What to do if heating radiators leak and repair batteries in an apartment

If you need to carry out scheduled repairs of a heating device, it is best to do this at the end of the heating season. But if an accident occurs during the heating period, then urgent unscheduled repairs of radiators are carried out. The main thing is to notice and eliminate the leak in time, because if the accident is significant, the property in your and the apartment below will be damaged. To repair the battery, you can invite a specialist or do it yourself. If there are no shut-off valves on the pipes leading to the radiator, then the heating in the riser or the entire house will have to be turned off.

Types of heating batteries

If you plan to repair heating radiators yourself, then the type of work performed depends on the type of battery.

Depending on the materials, all heating devices are divided into the following types:

  1. Aluminum units weigh little, are very attractive in appearance and have high heat transfer. However, they do not tolerate water hammer well, so they are installed only in autonomous heating systems with low pressure. Also important for them is the purity and composition of the coolant. If deposits appear on the internal walls, the radiator cannot be repaired, so the cleanliness of the coolant must be constantly monitored.
  2. Sectional cast iron batteries have a high heat capacity. They are durable and strong and are not subject to corrosion. Due to the impressive weight of the device, installation and maintenance pose certain difficulties. Such radiators often leak due to wear of the gaskets between the sections.
  3. Radiators made of steel weigh little and have good heat transfer. However, they are not installed in buildings with centralized heating due to susceptibility to corrosion after draining the coolant from the system.
  4. Bimetallic batteries have a steel core and an aluminum body. They are very beautiful in appearance, resistant to corrosion and high pressure in the system, so they can be used in houses with centralized heating. The heat output of a bimetallic radiator is quite high. Repairing heating in an apartment with bimetallic appliances is easy to do yourself if you know how to replace and adjust thermostats, eliminate leaks, clean pipes and change gaskets.

To select the appropriate type of heating device, you need to take into account the wiring diagram, pipeline material, installation features, coolant temperature, room layout and number of floors of the house, as well as the climatic features of the region.

When choosing a battery, pay attention to its dimensions. Be sure to set the shut-off and control temperatures. To correctly calculate the number of sections, use the following rule - for every two squares of a room with a height of no more than three meters, you need to install one section.

In multi-storey buildings, bimetallic or cast iron radiators are usually installed, which can easily withstand water hammer and increased pressure in the network. That is why we will tell you in detail how to repair heating radiators made of bimetal and cast iron.

Safe removal

Before disassembling, you need to make sure that the laptop battery is completely discharged. Once the charge is completely depleted, you need to double check your laptop before removing the battery

It is important!

How to repair an Asus laptop battery yourself:

Open the battery case

To do this, carefully unpack it using a flathead screwdriver and a utility knife. Once the battery case is opened, you can analyze the type of batteries needed and learn the connection diagram for their installation

Before disassembling, it is better to take a photo or draw a diagram of the connection of the elements, so as not to forget before restoration. It is also important when opening to take all measures to prevent deformation or breakage of the plastic battery case. Replacing Cells Use a voltmeter to make sure the old cells are completely discharged before removing them. This will prevent possible electric shock. To find the correct replacement cells, you must use the model number on the battery. Solder the new cells to the wires, making sure they connect to the correct wires. When replacing lithium-ion cells, wear safety glasses. They are handled with care as they are explosive. Once the battery case is closed and placed back into the laptop, it needs to be fully charged.

Causes of leaks and other breakdowns of heating devices

If a fistula appears on the heating pipe or any defect in the heating device, first of all you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence and eliminate them so that the problem does not reappear in the future.

Replacing heating radiators in an apartment and the cost of installing batteries

Various radiator malfunctions occur for the following reasons:

  • If you choose the wrong type of unit for a given heating network, it quickly fails. When choosing a battery, take into account the diameter of the main pipeline, the temperature of the coolant, pressure and other system parameters.
  • If the heating device is incorrectly connected to the mains, it will also quickly break down.
  • Fistulas and leaks most often appear due to corrosion of the material. Corrosion processes are accelerated by oxygen entering the network, airing the system, using coolant with impurities, as well as frequent pressure surges.
  • Plaque at the junction of sections and clogging of radiators and pipelines occurs due to the use of a thermal fluid of inadequate quality. In this case, all components of the network must be washed and cleaned.
  • If the threaded nipples fail, the extent of the failure will be significant. To protect these elements from damage, change the gaskets regularly.
  • Clicks and noises in radiators and pipes do not necessarily occur due to breakdowns. However, in any case, it is better to seek advice from specialists to eliminate the possibility of breakdown.
  • Low heat transfer and incorrect battery operation occur due to the appearance of air pockets. They occur after network repairs, replacement of heating devices, due to low pressure in the circuit or leaks.

On a note! If the pressure in the heating system drops, this may occur due to the formation of scale in the heating equipment, as well as when a leak appears at the junction of different elements.

detailed instructions

  1. First, the plane of the radiator is prepared and iron flux with rosin is applied to its body.
  2. Using a heated soldering iron, rub the damaged area.
  3. When the rosin spreads over the damaged plane, solder made of lead and tin with iron impurities should be added.
  4. Old paint is removed using a special remover and sanded.
  5. The battery is painted with paint or heat-resistant paint.

When the battery is made up of segments, then you should first paint the spaces between the sections. The device remains cold during processing.

Repair of bimetal batteries

If you decide to repair bimetallic heating radiators yourself, then follow the recommendations of specialists. Despite the strength, quality and durability of bimetal heating devices, they also fail due to the low quality of the coolant in centralized heating networks.

