What temperature of the heating radiator should be in apartments according to snip

It is useful for residents of apartment buildings (MKD) to find out what the temperature of the batteries should be according to the standards, how to achieve normal heating and recalculate the service fee. This knowledge will allow you not to freeze in winter and not overpay.

  • What laws regulate the supply of heat?
  • What should be the temperature in the rooms
  • What factors influence temperature
      External factors affecting central heat supply
  • Indoor factors affecting temperature
  • Why can it be cold in an apartment?
  • How to measure the temperature of the water in the battery
  • What to do with cold batteries
      How to file a complaint
  • Where to go with a specific heating problem
  • Blockage in the battery - how to identify and fix it
  • Malfunction of the radiator shut-off valves
  • Incorrect heating system settings
  • Air locks in the system
  • How to reduce your heating bills
      Reasons why recalculation should be carried out
  • How to get a heating bill recalculated?
  • What temperature should radiators be in winter?

    If the apartment is still cold when the heating season begins, you need to find out the reasons for this deviation. The most common is airiness in the system, which is easy to deal with on your own. If radiators and pipes work normally, most likely, the standard heat in the apartment does not depend on them.


    Heat transfer standards for batteries are the values ​​​​established by law for heating radiators, which are necessary to maintain a comfortable microclimate in a living space and are +18...+25°C. They are established by SNiP 41-01-2003.

    Minimum and maximum value

    Legislation establishes standards for heat supply indicators:

    1. The battery temperature of +95°C is maximum if a two-pipe heating system is used.
    2. +115°C is the maximum threshold for houses with a single-pipe system.
    3. The optimal heat transfer from radiators in winter is +80…+90°C. An increase to +100°C is dangerous due to boiling of the coolant. To lower the heating level, you need to install a regulator.

    The minimum value is dependent on the outside air temperature in winter: it increases from +39°C at +5°C to +70°C at -15°C. A specific minimum size has not been established; heating is designed to provide heat in the living space at the proper level.

    Useful video

    This video is a brief overview of two thermometers from the German company Watts.

    In order to live comfortably in an apartment or country house during the winter, it is necessary to equip a heating system. If you live in the private sector, this may be an autonomous network, but if you live in an apartment building, then it is centralized. In any case, it is necessary that the temperature of the batteries during the heating season complies with the standards provided for by law and the relevant SNiP.

    Heating radiator temperature in the apartment: normal

    Minimum indicator

    It happens that even when the heating is turned on, there is still not enough heat in the apartment. This happens if the standard temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment does not correspond to the real one. As a rule, this happens for several reasons, the most popular of which is airiness in the system. To eliminate it, you can call a specialist or handle it yourself using a Mayevsky crane.

    If the culprit is the unsuitability of batteries or pipes, then you cannot do without specialists. In any case, the period when the heating system was not working and the temperature of the radiators in the apartment did not meet the standards according to GOST standards should not be paid by the consumer.

    Unfortunately, there is no minimum standard for the temperature of heating radiators in an apartment, so you have to navigate by the air temperature in the room. What heating temperature should be in the apartment? Heating standards for an apartment in an apartment building should vary from +16 to +25 degrees.

    In order to document that the temperature of the heating pipes in the apartment does not correspond to the norm, you need to invite a representative of the organization that provides heat to the house.

    Maximum indicator

    Heating parameters in an apartment building are described in some detail in SNiP 41-01 of 2003:

    1. If the building uses a two-pipe heating structure, then the maximum permissible radiator temperature is considered to be +95 degrees.
    2. For a single-pipe system, the temperature of the heating pipes in the apartment is +115.
    3. The optimal temperature of heating radiators in an apartment (the norm in winter) is +80-90 degrees. If it approaches +100 °C, urgent measures are needed to prevent the coolant from boiling in the system.

    Although radiator manufacturers indicate on their products the maximum temperature threshold is quite high, you should not reach it too often, as this can lead to their failure.

    To make sure that the heating standards in the apartment in winter correspond to the guests, you need to measure the temperature of the radiators.

    For this:

    1. You can use a regular medical thermometer, but keep in mind that you will need to add a couple of degrees to its result.
    2. Use an infrared thermometer.
    3. If you only have an alcohol thermometer at hand, then you need to tape it tightly to the radiator, after wrapping it in heat-insulating material.

    If the temperature does not coincide with the norm, then you need to write a request to the heating network office to carry out a control measurement. Based on this request, a commission must come and make all the calculations.


