What should be the temperature of pipes, radiators, radiators in the apartment

Residents of apartment buildings often complain about the cold indoors. One of the main reasons for this may be the low temperature of the water in the heating radiators. We have already written about the reasons why batteries are cold. What should be the temperature of the radiators in the apartment so as not to freeze? It also depends on the ambient temperature. But it is worth considering not only the temperature of the water, but also the material from which the radiator is made. If the temperature in the heating radiators in the apartment does not satisfy the residents, then they can call a commission to take measurements. Measurements are carried out using tested devices. This is how the temperature of the battery in the apartment is determined, the norm of which fluctuates depending on changes in weather conditions.

Parameters for starting heating

As autumn approaches, the temperature outside becomes lower and lower, people touch their batteries every day and hope that today they will become hot. If this does not happen, then the residents look for the culprits, but in fact, all standards for the supply of heat to houses are specified in Resolution No. 354 of 2011.

This document states that heat is supplied at an outside temperature of 8 degrees Celsius, if it lasts for five days in a row . If this indicator fluctuates in one direction or the other over the specified time, then the radiators and risers in the apartments will remain cold.

Heat is supplied only on the sixth day and, as a rule, in most cases the heating season begins on October 15 and ends on April 15.

In this video you will learn the temperature standards in the apartment:

The apartment is cold, why complain?

Before you go looking for heat, you should remember that heat in the room will be supplied through the heating system only when the outside temperature reaches a certain level.

Standards require heating to start when the outside temperature is no more than 8 degrees. This temperature indicator must last for five days in a row, and only after this the rooms will begin to be heated.

When the heating in the house is adjusted, and temperature deviations are observed only in your room, it is necessary to check the indoor heating system for airing.

It is enough to feel the individual batteries in the apartment from top to bottom, and back. If some of the batteries are noticeably warm and the rest are cold, you can be sure that airing is the cause of the thermal imbalance. The air is released using a separate tap, which is located on each radiator battery.

Before opening the tap, you should place some container under it. When you open the tap, water should come out of it with a characteristic hissing sound. If the water begins to flow smoothly and without hissing, it means that the air has been released from the system, and the job is done.

After this, you should fix the tap in the closed position. After a while, check the cold spots on the battery, they should warm up.

If the problem is not with the batteries and they are completely cold, you should contact the management company. The technician will arrive within 24 hours. He will be able to draw a conclusion about the temperature conditions in the home and, if necessary, call a team that will fix all the problems.

When the management company did not respond to your appeal or the appearance of a technician did not change the situation, you should take temperature measurements in your home yourself, calling your neighbors.

When you have a device such as a pyrometer at your disposal, you should use it to take the necessary temperature measurements. Record all data in a report on measuring the air temperature in your home. It is compiled in the usual form. Let the neighbors sign the act.

You should pay attention to the fact that the temperature regime is determined by the “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Residential Buildings and Premises” SanPiN Recorded measurements should be compared with the limit values ​​specified in SanPiN

Then you need to go back to the management company and the organization that supplies the house with heat to write a written complaint

Recorded measurements should be compared with the limit values ​​specified in SanPiN. Then you need to go back to the management company and the organization that supplies the house with heat to write a written complaint.

The document is drawn up in two copies. One of the copies must be in your hands with a stamp, signed indicating the details of the person who accepted the document and the date of receipt of the document. The second one must be submitted for consideration.

If you were not satisfied with the answer, then there is no need to leave everything halfway, move on. You should contact the district Prosecutor's Office and the Housing Inspectorate, since it is she who is authorized to monitor the work of the management company and other communal structures.

Also write a letter to Rospotrebnadzor (based on the violation of your consumer rights). You can use the Rospotrebnadzor hotline (8-80-010-000-04).

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Standards for an apartment

Temperature standards in heating radiators are different for a particular room. The air in apartments should be heated to the following level:

  • living area and kitchen - +18°C;
  • corner apartments - +20°C;
  • bathroom and toilet - +25°C.

Corner apartments should be heated more strongly due to the presence of cold corner walls. The standards for common premises are slightly different:

  • entrance — +16°C;
  • elevator — +5°C;
  • attic and basements - +4°C.

Measurements in a residential area are made on the internal walls no closer than a meter from the outer wall and one and a half meters from the floor level.

If the parameters do not comply with the standards, the consumer must notify the management company. After the required checks, the heat charge can be reduced by 0.15% per hour of deviation from the standards.

Battery temperature

There are minimum and maximum standards. Sometimes, even when heating is started, there is not enough heat in the room due to the fact that the temperature of the radiators is far from the standards. The reason for this is the banal airiness of the system. You can fix the problems with the help of a specialist or yourself using a Mayevsky crane.

If the problem arises due to worn-out riser pipes or batteries, then you simply cannot do without the help of specialists. If the heating system did not work and the air in the apartment was colder than specified in GOST standards, then this entire period is not subject to payment.

There are no minimum temperature standards for heating radiators, so it is customary to rely on the air parameters in the apartment. Normal air parameters during the heating period are +16…+25°C.

To document that the temperature of the heating system does not meet the norm, it is necessary to invite an authorized representative of the heating service provider. What the water temperature in the batteries should be is described in SNiP 41−01 of 2003:

  1. If a two-pipe design is used in the room, then 95°C is the maximum.
  2. The norm for a single-pipe design is +115°C.
  3. The winter temperature norm for heating radiators in an apartment is +80…+90°C. If it approaches +100°C, then urgent measures must be taken to prevent water from boiling in the system.

Although many battery manufacturers often specify a maximum temperature threshold that is high, you should not reach it frequently as this will damage the battery.

