What is PSB-S-35: all the properties and characteristics of the popular foam plastic

Suspension polystyrene foam is one of the most popular insulation materials on the market. The material has really good performance characteristics. And I want to talk about its technical characteristics, scope and other features.

The foam board must be marked.

The main purpose of PSB S 35 is foundation insulation

PSB-S 35 insulation, the technical characteristics of which are very impressive, and the price is within average values, is today one of the most popular on the market. It is used as a heat and sound insulator in the construction of flat exploitable roofs, floors with high load capacity, foundations and basements. More detailed information about the characteristics of the material can be found in the section PSB-S 35 technical characteristics.

Areas of application of PSBS 35

Expanded polystyrene PSB-S 35 is most relevant in structures with high load resistance. Nowadays, when constructing monolithic foundations, polystyrene foam PSB-S 35 is increasingly used as permanent formwork, the characteristics of which allow it to be used very widely, for example, for thermal insulation:

  • foundation strips and pile foundations;
  • plinths;
  • external networks and pipelines;
  • flat roofs and attic spaces;
  • inversion roofs;
  • curtain facades;
  • outside brick walls when laying wells;
  • attics;
  • floors, including warm ones;
  • heated sidewalks and platforms, parking lots;
  • soil from freezing.

Polystyrene foam PSB-S 35 is also used as:

  • diversion;
  • permanent formwork forms;
  • bases for plaster;
  • middle layer in steel and reinforced concrete panels;
  • protection for drainage and strengthening of slopes.

Expanded polystyrene 35: advantages

  • almost completely impenetrable to wind;
  • increased rigidity foam 35 density;
  • the price with similar indicators to the M50 is significantly lower;
  • minimal thermal conductivity;
  • works under high compressive loads;
  • PSB S 35 does not provoke active combustion;
  • excellent water and biological resistance, does not mold;
  • ecologically pure;
  • PSBS 35 does not “age” and maintains performance for up to 50 years;
  • sales and shipment are carried out for all cities of the Russian Federation.

The use of expanded polystyrene 35 allows:

  • Effectively prevent heat loss through roofs, basements and basements.
  • Simplify the process of installing thermal insulation, optimize the costs of work on insulating buildings and structures.
  • To ensure thermal comfort and environmental safety of people who live and work in insulated buildings.
  • Increase the usable area of ​​the interior (by reducing the thickness of the insulation while maintaining the necessary thermal insulation properties).
  • Reduce the cost of purchasing heating equipment and paying for heat supply services.
  • Create an effective and durable thermal insulation system.

Features of the material

Polystyrene foam is white sheets with low weight. If we talk about pressless PSB-S, it looks like small balls connected to each other. It contains up to 98% air. Despite this, the technical characteristics of the PSB-S 35 remain at their best.

The abbreviation is deciphered as follows. The letters "PS" stand for "polystyrene". The letter “B” is “pressless”, “C” is “self-extinguishing”. The numbers indicate maximum density. In this case, the specific gravity of the material is in the range of 25-35 kg/m3.

PSB-S 35 is capable of withstanding high loads. In this case, the slab does not sag or move. Polystyrene foam does not absorb water. Due to this, it does not change its size and shape. The mechanical, thermal insulation and technical characteristics of PSB-S 35 do not change throughout the entire service life.

Material grades

The production of material of various fractions becomes possible through the use of special chemical components and manufacturing technologies. Each of them has unique properties.

The presence of certain types of expanded polystyrene becomes indispensable when it is necessary to perform specific tasks in construction and repair. Today, the following highly demanded brands of expanded polystyrene are distinguished: PSB S-15, PSB S-25, PSB S-35.

The abbreviation stands for “suspension pressless polystyrene foam.” The second C stands for “self-extinguishing.”

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the positive qualities of the material are:

  • Vapor tightness.
  • Does not absorb water.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Prevents the development of mold and fungi.
  • Doesn't rot.
  • Does not react with acids, weak alkalis, alcohol and salts.
  • Does not react with components of concrete mixtures and other similar building materials.
  • Resistant to fire, as it is treated with a fire retardant.
  • It is light in weight.
  • It is convenient to work during installation (it is easy to cut without emission of dust).
  • Long service life (over 35 years).

The PSB-S 35 stove also has its disadvantages. There are few of them compared to the advantages. The main disadvantage of the material is its ability to release toxic substances during combustion, which are very dangerous to human health. In addition, polystyrene foam is destroyed by exposure to solvents and bitumen-based materials. Expanded polystyrene is a good habitat for rodents (mice, rats, etc.).

Working with material

When performing the bulk of thermal insulation work, polystyrene foam boards PSB S-15 and PSB S-25 are used, which have an optimal thickness of 5 to 10 cm. If the building is insulated during the construction stage, the material is laid under the cladding layer of the structure. External cladding of surfaces allows you to save valuable internal space when insulating an already finished building.

Expanded polystyrene is applied to previously prepared, smooth and primed surfaces. The gaps that form between the slabs are filled with construction foam. To secure the material, it is advisable to use special adhesives, mastics, and cement mortars.

When installing polystyrene foam, the adhesive base is evenly applied to the coating with a spatula. Next, sheets of material are sequentially applied to the surfaces and aligned according to pre-prepared beacons. To securely fasten the slabs after drying, it is recommended to fix them with plastic dowels.

Methods of working with foam plastic

Polystyrene foam is afraid of sunlight, so after installation it is insulated with a protective layer.
When choosing a method and technology of insulation, take into account the requirements of GOST and common sense:

  • The foam must be protected from ultraviolet radiation - direct sunlight.
  • Impact loads on the surface are excluded; it must be protected from physical impact.
  • Sheets should not be exposed in the interior of the premises due to possible damage and styrene fumes.

