What is the normal temperature in an apartment in winter?

Home/Services/Temperature in the apartment according to SanPiN

The construction, installation of engineering equipment and operation of multi-apartment residential buildings implies strict compliance with current standards. In this case, the maximum level of safety and comfort of residents is achieved. Monitoring compliance with standards begins at the design stage of the facility - the documentation undergoes an examination and an opinion is obtained before issuing a construction permit. After the house is put into operation, management bodies are appointed that are responsible for the performance of all engineering systems. According to SanPiN, in 2022 in winter, the heating system must provide optimal temperature in each apartment.

What is SanPiN?

SanPiN, or a set of sanitary and epidemiological rules, are official documents developed by Rospotrebnadzor authorities and approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor. The purpose of the standards is to ensure the creation of comfortable conditions for living in an apartment, temporary stay of people or productive work, without causing harm to health.

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Compliance with the requirements of these acts reduces the risk of negative impact of the environment on the human body, the spread of infectious, viral and other diseases.


In 2022, the temperature in the apartment is regulated by GOST 30494-2011 and SanPiN 1.2.3685-21, the text of which specifies the basic requirements for maintaining climatic parameters of indoor air for the period of operation of residential premises. The above sanitary and epidemiological document was approved to replace the expired SanPiN

You can download SanPiN for temperatures in an apartment in 2022 using the link here.


In order not to encounter problems when operating water-heated floors that are caused by incorrect temperature conditions, you should adhere to a number of rules:

  • use high-quality thermal insulation, at least 5 cm;
  • pour the screed 3 - 5 cm above the pipe;
  • make pipe laying spacing no more than 15 cm.

A warm water floor can create a comfortable atmosphere in the house, the main thing is to set the temperature correctly. If you doubt your abilities, you can invite a specialist.

Temperature of heated floors in the House PART-1

SanPiN standards for temperature in an apartment in 2022

According to the text of the regulatory documentation SanPiN 1.2.3685-21 (Table 1 in Appendix 2), the internal air temperature of apartments in 2022, depending on their functional purpose, must be no less than the following indicators (Table 5.27):

  • Living rooms - from 20 to 22 °C in winter and from 22 to 25 °C in summer.
  • Kitchens, separate bathrooms, bathrooms – 19 – 21 oC.
  • Combined bathrooms, showers - 24 - 26 oC.
  • Inter-apartment corridors – 18 – 20 oC.
  • Lobbies and staircases – 16 – 18 oC.
  • Storerooms – 16 – 18 oC.

According to SanPiN for temperature in an apartment 1.2.3685-21, the optimal internal air temperature, which determines a comfortable living environment for people, is 20 - 25 oC.

Optimal and permissible standards for microclimate parameters in the service area (habitat zone) of residential buildings and dormitories.

Period of the yearThe name of a roomAir temperature, °CResulting temperature, °CRelative humidity, %Air speed, m/s
optimal _ _permissible _optimal _ _permissible _optimal _ _permissible _optimal no morepermissible , no more
ColdLiving room20-2218-2419-2017-2345-3060-300,150,2
Living room in stationary social service organizations20-2220-2419-2019-2345-3060-300,150,2
In areas with the coldest five-day temperature (probability 0.92) minus 31°C and below:
- Living room21-2320-2420-2219-2345-3060-300,150,2
— Living room in stationary social service organizations21-2322-2420-2221-2345-3060-300,150,2
Kitchen19-2118-2618-2017-25not standardized (NN)NN0,150,2
Bathroom, combined toilet24-2618-2623-2717-26NNNN0,150,2
Facilities for recreation and study sessions20-2218-2419-2117-2345-3060-300,150,2
Inter-apartment corridor18-2016-2217-1915-2145-3060-30NNNN
Lobby, staircase16-1814-2015-1713-19NNNNNNNN
WarmLiving room22-2520-2822-2418-2760-3065-300,20,3

How to measure the temperature in an apartment according to SanPiN?