    The most convenient and reliable is a portable infrared pyrometer with an accuracy class of 0.5. It takes readings remotely. That is, it is enough to point the bell at the surface to measure and record the value.

    It is important that all measuring instruments, the readings of which will be used for complaints to government authorities and legal proceedings, must be operational and accurate. This can be confirmed by having them verified once a year by an accredited organization.


    Without a pyrometer, you can check the heat transfer with a regular thermometer. To do this, you need to attach it with a flask to the battery, secure it with tape, and wrap it with heat-insulating material.

    Heating standards for individual heating systems

    Apartment with autonomous heat supply

    In this case, the concept of heating norm should be understood as the heat transfer of a heating device, which is per unit area of ​​the room where this device is installed. It is worth distinguishing between the concepts of “radiator” and “heating device”. For example, ventilation and air conditioning while simultaneously heating it, which is performed using combined air conditioners, does not fall under the concept of either a radiator or a heating device.

    The formula for determining the norm for heat supply systems with a known thermal power of the heating device P, W has the form:

    Here S is the area of ​​the room in m2 for which this calculation is performed; h – height of the room in m; 41 – empirical coefficient of minimum thermal power for premises with permanent location of people.

    The resulting value must be correlated with the actual heat transfer of the heating device. Depending on the type of heating system, this parameter per section is:

    1. For cast iron radiators - 90-160 W (higher data corresponds to a maximum coolant temperature of 90°C; for lower values, the heating rate should be proportionally recalculated).
    2. For steel radiators - 60-170 W (as the coolant temperature decreases, the thermal power of steel radiators drops more sharply than that of cast iron ones).
    3. For aluminum and bimetallic radiators 160-200 W.

    Dividing the P value by the standard heat transfer rate of a radiator of a certain type, we obtain the number of sections required to ensure the required standards. All that remains is to purchase them. Thus, for an individual home, compliance with the thermal regime is ensured mainly due to the design features of heating devices.

    To increase the accuracy of calculating standards, it is necessary to take into account the method of connecting heating devices. Thus, with a bottom connection, the standard thermal power of radiators is reduced by 10%, and when connected via a single-pipe system - by 25-30%.

    It should be noted that the thermal power of a heating device of any type is largely determined by the permissible pressure of the coolant that is pumped through this device. The minimum pressure in the heating system must be at least 2-4 atm. and the maximum is 6-8 atm. In the first case, heating will be extremely ineffective, and in the second, the pipelines may not withstand it. Thus, heating standards for an individual house (or for autonomous heating of an apartment) are calculated depending on the type of heating devices and the actual coolant pressure in the heating system.

    What state standards regulate heat supply?

    GOSTs or state quality standards serve to regulate relations between the consumer and the manufacturer/supplier of any product or service. In this case, the manufacturer or supplier of heating services is the heating company (boiler house). Housing and communal services are a legal entity whose responsibilities, according to the contract, include providing citizens with heating services. The consumer of such a service is, accordingly, any person who has entered into an agreement for the provision of services with the company.

    And in each specific situation, the state standard will determine acceptable norms, boundaries of norms and deviations from them for each industry. It is these standards that regulate what temperature of heating radiators in an apartment is normal. Reaching what degrees constitutes a violation of state standards and what measures should be taken?

    So what standard determines what the desired temperature of the battery in the apartment should be? GOST 30494-2011 is a quality standard required by the state for all service providers to properly perform their services. determines everything related to heat in a comfortable apartment.

    But whatever the heating temperature in the apartment, the norm should always be within the range of 20 to 22 degrees Celsius in order for the room to be suitable for habitation. The minimum mark according to sanitary standards is 18 degrees Celsius. The temperature in the room should not be below this mark (provided that your windows are closed and the room is sealed, heating elements and other additional heating devices are not turned on)

    It is also worth noting that today the GOST standard for the temperature of heating radiators in an apartment is not a mandatory rule, but has only a recommendatory quality standard, which the service company is free to adhere to or not to adhere to at its discretion. In practice, it is almost impossible to force a heating company to comply with GOST requirements. Also, the rule about what the temperature of the batteries in an apartment should be is regulated by SANPIN standards. And although GOST standards are legally higher than SANPIN standards, it is the latter that are used as a measure of standards in enterprises. This means that it will depend on them what the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment will be.

