Which boiler is better for a bath: factory-made or home-made

Construction of a bathhouse is a rather expensive process. If you purchase all the equipment in a store, the steam room can cost a significant amount. Therefore, craftsmen and just people who want to see this structure on their plots strive to build a steam room with their own hands. Last but not least, this also applies to heating devices.

What is better: taking a ready-made cauldron to the bathhouse or making it yourself? To solve this dilemma, you need to consider all the pros and cons of making it yourself and identify possible difficulties that may arise during its production. It must be said right away that it is better not to try to make a gas boiler for a bath yourself.

Firstly, a self-made unit can fly into the air, taking the bathhouse with it.

Secondly, the operation of such equipment is strictly prohibited by safety regulations.

At the same time, you can make a boiler for a wood-fired sauna yourself if you have all the necessary equipment and your hands grow from the right place. Boilers for wood-burning saunas can be made from a metal barrel with thick walls, pipes or sheets of steel. There is no shortage of them in any subsidiary farm.

Main components of a sauna boiler

Any stove, including sauna boilers, consists of the following elements:

  • A firebox in which the combustion process of wood, coal and other types of fuel occurs. It is made of thick metal. This is due to the fact that the firebox has the highest thermal load, metal of insufficient thickness will quickly burn out, and a homemade boiler for a bath will become unusable. A wood-burning boiler for a bath, namely a firebox, must be equipped with grates. Through them, ash from burnt fuel spills into the ash pan. The thickness of the metal from which they are made must be at least 0.5 centimeters.
  • A chimney through which smoke is removed. When deciding how to make a boiler for baths, you need to thoroughly understand the principle of operation of the chimney system and carefully calculate its dimensions. The slightest mistake when installing a chimney can lead to insufficient efficiency of the stove (heat will go into the chimney) or an inability to cope with the removal of combustion products. The chimney must be equipped with a valve, with which the draft level is regulated. In winter, a tightly closed valve greatly contributes to the preservation of heat in the room. The chimney pipe may pass through the heater or be part of a heat exchange system.
  • An ash pan designed to accumulate ash. This boiler element is located under the firebox. In addition to its main function, it is responsible for the supply of air, which is an integral component of the combustion process. When making a boiler for a bath with your own hands from pipes, you should carefully calculate the dimensions of the ash pan. It should be able to hold enough combustion products to be cleaned once a day.
  • A heater that redistributes and removes thermal energy. It is a built-in or hanging container in which stones are placed. Its volume depends on the size of the boiler and steam room. A small heater will not be able to heat the room, and a large one will take too long to heat up. During this time, the water boilers have time to boil, which causes the room to fill with water vapor. At the same time, the steam room will become uncomfortable. The size of the heater and water tank should not be different. You can make a cauldron without a heater, but this is not entirely convenient. The room will be heated only from the walls of the boiler. In addition, it will not be possible to “give in to the park.”
  • A water tank that is part of the heat exchange system. Cast iron sauna boilers with a water tank are the most common solution.

After the main components of the device that produces heat have been identified, we should move on to the main question: how to make boilers for a bath from scrap materials?

Installation recommendations

Due to the heavy weight of the metal structure, it is not recommended to install the boiler on the floor. For this purpose, you should first build a concrete or brick foundation of the appropriate size and height.

It is important! Wooden surfaces located close to the boiler must be reliably insulated from high temperature exposure. This can be done using brick or other refractory material.

It is also recommended to determine the location of the chimney outlet in advance, so as not to have to deal with the tedious installation of turns later.

In addition, the pipe can burn out quite quickly at the bend. It is better to use special two-layer sandwich pipes. This will help limit direct contact of wooden roofing and ceiling elements with an iron pipe, which can heat up to very high temperatures under the influence of flue gases.

Despite high temperatures, the boiler can be painted. For these purposes, there are special heat-resistant polymer paints, which are freely sold in construction stores.

What materials and tools are needed to make a boiler?

Boilers for steam rooms in Russian baths are made using the following tools:

  • welding machine;
  • grinders, with a cutting wheel designed for working with metal.

We’ll talk a little later about how homemade sauna boilers are made from a pipe or barrel. First, we should talk about the most common sheet metal option. In addition to this you will need:

  • small pieces of reinforcement and channels - they are needed for the manufacture of internal partitions;
  • a thick sheet of metal (minimum 0.5 centimeters) - it is necessary for the production of grate bars;
  • pipe with a diameter of at least 10 centimeters;
  • awnings for firebox and vent doors;
  • faucet for tank.

When talking about how to weld boilers for a bath, we should mention the manufacture of a heat-distributing screen. It is best made from brick. All you need to do is to tightly surround the boiler with it.

Some practical tips

To avoid unproductive losses of thermal energy, the boiler must be insulated. Wrap it with foil rolled mineral wool, leaving no gaps. The thickness of the wool should be at least 10 cm.

