How can you line a brick stove, finishing options

A real stove can enliven any interior and give the room an indescribable coziness. But before this is achieved, you will have to try a little. Namely, to decide how and with what material the furnace will be lined. An important point is the correct preparation of the furnace, which precedes all subsequent work.

It must be remembered that the heat source is exposed to temperatures that vary in level. That is why only compliance with all technologies will ensure an increased level of comfort. It will also allow you to avoid various unforeseen consequences (destruction of a heat source, fires). This can be stated more confidently if everything is done with your own hands.

Cladding methods for stoves made of bricks

Even if there are modern heating systems, as before, many homeowners of private houses prefer to keep classic wood-burning stoves in the house.
They are erected even in new buildings - fuel regularly rises in price, and the situation with firewood is somewhat easier. A wood-burning stove will always remain a very profitable option for heating your cottage.

And since an attractive interior in a house is very important for the excellent mood of those living in it, many homeowners are also interested in lining for the stove.

How and with what is it possible to decorate the stove? In most cases, cladding is a necessity. Often stoves are made of bricks with good performance properties, but completely unsightly. Over a certain period of time, ovens without lining become covered with layers of dust, and it is very difficult to remove it from a rough surface. Also, due to the additional mass formed by the lining, the heat capacity of the furnace increases. Methods of implementation are selected depending on the owners’ own desires.

Traditional whitewash

It is considered the most inexpensive option. It has a simple composition, hides defects and kills fungi.

But this method also has a number of disadvantages: the fragility of the coating, leaving marks. The coating deteriorates from moisture, but at the same time it quickly gets dirty and requires frequent updating.

There are several methods of whitewashing, but the most common are chalk and lime. This is a composition of simple ingredients, you can prepare it yourself.

Before you start painting, you need to clean the brick from the effects of construction. And before applying the first layer, slightly moisten the surface with cold water. The chalk solution is applied in a small layer several times.

With this method of processing, many stove owners have more than once encountered the fact that the uneven coating is very soon covered with a layer of dust and soot, so it is recommended to use additional finishing. And if there is a need to hide the stove base, a special, colorless paint is suitable.

This approach to surface treatment will not remove the necessary reliefs, but will protect the heating structure from negative influences, making it even more attractive.

What is the best way to line a brick stove?

In private households and dachas that want to be habitable all year round, but there is no possibility of central heating, stoves are installed. Modern developments make it possible to create stoves not only for wood heating. But the main material, even now, is brick.

Often such an object occupies a fairly significant area of ​​the house. Accordingly, you want everything to look as attractive as possible. Therefore, a logical question arises: how to reliably line a brick stove? This is not an idle situation that requires a balanced and serious approach.

Why is tiling a stove wall useful, and how can it be done without high costs?

Every day, economically, life becomes more and more difficult, so not everyone can afford to line the walls of a heating unit with clinker tiles, majolica or tiles. In most cases, the average person is inclined to use ordinary ceramic tiles to perform this task, the installation of which does not require special construction skills or (as in the case of tiles) artistic perception, and its price is not as “biting” as the cost of the facing materials listed above. In any case, the costs will be justified, because finishing the stove with ceramic tiles will allow you to:

  1. Improve those parts of the house that are connected to the heating device.
  2. Spend less effort on cleaning the room, since tiles are much easier to clean from dust than plaster.
  3. Reduce the risk of dangerous gases entering the living rooms from the firebox, which can leak through cracks.
  4. Make the heat exchange process more rational.

Of course, by hiring professionals to do the work, you can save yourself from unnecessary worries, but in this case it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid large waste, since the workers will have to pay almost the same amount as they paid for the building materials. On the other hand, professionalism does not always mean integrity. Therefore, if you are eager to acquire construction skills, then you can do without the help of specialists. There are certain advantages to this, since tiling a stove with your own hands can be safer than getting the same effect and paying twice as much.

Cladding materials

In general, the stove is considered the most important object in the house, rightfully occupying a special place. Being a source of warmth, it serves as a keeper of traditions and creates indescribable comfort. That is why you need to make every effort to ensure that the stove acquires an attractive appearance and is not subject to destruction.

The finishing material must be selected with many positive qualities. First of all, it must be heat-resistant and heat-intensive. That is, to keep the surface from heating, but at the same time, to evenly distribute the heat inside the room.