Foam insulation in private construction is carried out using the technologies of a ventilated facade, a “wet” facade under plaster, and laying between layers of enclosing material.

Finishing procedure for plastering

To insulate facades, a special adhesive for foam plastic is used.
For work, choose PSB-S-25, or PPS-16F. It is impossible to use foam with a lower density as it will not withstand the mass of cement mortar. Buying expanded polystyrene boards with a specific gravity of 35 kg/m3 does not make sense - the material in all respects is not inferior to models 15 and 25, but is much more expensive.

Warming algorithm:

  1. Walls made of brick or expanded clay concrete (foam concrete) blocks are cleaned of dust and dirt stains.
  2. The surface is leveled, knocking down the influx of masonry mortar. If necessary, plaster - it is important that there are no differences of more than 1 cm per linear meter of the wall.
  3. Prepare a solution from a special glue for cement-based polystyrene.
  4. The glue is applied to the slab in a layer of 0.5–1 cm and leveled with a notched trowel.
  5. Glue the PSB to the wall, laying the sheets in a checkerboard pattern. Another option is to use foam adhesive.
  6. For reliable fastening, after 3-4 hours, polystyrene slabs are additionally reinforced with dowels with wide heads at the rate of 5 dowels per m2. Seal the joints with polyurethane foam.
  7. The first layer of plaster is applied, for which the same glue is used that was used in step 4. The plaster mesh is pressed into the layer of plaster and the surface is leveled.
  8. After drying, basic plastering and puttying are carried out or decorative mixtures are used, for example, bark beetle.
  9. Paint the surface.

Wet facade technology is rarely used for wooden houses. It is believed that foam plastic does not allow air to pass through and the house stops “breathing”; fungus and mold appear on the inner surface of the walls. The issue can be resolved by properly organized ventilation of the premises.

Insulation of hollow brick walls

Polystyrene foam can be laid between two brick walls.
The technology is simple. Between the internal load-bearing walls and the external finishing bricks, cavities are left into which polystyrene sheets are laid as the masonry is being built.

They use the cheapest version of polystyrene foam PSB-15. The load in the wall cavity is completely absent, and the characteristics of the material are not inferior to polystyrene foam with a higher density.

When filling hollow walls, it is more profitable to use foam chips - it is cheaper and allows you to completely fill the internal space between the bricks. The material is sold in kraft bags with a volume of 1 m3.

Frame houses and foam plastic

A popular insulation material for the construction of frame houses is foamed polystyrene.

Polystyrene foam is installed between the inner and outer skins. The gaps between the PSB and the beams are sealed with polyurethane foam; this will eliminate “cold bridges” and prevent the wind from blowing through the structure.

It is important to leave ventilation gaps between the foam and the wall sheathing to prevent moisture from accumulating inside.

How to determine density yourself

It is important to be able to protect yourself from unscrupulous manufacturers.

As we can see from the list of physical characteristics, such an important indicator as density varies in a fairly large range, from 25 to 35 kg/m³.

If 25-gauge foam is perfect for insulating walls, then for floor insulation you need at least 35-gauge. In this regard, as well as the dishonesty of many manufacturers, it is advisable to be able to find out the real density of the foam.

Visual inspection before purchase is required.

This is not difficult to do. It is necessary to weigh a sheet of polystyrene foam, preferably on an electronic scale, since it is light and large errors will negate all our efforts. Let us denote the weight of the sheet with the letter “m”. Let's say our sheet weighs 1200 grams, convert it to kilograms and get m = 1.2 kg.

We don't need pharmacy precision, so we can use a kitchen scale with an accuracy of up to a gram.

Next we need to determine the volume of the sheet. To do this, multiply its length (for example, 1 m) by its width (for example, 0.5 m) and by its thickness (for example, 0.1 m). We get the volume V = 1 x 0.5 x 0.1 = 0.05 m³.

Now we determine the density using the formula:

Formula for calculating the density of a substance.

Density is 1.2/0.05 = 24 kg/m³.

If you bought material with grade 35, look at GOST 15588-86 and make sure that you were deceived, since PSB-25-S has this density characteristic.

Characteristic values ​​according to GOST.

PPS PSB-25-S is most often used for wall insulation.

You can be sure that you are using material with the density that corresponds to the calculations. After all, if you are insulating a critical facility, and the specific gravity of the insulation, according to the documentation, must be at least 32 kg/m³, then the PSB-35-S foam plastic you purchased can have a specific gravity of one cubic meter equal to, say, 28 kg on completely legal grounds.

Why do buyers choose this brand of foam?

Packaging of self-extinguishing polystyrene foam PSB-35.

I will not list the advantages of polystyrene foam as insulation. Those interested can familiarize themselves with them in my other articles on the site. I would like to highlight the differences specifically in the 35th PSB-S.

Another example of PSB-S products.

In short, we can say that this is in a sense a universal material that will suit:

  • for wall insulation;
  • will not be “afraid” of the foundation or septic tank;
  • and can also be used to insulate floors inside an apartment or house.

This is a kind of substitute for an extrusion machine, but cheaper.

Do-it-yourself thermal insulation of the base.

The strength of these sheets is sufficient for use in the construction of heated roads and parking lots, runways, protection of soils from swelling, strengthening of slopes, etc. The instructions allow you to use PSB-S of the thirty-fifth series for these purposes, although personally I would play it safe and buy a PSB-S-50.

In regions with harsh climates, the material can be used on walls.

PSB S-35

Compared to polystyrene foam boards of the previous brand, this type of material has higher strength and also has low thermal conductivity.

PSB S-35 foam plastic is in demand when it is necessary to perform work where the ability of the insulation to withstand serious mechanical loads comes first.


  • density – 26-27 kg/m3;
  • thermal conductivity index – 0.038 W (mK);
  • compressive strength – 0.14 MPa.

