Zota solid fuel boilers - reviews and model ranges

Here you will learn:

  • Features of Zota boilers
  • Main model ranges
  • Reviews about Zota boilers

Wood and coal boilers continue to be in demand among consumers, because Russia is still full of settlements that still do not have gas. These also include dacha communities where there are no gas mains, but people live there on a permanent basis. In some cities, dachas are no worse populated than any other areas. And the problem of heating homes is solved with the help of boilers that burn wood or coal. Using Zota solid fuel boilers for these purposes, you can achieve significant savings on fuel and fill your rooms with heat.

In this review we will look at:

  • Main features of Zota solid fuel boilers;
  • Produced model lines;
  • Characteristics of the equipment produced;
  • Reviews from owners of Zota solid fuel boilers.

Below you will find more detailed information on these points.

Distinctive features of the Zota solid fuel boiler

The Zota solid fuel boiler is a modern heating device produced by a Russian company. This device can operate on various types of fuel, from ordinary firewood to fuel granules (pellets). There is a large range of models on the market, where boilers differ in their purpose. The technical characteristics of Zota long-burning solid fuel boilers are not inferior to their European counterparts.

You can learn about the features of heating with wood here

The disadvantage is low performance. Their efficiency does not exceed 60-70%. The Zota company has tried to increase the efficiency of its products. Due to this, the boilers generate a large amount of thermal energy using the same amount of firewood. In addition, the manufacturer paid special attention to the reliability of its devices, combustion duration and automation of the fuel combustion process.

Characteristic features of Zota boilers:

  • a large selection of models - both for domestic and industrial conditions;
  • the fuel burns for a fairly long period of time - this is achieved thanks to the special design of the devices and individual developments of the manufacturer;
  • heat exchangers of very good quality, which are characterized by high reliability;
  • automation of work - for this purpose, the product range includes automatic and semi-automatic solid fuel boilers.

Types of Zota boilers

Electric boilers Zota
The range of Zota boilers can be divided into several types. Each of them has its own characteristics and characteristics.


The Zota electric boiler is used for industrial and domestic purposes. At the moment, the company produces 5 models, the power of which ranges from 3 to 400 kW.

  • Zota Econom is an economical model, can be used for heating a house or cottage, power - from 3 to 48 kW.
  • Zota Lux - connects to an autonomous heating system and can supply heat to a home or industrial premises, and can heat water. Power – from 3 to 100 kW.
  • Zota Zoom - organizes the heating system, automatically selects power to maintain a certain mode, power - from 6 to 48 kW.
  • Zota MK - are mini boiler rooms for heating and water supply systems of any room, power - from 3 to 36 kW.
  • Zota Prom - models are capable of heating a room of up to 4000 square meters, power - from 60 to 400 kW.

Solid fuel

Coal boiler - Stakhanov model

The company has launched the production of all types of solid fuel boilers, ranging from low-power models for heating country houses, to automated boilers for providing heat and hot water to large country houses.

Model ranges:

  • Carbon heaters are made of high quality steel and can heat a small room.
  • Zota Master – the body of these models is lined with basalt wool.
  • Zota Topol-M - boilers with a gas-tight insulated body, operates on both coal and wood, in the upper part there is a thermometer that measures the temperature of the liquid.
  • Zota Mix - is able to provide an optimal working area for the heat exchange process, the efficiency is increased.
  • Zota Dymok-M - models have the same characteristics as the previous one.

Automatic coal

Models of this type of boilers have one line of Stakhanov. The power of these devices ranges from 15 to 100 kW. All models are equipped with large water chambers and are controlled by Windows. Designed for heating purposes.

Each of the models can run on backup fuel or wood. However, the main fuel of boilers is fractional coal.


Combination boiler for wood and coal

This group is also represented by only one series – Magna. They are distinguished by a built-in combustion chamber for long-term combustion. It is made of fire-resistant material and high quality steel. The case is sealed and has increased strength.