To ensure that the heating complies with GOST standards, you need to take your own measurements and understand what the temperature of the water in the heating radiators is:

  1. An ordinary mercury thermometer can be used, but then 2°C will need to be added to the result obtained.
  2. An infrared thermometer will also work.
  3. The alcohol thermometer must be tightly tied to the battery, wrapped in thermal insulation.

If the results obtained are far from normal, then you need to submit an application to the heating network office with a request to carry out control measurements . A commission will visit the apartment and make all the necessary calculations.

Fight for warmth

It is better to think about possible heat loss in your home in the summer. But if this has not been done, then it is possible to insulate the house with the onset of winter. The first thing to do is to identify weak points where heat loss is possible.

Windows according to standards

The main source of cold is windows. Nowadays there are double-glazed windows above heating radiators and radiators almost everywhere. But even plastic window frames age. The sealing rubber becomes unusable.

Central heating in the apartment

The windows begin to let in the cold. The easiest way is to stretch plastic film over the frames. It is sold in stores in rolls. This material does not have any effect on the transparency of the glass. Heat loss in radiators or radiators will be reduced.

The film is fixed to the glass. Before this, the frames are thoroughly washed. Double-sided tape is applied around the perimeter. A film is attached to it. It's easier to do this together.

Battery on the wall

If wrinkles have formed on the coating, heat the film with a hairdryer until they straighten out. Then all that remains is to seal the frames. They do this with single-sided tape. Such a simple method helps to retain up to 20% of heat.

Every morning you should open the curtains and raise the blinds. The apartment is perfectly warmed by sunlight penetrating into the room through the glass. Double glass frames create a magnifying effect, enhancing the warmth of sunlight. When it gets dark, the windows should be closed. At night, glass draws heat out of the room.

Radiator under the central window

Batteries according to standards

The batteries are located along the walls. Dank damp partitions take away heat. A simple reflector will help avoid this. A reflector is not a technical device. This is simply a sheet of foil attached to a radiator or radiator.

The reflector sheet is made slightly larger than the area occupied by the radiator or radiator. A homemade reflector will raise the room temperature by at least 2 degrees.

Porilex and penofol have lower thermal conductivity than foil. This is facilitated by the insulation layer they have.

Heating batteries

It is necessary to require compliance with water standards in heating devices from utility services. But the comfort in the house cannot be left only to the mercy of the management company. It is always safer to take care of the microclimate in your home yourself.

Actions in the absence of heat

If there is any discrepancy between the heating system and GOST, you need to find the cause of the cold radiators. The best person to deal with this will be the specialists of the supplier company, who will be able to officially record the temperature in the living room.

If the problem is caused by poor quality maintenance of the systems of an apartment building, then the solution to the problem lies entirely with the organization supplying the heat. At the same time, all residents should be recalculated for heat or they should be completely exempt from paying if the radiators did not heat at all.

Any application from the residents of the house to the communal structure must be considered as soon as possible, and the commission must record on the spot the fact of inadequacy of the services provided.

Knowing what the temperature of the radiators in the apartment should be and at what period the heating starts, each resident of an apartment building can determine for himself whether the temperature indicators comply with the established standards. This will help you take action in time and solve the heat problem.

When heat depends on batteries

The heat supply is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011. According to this document, the start and end of heating is tied to the ambient temperature. The central heating radiators are turned on when the daily average drops 8 degrees above zero and lasts for five days. On the main territory of Russia this occurs by mid-October.

Battery under the window

Water leaves radiators when the average outdoor temperature reaches +8 degrees Celsius. And it remains so for five days. Battery shutdown times vary according to regulations.

In warm years this occurs at the end of April.

If the temperature is low, then according to the standards, heating of residential and industrial premises is maintained until mid-May. Only during this period of time should we talk about temperature standards for water in radiators. The rest of the time, fighting the cold is the job of the residents.

How to choose the right thermometer for a boiler?

There are two types of thermometers: immersion and remote .

If you are faced with the task of choosing thermometers for boilers, then you need to be extremely careful. You need to understand that such devices have a fairly simple and reliable design. It must be suitable for hot water and made from quality materials.

Many modern boilers for heating systems are already equipped with appliances . But for old-style boilers, you need to purchase such a product and install it in the appropriate place.

It is worth considering the main functions that the device performs. It is intended for:

  • Displays readings of the operating temperature of the coolant . Thus, the water carrier can monitor and determine its temperature. This ensures stable operation of the entire system, including the boiler. The boiler owner who installs measuring instruments gets the opportunity to set the desired temperature and change it if necessary. It is the thermometer that can indicate problems that have arisen. If the temperature of the liquid has noticeably decreased, then it can be understood that there is a problem in the system. Such a pointer will allow you to disable the system until the problem is resolved.
  • Remote control . This control method is the most convenient; it allows you to set the temperature, change it without being near the equipment. Many boilers operate automatically; measurement is carried out using special sensors. Sensors and automation interact harmoniously with each other. Due to this, you will not need to constantly be at the boiler , monitor indicators, and regulate the temperature.

What types of thermometers are there?

Heating allows the use of a variety of pipe devices. Many people have to think about which thermometer to measure temperature with. But the installation of a thermometer on a pipeline depends precisely on the characteristics of the system being used or designed. It is worth considering the types of sensors.

ATTENTION! Some sensors are designed for temperatures up to 100 degrees, but the standard temperature in a heating system is 40-50 degrees.

Liquid glass thermometers

Such a measuring device is a device that must be mounted at the location where the measurement will be taken. The device is installed in the system, and mercury .

Some manufacturers suggest using a device that is filled with methylbenzene, kerosene or alcohol. When choosing a substance, you need to take into account the environment in which the thermometer is located.

So, one device is selected for water heating, and another for capillary gas heating. This product is considered the simplest.

Manometric thermometers

This option has a more complex design when compared with a glass device. If we consider the main elements that a pressure gauge has, we need to mention:

  • cylinder , which is located at the control point where the temperature is measured;
  • capillary , which is somewhat reminiscent of a connecting tube;
  • pressure gauge , which has a spring design.

