How to make a instantaneous water heater with your own hands

People widely use self-contained structures to heat water. Such devices are ideal in conditions where there is no centralized water supply. They allow their owners to use hot water at any time of the day or night and not depend on utilities.

Until now, manufacturers have created many models of electronic boilers. However, not every person can afford to buy a device of this format. These people are advised to think about how to create a gas water heater with their own hands. Such a device can function perfectly on a stove with gaseous fuel. A dacha or private housing construction for temporary residence is an ideal place for the operation of such devices.

Types of water heaters

Popular models of gas water heaters that you can make yourself will help you choose the ideal option for specific purposes. Currently, such structures can be of several types:

The last version of heating devices is the most popular among consumers. It is a boiler powered by a gas stove. Such designs guarantee their owners an uninterrupted supply of water, efficiency and durability of operation.

It’s not difficult to make a good heater from a gas stove with your own hands. Creating it requires a number of useful skills and tools. In addition to such devices, many craftsmen make excellent water heaters from gas cylinders. The design of these models standardly includes a heating element, a regulator, a nut and some additional elements.

A homemade balloon heater in these cases is a stationary container for heating and storing water. The devices operate on electricity. Their only drawback is the limited amount of heated liquid. Therefore, many owners of private housing construction prefer to make a gas water heater with their own hands from a stove.

What can be built from a broken boiler?

Water heaters that have fallen into disrepair can be as beneficial as gas cylinders. So, what can be done from a boiler that cannot be repaired? The water heater can be reused as:

  • a solar collector that can replace the central water supply in the summer season at the dacha;
  • barbecue with stove;
  • smokehouses;
  • potbelly stoves;
  • washbasin.

There are many more ideas for using an unnecessary boiler; the main thing is to understand for what purposes it might be useful to you and use your imagination. As a result, a seemingly outdated item will become a new product needed in everyday life.

How to make a design with your own hands

Making a flow-through geyser with your own hands is quite simple. To perform this design you need to have on hand:

  • gas stove;
  • brass or copper tubes with a diameter of about 10 m;
  • a couple of pieces of rubber hoses.

A do-it-yourself gas water heater of this format can be created very quickly. However, when installing devices, one should not forget about safety precautions. Assembly consists of making a spiral from copper and brass tubes. Next, rubber hoses are attached to the ends of this spiral. One end is fixed directly above the sink. Hot water is supplied from it during operation. The other is securely connected to the water tap. It must ensure an uninterrupted supply of water.

The water heating element or spiral is fixed directly above the gas stove. To check the effectiveness of such a device, you should first run cold water through the system. Only after this can the gas be ignited without hindrance.

A do-it-yourself geyser or a gas water heater from a cylinder is an excellent option for appliances for country houses and personal plots. However, they are not recommended for use in apartments, cottages and villas. In such housing constructions, it is better to provide heating and water supply using devices created by reliable manufacturers. Devices for heating water should be selected taking into account installation methods, type of fastenings and connection methods.

Homemade instantaneous water heater for small household needs

Necessary materials

The source of heating the water will be a gas stove. There are 2 options for how to quickly make an instantaneous water heater, but their operating principle is the same.

In the first case, you will need a copper tube. In the second option - an old car radiator (it is better to give preference to a copper one, whatever is available). You will also need 2 hoses and 2 clamps.

Stages of manufacturing a water heater

If you use a copper tube as a heating element, then initially it will need to be bent in such a way as to form a spiral. You can make the coil neat and even by wrapping the tube several times around another pipe of the required diameter or something similar, as shown in the photo.

(The picture was taken from the network as an example, since my bending process was not filmed due to the fact that I preferred to make a flow-through water heater from a car heater radiator).

The main thing is that one edge of the pipe is free, otherwise it will not be possible to remove the spiral. All further steps for manufacturing an instantaneous water heater for a copper coil and radiator are the same.

You need to take 2 hoses. We connect one of them to a cold water tap, and the other end to the radiator pipe of the stove (or copper tube). The second hose, respectively, to the second pipe. Heated water will flow from it.

Open the cold water tap, light the fire and place the radiator (or coil) on top of the cooking plate grate.

Final result

During all of the above actions, the instantaneous water heater heated the water. Her temperature was between 37-41 degrees. The water pressure was low.