These models run on coal and wood. The control system and control of the heating process are fully automated. Power – from 15 to 100 kW.


This group is represented by a model range called Pellet. The devices operate on pellets made from peat, wood, and agricultural waste. The advantage of these boilers is that they operate without human intervention. This electric boiler is usually used for home heating.

The best solid fuel boilers Zota

Box 8 8 kW

The compact single-circuit unit is placed on the floor. It has a small power of 8 kW. Suitable for heating a small room: a one-story house or garage.


  • boiler type - solid fuel;
  • contours - single-circuit;
  • power - 8 kW;
  • area - 80 m2;
  • installation - floor;
  • non-volatile - yes;
  • control - mechanics;
  • combustion chamber - open;
  • case material - steel;
  • fuel - coal, firewood;
  • Heating elements - optional;
  • thermometer - yes;
  • hob - yes;
  • weight - 71 kg;
  • price - 16,100 rubles.


  • good power for a low price;
  • quality materials;
  • compact dimensions;
  • presence of a thermometer;
  • using the hob.


  • firewood and coal burn quickly;
  • not enough to heat a two-story house.

Topol M 14 14 kW

A bright blue solid fuel unit with a power of 14 kW is suitable for heating a room of 140 square meters.

You can load wood and coal as fuel.

It heats the room well, but at night you need to add fuel.


  • boiler type - solid fuel;
  • contours - single-circuit;
  • power - 14 kW;
  • placement - floor;
  • volatile - yes;
  • control - mechanics;
  • fuel - coal, firewood;
  • combustion chamber - open;
  • Efficiency - 75%;
  • Heating element - optional;
  • functions - thermometer;
  • dimensions - 440*845*875 mm;
  • weight - 113 kg;
  • price - 14391 rubles.


  • quality materials;
  • The heating element maintains the temperature almost all night;
  • warms up well;
  • two types of fuel;
  • sufficient power;
  • affordable price;


  • fuel burns out quickly;
  • no hob;
  • only one heating element.

Master 20 20 kW

A bright, small-sized unit with a power of 20 kW. Capable of heating a room of 200 m2. Suitable for a private home.

Firewood burns out quickly, you need to re-fill it before going to bed, then the temperature will last all night.


  • type of device - solid fuel boiler;
  • contours - single-circuit;
  • power - 20 kW;
  • placement - floor;
  • non-volatile - yes;
  • control - mechanics;
  • combustion chamber - open;
  • fuel - coal, firewood;
  • fuel consumption - 63 kg/hour;
  • thermometer, pressure gauge - yes;
  • hob - yes;
  • weight - 128 kg;
  • price - 25,200 rubles.


  • convenient ash pan;
  • spacious firebox;
  • compactness;
  • affordable price;
  • good warm-up;
  • quality materials.


  • heavy weight;
  • fuel burns quickly.

Topol M 30 30 kW

Classic single-circuit boiler with a power of 30 kW. Retains heat well thanks to the optional heating element. Acceptable types of fuel for use are coal and wood.


  • type of device - solid fuel boiler;
  • contours - single-circuit;
  • power - 30 kW;
  • area - 300 m2;
  • installation - floor;
  • energy independence - yes;
  • control - mechanics;
  • combustion chamber - open;
  • Heating element - optional;
  • thermometer - yes;
  • dimensions - 440*845*1075 mm;
  • weight - 63 kg;
  • cost - 34,900 rubles.


  • good power;
  • presence of heating element;
  • good power reserve;
  • quality materials.


  • fuel burns quickly;
  • you need a wide chimney.

Carbon 20 20 kW

A stylish solid fuel boiler with a capacity of 20 kW for heating a country house or a room with an area of ​​200 square meters.

The controls are a little complicated, you have to tinker with the temperature settings.

Heats evenly, the temperature is enough for the night if you warm it up well before going to bed.