The walls of the stove can be decorated with various types of materials. These can also be coating elements known from ancient times made of special types of clay, which undergo long processing. As well as more modern materials, which are made on the basis of previously used components, but subject to more significant preparation. Let's take a closer look.

A natural stone

It has been known for a long time and has proven itself as a finishing element for brick stoves. The stone has good performance properties, many of its types are quite cheap. The most commonly used are shell rock and sandstone. Finishing the stove with decorative stone allows you to refine the heat source. The decorative component is very original. The walls of the stove have a very natural look.

In addition to cheap materials, others are also used. Among them is marble. Lined walls, thanks to its external properties, acquire an individual and quite respectable appearance.

Soapstone chlorite

It has several other names (soap stone, pot stone, stove stone). It is a natural material that is formed from a combination of magnesite and talc, subjected to long-term exposure to high temperatures and pressure.

In terms of its appearance, soapstone chlorite is very attractive. The stone does not require additional finishing.

Ceramic tile

This material is a certain type of clay that is processed.

It acquires the following qualities:

  • density;
  • durability and strength;
  • heat resistance.

Ceramic tiles have a significant thickness, reaching eight millimeters. The most commonly used variety is the terracotta variety. It is preferable to choose one that has not been covered with glaze.


Covering the stove with tiles has been used for quite some time, in many countries around the world. Tiles can be classified as ceramic tiles, but they have a significant difference. The fact is that on the reverse side of such material there is a bowl (rumpa). It is due to this that it is possible to obtain a kind of thermal pillow. It is attached to special points reserved for this purpose. The appearance of stove tiles varies greatly.

Clinker tiles

It consists of fireclay, clay and various natural dyes. This tile is characterized by:

  • absence of numerous pores;
  • fortress;
  • good heat dissipation.

Porcelain tiles

Its creation dates back to the 80s of the last century.
Porcelain stoneware is intended not only for finishing stoves, but is also widely used in construction. To produce it, several types of special clay are required with the addition of quartz sand, various types of natural dyes and a fine fraction of marble or granite.

The whole mass is well kneaded and pressed at fairly high temperatures under pressure. The result is a durable product that is not afraid of strong impacts and high temperatures, and retains heat well.

This is a monolithic material that can be given any color during manufacturing.

Thanks to modern technologies, porcelain stoneware can be made in the form of majolica, terracotta or tiles. The cost of such material is not high in comparison with the original ones.

How to choose the right material for your stove?

An amateur craftsman should immediately stop buying tiles. This is an expensive material that not even every stove maker knows about. The secrets of such cladding are available only to real professionals. The fact is that the laying of the tiles must be done at the time of construction of the stove, and each part is attached to the masonry using staples and wire.

Tile tiles are also not suitable for tiling work. The expansion coefficient of this material differs significantly from that of the brick from which the furnace is made. In practice, this leads to the fact that during operation of the heating device, parts of the cladding will simply fall off.

Ceramic finishing materials for stoves

Rice. 1

You can imitate tiled masonry with various types of terracotta (Fig. 1) or majolica (Fig. 2). Glazed tiles with a convex pattern, flat with or without painting, are an excellent replacement for expensive tiles. A stove lined with them will look aesthetically pleasing, but such material costs much less.

Rice. 2

A type of building ceramic used in finishing brick stoves is clinker (Fig. 3). This is a special heat-resistant tile, most often it imitates the same brickwork. The color range of clinker is very diverse: from white to shades of fired clay (terracotta, brown, chocolate, etc.).

Rice. 3

Modern material - porcelain stoneware - is also ceramic. Its slabs can be similar to valuable types of natural stone, terracotta and clinker. Low porosity makes porcelain tiles resistant to high temperatures.

When choosing ceramics to decorate the stove in your home, you need to pay attention to the back side of the tiles.

The material intended for decorating the stove must have a well-defined notch.

It is better to purchase such cladding in specialized departments of construction stores.

Natural and artificial stone

If stone is preferable for finishing a brick stove in a country house or in a country mansion (for interiors in the style of a castle, chalet or hunting lodge), then in stores you can choose a variety of finishes of this type.