A homemade gas instantaneous water heater works and is well suited for many household needs, but it also has its drawbacks. Due to the fact that the water has time to warm up with little pressure, it will be inconvenient to use a homemade heater for bathing in the shower.


Installation methods and types of fastenings

Currently, manufacturers produce two main types of gas boilers: instantaneous and storage. Products from Electrolux and Vector are especially popular among consumers. The device of this line can be located on the floor or on the wall. In the second case, various types of fastenings are used:

  • dowels with fixation;
  • metal hooks.

These elements are suitable for a reliable base of concrete or stone. For looser and thinner surfaces, other fastenings and installation methods should be used.

For example, on a wall made of plasterboard, it is better to install a reinforced boiler. For these purposes, you can use various materials:

  • wood reinforcement;
  • metal reinforcement;
  • fastening with chemical anchors.

The choice of installation option directly depends on the experience of the technician, available tools and materials, as well as the size of the boiler.

Rules of operation and care

A stainless steel kettle for a gas stove requires the same care as any other cookware. It needs to be washed regularly to avoid damaging the surface; it is better to follow a few rules:

  • use cleaning products intended for the care of metal utensils;
  • use a soft sponge or cloth;
  • Do not rub with a hard brush, otherwise scratches will remain;
  • remove scale and heavy dirt with citric acid.

Manufacturers usually mark products as dishwasher safe. If there is no such marking, you should not experiment. After washing, drops of moisture remain on the smooth steel surface, so the kettle should be carefully wiped with a soft, dry cloth to prevent stains from appearing.

In order for the product to serve for a long time, you cannot:

  • put the kettle on the fire empty or with a small amount of water, which will quickly boil away;
  • wash stainless steel with cleaning powders and products containing ammonia or chlorine.

It is strictly forbidden to use a kettle that has begun to leak - violating this rule can lead to flooding of the burner and a gas leak.

Main types of breakdowns

Modern manufacturers have learned to create excellent luxury water heating equipment. It uses gas to operate efficiently and rarely fails. However, even the best gas heaters cannot avoid breakdowns. The list of inevitable malfunctions includes:

  • water leaks;
  • poor heating of the liquid;
  • discharge of power elements;
  • weak water pressure;
  • lack of gas.

Owners of gas boilers can repair some faults themselves. Anyone can change the batteries in the power supply. It is also easy to eliminate weak water pressure - perhaps excess scale has simply formed in the heat exchanger. To remove it, remove the heat exchanger and rinse thoroughly. For these purposes, you can also use special descaling liquids.

The construction pricing reform should have been completed 1065 days ago.

Good afternoon In the standards of the GESN-2001 collection No. 12 “Roofs” 12-01-002-08, 09, 10 propane gas consumption is 11.8; 6.9; 3.4 kg accordingly are indicated erroneously. The most commonly used burners have an average propane consumption of 6 kg/hour. Based on this, propane consumption (code 542-0042) should be taken at the specified standards in the following amounts: standard GESN-12-01-002-08 - 41.4 kg, 09 - 27.6 kg, 10 - 14.4 kg. QUESTION: is there official confirmation of these figures?

6 kg/hour - what kind of consumption is this, where did it come from? According to the passport or something? Excuse me, have you ever been on a roof or waved a torch? I was and waved a lot... The operating mode in the summer is this: 30% at idle (while you are preparing the next roll, cutting it, trying it on, moving on) and with connections - all 50%. In winter, however, the consumption increases sharply - 1.5 or 2 times (you have to warm and dry the base and warm the freezing cylinders). Try to negotiate with the Customer for compensation for gas, but in practice, during roofing work, the cost of gas is a small part of the cost of the work, so you shouldn’t push too hard.

The customer, as a rule, agrees, and then the switchgear comes and says: “Who are you to add gas to the state price?” That's how it was for me. And I read about such an expense in Grand Stroy-Info in the “Consultations and Explanations” magazine. It was all written there, however, without reference to an official source. So I’m wondering how the inspectors will react to this?

And there is no official source. Even in the standard database, propane butane costs are left unchanged. So refer to “Consultations and Clarifications” No. 2-2004, pp. 12-13.

Indirect heating boiler design

An indirect heating boiler is a storage tank that is not dependent on energy resources (gas, electricity, etc.). Inside the container, made of stainless steel, there is a heating element 1 in the shape of a spiral.