  • boiler type - solid fuel;
  • contours - single-circuit;
  • power - 20 kW;
  • placement - floor;
  • non-volatile - yes;
  • control - mechanical;
  • combustion chamber - open;
  • fuel - coal, coal briquettes;
  • fuel consumption - 5.6 kg/h;
  • functions - thermometer, pressure gauge;
  • dimensions - 465*970*1050 mm;
  • weight - 176 kg;
  • price - 40290 rubles.


  • long burning;
  • easy boiler cleaning;
  • large fuel tank;
  • there is temperature control;
  • spacious firebox;


  • high price;
  • complex controls.

Topol M 20 20 kW

A stylish solid fuel unit with an optional heating element. It has good power to heat a large room.

Easy enough to use for a country house.


  • type of boiler - solid fuel;
  • number of circuits - one;
  • power - 20 kW;
  • non-volatile - yes;
  • combustion chamber - yes;
  • control - mechanics;
  • installation - floor;
  • fuel - coal, firewood;
  • functions - thermometer;
  • dimensions - 440*845*975 mm;
  • weight - 140 kg;
  • price - 3090 rubles.


  • ease of operation;
  • warms up well;
  • the temperature is sufficient with a large amount of fuel;
  • reasonable cost;


  • marriage occurs;
  • Fuel burns out quickly.

Master 12

Compact single-circuit solid fuel boiler with a low power of 120 kW. Enough for a room of 120 square meters.

Allows you to add heating elements, which is very helpful for maintaining temperature. Coal heat lasts up to 5 hours in a private home.

Includes hob.


  • type of device - solid fuel boiler;
  • contours - single-circuit;
  • power - 12 kW;
  • area - 120 m2;
  • placement - floor;
  • non-volatile - yes;
  • control - mechanics;
  • combustion chamber - open;
  • fuel - coal, firewood, natural gas, pellets;
  • thermometer - yes;
  • hob - yes;
  • chimney diameter - 150 mm;
  • dimensions - 440*670*720 mm;
  • weight - 105 kg;
  • price - 22,500 rubles.


  • beautiful appearance;
  • presence of a hob;
  • presence of heating elements;
  • affordable price;
  • the ability to heat with different fuels;
  • holds heat well;


  • it is impossible to install a gas burner;
  • low power.

How to use solid fuel units correctly?

The operating principle of a solid fuel boiler is known, and the issue of choosing the type of coal has been resolved. All that remains is to learn how to properly light the stove. There are several simple rules that everyone who chooses the described installations for organizing heating of a country house must learn.

Let's look at all these points in more detail.

Preparing the stove for lighting

If the stove in a country house is used occasionally, before starting its operation, for safety reasons, it is necessary to exclude the presence of cracks inside the masonry.

Why are they dangerous? Through them, combustion products and carbon monoxide can enter the room, which must be removed outside using drafts. If such a defect is discovered, it must be eliminated before kindling by covering the cracks with a mixture of clay and sand. Otherwise, when heated, the cracks may increase in size even more. And this will lead to dangerous situations.

When inspecting the stove from the outside, we remove flammable objects away from it and clean it inside. We remove the ash and slag with a shovel, freeing the internal compartment. It is advisable to wipe the inner walls of the firebox with a dry cloth. If this is not done, then during kindling the dust will begin to burn, filling the room with an unpleasant odor.

The coal stove needs to be lit several times a day. The duration of one fire should not exceed two hours. For loading, it is better to use well-dried medium-fraction coal.

Do not use household waste or flammable liquids such as gasoline or kerosene to ignite coal. Do not leave the stove unattended while it is burning. This rule must be observed especially strictly if there are small children or animals in the house.

How to properly melt coal?

The stove must be lit as follows:

  • First, we place sheets of newspaper or any other dry paper on the bottom of the firebox. On top of it we place a layer of small wood chips. And on them we stack small firewood, for example, birch logs. To make them burn faster, they need to be folded in the form of a well or a small hut.
  • Set fire to the paper. We close the oven door and open the ash pan. Using it, it is easy to control the intensity of fuel combustion. The stronger the air flow, the faster the stack of firewood burns out.
  • After the firewood has completely burned out and only a pile of smoldering ash remains, you need to lay a 15-centimeter layer of fine coal directly on it.