If we consider the features, it is worth saying that there is gas under pressure inside the cylinder. Due to pressure fluctuations, measurements are carried out.

Electric resistance thermometer

For heating systems, you can select an electric resistance thermometer. It works according to the principle of changing the electrical resistance of different types of metals.

Changes occur under the influence of high temperatures. It is worth noting that the most sensitive component of the product is the wire spiral . In this case, the sensor responsible for measuring temperature is reliably protected by a special shell.

Submersible devices

Water products allow you to measure the temperature from inside the pipes. It is necessary to choose a device for the water supply system, taking into account modifications of the system and a suitable method for recording readings.


The devices work by deforming the material when heated. This causes pressure on the indicator needle. The devices are good because the accuracy of their readings is very high .


You can consider not only water, but also alcohol devices; they are somewhat similar to ordinary devices. The indicator is alcohol , which is hidden in a sealed flask.

If heating occurs, the liquid expands, the arrow points to the corresponding division. It is worth noting that such devices have a significant drawback - it is inconvenient to take readings from them.

Methods for measuring water in radiators

When considering the question of how to measure the temperature of a battery in an apartment, the following methods can be distinguished:

  • an ordinary thermometer (on the surface of the radiator);
  • infrared thermometer;
  • alcohol thermometer;
  • special electrical device.

When measuring with a regular thermometer, you need to add 1-2 degrees to the result. A more accurate result will be given by an infrared device, the error of which is 0.5 degrees.

In order to regularly monitor the temperature of the water in the batteries, you can use an alcohol thermometer. To do this, the device is attached with tape to the radiator and wrapped in heat-insulating material.

The battery may not heat up evenly.

You can also use an electric version of the thermometer for measurements. To do this, a wire with a thermocouple is wound to the battery, and it takes readings of the degree of heating. If a consumer calls a special commission to measure the temperature of heating radiators in an apartment, then their device must have a quality certificate and first pass state inspection. The actions of specialists must comply with GOST 30494-96 (clause 4 in the “Control methods” section).

If the temperature of the heating pipes in the apartment is higher than normal, then it can be adjusted in several ways:

  • using special devices;
  • ventilation;
  • using thick curtains.

There are special taps with which you can regulate the temperature. They are installed on each radiator. A simpler method is to ventilate the room. You can also simply use curtains made of dense material, which will let less sunlight into the room. It is much easier to deal with high room temperatures than low ones. What to do if the minimum temperature of the batteries in the apartment is lower than indicated in the temperature chart? To do this you should:

  • call utility services;
  • insulate windows, doors and walls;
  • install new radiators.

If you don’t know how to check the temperature of the batteries in the apartment, you can call specialists. Also read: “Blowing and cleaning batteries.”

Utility services measure plumbing and heating systems. After this, an act is drawn up. Then, if the tenant's claims are confirmed, utility companies must increase or decrease water heating. Another way would be to install new heating radiators. Details about the installation can be found in the video:

You should pay attention to the material from which the batteries are made. Aluminum radiators have high thermal conductivity, so they will transfer heat well

But cast iron, although they are able to retain heat longer, will release it more slowly. Because of this, the room will take a long time to warm up.

Aluminum radiators have high thermal conductivity, so they will transfer heat well. But cast iron, although they are able to retain heat longer, will release it more slowly. Because of this, the room will take a long time to warm up.

The speed of water movement also affects the temperature in the heating pipes in apartments. Don’t forget that corner apartments are always cooler, because they have more walls in contact with the street. To reduce heat loss, it is necessary to insulate the walls. Insulating windows and doors through which cold air enters will also not be superfluous.

You can read more about infrared heating and energy consumption in this article.

Features of choice

To choose a heating device, you need to study the definitions of different types and choose a suitable thermometer. The meters have the appropriate characteristics; you should pay attention to the following features:

  • Connection method . If the task is to determine the temperature as accurately as possible, then experts advise making a choice in favor of submersible devices.
  • It is necessary to consider whether the repair of devices is difficult.
  • Working range . This indicator also affects accuracy. If the device is selected incorrectly, it may display the temperature incorrectly or stop working.
  • Method of taking readings . The inertia of the device must be taken into account, that is, the speed of bringing the readings to the real level.

Adjusting heating at home

If, after you have measured the heating of radiators at home with your own hands, the heating of the pipes exceeds the norm, then it should be adjusted. This can be done using special devices by hanging curtains with increased density on the windows.

But what to do if the heat is not enough? In this case, you should call the utility workers. Specialists must take measurements of data in the water supply and heating systems. Then they must draw up a final act. If non-compliance with the standard is confirmed, utility employees will resolve the problem.

If this option of calling utility services seems absurd or impossible to you, then the solution will be to insulate your home, and possibly replace the batteries with new heating devices.

When purchasing a radiator, first of all, you should pay attention to the material used to make the product. Aluminum models have the characteristics of increased thermal conductivity; therefore, they should heat the air in the room well. As for cast iron batteries, they retain heat much longer, but release it rather slowly. That is, the room will heat up for a longer time.

Heat loss can be reduced by insulating walls, window and door openings. Additionally, infrared heating can be installed. However, such systems consume the same amount of energy as other electric heaters with identical power ratings.

If you are unable or do not know how to determine the temperature of a heating device by hand or using other devices, you should immediately file a complaint with the housing maintenance office. In a situation where heating units are filled with air, a statement must be written to the Directorate for Building Operations. These services should send a specialist to you to solve the problem within 7 days.

What should you pay attention to?

