat source. This can be stopped by increasing the number of sections as water moves in the pipes. In this scheme it will not be possible to regulate the temperature. If you want to change radiators, you cannot change them to radiators of a different design. This leads to heating malfunctions.
  2. "Leningradka" is an advanced analogue of the single-pipe circuit. Using a bypass, the supply of coolant (water or steam) in the system is regulated. Bypass is a pipe jumper that connects the direct radiator supply to the return one. If you look at the battery, it is a thin pipe that connects the upper and lower level of pipes in front of the radiator.
  3. The two-pipe circuit works on the principle of separating the supply and return lines. With this scheme, you can change radiators within the recommended models and install regulators to control parameters, even automatic ones.
  4. The beam circuit is installed in new buildings of a special type. The devices are connected in parallel and they do not affect each other. It is possible to control the level of heat supply. Within the apartment you can design the configuration.

The working pressure in the central system is from 8 to 10 atmospheres. And at the time of crimping - from 12 to 14. Therefore, PVC pipes are not suitable. Aluminum radiators will also not withstand such loads. It is better to take steel, bimetallic or cast iron. Radiators that are too lightweight are a sign of poor quality. It's better not to save money here.

Autonomous heating in a private house

If there is no alternative to central heating, and no utilities are planned nearby, then autonomy is inevitable. What does an autonomous home system consist of? This is a heating device, pipelines and shut-off valves.

The choice of equipment for a private home begins with determining the boiler. What types of boilers are there:

  • Solid fuel – the fuel is wood, coal, pellets. They rank second in terms of efficiency after gas. But the operation process is labor-intensive. Pros: easy to get, lights up quickly. Cons: low efficiency - 70%, frequent cleaning of combustion products, soot in the boiler room. A fuel storage facility will be required and it will need to be loaded frequently. It is also important to think about the traction control. In order not to overheat the parts in the absence of electricity, a chimney is designed. Suitable as a backup or auxiliary heat source: heat the house to the desired temperature, and then turn on the electric boiler to maintain it.

Solid fuel boiler
  • Diesel boilers are usually floor-mounted and have a spent fuel ejection device. When connected, a container for storing liquid fuel is provided. The tank is installed indoors or buried in the ground. The minimum volume is 750 liters. There is winter and summer diesel fuel. Serviced once every 12 months: filters are changed, nozzles are cleaned. Pros: affordable cost, you can adjust the temperature as desired, the system is automatic. Cons: noisy during operation, expensive diesel fuel, fire hazard, storing fuel is problematic, servicing the boiler is labor-intensive.

    Diesel boiler
  • Gas boilers are the most popular. 5 times cheaper than liquid fuel ones and 3 times more economical than electric ones. There are wall-mounted and floor-mounted. Floor durable. They heat any area and often do not depend on electricity. When installing a wall-mounted boiler, additional equipment is minimal. They don't take up space and are easy to manage. There are single-circuit ones - they only heat. There are dual-circuit ones - both for heat and for hot water supply. But if there are more than two water intake points in the house and more than 2 family members, then you need a heating boiler from 75 to 600 liters. There are models with a built-in boiler. It is better to buy a 1-circuit boiler for a summer house. For winter, anti-freeze liquid is poured into it. For dual-circuit models, it is inconvenient to drain the liquid before winter; the remaining liquid can freeze and damage the devices. Gas boilers operate on main and liquefied gas. In winter, the liquefied gas cylinder has to be changed frequently. If there is main gas, then there are no disadvantages. You can choose power using the formula: 1 kilowatt (kW) per 10 m2.

A gas boiler
  • Electric boilers are the cheapest installation and equipment, but the most expensive fuel. If there is no gas, then the best type of heating. Eco-friendly, no harmful emissions, high efficiency, no need to build a separate boiler room and chimney. Before purchasing equipment, it is better to clarify what power can be used to determine the load. Electric boilers are silent, there is no maintenance, and the temperature can be controlled automatically. Disadvantages: expensive resource, electrical dependence, do not work well when power drops.

Electric boiler with expansion tank and circulation pump

It is better to prepare a separate place or room for the boiler. If there is enough space, then choose a floor-standing boiler. If there is no extra space, then a wall-hung boiler will do.

It is better to design the heating circuit for a private house already at the construction stage. Having a diagram of the placement of pipes around the house, it will be possible to leave holes for them in advance. With a house area of ​​200 m2 or more, it is better to choose a boiler with two system circuits. You will also need an expansion tank and a heating circulation pump.

