Ukrainian solid fuel boilers – how wide is the choice?

Nowadays, many companies from the former CIS countries are successfully developing the heating equipment market. Every year they compete more and more confidently even with the strongest foreign brands. The demand for solid fuel boilers made in Ukraine is also growing. Next we will talk about the most famous brands and their attractive sides.

Long-burning solid fuel boilers in Ukraine

A few words about Ukrainian boilers

It’s not only abroad that they know how to make quality goods. In the CIS countries they have learned not only to adopt the experience of foreign colleagues, but also to introduce their own adjustments and ideas. A striking example of this is boiler equipment from Ukrainian manufacturers.

Imported boilers often have a more “shortened” version, for example, without lining the combustion chamber. Because of this, working with raw fuel is almost impossible. But we need to take into account the mentality of countries. Domestic consumers are trying in every possible way to save money, so they can store firewood themselves. But few of them adhere to the recommended rules and may not even dry the wood completely. Accordingly, a foreign boiler using such fuel will not be able to fully operate, and a person will believe that this is a matter of technology, and not of his actions.

Ukrainian manufacturers also took into account the carelessness of their potential clients. Therefore, their products are manufactured with full equipment. Most models have a combustion chamber lining made of heat-resistant concrete or other similar material. This allows you to heat the boiler even with wood, whose humidity level reaches 50%. And at the same time, the operational properties of the heat generator will not suffer at all.

With this approach, it becomes clear that domestic boilers are more efficient in our operating conditions than imported models. And perhaps the most significant advantage of such devices is the price. After all, delivering a boiler from Ukraine is much cheaper than from America or Germany. That is why the cost of different manufacturers with the same characteristics can vary so much.


Proskurov is a Ukrainian company that produces boilers for space heating and hot water supply. The products are popular among consumers due to their high quality and reasonable prices.

The boilers have universal operating capabilities and are economical in fuel use.

Proskurov units are of excellent quality, high efficiency and a 100% manufacturer’s guarantee.

All Proskurov boilers have safety automatics with a gas valve (from the German manufacturer Honeywell).

The manufacturer produces gas, solid fuel and electric boilers.

Gas units are available in two types: parapet boilers and chimney boilers.

Solid fuel boilers are divided into categories: with and without a fan. There may be designs with a slab (AOTV-K with a slab).

Some popular models are discussed in the tables below.

Gas boilers

Parapet gas boilers ProskurovA number of models consist of the names AOGV-7, 10, 10U, 13, 13U, 16U. They have a closed combustion chamber, do not require electricity, and are equipped with a vertical chimney. Oxygen enters the combustion chamber and pollutants are removed through special ducts outside the building.
Chimney gas boilers ProskurovThese are Ukrainian-made gas boilers, represented by models AOGV-10V, 13V, 16V, 24V, 30V, 50V, 98V. They are double-circuit, floor-mounted, and have built-in pneumatic automation (they are not afraid of power surges).

Gas boiler Proskurov AOGV

Solid fuel boilers

Proskurov AOTV with fanModels in this category are AOTV 16, 22, 28, 34, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150. The boiler runs on solid fuel, namely wood, wood waste, peat, coal, pellets. Raw materials must be fed into the furnace every 8 hours on average. Suitable for heating areas from 160 m² to 1500 m². Weight category of boilers is from 220 kg to 750 kg.
Proskurov AOTV-N without fanRepresented by models AOTV-12N, 16N, 22N, 30N, 40N, 50N. They are safe to use. Designed for heating not only apartments, but also country houses and cottages. Suitable for heating areas from 120 m² to 500 m². Weight category of boilers is from 120 kg to 240 kg.

Is it worth buying a Ukrainian boiler?

Unfortunately, our man is firmly convinced that domestic manufacturers do not know how to make high-quality products. But, as practice shows, this is not true. Of course, production requirements are more stringent abroad, because there it is quite normal to sue a manufacturer for a low-quality product. Nevertheless, both domestic and neighboring brands delight with their quality.

