Where to place a gas water heater in Khrushchev - design solutions

Due to the somewhat spoiled nature of modern humanity, accustomed to the benefits of civilization, housing without hot water supply is not only not considered comfortable - it is generally difficult to perceive as a place for a person to live. The method of “extracting” hot water is practically the only one, which has not changed at all since primitive times: forced heating of cold water... There is, however, the practice of using natural geothermal sources - but there are absolutely not enough of them for everyone, and it requires an obscene amount of financial investment .

Such local heating of water to the required temperature is carried out using special devices - water heaters, which, according to the principle of operation, are divided into storage (boilers) and flow-through (columns), and according to the energy carrier used for heating - into electric and gas. In terms of their prevalence, they are approximately the same, however, if the home is gasified, gas water heaters are significantly more convenient and economical.

Gas equipment in a Khrushchev-era kitchen: design with kitchen furniture and a refrigerator

Owners of Khrushchev apartments who are thinking about installing gas equipment are divided into two camps - those who want to hide the unit out of sight, for example, in a wall cabinet, and those who deliberately leave it in plain sight.

The second option is more preferable in terms of security. Some gas workers strictly prohibit installing a heater in a cabinet, much less closing the ventilation above it.

Therefore, you can consider a column design that would fit into the overall concept of a kitchen with a refrigerator, as well as the kitchen interior design in general. Several popular ideas on which geyser is best to buy in Khrushchev:

  1. White geyser. If the refrigerator and kitchen set are white, you can buy a white geyser and as a result get a single ensemble that looks advantageous in cramped Khrushchev-era apartments, as it visually expands the space.

  2. Painted geyser. If the kitchen is made in a certain color, you can paint the geyser in the same color. Remember that the column heats up during operation, so heat-resistant paint should be used. Aerosol enamel will also work. With its help, a stencil pattern is applied to the surface of the unit.

  3. White column with decor stickers. They also decorate the kitchen apron, the refrigerator and the column itself, and as a result they obtain a composition that is uniform in style. On sale you can find stickers covering the entire body, which will be appreciated by those whose speakers have lost their aesthetic appeal over the years of service.

  4. Geyser with a pattern on the body. The interior of a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building with a gas water heater will not suffer if you choose this model. The main thing when choosing this decor option is to ensure that it does not stand out from the overall concept and that it emphasizes and complements the style of the room.

Use of liquefied gas

“Problems” with project documentation are not required in the case of using not natural, but liquefied “ballooned” gas. However, in this case the column must have an appropriate design - burners for natural and liquefied gas have different diameters of injector nozzles. Although such equipment is produced by many manufacturers, it is quite rare on sale and is demanding in terms of gas quality.

In any case, the wall where the speaker is installed must be strong and non-flammable - if it is made of plasterboard, then a “mortgage” for attaching the heater, made of wood or metal, must be mounted in it in advance.

Ready-made solutions for kitchens with a geyser

If you cannot solve the installation problem yourself, seek the help of professionals. Today, designers recommend ready-made solutions, which include installing a gas water heater in a Khrushchev-era kitchen. There is a separate niche-cabinet for it. This way you can completely hide the unit, which for some remains the only possible and most preferable option.

The cabinet is designed so that it has no walls, except for the sides and the facade. In this case, the distance from their surface to the body must be at least 30 mm. But it is possible to ideally disguise a water heater inside furniture only if it is suspended at the same level as the cabinets.

This solution requires more space, but the designers carefully think through the project so that the owner of the Khrushchev building does not feel cramped. This is often achieved by reducing the size of the sink, using folding chairs or a countertop. The same effect can be achieved by cabinets in the form of pencil cases; the doors on them are not ordinary hinged ones, but equipped with elevator mechanisms.

Replacement procedure

Here we come directly to the process. What is needed to change a gas water heater? You are required to carefully prepare the room in accordance with all standards, check the functionality of the ventilation and chimney systems, and then call specialists to install and connect the equipment. They will handle everything else themselves, all you have to do is sign an act of acceptance of the work.

It is also highly recommended to install an air composition analyzer in the room where the gas water heater will be located. The device is very simple to install and at the same time performs an extremely important function. If the propane content in the air increases, the analyzer will immediately begin to signal. This way, you won't miss a leak even if you're asleep. A timely and quick reaction in such situations is an almost guaranteed favorable outcome. Therefore, do not neglect installing such a small but very useful thing. Good luck!

Safety precautions when installing a geyser

When achieving an ideal design, do not forget about the safety measures required for gas equipment installed in Khrushchev buildings:

  1. The hood of a gas water heater in a Khrushchev building should perform its task efficiently. In addition, there must be an air duct, the cross-section of which is determined depending on the power of the equipment.
  2. It would be good if the kitchen facades were covered with thermal insulation film, but in any case, you need to try to ensure that there are no flammable objects in the vicinity of the water heater - blinds, tulle, electrical wires, towels.
  3. The length of the air duct above the unit must be at least 30 cm. It is better to choose corrugated pipes for its installation that bend smoothly without forming right angles that can slow down the outflow of air and combustion products.
  4. The column must be placed as far as possible from the stove to prevent additional heating. In addition, the soot that forms over time worsens the performance of the equipment, which means the question of replacing it may arise earlier than we would like.
  5. The distance from the water heater to the kitchen walls must be at least 15 cm, and to the floor surface at least 0.8 m.
  6. It is necessary to provide free access to the water heater in the Khrushchev so that malfunctions can be quickly and easily eliminated.
  7. It is prohibited to install the refrigerator next to gas equipment. The distance between them must be at least 50 cm. If you ignore this requirement, the refrigerator compressor will work in increased mode, which means it will fail faster.
  8. When placing equipment near a window, you must ensure that there are no strong drafts, otherwise they will blow away the flame.