Cold water enters the tank through an inlet tube located at the bottom of the device. The water in the unit is heated using the moving coolant of the heating system. The hot water outlet pipe is located at the top. To make using the tank convenient, it is equipped with taps with a ball design. The outer part of the device is covered with heat-insulating material.

The water heater diagram is shown below.

The advantages of the unit include:

  • possibility of connecting to a central heating system;
  • installation near a heating boiler;
  • low cash costs when installing the circuit;
  • economical use of energy resources;
  • water supply at a constant temperature.

Boiler advantages

There are undeniable advantages of a boiler, let’s consider them:

  1. Temperature sensor that works automatically. In the event of a malfunction, it simply turns off. If we look from the point of view of fire safety, then, of course, the industrial boiler wins, since it is equipped with several types of interlocks. But if we consider the situation with a homemade one, then everything is at your discretion.
  2. Water flow sensor and pressure sensor. Of course, the boiler neutralizes pressure drops, withstands water hammer, and also easily copes with high water pressure. Saving water with a boiler is only beneficial if it is small in size. For example, a 50-liter boiler consumes a sufficient amount of electricity, so the savings on water are practically unnoticeable. As soon as insufficient pressure appears in the water supply system (less than 0.6 bar), the boiler automatically turns off. As for the instantaneous water heater, even with a minimum water flow, the number of liters of water flowing per minute is about 1.5 liters.

There are instantaneous water heaters on sale that have industrial assembly and a quality guarantee.
They are fixed in place of the tap and have a presentable appearance. For added safety, the chassis must be grounded as the equipment is powered.

More expensive models come with a shower head, which is very convenient for summer residents. But, unfortunately, the price of such a device is very impressive.

If you attach a pan or any large container to a flow-through heater, it will also become storage. To screw in the hoses, use a brass nipple.

Installing a metal articulated crane will greatly simplify the operation of the drive. Without a tap, it will look more like a washbasin, which is very impractical. Pay attention to the tightness of the drive (the lid must be welded with argon welding) and the entire structure as a whole. Insulate the hull and make it safer.

When using a storage flow heater, pay attention to the meter readings: in rural areas the maximum power is about 4 kW.

If an ordinary electric kettle draws 1.5 -2 kW, and a TV draws 1 kW, then you can already calculate which electrical appliances can be turned on at the same time and which cannot. If the meter is automatic, then it will simply blow out the plugs, as fuses will trip, which can be replaced. But if your meter does not have fuses, then turning on the water pump, electric stove and TV at the same time can cause a fire in the wiring.

Making the unit yourself

Since the principle of operation of the device is simple, anyone can build a water heater with their own hands. The whole process is based on the assembly of component parts.

To make a water heater with your own hands, you need to follow these steps:

  • prepare a special container;
  • make a coil;
  • provide thermal insulation;
  • assemble your own water heater;
  • connect the heating element;
  • provide cold water supply;
  • build pipe distribution;
  • install water intake taps.

Installation of a factory gas water heater

You should not try to make the device yourself, because the device of a gas water heater includes at least three degrees of protection:

Thanks to this, accidents are simply impossible if the equipment is connected correctly. All valves are constructed in such a way that if a break occurs, the circuit is closed. How to make a gas water heater yourself that would meet all the requirements? This can only be done by a master who has the necessary spare parts on hand. We hope that readers have given up the idea of ​​making their own gas water heater. The exception would be families that are really tight on money. Do not forget that hoses should not be afraid of fire!

With that, we say goodbye until next time. Many issues with gas are not so obvious to ordinary people; we will reveal them as far as possible.


Choosing the right container

The storage tank acts as a container. Its volume depends on the needs of users for hot water. The calculation is carried out according to the following principle: 50-70 liters of water per person daily. A 200-liter container is suitable for a family of four.

When choosing a material, you should pay attention to how susceptible it is to corrosion. Typically, aluminum alloy or plastic is used. You can make your own boiler from steel treated with anti-rust agents.

The basis of a storage water heater can be a pipe from a heating main. This will give you a seamless cylinder. But experts advise making a water heater from a material such as stainless steel. The price for it is reasonable. Iron is known to release substances harmful to the body. A stainless steel water heater will be absolutely safe for health.

You should also think about the weight of the pipe. A linear meter of 720X10 weighs approximately 140 kg. The price of one kg is 12 rubles. How much does stainless steel cost? The price of 1 kg of the AISI304 series is 130 rubles. The weight of a sheet measuring 2000x1000x1 is 16 kg.