Before purchasing a pipeline device, it is worth clarifying a few points:

  • The insertion must take place exactly in the place where the device is intended to be installed. That is why you need to first find a suitable place near the steam boiler and find out the method of fastening .
  • You need to figure out what the appropriate temperature range . Experts advise choosing the appropriate product; its upper limit should not be too high. The larger the division scale, the greater the error may be. This error may reduce the reliability of the product.
  • You need to find out in advance whether a pressure gauge . If it is not provided for in the system initially, then it can always be purchased in addition.

Checking the device

It is not enough to choose a suitable measuring device; you also need to check it after purchase. Experts say that it is best to check the accuracy of the readings .

This is necessary to ensure that the products provide accurate data. If you select a cheap device, then you can suspect that its readings will be inaccurate. You should not save on purchasing products, because a low-quality device can lead to a distortion of the real picture, a decrease in the efficiency and reliability of the system.

It is quite easy to carry out the test; for this you will need to take a device and a sensor with a remote spike for water. It is necessary to check the product near an open fire source . It will be enough to bring the thermometer to the fire for 10 seconds, and then do the same with the sensor.

Taking into account inertia, it is necessary to evaluate the readings that will appear on the instruments. You need to compare the readings on the sensor and the thermometer. The lower the difference, the more accurate the device will be.

Useful video

This video is a brief overview of two thermometers from the German company Watts.

In order to live comfortably in an apartment or country house during the winter, it is necessary to equip a heating system. If you live in the private sector, this may be an autonomous network, but if you live in an apartment building, then it is centralized. In any case, it is necessary that the temperature of the batteries during the heating season complies with the standards provided for by law and the relevant SNiP.

When does the housing office carry out work on connecting batteries?

In Russia, the heating season begins when the average daily outside air temperature becomes below +8°C, and ends when it begins to exceed +8°C, and it must be maintained for up to five days.


Let's consider the minimum temperature in the rooms:

  • In the living room +18°C;
  • In the corner room +20°C;
  • In the kitchen +18°C;
  • In the bathroom +25°C;
  • In the lobby and on the landing +16°C;
  • In the elevator room +5°C;
  • In the basement +4°C;
  • In the attic +4°C.

This value is measured on the inner wall of each room, and the distance from the outer wall should be 1 m, and from the floor 1.5 m.

If hourly deviations from standard parameters are noticed, then the heating fee should be reduced by 0.15%.

It should be noted that this temperature standard is valid after the opening of the heating season, and there are no indicators for the off-season.

You also need to know that hot water must have a temperature from +50°C to +70°C (SNiP “Residential buildings”).

It is measured by opening the tap and lowering the thermometer into the container to a special mark.

Heat supply requirements

According to the above-mentioned Resolution, central heating is launched after 5 days, during which the average outside air temperature does not exceed +8 °C. If after 4 cold days it becomes warm again on the fifth, the start of the heating period is delayed until the specified conditions are met. Heating standards stipulate that stopping heating occurs according to the same principle: 5 days must pass with an average daily temperature of +8 °C.

The Decree contains changes that provide for an individual approach to the supply of heat to buildings that fully comply with the requirements for thermal insulation. Heating supply organizations are required to turn on the heating of such houses as soon as the outside temperature drops to the value specified in the design documentation. It is not difficult to guess that in reality these changes are not being carried out very well, and the start of heat supply occurs simultaneously in all residential buildings - insulated and ordinary. During the heating season, the centralized heating system must provide multi-apartment residential buildings with a sufficient amount of thermal energy. In order for the heat supply service to be considered fully provided, the following requirements for permissible air temperature in premises for various purposes must be met: living rooms - from 18 to 24 °C, corner rooms - from 20 °C; bathroom (or separate toilet and bathroom) - from 18 to 26 °C; kitchen (taking into account the heat source in the form of a stove) - from 18 to 26 ° C; pantry - from 12 to 22 °C; corridor - from 16 to 20 °C.

For apartment buildings located in cold northern regions, the lower limit of permissible temperature in living rooms is increased to +20 °C (in corner rooms up to +22 °C). The increase comes into force provided that the frost outside reaches -31 °C (on average per day) and lasts for at least 5 days. It is also allowed to decrease the temperature in the apartment by 3 °C from midnight to 5.00 am. The heat supply to a number of apartments or the building as a whole may be interrupted as a result of an emergency and unforeseen repairs. But regulatory documents allot a certain time for carrying out repair work, depending on weather conditions. The colder the outside air, the sooner the relevant service must repair the fault. The total duration of interruptions in heating operation is no more than 24 hours per month.

Air ratio parameters

The room must have a certain air exchange rate, for example, if the room is residential and has an area of ​​18 or 20 m 2, then the rate should be 3 m 3 / h per square meter. m., the same parameters are also necessary in regions where the temperature reaches −31°C and drops below.

In dormitory kitchens and apartments equipped with electric and gas two-burner stoves and having an area of ​​up to 18 m 2, aeration is 60 m 3 / h.

If there is a three-burner appliance in the room, then this value will be 75 m 3 / h, if there is a gas stove with four burners - 90 m 3 / h.

For a bathroom with an area of ​​25 m2, the air exchange rate should be 25 m3/h, and for an individual restroom with an area of ​​18 m2 - 25 m3/h. If the bathtub and toilet are combined and their area is 25 m 2, then the aeration is 50 m 3 / h.

If the common restroom has an area of ​​16 m2, then an air exchange rate of up to 50 m3 / h is required for one toilet, and 25 m3 / h for a urinal.

If the room is corner, then the room should be 2°C higher than usual.

During warm periods, the temperature in the elevator room should not exceed 40°C.

Pyrometer and how to work with it

A pyrometer is an infrared thermometer. It determines temperature by electromagnetic radiation. An accurate engineering device allows you to quickly measure the temperature of an object located at a distance not exceeding three meters from the device.