To calculate boiler power there is no need to use complex formulas. Practice shows that to heat one square meter of room in the southern regions, 100÷120 W is enough, in the northern regions approximately 150÷200 W are needed. Based on these data, select the power of the heating elements.

Circulation pumps are marked on the body indicating the diameter of the connecting thread, maximum lift height, power, permissible installation length of pipelines and channels of heating batteries

Approach the choice of a specific brand of pump carefully, pay attention to all its indicators and technical characteristics. Buy pumps with a reserve, do not allow them to operate at limit values

The power reserve of approximately 30% doubles the operating time of the equipment.

Circulation pump

If you plan to install a heat exchanger in a solid fuel boiler, then under no circumstances increase the combustion time of the fuel. The heat transfer of fuel per unit time can decrease so much that the heating temperature of the coolant will be insufficient to heat the premises. Anyone can make a boiler and radiator according to their own drawings; it is impossible to determine the optimal combustion parameters in advance; you will have to go by experience. In order to avoid problems during the operation of the sauna boiler, make all heating elements with a power reserve.

Homemade heat exchanger

Heat exchanger made of cast iron radiator

Barrel stove

How to choose boilers for baths? What material should be used for their production?

Such decisions should be made independently, taking into account the availability of components. Some people find it more convenient to use sheet iron, while others think that it is better to make boilers for a bathhouse with your own hands from a barrel or pipe. They are no different and boast the same heating of water in containers and the room as a whole. The difference lies in the method of production.

To be fair, it must be said that it is much easier to make a boiler for a bathhouse with your own hands from a barrel. This is the simplest design. All you need is to find a metal container with a wall thickness of at least 0.3 centimeters. Thinner metal will burn quickly.

You need to make a boiler for a wood-burning sauna from a barrel in the following order:

  • The bottom of the container is completely cut out. Instead, a sheet of iron with a thickness of at least 0.5 centimeters is installed. It is necessary to weld the legs to it in advance, which can be made from scraps of a T-beam.
  • At a height of 5–7 centimeters from the bottom, you need to cut out a small window (approximately 20x15 cm). The blower door will be installed at this location. It is made from a sawn piece. You need to weld the hinges and handle to it, and then install it in its rightful place.
  • The second door of the future boiler for a wood-burning sauna is installed 20 centimeters above the vent. It should be significantly larger than the first one (approximately 25x45 cm). Otherwise, the logs will not fit into it.
  • A boiler for a wood-fired sauna contains grates in its design. They need to be placed 5–7 centimeters below the firebox door.
  • A heater must be placed above the firebox. The most convenient place for its location is the second third of the barrel. The partition between these sections of the boiler should not be continuous. It is made from channels. The size of the heater is equal to the second third of the barrel. A door is needed in the middle of the heater. Stones are laid through it and water is poured in, if desired, to “give it to the park.”
  • From a barrel you can make a boiler for a sauna with a tank. To do this, use the remaining third of the barrel. The heater and tank are separated by a solid partition, the seams are thoroughly boiled. A chimney pipe must be installed in the center of the tank.

Having studied the drawings of such structures, you can easily build a stove. There's nothing complicated about it. All you need to make a sauna cauldron with your own hands is to strictly follow the existing instructions. Before operation, the manufactured sauna boiler must be cleaned of scale and rust.

If desired, it can be painted with heat-resistant paints and varnishes. That's all. A DIY cauldron made from a barrel is ready. It can be installed in a bathhouse.

Heating into a bathhouse from a pipe is done in the same way. The only exception is the initial stage. You will not have to cut out the bottom of the barrel, but you will need to maintain the dimensions by cutting a pipe 1.2–1.4 meters long.

What do you need to know?

First you need to decide on the fuel that will be used and, therefore, on the type of boiler. It is not advisable to make electric and gas appliances yourself, but if the choice was made in favor of one of them, then it is better to buy a ready-made high-quality boiler. Otherwise, the risk of emergency situations will increase.

Solid fuel boiler for baths, diagram

It is also worth noting that an installed gas boiler must be inspected by a representative of the relevant authorities. Therefore, it is much easier to assemble and install a solid fuel unit.

Sheet iron heating device

A similar stove with a metal boiler for a bathhouse is the most difficult to produce. This is due to the fact that there will be no prepared workpiece. Fundamentally, such a device is no different from the one described above. It also contains 4 compartments: an ash pan, a firebox, a heater and a tank.

The production of such a furnace will take longer. You will especially have to tinker with the water tank, which should be practically sealed. But the result will be a product no different from what was produced at the factory.

What to look for when choosing?

First of all, it is important to decide which fuel is best for you. When building a bathhouse inside a gasified house, it is stupid to install a solid fuel unit, and vice versa, and for a free-standing bathhouse somewhere in the wilderness, buy a gas one

It would be a good idea to think about the economic side. The highest operating costs from using an electric unit, the second most expensive to maintain will be a gas unit, and gas increases in price exponentially. Wood burning stoves are the most economical. A car of firewood costs 5,000 rubles, but will this amount be enough for a year? Enough for a pyrolysis boiler, but not for a simple one.