Make a connection

There is a standard procedure for legal connection that both individuals and legal entities should follow.

  1. First, the required type of gas supply is selected and a professional draft of technical conditions is drawn up. How much does such a service cost? The project and specifications may be different, it depends on the connection object, on those devices that will work on this resource.
  2. Then an application is submitted to the gas supply organization for connection; it can be considered within a month. Then the applicant must receive an insertion service or a justified refusal.
  3. After connection, a metering device is installed, it is sealed, and a contract for the supply of the resource is concluded.

Suppliers have the opportunity to check fuel consumption on their territory; sooner or later they will be able to detect unauthorized tapping or connection of additional gas appliances.

Representatives of the gas supply company have the right to check metering devices and gas appliances in a house, apartment, or enterprise; during such checks, unauthorized connections are most often discovered.

How do inspectors act when a violation is detected? They must immediately inform their management about the fact of a legal violation and draw up a report indicating the circumstances of the incident.

The owner of the premises is required to sign such a document. The facility is immediately disconnected from the gas pipeline. Then actions are taken to impose a fine and transfer the case to court.

Important points when renovating a kitchen in a Khrushchev building with a column

If a water heater is already in the Khrushchev-era kitchen, then during repairs it is necessary to ensure that dust, dirt, and other construction debris do not get into it. You can temporarily cover it with plastic wrap, but not while it is on.

If you plan to move the unit to a new location, you must coordinate your actions with gas services. Independent work is prohibited. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in a fine.

Gas equipment requires a more careful approach to the installation of electrical wiring. It is necessary to eliminate the risk of short circuiting, since in this case the risk of fire increases significantly.

High-quality ventilation is the key to the safety of all residents living in Khrushchev. It often happens that in a new house that has just been put into operation, the ventilation shaft is clogged with construction debris.

If you have doubts about the quality of ventilation, you can check its operation yourself by placing a sheet of paper against the hole. If it is pressed tightly by the air flow, the ventilation works well. If it falls, it is better to call a specialist.

All gas pipes available in the kitchen in Khrushchev must be provided with an easy and convenient approach so that the master can easily carry out the necessary repairs, replacements, and other work. If you close them tightly with cabinets, boxes or panels, you can also get a fine.

Stretch ceilings are allowed in a Khrushchev-era kitchen where a gas water heater is installed, but it is better to avoid multi-tiered types. It is undesirable for the ceiling to be adjacent to the chimney pipe.

Obtaining approval for gas pipeline replacement

Whether a transfer is possible or not can only be decided by authorized bodies, that is, the gas service of your city (district). Only a qualified specialist has the right to carry out any dismantling and installation work. Of course, pipes cannot be moved without approval.

Even such a simple step as cutting a pipe by 10 cm must be approved, since all work related to the gas pipeline falls into the risk category

The permit is issued in the following sequence:

  1. Find out the contact details of the gas service at the place of registration, contact specialists, explain the situation, and consult.
  2. You draw up an application (using a standard form) that will “launch” the approval process.
  3. Based on your application, a gas service representative will arrive at your home. The time will be confirmed in advance.
  4. The specialist performs an inspection, listens to wishes, and answers questions. Often at this stage it is necessary to change plans, since the desired transfer does not meet safety requirements (a preliminary study of the gas pipeline installation standards will eliminate this unpleasant moment).
  5. Approval of the final transfer scheme, drawing up an estimate. All documents are prepared by the organization providing the services. No work will be carried out without the consent of the property owner.
  6. If the transfer conditions are met, pay for the service using a receipt and agree on the start time of the work.

The approval procedure usually takes several days; it can drag on for a long period for only one reason: if the property owners and representatives of the gas service have not found a compromise solution.

Any factors that violate the installation standards for gas stoves (boilers, meters, water heaters) may cause refusal to move pipes.

When heaters are not allowed to be installed in an apartment or house

How to create autonomous heating in the kitchen, video:

Boilers and water heaters allow you not to depend on the whims and standards of warm water suppliers and provide a comfortable, normal water temperature at any time of the year. Although the requirements for their installation may seem too strict, this is done for the safety of residents. It is better to immediately install the equipment correctly and according to the standards than to pay later for its removal and reconnection of gas. What filters are needed for water purification in a private home can be found here.

What it is

You can connect to the gas pipeline only with the permission of the organization that supplies gas to the population and enterprises.

As a rule, such an organization owns the gas system, equipment, and gas distribution complexes. It works in a certain territory, is engaged in laying gas pipelines and connecting to them.

You cannot independently, without the approval of this authority, connect to the gas supply system and use the natural resource.

But they do not think about how serious the liability for illegal tapping into a gas pipeline can be. After all, this is not only a fine and disconnection from the network, the court may also impose imprisonment for several years.

You won’t be able to save money; you will need to pay a fine, money for damage to the gas system, and there will be additional costs for a legal connection. And for the period of gas use, suppliers will calculate the amount taking into account round-the-clock consumption:

  • Owners of private houses make an independent connection to the network if there is already a branch from the gas pipeline to the house. They commit not only gas theft, but also dangerous interference in the operation of the network.
  • Apartment owners who are forcibly disconnected from the gas pipeline for non-payment of the supplied resource or for operating faulty equipment and metering devices also violate the law.
  • The law also considers it a violation to independently install metering devices and pay the supplier according to its indicators. The meter must be sealed by a representative of the gas company. An indicator verification report is drawn up. And only then will the IPU indicators be taken into account and used to draw up a payment order.

Actions of citizens to connect to the network without permission and an agreement with the supplier company, independently connecting gas appliances will entail more costs and problems than doing this legally.

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