Application area

Expanded polystyrene grade PSB S-35 is used as insulation in the construction of flat roofs, floors and ceilings that are subject to increased mechanical loads. The material demonstrates high efficiency when insulating basement floors and foundations of permanent structures.

PSB S-35 foam is used when it is necessary to protect the soil from freezing. In particular, such slabs become indispensable when laying coverings for sports fields and thermal insulation of swimming pools.

The use of polystyrene foam PSB S-35 allows you to avoid freezing of foundations during construction in areas with groundwater close to the surface.

Construction polystyrene foam PSB-S

What it is?

Expanded polystyrene PSB-S 25 in original packaging.

Before us is PSB-S, which means “suspension pressless self-extinguishing polystyrene foam.” Foamed plastics are used very widely in various fields of human activity. In construction, polystyrene foam or simply polystyrene foam is most often used , since this material most fully corresponds to the tasks assigned to it.

Expanded polystyrene is most often used in construction.

Due to the foamed cellular structure, polystyrene foam has very low thermal conductivity, so its main function is thermal insulation of various structures . Depending on the brand and qualities of a particular material, the scope of its application also changes.

Insulation of walls and other parts of buildings is the main function of PSB-S.

Expanded polystyrene was invented a long time ago, and during this time a lot of methods for its production and, accordingly, varieties were invented.

The most famous are:

  • Pressless suspension . This is PSB, EPS. Known for the brands “MOSSTROY 31”, “NovoPlast”, “ET-Plast”.
  • Extrusion . This is EPS, XPS. Known for the brands Penoplex, TechnoNIKOL, URSA, Knauf.
  • Press . This is PS1 – PS4. Known for a variety of imported brands. Used extremely rarely.
  • Autoclaved . This is Styrofoam. Known as a product of the Dow Chemical Company.
  • Autoclave extrusion . There are no examples of this material on the domestic market.

Extruded polystyrene foam "Penoplex".

Certificate of conformity GOST 15588-86 PSB-S slabs.

The letter “C” at the end of the PSB abbreviation tells us that fire-fighting substances (or fire retardants) were added to the polystyrene suspension during the production of the material, and now the material is called “self-extinguishing.”

The number 35 indicates the density of the insulation, which at its maximum value can be no more than 35 kg/m³.

The name of the material may also contain the following letters:

  • “F” means “shaped”, that is, the sheet has a special shape;
  • “N” – for outdoor use, façade;
  • “A” – the sample has smooth edges like a geometrically regular parallelepiped;
  • “B” – the edges of the slab are cut in an L-shape;
  • “R” – the sheet is cut with a hot string.

The sheets are installed on the usual “umbrellas”.

The photo shows that self-extinguishing foam does not support combustion.

PSB-S is the same foam plastic well known to everyone, a white mass consisting of small glued cells. It is one of the most common insulation materials used in construction . It is distinguished by its low price and good technical and operational characteristics.

PSB is the same polystyrene foam.

Technical features and characteristics

“Little brother” of the hero of our article.

The technical characteristics of grade 35 are not very different from the general characteristics of suspension foam, but they have some features. Thanks to these nuances, it is easier for the buyer to select a material that will most accurately suit the operating conditions and perform the tasks assigned to it.

Differences between the 35th brand and others.

For wall insulation, foam plastic with a density of 25 kg/m³ is recommended, that is, grade 25 or 35.

Main indicators characterizing polystyrene foam PSB-35-S:

  1. Thermal conductivity at 20 – 30 °C, W/m*°C – 0.037 – 0.038.
  2. Density , kg/m³ – 25.1 – 35.
  3. Compressive strength at 10% deformation, MPa – 0.16.
  4. Ultimate strength under bending force – 0.25 MPa.
  5. Vapor permeability , mg/h*m*Pa – 0.05.
  6. Service life without loss of basic operational and technical characteristics is 60 – 80 years.
  7. Flammability class according to GOST standards - G1 (low-flammable).
  8. Water absorption during the day (24 hours),% – no more than 2 by volume.
  9. toxic emissions harmful to humans under normal operating conditions, even taking into account the low-temperature destruction of PPS.

High-density foam is used as permanent formwork.

From the list it is clear that this brand of foam is characterized by relatively high compressive strength and density.

This is one of the highest quality brands in the range of PSB-S materials, which can be used as:

  • floor insulation;
  • road surfaces;
  • underground communications and foundations;
  • in the manufacture of reinforced concrete multilayer panels.

Insulation of the floor using 35-gauge polystyrene foam.

Thermal insulation of the foundation PSB-S.

Insulation of the well with polystyrene foam.

Grade 35 polystyrene foam has improved performance and can be used where high resistance to physical, chemical and thermal loads is required. We can say that this is a material with the properties of extruded polystyrene foam, but its price is significantly lower.

Thermal insulation of the septic tank with polystyrene foam.

Technical characteristics of PSB-S 35

Expanded polystyrene is produced in the form of rectangular sheets of standard sizes. So, the length varies from 900 to 5000 mm. Moreover, the value increases at intervals of 50 mm. The width is 500-1300 mm (step - 50 mm). The thickness of the material changes in steps of 10 mm and is in the range of 20-500 mm.

Other technical data include:

  • Density is in the range of 25.1-35.0 kg/m3.
  • The material burns for less than 4 seconds.
  • Humidity - up to 12%.
  • During the day, the material absorbs no more than 2% of the volume.
  • The limiting value of bending strength is 0.25 MPa.
  • Ultimate compressive strength - 0.14 MPa.

One of the main parameters that provides a wide range of applications is the ability of foam to retain heat. The thermal conductivity of PSB-S 35 is at a very low level and amounts to no more than 0.038 W/(m*K), which is typical for the dry state.

