Folgoizol: technical characteristics and use for home

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Savig November 15, 2017Specialization: master of interior finishing works. I am well versed in power tools for repair and construction. Formerly a teacher at a radio engineering college.

Foil-coated isolon has a very wide range of exploitation

Don't know which thermal insulation material to choose? I propose to consider folgoizol in this capacity. This insulation is specially manufactured in such a way as to perform its functions for a long time and in the most unfavorable conditions. But let's talk about everything in more detail.

Isolon - what is it?

This material is an elastic polyethylene foam with a closed-cell structure. In addition to the fact that isolon is hygienically and environmentally safe, it has an extensive range of insulating characteristics. Thanks to its cellular structure, foamed polyethylene practically does not absorb liquid and moisture, and also has a high level of heat and sound insulation.

For your information. Most often, foil-coated isolon is used for the home, which has a thin metallized coating on one or both sides. The use of foil significantly increases thermal insulation, which is due to the reflective properties of the material.

Foil polyethylene foam

Depending on the production technology, folgoizol is available in two types:

  • cross-linked polyethylene foam (PPE);
  • non-crosslinked polyethylene foam (NPE).

In the first option, polyethylene molecules are cross-linked together, thereby increasing the thermal insulation properties and achieving a longer service life. This process can be carried out both chemically and physically, each of which allows one to obtain the required parameters.

Non-crosslinked isolon has fewer chemical bonds, and therefore is inferior in characteristics to PPE. However, given the relatively simple production, its price is more attractive to the consumer.

Roll of foil insulation

Properties and technical specifications

The unique technical characteristics of folgoizolon set it apart from other building materials intended for insulation and sound insulation of various structures. Below are the main properties of isolon.

  • High level of thermal insulation. The thermal conductivity coefficient of foil insulation is 0.031 W/mK, which is an excellent indicator when compared with other insulation materials. For example, the use of 10 mm thick isolon allows you to replace:
      12 mm polystyrene foam;
  • 45 mm wood or mineral wool;
  • 150 mm bricks.
  • Effective hydro-, steam- and sound insulation. The closed cell structure provides maximum resistance to the absorption of moisture and water vapor, and also prevents the penetration of sound waves. This characteristic is applicable even for a very thin layer.
  • Elasticity and light weight. For construction purposes, foil isolon is produced in the form of sheets or rolls with a material density of 19-38 kg/m³. It is quite light and pleasant to the touch, and most importantly, it does not require the use of special tools for mechanical processing.
  • Resistance to chemical products. An important characteristic of isolon is its resistance to oil, oil and gasoline. In addition, it is compatible with almost any building material: concrete, gypsum, lime, wood, etc.
  • Long service life. Since this material is made on the basis of polymer raw materials, it is not susceptible to biological influence and, accordingly, to the process of decay. The service life without degradation is more than 80 years.
  • Safety. In the production process of folgoizol, no toxic or harmful substances are used. It is odorless and can come into contact with human skin without any health consequences.


The material in question, as a rule, is a layer of foamed polyethylene, covered on one side with aluminum foil:

Two layers of foil insulation: foil and polyethylene foam

As a result, we can talk about the following number of undeniable advantages inherent in this insulation:

  1. Excellent thermal insulation qualities . They are due to the low thermal conductivity of foamed polyethylene, which is 0.031 W/(m×K). So, if the thickness of foil insulation is 1 cm, then it insulates no worse than:
  • 1.2 cm polystyrene foam;
  • 4.5 cm wood;
  • 15 cm brick;
  1. Cellular structure . How is it useful? The fact that it prevents steam, sound and moisture from penetrating through the material. That is, walls, floors or ceilings covered with the material in question will be protected from negative manifestations of dampness, and residents from the penetration of extraneous noise;

Due to its cellular structure, foil-coated isolon is also used as a waterproofing material

  1. Low weight . It is easy to install and transport with your own hands without the use of special equipment. In addition, it does not exert any pressure on the base;

Foil insulation does not require a serious fastening system when insulating the ceiling, since it weighs very little

  1. Chemical inertness . Resistant to gasoline, oil and oil. Compatible with any building materials: brick, wood, concrete, plaster, lime and so on;

Balcony insulation with foil insulation can be done directly onto the brick

  1. Durability . All components of the insulation under consideration are made from polymers. Consequently, they are not subject to decay processes and can last at least eighty years;
  2. Thermal reflective properties . In addition to the fact that foil-coated isolon does not allow heat to pass through, it also reflects thermal radiation due to the presence of a foil layer;

When installing foil insulation sheets, be sure to lay them with the foil surface inside the room. Otherwise, it will not reflect thermal radiation from heating sources.

