How to easily clean a gas water heater from contaminants - the best ways

To ensure a regular supply of hot water for their home or apartment, many owners install a gas water heater in the kitchen. The device is compact, does not take up much space on the wall, and even a teenager can understand the principle of operation.

Such water heating equipment will serve its owner “faithfully” for decades, but only with proper operation and periodic cleaning. How to rinse and clean a gas water heater with your own hands at home (for example, the Zanussi GWH 10 Fonte Glass Rialto model)? Detailed information is provided in the article.

Why do the “insides” of the gas water heater become clogged?

The reason for such contamination lies in the operating principle of the device. The device heats water using gas, and therefore accumulations of soot and deposits cannot be avoided. In addition, the incendiary element itself very often becomes dirty, collecting soot on its wick.

But the real apocalypse comes when scale “settles” in the water heater pipes. It not only interferes with the normal operation of the equipment, but can even disable it completely, completely clogging the water supply part. The appearance of scale in the heat exchanger is especially dangerous.

The heat exchanger is a collection of tubes placed above a gas burner. Water must flow through them constantly and unhindered; it is in them that it heats up evenly. When scale accumulates in these pipes, interruptions in the supply of hot water occur.

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It's time to cleanse: the first signs

You can determine that a geyser (for example, from Bosch) needs cleaning based on 4 characteristic signs:

  1. The device stops turning on or often goes out during operation . When there is 100% confidence that gas is supplied to the column uninterruptedly, and water flows with a stable pressure, the reason for such independent shutdowns may be an excessive amount of burning on the ignition element. The problem can only be resolved by cleaning the burner.
  2. The thermal protection of the device is activated . To prevent the column from overheating, the equipment is equipped with a thermal sensor. It signals an increase in temperature, warning the owner of a malfunction. If this sensor is triggered frequently, it is worth cleaning the pipes from scale. Since scale has good thermal insulation, it interferes with the normal cooling of the device.
  3. The productivity of the device has decreased for no apparent reason . If the water begins to heat up more slowly or the pressure level drops significantly, you need to check the heat exchanger for scale and clean out the accumulated products of the column.

So, it’s clear that the device is dirty, but how can you clean the geyser from scale and soot when such a need arises? The answers are in the following sections of the article.

Cleaning the drainage unit

Before starting repairs, turn off the water and gas.

A mesh filter is installed in the water collector to protect the tubes of the heat exchanger from clogging. This is where the largest particles are trapped. There is a membrane fabric for automatic gas supply.

Follow cleaning instructions:

  1. Unscrew the screws and remove the water collection unit.
  2. Clean the filter with a strong stream of running water.
  3. Evaluate the appearance of the diaphragm; it must be flat. Replace the bent membrane fabric. Most users like better silicone membrane fabrics.
  4. Close the water trap cover. Insert the screws and tighten them, ensuring equal tension on the membrane fabric.

Reassemble everything in reverse order. This type of cleaning can be done at home.

Gas water heater cleaning products

The rules for caring for a gas water heater are described in detail in the instructions for the device, and deviating from these requirements can be dangerous. If the water heater suddenly becomes clogged, you should use only products recommended by the manufacturer to clean it. They should also be indicated in the relevant paragraphs of the instruction manual. And it is better to entrust the cleaning process to professionals. In this case, not only will the blockage be eliminated, but the warranty will also be preserved.

Important ! Unauthorized reading using unauthorized means is dangerous to health! If during the process of descaling or burning one of the elements of the column is damaged and a gas leak appears, you must immediately call 104.

Only if the user understands all the possible consequences and accepts responsibility can he clean the device himself. What and how to rinse a geyser (for example, Ariston brand) from scale in this case? You can also use ready-made drugs or traditional methods. What is better and more effective: “vigorous” chemistry or “grandmother’s” cleaning, the comparison table will show:

Solves the problemFolk remedyChemical drug
Scale inside the heat exchangerA mixture of 0.5 liters of hot water and 100 g of citric acid.Calgon or Antiscale (corrodes layers of scale inside pipes).
A dense layer of carbon deposits (can only be removed from the heat exchanger; the gas part is cleaned by specialists)Dilute table vinegar and warm water in a ratio of 1:3.You can use 7-10% hydrochloric acid or other strong chemicals. Important! The work requires care: under no circumstances should the product come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes.

Folk remedies in the fight against pollution: time-tested

The modern chemical industry offers a lot of products that can easily and quickly clean your stove from any contaminants. But lately housewives have been suspicious of such substances. There are several reasons for this: such products can be expensive, they are unsafe and therefore require special storage (which becomes more important if there are children in the house), and it is recommended to use them with rubber gloves.

In the meantime, feel free to scrub with a good dose of soap and a stream of water all over the gas stovetop, which no doubt also has dirt on it. This way, you can also focus on cleaning holes blocked by liquids or products. To clean all the dirt, use a wiping pad and rub it with energy; When you are finished cleaning, rinse with hot water. In case it is very difficult to remove so much dirt, feel free to use a more effective oven cleaning product.