    Temperature conditions in various rooms and their standards

    Although the standards for apartments in apartment buildings are determined by regulatory documents, they differ somewhat depending on the location of the dwelling in the building structure. Thus, the heat standard in a corner apartment in winter, which is exposed to frost and wind more than other rooms, ranges from +20 °C.

    Inside the apartment, different temperature standards also apply for different rooms, depending on their purpose. Thus, GOST establishes the following permissible and optimal values ​​for:

    • living rooms - 18 °C (20-22);
    • kitchens - 20°C (22-23);
    • combined toilets and bathrooms - 18 °C (24-26);
    • toilets - 18 °C (19-21);
    • premises for study and recreation - 18 °C (20-22);
    • pantries - 14 °C (16-18);
    • inter-apartment corridors - 16 °C (18-20);
    • staircases, lobbies -12°C (16-18).

    According to the same GOST, from 24:00 to 5:00 in residential premises the temperature can be reduced by 3°C.

    How to determine that the water temperature in radiators is below normal

    A device that measures surface temperature with a beam.

    The quality of heating is often determined by the air temperature in the room. If you feel that the rooms are cool, you need to measure the temperature. The maximum permissible temperature is +18 degrees. If it is lower, then you need to identify the cause. The main reasons may be leaky windows and doors, but a more compelling reason is low water temperature in the radiators.

    To determine what the temperature of the batteries in your apartment should be, there are special calculations. They are compiled by specialists who compare the temperature of the water in the radiators and the ambient temperature. You need to call a special service that will measure the temperature in the heating radiators in your apartment. The obtained data is compared with the temperature graph data. This graph has already calculated what temperature should be in the direct and return water supply pipes.

    Table. Temperature graph of the ratio of heating to ambient temperature.

    Ambient temperature

    Direct water temperature

    Return water temperature

    These data are given for a single-pipe heating system, with water supplied from bottom to top. According to the table, when the outside air temperature is, for example, -10 degrees Celsius, the return water temperature should be at least 63 degrees. And this does not depend on which floor the measurements are taken - on the first or fifth. In a two-pipe heating system, the water temperature at -15 outside is allowed to be 95 degrees with direct water supply.

    Each locality has its own temperature chart. It is approved by the city administration.

    If the battery temperature in the apartment is below normal, this means that the boiler room is saving on heating. After water measurements, specialists draw up a report, and utility workers must correct all problems. At the same time, everyone has the right to demand a recalculation of heating fees. The rent should be reduced according to the square footage of the apartment. The temperature of the water in the radiators is one of the main factors in a warm home. According to battery temperature standards, a coolant must be supplied to the apartment, the degree of heating of which ranges between 80-85 degrees.

    It is very simple to make heating with heating elements in your home, and each heat exchanger will not depend on the others. To do this, simply screw the heating element into the bottom end of the battery and connect it to the electrical network.

    Here you will find everything about infrared heating of a private house: reviews, calculations and drawings.

    Ways to increase heat transfer

    From the point of view of releasing the maximum amount of heat into space, it is less effective than a pipe, perhaps a ball. It has an even worse surface to volume ratio.

    What did the ancestors do to make these monstrous heating devices warm?

    How to increase the heat transfer of a pipe?

    Increased infrared radiation from the heating device. Simply painting the register with matte black paint gave a noticeable warming effect in the room. By the way, the current chrome plating of modern bathroom coils looks impressive, but from the point of view of the heat transfer of the device, it is pure idiocy.

    The heat transfer of steel pipes can also be increased due to fins welded or otherwise mounted on the outside of the pipe. The final stage of implementation of this method is a convector, a coil of pipe with transverse plates. Of course, in this case, all methods for calculating the heat transfer of a pipe are not applicable - the pipe gives off a smaller portion of the heat in this device.

    Temperature of heating radiators in the apartment: standards

    Apartment heating standards determine the specific value of a sufficient indicator for residential and non-residential premises, with permissible deviations from their indicators.

    They are developed more simply than for work premises, since those living in the housing exhibit low and, at the same time, stable activity:

    • For residential premises, the air temperature is from 20 to 22 degrees Celsius, while acceptable limits are considered to be from 18 to 24 degrees;
    • If we take corner rooms, then the indicator should not be less than twenty degrees, since such rooms are more susceptible than others to low external temperatures and winds;

    What temperature should the apartment be during the heating season?

    What to do if the radiators in the apartment are cold, read here.