Laying foil insulation must be done with the foil inside so that it can reflect thermal radiation back into the room

  1. Simple instructions for use . This thermal insulation material is sold in the form of mats or rolls, which can be easily unrolled and attached to any surface;

When installing foil insulation, do not forget to seal its joints with foil insulating tape to prevent thermal leaks.

Foil mounting tape is used to insulate the seams between foil-coated isolon sheets

  1. Versatility . It is used both for internal finishing works and for external ones. The self-adhesive version of the material in question is especially suitable for outdoor work; it does not require the use of additional adhesives during installation;

The photo clearly shows that foil-clad isolon can be used for thermal insulation of the roof from the outside

  1. Acceptable price.


The most significant drawback worthy of mention is the soft structure of foil insulation, which makes it inconvenient to lay under the screed.

Life time

Since foil insulation appeared relatively recently, it is not yet possible to determine the exact expiration date. However, after conducting experiments, we can say that the material does not lose its properties for 200 years.

The service life of the installed insulation depends on the adhesive used. If the adhesive composition has passed its expiration date, then you can re-install it with the same heat insulator.

There are a lot of insulation materials on the construction market. The choice is so wide that the question arises, which is better. To answer, you need to compare the characteristics of the thermal insulation material and the scope of application - street, living room, garage or agricultural building.

Bitumen foil insulation

Bitumen foil insulation is produced in accordance with GOST 20429-84. Aluminum foil is used as the top layer. And it comes in two main types:

  • FC - for installation and repair of flat roofs;

  • FG - for creating protective coatings.

Features and composition

In addition to the general standard, each manufacturer has its own technical conditions, agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure. They describe the scope of application in more detail, add new subtypes, detail the labeling depending on the specific design, and provide recommendations for use.

Thus, protective coatings are used for:

  • waterproofing of pipelines, metal containers and structures;
  • waterproofing of brick structures and structures;
  • waterproofing of concrete structures, including foundations, swimming pools, technical wells and tunnels;
  • steam and waterproofing of enclosing vertical and horizontal structures made of wood, metal, reinforced concrete;
  • creating waterproofing carpets over continuous sheathing for small-piece roofing on pitched roofs.

Based on the method of fixation to the protected surface (structure), two groups of materials are distinguished:

  • surface-surfaced (FC, FG, TFP, HFP);

  • self-adhesive (TFS, TFKS, HFKS).

In addition, products without aluminum foil are produced under this name. And, naturally, it does not have the letter F in its markings. These include rolled materials for installing the first layer of soft roofing. For example, from Promex LLC (Ekaterinburg):

  • TPP/KhPP - weld-on grades;
  • TPS/TSS - self-adhesive stamps.

Bitumen foil-isol has the following composition:

  • base: fiberglass (marked with the letter T), fiberglass (X), polyester (E);
  • binder: petroleum roofing or road bitumen;
  • coating: aluminum foil, polymer film;
  • separating layer for storage in rolls and transportation: polyethylene film or silicone-impregnated paper;
  • fillers: crumb rubber, chrysolite asbestos;
  • additives: synthetic rubbers, rosin, petroleum or coal oils.

General recommendations for use on roofs

The basis may be:

  • reinforced concrete floor slabs with seams made of cement-sand mortar not lower than grade M150;
  • cement screeds (M150 and above);
  • asphalt concrete screeds (M80 and above);
  • prefabricated screeds (asbestos cement slabs);
  • profiled sheet for load-bearing floors;
  • monolithic thermal insulation made of lightweight concrete;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;

  • solid wooden bases made of boards, moisture-resistant plywood or OSB3.

To create a vapor barrier layer, brands without foil are used, self-adhesive on one side or fused on both sides.

For slopes less than 10%, it is permissible to lay materials without gluing them to the base, but with gluing the seams. Laying is carried out with overlaps between adjacent canvases and when they are built up. The amount of overlap at the end is at least 150 mm, along the long side - 80-100 mm. The end overlaps of adjacent panels must be spaced at least 500 mm from each other.

The direction of laying sheets for roofs with a slope of less than 15% should be perpendicular to the direction of the slope. For roofs with a slope of more than 15%, laying the rolls parallel to the direction of the slope is allowed; in these cases, mechanical fastening of foil insulation is recommended in addition to fusing or gluing.