Heating standards

But even this excellent equipment is capable of producing errors, which is what negligent utility workers take advantage of. When measuring temperature, the device readings will be erroneous if:

  • in a relatively small room there are many objects made from various materials;
  • there is high humidity or a lot of dust in the room;
  • the temperature of the device differs significantly from the room temperature;
  • the distance to the measured object exceeds 3 m;
  • the room is very large.

What is the temperature in the batteries?

There are certain parameters on this issue:

  1. Hot water should be supplied to the taps all year round, the temperature of which should be from +50°C to +70°C;
  2. During the heating season, heating devices are completely filled with this liquid.

Let's look at how to measure the temperature of a radiator; to do this, open the tap and place a container with a thermometer. In this case, deviations are only possible upward by +4°C.

If a problem arises in this matter, then you need to file a complaint with the Housing Office, but if the batteries are airy, then the application must be written to the DEZ. A specialist will come within a week and fix everything.

Several more methods for measuring the temperature of radiators:

  1. A thermometer measures the temperature of heating pipes or the surface of a radiator. Add 1 - 2°C to the resulting value;
  2. In order to make these measurements extremely accurately, purchase an infrared thermometer-pyrometer, which determines the temperature with an accuracy of 0.5 ° C;
  3. Take an alcohol thermometer and apply it to the selected location on the radiator, glue it with tape and wrap it with any heat-insulating material (foam rubber, flywheel). This is a permanent device for measuring the temperature of the heating system;
  4. If you have an electrical measuring device at home with the “measure temperature” function, then a wire with a thermocouple is wound to the battery and the temperature of the coolant is measured.

It is important! If the temperature of the heating radiators does not satisfy you, then a commission will come to you based on a complaint, which must measure the temperature of the circulating fluid in the heating system. Their actions must comply with paragraph 4, which is specified in the “Control Methods” of GOST 30494−96, and the measuring device must be registered, state tested and have a quality certificate. Its range should vary from +5 to +40°C, and an error of 0.1°C is also acceptable.

How to determine the temperature of a heating radiator without a thermometer

The annual rise in price of resources forces the end consumer to think not only about their savings, but also about the quality of the utility services provided. One of the most significant expense items in paying for an apartment is heating, so consumers monitor its parameters especially carefully. To do this, it is worth finding out what the normal temperature of the batteries in the apartment is in 2019.

The heating circuit in apartment buildings is built in cooperation with a centralized system to which the pipes are connected. Through them, the coolant is directed to the apartment building, where its further supply is regulated by inlet valves. After this, the water goes through the risers and eventually ends up in the radiators and radiators of each apartment.

The described processes, as well as everything related to the rules for providing the population with utility resources, are reflected in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 354). Heating quality requirements are set out in Section VI of Appendix No. 1 to the rules of Decree No. 354.

In addition, detailed rules for the provision of heating services are prescribed in the Order of Rosstandart dated June 11, 2014 No. 544-st “GOST R 51617-2014. National standard of the Russian Federation. Housing and communal services and management of apartment buildings. Public utilities. General requirements" (hereinafter - GOST R 51617-2014) and "GOST 30494-2011. Interstate standard. Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters”, approved by order of Rosstandart dated July 12, 2012 No. 191-st (hereinafter referred to as GOST 30494-2011).

These acts establish the parameters of the coolant for the heating system of an apartment building. Thus, the temperature of the coolant (water) when supplied to the system is equal to the temperature of the water when it leaves the heating boiler. As a rule, the coolant should be brought to a temperature of 130-150 °C, but this indicator also depends on the outside temperature in the region.

Typically, the water leaving the boiler should have a temperature of 115 °C.

However, the standard temperature in the heating system can be within 95 ° C or 105 ° C (for different systems).

Next, to create comfortable conditions in the room, the proper condition of the parameters of the riser, which conducts water from the heating unit to the apartment, is ensured. They vary depending on the summer and winter seasons.

Of course, in practice, the temperature of the coolant in the riser depends on the operation of the thermal power plant and on heat loss on the way to the house. However, the riser temperature in winter should be in the range of 70-90 °C.

The feeling of comfort from heating a room is subjective. However, there are uniform standards determined by the physiological needs of a person, as well as the purpose of the premises in which he resides.

Although there is a fairly wide range of standards that prescribe what the temperature of the water in the heating system of an apartment building should be, the standards for the thermal conditions of the air in the apartment are very unambiguous.

So, in accordance with the standards, during the heating season the following temperature regime must be maintained in the apartment:

  • in the living room - 18 °C;
  • in a living corner room - 20 °C;
  • in the bathroom - 25 ° C;
  • in the toilet (separated from the bathroom) - 18 ° C;
  • in a shared bathroom - 25 °C;
  • in the kitchen - 18 °C.

This standard according to GOST allows you to preserve the health of residents without exposing them to adverse conditions.

Factors affecting room heating include thermal conductivity, other technical characteristics, as well as the order of installation of batteries. Therefore, compliance with the rules for their installation and use will ensure that the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment and in the house meets the established standards.

In addition, you should carefully consider determining the number of battery sections depending on the area of ​​the room. For example, a device in which the coolant is heated to an identical temperature will have a different effect on the heat flow with sections 5 and 7 on it.

In order to ensure air heating standards in residential premises, certain temperature conditions of radiators must be observed. However, at the legislative level, the minimum permissible temperature of the battery itself is not established.

It is logical that at low temperatures of heating equipment it is impossible to provide +18 - 25 °C in housing during the cold season.

If the batteries do not provide the proper level of heating, it is worth starting to look for the cause. Before checking the temperature of the pipes, you should pay attention to the placement of the device and the availability of free access to the battery.

It is quite possible that the only problem is that the radiator is covered with furniture that prevents the circulation of heated air, or is fenced with a special protective panel.