Sale of polystyrene foam PSB-S 35 at a price from 3500 to 3200 RUR/m3

(The cost of polystyrene foam depends on the volume of purchase)

Suggested foam sheet sizes

Standard PSB-S 35 (PSBS 35) is sold in slabs with a thickness of 20 to 500 mm in increments of 10 mm.

Horizontal dimensions of the foam sheet: 1000x1000 mm, 1000x1200 mm and 1000x2000 mm.

To order, we can cut PSBS 35 slabs to the size you require.

Delivery of polystyrene foam PSB 35 within 24 hours from the date of payment

As a standard, delivery is carried out on weekdays from 8.00 to 19.00 to the customer’s site.

By agreement, we can make delivery at another time convenient for you (including on weekends).

Favorable prices

We work directly with factories and are ready to offer you discounts and conditions at prices that are guaranteed to interest .

Terms and GOSTs

According to the old GOST, PSB means pressless polystyrene plate. In a new way - EPS - expanded polystyrene

Legislation sets standards for all materials used in construction. Until 2014, GOST 15588-86 was in force. Foam sheets produced according to the parameters were given a symbol, for example, “PSB-S-15-900x500x50 GOST 15588-86”.

The decoding means the following:

  • P - plate;
  • C - from suspension polystyrene;
  • B - manufactured using a non-press method;
  • C - self-extinguishing, does not support combustion for more than 4 seconds when exposure to open fire ceases;
  • 15 — density grade;
  • 900x500x50 - geometric dimensions.

To make the foam non-flammable, fire retardants are added to the composition, which is indicated by the letter “C”.

The density grade approximately corresponded to the mass of 1 m3 of foam. For civil engineering, products with a specific gravity of up to 15, 25 and 35 kg/m3 were produced.

The 1986 standard required the maximum weight of the material to be indicated in the name. On January 1, 2014, instead of the outdated document, the new GOST 15588-2014 came into force.

Important amendments for consumers have been made:

  • the slabs were named PPS (self-extinguishing polystyrene slabs);
  • the specific gravity must now be no less than that indicated in the name.

Some enterprises produce products according to the old GOST and call them PSB boards; the new polystyrene foam is called PPS.

Density characteristics of various grades of PSB

An example of a current designation is PPS16F-R-B-1000x500x120 GOST 15588−2014.

  • PPS is a polystyrene board, obtained using a non-press method from a suspension.
  • R - cut from large blocks.
  • B - with a quarter-size side edge (A - with a rectangular edge).
  • 1000x500x120 - geometric dimensions of the slab in mm.

The reasons why manufacturers produce some products according to old standards:

  • not all production equipment has been replaced;
  • less stringent product requirements that satisfy private developers;
  • saving of materials - for example, PSB-S-15 can have a mass from 12 to 15 kg/m3, and PPS-15 is only higher than this value.

The critical technical characteristics of the “old” and “new” slabs do not differ significantly.

PSB S-15

Lightweight expanded polystyrene boards of the PSB C-15 brand are the cheapest material in this series. Externally, the thermal insulation base consists of slabs of fused white granules. This expanded polystyrene is environmentally friendly, perfectly repels moisture, “does not age” and is not exposed to microorganisms.


The main distinctive qualities of polystyrene foam PSB-15:

  • density is about 10-12 kg/m3;
  • compressive strength – 0.04 MPa;
  • thermal conductivity index – 0.043 W (mK).


PSB-15 foam is used mainly when it is necessary to insulate building structures that are not susceptible to significant loads and intense exposure to environmental factors. The use of such foam plastic seems appropriate for insulating attics, wooden floor coverings, interior partitions, and residential temporary containers.

Physical and technical properties

If polystyrene foam is properly insulated from the environment, it will last more than 50 years

The popularity of polystyrene foam is directly influenced by technical characteristics:

  • thermal conductivity
  • density - measured in kg/m3 and indicated in the marking;
  • geometric dimensions are reflected in the markings;
  • water absorption;
  • compressive strength.

The thermal conductivity of thermal insulation boards at a temperature of +10 degrees ranges from 0.036 W/m*K for polystyrene PSB-S-35 to 0.041 for lightweight products PSB-S-15. When the air warms up to 25 degrees, the indicators change slightly - by 1%.

A deviation of 2–5 mm in geometric dimensions is allowed. Tolerances do not affect the quality of insulation, since with such parameters the seams are small and can be easily removed with polyurethane foam.

Water absorption refers to the increase in the mass of foam when it is in water for 24 hours. During this period of time, the foam will absorb from 2 (PSB-35) to 4 (PSB-15)% of liquid from its mass. Thus, polystyrene boards are a moisture-proof material.

Compressive strength will be determined by the areas of application of a particular brand of foam plastic, for example, PSB-15 cannot withstand loads, but polystyrene foam 35 can be walked on carefully.

The service life of foam plastic is limited only by operating conditions - if the sheets are protected from adverse influences, 50 years is not the limit of use.

Properties of foam plastic

Expanded polystyrene (foam)

- a white insulating material consisting of 98% air, enclosed in billions of microscopic thin-walled polystyrene foam cells. Expanded polystyrene is resistant to moisture, resistant to aging, and not susceptible to microorganisms. As the most effective, insulating materials made of foam plastic (expanded polystyrene) have been used for thermal insulation of roofs, walls, ceilings and floors in residential and administrative buildings for 30 years. Ease of processing using a hand saw or knife, low volumetric weight, the ability to bond with various building materials, and ease of mechanical fastening are the undoubted advantages of expanded polystyrene (foam). Products made from expanded polystyrene (foam) are biologically safe and are used for food packaging.