Measurement of temperature parameters in an apartment in accordance with SanPiN and GOST 30494-2011 clause 4.3 is carried out in order to identify violations of the required operational parameters established by current standards. To take readings in 2022, you should use high-precision electronic thermometers and perform the following algorithm:

  • The room must be isolated from free air flow from the street or from adjacent rooms. To do this, you need to tightly close apartment and interior doors, as well as windows, transoms and vents. If there is a supply ventilation or air conditioning system, the electric motors should be de-energized for a while.
  • Temperature measurements in the apartment according to SanPiN should be made during the absence of direct sunlight that causes thermal radiation.
  • While taking readings, it is not recommended to hold the thermometer in your hands or hang it up. Additional heat from the human body may cause incorrect measurement results.
  • Regardless of the brand and modification of the device, to record the temperature in an apartment according to SanPiN in 2022, you should wait from 10 to 20 minutes to determine the exact temperature in the examined area of ​​the room.
  • If possible, it is recommended to use several thermometers at once and then compare the difference in readings.
  • For ordinary apartment premises with one external wall, it is allowed to carry out measurements in the zone of maximum heat loss, near the building envelope. For corner rooms, it is necessary to determine the climatic parameters near each external wall.
  • To obtain an accurate result of the temperature in the apartment, it is necessary to take readings in zones of thermal heterogeneity and in the center of the living space. The average values ​​based on the results of several measurements are taken as the final result according to SanPiN in 2022.

The temperature is measured in each living room, as heat loss and heating efficiency in adjacent rooms may vary. The measurement results should be recorded on a sheet of paper or on electronic media, in the form of a table. Thus, the apartment owner receives a clear picture of the real temperature and can compare the actual indicators with the requirements of SanPiN 1.2.3685-21, table 5.27.

The structure of a water heated floor

A warm water floor is a multi-layer “pie”, which includes:

  • base;
  • Warm and waterproof material;
  • heating element (pipeline) - coolant circulates through it;
  • concrete screed;
  • flooring.

In addition, a collector group is required, which is responsible for distributing the coolant along the circuits and for regulating the temperature.

Temperature in the apartment in winter according to SanPiN standards in 2022

Climatic parameters in residential premises, depending on the seasons, vary, in accordance with the regulatory requirements of SanPiN. In the winter of 2022, when the heating season begins, the internal air temperature of the apartment should be the following values, according to table 5.27 SanPiN 1.2.3685-21 and chapter 4, paragraph 4.1 - 4.7 GOST 30494-2011:

  • For apartment rooms with one external wall, the minimum internal air temperature during the heating period cannot fall below +18 °C.
  • For corner rooms, more stringent requirements are imposed - from +20 °C.
  • If the facility is operated in cold regions of the country, where the coldest five-day temperature is -31 °C and below, the minimum permissible climatic parameters in living rooms are -20 °C.
  • In winter, rooms should not warm up to more than +24 °C.
  • The SanPiN 1.2.3685-21 test, Table 5.27, also contains a criterion for the optimal temperature in residential premises during the heating season - from + 20 to + 24 °C.
  • The permissible parameters of the internal air of an apartment according to SanPiN in 2022 range from 18 to 24 °C.
  • Deviations of the calculated parameters should not exceed the values ​​​​specified in table 5.29, SanPiN 1.2.3685-21.

If the actual measured temperature in the apartment goes beyond the limits established by the regulatory requirements of SanPiN in 2022, the temperature in the room cannot ensure comfortable living, which requires third-party intervention from representatives of the management company.

Heating standards for individual heating systems

Apartment with autonomous heat supply

In this case, the concept of heating norm should be understood as the heat transfer of a heating device, which is per unit area of ​​the room where this device is installed. It is worth distinguishing between the concepts of “radiator” and “heating device”. For example, ventilation and air conditioning while simultaneously heating it, which is performed using combined air conditioners, does not fall under the concept of either a radiator or a heating device.

The formula for determining the norm for heat supply systems with a known thermal power of the heating device P, W has the form:

Here S is the area of ​​the room in m2 for which this calculation is performed; h – height of the room in m; 41 – empirical coefficient of minimum thermal power for premises with permanent location of people.