If the heat transfer of a bimetallic device decreases, the cause may be clogged pipes. To solve the problem, you need to clean the device and pipelines.

When cleaning bimetallic radiators, follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. If the radiator is mounted on bypasses, then disconnect the battery circuit from the heating system. Otherwise, you will have to block off the entire riser or the entire house. Move furniture if it is in the way and cover the floor with plastic sheeting.
  2. Use a pipe wrench to disconnect the heater from the main pipeline. Place the basin and drain the water from the device by tilting it over the container. After this, take the radiator to the bathroom. It is much more convenient to clean it here. Place a wooden pallet or rags on the bottom of the bathroom to avoid scratching the plumbing.
  3. Remove all existing plugs from the battery and supply it with high pressure water. It is necessary to flush the radiator until various contaminants are no longer washed out. If the scale is so dense that a stream of water cannot penetrate it, special chemical compounds will be needed. You can use “Mole” or pour vinegar into the battery overnight. After the scale has dissolved, the unit is washed again with clean water.
  4. Then all the plugs are returned to their original place and the battery is installed in the circuit, connecting it to the main line.

We repair cracks in bimetallic radiators

If a crack appears in a bimetal device, then simply welding it will not work, because an oxide film will appear in this place on the aluminum body. Its appearance is associated with the interaction of aluminum with oxygen. To solve the problem of film appearance, flux is used. A special composition for soldering aluminum is sold in stores. If you wish, you can do it yourself.

When the problem of oxide formation is solved, traditional soldering is carried out with solder from an iron-rosin mixture. Soldering can be used to repair small damage (cracks or small holes). If you decide to contact a specialist, then cold welding or epoxy glue is used to temporarily eliminate the leak.

Replacing heating pipes in an apartment and how to hide them

Setup process

To repair aluminum heating radiators, several methods are used:

  • Replace rubber seals. The first step is to remove the radiator and separate its segments. To remove leaks in this device during the heating season, you will need to replace one segment or replace the radiator. Sometimes it is not possible to do this, then they resort to cold welding;
  • To seal small defects in the radiator, it is possible to resort to aluminum solder. This will only serve as a temporary measure; major repairs will be required later;
  • It is possible to reliably repair a radiator using argon welding, but it requires special preparation. When repairing aluminum radiators, remember that the material is soft and should be handled carefully. If you use them correctly, you won’t have to repair them;
  • Aluminum cannot be soldered, then how can you seal the battery? A flux made from rosin with iron is best suited for this purpose. It will be placed on the cleaned surface of the radiator, and then the solder is placed directly under the flux. This quick repair is suitable for minor leaks.

Repair of cast iron radiators

Repairing cast iron heating radiators with your own hands is not so easy. This is due not only to the impressive weight of the device, but also to the fact that this type of battery was installed back in Soviet times. It is very difficult to unscrew the plugs from such devices. To do this, the joint is well heated, because in the last century a rope soaked in paint was used as a sealant. Only heat can soften the hardened sealant.

If a cast iron battery bursts, we will tell you how to repair it further.

Minor cracks and fistulas in cast iron units are repaired using one of the following methods:

  • To close the fistula, use a special clamp. Instead, the damaged area can be wrapped several times with a rubber band.
  • Small holes are sealed with cold welding. To do this, the crushed material is applied to the damaged area.
  • If you soak a bandage in epoxy glue and wrap it around the damaged area, you can eliminate the leak. It will stop after the glue sets.
  • Minor defects can be sealed with moisture-resistant sealant.

All the methods given above are temporary measures that allow you to prevent leaks until the technician arrives. Only specialists can completely replace the radiator or reliably weld the hole.

Advice! To extend the life of a cast iron battery, it must be painted regularly. It is advisable to do this after turning off the heating. The old layer of paint must be removed and the surface degreased.

The battery is leaking, where to go and what to do?

Now let's figure out what to do if the heating battery is leaking.
Moreover, we are talking about cases where no temporary methods of eliminating the leak will help, because the scale of the accident is significant and the property of residents on the lower floors may be damaged. If there is a battery leak in an apartment building, you need to urgently contact the Housing Office. It is the management company that is responsible for the serviceability of all intra-house networks, including heating communications. While waiting for the technician, use any of the measures described above to temporarily stop the leak or reduce it in order to protect your property and the apartment below from getting wet.

A housing office specialist will turn off the heating in a separate riser or in the entire house in order to repair the heating unit. Depending on the cause of the leak and the size of the defect, the technician will replace the gasket, weld a fistula or crack, or completely replace the heating device. Please note that you do not have to pay for the work, because the Housing Office carries it out at its own expense.

Some tips and tricks for increasing heat in your home

Finally, a few tips to improve the performance of heating radiators and the heating system as a whole:

  • Painting a radiator (particularly cast iron) in a dark color increases the proportion of heat removed by radiation.
  • The recommended distance from the radiator to the window sill is 100 mm, and from the wall to the battery - 20 mm. Otherwise, the heat flow is disrupted and the efficiency of the heating system decreases;
  • To increase thermal radiation directed into the room, attach a heat-insulating film with a foil surface to the wall behind the radiator.

  • The optimal distance from the floor surface to the battery is 120-150 mm. If this rule is not followed, sudden changes in temperature will cause drafts in the house;
  • With a reverse connection (when hot water is supplied to the radiator from below), the total power of the system is reduced by about seven percent.
  • The efficiency of the heating system is also significantly affected by the location of the radiator. The maximum effect is achieved by placement under the windowsill - 96-97%. If the battery is open in a niche, the efficiency decreases to 93%; if the radiator is partially closed - up to 88-93%, if completely - up to 75-80%.
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