The total number of layers of a soft roof is determined at the roof design stage based on the design features and operating conditions, but there must be at least two.

Types of foil insulation

The difference between materials is related to the purpose and insulation used. If each of them has foil, then that’s where the similarities end. There are 4 types of products:

  • Foil penofol;
  • Mineral wool with foil;
  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Basalt wool.

Foil penofol

Such insulation with foil has different names, for example, folgoizol, polyethylene foam or isolon. This product is most different from its analogues. Sold in rolls. Insulation – foamed polyethylene (crosslinked or uncrosslinked). The thickness is small - from 3 to 10 mm. As a result, the material can be rolled, bent and shaped into any shape. This is a good foil thermal insulation for pipes. The aluminum layer can be on one side or the other. There are variations with a self-adhesive base. The price is affordable.

There are variations on sale with a reinforcing layer in the form of fiberglass. Moisture absorption ranges from 0.35 to 0.7%. The layer is non-vapor permeable, the indicators are 0.001 mg/m*K. The scope of use is wide. We carry out insulation of walls from the inside with isolon, creation of warm floors (underlayment for parquet, laminate, linoleum), use in a split system, for wrapping pipes.

Foiled mineral wool

Like regular mineral wool, it is produced in the form of rigid slabs or in rolls. This is a good combination option, since cotton wool is afraid of moisture and loses its characteristics when wet. A layer of foil eliminates this disadvantage.

Otherwise, the characteristics are the same as those of mineral wool. These are excellent sound and heat insulation properties, environmental friendliness, and long service life. The foil layer is only on the outside. Maximum thickness – 100 mm. Due to its protection from elevated temperatures, it is used for places where heat resistance is required. Namely: near fireplaces, installation of chimneys, baths and steam rooms. Good foil insulation for pipes.


The classic option: cheap but practical. It is a hard foam plastic that is heat resistant. The grains are tightly fused. Foil on one side. Sold in slab form. Most often used for arranging heated floors.

These special floor insulation materials have markings for the cable system inside. This simplifies installation work.

Density – from 30 to 50 kg/cm3. Thickness from 20 to 50 mm. Not afraid of moisture, dampness, temperature changes. Withstands pressure, does not rot or rust.

Basalt insulation

Ideal for use in very aggressive conditions. Remains in its original form even with temperature changes from -200 to 700 ℃. The best way to insulate and protect gas stations and other structures.

Important! To insulate a wall, floor or ceiling, you will need insulation no less than 50 mm thick. Therefore, mineral wool with a foil layer or basalt wool is most often used for walls.

What is folgoizol

Folgoizol is a polyethylene with a cellular structure, coated with a thin layer that reflects heat radiation on one or both sides. Elastic fabric with a porous structure is environmentally friendly and is characterized by a wide range of properties:

  • does not get wet, is a vapor barrier;
  • protects against environmental factors;
  • does not allow impact noise to pass through, dampens sounds;
  • retains most of the thermal radiation.

A unique synthetic material, it is used in many areas; protection of utility networks, utility structures, and roofing coverings is indispensable without it. Insulation with foil insulation creates a double barrier against heat loss:

  • the object is isolated from contacts with the cooling external environment;
  • The metallized coating layer prevents heat leakage.

The top layer, similar to corrugated aluminum foil, is resistant to rotting, corrosion, and protects against ultraviolet radiation. The production of folgoizol is based on the use of the latest technologies based on physical and chemical processes.

Insulation and waterproofing material folgoizol

The structure of porous polyethylene is often modified - particles are connected at the molecular level, forming cross-links (the so-called cross-linking process). Hydrogen atoms are separated in given chains to connect the necessary links.

Thanks to cross-linking, the density and, accordingly, the strength of the porous material increases, thermal conductivity decreases, and the level of moisture absorption decreases. In general, resistance to the influence of aggressive substances, noise absorption increases, and the service life becomes longer.

As a result of using various production methods, types of polyethylene foam are obtained:

  • PPE, or cross-linked;
  • NPE, or uncrosslinked.

The so-called “cross-linking” process is carried out using chemical and physical methods to achieve the required performance qualities. Non-crosslinked porous polyethylene foam, characterized by the smallest number of internal bonds, is inferior in quality indicators to the second type of foil insulation.

But the affordable price of this modification maintains a steady demand for products obtained as a result of less complex production. A variety of NPE comes with a self-adhesive base, of different densities and heights.