The resulting value must be correlated with the actual heat transfer of the heating device. Depending on the type of heating system, this parameter per section is:

  1. For cast iron radiators - 90-160 W (higher data corresponds to a maximum coolant temperature of 90°C; for lower values, the heating rate should be proportionally recalculated).
  2. For steel radiators - 60-170 W (as the coolant temperature decreases, the thermal power of steel radiators drops more sharply than that of cast iron ones).
  3. For aluminum and bimetallic radiators 160-200 W.

Dividing the P value by the standard heat transfer rate of a radiator of a certain type, we obtain the number of sections required to ensure the required standards. All that remains is to purchase them. Thus, for an individual home, compliance with the thermal regime is ensured mainly due to the design features of heating devices.

To increase the accuracy of calculating standards, it is necessary to take into account the method of connecting heating devices. Thus, with a bottom connection, the standard thermal power of radiators is reduced by 10%, and when connected via a single-pipe system - by 25-30%.

It should be noted that the thermal power of a heating device of any type is largely determined by the permissible pressure of the coolant that is pumped through this device. The minimum pressure in the heating system must be at least 2-4 atm. and the maximum is 6-8 atm. In the first case, heating will be extremely ineffective, and in the second, the pipelines may not withstand it. Thus, heating standards for an individual house (or for autonomous heating of an apartment) are calculated depending on the type of heating devices and the actual coolant pressure in the heating system.

Temperature in the apartment in the summer and demi-season according to SanPiN standards in 2022

In the warm period of 2022, the requirements for the climatic parameters of the internal air of the apartment, according to SanPiN 1.2.3685-21 and Chapter 4, clauses 4.1 - 4.7 GOST 30494-2011, are slightly softened:

  • The minimum temperature in an apartment according to SanPiN in 2022 should be at least + 20 °C, but during the hot period this parameter can increase to + 22 °C.
  • The maximum indicator of the internal microclimate of the apartment should be maintained at + 25 °C. The standard is also considered met if the internal air temperature does not exceed + 28 °C.
  • For the demi-season period, some restrictions apply - if the average daily outside air temperature is less than 5 - 10 oC, the indicators are accepted according to winter requirements. In the case when the air outside warms up to + 10 °C and above, it is recommended to use summer parameters.

Please note:
To optimize the microclimate during the hot season, as a rule, responsibility rests with apartment owners. Residents provide free ventilation of the used space, or install air conditioning systems. In general, standards allow the design parameters of internal air in the summer to be 4 degrees higher than in the cold season.

Responsibility of utilities for violation of temperature standards

If the indoor temperature in winter is below normal, what should you do?

By law, citizens have the right to demand a reduction in heat charges by 0.15% for each hour that your management company’s utility services fail to comply with temperature standards. After carrying out simple calculations, you can establish that after 4 weeks of providing low-quality home heating services, the payment for it is reduced by more than 90%. Of course, utility companies will not voluntarily agree to such a recalculation, and therefore we must go to court.

An application for recalculation of heating fees to the Management Company can be downloaded here.

History knows examples when citizens managed to defend their rights. Thus, in 2014, a resident of the Perm Territory recovered 136 thousand rubles from utility services for the utility services’ failure to comply with their obligations to provide her home with heat.

Temperature standards in the apartment. Watch the video:

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What temperature should be in the apartment is controlled at the state level.

The standards set out in detail in the laws must be ensured by management companies. If they fail to comply, they face serious punishment.

What to do if the temperature in the apartment is not according to SanPiN?

If, based on the results of measurements, the actual temperature parameters in residential premises are outside the normalized SanPiN values, the owner of the apartment has the right to file a claim with the persons who are currently responsible for the operation of the building.

As a rule, in new buildings a management company is appointed from the development company, since during the first 5 years the building is under warranty. In such situations, it is easier for the developer to eliminate shortcomings or breakdowns identified by residents. After 5 years of operation, residents often choose their own HOA or change management company.