Making a boiler with your own hands will cost you 2,000 rubles. If the metal is bent along its length, you will get a cylinder, the height of which will be 1 m, and the diameter will be approximately 63 cm. A thicker steel sheet will not work, as it is difficult to work with. The tank volume will be approximately 318 liters.

The result will be an excellent homemade container in which you can install a factory-made heating element for water. Its power should be 6 kW. It can heat 300 liters of water in three hours. If you use a heating element with a power of 2 kW, it will take the whole night.

The tank is supplied with two holes. One is located at the top of the body. It serves to supply hot water. The other one is below. Its function is to supply cold water. Each hole is equipped with ball valves.

An alternative to a tank is a gas cylinder.

Natural gas and water heaters

Today the concept of natural gas is very fashionable. What is its fundamental difference, and what did we use before? What are all these pipes for, if in the courtyards of many houses there are storage facilities with the inscription Propane-Butane, fenced with chain-link mesh. We understand that there is gas inside in the liquid phase, the calorific value of which is much higher than natural gas. This is practically the same liquefied cylinder, only in a larger volume. It is supplied to homes through reducers, which bring the pressure to the desired level. So it turns out to be main gas. (See also: How to properly install a gas boiler with your own hands)

Please note that bottled gas has a lower cost in specific terms than residential propane-butane. There are more problems with it: you need to buy cylinders, reducers, hoses, and connect at least two tanks in parallel. The removal of combustion products is a separate topic of conversation. As a result of chemical reactions, not only carbon dioxide and water vapor are produced, but also sulfur oxide. All this combined produces an explosive mixture. That is why it is impossible not only to bring such an army into ventilation, but even to modify special chimneys with anti-corrosion steel or ceramics. It costs money, a lot of it. Attempts to save money will ultimately harm the house, neighbors, and the owners themselves.

A gas or electric water heater is selected based on all of the above considerations. The economic effect of the purchase is assessed. A gas water heater can quickly recoup its own cost if it runs on cylinders or natural gas, and there is a place to supply combustion products. In this case, it is recommended to think about this if the house already has a boiler that operates using blue fuel. Otherwise, installing gas in some village may cost about 70,000 rubles. Calculate how many years this will last to use electricity based on your own needs. Again, a domestic gas water heater must be purchased, nothing else. (See also: How to install a water heater with your own hands)

And here's another thing! Do not forget that the efficiency of electrical appliances reaches 98.5%, while gas appliances often emit combustion products with temperatures of 100 ºС and above. This must be taken into account in the calculations. By all indications, the cheap source of energy presented in the YouTube video may not be so free. It’s another matter if there is no meter in the apartment, and the payment is based on a certain quota. This is the choice of poor families, and the energy will indeed be wasted. In this light, there is some sense in inventing something.

How to make a coil?

The coil is an important part of the device. It can be based on a metal or metal-plastic pipe with a small diameter. As a rule, copper or brass are used, as they have a high level of heat transfer. The manufacturer can choose the diameter of the coil at his discretion. The main condition is that its contact with water is maximum.

The serpentine tube is wound in a spiral onto a cylinder-shaped mandrel. For this purpose, a log or pipe with a large diameter is used. When winding the coil, it is necessary to monitor the turns. They shouldn't touch each other.

Do not make the winding tight, as it will be very difficult to remove the coil from the mandrel.

The number of turns on the coil is directly dependent on the volume and height of the tank. Typically, for every 10 liters, 1.5 kW of coil heating power is used.

How to choose a kettle

Komsomolskaya Pravda spoke about the best models of kettles for a gas stove, which will be found on the shelves in 2022. Consultant of the kitchen accessories department Alla Koneva .

An electric kettle has become an indispensable household item, without which it is difficult to imagine life at home or at work. But how to choose the best electric kettle? Let's tell you right now!

Housing material

The most expensive models are made of cast iron. As a rule, they are small in volume and intended for oriental tea drinking. In these, the water takes a long time to heat up and they are suitable for our old gas stoves only with a burner cover. But they look aesthetically pleasing and retain heat for a long time. Aluminum ones are the cheapest. But I don’t recommend buying it for home. Firstly, they don’t look good, and secondly, over time they release toxins when heated. Although I haven't heard of anyone being poisoned by it. The most popular option today is stainless steel teapots. They need constant care, otherwise they quickly become covered with scale and lose their neat appearance. Ideally, buy stainless steel cleaners. Or use citric acid. The fourth option is enameled. I advise you to buy these only after a personal visual inspection. Because the slightest chip and the enamel will continue to fly off. And underneath there is metal that quickly rusts.