Domestic boiler with hob ZOTA “Master”

ZOTA “Master” is an ideal option for those who need a small but practical and economical boiler for their country house. The main feature that distinguishes the Master series from other solid fuel boilers is the presence of a removable hob. Other advantages include:

  • High efficiency is achieved due to good thermal insulation and heat exchanger design, which ensures maximum heat removal.
  • The dimensions of the combustion chamber make it possible to use wood as fuel.
  • A mechanical draft regulator is optionally available, allowing you to automate the operation of the device.
  • It is possible to install a heating element or a gas burner in a 32 kW boiler.

Photo 5: Solid fuel boiler with hob ZOTA “Master”
High build quality, large heat removal area and excellent thermal insulation turn Zota “Master” into a full-fledged modern inexpensive solid fuel boiler with long burning. Here are the main parameters of the Master series:

Power, kW1218202532

Room area, m²120180200250320
Efficiency, %7373757373
Loading chamber volume, l3238405261
Chimney cross-section, mm150
Chimney height, m55567
Price, rub23 50026 90026 50030 50033 900

Here is one review from the forum:

I would like to talk about the experience of using a 12 kW Master solid fuel boiler. The first thing I want to say is that it copes with the heating task well, but there are some inconveniences in use. Because The device is low-power and has rather modest dimensions. The result is a very small firebox and ash pit. Only one bucket of coal fits, and the ash pan overflows quite quickly. The easiest way to load coal from a bucket is to remove the burners from the cooking surface.

Sergey Nikolaevich, Ekaterinburg

As you can see, Zota Master boilers are very versatile. They can run on coal, wood, gas and electricity. Perform not only a heating function, but also serve as a stove for cooking. Combined with a low price, ZOTA “Master” is ideal to buy for a small country house or village house.

Rating of the TOP best models


TOP best solid fuel boilers Zota
1Box 8 8 kW18 000 ₽
2Topol M 14 14 kW29 000 ₽
3Master 20 20 kW9 000 ₽
4Topol M 30 30 kW36 000 ₽
5Carbon 20 20 kW32 000 ₽
6Topol M 20 20 kW32 000 ₽
7Master 1230 000 ₽

Advantages and disadvantages

Boilers have their advantages and disadvantages that should be considered before purchasing.


  • economical fuel consumption;
  • the design in the combustion chamber allows increasing efficiency up to 70%;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • maintains the required temperature for a long time;
  • ability to use a variety of fuels;
  • automatic switching to long burning mode;
  • affordable price;
  • resistant to power surges;
  • built-in security automation;
  • There are three options for choosing power;
  • the presence of a hob in some models;
  • durable parts.


  • sometimes marriage occurs;
  • fuel burns out quickly;
  • The power is not enough to heat a large house.

Installation and operation

In the process of connecting Zota boilers, you must strictly comply with the requirements for the installation of any heating devices operating on solid fuel. It is necessary to install a security system: sensors that will be responsible for monitoring the temperature of the coolant and pressure relief valves.

You will find a specific installation diagram in the instructions; the ignition process and operating features of the device are described in detail there.

Very often there are situations when the technical and operational characteristics declared by the manufacturer do not coincide with what even a short experience of using the boiler can show. Reviews from owners of Zota boilers show a real picture of how these units function and what their characteristics are:

  • The boiler is ignited in a special mode. After the fuel burns well, the combustion door closes and the control lever goes into combustion mode;
  • It is best to fire the boiler with dry wood and coal. Compliance with this condition is the key to high-quality heating. The temperature of the coolant when leaving the boiler will directly depend on the quality of the fuel used;
  • Cleaning the boiler from soot is not difficult. Due to the fact that the grate rotates, you can clean the firebox from soot without interrupting the combustion process. And large doors provide unobstructed access to the entire smoke removal system.