Rice. 4

Decorative stone (Fig. 4) is a molded tile obtained by cold pressing a mixture of filler (sand, stone chips) and various binders. To make the wall lined with it appear to be finished with natural stone, manufacturers include in the kit several types of surface patterns that replicate the appearance of the simulated mineral (slate, sandstone, etc.). A special coating makes the tile moisture resistant and makes caring for it quite simple: you just need to wipe the dirty surface with a damp cloth. Thin cladding plates are very light, which can be considered an undeniable advantage over natural stone.

Real rock fragments can be purchased from quarries, crushed stone factories or construction companies. When using them to finish a brick stove, it is important to remember that this heavy material must be properly secured to the wall. To preserve the natural beauty of the material and make it easier to care for the stone, it is best to coat the finished cladding with varnish.

Cladding with metal sheets

Galvanized steel and aluminum sheets are used for cladding.
The decision to cover the stove with metal sheets is used not only for decoration purposes, but also as a way to reduce the consumption of masonry material. In the second case, a box is made, inside which a quarter-stone body is folded. The gaps are filled with shungesite sand, which has a high heat capacity. This design heats up quickly and is practically impervious to external factors. The work uses blued, galvanized steel, copper and aluminum.

Advantages of using metal:

  • affordable price;
  • representative appearance;
  • short terms of arrangement;
  • ease of assembly;
  • ease of cleaning and maintenance;
  • possibility of dismantling and improvement.

Disadvantages of technology:

  • the likelihood of overheating when the lining comes into contact with the door;
  • susceptibility to corrosion by the creosote produced by the stove;
  • inability to eliminate mechanical damage - dents, holes, deep scratches.

The stove can be finished completely or partially; the use of ribbed slabs increases the heat transfer of the hearth.

To decorate the stove in the house in an interesting and unusual way, several types of material are often used. This approach is used not only for aesthetic, but also for purely practical purposes. You can decorate the base and sunbed with cheaper tiles, line the firebox level with tiles, and put a stone on top. There are many options, the main thing is to maintain harmony and follow the instructions for using the finish.

Adhesive materials

A mixture of cement, clay, chalk and sand
To prevent the facing coating from falling off in the first days of using the stove, you need to select an adhesive composition that matches the operating conditions of the device. You need to focus on criteria such as strong heating, thermal expansion, temperature differences, and shrinkage of the structure.

List of possible compositions:

  • Clay with polymer and natural fillers in the form of sand, sawdust, sawdust. Depending on the fat content of the clay, 2.5-4 parts of additives are taken per 1 part of it.
  • Cement with additives. The solution has high strength and adhesion. The mixture is made from cement, clay, chalk and sand in a ratio of 1:1:1:3.
  • Ready-made mixtures. The basis is purified quarry sand and fireclay kaolin clay. Polymer additives ensure that the adhesive adapts to thermal expansion.

When choosing a material, you should give preference to proven products. It's better to overpay a little than to constantly redo the work.

Clay mortar for oven

How to prepare: clay, sand and water are mixed in certain proportions, which depend on the type of clay:

  • for oily clay the ratio will be 1 part clay, 4 parts sand, 1 part water. The fat content of clay can be determined in the laboratory or in a traditional way - you don’t feel sand in it, and a ball rolled out of it cracks badly when it dries;
  • for normal – 1:3:1
  • for skinny people – 1:2.5:1

Cement mortar for furnace

How to prepare: cement and sand are mixed in a ratio of 1:3 and brought to the desired consistency with water. In this case, the cement must be grade M 400 or higher. To improve the properties of the solution, it is recommended to add PVA and asbestos to it. Stove makers advise adding 1 kg of salt. onto a bucket of mixture;

Dry mixture mortar or special adhesives (cement, dispersion, epoxy)

They are ready-to-use mixtures intended for a specific type of tile. They are good because the proportions in them are carefully adjusted, and in addition, various plasticizers are added that improve the properties of the adhesive solution. Such adhesives have proven themselves well: SCANMIX Skanfixsuper (Finland), Plitonit-SuperKamin (Russia-Germany). Budget options: SILTEK T-84 (Ukraine), “Pechnik” (Belarus) and “Plitonit W” (Russia).

Ready-made adhesive solution - adhesive mastic

When choosing this type of glue, you need to pay attention to the markings. It should be intended for lining stoves and fireplaces. Good user reviews for NEOMID SUPERCONTACT (Russia), Terracotta (Russia), “Parad-77” (Belarus). But, in general, the quality of adhesion of the mastic to the surface leaves much to be desired.