Due to its elasticity, foil polyethylene foam is easy to lay on any surface. For convenience, the insulator is produced in the form of sheets, rolls, and sleeves. The service life is approximately 20 years.

Application options for isolon

Due to its versatility and ease of processing, regular or foil isolon is used almost everywhere - in mechanical engineering, medicine, the food industry, packaging of fragile products, production of sports equipment and many other areas. However, this material has gained the greatest popularity in the repair and construction industry, where it is used to insulate various surfaces.

Roofing work using foil insulation

Roof protection

The main percentage of roofing materials in use are metal tiles and corrugated sheets, since they are durable and affordable for most consumers. However, their main drawback is poor sound insulation. This is especially evident during rain or gusts of wind.

The use of folgoizolon can significantly reduce the level of extraneous noise and increase heat conservation. It is usually laid as an insulator under metal tiles, corrugated sheets, slate or other roofing material with a corrugated surface.

Wall insulation

After the walls are erected, increased attention is paid to the thermal insulation of these structural elements. Since the main heat losses occur as a result of insufficient insulation of external surfaces, installation of insulation in this case is mandatory. As already noted, 10 mm of this material replaces 45 mm of mineral wool. Therefore, with the same result, you can reduce the thickness of the wall.

Advice. Considering that foil-isolon practically does not absorb moisture, it is advisable to use it for insulation and waterproofing of bathhouses or other buildings with high internal humidity.

Bathroom wall insulation

Floor construction

If the surface is constantly subject to dynamic loads, it is important to create a shock-absorbing effect, for which a so-called substrate is used. As a rule, it is laid under laminate and some types of linoleum. The use of isolon as a substrate not only softens the load, but also contributes to additional insulation of the surface.

To install heated floors, foil material is used, which acts as reflective insulation. In this case, the heating efficiency increases significantly.

Installation of a "warm floor" system

Thermal insulation of communications

Since foil insulation is easy to process and very elastic, it is convenient for them to thermally insulate individual sections of the pipeline through which coolant is transferred from heating equipment to residential premises. For example, if the boiler is located in a basement or other cold room, then without additional insulation of the pipes going into the house, its efficiency will not be very high, given the significant level of heat loss.

Thermal power engineers also recommend attaching a layer of foil-coated isolon between the heating radiator and the wall. This manipulation will stop heat dissipation through the outer wall, which will significantly increase energy saving.

Pipeline thermal insulation

Areas of use

The use of folgoizol is very diverse. Here are just some of the most popular examples:

  • For the bath. It speeds up the heating of the steam room due to the fact that it returns the thermal radiation of the stove back into the room. Moisture resistance also plays a role, without which not a single insulating material will last long in a steam room;

Finishing the bathhouse with foil insulation will increase its efficiency

  • As roofing insulation . This is lightweight insulation, which means that even the flimsiest roof will withstand it. In addition, they can provide thermal insulation both from the inside and outside of the structure;
  • For heated floors . It fits under the system and allows you to redirect the heat generated by the heating elements from the ground into the room.

What insulation and why is it better to choose?

The appearance of foil on insulation led to the differentiation of its areas of application. Materials now have a narrow specialization.

Foil polyethylene foam

Foil-rolled polyethylene foam insulation in the class of reflective insulation has the widest range of applications. It is used for insulation:

  • • floor. It is used as an additional thermal insulation layer in individual construction and the main one in apartments of multi-storey buildings. At the same time, it can simultaneously perform the functions of waterproofing materials. Insulation with a thickness of 2-3 mm is used as a substrate for parquet, laminate or linoleum floors;
  • walls and ceilings. The material is especially in demand in conditions of limited space (balcony, loggia), since the small thickness of thermal insulation minimally “steals” the usable area;
  • roofs. Used alone or in combination with other types of insulation;
  • baths At the same time, it performs two functions: heat and vapor barrier, protecting walls and ceilings from heat loss and waterlogging. But there are exceptions: they cannot be used in steam rooms and saunas, as they become deformed due to high temperatures.

Another area of ​​application available only to this type of insulation is heat-reflecting screens behind heating devices: radiators, air heaters, infrared films located on the walls and ceiling. This measure allows you to save thermal resources, and in significant quantities.

Foiled polystyrene foam

The main task of foil foam is to direct the downward heat flows of all types of “warm floors” back into the room. It is not used for other purposes, although the instructions do not prohibit it. The reason is the prices. With almost the same effect, you can insulate the walls with polystyrene foam without foil, which will cost about two to three times less.