    • The kitchen is a work space where, in most cases, there is a heat source - an electric or gas oven. The temperature in this room should be between 19-21 degrees. Acceptable is from 18 to 26 degrees;
    • The optimal temperature for toilets is 19-21 degrees. The limit values ​​range from 18 to 26. One way or another, bathrooms are not among the coolest rooms;
    • The bathroom is a hot room because it has a fairly high level of humidity. The minimum temperature here ranges from 18 to 24 degrees. The permissible maximum is 26 degrees. But still, at another 20 degrees, the comfort of using this room decreases;
    • For non-residential premises, the temperature is calculated based on the frequency of their operation. In corridors, the acceptable temperature level is 18-20 degrees, however, 16 is also acceptable. For storerooms, the air temperature should be 16-18 degrees. Permissible limits are 12 and 22 degrees.

    Since the need for heat during sleep is somewhat reduced, according to GOST, it is allowed to lower the temperature level in residential premises to 3 degrees from 00.00 to 05.00 in the morning. Such a decrease in the norm will not be considered a violation.

    What are the requirements for the heating system?

    The heating process in a multi-storey building is based on the results of many engineering calculations, sometimes they are not so successful.

    The complexity of the process lies not in the delivery of heated water to the facility (building), but in its uniform distribution throughout all apartments, under the conditions of ensuring standard temperature indicators and optimal humidity in the apartments.

    How effective such a system will be directly depends on the coherence of all its elements, including pipes and radiators in each apartment.

    For this reason, replacing radiator batteries without taking into account the features of the heating system can lead to extremely undesirable consequences: one of the apartments may experience a shortage of heat, while another will have an excess of it.

    It is through the establishment of standards that optimization of heating of city apartments is achieved:

    • Safety requirements determine that the temperature of the coolant in the heating system should be 20 degrees less than the temperature of materials that tend to spontaneously ignite. For multi-apartment residential buildings, the standard coolant temperature should be in the range from 65 to 115 degrees, taking into account the season;
    • When water overheats to 105 degrees, measures must be taken to prevent the liquid from boiling;
    • The standard limit for the temperature of water flowing through heating radiators is 75 degrees. If this value is exceeded, the battery must have a restrictive design;
    • The heating season in mid-latitudes begins in mid-October and ends in mid-April. In reality, service providers must initiate the start of heating from the moment when an average daily temperature of no higher than 8 degrees is recorded for five consecutive days.

    When does the heating season start?

    According to the law, the launch time for the central system occurs in the fall, from October 1 to October 15. The specific date is determined by local governments and given an order by the RSO or CHP. An early start to the heating season is possible when it is less than +8°C outside for five days in a row.

    The management company has drawn up a schedule for connecting houses, which they put into action immediately after starting heating. First of all, socially significant facilities are connected: hospitals, schools, kindergartens. Then the valves are opened on the remaining residential buildings one by one.

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    This process is necessary to promptly eliminate ruptures and leaks if they occur. The increase in heat level in the system occurs gradually, but the bill will come in full.

    ADVICE! In order for the calculation to take place only for actual consumption, you need to install heat meters.

    If the temperature in the apartment is below normal, what to do?

    If during the measurements a deviation from the norm was found to be smaller, it is necessary to notify the utility service or management company that services the apartment building. She sends an emergency team to draw up a measurement report. This is an official document containing a number of details, on the basis of which a decision is made to recalculate utility bills for services. It is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains in the hands of the tenant.

    If there is a significant deviation from the norm, the management company is obliged to recalculate heating payments for the month in which these deviations were discovered.

    For example. During the heating season, the air temperature in the corner room is fixed at 16 °C (the norm is +20 °C) 14 hours from the design period (it is 720 hours). After taking readings from an individual metering device, the thermal energy consumption for the past month amounted to 0.7 Gcal at a tariff of 1,900 rubles. 32 kopecks for 1 Gcal. Since the air temperature was below normal, the amount of payment for heating is reduced by 0.15% for each hour when it is recorded in the act.

    Recalculation of utility bills for heating

    1. The fee for 14 hours when heating was provided of inadequate quality is reduced by: 0.15% x 14 hours = 2.1%.
    2. Standard payment for heat in the billing period (30 days or 720 hours): 0.8 Gcal multiplied by the tariff of 1,900 rubles. 32 kopecks total 1,520 rub. 25 kopecks
    3. As a result, after the reduction we get: 1,520 rubles. 25 kopecks x (100% - 2.1%) = 1,488 rubles. 32 kopecks

    There are cases when patient residents measure their temperature for several days and during this period it constantly falls short of the norm. Then the fee reduction becomes significant. But not every management company is ready to unquestioningly recalculate the cost of heating services. Often, dissatisfied tenants can only defend their rights in court.