How to clean a solid fuel boiler from soot can be read in this article

Experts recommend

The operation of a solid fuel boiler will be effective only if the fuel for it is correctly selected, as well as regular maintenance of the device. And in order to determine for yourself how to heat a solid fuel boiler and achieve maximum efficiency, professionals advise:

  • When burning wood, a large amount of smoke is released, so it is recommended to place larger logs at the edges and small kindling in the middle
  • The use of peat in densely populated areas is not recommended due to the release of large particles into the atmosphere and the release of a sour odor
  • Complete combustion of anthracite requires a massive hearth, so when using it, larger fragments are sifted out when extracting the ash and reused

Boiler ZOTA “Topol M” on coal and wood

The ZOTA “Topol M” model is an improved modification of low-power household solid fuel boilers of the Topol series. In addition to the new design, the device has undergone a number of other significant changes:

  • The body insulation is made of basalt cardboard, this reduces heat loss and increases operating efficiency.
  • An additional horizontal heat exchanger was added inside the firebox, making the boiler a three-pass one.
  • The firebox door opens both vertically and horizontally for convenience. It is convenient to load firewood up to 58 cm long through the scoop door.
  • The ash pan is equipped with a damper, the degree of opening of which is regulated either mechanically or using an automatic draft regulator.
  • As an option, it is possible to install a heating element and a gas burner in place of the screw door.

Photo 4: Zota boiler “Topol M” wood, coal, gas, electricity

In total, three standard sizes of the “Topol M” series are produced, here are their characteristics:

Power, kW142030

Room area, m²140200300
Efficiency, %80
Firebox capacity, l364653
Heat exchanger volume, l465464
Chimney diameter, mm150
Chimney height, m679
Price, rub26 90029 90034 200

Review from the owner of ZOTA “Topol M”:

It’s been a month and a half since I installed “Topol M” 14 kW in a wooden house of 60 m². Of course the insulation is not very good, there are a lot of holes. There were frosts down to -35 °C, the boiler copes well. Regarding the loading mode, I will say the following: if you set the draft regulator to 70 and throw in a bucket of coal, then after 11 hours the temperature will be 30 ° C. The screw grid raises questions, because... When it gets red hot, it quickly burns out.

Mikhail, Krasnodar

Zota "Topol M" is perfect for those who are looking for a small universal solid fuel boiler with good efficiency. It is precisely because of their high efficiency, low price, and ease of use that they are so popular on the Russian heating equipment market.

Solid fuel boilers

Such equipment is a kind of replacement for traditional wood-burning appliances.

But, which is very important, they are quite capable of providing comfortable living conditions not in several rooms, but even in a two-story house. Let's look at the features of the model ranges

Zota Carbon

Excellent models made of high quality steel. They have many advantages and options.

Table No. 6. Characteristics of Carbon line equipment

ModelDimensions, in centimetersWeight, in kilogramsPower, in kilowattsCost, in rubles
Сarbon-1576x46.5x971521537 200
Сarbon-2077.5x46.5x971762044 500
Сarbon-2690.5x46.5x1091962646 800
Сarbon-3290.5x58x1092403249 900
Сarbon-4091x69.5x1092844062 900
Сarbon-5091.5x69.5x1173035069 900
Сarbon-6091.5x81.5x1193756079 500

Zota Master

High-quality heating models, the main difference of which is that the body is lined with basalt wool - an excellent thermal insulation material. Let's look at the features of each model.

Table No. 7. Characteristics of the Master line equipment

ModelDimensions, in centimetersWeight, in kilogramsPower, in kilowattsCost, in rubles
Master-1272x44x671051223 500
Master-1472x44x721031422 900
Master-1882x44x721261826 900
Master-2082x44x761282026 500
Master-2590x50x721542530 500
Master-32100x50x721743233 900

Zota Topol-M

Products with gas-tight insulated housing. Basalt wool is used to cover the water jacket; the firebox opens horizontally and is equipped with a lock. At the top there is a thermometer that measures the temperature of the working fluid. Such Zota boilers can operate on both wood and coal. There are all three models, let’s take a brief look at them.