Indicator nameStandard for slab grades
Brand PSB-S (GOST‑15588‑86)152535
Density, kg/cub.m11-1516-2525-35
Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation, MPa,not less than 0.050,10,16
Bending strength, MPa, not less0,070,180,25
Thermal conductivity in dry condition at 25±5°C, W/(m×K) no more0,0370,0350,033
Humidity of slabs, %, no more1
Self-combustion time, sec, no more3
Water absorption in 24 hours, %, no more1

Expanded polystyrene foam is virtually waterproof. The amount of water absorbed in relation to the weight volume of polystyrene foam per year ranges from 1.5-3.5%. On the other hand, the air permeability of polystyrene foam greatly exceeds its water permeability. That is, the wall “breathes”. Ambient temperature does not adversely affect the physical and chemical properties of expanded polystyrene. At temperatures up to 90°C, expanded polystyrene does not change its properties even over a long period of time. External walls made of polystyrene foam blocks are practically not exposed to atmospheric influences.

Purposes of expanded polystyrene (foam) insulation

  • reduction of costs for installation and construction work;
  • saving thermal energy for heating;
  • reducing the cost of heating equipment (by reducing its quantity);
  • increasing the usable area of ​​the building by reducing the structural thickness of the walls;
  • increasing the temperature comfort of the room;
  • increasing the environmental safety of a building structure.

Expanded polystyrene (foam plastic) has a high thermal insulation ability, far exceeds known traditional building materials, and can ensure the long life of any building, regardless of climatic conditions.

The need and advantages of using expanded polystyrene (foam) in construction

There is an opinion that polystyrene foam is the most optimal material for construction. Taking into account all the physico-chemical properties of polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam itself, two groups of characteristics can be distinguished: safety characteristics and operational and technical ones. Let's consider the operational and technical properties of polystyrene foam:

  • One of the main properties of foam plastic is its fairly low thermal conductivity coefficient, which allows it to be widely used in various construction works. Due to the evenly distributed air inside the polymer, and, as is known, air does not conduct heat well, expanded polystyrene boards are well suited for basic and additional protection of structures and premises from freezing of walls in all weather conditions.
  • Polystyrene foam also has soundproofing and windproof properties, which allows it to be used if necessary.
  • The next property is durability. If all basic installation and operating conditions are observed, expanded polystyrene will not change its initial properties and will last for decades. Polystyrene foam is a chemically neutral building material.
  • The absolute moisture resistance of polystyrene foam boards allows them to be laid in places where liquid accumulation or leakage is most likely. In this case, the foam does not change its original shape, and the material does not shift or swell.
  • Simplicity in installation, fastening and cutting of polystyrene foam sheets and blocks significantly saves developers time and money. You should also take into account the fact that when working with this building material, there is no need to use special protective clothing, equipment and devices for workers.
  • Foam plastic is resistant to various types of destructive effects of water, alcohol, weak acids and alkalis, thereby extending the service life of expanded polystyrene boards and sheets.

Safety characteristics of expanded polystyrene:

  • The main safety indicator of expanded polystyrene is its fire resistance. When polystyrene foam interacts with fire, the melted layers prevent the material from re-igniting and smoldering, which is typical for the wood we are used to.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material. The starting product for making foam plastic is styrene, consisting of hydrogen and carbon. Therefore, when polystyrene foam ignites, the same substances are released as when wood or coal burns. Today, foam plastic is the most proven and clean material; it is used in the manufacture of children's toys, for storing and transporting food.
  • Temperature endurance. At the moment, there is no minimum temperature threshold at which the use of polystyrene foam is contraindicated. The maximum temperature is approximately limited to +100°C. but it is necessary to take into account that such temperature values ​​​​do not occur in construction, and therefore this value can be neglected.
  • Resistance to microbiological factors. Polystyrene foam boards do not contain nutrients for the life of microorganisms, so the development and growth of various fungi and bacteria does not occur. This property guarantees cleanliness in the work and operation of polystyrene foam.

With the introduction of new construction standards for thermal protection of buildings in Russia, there is a need for the construction industry to transition to new principles for solving problems. At the same time, architects and designers are increasingly turning to new materials and structures that can effectively meet specified requirements. Expanded polystyrene is one of these materials. The thermal insulation properties of expanded polystyrene (foam) in comparison with other materials are shown in the following table and speak for themselves. According to current Russian building codes, the thickness of walls that equally prevent heat loss in a building should be approximately:

  • Reinforced concrete - 4.20 m
  • Brick - 2.10 m
  • Expanded clay concrete - 0.90 m
  • Wood - 0.45 m
  • Mineral wool - 0.18 m
  • Expanded polystyrene - 0.12 m

Thermal conductivity table of the most commonly used building materials

MaterialDensity kg/cub.mThermal conductivity (W/m×0°C)
Thermal insulation materials
Mineral wool
Expanded polystyrene (foam)
Brand PSB-S 15Up to 150,043
Brand PSB-S 2515,1-250,041
Brand PSB-S 3515,1-350,038
Brand PSB-S 5015,1-500,041
PENOPLEX ® (extruded polystyrene foam)
Mark 3533,0-38,00,030
Mark 4538,1-45,00,032
Concretes and mortars
Reinforced concrete25002,04
Cement-sand mixture18000,93
Expanded clay concrete12000,58
Foam concrete1000,37
Gas silicate5000,12
Brickwork with cement-sand mortar
Ceramic brick
Sand-lime brick
14 voids14000,76
Clay brick
Wood and other organic materials
Pine and spruce, across the grain5000,18

Physical and technical characteristics of expanded polystyrene sheets (PSB-S)