The use of foil polyethylene foam is not limited to construction. It can be found in agriculture (insulation of calf barns, incubators), automotive (insulation and sound insulation of passenger car interiors) and footwear (warm insoles) industries.

Foil glass wool (mineral wool)

Like foam plastic, foiled glass wool has a narrow specialization - it is the main type of insulation for baths (primarily steam rooms) and saunas, although nothing prevents you from insulating a roof or attic with wool and foil.

The high heat resistance (+300oC) of glass wool with a foil side has made it possible to increase the scope of its application. It is widely used for thermal insulation of boilers, boilers, and pipelines. At the same time, collapsible cylinders or half-cylinders of different sizes, both in length and diameter, are produced specifically for pipes.

Foil basalt wool

The excellent thermal insulation properties of basalt wool do not require a layer of foil when insulating residential premises. This type of insulation can only be afforded by consumers with unlimited financial capabilities. Therefore, foiled stone wool is used mainly for insulating buildings with a high level of fire danger (withstands up to +700oC), for example, gas stations. In this case, the external walls (facade) are insulated.

Features of using foil insulation

The use of materials with foil for insulation depends on a couple of indicators: the properties of a particular heat insulator and the place where it will be used. In general, with the help of such thermal insulation, floor structures are insulated, the heat transfer of heating radiators is increased, and air ducts and pipelines are finished. Thermal insulation of entrance doors of verandas, loggias, porches and balconies also gives excellent results

When installing foil-type insulation, you need to acquire all the necessary tools for the job:

  1. Construction stapler.
  2. Small carnations with large heads.
  3. Nail puller and hammer.
  4. Construction tape with foil coating.
  5. Direct insulation with foil.

The most common mistake many builders make is incorrect installation of the material with the foil surface facing outward. Due to the fact that the foil is a reflector, it is designed to return heat to the room. But if you place the insulating material on the wrong side, you won’t be able to achieve this effect.

When laying foil insulation , it is recommended to enclose it in a wood sheathing.

Slabs, rolls or sheets of material must not be laid overlapping. They must be installed strictly on the same plane, secured with nails or construction staples.

Material with an adhesive surface does not need to be secured with additional fasteners, but to increase service life it is still better to use small nails. In the absence of an adhesive coating, rubber or acrylic adhesive can be used to fix the material on the surface.

After installing and securing all layers of heat insulation, the joints between them must be treated with foil tape. This completes the installation.

When installing a heat insulator on vertical surfaces that have mold, wallpaper or dirt on them, they must first be cleaned, otherwise the fixation will be very unreliable, and the material will simply fall off over time. In addition, it is recommended to treat the surface with antiseptic agents.

Easy to use and very high-quality foil insulation will save money and keep your home cozy and warm.

How to glue

When working with foil insulation, you can’t do without

  • small nails;
  • construction stapler;
  • hammer;
  • foil-coated tape.

Important! Installation is carried out by fastening the foil insulation in such a way that the side with the foil is directed inward, as a result of which the surface reflects thermal radiation from heating sources. Placing it on the wrong side will not achieve the desired effect.

Before gluing foil insulation , the surface must first be cleaned of dirt, traces of mold, and wallpaper residues. Large debris particles can damage the polyethylene foam, which will reduce the quality of thermal protection. It is recommended to treat the base with antiseptic agents, without which the fixation of the insulator will be unreliable.

Installation features

One of the main disadvantages of foamed polyethylene is its lack of rigidity, this narrows the scope of its use and imposes certain restrictions when carrying out installation work, the basic rules for which are:

  • The insulation should be placed on the aluminum foil side from the inside of the room - with this arrangement, the reflection of the infrared spectrum of thermal radiation is maximum.
  • Considering that the material is quite soft, self-adhesive varieties or installation using lathing made of wooden slats or metal profiles for drywall are used for installation on vertical and horizontal planes.
  • To avoid cold bridges, rolls or sheets are laid with an overlap, and the joints are sealed with adhesive tape.
  • Folgoizol is not used together with finishing building materials - it does not adhere to plaster, wallpaper, and cannot be painted. Therefore, the interior decoration above the insulation must be made of durable, rigid materials - most often they use lining, plastic panels, plasterboard (gypsum fiber) sheets, particle boards and fibreboards (chipboard, fiberboard, MDF).