In turn, more attention has been paid to what the upper norm should actually be in winter. Thus, the permissible maximum temperature for a radiator in a residential building is 95 °C if the housing is equipped with a two-pipe heating system.

If the system is single-pipe, the maximum temperature of the battery should not exceed 115°C.

It should be noted that the optimal recommendation is 85-90°C. It is defined for practical purposes. This maximum water temperature in the heating system of an apartment building is associated with water boiling at 100°C. If this figure is exceeded, the radiator fails faster.

When doubts arise about the quality of the heating services provided, and the inhabitants of the apartment simply begin to freeze, measures should be taken to determine the cause. To do this, measure the temperature:

  • air in the room;
  • pipes;
  • batteries;
  • coolant - water in the heating system.

The data obtained will help you understand whether the room is really unreasonably cold or whether it is just a subjective feeling.

It must be taken into account that independent measurements of heating indicators are not direct evidence of violation of standards. However, they can serve as a basis for filing a complaint and inviting representatives of the service organization for control measurements.

It should be noted that reliably measuring the temperature of the coolant in a central heating system is not so easy. The most accurate indicator remains only the air temperature in the room. However, you can do the following:

  1. Open the tap if it is installed on the radiator in the apartment.
  2. Place a container under it, after placing a thermometer there.
  3. Collect water.
  4. Wait for the final thermometer reading.

This indicator must comply with the described standards, but upward deviation from them is also allowed. The maximum temperature deviation is up to 4 °C.

In addition, if air is detected in the heating system of the apartment, you should contact the service organization.

There is another way to establish the truth, related to the fact that the temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment and the hot water supply are directly related. Therefore, it is advisable to measure the water degree like this:

  1. Open the hot tap.
  2. Wait 3 minutes for the water to heat up to maximum.
  3. Take a container and place it under the stream without closing the tap.
  4. Place the thermometer in the center of the container.
  5. Wait for the final readings from the device to be received.

If the device shows a number from 60 to 75 °C, everything is normal with the coolant. If the temperature data is lower, it is possible that the water in the heating system is not heated enough.

When the issue with the coolant is clarified, you can think about how to measure the temperature of the battery in the apartment. This is easy to do in the following ways:

  1. Use a regular household thermometer. You need to apply it to the battery and wait until it warms up. To account for the error, it is better to add 1-2 degrees to the data obtained.
  2. Use an alcohol thermometer, attaching it to the radiator with tape, and then insulating it with insulating material, such as foam rubber. The information obtained by this method is indicative in dynamics. The device can be left for a long period to continuously monitor the situation.
  3. Use an infrared thermometer. In practice, they have a small error, and do not require direct contact with the heating device. And the result is given instantly.
  4. Use an electrical measuring instrument with a thermal ramp and sensor. The sensor is installed on the battery, and when the “measure temperature” function is selected, the device displays its value.

If you find that the radiators in the apartment are cold, you should find out whether this is a problem exclusively for this room or whether all residents of the house are faced with it. A collective appeal always attracts more attention than an individual one.

If the quality of heating is unsatisfactory and does not comply with SNiP, a complaint can be filed:

  • to a service organization: homeowners association, management company, housing construction cooperative;
  • resource supply company;
  • emergency dispatch service;
  • housing inspection. It usually operates a special hotline for such requests.

Organizations will receive the complaint over the phone and then register it. After this, specialists will establish and eliminate the cause of the lack of heating, recording a violation.

Later, based on the heating network inspection report, a recalculation for the period of no heat occurs.

If the above organizations do not take any measures to restore heating, you should file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office.

The legislator established standards for the characteristics of the heating system, paying special attention to the optimal temperature in the living room. Its value is the most important for residents, and it is also easy to check. If it is lower than required, it means the battery is not heated enough. And in case of non-compliance with the standards, you can file a complaint with the service organizations, not forgetting about recalculating the fee if it is discovered that heating services are of inadequate quality.

If we refer to Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011, the supply of heating to residential apartments begins when the average daily outdoor air temperature is less than eight degrees, if this mark remains unchanged for five days. In this case, the start of heat begins on the sixth day after a decrease in the air index was recorded. For all other cases, the law allows delaying the supply of heat resources. In general, in almost all regions of the country the actual heating season directly and officially begins in mid-October and ends in April.

In practice, it also happens that due to the negligence of heat supply companies, the measured temperature of the installed radiators in the apartment does not meet the regulated standards. However, in order to complain and demand correction of the situation, you need to know what standards are in force in Russia and how exactly to correctly measure the existing temperature of operating radiators.

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Considering the main indicators, the official temperatures of the heating radiators in the apartment are shown below. They are applicable for absolutely all existing systems in which, in direct accordance with the Decree of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services No. 170 of September 27, 2003, the coolant (water) is supplied from the bottom up.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the temperature of the water that circulates in the radiator directly at the entrance to the functioning heating system must correspond to the current schedules regulated by the utility networks for a particular room. These schedules are regulated by Sanitary Standards and Rules in the sections of heating, air conditioning and ventilation (41-01-2003). Here, in particular, it is indicated that with a two-pipe heating system the maximum temperature indicators are equal to ninety-five degrees, and with a single-pipe heating system - one hundred and five degrees. These measurements must be carried out consistently in accordance with established rules, otherwise, when contacting higher authorities, the readings will not be taken into account.