Professional lawyers recommend that apartment owners act in 2022 according to the following plan:

  • If temperature violations in the apartment are detected according to SanPiN, you should contact the responsible person from the management company with a description of the problem. As a rule, if a company fulfills its responsibilities in good faith, the reaction will follow immediately.
  • If the comments are ignored, it is recommended to survey the residents at the entrance to identify the same problem. With a collective appeal from apartment owners, the chances of prompt action being taken increase.
  • In case of improper performance of duties on the part of the management company, residents file an official complaint, which indicates the need to take measures, provides the results of temperature measurements in living rooms, as well as links to regulatory documents SanPiN 1.2.3685-21. At the end of the paper, all interested parties put personal signatures.
  • If there is no response from the management company, residents file a claim in court, attaching to the document a collective complaint and all available evidence of violations of current standards during the operation of housing.

A written complaint against the Criminal Code due to the temperature not meeting SanPiN is possible.

As a rule, cases related to the temperature in an apartment according to SanPiN do not reach the court, since the Criminal Code begins to act already at the stage of drawing up a collective complaint. Residents always reserve the right to announce a house-wide vote to change the operating organization, which, in turn, if violations are detected on the part of energy supply companies in 2022, has the right to forward the claim to the balance holder of utility networks.

Where to contact

Small deviations from the norm may go unnoticed, but if residents are constantly freezing in the apartment, this indicates a violation of obligations on the part of utility companies. Especially when heating and maintenance fees are charged in full. Then you need to complain about the poor maintenance of the house.

If t is below acceptable

If it is cold at home, or the temperature is recorded below standard in autumn or winter, you need to report this to the emergency dispatch service. A complaint is written to the head of the management company, which lists the complaints, indicates the air temperature in the living rooms, kitchen, bathroom, and demands that it be brought into compliance with the standards.

The management company is given 30 days to respond. During this period, utility services must find out which of them is responsible for the cooling of the house. If the heating network, at the point of demarcation of balance sheet ownership, is not hot enough, then this is a question of the resource supply organization that heats the room. If heat is lost in the house, then the management company must solve the problem.

ADVICE! It is better to draw up a collective complaint from the residents of the entrance or building.

If the wall freezes

When it is so cold that the end walls freeze, you need to act quickly. It is necessary to contact the head of the management company with a complaint, describe the problem, demand that the wall be insulated, thereby restoring the temperature balance. At the same time, call a representative of the management company, draw up and receive a report on freezing of the wall.

If, after the required period, the Criminal Code does not take action, government authorities will have to be involved in solving the problem:

  1. The State Housing Inspectorate is an executive body that controls the activities of public utilities. Inspectors will initiate an inspection, issue a recommendation to eliminate violations, and impose a fine on the service organization.
  2. Rospotrebnadzor is a multidisciplinary organization whose specialization falls under the described situation. Failure of the management company to fulfill the terms of the contract, combined with the risk of increased humidity, the spread of mold and mildew from a frozen wall, is the competence of this service. After checking the activities of the management company, employees will be obliged to bring the house to the requirements of the law, and if there are grounds, they will fine the management.
  3. The prosecutor's office is a supervisory authority whose employees begin checking a legal entity only if there have been appeals to previous organizations. Or they address the residents’ complaint to the competent authorities to resolve the issue.
  4. The court is the last step that is taken if other government agencies are powerless or it is necessary to compensate for material and moral damage.

The document is drawn up in a standard manner. Several methods of delivering them to the addressee are allowed. You can bring it yourself, register two copies, and keep one as evidence. Complaints are also sent by registered mail with notification or online through the State Services website.

Fines and liability of housing and communal services and management companies

If the management company or balance holder of heating networks cannot ensure the proper temperature conditions in the residential premises of an apartment building in 2022, the text of Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for administrative liability. Fines for improper performance of assigned duties are established by law in the following amounts:

  • For officials officially employed by the management company and acting in accordance with the order, from 500 to 1000 rubles.
  • For legal entities with which the owners have entered into an official agreement – ​​from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.

If, due to the inaction of responsible persons or improper fulfillment of accepted obligations, the tenant suffers material damage (for example, damage to finishing elements or pieces of furniture), additional liability may occur, by decision of a judicial authority.

Regulating the indoor climate

When heating outages occur, the temperature in the apartment must be controlled for the comfort of all citizens living in it. There are people who feel comfortable and well during the hot months; they do not require the installation of climate control equipment. Also, some people constantly ventilate their rooms during the winter cold. But all the requirements of the average person are reflected by the current standards for any heat supply company that has a central shutdown schedule for heating appliances. After all, hypothermia, like overheating, has a negative effect on human health.