Laying schemes for Folgoizol

  • Folgoizolon is flammable; when ignited, it emits caustic, toxic smoke, therefore, to increase safety, it is advisable to use it in non-residential or outdoor residential premises - baths, saunas, attics, roof slopes, facade walls of houses.
  • The thermal conductivity of Folgoizolon is slightly less than that of polystyrene foam, that is, to provide the same thermal protection as 50 mm polystyrene foam, you will need to use a 60 mm layer of polyethylene foam, which is technically difficult to implement with a maximum thickness of Folgoizolon of 15 mm and is also economically unprofitable. Therefore, foil polyethylene foam for high-quality insulation is often used together with other cheaper types of insulation to ensure low vapor permeability and obtain water-repellent surfaces for laying subsequent layers of thermal insulation materials.

One of the best options for using Folgoizol is to lay it first on the inner surface of a wall or roof slope with the foil layer facing outwards, then mineral or glass wool is placed on it. This provides steam and moisture protection to mineral wool that absorbs water well and significantly reduces heat loss from infrared radiation.

Outdoor mounting option

Balcony insulation

Insulation of a balcony or loggia is done using foil insulation with a polyethylene base. Polyethylene is foamed, after which aluminum foil is glued onto it. The thickness of foamed polyethylene can reach 10 mm. The canvas acts not only as reinforcement and damper, but also can prevent heat loss.

Most users know this material under the name penofol. There is one-sided and two-sided material, the foil of which can have a smooth or corrugated surface. Products with auxiliary protection in the form of polyethylene film are also produced. The layer is applied using lamination.

Insulating a balcony without auxiliary insulation is not effective and does not allow achieving the desired result. For this reason, penofol should be used in conjunction with polystyrene foam or cotton wool.

The easiest way to work with foam is using self-adhesive foam adhesive. Externally, it is similar to simple mounting foam and you can use a mounting gun to apply it.

Insulation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • The foam must be glued to the prepared base from the inside.
  • Penofol is laid on a layer of polystyrene foam.
  • Wooden blocks that will be used for finishing should be fixed on top.
  • Then you need to sew up the resulting “pie” with any finishing material. You can use plaster, siding or block house.
  • Overlapping foam foam is not allowed. The joints are sealed using special aluminum tape.

To insulate the floor, you will need to position the guides according to the level, and then place foam plastic between them. Penofol should be placed on the guides. Then there are two installation methods:

  • the floor is installed directly on the foam foam layer;
  • the second level of sheathing should be installed, and then the floors should be laid.

Experts recommend using the second method, since using the first method it is impossible to obtain the ventilation gap necessary to reflect the insulation. If you exclude the arrangement of a ventilation gap, penofol is not needed, since it will not be of any use.

Thermal insulation of pipes

Foil thermal insulation for pipelines is used during the installation of communications underground or by air. To reduce heat losses from pipes, foil insulation is used even in unheated rooms located on the ground floors of suburban buildings.

Installation does not require special instructions, since installation of insulation with foil is easy. It is enough to put the shell on the desired area and in some places remove the protective coating from the adhesive layer, which is located at the ends of the longitudinal cuts

Due to the reflective surface, communications are provided with protection from solar radiation if the reflective shell is located only on the outside. If a reflective coating is present on the inside, it helps transfer heat back to the pipe.

Foil insulation is used for interior decoration, and can also be used to insulate communications that are located on the street. Mineral wool, expanded polystyrene or foamed polyethylene are used as the basis for the heat-insulating material. Wool and foam insulation is used as the key insulation layer, and the reflective shell is used as an auxiliary barrier.

Bath protection

If you plan to insulate a bathhouse, it is recommended to purchase rolled materials. This is due to the fact that it is easier for an untrained person to work with rolls. For these purposes, you can use foamed polyethylene or mineral wool of medium thickness.

Most often, wooden buildings are insulated. Installation begins from the ceiling, moving to the walls. Thermal insulation material with foil for the floor is laid last. To work, you will also need parchment, which is glued to the ceiling paired with mineral wool.

The foil insulation is attached to the wall according to the following scheme:

  • First of all, you need to create a wooden sheathing. Rolls are placed in it. Glue must be used for fixation.
  • If the foil insulation is torn, the damaged area can be repaired using metal tape. Experts advise using basalt wool with foil, which rarely breaks.
  • Then you should attach the strips to the sheathing. They are later joined by a ceiling covering. The foil film is secured with slats.
  • If foiled basalt wool is not available, it can be replaced with another thermal insulation material with foil. Installation of products is carried out in the same way as installation of wool.
  • The easiest way to install foamed polyethylene. To install it, you just need to cut the roll into the necessary parts and cover the ceiling. Heat-resistant tape is applied to the seams.
  • Installation of insulation on the surface of the walls occurs in a similar way. The difference is that you need to provide an overlap of five centimeters, which should overlap the floor and ceiling. Thus, steam will not be able to escape from the room. There should be a small gap between the inner wall and the foil layer.
  • Hot air vapor rises to the top, so special attention should be paid to the ceiling. Many users lay basalt wool in two layers.