Indicator namePSB-S 15tPSB-S 25tPSB-S 25PSB-S 25FtPSB-S 35tPSB-S 35PSB-S 50tPSB-S 50
Density, kg/m³`812151720253035
Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation, not less, MPa0,040,080,100,120,140,160,180,20
Ultimate strength during static bending, not less, MPa0,060,160,180,190,200,250,300,35
Water absorption by volume over 24 hours, no more, %4,03,02,02,02,02,02,01,8
Self-combustion time, no more, s4
Fire technical characteristics according to SNiP 21-01-97G1, V2, D3, RP1
Thermal conductivity at (298±1)K, λ25, no more, W/mK0,0430,0410,0390,0390,0380,0370,0410,040
Operating temperature range, °C-60…+80
Vapor permeability coefficient, mg/(m.p. Pa)0,05
Climatic regions (according to SNiP 23-01-99)I - V
Humidity zones (according to SNiP 23-02-2003)Dry, normal, wet
Permissible degree of aggressiveness of the external environmentDepending on the specific technical solutions of the objects in which the slabs are used

Calculation of thermal insulation with foam plastic

The required thickness of thermal insulation is determined depending on the climatic conditions of operation and the purpose of the building; in addition, measures to protect against moisture condensation and energy saving should be taken into account. Thermal insulation performance of expanded polystyrene (foam) is given in the table.

Thermal insulation thickness, mmHeat transfer resistance, sq.m × °C/WHeat transfer coefficient, W/sq.m × °C

For example, to ensure minimal thermal insulation of industrial premises with heating of 2000°C/day, the thickness of polystyrene foam is: for the roof - 80 mm, for walls - 60 mm.


The material is produced, used and disposed of without harming the environment and human health. Expanded polystyrene is 100% reusable, the cleanest and safest thermal insulation material. It is also used as packaging material for food, toys, etc.

Good thermal resistance

Expanded polystyrene is 98% static air trapped within its closed cell structure. Static air is known to be the best natural heat insulator. The content of polystyrene plastic in the material is only 2% - this combination provides PSB-S boards with remarkable heat-insulating properties. Moreover, polystyrene foam retains its heat-insulating properties both in humid conditions and at low temperatures.

Soundproof and windproof

When insulating using polystyrene foam boards PSB-S, no additional wind protection is needed. In addition, the sound insulation of structures is improved.

Moisture resistance

Thermal insulation boards PSB-S are not hygroscopic. The moisture absorption of expanded polystyrene is significantly lower than that of mineral wool. Even when immersed in water for a long time, PSB-S thermal insulation boards absorb only a few percent of water from their volumetric weight, this allows them to be used for insulating foundations with direct contact of the insulation with the ground.

High load resistance

Short-term and long-term resistance to stress is one of the most important properties of expanded polystyrene. And it is significantly higher than that of mineral wool.

Maintaining stable dimensions

PSB-S insulation remains stable in the building structure throughout the entire life of the building: it does not shrink, does not decrease in size and does not move in the structure.


During the entire life of the building, the quality of the properties of PSB-S insulation does not deteriorate. The minimal moisture absorption of the material ensures that it maintains resistance to stress and heat-insulating ability in humid conditions. Expanded polystyrene does not form a nutrient medium on its surface for the growth of microorganisms, does not rot, does not mold or rot, and is chemically resistant.

Ease of use

Due to their low weight, polystyrene foam boards PSB-S are convenient and easy to handle; they can be easily cut into pieces of the desired size using ordinary tools. For a builder, it is extremely important that when using expanded polystyrene in work, it is not necessary to use protective equipment: it is non-toxic, odorless, does not emit dust during processing, and does not cause skin irritation.


All PSB-S thermal insulation materials are made from raw materials containing fire-resistant material - fire retardant

, and comply with the requirements of GOST 15588-86. The operating temperature of expanded polystyrene is from -200°C to +85°C.

Environmental resistance

Expanded polystyrene (foam) has the property of being highly resistant to various chemicals, namely, saline solutions, alkalis, anhydride, soaps, diluted and weak acids, sea water, salts, bitumen, fertilizers, water-soluble paints, alcohols, silicone oils. It does not interact with building materials such as lime, concrete, gypsum, cement, sand, etc. But under the influence of organic solvents, bitumen solutions, and resins, polystyrene foam partially disintegrates. PSB-S does not swell and does not dissolve in water, is resistant to rotting, does not absorb moisture, and is durable. Polystyrene foam is not digestible by microorganisms and animals, and is not a breeding ground for various bacteria and fungi. It should be noted that, unlike brick and reinforced concrete, foam plastic is exposed to termites and rodents, so during installation it is necessary to use protective equipment and deliberately block access to the foam. In relation to the biological action and chemical environment, polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene) is suitable for various types of activities, both in an industrial enterprise and on plots, dachas, and for domestic purposes. With short-term contact, polystyrene foam boards of the PSB-S brand are able to withstand temperatures above 100C°, allowing, for example, simultaneous work with foam plastic and hot bitumen. The stability of polystyrene foam is primarily determined by its porous structure. The properties of expanded polystyrene often depend on the ratio of closed and open pores that make up the structure of the foam. The stability of a material is directly determined by the number of closed pores, and the more of them, the higher this indicator. Depending on the brand and type of polystyrene foam, the number of open and closed pores differs.

Advantages and important limitations when using

One person can install polystyrene foam, since the material is lightweight

The positive properties of the material are due to the composition and structure of the foam.

In construction the following are important:

  • low weight;
  • stability of shape and size during temperature fluctuations;
  • ease of installation and production of sheets of the required sizes;
  • versatility of use;
  • long service life;
  • resistance to rot and mold, not susceptible to parasites;
  • lack of reaction to a slightly alkaline environment (cement);
  • non-flammability;
  • low thermal conductivity - 5 cm of polystyrene foam retains heat approximately the same as 70 cm of brickwork or 30 cm of wooden beams;
  • environmental safety - the finished boards contain about 0.02% styrene, which is released only after heating the foam above 80°C;
  • windproof.