This is interesting

The best gas stoves


The most popular material is Bakelite plastic. It is believed that it heats up the least and lasts a long time. It may last a long time, but it conducts heat well. In addition, some are located too close to the body, which means they heat up even more. Unfortunately, until you boil it, you won’t know the answer. Today it is rare, but handles made of wood are found. You definitely won't get burned with them. However, over time the material dries out.

Whistle and spout plug

In 2022, all modern models of kettles for gas stoves are already equipped with whistles. You don't need to buy anything. Usually, the sound they make is very loud. Make sure that the spout valve fits snugly and covers the hole. Otherwise, the kettle will spit when boiling.

Other nuances

It is better to give preference to models with a multi-layer bottom. Water boils faster in them. But feel free to subtract 15-20% from the maximum volume indicator. If you get it this full, you will definitely splash the water when you remove it from the stove. There is also a high risk when boiling that water will escape through the lid or spout.

Thermal insulation

To minimize heat loss, the tank should be wrapped in a layer of thermal insulation.

For this purpose, use:

  • construction foam;
  • isolon;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • foam;
  • mineral wool.

Some craftsmen use a foil-based backing for the laminate. The water heater is wrapped in this case like a thermos. The insulation is attached using wire, glue or strip ties. We recommend insulating the entire building.

The lining will not only ensure long-term preservation of hot water, but will also shorten the duration of heating of the tank, which will reduce coolant consumption. Without well-equipped thermal insulation, the water in the device will quickly cool down.

Often they resort to the construction of a double tank: a small tank is placed inside a large one. The space created between them also performs a heat-insulating function.

To secure the container, hinges are welded to the top of its body, and a metal corner is installed on the wall to which they are attached.

The law - what the drawbar is, where it is turned... that’s where it came out

The design on YouTube is not illegal, but it is not very convenient. There is even less chance of setting it up correctly for use. Here are a couple of tips to help you do this somehow:

The device itself is a coil, which is connected at one end to a cold riser, and at the other to a shower head or mixer. The flow is regulated by a valve. In this sense, you will have to use an old cast-iron tap at the inlet or a bronze tap at the outlet of the coil. The radiator is placed on the hob grate and heated by one or two burners. It is clear that the hose must be heat-resistant, otherwise various unpleasant consequences are possible.

An adult must supervise the operation of the device and, in case of danger, turn off the supply of blue fuel while someone is washing or doing the dishes. A gas water heater or an electric water heater is much safer from this point of view. I would also like to add that even purchased equipment needs to be configured, which means that the intervention of a qualified technician will be required. Sometimes a set of jets (injectors) needs to be replaced, in other cases a reducer is installed in the gas supply path. In the latter case, the system resembles traditional propane-butane power supply.

Other methods of making a water heater

You can build a water heater powered by the sun. This is a fairly common design, which is distinguished by its efficiency. The device is often found in country houses. Making the device is not particularly difficult, so many can build it with their own hands.

  • large capacity tank (100 l or more);
  • PVC pipes for filling the container and supplying water to it;
  • steel corners measuring 20 mm or square blocks of wood measuring 50 mm for a frame for a container.

It is more advisable to use polyethylene barrels as containers. They are distinguished by their strength. They should be placed in a sunny place where there is no wind. As a rule, the roof of a summer shower is chosen for installation.

In order for the barrel to heat up better, it needs to be painted black. Screens are installed on the leeward side for protection. They are constructed from boards coated with reflective material similar to foil. In this case, the sun's rays are directed towards the tank and increase the temperature of the water. In hot weather, in a container of 200 liters you can get water whose temperature will be 45 ºС.

What other kettles are worth paying attention to?

Nadoba Virga 731002 (from 2400 rubles)

Nadoba Virga 731002. Photo:

If you compare the photographs of this model of kettle for a gas stove and the previous place in the ranking, you will find many similarities. The same shape, and the handle with the button, and the valve with the whistle are the same. But still, this is a different model. However, the same components are used. Its volume is larger - 2.8 liters. By the way, it is suitable not only for gas, but also for induction and electric stoves. Made from stainless steel. The bottom is three-layer, the manufacturer writes that it is made using capsule technology. This is a principle where several materials are used to enhance thermal conductivity and, as a result, the heating rate. When cut, it looks like a sandwich. For fans of everything non-Chinese, we note that these teapots are made in the Czech Republic. Buyers have no complaints about the quality of materials. But the problem with heating the handle is the same as with Tefal. For the first half a minute after boiling, it is better not to grab it or use an oven mitt.