Autonomous heating in an apartment building

Autonomous heating in the apartment

Abandoning central heating and switching to autonomous heating is difficult, but possible. It is illegal to change heating communications without permission. Utilities are reluctant to part with payers. To do this, it is necessary to obtain a decision through the court to disconnect from the central system. You first need to check with the housing and communal services department whether it is possible to implement this. At the same time, they order the development of an individual project and obtain the necessary signatures from firefighters and housing and communal services. They collect a package of documents: diagrams and technical documentation. Obtain permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority. Next, they look for equipment and install it correctly.

To switch to autonomous heating of an apartment you need:

  • Buy a circulation pump and install a heat exchanger. It is hung on the wall above the line of radiators;
  • Select and install the boiler. It is important not to skimp on equipment, but to give preference to models with a safety system and a closed combustion chamber. Take into account the pressure and temperature of the water in the system;
  • The scheme is determined based on the layout. Often preference is given to Leningrad: a single-pipe scheme with parallel placement of radiators.

When switching to an autonomous heating system, any uncoordinated procedure can lead to heat loss from neighbors.

Calculation of the heating system of a private house

Calculation of heating boiler power

The boiler power depends on the area of ​​the house or apartment that needs heating. To heat 10 sq.m. living space with a ceiling height of 3 meters and a well-insulated building requires a boiler with a capacity of 1 kW.

An approximate calculation of boiler power depending on the area of ​​the house is presented in the table

House area, sq.m.Boiler power, kW.
50-200> 25

Important! Boiler calculations for heating a house need to be adjusted taking into account such parameters as:

  • features of energy supply. For gas, the pressure in the system is important. Typically, the manufacturer indicates the boiler power at the rated gas pressure. In reality it is lower, so you need to buy a boiler with a power reserve of 15-20%. For an electric boiler, the quality of the laid lines and the power of the transformer are important;
  • type of heated room. When heating non-residential premises, the design power is reduced by 20-40%. When heating the winter garden - increases by 10-50% depending on the type of plant;
  • number of windows (taking into account the type of glazing) and doors. The larger the area through which heat can escape, the greater the reserve for boiler power that needs to be provided;
  • minimum air temperature in the region;
  • additional needs. Additional heating of water for use will also lead to an increase in boiler power by 30-40%.

You can use programs for calculating heating:

  • home heating calculator
  • home heating cost calculator

Advice. If you do not need hot water all the time, then you should give preference to boilers with priority hot water supply. Then the water heats up quickly due to the fact that all the power of the boiler is directed to heating the water. The heating turns off. But, since hot water is not needed all the time, the system does not have time to cool down significantly.

Calculation of heating pipes

The most modern material for making pipes today is PVC or plastic. They replaced metal or galvanized ones. The advantage of PVC pipes is that they are lighter, cheaper, have a smaller diameter, are easier to install, are not subject to corrosion and practically do not clog. The newest generation of pipes can be called the TECEflex metal-polymer pipe. It bends easily with your hands, which allows you to give it any shape.

The number of pipes depends on the type of system used and the heated area. The diameter (section) of the pipes is also calculated.

The underfloor heating system stands somewhat apart. In this case, pipes are laid across the floor area. Their number is determined separately depending on the method of installing the floor.

Calculation of the number of heating radiators

Radiators differ in the material they are made from.

Cast iron gives off heat well, has a low price, but is very labor-intensive to install.

Aluminum ones are aesthetically pleasing, can withstand high pressure, are easy to install, but have a high cost.

Bimetallic - a new product on the market, consists of an aluminum body and a steel pipe - a successful combination of the first two types.

Due to the fact that it is recommended to place radiators under the window (so that the heat from the radiator blocks the cold air coming from the window), their number should be equal to or greater than the number of windows.

In addition, the number of sections is determined by the size of the window and the area of ​​the room. It is recommended that there be at least 7 sections of the radiator installed in the living room.

There is no need to cover the radiator with a decorative panel; this reduces the amount of incoming heat.

Advice. In a two-story house, place radiators below each other to use a common riser.

Calculation of thermostats

The maximum number of thermostats depends on the number of radiators, and the minimum is determined by user preferences.

Advice. Before making heating calculations, take care of high-quality insulation of the house.

Pros and cons of central heating

Central heating
Central heating is widespread in Russia everywhere. And this is a reality that many are sometimes forced to put up with. Although they have to solve the problems of blockage and wear of the batteries, they have to endure insufficiently high heating temperatures of the radiators due to the poor preservation of the pipes that supply heat from the boiler room to the house.