Table No. 8. Characteristics of equipment of the Topol-M line

ModelDimensions, in centimetersWeight, in kilogramsPower, in kilowattsCost, in rubles
Topol-1469x44x84.51131426 900
Topol-2079x44x84.51402029 900
Topol-3089x44x84.51633034 200

Zota Mix

The heat exchanger in this case is made in the form of the letter “X”, which ensures an optimal working area for the heat exchange process itself. Because of this, the efficiency of the equipment increases noticeably. The outer casing is treated with special powder paint, the door is removable.

Table No. 9. Characteristics of equipment of the Mix line

ModelDimensions, in centimetersWeight, in kilogramsPower, in kilowattsCost, in rubles
Mix-2058x42.5x1061352034 900
Mix-31.568x43x10615431,538 700
Mix-4068.5x48x1171844049 900
Mix-5078.5x48x1172075054 500

Zota Dymok-M

The products are somewhat similar to the previous ones, but the water jacket here is additionally reinforced with the help of channels. In addition, both doors here are gas-tight.

Table No. 10. Characteristics of equipment of the Dymok-M line

ModelDimensions, in centimetersWeight, in kilogramsPower, in kilowattsCost, in rubles
Dymok-12M65.5x50x61.5931217 800
Dymok-14M65x50x64861416 990
Dymok-18M75x41.5x701121820 800
Dymok-20M75x40x731102020 400
Dymok-25M83.5x46.5x70.51342523 900

Combined heating boiler ZOTA “Mix”

The main feature of the ZOTA “Mix” boiler is its versatility. It mainly runs on wood and coal, but in a pinch gas, diesel and electricity can be used. This flexibility is achieved by a special design that allows you to install different types of burners and operate equally efficiently on different types of fuel.

Photo 3: Combined heating boilers using solid fuel Zota Mix

Let's look at what other advantages the Mix solid fuel boiler has:

  • The heat exchanger has an unusual X-shape, which ensures maximum heat removal, which in turn ensures high efficiency values.
  • Operating efficiency is also improved by insulating the water jacket. Heat loss due to its use is reduced, and therefore efficiency increases. In addition to improving efficiency, insulation also improves fire safety.
  • Easy access to the flue and a spacious ash tray make cleaning and maintenance very convenient.
  • The optimal pressure for a heating system is 3 atm. In emergency cases, the device can withstand a pressure surge of up to 4 atm, without the danger of explosion as is the case with the installation of a cast iron solid fuel heating boiler.
  • The operating power is adjusted by a built-in draft generator and a draft control damper in the chimney. Temperature and pressure are controlled via a thermomanometer on the front panel.

The ZOTA “Mix” model is available in four sizes with power from 20 to 50 kW. Their main characteristics are as follows:

Power, kW2031.54050

Room area, m²200315400500
Efficiency, %80
Firebox volume, l35456379
Heat exchanger capacity, l5070120140
Chimney diameter, mm150180
Chimney height, m6789
Price, rub34 90038 70049 90054 500

Feedback from a real owner of the ZOTA “Mix” boiler about the experience of use:

I use a Zota Mix 20 kW boiler to heat my ecopan house of 75 m². The device fits perfectly into the boiler room. At first I thought of installing Buderus at 12 kW, but it is significantly more expensive. I use sawdust briquettes as fuel. For the winter, 3 tons are enough, which in terms of money comes out to 16,000 rubles. I've been using it for three seasons now, so far no complaints.

Eldar Vladimirovich, Irkutsk

If you are looking for a solid fuel boiler that can, if necessary, operate on gas or liquid fuel, while maintaining high efficiency and remaining safe, then the ZOTA “Mix” is exactly what you need.


Let's look at the most popular models of Zota solid fuel boilers.