The temperature of heating batteries in residential apartments in centralized heating is determined according to the relevant standards, which reflect a sufficient value for the premises, depending on their intended purpose. In this area, the standards are simpler than in the case of work premises, since the activity of residents is, in principle, not so high and more or less stable. Based on this, the following norms are regulated:

  • In residential premises, temperature fluctuations should be in the range from 20 to 22 degrees (permissible limit 18-24 degrees Celsius);
  • For corner rooms, indicators of at least twenty degrees are applicable, since these are the rooms that are most exposed to low external temperatures;
  • In the kitchen, since this is a workroom with a heat source (gas or electric stove), temperatures can range from 19 to 21 degrees Celsius (on average from 18 to 26);
  • The toilet should have a temperature similar to the kitchen;
  • For bathrooms, as for hot rooms, the norm is considered to be from 18 to 24 degrees (maximum 26);
  • Non-residential premises should have a temperature depending on how often they are used, so for the corridor it is standard 18-20 degrees, but not less than 16, in the pantry - 16-18, but 12 to 22 degrees is acceptable.

Of course, the individual characteristics of each person should be taken into account; everyone has different activities and preferences, which is why there is a difference in the norms from and to, and not one single indicator is fixed.

Heating in apartment buildings is based on the result of many engineering calculations, which are not always very successful. The process is complicated in that it does not involve delivering hot water to a specific property, but rather evenly distributing water throughout all existing apartments, taking into account all standards and necessary indicators, including optimal humidity. The effectiveness of such a system depends on how coordinated the actions of its elements are, which also includes radiators and pipes in each room. Therefore, you cannot replace radiator batteries without taking into account the characteristics of heating systems - this leads to negative consequences with a shortage of heat or, conversely, an excess of it.

As for optimizing heating in apartments, the following provisions apply:

  • Safety requirements are determined by the compliance of the temperature of the thermal media - the temperature in the battery should not be more than twenty degrees of that at which the materials can ignite (limits from sixty-five degrees to one hundred and fifteen are acceptable, depending on the season);
  • Water temperature up to one hundred and five degrees Celsius is the basis for taking measures against boiling of liquids;
  • The standard limits for the temperature of the water that flows through the heating batteries are seventy-five degrees; if this figure is exceeded, the batteries must have restrictive structures;
  • In mid-latitudes, the heating season begins from mid-October to mid-April.

In any case, if something bothers the owner, it is worth filing an application with the management company, housing and communal services, or the organization responsible for the supply of heat - depending on what exactly differs from the accepted standards and does not satisfy the applicant.

If the operating heating systems of an apartment building are functionally adjusted with deviations in the measured temperature only in your premises, you need to check the internal apartment heating systems. First of all, you should make sure that they are not airy. It is necessary to touch the individual radiators in the living space from top to bottom and in the opposite direction - if the temperature is uneven, it means that the cause of the imbalance is airing and you need to bleed the air by turning a separate tap on the radiator radiators. It is important to remember that you cannot open the tap without first placing some container under it for the water to flow into. At first, the water will come out with a hiss, that is, with air; you need to close the tap when it flows without hissing and smoothly. Some time later

You should check the places on the battery that were cold - they should now be warm.

If the reason is not in the air, you need to submit an application to the management company. In turn, she must send a responsible technician to the applicant within 24 hours, who must draw up a written conclusion about the inconsistency of the temperature regime and send a team to fix the existing problems.

If the management company has not responded to the complaint, you need to take measurements yourself in the presence of your neighbors.

You should consider how to correctly measure the temperature of radiators. You need to prepare a special thermometer, open the tap and place some container with this thermometer under it. It’s worth noting right away that only an upward deviation of four degrees is permissible. If this is problematic, you need to contact the Housing Office, but if the batteries are airy, submit an application to the DEZ. Everything should be fixed within one week.

There are additional ways to measure the temperature of radiators, namely:

  • Measure the temperature of the pipes or battery surfaces with a thermometer and add one or two degrees Celsius to the values ​​thus obtained;
  • For accuracy, it is advisable to use infrared thermometers-pyrometers, their error is less than 0.5 degrees;
  • Alcohol thermometers are also taken, which are applied to a selected place on the radiator, fixed on it with tape, wrapped with heat-insulating materials and used as permanent measuring instruments;
  • If you have any special electrical measuring device, wires with a thermocouple are wound to the batteries.

If the temperature is unsatisfactory, you must file a corresponding complaint.

Like other indicators that are important to ensure the required living conditions for people (humidity indicators in apartments, warm water supply temperatures, air, etc.), the temperature of heating radiators in fact has certain acceptable minimums depending on the time of year. However, neither the law nor the established standards prescribe any minimum standards for residential batteries. Based on this, it can be noted that the indicators must be maintained such that the above-mentioned permissible temperatures in the premises are normally maintained. Of course, if the temperature of the water in the radiators is not high enough, it will actually be impossible to ensure the optimal required temperature in the apartment.

If there is no minimum established, then the maximum indicator is established by Sanitary norms and rules, in particular 01/41/2003. This document defines the standards that are required for an indoor heating system. As mentioned earlier, for two-pipe this is ninety-five degrees, and for single-pipe it is one hundred and fifteen degrees Celsius. However, the recommended temperatures are from eighty-five degrees to ninety, since water boils at one hundred degrees.

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  • Temperature standards in residential premises
  • Temperature standards for hot water in apartment buildings
  • Dependence of coolant temperature on external temperatures

Hello. Please tell me if there are any options for solving the situation: the heating appliances in the apartment from the moment it was built are cast iron radiators, the number of sections has not been changed, everything is according to the design. The temperature in the apartment is +26-28 degrees in winter. A specialist from the management company came, took measurements with a thermal imager and it turned out that the temperature of the coolant itself was normal, but that it was unbearably hot in the apartment - they suggested installing a valve, but at the same time there is no way to install an individual heating meter, because The house is old and it turns out that if I install a meter, I will still have to pay for heating in full. What should I do - do I have the right to submit an application to the Criminal Code for recalculation of heating costs as with a petetope, if the temperature of the batteries is normal?

Hello Olga! It is unlikely that they will recalculate anything for you - there is no reason for this - you will simply waste time. You're lucky - mostly people complain about the low temperature of the batteries - it's cold. Install the valve and regulate the heat.