These are all disadvantages, and one plus is the relative stability of such a heat source, which tends to deteriorate over time.

Do you want to improve the design of your apartment with central heating? Then it makes sense to replace the widespread cast-iron batteries with more stylish ones - made of steel or bimetallic (material - aluminum and steel, or aluminum and copper), or only made of aluminum and only copper.

The new items are good because they are more durable, but they have a disadvantage - they are prone to “airing”, i.e. they need constant monitoring.

True, cast iron batteries are not bad either. They are the most durable and strong. Plus they're cheap.

So the choice is yours.

Read on our website - built-in heating radiators - heat from under the floor.

How to properly replace a radiator in an apartment? Read the link: https://remontspravka.com/zamena-batarey-otopleniya-v-kvartire/

If you are interested in battery installation, you will also find it on our website.

Development of a design scheme for individual heating

A heating system diagram for a private home is a document that contains the following information:

  • boiler installation location. It is recommended to install the boiler in the basement or boiler room. In any case, the possibility of connecting communications (electricity and cold water supply) to the boiler will be of decisive importance.
  • battery installation location. Radiators are installed under windows;
  • detailed plan for laying pipes throughout the premises of the house. The installation location of taps, fittings and other consumables must be indicated;
  • description of the combustion product removal system (if necessary);
  • other specific features characteristic of the selected individual heating system.

The project must be approved by the relevant authorities.

Thermosiphon systems

The thermosyphon heating system is powered by solar heat. Heat is transferred to the pipes of the device by convection.

The fuel, heated by the sun's rays, changes its position in the air and is collected in a heat exchanger.

The principle that uses such passive heating of a house works due to the phenomenon of convection. Such systems can be classified as backup heating at home, that is, which will be spare.

Solar vacuum collector is the main component of a thermosyphon heating system

Registration and receipt of permits

Among the regulations that regulate the installation of an individual heating system, the following can be noted:

  • the Heat Supply Law contains provisions that regulate the installation of heating systems with requirements and restrictions;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 “On the procedure for connecting to heat supply systems,” which determines the characteristics of boilers suitable for installation in an apartment or private house.

What documents are needed for heating with a gas boiler?

  • obtain technical specifications for gasification from the gas service of your area of ​​residence. Specifications are issued upon presentation of a document certifying your ownership of housing, permission from the architectural and planning department, a copy of the technical passport of the BTI, passport, identification code and an application for gasification of the building.
  • Specifications may differ depending on the purpose of the room, heating intensity, location, etc. The service is paid. The period for issuing technical specifications is up to 30 days;
  • prepare a topographic survey of the site;
  • prepare a gas supply project - independently or with the involvement of specialists. Coordinate the project with the district gas service;
  • obtain written permission from your neighbors to gasify your home (if the gas pipeline runs through their area);
  • provide documents for gas equipment and a chimney inspection report;
  • receive a document on commissioning of the system (issued after installation). The period for receiving it is up to 30 days. Based on this document, the meters are sealed, connected to the central pipeline and a new contract for gas supply is concluded.

What documents are needed for an electric heating system?

  • submit a package of documents to the RES to obtain permission to connect to the network. The package includes: an application (indicating the type of object, location, applicant’s data), a document confirming payment for obtaining technical specifications for the installation (permission) of the boiler, a questionnaire (consent of neighbors), a document certifying ownership of the house;
  • coordinate the technical solution of the project with the Distribution Zone;
  • purchase an electric boiler and install it (either independently or with the assistance of specialists);
  • conclude an agreement for the use of electricity. The agreement contains information on new energy tariffs;
  • seal the new meter.

Advice. Installing a three-mode meter will allow you to pay for energy at different tariffs, which is more profitable for the user.

In case of unauthorized installation of a heating system, a fine is imposed, the amount of which is determined by local authorities and disconnection from the gas and electricity supply system. To reconnect the boiler, you will need to pay a fine and also agree on the project, i.e. complete all steps.

Pros and cons of gas heating

Gas heating
Gas heating is a system that provides the room with both heat and hot water using gas cylinders or a gas boiler. This method is more often used in individually built houses or in apartment buildings for luxury housing.

Boilers come in low power (from 4 to 65 kW) - they are produced in floor-mounted and wall-mounted versions. Medium (up to 1700 kW) and high power (15000 kW) boilers are floor-standing only.

The cost of a wall-mounted boiler ranges from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. Floor-standing is more expensive - from 70 thousand rubles.