Volume2.8 l
Materialstainless steel, polished
WhistleThere is
Thermally insulated bakelite handleThere is
Weight1.2 kg
Height23 cm

Advantages and disadvantages

Metal quality

The handle is getting warm

show more

Rondell Fiero RDS-498 (from 2300 rubles)

Rondell Fiero RDS-498. Photo:

An expensive brand of kitchenware and related utensils presents its version of the best kettle for a gas stove. There is a version in red and yellow cases. The company focuses on the design of its product. It turned out to be an interesting nod to retro. The outer coating is made non-stick. A common problem with such dishes is that flashes of flame from a gas stove leave burnt marks. When polishing, satin technology is used - an abrasive is selected so that the surface is as glossy as possible, so to speak - expensive. However, it cannot be washed in the dishwasher. The bottom is capsule - we talked about the technology above. A nice bonus included is a booklet with recipes for tea and coffee drinks. The kettle works on electric and induction hobs.


Volume3 l
Materialstainless steel, polished
WhistleThere is
Thermally insulated bakelite handleThere is
Weight1.29 kg
Height14 cm

Advantages and disadvantages


Useful volume is less than the maximum by half a liter

show more

LUMME LU-268 (from 600 rubles)

LUMME LU-268. Photo:

Another budget phone that you wouldn’t mind replacing with a similar one if this one gets completely dirty or breaks. There are two options: with a ball handle and a ring handle. Chinese engineers seem to have finally managed to solve a problem that was completely impossible for 2022 - to make the handle cool. We have not encountered any complaints about this in any customer reviews, although there are plenty of them. But there are complaints about other nuances. For example, the local whistle either whistles quietly or starts to do so late. It is recommended to disassemble and reassemble it. Although the case material is stainless steel, as it turns out, even this metal varies from model to model. There are complaints about strong scale formation on the bottom, some complain that the body literally absorbs dirt. And if scale can be a result of bad water (just buy a filter), then those who love cleanliness in the kitchen will have to constantly polish the surface.


Volume3 l
Materialstainless steel, polished
WhistleThere is

Advantages and disadvantages

The handle does not heat up

Weak whistle

show more

ENDEVER Aquarelle 301/302/303 (from 800 rubles)

ENDEVER Aquarelle 301/302/303.
Photo: Once again the best kettle for a gas stove-2022, which I want to praise for its appearance. The manufacturer managed to choose very pleasant colors that will fit perfectly into any interior. By the way, the slash in the model name indicates the color, so don’t be alarmed if you choose this manufacturer and don’t see such a long name. Our second praise concerns the weight of the product. This is the lightest kettle in our rating. Otherwise, all other characteristics are without frills: stainless steel in the case, loud whistle, reviews about the handle are contradictory. Some complain that it is uncomfortable, others say that everything is fine. We want to pay attention to another aspect - attachment to the body. We haven't seen any complaints about it, but it looks unreliable.


Volume3 l
Materialstainless steel
WhistleThere is
Weight0.43 kg

Advantages and disadvantages

Weight and wide bottom

There are complaints about the painting

show more

MAYER & BOCH 1620 (from 450 rubles)

MAYER & BOCH 1620. Photo:

It seems that with such a name, in the best traditions of a German company, and the company comes from Germany, a kettle for a gas stove should be expensive. But that's not true. On the contrary, it is the price leader in our roundup of the best in 2022. Perhaps the secret is that they are made in China. Interesting gold-painted inserts in the design, but otherwise this is an ordinary teapot. Whistle built into the spout cover, Bakelite handle. A large handle on the lid can be convenient here. By the way, this model can be washed in the dishwasher. You need to be careful with the handle fastening mechanisms. They are very thin. In the reviews there were many complaints about defects and leaks. Everything is revealed quite quickly - in a couple of days. Therefore, decide whether, in the event of a defect, you are ready to exchange the goods or whether an attractive price will tip the scales and persuade you to buy.