    Please note that heat payments can only be recalculated once a calendar year. The process of registration and collection is quite lengthy, requiring scrupulousness and a large number of documents.

    Features of choice

    To choose a heating device, you need to study the definitions of different types and choose a suitable thermometer. The meters have the appropriate characteristics; you should pay attention to the following features:

    • Connection method . If the task is to determine the temperature as accurately as possible, then experts advise making a choice in favor of submersible devices.
    • It is necessary to consider whether the repair of devices is difficult.
    • Working range . This indicator also affects accuracy. If the device is selected incorrectly, it may display the temperature incorrectly or stop working.
    • Method of taking readings . The inertia of the device must be taken into account, that is, the speed of bringing the readings to the real level.

    Heat supply requirements

    According to the above-mentioned Resolution, central heating is launched after 5 days, during which the average outside air temperature does not exceed +8 °C. If after 4 cold days it becomes warm again on the fifth, the start of the heating period is delayed until the specified conditions are met. Heating standards stipulate that stopping heating occurs according to the same principle: 5 days must pass with an average daily temperature of +8 °C.

    The Decree contains changes that provide for an individual approach to the supply of heat to buildings that fully comply with the requirements for thermal insulation. Heating supply organizations are required to turn on the heating of such houses as soon as the outside temperature drops to the value specified in the design documentation. It is not difficult to guess that in reality these changes are not being carried out very well, and the start of heat supply occurs simultaneously in all residential buildings - insulated and ordinary.

    During the heating season, the centralized heating system must provide multi-apartment residential buildings with a sufficient amount of thermal energy. In order for the heat supply service to be considered fully provided, the following requirements for permissible air temperature in premises for various purposes must be met:

    • living rooms - from 18 to 24 °C, corner rooms - from 20 °C;
    • bathroom (or separate toilet and bathroom) - from 18 to 26 °C;
    • kitchen (taking into account the heat source in the form of a stove) - from 18 to 26 ° C;
    • pantry - from 12 to 22 °C;
    • corridor - from 16 to 20 °C.

    For apartment buildings located in cold northern regions, the lower limit of permissible temperature in living rooms is increased to +20 °C (in corner rooms up to +22 °C). The increase comes into force provided that the frost outside reaches -31 °C (on average per day) and lasts for at least 5 days. It is also allowed to decrease the temperature in the apartment by 3 °C from midnight to 5.00 am.

    The heat supply to a number of apartments or the building as a whole may be interrupted as a result of an emergency and unforeseen repairs. But regulatory documents allot a certain time for carrying out repair work, depending on weather conditions. The colder the outside air, the sooner the relevant service must repair the fault. The total duration of interruptions in heating operation is no more than 24 hours per month.

    Water temperature in the heating system of an apartment building GOST

    If hourly deviations from standard parameters are noticed, then the heating fee should be reduced by 0.15%.

    This document must be drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with the owner of the apartment. This can be done by calling the manager of the management company, or leaving a written request. In case of violations on the common water supply line, the dispatcher informs the caller about this.

    It should be noted that this temperature standard is valid after the opening of the heating season, and there are no indicators for the off-season. You also need to know that hot water must have a temperature from +50°C to +70°C (SNiP “Residential buildings”). It is measured by opening the tap and lowering the thermometer into the container to a special mark.

    If the radiators do not warm the room, then the water from the tap will be at a lower temperature, and residents can write an application to the DEZ requesting an inspection.

    After inspecting the water supply and heating system, utility workers draw up a report, one copy of which remains with the residents. If the complaint is confirmed, specialists are obliged to correct everything within one day to a week.

    Also, if the water temperature in the heating radiators was 3°C lower (during the day) and 5°C lower (at night) than the standard, then the rent is recalculated.

    How to choose the right thermometer for a boiler?

    There are two types of thermometers: immersion and remote .

    If you are faced with the task of choosing thermometers for boilers, then you need to be extremely careful. You need to understand that such devices have a fairly simple and reliable design. It must be suitable for hot water and made from quality materials.

    Many modern boilers for heating systems are already equipped with appliances . But for old-style boilers, you need to purchase such a product and install it in the appropriate place.