Although purchasing a gas boiler will be expensive, installing and further using a gas boiler in one apartment is more economical, since if the central gas supply is damaged (which happens), the gas boiler will not have to be replaced.

Pros: the relative cheapness of natural gas, cost-effectiveness, constant monitoring of the boiler is not required, it is less susceptible to corrosion.

Cons: there is a risk of gas poisoning when entering the apartment and the possibility of an explosion. You can’t install it if there is no gas pipeline near the house.

Installation of a heating system for a private house

It can be carried out simultaneously with the construction of a house or installed in an already used building.

In the first case, installation is simpler, more economical and allows pipes to be mounted in walls or laid on the floor.

However, no matter at what stage individual heating is carried out in the house, you must meet the requirements for its installation:

  • The system is installed only in a warm room. The system should not be started at temperatures below 5°C. This is necessary to avoid overcooling of the coolant;
  • pipes are installed along/inside the walls or mounted in the floor. The minimum installation height is 150 mm. Otherwise, the pipes may be damaged when installing skirting boards;
  • pipe drops are eliminated. This will avoid the appearance of air locks in the system;
  • Radiators are installed near windows at a distance of at least 150 mm. from the floor and 50 mm. from the windowsill. In this case, the radiators of all rooms must be located on the same level. Radiators of various types are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations;
  • It is necessary to have an expansion tank and a drain to avoid system failure. Draining is necessary to be able to completely replace the coolant in the system. It is recommended to replace the water in the system at least once every 7 years. For systems with antifreeze at least once every 3-4 years (according to the manufacturer's specifications) and with mandatory flushing of the system.

The procedure for installing the heating system:

  • boiler installation;
  • pipe routing;
  • installation of radiators;
  • joining of radiators and pipes with installation of thermostats;
  • installation of an expansion tank and pump;
  • connecting the boiler to the system.

Classes of heating radiators and their types and features

The principle of operation of a radiator is to transfer heat to the surrounding space from the coolant fluid circulating in this heating device.

The autonomous heating system (AHS) consists of:

  • boiler;
  • pipelines;
  • thermal elements.

The table shows the main types of thermal appliances:

DeviceOperating principleExample
RadiatorHeat is radiatedceiling radiant panels, sectional cast iron, tubular radiators
BatteryHeat is radiated and also transferred by convectionsectional aluminum, sectional steel, bimetallic, tubular
ConvectorHeat is mainly transferred by convectionplate, tubular convectors, finned tubes

Heating a house with radiators
In addition, heating devices are divided into the following classes, let's consider a unique rating of heating radiators from this side:


They consist of heating sections that are connected to each other. The more sections, the more heat they will transfer to the surrounding space. To prevent the room from overheating, special thermostats are installed on the radiators to regulate the temperature.

Standard cast iron radiators are also sectional: heat from them is transferred in the form of infrared radiation, evenly distributed throughout the room - top, bottom and middle. Such batteries have large dimensions and thick walls, which accumulate enough heat so that it is emitted in the infrared spectrum. It is this method of heating that is considered optimal for human health, although it must be borne in mind that part of the heating also occurs through convection.

Thanks to the thick walls, such batteries have high thermal inertia - therefore, after turning off the AOS, the radiators remain hot for a long time. Cast iron is not very susceptible to corrosion and is not afraid of harmful impurities in the coolant - the service life of such devices reaches 50 years. One of the disadvantages is the heavy weight.

Aluminum radiators have good heat transfer (1/2 radiation + 1/2 convection) and quickly warm up the room. Compared to cast iron, they are more lightweight, and in general, the ability to transfer heat into the room is several times higher than that of cast iron and steel.

An additional advantage of modern models is the ability to regulate the temperature using a valve with a thermal head. The metal surface is coated with a protective coating, which increases its service life. The cost of aluminum radiators is low, and therefore the prices are more affordable.

Aluminum radiators cannot withstand high overloads, so they are not used in central heating systems (CHS). They break due to pressure surges, the presence of rust or sand particles in the coolant. Chemical additives are not allowed in liquids.

Bimetallic heating radiators consist of external aluminum plates and steel pipes located inside the sections. They are valued for their reliability and durability, but are not cheap. Equally well suited for centralized and autonomous heating systems.

Radiators are also produced that have only steel-reinforced vertical pipes. These are no longer completely bimetallic devices; they are less corrosion resistant. Among their advantages, it is worth noting their high thermal conductivity, which is higher than that of real bimetallic radiators.