Volume2.5 l
Materialstainless steel, polished
WhistleThere is
Thermally insulated bakelite handleThere is
Weight0.55 kg

Advantages and disadvantages

Neat appearance

Judging by the reviews, the defect rate is high

show more

The best electric kettles

An indispensable device in any modern kitchen

Appetite 4с209я (from 1400 rubles)

Appetite 4с209я. Photo:

When we were preparing to review the best kettles for a gas stove, we thought that in 2022 such models would no longer be produced. You can call them “Soviet classics” - white enamel, simple floral design. Of course, the product is not popular. There are not many samples like this in stores. But the Chinese brand immediately released many colors of different motifs. It is made of rolled steel. The advantage of enamel is that it is easier to wash off grease than stainless steel. And no traces of fire remain on the body. The handle of this model is glass, with a comfortable grip. This kettle can be used on any stove - gas, induction, glass-ceramic and even induction. If you have the opportunity to inspect before purchasing, be sure to look inside. Some samples have chipped enamel inside. But marriage cannot be called frequent.


Volume3 l
Materialstainless steel, enameled
WhistleThere is
Thermally insulated bakelite handleThere is
Weight1.4 kg
Height24.5 cm

Advantages and disadvantages

Enameled ones are easier to care for

If you pour it full, water will run out of the spout when it boils.

show more

Taller Flecher TR-1383 (from 1900 rubles)

Taller Flecher TR-1383. Photo:

Suitable for all types of stoves - from gas to halogen. Made from 18/10 stainless steel. These numbers indicate the percentage of nickel and chromium. This ratio is considered the best. Therefore, if you decide that the kettles from our rating of the best 2022 are not suitable for you and decide to go with another model, still look for these numbers. Before us is a bright orange model with a grip handle. It doesn't fold, keep that in mind. It is better to store in a box due to its special shape. Reviews for it are entirely laudatory. They say it whistles loudly, and the scale is easily removed from it with a wave of the hand, and the body is durable. It lasts a long time, but over the years the paint begins to fade and peel off. This is the natural fate of all such painted goods.


Volume2 l
Materialstainless steel
WhistleThere is
Thermally insulated bakelite handleThere is

Advantages and disadvantages

Steel quality

The lifespan of the bright coating is limited

show more

Water heater made from polyethylene bottles

You can make a DIY water heater from ordinary plastic bottles in one day. They form the basis of the storage tank. The number of bottles depends on the desired capacity.

For installation you will need:

  • sealant;
  • PVC pipes;
  • drill;
  • two valves or taps with a ball design.

First of all, the bottles are prepared. A hole is drilled in the bottom of each, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the neck. The neck of another is inserted into the hole in the bottom of the bottle. This is how they connect. Each battery consists of 10 bottles. The number of batteries is unlimited. All joints are treated with sealant.

The finished modules are located on the south side of the roof on the internal waves of the slate covering. The output of each section is connected to a PVC pipe, which is located perpendicular to them. The cutting of each section is carried out in the same way as connecting bottles into a battery, followed by treating all joints with glue.

The best large volume models

Webber BE-0574 3 l

The kettle is made in universal black color. The tank volume is 3 liters. The device is complemented by a special button, by pressing which the user can quickly and easily open its spout. The case is made of stainless steel. This model can be used for glass-ceramic, electric and gas stoves.

The fixed handle is made of nylon. Webber BE-0574 has a capsule bottom that prevents the liquid from the main reservoir from quickly cooling. The wall thickness is 0.4 mm. A whistle will notify you when the water is boiling, and the presence of a lid provides convenience when cleaning the inside.


  • spacious tank;
  • stylish design;
  • is not subject to mechanical damage;
  • non-marking body.


  • average quality of materials.

Kamille KM-0698

This is a stylish kettle, which is distinguished not only by its visual appeal, but also by the high quality of its materials. Even after a long period of use it will look good. For this reason, the model is suitable for daily intensive use.


  • polishing – satin;
  • handle – fixed;
  • handle material – bakelite;
  • cover material – stainless steel, bakelite;
  • bottom diameter outside – 26.5 cm;
  • Dishwasher safe - yes.


  • high degree of reliability;
  • loud whistle sound;
  • wear resistance;
  • external attractiveness;
  • capsule bottom with technology for uniform heating of liquid;
  • convenient opening of the whistle.


  • Not found.