The choice of boiler depends on the area of ​​the bathhouse and its layout

When choosing, you should pay attention to the material from which it is made. Since the unit is constantly in conditions of high humidity and temperature changes, it is better to prefer a cast iron body, a steel one and not be lazy, making a separate foundation for it

Each purchased unit must be protected from overheating and pressure changes!

Advice! A boiler or stove with walls of 8mm or more will last at least 5 years. Safety and reliability guaranteed. Choosing ovens with smaller wall thickness is a waste of money. By the way, their cost is almost equal, the difference is 500-1000 rubles.

The choice of boiler depends on the area and layout of the bathhouse

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that you can purchase a combined unit - gas-electric, coal-electric and other units that have a number of individual advantages, but this is a separate conversation.

Horizontal boiler for a bath

Along with vertical heating devices, homemade stoves made from pipes and barrels with a horizontal design are no less popular. These products are easy to make:

  • You need to take a two-hundred-liter barrel and cut several holes in it. Two of them are intended for installing a heat exchange pipe. It should pass right through the barrel. Two more will serve as a blower and firebox door. The last hole is necessary for installing the chimney.
  • You can make a heater in the upper part of the future stove. Part of the barrel is cut off, and reinforcement bars in the form of a lattice are welded in this place. Next, you need to weld a structure from sheets of iron in the shape of an unfinished inverted pyramid.
  • The stove blank is equipped with legs, after which it must be connected to the chimney and heat exchange system.

Making such a structure is no more difficult than a boiler made from a barrel installed vertically. The disadvantage of this product is that it takes up a lot of space.

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Electric heating in the bathhouse

If there is a need to heat only the steam room, then the ideal solution is a solid fuel stove. Otherwise, when you need to heat the dressing room, shower room and other rooms in the bathhouse building, this option can be safely discarded.

To heat a large area, it is better to use an electric boiler. Its production and installation do not have any technical difficulties. All that is needed is to weld the water heating elements into a container of water and properly arrange the heat exchange system.

The advantages of sauna boilers running on electricity are obvious:

  • there is no need to equip a chimney system;
  • ease of installation, operation and maintenance;
  • high efficiency.

Along with the advantages, there is a significant drawback: significant energy consumption.

Types of structures

Sauna boilers usually have the shape of a metal cylinder or rectangle. In front they have a furnace and blower door, in the back there are heating circuit outlets, and on the side there is a heater door located on the protruding neck.

Cylindrical shape

To make a cylindrical boiler, you can use metal pipes with a diameter of at least 50 cm, barrels with a volume of up to 200 liters, 50-liter cylinders for transporting propane. These products are seamless and already have a cylindrical shape, which is more preferable than rectangular in terms of aerodynamics (air flow) and heat transfer. The orientation of cylindrical boilers can be either vertical or horizontal.


Devices of this shape have a large number of seams, and the cutting of their parts must be carried out with extreme precision. For a person without welding skills, assembling such a structure will be problematic. The orientation of a rectangular boiler does not play a significant role. For greater stability, it can be placed horizontally, if the area allows, of course. A vertical arrangement will save space, but will require additional measures for securing.

Video instructions: how to weld a metal sauna stove with your own hands

Calculation of tank volume for a sauna stove

The volume of a water tank is calculated by taking from seven to ten liters of water with a temperature of at least fifty degrees per person. So, if you plan to visit a steam room with 3-4 people at the same time, you should choose a tank with a volume of at least 40 liters.

How to calculate the volume of the steam room and firebox of the stove?

It is not enough to measure the dimensions of the room. You also need to take into account the material of the surfaces. If the room has windows, a glass door, surfaces made of tiles, bricks, concrete, their area should be measured. For each square meter of area of ​​such surfaces, add one and a half cubic meters to the volume of the room, which will be taken into account when choosing the size of the stove. The minimum power of a sauna stove is 8-10 kW.

Oven requirements

A sauna stove must be safe (both in terms of fires and for human health - not cause burns if accidentally touched and prevent smoke from entering the room), the temperature must be regulated, and the dimensions must correspond to the volume of the room.

How to install correctly

Before proceeding with the installation of the boiler, it is necessary to build a strong foundation. It is made of refractory bricks, in several layers. Then the already prepared concrete solution is poured there, after which the structure is installed.

The walls to which the structure adjoins, and some part of the ceiling through which the chimney exits to the outside, should be laid with a layer of fire-resistant material, for example, Izover material. It should also be borne in mind that the chimney pipe must be straight, and without any bends or turns should come out strictly vertically upward.

Usually the pipe has to be bent if the structure was first made, and only after that they began to think about its location. Therefore, you first need to decide on the location of the structure, and only then begin manufacturing the structure.

The boiler is the main attribute of the bathhouse. For it to truly perform its functions, it must be installed correctly, in accordance with all the rules. Only then will the operating process be a pleasure

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