Zota Carbon

Boiler Zota model carbon

This model has been produced since 2013. The device is made of high-quality steel and is used for heating both residential premises and industrial enterprises, the area of ​​which reaches up to 600 m². The line includes 7 models of different sizes, the power of which varies from 15 to 60 kW.

Zota Carbon boilers have a unique design. Let's consider the key advantages of such devices:

  1. First of all, it is worth noting the firebox, the dimensions of which are very impressive. Fuel is loaded through the top, and the air supply is adjustable. The boiler is very easy to replenish with a new portion of firewood, and its autonomous operation time increases to 11 hours.
  2. The body is made of steel, which is highly resistant to corrosion. Due to this, the cost is reduced, as well as the key disadvantage of steel boilers - the susceptibility to corrosion is reduced to nothing.
  3. The combustion chamber is designed in such a way that the fuel combustion process occurs at a specific place, which helps to increase the duration of the boiler operation on one load. Using fireclay, you can burn the exhaust gases, due to which the heating unit becomes a pyrolysis boiler on coal. Features of long-burning pyrolysis boilers are described here
  4. The ash pan is located within a three-pass heat exchanger, which helps to increase heat removal and increase the operating efficiency of the solid fuel boiler, and its productivity also increases.
  5. Thanks to the special design of the heat exchanger and the movable grate, cleaning the unit is quick and easy.
  6. You can install a heating element with a power of up to 9 kW with a control unit.

Key technical characteristics of Zota Carbon are presented in the table.

power, kWt15202632405060
Heated room area, m²150200260320400500600
Efficiency, %80
Chimney cross-section, mm150180
Chimney height, m5789111315
Heat exchanger capacity, l4855667893102121

Zota Mix

The main distinguishing feature of such devices is their versatility. For the most part, the boilers presented in this model range operate on wood and coal, but in rare cases diesel, gas and electricity can also be used to operate them. This flexibility is due to the special design, which makes it possible to install different types of burners and operate with the same effect on different types of fuel.

Solid fuel boiler ZOTA MIX-40

Which coal is better to choose for heating? The answer is in this post


  • the heat exchanger is made in an X-shape, which contributes to high heat removal and increased productivity;
  • the water jacket is insulated, which also has a positive effect on operating efficiency. Thanks to its use, the amount of heat loss is reduced and efficiency increases, in addition, fire safety is improved;
  • the units are easy to clean and maintain, because unhindered access to the gas duct is provided and the ash drawer is spacious;
  • the most suitable pressure for a heating system is 3 atm. In emergency situations, the device can withstand pressure surges of up to 4 atm without the risk of explosive situations, as is the case with cast iron boilers;
  • The power can be adjusted using the built-in draft generator and the draft control damper in the chimney. Control and adjustment of temperature and pressure is carried out using a thermomanometer located at the front.

Technical characteristics of Zota Mix boilers.

power, kWt2031,54050
Room area, m²200315400500
Efficiency, %80
Firebox volume, l35456379
Heat exchanger capacity, l5070120140
Chimney diameter, mm150180
Chimney height, m6789

The Zota Mix solid fuel boiler has won the love and trust of users and they leave many positive reviews about these heating devices.

Topol M

This model is an improved modification of household solid fuel units with low power ratings of the Topol series.

Of course, such devices are produced in a new design, but besides this there are other advantages:

  • the boiler body is insulated with cardboard or balsate, thereby reducing heat loss and increasing operating efficiency;
  • an auxiliary horizontal heat exchanger is located inside the firebox, due to which the unit becomes a three-pass unit;
  • The firebox door can be opened both horizontally and vertically; firewood, the length of which reaches 58 cm, can be easily loaded using the screw door;
  • The ash pan is equipped with a damper, the degree of opening of which can be adjusted either mechanically or by means of an automatic draft regulator;
  • in the area where the screw door is located, you can mount a heating element and a gas burner.