Among other things, norms also depend on gender. Women require higher temperatures than men. You need to be extremely careful about the temperature conditions in the apartment where children live. They cannot yet regulate their temperature, so they are susceptible to overheating and freezing faster than adults. As a result, the thermal norm for them should be stable and be about 22 degrees.

Compensation for non-compliance with temperature conditions

If non-compliance with the temperature and humidity conditions required by SanPiN 1.2.3685-21 is detected in the apartment in 2022 and there is evidence, the tenant has the right to put forward the following demands:

  • Restoration of damaged or destroyed finishing, including replacement of furniture, doors, trims and other elements in the presence of an expert opinion on the cause of the defects (Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2017 No. 22, paragraph 21).
  • Recalculation of the cost of utilities for heating if the application to the Criminal Code is submitted no later than 30 days after receipt of the payment receipt (according to the Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2017 No. 22, paragraphs 20, 21, 22,).
  • Major repairs or reconstruction of window structures, external walls and other elements, when identifying thermal inhomogeneity, which caused a decrease in the energy efficiency of the living space and a drop in internal air temperature (Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2017 No. 22, paragraphs 21, 22,) .

Restoration work can be carried out either by representatives of the management company or third-party organizations, or at the expense of the apartment owner with the right to subsequently demand material compensation from the culprit. In such cases, an independent examination is often required to assess the cost of the damage caused.


When identifying violations of temperature and humidity conditions due to the fault of the operating organization, experts advise taking into account the following nuances:

  • Self-measuring the temperature in an apartment using household appliances gives conditional indicators that may not be accepted by the court. If you have decisive intentions regarding the management company, you should resort to the services of professionals who will draw up an official technical report and, if necessary, conduct a thermal imaging inspection of the residential premises.
  • Measurements should be carried out exclusively in cloudy weather, since the presence of sunlight is highly likely to prevent accurate results.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the temperature and humidity conditions in the children's room, where a child under 2 years of age constantly resides. The microclimate in this room should ensure heating of the internal air to 19 - 22 oC. Immunity has not yet been formed in the newborn’s body, and indicators beyond these values ​​can significantly weaken his well-being.
  • When carrying out independent temperature measurements, it is required to perform at least three cyclically repeating iterations and accept the worst indicator.
  • Measurements should not be carried out in an apartment when the outside air temperature is below 0 – 5 °C. In this case, it is likely that high thermal heterogeneity will be achieved near the window and in the center of the room, which will give incorrect results.
  • Measurements should be taken in all rooms with an area over 5 m2.
  • The thermometer should be placed at a level near the floor, no higher than 10 cm, in a sitting position - up to 100 cm and in a standing position - up to 150 - 170 cm. It makes no sense to take measurements near the ceiling, since warm air always rises.

If, based on the results of the measurements, the climatic parameters in residential premises turned out to be below the standard requirements, a report on the tests performed should be drawn up. In such cases, it is recommended to use the established form, which contains the necessary columns. and a blank form of the document can be found at this link.

Additional Information

The internal air temperature in the apartment in 2022 must comply with the requirements of GOST 30494-2011 and SanPiN 1.2.3685-21. To determine the actual climatic parameters in a residential area, you should use a conventional thermometer and the method described above. If violations are detected, an official inspection report should be drawn up and a claim should be submitted to the operating organization. If the problem is ignored by the management company, you need to file a collective complaint, and then go to court to make a decision and correct the defects, and award compensation for the damage caused.

Comments Showing 0 of 0

To what temperature is it permissible to heat a warm water floor?

As mentioned above, the standard hydrofloor heating level is +27 °C, the permissible limit is +33. If it is higher, you will feel discomfort during contact with the floor, and the room will be too hot. In addition, it is not very healthy, especially for varicose veins.

The temperature of the coolant moving through the pipeline should be in the range of +45 - 55 degrees. It is not recommended to turn on a higher degree of heating of the liquid; this can cause deformation of the pipes and their rapid failure.

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