Outside the building

It is best to insulate wooden houses from the inside, since such an event allows you to retain heat. However, if internal insulation is not possible, external cladding is allowed. For these purposes, it is necessary to purchase foil-coated mineral wool with an average layer thickness.

To ensure quality work, you will need:

  • adhesive;
  • gun for construction work;
  • set of dowels;
  • wind protection film;
  • sanding brush.

Laying foil insulation for exterior wall finishing is done as follows:

  • Work begins with the installation of a metal cornice, which is fixed using dowels. A cornice is required to ensure that the mineral wool slabs are level.
  • You need to apply glue to the back of the basalt wool and press the slab to the wall surface. Plastic dowels can be used as an auxiliary fastening.
  • The surface should be leveled using a sanding brush.
  • A windproof film is laid on top of the insulation.
  • The process is completed with priming and external finishing of the structure.

Also, external wall decoration can be done using penofol. It is easy to install and has an affordable price range. For these works, it is better to purchase perforated penofol. The product can protect the surface from getting wet.

When insulating a wooden house, you should use antiseptics to treat the walls. The corners of the building need to be treated more carefully.

Insulation with penofol consists of several steps:

  • It is necessary to build a structure from slats. Penofol sheets are subsequently attached to it.
  • The joints should be masked using metal tape.
  • If external cladding is being carried out, it is recommended to use an additional frame.
  • Laying foil insulation outside is allowed only at positive temperatures and in dry weather

Internal wall insulation

With the help of penofol, you can insulate walls outside and inside. Installation of products is accessible even to a beginner. The layer thickness is 5 mm. If the building is located in a region with harsh winters, an additional insulation layer will be required for insulation. Experts recommend using foiled mineral wool in rolls.

Laying insulation consists of the following steps:

  • the material should be cut in such a way that the length of the product matches the dimensions of the walls;
  • penofol is attached to the wall using a stapler;
  • after the installation of penofol is completed, the joints should be sealed with tape;
  • GKL is laid on top of the insulating layer.

You can replace penofol with foil basalt insulation. However, its installation is accompanied by additional conveniences due to the need to arrange an auxiliary frame.

For roofing

To work with the roof, basalt slabs with foil are used.

Step-by-step guide to roof insulation:

  • All cracks on the roof need to be repaired. To do this, you can use polyurethane foam or tow.
  • Then you should create a vapor barrier layer. Glassine secured with a stapler is suitable for it.
  • The next layer is waterproofing. Since basalt wool with wood construction can begin to rot, it is necessary to use polyethylene.
  • The foil insulation is installed last. It will require special formwork. Installation of the material is carried out by surprise, followed by fixation with a cord.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many advantages of foil insulation compared to other insulation materials:

  • low weight allows you to do without metal profile lathing or mechanical fasteners, which greatly facilitates the installation process; the material is easy to lay and transport without special equipment;
  • the cellular structure prevents the penetration of steam, sound and moisture, maintains excellent thermal insulation qualities;
  • chemical inertness ensures compatibility with many building materials when insulating structures and equipment;
  • ease of use opens up the possibility of insulating surfaces with your own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists or using complex tools;
  • Convenience of cutting is ensured by the release form in rolls, mats, which are easy to unfold and can be cut with ordinary scissors;
  • the cost-effectiveness of the material makes the insulator affordable;
  • the elasticity of the canvas does not create a risk of tearing when bending during installation;
  • The versatility of the coating ensures its use in both internal and external finishing works.

The disadvantages of foil insulation include the soft structure of the material, which makes it difficult to lay the insulation under the screed. The fabric is not suitable for covering high-temperature objects - gas boilers, chimneys due to the low melting point.

The material is not compatible with wallpaper, paint, or plaster finishes. You can cover the heat insulator with sheets or slabs of plastic panels, wooden slats, MDF, chipboard, fiberboard.