In any case, the solution must meet the requirements for heat resistance and coefficient of thermal expansion. Ideally, laying tiles on the stove should be done using the same mortar that was used to level its surface.

All professionals and users agree that it is not worth saving on materials.

A few recommendations

  • It is necessary to take care of the space behind the stove in advance. Most often, this wall is finished with heat-resistant brick; it must be laid according to the dimensions of the stove. If the heat source is not located close to the wall, you can use foil or a more reliable stainless steel sheet; they successfully reflect the heat.
  • It is important to remember that all materials used must be thermally resistant. Do not place any interior items near the stove that could be damaged by heating.
  • When working with soapstone from the outside, it is better to use vertical masonry, while inside the furnace the stone is laid horizontally. This sequence accelerates heat transfer processes due to faster heating. This material requires a special glue based on soapstone powder and liquid glass.
  • If you add coarse salt to the adhesive solution at the rate of 1 kg per 10 liters of glue, the facing material will be very firmly fixed.
  • To get the desired pattern, you must first lay out the intended pattern on the floor. You can mark the back of the tile or stone with chalk, and sign the numbers of adjacent elements along the edges. This will greatly simplify further work and avoid confusion.

Whatever material is chosen for cladding, simple installation rules help create not only a reliable, durable surface, but also give this part of the interior a wonderful appearance.

Alternative finishing methods

The stove can be painted

If you lack money and resources, you can choose inexpensive but effective finishing methods.

The options are as follows:

  • Coating with paint or varnish. Heat-resistant solutions that are resistant to temperature changes are used.
  • Upholstery with slats. The lamellas are located on insulators 10-15 mm from the walls and at intervals of 3-5 cm. This way the surface is masked, heat transfer is not disturbed.

In past times, stoves were whitewashed with lime, but this method is rarely used now, as there are many more practical and effective options.

Finishing a stove in a private house: choosing material for finishing and stages of work

More and more families are thinking about moving permanently to their own private house with a plot of land. And what can warm you up and restore your vigor after working in the garden, if not a heater like a stove.

Since ancient times, the Russian hut has been heated by these sources of warmth and comfort, be it a huge, half-yazha-sized Russian stove with a stove bench (or a rough one) or a small “Dutch oven”.

Of course, they are being improved, new technologies and materials are being used. The ancient mud stove is a thing of the distant past, but even now the stove is a symbol of the hearth.

Currently, depending on the preferences of the owners, they install stoves and fireplaces of various types and try to decorate them in accordance with their taste.

This gives the entire appearance of the premises a special zest, unique flavor and comfort. People have long tried to decorate the stove. Or paint it with patterns on the plaster or, in rich houses, decorate it with tiles.

This tradition has not died out even today. Even in a small country house, they try to give the stove a presentable appearance.

Finishing materials

To decorate a brick oven, they mainly use different types of tiles, but you can paint the plaster with bright colors, considering it as the most budget option.

Expert advice: if you decide to give your stove sophistication and uniqueness, then the best choice would be to use tiles.

It is necessary to understand what types of finishing materials there are for this:

  • natural stone (sandstone, shell rock, serpentine);
  • bright painted majolica;
  • ancient unglazed terracotta
  • heat-resistant clinker tiles;
  • the latest novelty is porcelain stoneware;
  • exquisite tiles.

All these facing materials for stoves meet the necessary characteristics:

  • sufficient thickness (6-9 mm);
  • withstand high temperatures;
  • increased strength under mechanical stress;
  • the structure is quite low-porosity.

If when tiling a sauna or stoves in a bathhouse, only heat retention is important, then when decorating a home stove, you need to think about the design of the entire room.

Sandstone and shell rock

Natural stone will not add sophistication to the room; most likely it will look somewhat primitive or return it to the scenery of the Middle Ages. But it will add originality to the room.

Please note: sandstone and shell rock have excellent heat resistance and retain heat well.

Beauty majolica

The tiles, painted with bright fiery colors and covered with a durable layer of glaze, came from the Mediterranean. Ancient Roman traders brought it from Mallorca.

The area was famous for its tin-lead painting on ceramic tiles and pottery.

Glazing serves as another layer that retains heat inside the finishing material, so majolica was in demand as an excellent type of cladding.