Ukrainian long-burning boilers have a number of their own strengths, after reading which you can understand that such a purchase is worth the money. And they are as follows:

  1. Versatility. Not every home owner has the opportunity to purchase high-quality fuel. That is why many try to prepare it themselves. But in order for firewood to have a full heating effect, it is necessary not only to dry it properly, but also to find a good place for storage. But many people simply put them under a tarpaulin or film, which causes them to become saturated with moisture. Ukrainian manufacturers take this point into account, so their devices can “absorb” completely different fuels. And in the private sector there are practically no problems with wood waste.

  1. Easy repair. No technology can work forever. Ukrainian long-burning boilers are no exception. But if something fails, then you need to be able to get the part quickly and inexpensively. One of the important points is originality. Many try to cheat and install domestic elements on imported boilers. Unfortunately, this is not correct. If the device continues to work, then it is simply luck. But in any case, it will either quickly fail completely or last less than it should. But if Ukrainian boiler equipment is installed at home, then there will be no problems finding spare parts. Not to mention their availability.
  2. Electronics reliability. Many people know that problems with light can lead to breakdowns of equipment in the house. Therefore, developers of electronic boiler circuits take these points into account. But although foreign manufacturers also take this point into account, energy companies abroad are trying to “even out” the network as much as possible. In our country, voltage fluctuations can reach significant values. And the electronics in Ukrainian boilers are designed to work in such conditions.

  1. Price. Ukrainian boilers were developed on the basis of foreign analogues, that is, their design is identical to imported models. BUT! Since such units are sold directly by manufacturers and are not transported very far, their cost is quite affordable. Moreover, some economy class models from foreign manufacturers cost as much as the coolest Ukrainian boilers.

Analyzing all the above advantages, it is easy to come to the conclusion that long-burning boilers from a Ukrainian manufacturer are a very good idea to provide your home with heat.

How to choose and what to pay attention to

Type of fuel

If the client prefers coal when choosing fuel, then it is better to choose a boiler and steel. If firewood is used as fuel, then a cast iron model would be the best choice.


This criterion determines how much area the device will be able to heat and how often it is necessary to add fuel.


For a large room and a two-story private house, a boiler with a capacity of 20-36 kW is suitable.

And for a small country house, 14 kW is enough.

Weight and cost

The large weight and dimensions will cause inconvenience if the client does not have a special place to place the boiler.

Heavy weight also means higher installation and shipping costs. In addition, heavy boilers are much more expensive than lighter models.


The coefficient of a cast iron boiler is lower than that of a steel boiler. But a cast iron boiler takes longer to cool, thereby retaining heat for a longer time.

The time interval between fuel additions depends on the combustion time. Thus, economical cast iron models can keep warm all night.

Durability of the design

The default lifespan of equipment is about 10 years. But this depends on the careful handling of the owner and the quality of the materials from which the boiler is made.

If you choose a model with good materials, reliable assembly and properly care for the heating equipment, the device will last longer.



Review of Ukrainian boilers

If we compare Ukrainian and Russian boilers, the first representatives rarely have a power of more than 40 kW. But the second models can have a power of 95 kW, and if we talk about Polish boilers, then their figure can be 200 kW. But for heating private houses, such powerful devices are useless.

In Ukraine, about a dozen companies are engaged in the production of long-burning solid fuel boilers. Some of them are more popular, others less. But there are three companies whose boilers are especially popular both in Ukraine and in neighboring countries, in particular Russia. So,:

  1. "Aten". Solid fuel boilers of the Aton brand are produced at the Lebedinsky Engine Plant, which is one of the components of Motor Sich OJSC. The basis of such units is the pyrolysis principle. That is, during the smoldering of wood fuel, when there is no oxygen, a flammable gas is formed, which becomes a source of heat for the house. Household models have a power of 16 kW and it can reach up to 360 kW in professional devices. But the latter option is used only in industrial production. The design of the Aton is such that they are considered universal. That is, for their work you can use not only firewood, but also peat, straw, sawdust and wood chips, wood processing waste, etc. The dimensions of the firebox are such that meter-long logs with a diameter of 41 cm can easily fit there. This allows you to use large firewood without first splitting it. The combustion chamber lining is made of mullite-corrundum mixture. Aton electronics are Polish. The manufacturer provides a 5-year warranty on its products. A 12 kW unit costs around 24,000 rubles.