“However, neither the law nor the established standards prescribe any minimum standards for residential batteries.” So it turns out that if the temperature in my apartment is lower than expected (22, 20 degrees), then it is naive to think that I will sit and freeze. Of course I will turn on additional heating devices. I will submit an application to the management company. At the time of arrival and measurements by specialists of the management company, the temperature in the room will be very comfortable and within the norms. But the temperature of the batteries will remain the same, for example 40-50 as it is now, but it is not taken into account according to the standards. The management specialists will throw up their hands, say everything is normal and go home. And again I’ll be left burning extra electricity and praying that the frosts will pass by. Although I regularly pay for the coolant throughout the heating season, both in summer and winter. Maybe not pay? There seems to be no reason, but everything is normal. According to the lawsuit, the heat supplier will be 100% right. And what should we do here, what should we do here? The eternal question...

Hello, Sergey! Of course, there is no need to freeze! Take temperature measurements day and night. If the indicators are low - for example, the temperature at night is below 15 degrees, then write a complaint to the management company - let them answer you in writing - collect all the papers. If they don’t fix it, write a statement to the prosecutor’s office against the management company and let them conduct an inspection.

To my sad experience, we have already gone through this - both the prosecutor’s office and the corrupt courts. Unfortunately, in our courts it is necessary to prove with documents, judges are not guided by common sense. In this situation, common sense contradicts the standards for residential premises, where they measure not the temperature of the carrier, but the temperature of the air in the room. Therefore, we will save the paper for frosts and to heat the stoves. I have nothing better to do than sit and take the temperature day and night. Well, I decided and what next. I wrote a piece of paper, this piece of paper is like a certificate without the seal of an accredited examination of a third-party organization, in court it will be nothing. You obviously unsubscribed without reading my comment “At the time of arrival and measurements by specialists of the management company, the temperature in the room will be very comfortable and within the norm.” As far as I understand, there is no particular advice. Well, let me take my leave of this. Thank you very much for the advice. PS: I’ll go read Chippolino, maybe they’ll feel better, the situation there was worse)

open the windows before arriving))) Why heat if you want to make sure the temperature is low? To ourselves...(((

I completely agree with you: for heat supply (or management) organizations, the temperature of the radiators should be standardized, and not the air temperature in the apartment. The air temperature in the apartment is standardized by sanitary norms and rules and determines comfortable living in the apartment. This norm is within 18-20 degrees. And if the temperature of the batteries does not rise above 30 degrees, and the frost outside is minus 20, then the temperature in the apartment will be less than 18 degrees. But if it warms up outside to above-zero temperatures, then the temperature in the apartment will rise. But it shouldn’t be like this: when it’s warm outside, we’re happy, when it’s cold outside, we freeze. It is necessary to ensure that the temperature of the batteries is normalized depending on the temperature of the outside air, then if the outside temperature is sub-zero and the standard is not observed, claims can be made to the heat supply or management company.

Invite independent experts - let them make you a report with seals and signatures. Write a collective complaint to the prosecutor's office - with the entire entrance or house. Through collective complaints, it reaches them much better.

Regulations in force in Russia

Let's look at some parameters that depend on the outdoor temperature.

According to GosStroy Decree No. 170 dated September 27, 2003, if the coolant is supplied to the heating device from bottom to top, then the following standards are adopted, which are shown in the table:

Outdoor air temperature (°C)Return (in °C)Supply pipe (in °C)

It should also be taken into account that the temperature of the circulating fluid at the entrance of the heating system to the room must correspond to the schedule that regulates the utility network for a particular room.

According to SNiP - 41−01−2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”, which specifies standards not only for administrative, public, but also for residential buildings, it is emphasized that:

If the heating system is two-pipe, then the maximum coolant temperature should be +95°C, and if it is single-pipe, then +105°C.

Requirements for heating networks

With centralized heat supply, the heat source is a boiler house or a thermal power plant, where high-temperature water-heating boilers are installed (in thermal power plants - steam boilers). The fuel is usually natural gas, with other energy sources being used to a lesser extent. The temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the hot water boiler is 115 °C, but the water does not boil when it is under pressure. The need to heat up to 115 °C is explained by the fact that boiler plants operate at maximum efficiency in this mode. The transition from 115 °C to the required temperature value is provided by plate or shell-and-tube heat exchangers. At a thermal power plant, waste steam from turbines enters heat exchangers to produce electricity. According to regulatory requirements, the water temperature in heating pipes should not exceed 105 ° C, the lower limit depends on street conditions. In this range, the heating of water in the heating network is regulated depending on the weather, for which each boiler room has a temperature graph of the heating system. For home networks, 2 calculation schedules are used: 105/70 °C; 95/70 °C.

These figures show the maximum temperature of the supply and return water during the most severe frosts in a particular area. But at the beginning and end of the heating season, when the weather is not yet too cold, there is no point in heating the coolant to 105 °C, so a real temperature heating schedule is drawn up, which describes to what extent the water should be heated at different outside temperatures. The dependence of heating on weather conditions is shown in the table, which presents excerpts from the graph for the city of Ufa: Average daily street air temperature, °C at the supply with a design schedule of 105/70 at the supply with a design schedule of 95/70 in the return +8 43 41 36 56 52 43 -5 64 59 48 -10 71 65 52 -15 78 72 56 -20 85 78 59 -25 92 84 63 -30 99 89 67 -35 105 95 70

The table is presented as an example and is correct only for this city; another locality has its own dependence, because the climatic conditions in the country are different. It is quite difficult to find out exactly what the coolant temperature is in a centralized heating network. To do this, you need to have a remote thermometer that determines the degree of surface heating. So, it is possible to determine to what extent the heating standards in the apartment are met only by the air temperature in the rooms.

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