Only wealthy people could decorate their stoves with such beauty.

The oldest type of ceramics

Terracotta is a special type of clay with a porous structure. In fact, it is the same majolica, but not glazed. It is considered the most ancient type of cladding. It has high strength and bright color.

Pressed clay of a certain grade is first pressed and then fired in special kilns. It turns out to be an excellent decor for cladding.

Terracotta was used in construction for roofing, various types of cladding, and to decorate stoves and hearths.

Types of paints for Russian stoves

There are several paint options.

1. Water-based paint. The most budget option. Easy to apply, but afraid of moisture.

2. Polyurethane paint. It is distinguished by high heat resistance. But it may change shade when heated.

3. Organosilicon enamel. More expensive, but has a number of advantages. It holds temperature well, is based on environmentally friendly raw materials, the paints are durable and economical.

But a Russian stove is not only warmth, but also a full-fledged decorative element. And in addition to simple painting, painting or stenciling was used.

There are many classic painting options, or you can come up with something yourself. It all depends on your flight of fancy.

Do-it-yourself finishing of stoves in a private house: materials, tools and technologies

Where can I find information about stove finishing? You can use your imagination or use examples of work from construction catalogs and photos from interiors magazines; another option is to consult with a designer who specializes in the design of residential premises. There are many videos on YouTube devoted to this issue, where craftsmen tell how to finish a stove using available materials. In any case, it is worth studying all the nuances in detail.

Plastering: simple and durable

First, you will need to prepare a solution for the plaster.

  1. Sift cement and sand through a sieve.
  2. Mix these ingredients with clay diluted in water.
  3. In a separate container, prepare a mixture of water and plaster, which you then add to the plaster solution.

Important: due to the fact that plaster sets quickly, it must be diluted in small portions in order to be used within 5 minutes.

Finishing the stove with plaster occurs as follows.

  1. Clean the brickwork of the stove with a wire brush to remove dust, cobwebs, and clay. It needs to be carefully treated with the surface for plaster.
  2. Clear the joints between the bricks to a depth of approximately 5 mm.
  3. Install a reinforced mesh on the wall, which will serve as a fastener for the plaster.
  4. Heat the oven and cool.
  5. Apply the first layer of plaster approximately 5 mm thick.
  6. Follow this with a second layer of plaster. It should be thicker than the previous one.
  7. Rub the dried plaster until a smooth surface appears.

The surface of the oven prepared in this way can be painted or whitened.

Whitewashing - economical and environmentally friendly

Important: metal doors should not be treated with whitewash, but with black paint, which should be resistant to high temperatures.

How to tile a stove in a bathhouse

If the question “How to improve the stove?” you answer: “Tiles”, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the expert advice below.

When selecting tiles, it is recommended to choose glazed floor tiles. It is important that its thickness is at least 6 mm. The shape can be either square or rectangular. When buying or ordering tiles for a stove in a bathhouse (or sauna), pay attention to its reverse side. It should be covered with special notches that would guarantee better adhesion to the solution.

As a decoration for a stove in a bathhouse, a special tile with ridges and grooves along the edges is ideal, which provides a smooth finish without noticeable joints and seams.

How to decorate a stove is more or less clear, but what solution is best to use to make the decoration durable? Masters advise using a clay or clay-cement composition. As you know, with increasing temperature, clay only becomes stronger, unlike cement.

Important: lining the stove with any decorative material should be carried out at the last stage - when all construction work is completed.

Preparatory stage

To protect the tiles from sticking and rapid wear, it is necessary to carry out proper preparatory measures. They involve cleaning surfaces from old coatings (whitewash, plaster and varnish). If the stove has been finished before, it needs to be inspected and cleaned of any irregularities. Any cracks, dents or bulges should be covered, and after waiting for drying, sanding should be done.

If the structure begins to slant in any direction, you will need to straighten its walls. Curved surfaces cannot become a high-quality “platform” for fastening the cladding. To level them, it is better to use sand and cement in a 3:1 ratio. The first raw material must be finely dispersed, and the second must correspond to grade M400 or higher.

To create smooth and beautiful surfaces, you need to use a plumb line or building level more often.

Large or protruding seams should not be left between the masonry. They should be deepened with a grinder with a special attachment. If such a device is not available, use a proven method - a chisel and hammer. Next you need to clean the surfaces with a wire brush.