  1. "Buran". These boilers have such a pleasant feature as long battery life, without any human intervention. Buran boilers have a fairly wide range of models. Therefore, from this manufacturer you can find wood-burning and even coal models. By the way, the latter are not only distinguished by long-lasting combustion, but also by the ability to operate at low temperatures. Such coal variations can work for 3-5 days at one gas station. But for wood-burning low-temperature boilers this time reaches only 30 hours. Buran heat exchangers have a special design, which increases heat transfer by 40% compared to other solid fuel analogues. Also worth noting is the modified air diffuser. The new design ensures uniform combustion of fuel throughout the entire combustion chamber. Also, such an element is capable of turning around its own axis, which is why it can be used as a handy tool when cleaning the combustion chamber. The simplest variations of “Buran” start at 60,000 rubles.
  1. "Reaping." In the production of such boilers, high-quality steel is used, the thickness of which can vary between 0.6-1 cm. Engineers have created a firebox design such that the device runs on any biofuel, be it firewood or plant roots and reeds. And the interesting point is that the efficiency of the unit, even with such “food”, ranges from 80 to 92%, which is not bad at all. Any Pozhinka boiler has a 5-year warranty from the manufacturer. Starting cost from 20,000 rubles.

  1. "Cordy." This company is known not only for boilers, but also for water heating equipment with solar panels. If we talk about industrial production, the Kordi company has released 4 models for this purpose. They are capable of heating an area from 900 to 2700 sq.m. The most powerful model in this series is KOTV250 with a power of 250 kW. Kordi also has products for home use. These are ordinary stoves and boilers with cooking surfaces, which are equipped with burners on top. The latest models have a horizontal position, which distinguishes them favorably not only in functionality, but also in external design. There are ten household models in total. Such long-burning solid fuel units are designed for 100-950 sq.m. The initial cost of such units is from 60,000 rubles.

  1. "Danko" These boilers compare favorably with their counterparts in their ability to operate even without electricity. Therefore, those who live in regions with unstable electricity should like this option. Danko has three models in the main series - Danko TL, Danko TN and Danko T. Cast iron is used to make the heat exchanger of the first model, steel is used for the second and third. TL and TN are packed from several sections, and this, in turn, makes repairs very convenient. That is, if a malfunction occurs in some place, the broken section is cut off from the entire system, put in order and returned to operation. Model T has a pump and fan, which are regulated by a built-in controller. Danko TL and TN boilers are designed for houses with an area of ​​up to 450 sq.m., but the Danko T model is designed for an area of ​​up to 700 sq.m. The initial cost is from 45,000 rubles.

Some tips for choosing

When purchasing a long-burning solid fuel boiler, you need to pay attention not only to the numbers on the price tag. It is important to consider the thermal power of the equipment, its maximum operating pressure and the duration of the filling until the next refueling.

To calculate the heater power, you need to calculate the thermal load of the system and multiply it by the safety factor. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to carry out such calculations on your own, but for ordinary consumers a formula has been invented - 10 sq.m. premises will require 1 kW of energy. Based on this formula, you can select the desired boiler power. This means that the money will be invested rationally.

The operating pressure of the unit is selected only when the height difference between the highest and lowest points in the water circuit of the house is determined. But this parameter is important for multi-storey buildings, where the boiler is installed in the boiler room, which in turn is located in the basement or on the ground floor. For such calculations, you need to know that 10 m of water column height exerts a pressure of 1 bar. For one-story houses, devices with 1-1.5 bar operating pressure are suitable.