Characteristics of Zota Topol M

power, kWt142030
Heated room area, m²140200300
Efficiency, %80
Firebox capacity, l364653
Heat exchanger volume, l465464
Chimney diameter, mm150
Chimney height, m679

The solid fuel boiler Zota Topol M will be an excellent solution for those who want to purchase a small, universal unit with high performance. Due to their high efficiency indicators, reasonable cost and ease of use, these units have gained wide popularity in the domestic market.

Domestic boiler with stove Zota Master

Zota Master is a high-quality, compact heating boiler, which is characterized by high efficiency. Its main feature is the presence of a hob, which allows the unit to be used not only for heating, but also for cooking. In addition to this, there are a number of other advantages:

  • high performance is due to high-quality thermal insulation and heat exchanger design, which ensures good heat removal;
  • the volume of the combustion chamber allows the boiler to be fired with wood;
  • an option such as a mechanical draft regulator is freely available, which allows you to switch the operation of the device to automatic mode;
  • In the unit, whose power is 32 kW, you can install a heating element or a gas burner.

Read about the features of solid fuel boilers with a stove here

Due to the high-quality assembly, the unit has a large heat removal area and good thermal insulation. Zota Master boilers are becoming modern long-burning solid fuel units, which also delight with their “pleasant” price.

Technical characteristics of Zota Master

power, kWt1218202532
The area of ​​the heated room. m² 120180200250320
Efficiency, %7573757373
Loading chamber volume, l3238405261
Chimney cross-section, mm150
Chimney height, m55567


We remove the insulation from the input power cable and proceed with the connection according to the following diagram:

We connect the WORKING ZERO (blue-white wire) to any of the two terminals marked “X2”; they are connected by a jumper and there is no difference in which of them the wire is placed.

PROTECTIVE ZERO or GROUNDING (Yellow-green wire) must be clamped with a screw located to the right of the “X2” terminals; it is marked with a grounding sign.

To do this, I recommend stripping the insulation from the ground wire and wrapping the copper wire into a ring, as shown in the image below:

Only then tighten this ring with a screw, thus obtaining a safe connection and reliable contact.

It remains to connect the phase wires to the terminals of the three-pole circuit breaker installed in the boiler.

The levers of this machine are independent; they are not united by a common jumper, which allows stepwise control of the power of the electric boiler.

It works as follows: each pole of the circuit breaker is connected to its own phase wire, which then goes to its own heating element.

The total power of the electric boiler is the sum of the powers of the heating elements located in the heat exchanger; if we turn off one of them with an automatic switch, the boiler’s performance drops by a third of the maximum.

The 12 kW ZOTA electric boiler we selected has three stages, each 4 kW respectively, the boiler can operate with a power of 4-8-12 kW, this is a very convenient way of adjustment.

When connecting an electric boiler to a three-phase electrical network, the order of phase rotation is not important, so you can connect the phase conductors to the boiler circuit breaker in any order. But I would advise sticking to the rule that the core colors always follow in alphabetical order:

Now that electricity is supplied to the control unit, we connect it to the heating elements in the heat exchanger using the cable supplied.

I have already said that direct heating of water in this boiler model is carried out in a separate block, so now we will connect the electronic control unit with a block of heating elements - a heat exchanger.

The BLUE wire must be connected to terminal “X2” in the electronic control unit, where we previously connected the neutral power wire.

The remaining three wires, two BLACK and one BROWN, are connected alternately to the contacts of the electromechanical relay, as shown in the image below:

The connection is made through a relay, and not directly through the terminals of a three-pole circuit breaker, in order to be able to automatically regulate the operation of the boiler. This is where the air and water temperature sensors included in the delivery kit come into operation.

On the control panel - the front side of the electronic control unit, there are regulators that set the air temperature - "AIR" and water temperature - "WATER", when the set values ​​are reached, the boiler will automatically turn off, this operating algorithm is possible thanks to the relay.

The sensors also need to be connected to the computer; for this there is a special terminal block marked “X1”.

Using the connection diagram, we connect the wires from the sensors to this terminal block as follows.

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