To protect the masonry from deformation and chipping during temperature changes, it is necessary to secure a chain-link mesh between the bricks and the finishing layer. It is fixed with dowels or nails (70-100 mm) in increments of 50 cm. The caps of these fasteners can protrude above the finish to a height of 10 mm.

To improve the adhesive properties of the working surface, a layer of deep penetration primer should be applied over the metal mesh. After the layer has completely dried, clean it and begin the tile laying process.

Specification of masonry and finishing

As you already understand, experts recommend that any stone buildings that will subsequently be exposed to high temperatures be built from fireclay bricks using a special refractory mixture. Select bricks for the fireplace of the same dimensions, so as not to later compensate for the distance between them with mortar.

It is necessary to use a mixture that is close to the composition of the material itself. The solution is created directly at the construction site using: dry refractory powder, liquid glass and water, mixing thoroughly. To make the mixture more plastic, add clay or soda with a high calcium content. The intensity of the kneading will directly affect the masonry and the height of the seam.

If all the rules are followed and the masonry is done correctly, then such a stove will last a long time. All that remains is to decorate it to match the interior of the house, using cladding. And this is not so difficult to do; the materials you will need are:

  • the brick you decide to use;
  • mixture;
  • asbestos cardboard;
  • steel corner.

Tools: trowel, spatula, plumb line and level.

First you need to make a base for the cladding - a supporting surface, which is needed with a huge mass of brick finishing. Some craftsmen manage to finish the fireplace in such a way that its weight increases to half a ton. Therefore, make sure that the floor can withstand the construction work you have in mind. If your flooring is made of concrete, then to strengthen it you will need a sheet of metal on which asbestos cardboard, approximately 5-10 mm thick, is laid. Then you need to prepare a solution, it is advisable to use tips for strengthening: add a little clay or soda. The mixture should not be greasy or liquid. When you finish mixing, be sure to check it the old way: roll the mortar into a cord and roll it into a ring; if the clay does not fall apart and does not give strong cracks, the mixed mortar is excellent for finishing a brick oven with your own hands.

When everything is ready, you can start. The cladding begins with fitting, lay the first row in half a brick, leaving two holes on three sides for air intake, the width should be the same, half a brick. On the free upper part of the building material it is necessary to lay a couple of metal corners, which will create support for the upper rows of bricks. You can also hang a door on them, but this is more an aesthetic issue than a necessary one.

Then you need to bring the height of the finishing masonry to the level of your fireplace so that the gap left between it and the lining guarantees good ventilation. If, due to the small size of the room or some other reason, this gap cannot be achieved, you need to install an outlet hole in the top row, the same as in the lower parts of the stove.

We have described the most reliable and budget-friendly type of facing work for a fireplace. In general, there are a large number of methods on how to decorate a brick oven with your own hands.

What you need for painting

Nowadays, finding and purchasing the necessary materials is not difficult: the market offers a large selection of a wide variety of tools necessary for certain jobs. The following will be required:

This minimal set of materials will allow you to easily transfer the selected motif to the surface of the stove.

To transfer a design from one surface to another, it is not necessary to use a special stencil. A very convenient and no less practical method is drawing in a cell, known to everyone. The contour is applied to the finished base according to a pre-designed grid. The quality of drawing and the artistic picture as a whole depend on the size of the mesh. The smaller it is, the better.

The selected design from your hard drive or printed publication is transferred to plain paper. After which a fine grid is drawn on it, dividing the pattern into squares. Here you need to choose what you ultimately want to get and calculate the size of each future cell. This is not difficult to do - the volume of the desired drawing must be divided by the size of what is on the paper, and the final figure must be multiplied by a distance equal to the lines on the sketch.

Upon completion of the work, the paint is allowed to dry for a period of 1-2 days, and only then can the stove be lit, otherwise there is a risk that cracks will appear.

Rules for installing facing elements on a stove wall

According to the technology, it is better to start gluing tiles on vertical surfaces from the bottom, and it is necessary to lay out the first row and allow the adhesive mixture to harden. This will allow you to set guides along which you can navigate when installing the next rows. Therefore, when installing the first row of facing elements, you need to be especially careful. The tile installation process is carried out in the following order:

A sufficient layer of adhesive is applied to the underside of the tile with a regular spatula.