Well, as for the duration of combustion, usually the technical passport for the product contains this information. The interval between fillings depends not only on the selected fuel, but also on the size of the loading chamber itself. Therefore, if you do not want to go down to the boiler every 8 hours, then you should choose units with a large combustion chamber. But you should be prepared for the fact that this will directly affect the dimensions of the boiler itself.

Such simple points will help you choose boiler equipment. But the money will be invested rationally.

Product range and popular models

Power determines the classification of Kordi solid fuel boilers in the series:

  • industrial;
  • boilers with hobs;
  • household units with power up to 100 kW.

The following four device models are most popular among consumers:

  1. Solid fuel boiler Kordi AOTV 10 kW. Reviews indicate that this modification is often chosen for small houses with one floor and 2-3 rooms. The equipment operates economically and requires virtually no maintenance costs. If everything is designed correctly, then you don’t even have to install a circulation pump and a turbocharged chimney. When the room is small, natural physical laws may be sufficient for the normal functioning of the system.
  2. The Kordi solid fuel boiler with a power of 14 kW is more powerful, so it can easily cope with heating larger houses. It is installed in small two-story buildings, only in this case the purchase of a circulation pump is mandatory. Regarding the chimney: you can also leave natural ventilation if the weather conditions of the pipe and the conditions of the region allow it.
  3. A 16 kW device is the best option for many. The boiler heats middle-class houses and most private buildings in the country. The technical characteristics are excellent within the required boundaries, so no problems with operation are expected. The most popular is the model with two circuits (for heating and hot water).
  4. A 20 kW solid fuel unit is suitable for a large house or office heating. In large rooms, the optimal air temperature will always be. For high-quality work, you will need a powerful circulation pump and a smoke exhauster to remove combustible products.

More information about the types of circulation pumps here


Anatoly Reznikov, 27 years old, Perm

Quite recently we bought a solid fuel boiler KT-2E (Ukraine). This unit has a power of 25 kW, which is enough for us to heat 120 sq.m. Although the technical data sheet states a figure of 250 sq.m. The fuel bunker is designed for 56 kg, the volume of the loading chamber is 62 cubic mm. When fueled with ordinary firewood, combustion lasts about 8 hours, but just recently I tried to switch to pellets. So now one refill is enough for 2-3 days. Overall, this is not a large boiler, but for us this was the main requirement since the house does not have a basement. Therefore, we installed a boiler in the summer kitchen. I am very pleased with the purchase.

Konstantin Abramov, 30 years old, Orenburg

We had an Austrian Herz boiler. Six months later it stopped working. When I called the experts, it turned out that some part was out of order (I don’t understand boiler equipment, so I didn’t remember its name). In order for my boiler to work again, I had to order the original part directly from Austria and its cost should have cost me about 500 dollars. And this is not a small amount. So I decided to approach the situation differently. Through a friend, I ordered a similar part from a warehouse, but it was not original, but from a different boiler. After installing it, my unit still worked for 3 months, after which it completely failed. Although the first craftsmen warned me that high-quality repairs were needed, I did not listen to them. For which he paid. It’s good that the boiler equipment failed in early April, when there was no longer severe frost outside. Now we are choosing a boiler from neighboring countries and are thinking about choosing Danko TL, since I have heard a lot of positive reviews about it. And repairs, if anything happens, will now be cheaper and more reliable. I won't make that mistake again.

Alexander Ivanov, 32 years old, Gorbatov

I work at a furniture factory, and in winter a solid fuel boiler provides us with heat. My friend is responsible for the maintenance of this unit. Our factory occupies an area of ​​320 sq.m., that is, it is quite large. At the same time, we spend about 70-80 kg of fuel per day for such a quadrature. Well, since our products are made of wood, we have no problems with refilling - we use all the wood waste that we have. Moreover, in the summer, we simply store them, and when the cold comes, we immediately put them to work. Now I’m thinking about installing the same boiler at home, only with less power. My friend calculated that for my house (101 sq.m.) daily fuel consumption should not exceed 30 kg.

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