    It is worth considering the main functions that the device performs. It is intended for:

    • Displays readings of the operating temperature of the coolant . Thus, the water carrier can monitor and determine its temperature. This ensures stable operation of the entire system, including the boiler. The boiler owner who installs measuring instruments gets the opportunity to set the desired temperature and change it if necessary. It is the thermometer that can indicate problems that have arisen. If the temperature of the liquid has noticeably decreased, then it can be understood that there is a problem in the system. Such a pointer will allow you to disable the system until the problem is resolved.
    • Remote control . This control method is the most convenient; it allows you to set the temperature, change it without being near the equipment. Many boilers operate automatically; measurement is carried out using special sensors. Sensors and automation interact harmoniously with each other. Due to this, you will not need to constantly be at the boiler , monitor indicators, and regulate the temperature.

    Factors affecting the temperature in the apartment

    The air temperature in a living room in winter is important. It is formed not only through the influence of heating devices

    The following factors should also be taken into account:

    Climatic conditions of a specific region

    The minimum temperature plays an important role. Season. The premises are heated not only in winter

    The devices also work in spring and autumn. At the same time, temperature indicators during this period are different. Human factor or individual preferences. Materials that were used to build the house. Today, quite often an additional layer of insulation or waterproofing is used.

    The permissible wall temperature in an apartment, according to current standards, should not be lower than 20° degrees. Otherwise, it will not be possible to create comfortable living conditions in the room. It is also affected by the weather and dew point.

    Heating standards for apartment buildings heated centrally

    These norms are the most “ancient”. They were calculated at a time when they did not save on fuel for heating the coolant, the batteries were hot. But houses were built mainly from materials that were “cold” in terms of heat-saving qualities, that is, from concrete panels.

    Times have changed, but the norms remain the same. According to the current GOST R 52617-2000, the air temperature in residential premises should not be lower than 18°C ​​(for corner rooms - at least 20°C). At the same time, the organization that supplies thermal energy has the right to reduce the air temperature at night (0-5 hours) by no more than 3°C. Heating standards are set separately for different rooms of the apartment: for example, in the bathroom it should be at least 25°C, and in the corridor - at least 16°C.

    Society has been fighting for a long time, and at times not unsuccessfully, to change the procedure for determining heating standards, tying them not to the air temperature in the premises, but to the average temperature of the coolant. This indicator is much more objective for consumers, although it is unprofitable for the heat energy supplier. Judge for yourself: the temperature in residential premises often depends not only on the operating system, but on the nature of a person’s life activity and living conditions.

    For example, the thermal conductivity of brick is much lower than that of concrete, so in a brick house at the same temperature you will have to spend less thermal energy. In rooms such as the kitchen, the process of cooking food does not generate much less heat than from radiators.

    Much also depends on the design features of the heating devices themselves. For example, panel heating systems will have a higher heat transfer rate than cast iron radiators at the same air temperature. Thus, heating standards tied to air temperature are not entirely fair. This method takes into account the outside air temperature below 8°C. If such a value is recorded for three days in a row, the heat generating organization must unconditionally supply heat to consumers.

    For the middle zone, the calculated values ​​of the coolant temperature depending on the external air temperature have the following values ​​(for the convenience of using these values ​​using household thermometers, temperature indicators are rounded):

    Outside air temperature, °C

    Temperature of network water in the supply pipeline, °C

    Using the table above, you can easily determine the water temperature in a panel heating system (or any other) by using a regular thermometer at the time of draining part of the coolant from the system. For the forward branch, use the data in columns 5 and 6, and for the return branch, use the data in column 7. Note that the first three columns establish the release temperature of the water, that is, without taking into account losses in the transmission main pipelines.

    If the actual coolant temperature does not correspond to the standard temperature, this is the basis for a proportional reduction in the payment for the central heating services provided.

    There is also an option to install heat meters, but it only works when all apartments in the building are served by a centralized heating system. In addition, such meters are subject to annual mandatory inspection.

    Increased heat transfer.

    To effectively increase the radiated heat rate, there are many ways:

    • installation of a convector;
    • painting pipes with black paint;
    • register setting;
    • additional battery sections.

    The convector is a curved pipe with metal plates. You can make it yourself or buy a more modern analogue in the store.

    The use of matte black paint to paint the surface of the coolant also gives a good result. Aesthetically, it doesn’t look very attractive, but when it comes to comfort, you have to choose.