Finally, to finish off, to give a shine to your gas stove, we suggest you use lemon. As you already know, this is a magical product to put an end to oven clutter. You have two options: either replace the vinegar with lemon, or rub half a lemon on all parts of the burner and then rinse with hot and plenty of water. This citrus will act as a natural degreaser, making it much easier to pull out and remove dirt from your gas stove.

The stove can be perfectly cleaned using folk remedies

It is important for women that such products, even with protection, negatively affect the skin of the hands, which means they need to use creams. This adds expense to the already considerable cost of cleaning gels and powders

In addition, we have all encountered this situation: the stove needs to be cleaned urgently, but the industrial product has run out. And running to the store is not an option. This is where long-known and used tools that are probably always at hand will come to our aid:

If you use the kitchen every day, it's advisable to pack as much as possible while cooking, and after meals, if you have time to put the dishwasher in, book some countertop space and sweep if necessary. Kitchen cleaning can be organized in batches and done 2-3 times spread over a week or a month, but it always depends on how we use it.

Everyone will have their own preferences, especially with the oven if they don't have dirty pots, but clean and place pots in the dish drain or place in the dishwasher. Depending on the system used, there will be cleaning methods. Gas Burners: If the stoves are gas burners, remove the burner and top covers and using a small cream or powder cleanser, clean the area where the burners are located, rinse and place the previously cleaned accessories.

  • laundry soap solution;
  • lemon acid;
  • vinegar;
  • ammonia alcohol;
  • baking soda;
  • ammonia-anise drops.

Almost all of these products will easily help you cope not only with dirt on the gas stove, but will also clean almost all household devices to a shine - a refrigerator, boiler, electric kettle, washing machine, juicer. They can handle any dirt, and their most important advantage is that they can be used safely even with children.

Clean kitchen lamps

Apply grease to the tiled area where there is a kitchen, let it work for a few minutes. If the kitchen extractor is dirty, it will prevent fumes and odors from being removed properly. In the kitchen, grease and fumes rise and settle in the highest parts of the kitchen. Countertops should be transparent for easy cleaning. Wood countertops such as maple, teak or mahogany: should be cleaned once a year with teak oil or linseed in the direction of the grain of the wood. Crumbs and leftover food always accumulate in the refrigerator and cabinets, especially those that are powdered or crushed in the form of sugar, salt, or coffee. etc. Once a month it is convenient to remove these remains to prevent insects.

Descaling: work order

To carry out such manipulation, you can use both folk remedies and chemical solutions. Having cast your vote in favor of chemistry, you must follow the instructions exactly. If you choose citric acid or vinegar, then the work consists of the following steps:

  • the gas water heater is turned off;
  • the heat exchanger is disconnected by hand from the remaining elements and removed from the wall, the water is drained from it;
  • at the same time connect a hose to the pipe that supplies water to the column to avoid leaks;
  • using a bulb, syringe or watering can, the resulting solution is poured into the heat exchanger pipes;
  • Now the heat exchanger body is lowered into a deep basin with the same mixture and left in this state for several hours or overnight.

After this, the part must be rinsed well under running water, connected back to the column (optionally, the column of the Ariston FAST R ONM model) and then start the device. Pressurized water will remove all scale, leaving the pipes perfectly clean.

Nuance : It’s easy to check the effectiveness of your work - just look at the color of the water: if it is transparent, then all the scale has come out.

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Cleaning correctly

Before you start cleaning the column, you should completely turn off the gas supply and water to it. After that, the nuts responsible for holding the water filter are unscrewed. It should be taken out and cleaned. On the filter mesh, most quickly, you will be able to see a coating of salt. To remove it, you can use it mechanically or with some household chemicals. Next, the casing is removed.

From the heat exchanger itself, the nuts on the tubes responsible for supplying and discharging water are unscrewed. Very often a small problem may arise with this. If you cannot immediately tighten the nuts, then it is best to use multi-purpose fluid VD-40, which will simplify this task.

You can purchase it at any car enthusiast store. One spray at the junction is enough. After a certain period of time, the nut can be easily unscrewed. If you don’t have a VD, but there is an atmospheric burner nearby, then you can use it.

Once the nuts are removed, the pipe coil is removed. To clean it, you need to prepare a container into which it will fit. An ordinary watering can can help you pour descaling liquid into the middle. These are sold ready-made in the store in the home chemicals department, but you can create it yourself. For half a liter of water you will need 100 grams of citric acid, which dissolves in it. You can also create a vinegar solution.

The pipe coil should be left in a filled state for three to five hours. After which the liquid is drained, and the TEN is washed under tap water. You can connect it to the faucet using a specialized plastic tube or just a hose that fits in size.