Steel tubular heating devices give off heat well, are economical in terms of energy consumption, and heat up quickly. Their disadvantage is that they are sensitive to oxidative processes. If the coolant fluid does not fill the steel radiator reservoirs, it will begin to corrode. Another weakness of a steel radiator is its hypersensitivity to water quality. Even if the water is considered good by usual standards and can be drunk, it is recommended to install filters to minimize the formation of scale.

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If you need to order high-quality installation of engineering systems (heating, water supply), please contact DESIGN PRESTIGE by phone +7 , and we will install the system at a professional level in accordance with high quality standards.

The sizes of steel tubular radiators are from 30 cm to 3 m. The number of rows of tubes is 1–9. They are considered very reliable - the permissible operating pressure for devices from a number of Russian manufacturers reaches 15 atm. Radiator reservoirs are designed to hold a large volume of liquid, so they quickly reach the required temperature levels when it is necessary to increase or decrease power. The method of heat transfer is radiation and convection.

Steel radiators are also used as heated towel rails, which, in addition to drying clothes, provide additional heating in bathrooms

Floor radiators-benches with support legs are steel tubular heating devices with a seat in the form of a wooden board on top. They are connected to the heating system in the same way as conventional radiators. They can also serve as the main heating device in rooms such as the kitchen, bathroom, hallway.


These steel radiators are a rectangular panel that acts as a heating device. The panel consists of 2 ribbed sheets welded to each other; plates with a U-shaped relief are placed inside.

Operating pressure is 6–8 atm, high sensitivity to pressure changes, therefore they are used only in autonomous heating systems for residential and commercial premises. Such radiators can consist of 1, 2, 3 heating plates. React quickly to temperature changes. The main method of heat transfer is convection. The choice of sizes of such devices is wide enough so that they can be selected for a room of any size.

Ceiling thermal panels consist of steel plates to which pipes intended for coolant are welded. Their use is advisable in rooms with high ceilings from 3 to 20 m. Heat transfer is carried out by radiation.


Plate heating devices consist of horizontally arranged pipes to which metal plates are welded, thereby increasing the surface area for heat transfer. Heat transferrs can additionally be covered with protective covers. The advantage of such radiators is their reliability - they can be used for centralized and autonomous heating. The main method of heat transfer is convective, so the space is heated unevenly: it is much warmer on top. They are mainly used for offices, corridors, garages and utility rooms, but there are also models for residential premises.

Test run of the heating system of a private house

After the heating system in the house is installed, it is tested. To do this, you need to fill the pipes with coolant and create the necessary pressure. Next, check the pipe connections and the junction of the pipes with the radiators. If defects are detected, they must be eliminated and retested.


Thus, installing a heating system in a private house is a complex, lengthy process and requires certain knowledge. Plus, the cost of components and installation work will be far from cheap. In addition, do not forget that every step, every decision is consistent with the licensing authorities. Only after agreement with them and a test run of the system can we say with confidence that the heating system is installed correctly and will ensure its efficient, and most importantly safe, use.

Fan heaters in heating

Fan heater installation diagram: 1 – Stand, 2 – Fan heater, 3 – Screw, 4 – Locking washer.

In addition to heat guns, air heating components include fan heaters. They have much smaller dimensions than heat guns, but the effect of their work is almost the same. This difference becomes very advantageous for using a fan heater in small rooms where it is not necessary to maintain a constant temperature.

Thus, in a private home, this unit is indispensable when the main heating system cannot cope with its direct responsibilities. And if you suddenly wake up in the morning from too cool air, then by turning on the fan heater, you can provide comfortable conditions in a short period of time. Another advantage of the fan heater is that it is used not only as a heater, but it is quite possible to use it throughout the year. In order for you to be able to provide yourself with comfortable living conditions in hot weather, it will be enough to simply turn off the thermal component and enjoy the cool air flows in a private home.

Such units can be either stationary or portable. Therefore, you should not worry about the fact that he will not be able to provide you with the proper conditions in all areas of the house. Fan heaters differ in the fuel they run on. The most common types of such fan heaters are electric units. In addition to them, fan heaters operating on gas (including liquefied gas), fuel oil and kerosene are also used here. The last 2 options are usually used in industrial enterprises, as well as stationary types of fan heaters.

Electric types are preferred because you don't have to worry about malfunctions or too high a heating coefficient when using them. While during operation the oil units are constantly switched off, which is necessary in order to prevent their overheating and possible ignition.

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