The disadvantages are caused by:

  • low resistance when exposed to acidic substances;
  • destruction from sunlight;
  • susceptible to rodent infestation.

Polystyrene of the PSB and PPS grades must be used strictly for its intended purpose and technology, in this case the durability of the insulation is ensured.

Properties of popular insulation

Like many other types of foam, high-density material has similar qualities; it is necessary to list a number of its advantages .

  1. It has a low level of thermal conductivity due to the fact that it consists mainly of air, so it easily retains heat.
  2. Resistance to active chemical influences.
  3. Not afraid of microorganisms, not susceptible to rotting, mold and fungus formation.
  4. Long service life; with proper choice of insulation and work, it can last about 40 years.
  5. It is environmentally friendly, so it is used not only in construction, but also in other industries, for example, the food industry.
  6. New and modern types of material are practically not subject to combustion processes, so they can be classified as fireproof.
  7. Ease and simplicity of operation, which is very important when performing installation work.
  8. Low cost of insulation.

New and modern foam plastic is no longer so fragile, since its quality has changed for the better over the years of production. It has become stronger and more durable , so the attitude towards the material has changed.

Production technology

During the production process, foam granules are glued together with pentane and treated with a fire retardant.

In the manufacturing process of slabs, a minimum of components are used:

  • polystyrene granules obtained during oil refining;
  • pentane - natural gas condensate associated with granule material;
  • fire retardant additives that make the material non-flammable;
  • water vapor

The production algorithm includes several stages:

  1. Foaming of raw materials - under the influence of water vapor and pressure, pentane expands in the granules, increasing their volume by 20–70 times. The operation is stopped after the foam balls reach the required diameter.
  2. Hot air drying.
  3. Stabilization (tracking) for 4–24 hours. During this time, the balls cool completely and acquire their final size. The pentane remaining in the granules is replaced by air.
  4. Baking under the influence of hot steam - the balls are sintered into a single product with a volume of several cubic meters.
  5. Aging (ripening) lasts from one day to 30 days. During this time, the moisture completely evaporates, and the internal stresses in the product are stabilized.
  6. Cutting to required sizes.

The waste after cutting is ground into individual balls and reused, introducing them at the stabilization stage.

In the final version, the manufacturer receives foamed propylene sheets consisting of 98% air and 2% polypropylene.

Violations of technology do not allow obtaining high quality material.

Equipment for the production of foam plastic can be placed in small workshops. Small firms often produce low-quality products. The parameters are not checked by laboratory methods. You can’t rely on a low price when purchasing.

Methods of use

Polystyrene foam is used for thermal insulation of houses outside, as well as refrigerated rooms for storing food.

GOST provides for the use of foam sheets for thermal insulation:

  • external walls of existing and newly constructed buildings and structures;
  • individual premises and industrial equipment, in the absence of contact between the slabs and the volume of the internal premises;
  • refrigeration chambers at temperatures from –100 to +80°C;

Foam plastic is suitable for “wet” façade systems. It is used as a middle layer in panel structures.

Appendix A to GOST indicates the scope of application of foam plastic grades depending on density. PSB-S-15 or PPS grades from 10 to 15 are recommended for unloaded thermal insulation in three-layer structures made using ventilated facade technology. PSB-S-25, PPS 16-20 are suitable for external walls for finishing with cement and composite plasters. The material of this brand is suitable for insulating floors under screed, ceilings, and roofs. PSB-S-35, or grade PPS 20 and higher, is used for an insulating layer under cement screed, for surfaces under the influence of significant loads - paths, blind areas, foundations and plinths of buildings for various purposes.

Insulation of the foundation and floor

In most cases, foam plastic is actively used as a middle layer in three-layer foundation blocks.

Using the same principle, it can be placed in a sandwich panel. When creating formwork, the material takes on the function of permanent formwork if the foundation is created directly at the construction site.

Thanks to this, the consumption of concrete mass, reinforcing bars and the total amount of labor costs is significantly reduced.

Polystyrene foam can be used as an excellent thermal insulator in foundations to prevent them from freezing.

The fact is that such thermal protection is especially relevant in the northern regions of the country. In addition, the product can be used in the construction of basement-free premises.

To do this, insulating slabs are laid on a pre-prepared site, which are then poured with concrete.

After this, the building is completed using the usual method. In such a structure, the concrete screed serves as the foundation and base of the floor.

Foam plastic (expanded polystyrene) sheet PSB-S-35

Extruded polystyrene foam boards can be used to create vertical and horizontal protection of the foundation from deep freezing.

In order to organize this, you need to dig a trench with a width of 1 meter and a depth equal to the level of soil freezing. Thermal insulation slabs are laid along the entire foundation, after which they can be covered with soil.

Sometimes it is necessary to form an additional waterproofing layer. When insulating floors, polystyrene foam boards are also used, which serve as a thermal insulation coating.

In addition, they prevent the transmission of impact noise, such as loud footsteps or moving furniture. To do this, foam plastic boards with a thickness of 50 millimeters are laid on top of a layer of material with insulating properties.

After sealing the seams is completed, a bridging slab made using wood chips is placed on top. An alternative is a mixture of sand and cement with a layer thickness of 6 centimeters

Roof insulation

A cold attic or attic can be insulated with polystyrene foam in the shortest possible time. To do this, before starting the main work, you will need to attach the sheathing from below to the rafters - the foam plates will subsequently rest on it.

The thickness of the insulating layer should not be less than 100 millimeters. If two layers of polystyrene foam are formed, the rafters will need to be additionally built up, since otherwise it will be problematic to secure the sheets.

The foam is laid between the rafters from the inside. It is important to maintain the distance between individual slabs - it should not exceed 10 millimeters.