After which the parts are installed in the reverse order. Additionally, it is best to replace all gaskets. Graphite lubricant on the threads will make it possible to simplify the removal of parts in the future. Specifically, it holds up well at high temperatures, which Neva performs.

Is it possible to clean the heat exchanger without dismantling it?

The immediate answer is: “Yes, you can.” To do this, you need to remove the front protective panel and disconnect the heat exchanger from the pipe that supplies water to the gas water heater. A drain hose is connected in its place.

When these preparatory procedures are completed, any chemical agent (or folk composition, if desired) is taken and poured into the heat exchanger pipes through the inlet. You should fill the “insides” slowly, in a thin stream, to avoid a sharp reaction and pushing the product back out.

The device is left in this form for 2-3 hours. After the time has passed, you need to reconnect the hose and drain the waste water with scale and other impurities. Then turn on the column and check its operation.


When choosing and purchasing a gas water heater, it is very important to pay attention to its performance. This will determine whether the equipment will be able to fully serve you. This figure can be 6-11 l/min, 12 or 14 l/min, and usually depends on the burner power, which is 11-19 kW, 22-24 kW or 28-30 kW, respectively

The more intense the flame, the greater the productivity. To service one mixer, a column with minimal power is enough, but if hot water is needed in the bathroom and kitchen and, perhaps, a second restroom in the house, you will need equipment that can heat at least 12 l/min

This figure can be 6-11 l/min, 12 or 14 l/min, and usually depends on the burner power, which is 11-19 kW, 22-24 kW or 28-30 kW, respectively. The more intense the flame, the greater the productivity. To service one mixer, a column with minimal power is enough, but if hot water is needed in the bathroom and kitchen and, perhaps, a second restroom in the house, you will need equipment that can heat at least 12 l/min.

Expert advice: It is best to choose a column with a performance slightly higher than required. Operating the speaker constantly at maximum power can lead to rapid wear.

Removing soot and soot

It is better to entrust cleaning of a gas water heater (for example, the Bosch Therm 4000 O WR model) from combustion products, as well as from scale, to professionals, especially when the device is under warranty. You can independently remove only soot from the surface of parts without disassembling the gas part. How to do it? The process takes 10-15 minutes and consists of the following steps:

  • the gas supply is turned off and the upper housing is removed;
  • all internal elements are carefully wiped with a cloth or cleaned with a vacuum cleaner;
  • the casing is installed back and the functionality of the device is checked.

If the gas wick starts to burn weakly, it means the nozzle is clogged. It is located on the gas manifold, next to the pressure sensor. You can clean the nozzle with a regular thin wire and a stiff brush. Upon completion of work, be sure to check the element for gas leaks. To do this, you need to lubricate the burner with soapy water (bubbles appear when there is a leak).

How to remove the casing of a Bosch water heater?

The decorative and protective casing of the speaker is easy to remove:

  • you need to unfasten the round adjustment knobs by pulling them towards you;
  • move the rectangular gas adjustment knob to the body cavity (the “ignition” position). Please note that not every Bosch water heater model has such a handle;
  • Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the two self-tapping screws securing the casing to the column frame. They are located at the bottom, on the sides of the device.

All that remains is to carefully push the lower part of the water heater casing towards you with both hands. Then lift up, remove completely and set aside. Now you can visually assess the contamination of the device and determine the scale of cleaning work.

Prevention is better than cleaning

Prevention is necessary to prevent scale, which is the main scourge of geysers (for example, such as Zanussi water heaters). It appears not only as a result of salt deposits from hard water, but also as a result of constant high temperature in the device. To ensure that the pipes are clogged with this “muck” as little as possible, it is necessary to set the optimal temperature.

Another way to prevent scale is to install water purification filters or electric softeners. They do not allow harmful salts to pass through, allowing the heat exchanger pipes to last longer. However, the cleanliness of the filter and electric softener also needs to be monitored.

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Checking the condition of the drainage unit

The problem may be a clogged drain pan. It is located at the inlet of the water supply part of the column and is responsible for the purity of the water that passes through the device. To get to it, and also to the heat exchanger, you need to remove the column casing. First of all, using suitable keys and screwdrivers, unscrew the handles and fasteners. Then carefully remove the outer part of the device. Carefully put small parts in a box so that you don’t have to look for them later.

At the entrance of the water supply part of the column there is a drainage unit. It must be disconnected and disassembled.

  1. Unscrew the bolts and remove the filter.
  2. Clean it thoroughly and wash it under water pressure.
  3. Replace the bent membrane fabric with a new one, preferably silicone.
  4. Reinstall the membrane fabric and filter.
  5. Screw the bolts on the cover one by one in diameter to ensure equal tension of the membrane fabric.

It happens that it is impossible to unscrew the bolts. In this case, you can use a specialized liquid - VD-40. It quickly corrodes deposits and makes it possible to unscrew even rusted bolts. You can purchase it at your nearest automobile store.

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