    Another inexpensive and fairly popular design is a register. These are several wide pipes connected to each other with welded sections. These also include heated towel rails, radiators, main lines and even an ordinary steel pipe fixed around the entire perimeter of the room.

    Air temperature standards according to GOST

    The temperature parameters of residential premises are regulated by regulations - SanPiN, GOST R 51617-2000 Housing and communal services and general technical conditions, where the temperature regime of rooms is regulated from 18 ° C in winter, from 20 ° C in summer. There is a standard in Government Decree No. 354 on corner rooms and cold regions, where a different acceptable standard is adopted.

    The standard air temperature in residential premises is set not lower than +18°C (in corner rooms +22°C), in areas with the coldest five-day period (provision 0.92) -31°C and below, the temperature regime is set to +20°C ( in corner rooms +22°С). Failure to comply with the standard, rather than comfortable, thermal regime is considered a violation.

    In corner apartments

    Previously, GOST indeed established special rules for corner apartments - 2 degrees higher than usual. Today, the temperature regime is established and regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354.

    Exterior walls

    The creators of SNiP 02/23/2003 believe that the temperature difference between the internal air and the external surface should be no more than 4 degrees. That is, if the minimum limit for a living space is 18 °C, then the wall on average should not be colder than 14.

    When this rule is violated, we can conclude that the house is not insulated enough, and perhaps the seams require updating. The management company servicing the building should take care of this.


    In accordance with SNiP, the temperature of the floor surface in residential premises must be no lower than 16 ° C (as a rule, it exceeds the minimum permissible and ranges from 18 to 20 ° C.).

    SNiP 41-01.2003 establishes the normal temperature for heated floors:

    • 26 °C for rooms where people are constantly present;
    • 31 °C for premises where people stay temporarily.

    Children's institutions are recommended to maintain the floor at a maximum temperature of 24 °C.

    Requirements for heating networks

    With centralized heat supply, the heat source is a boiler house or a thermal power plant, where high-temperature water-heating boilers are installed (in thermal power plants - steam boilers). The fuel is usually natural gas, with other energy sources being used to a lesser extent. The temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the hot water boiler is 115 °C, but the water does not boil when it is under pressure. The need to heat up to 115 °C is explained by the fact that boiler plants operate at maximum efficiency in this mode.

    The transition from 115 °C to the required temperature value is provided by plate or shell-and-tube heat exchangers. At a thermal power plant, waste steam from turbines enters heat exchangers to produce electricity. According to regulatory requirements, the water temperature in heating pipes should not exceed 105 ° C, the lower limit depends on street conditions. In this range, the heating of water in the heating network is regulated depending on the weather, for which each boiler room has a temperature graph of the heating system. For home networks, 2 calculation schedules are used:

    These figures show the maximum temperature of the supply and return water during the most severe frosts in a particular area. But at the beginning and end of the heating season, when the weather is not yet too cold, there is no point in heating the coolant to 105 °C, so a real temperature heating schedule is drawn up, which describes to what extent the water should be heated at different outside temperatures. The dependence of heating on weather conditions is shown in the table, which presents excerpts from the graph for the city of Ufa:

    street air average daily

    The table is presented as an example and is correct only for this city; another locality has its own dependence, because the climatic conditions in the country are different.

    It is quite difficult to find out exactly what the coolant temperature is in a centralized heating network. To do this, you need to have a remote thermometer that determines the degree of surface heating. So, it is possible to determine to what extent the heating standards in the apartment are met only by the air temperature in the rooms.

    Heated towel rails

    The bathroom heated towel rail itself is a clear example of how the heat transfer of a pipe can be improved. The “coil” of the device is nothing more than an artificially increased area of ​​thermal radiation. Since previously they were only part of the general heating branch, it was possible to change the diameter. Therefore, the heat transfer area was increased by simply increasing the length.

    By the way, a stainless steel water heated towel rail would look good in black. Shiny and chrome-plated products, although they look beautiful, interfere with heat exchange between the pipe and the environment.

    For vertically oriented systems, such as radiators, the method of connecting the inlet and outlet pipes matters. The heat transfer of one device with different installations can change significantly:

    • 100% efficiency – diagonal connection (hot water inlet at the top, outlet at the back at the bottom);
    • 97% – one-sided with top entrance;
    • 88% – lower;
    • 80% – reverse diagonal (with bottom entry);
    • 78% – one-sided with bottom inlet and outlet of waste water.
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