Folgoizol is used in roofing construction

Approximate cost (in Russia)

There are various types of Folgoizolon sold on the market, the price of which depends on its parameters - the thickness of polyethylene foam, reflective film made of aluminum foil, manufacturing technology, the cost of some brands:

  • Folgoizolon SRF-0.1-200 is a corrugated polyethylene foam with a density of 200 kg/m2, on one side of which a fiberglass coating is applied, and on the other, aluminum foil 100 microns thick, its approximate price is 170 rubles. per m2. Insulation with a thinner foil layer of the SRF 0.05-200 brand costs 140 rubles. per m2, the specified Folgoizol SRF is sold in rolls 1 m wide and 20 m long.
  • The price of roll materials is determined by the characteristics of Folgoizol, the main of which are the thickness of the aluminum foil coating and polyethylene foam, the approximate cost depending on the thickness for Folgoizol for a bath is as follows: 2 mm - 55 rubles, 3 mm - 60 rubles, 5 mm - 70 rub., 8 mm - 80 rub., 10 mm - 90 rub. per square meter when purchased in rolls of 50 m2.
  • Self-adhesive Folgoizolon in rolls is more expensive; its length and price for the above standard sizes and thicknesses from 2 to 10 mm range from 100 to 200 rubles. per m2.

Price listFoil insulation Izolon. Excellent insulation for the home Watch this video on YouTube

Folgoizolon is one of the many brands of insulation based on polyethylene foam widely represented on the domestic market, which has earned positive reviews from consumers; its use is advisable as an auxiliary insulation to reflect the infrared spectrum of thermal radiation, as well as in places where the thickness of the layer plays a significant role. Most often, the material is used on floors as a heat-reflecting substrate under laminate, boards, water heating pipelines or electrical wiring of heaters for heated floors.


The following models of foil insulation can be found on sale:

  • TFP-3.5:
The basisFiberglass
Upper layerAluminium foil
Waterproof at a pressure of 100 Pa for 72 hoursAbsolute
Roll dimensions10 by 1 m
Price207 rubles

TFP-3.5 has the highest performance properties and cost in comparison with other samples of foil insulation

  • HMAP-3.5:
The basisFiberglass
Upper layerMetallized film
Waterproof at a pressure of 100 Pa for 72 hoursAbsolute
Roll dimensions10 by 1 m
Price121 ruble

The KhMAP-3.5 model is simplified by using a metal coating instead of a foil coating, due to which it costs less

Properties and characteristics

The typical structure of the material, including porous polyethylene and aluminum foil, maintains stable thermal insulation properties. The polished surface with a reflective effect prevents heat loss.

Folgoizol contains no toxins, so coatings are used for interior work. There is no odor, contact with skin is safe. Foamed polyethylene, lightweight and tensile, not susceptible to moisture, has excellent sound insulation qualities.

Folgoizol consists of several layers

The performance characteristics of foil insulation are improved due to the coating with aluminum foil, which has a reflection effect. The safety of the fragile material is ensured by the application of a polypropylene film that is resistant to mechanical, acid-base effects, as well as petroleum products (gasoline, oil, fuel oil).

The porous structure helps reduce heat losses. In comparison with other materials (wood, mineral wool, expanded polystyrene), with the same height of the protective layer, foil insulation wins as the best sealant. The closed cell structure allows the advantage to be maintained even at low layer heights.

The softness and elasticity of the material contribute to the smooth finishing of any premises, parts of various shapes and sizes. Additional characteristics of folgoizol:

  • light weight;
  • resistance to the appearance of fungi, mold, microorganisms;
  • melting point 107 - 130 ° C (moderately flammable material);
  • long period of use;
  • temperature range for operation -80° - +80°C.

It is worth considering that when exposed to an open fire, toxic products are released, and the degree of smoke formation is considered to be high. The lack of water absorption, reliable vapor and sound insulation make it possible to use foil insulation as a sealant for interfloor ceilings. The production of sheets of various heights determines the selection of insulator for a specific purpose.

The height of the porous layer is up to 1.5 cm, the foil coating is 0.01 - 1.0 mm. Standard size sheets are available in thicknesses of 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 mm. You can find sheets 1.5 cm high, 150 cm wide, 20 cm long. A roll of foil insulation has standard dimensions: width 1.5 m, length from 50 to 200 m.

The performance characteristics of the insulator, roofing and waterproofing grades are regulated by GOST. The material does not require special tools for processing; it is easily compatible with concrete, wood, lime, etc. The environmentally friendly coating is as easy as possible to use.

Folgoizol is sold and transported in rolls

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