The facing element is pressed against the base surface, first with the lower part, and then with the upper, after which it is installed in the desired position with light blows.

When installing each tile, it is imperative to check the correctness of its spatial location with a small level.

As you fill the row with facing elements, you need to periodically make sure that you have not deviated from the specified parameters, using a longer level for this.

After the adhesive mixture of the first row has hardened, you can begin further installation of tiles, filling the next rows. The procedure for performing this task is the same as for the first row.

But now a long level will also be needed to check the vertical plane of the plane being created, which is advisable to do during the installation of each of its next elements.

A stove wall usually has certain places in its structure that should not be covered with a tiled covering, for example, firebox and ash doors, well windows for removing accumulated soot, and so on. In order to beautifully decorate such areas when installing tiles on the wall of the stove, it is necessary to change the format of the ceramic tiles, which means removing any of its fragments and, quite often, the figured ones. Tile is a rather fragile material, so if the cut line is not straight, but has any angles or turns, then you should use a grinder to form a non-standard element, after which it is mounted on the wall in the prepared space.

It is also often necessary to cut tiles when completing a row, since it is rare that there will be an even amount of tiles on the wall. Therefore, you need to measure the width of the missing piece with a tape measure, taking into account the size of the seam.

After this, you need to make an insert of the required size, separating the excess part from the whole tile using a tile cutter.

The finished part should be installed in its place using the same adhesive.

As can be seen in the photographs presented above, in order to achieve as much symmetry as possible when installing elements of the tiled covering, it is important to use limiting crosses, which are inserted into the seams between the tiles, two on each side.

This will ensure uniform spacing between the installed elements and keep them in this position until the installation mixture hardens. When the surface of the stove wall is completely covered with tiles, you will need to wait a day or two so that the hydration of the cement included in the installation mixture occurs to a sufficient extent, when you no longer need to be afraid that the stability of the elements of the tile covering will be disrupted.

Filling the seams with a special mixture

The final stage of facing the heating block is grouting the joints. For this construction operation, a special composition is used, which, when hardened, has good resistance to aggressive substances, such as water or household detergents. After pouring a certain amount of powder into water, it should be mixed manually to the desired consistency.

Using a rubber spatula, push the finished mixture into the space between the tiles (before this, the crosses must be removed), after which, by running the corner of the tool along the seam, they give it a beautiful shape, distributing the working mass evenly.

Particular attention must be paid to places such as the windows of stove wells, having beautifully framed them using a grout mixture.

Having wiped all the seams, you should wait until the substance filling them becomes solid, after which all that remains is to remove its remains from the tile with a rag and enjoy the new beautiful look of your heating structure.

As can be seen from the above description of the work process, tiling a stove yourself with ceramic tiles is not a difficult task. It is only important to strictly adhere to the technological sequence. Of course, when performing such work for the first time, you should not expect ideal results. Still, you don’t need to worry too much about something that didn’t work out the way you would like, because, most likely, only you see these shortcomings, and to those around you, your heating structure looks very elegant.

Perhaps one of your friends will even ask you to help with renovations in their home, and over time, your new specialty will turn out to be a good help, providing you with an additional source of income.

How can you line a brick oven?

  • Choosing a finish
  • Natural stone
  • Ceramic tiles
  • Majolica and tiles
  • Facade tiles for brick and ceramic granite
  • Material and tools for lining the furnace
  • Brick stove finishing

Most owners of private houses and summer cottages install wood-burning stoves in order to spend the winter comfortably. Having completed the work, the owners think about how to line the brick oven. After all, it occupies a significant place in the very center of the house, and therefore must have a beautiful appearance and fit the image of the room. But decoration is needed not only as interior decoration. Brick, as is clear from practice, cools quickly. Thus, so that the expensive heat from the stove is not lost very quickly, this layer of insulation is needed. Let's consider several options for insulating and decorating a brick stove using different cladding materials.

Furnace finishing is often done using tiles, real stone or tiles.


Not all tiles are suitable for the stove! You need to choose a material that will have heat-resistant properties.

They usually use glazed, terracotta, porcelain stoneware. Tile is strictly prohibited, since it does not adhere to the brick due to the difference in expansion when heated. Tiles are a universal choice, since you can choose different patterns, textures, and surface types. Some types of work can even be done independently, without involving a specialist, since it is simply installed on various surfaces.

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