Carl Schmidt Sohn Aquatic 5 l

This is a German-made product. The model is characterized by a high degree of reliability and a long operational period. The kettle body is made of high quality durable materials. It has two types of polishing to ensure its visual appeal.

The bottom of the model is made using a unique technology. It heats the liquid evenly and maintains the temperature for a long time.

The product is equipped with a comfortable silicone handle. It does not heat up, which allows you to remove the stovetop kettle without using an oven mitt.

The model's whistle is folded back using a special lever. Thanks to this, you can safely open the spout without fear of getting burned.


  • polishing – combined;
  • handle – fixed;
  • cover material – stainless steel;
  • bottom diameter – 20 cm;
  • folding whistle - yes.


  • good capacity;
  • the bottom of the model evenly heats the water and retains heat inside the kettle for a long time;
  • comfortable handle that does not heat up when boiling water;
  • whistle with a folding mechanism for easy opening of the spout;
  • ease of care.


  • Not found.

Installing a gas burner in a solid fuel boiler

After sound reflection and a real assessment of their capabilities, most home craftsmen still give preference to the modernization of solid fuel boilers that previously processed firewood or coal. A factory-made gas burner is simply placed in their firebox.

To equip your country property, you can purchase a solid fuel unit, which can be converted into a gas one. For example, a Teplodar stove in which a gas burner is mounted

Let's consider the stages of installing a Teplodar AGG burner device:

  • Dismantling the firebox door, the ashpan damper (or the ashpan itself, if it is made in the form of a drawer with a solid door), the bumper and the grate. In short, you need to remove all structural parts located within the firebox and ash pan.
  • Fixing the burner device. A burner block is mounted in the firebox channel freed from the above elements. If the Teplodar stove is designed for changing fuel, then the burner module is fixed in the channel through standard ears with screws and nuts threaded into them.
  • Connecting automation to the remote control. The devices included in the design of the burner block that ensure automatic operation of the boiler are connected to the control panel.
  • Thermostat sensor mount. It is installed on the supply pipe, wrapped in insulation to protect against external mechanical and temperature influences, and on top with ties.
  • Putting it into operation. It is carried out after checking the draft and burst ventilation of the room with a modernized boiler. Using a simple handle, you select the most suitable mode.

We remind you that in accordance with the requirements outlined in the “Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems”, all work on installing equipment, replacing burners, servicing equipment and connecting to the network supplying blue fuel must be carried out by gas workers.

The technical documentation attached to the Teplodar stove contains a detailed description of the process of installing a gas burner for converting a solid fuel unit into a gas one

In accordance with federal regulations and standards, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with representatives of gas services for the supply of gas and related services. It is clear that not all remote settlements will be able to be served by employees of gas organizations. However, it is advisable to adhere to the requirements in order to avoid catastrophic consequences.

When it decreases and suddenly goes out, the current coming from the electrical element is weakened, as a result of which the gas supply channel is blocked. Overheating of water in the boiler is detected by a temperature sensor, which transmits a signal to open the contact pair blocking the burner

Should you take risks or value and protect your health with the well-being of your loved ones? It's up to you to decide. It is wiser to refuse threatening measures, but knowing about the process of their implementation is very useful in order to monitor how efficiently and honestly the gas workers work.

What you need to know about security

Do not forget that we are dealing with a source of increased danger - an electric heating device, therefore, when assembling and using it, you must follow some rules:

Be sure to use a separate electrical line to connect the induction boiler, and also equip it with a safety group.

  1. If water circulates naturally in the boiler, be sure to equip it with a temperature sensor so that if it overheats, the device turns off automatically.
  2. Do not connect a homemade water heater to an outlet; it is better to draw a separate line for this with a larger cable cross-section.
  3. All exposed sections of wires must be insulated to protect people from electric shock or burns.
  4. Never turn on the inductor if the pipe is not filled with water. Otherwise, the pipe will melt and the device will short out or it may even catch fire.
  5. The device must be mounted at a height of 80 cm from the floor, but so that about 30 cm remains from the ceiling. Also, you should not install it in a residential area, since the electromagnetic field has a bad effect on people’s health.
  6. Don't forget to ground the inductor.
  7. Be sure to connect the device through an automatic circuit breaker so that in the event of an accident, the latter will cut off the power from the water heater.
  8. A safety valve must be installed in the pipeline system, which will automatically reduce the pressure in the system.
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