If large gaps are left during the installation process, then during the shrinkage of the house, the slabs may collide with each other and become deformed.

If during the installation process gaps appear between the slabs, they will need to be carefully sealed. For this, in most cases, ordinary polyurethane foam is used, which is applied using a construction gun under high pressure.

Expanded polystyrene ready for packaging

Insulation boards are attached using wooden slats or glue. Experts recommend using the method of gluing slabs.

You can also use dowels or nails for strengthening, since over time the adhesive composition may lose its original properties.

The attic floor must also be thermally insulated. To do this, it is cleared of accumulated debris and elements of outdated backfill.

After this, a vapor barrier layer is laid. Expanded polystyrene slabs are placed on the surface of the ceiling, and all resulting joints are sealed using polyurethane foam.

If the attic will subsequently become a living space, then a covering must be laid on top of the insulating layer that can easily withstand the weight of people moving through it. This can be a boardwalk covered with hard linoleum or parquet.

Review of polystyrene foam PSB S 35 (video)

Installation features and tips for buyers

1. If you decide to purchase PSB-S 35, you should not take it from open storage areas. Unexposed polystyrene foam is white and free of stains and faded areas. Its balls are approximately equal in diameter, and the entire slab is both elastic and soft.

2. When choosing, the sheets must be placed side by side and compared: all characteristics, length, width, and especially thickness must be respectively identical to each other. On the foam itself there is a marking for decoding.

3. There are several features during installation. Thus, the work is carried out on leveled walls, coated with an antifungal primer. After drying, glue is applied to them and insulation is installed. The seams between three sheets of polystyrene foam should be T-shaped (masonry bonding). To completely harden the PSB-S binder, leave it alone for a couple of days.

4. Then, if the joints are more than 4 cm wide, then they are sealed with strips of polystyrene foam with the same characteristics; if less, then with polyurethane foam followed by gluing. Holes are drilled through the foam in the wall for plastic dowels, which are driven in there. In turn, plastic nails with a very large head are driven into them. Their goal is to make the connection more reliable.

5. Next, a reinforcing mesh is glued onto the polystyrene foam, so that it does not protrude anywhere from under the fastening agent. The dried glue is smoothed with sandpaper, the surface is puttied and primed for wallpaper, paint or other coating.

Cost of PSB-S 35

For all calculations, such as prices per sheet, square meter, entire insulated surface, the basis is the cost of 1 m3 of polystyrene foam. It depends on the density, since the production of different brands will not require the same amount of raw materials, board parameters, location and volume of delivery, and prices for the use of transport. In addition, each manufacturer and seller may have different financial policies. Most often, the price fluctuates throughout the country in the range of 3200-4000 rubles per 1 m3.

Knowing the dimensions of the slab and the cost per unit volume, it is easy to calculate how much the required amount of polystyrene foam will cost. For example, for 3200 rub/m3:

Parameters of sheet PSB-S 35, (mm)Thickness, mmPieces per 1 m3Panel price, rubles

Conclusion: instead of two layers of, say, a 60 mm panel, you can lay PSB-S 35 foam plastic with a thickness of 120 mm, and vice versa.

Scope of application of expanded polystyrene 35

Insulation is widely used:

  • For the production of permanent formwork.
  • For thermal insulation of basement and ground floors (filled with concrete with sheathing).
  • For insulation of roofs of buildings and structures.
  • For strengthening slopes, draining wastewater, preventing swelling and freezing of soil during the construction of swimming pools and sports fields, as well as when laying out lawns.
  • In addition, PSB-S 35 foam is used for the manufacture of multilayer panels.

PSB S-25

Medium density polystyrene foam boards. The most popular brand of material. Designed specifically for insulation of building facades.

It features optimal qualities for such purposes: ideal density and high fire resistance. In addition to creating high-quality thermal insulation, the installation of PSB S-25 foam plastic helps to improve the sound insulation of structures.


  • density from 15 to 17 kg/m3;
  • thermal conductivity – 0.041 W (mK);
  • compressive strength – 0.08 MPa.

Scope of use

Expanded polystyrene boards PSB-25 are used for insulation of walls, facades, floors, attics, loggias, roofs in buildings for various purposes. More often, the material is laid using the wet installation method under plaster.

It is recommended to use such foam plastic for heat and sound insulation of structures that are subject to significant mechanical loads. Thanks to their unique characteristics, the use of PSB-25 slabs becomes possible for pipeline insulation.


  • https://doorchange.ru/sovety/tehnicheskie-harakteristiki-psb-s-35-teploizolyatsiya-sten-penopolistirolom-psb-s-35.html
  • https://build-make.ru/psb-s-35/
  • https://x-teplo.ru/uteplenie/obzory-materialov/psb-ss.html
  • https://pro-uteplenie.ru/organicheskie/penopolistirol/593-psb-s-35



Polystyrene foam of this brand is a material of optimal density, it is durable and is not susceptible to destruction over a long period of time. It is believed that this brand is the most “warm”; its reputation has been justified for more than one decade. Its acquisition is quite profitable, since it is widely used in various fields of construction.


  • https://feroteks.ru/info/penoplast-psb-s/psb-s-35/
  • https://FB.ru/article/314561/tehnicheskie-harakteristiki-psb-s-teploizolyatsiya-sten-penopolistirolom-psb-s
  • https://StrojDvor.ru/otoplenie/universalnyj-teploizolyacionnyj-material-psb/
  • https://uteplimvse.ru/vidy/polistirol/psb-s-35.html
  • https://obogrevguru.ru/penopolistirolnye-plity-marki-psb-s-35.html
  • https://kotel.guru/uteplenie/utepliteli/harakteristiki-penoplasta-psb-s-35-plotnosti.html


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