Biofuels, types, distribution, production and application

Biofuels, types, distribution, production and application.

Biofuel is a fuel produced from biomass (animal or plant raw materials, as well as from biological waste) as a result of a thermochemical or biological reaction.

Biofuel as an alternative energy source

Biofuel classification

Types of biofuels: fuel briquettes, fuel pellets, combustible peat, wood chips, biochar, firewood, bioethanol, biomethanol, biodiesel, dimethyl ether, biogas, biohydrogen

Impact of using fuel of biological origin on the environment

Other fuels: biodiesel, biofuels, gas oil, oil shale, naphtha, fuel oil, petroleum, associated petroleum gas, natural gas, landfill gas, shale oil, shale gas, synthesis gas

Trends in the development of the global biofuel market

Driving factors for biofuel proliferation are threats related to energy security, climate change and economic downturn. The expansion of biofuel production around the world aims to increase the share of clean fuel consumption, especially in transport; reducing dependence on imported oil for many countries; reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; economic development. Biofuels are an alternative to traditional fuels derived from petroleum. The world centers of biofuel production in 2014 are the USA, Brazil and the European Union. The most common type of biofuel is bioethanol, its share makes up 82% of all fuel produced in the world from biological raw materials. Its leading producers are the USA and Brazil. In 2nd place is biodiesel. The European Union accounts for 49% of biodiesel production. In the long term, the constantly growing demand for biofuels from land, air and sea transport can greatly change the current situation in the global energy market. The use of agricultural raw materials for the production of liquid biofuels and the increase in their production volumes have led to the demand for agricultural products, which has affected the prices of food crops used in the production of biofuels. The volume of production of second-generation biofuels continues to grow, and by 2022, global production of second-generation biofuels should reach 10 billion liters. Global biofuel production should increase by 25% by 2022 and amount to approx. 140 billion liters. In the European Union, the majority of biofuel production comes from biodiesel produced from oilseeds (rapeseed). According to forecasts, the production of bioethanol from wheat and corn, as well as sugar beets, will expand in the European Union. In Brazil, bioethanol production is expected to continue to grow at an accelerated pace, reaching approximately 41 billion liters by 2017. In general, the production of bioethanol and biodiesel is forecast to increase rapidly by 2022 and amount to 125 and 25 billion liters, respectively. Biofuel production has begun to grow rapidly in Asia. As of 2014, China is the third largest producer of bioethanol, and production is expected to grow by more than 4% per year over the next ten years. In India, bioethanol production from molasses is projected to increase at a CAGR of over 7%. At the same time, biodiesel production from new crops such as jatropha is expanding.

According to forecasts by the World Energy Agency (IEA), the oil shortage in 2025 will be estimated at 14%. According to the IEA, even if the total production of biofuels (including bioethanol and biodiesel) by 2022 is 220 billion liters, its production will cover only 7% of the world's fuel demand. The growth rate of biofuel production lags far behind the growth rate of demand for them. This happens due to the availability of cheap raw materials and insufficient financing. Mass commercial use of biofuels will be determined by achieving price equilibrium with traditional fuels derived from oil. According to scientists, the share of renewable energy sources will reach 47.7% by 2040, and biomass – 23.8%.

At the current level of technology development, biofuel production will constitute a small part of global energy supplies, and energy prices will influence the cost of agricultural raw materials. Biofuels can impact food security in a number of ways – rising commodity prices driven by biofuel production can harm food importers, while at the same time stimulating domestic agricultural production by smallholder farmers.

Biofuel as an alternative energy source:

Humanity has always been faced with the acute issue of finding cheap energy sources, the obtaining of which did not require excessive costs. The problem of using energy resources became especially acute in the 20th century, when it became clear that thoughtless burning of hydrocarbons would lead to a further decrease in their earthly reserves. Scientists have come to the conclusion that oil and gas reserves will run out over time, and the costs of developing new fields will increase significantly, since more equipment and production capacity will have to be involved. During this period, the ecology deteriorated significantly, reacting painfully to the disappearing forest cover and the ongoing pollution of the atmosphere, subsoil and water.

The urgency of searching for alternative sources of thermal energy that could replace natural gas and oil has increased. And such an effective direction, along with solar energy and wind energy, has become the use of energy carriers of biological origin ( biofuel ).

Fuel of biological origin ( biofuel ) should be understood as a product synthesized from animal or plant raw materials, as well as from biological waste, which, under a certain influence, releases thermal energy.

Among other formulations of the definition of biofuel , the following is also found: “Biofuel is a fuel obtained from biomass as a result of a thermochemical or biological reaction.”

54-60% of biofuel comes from its traditional forms: firewood, crop residues and dried manure for heating houses and cooking. They are used by 38% of the world's population.

Prospects for implementation

Along with the EU, the USA, Brazil, China, Canada, and Argentina are increasingly supporting the production of environmentally friendly, safe fuel.

According to forecasts, worldwide demand for alternative energy sources from 2010 to 2050 will increase. will increase 10 times.

Their future significance primarily depends on factors such as:

  • Prices for conventional fuel, the rise of which increases the competitiveness of ecofuels.
  • Prices for raw materials. Sometimes they fluctuate very much. Agricultural products become more expensive, for example, in lean years.
  • Production costs. The use of new and improved technologies will help reduce costs.
  • Natural resource potential of the regional and world economy.
  • Improving the legislative framework.
  • Amount of taxes.

Some types of ecofuels (vegetable oil, bioethanol) can be produced not only at large, but also at small enterprises, including farms. Installation of complex equipment for producing biodiesel is possible only at large plants.

Biofuel classification:

Fuel of biological origin is classified depending on its state of aggregation and according to whether the raw material belongs to one of three generations.

1st generation raw materials include classic agricultural crops, for example: sugar beets.

A distinctive feature of crops belonging to the 1st generation raw materials is the maximum presence of starches, sugars and fats in their composition. After multi-stage processing, starches and sugars are converted into bioethanol, fats into biodiesel. Transport biofuels are mainly produced from 1st generation feedstocks.

2nd generation raw materials include wood, grass and non-edible residues of cultivated plants containing cellulose or lignin.

Typical representatives of 2nd generation raw materials are protozoan algae, camelina and jatropha plants with a maximum oil content. Growing second generation crops requires less costs than the first generation. Such plant raw materials can be burned with great effect, produce biogas, and decompose in a thermal pyrolysis reaction. The disadvantage of second generation raw materials is the need to have large areas of cultivated crops.

The 3rd generation raw materials include fast-growing algae with maximum oil content. These crops are cultivated in artificial reservoirs.

Varieties and advantages

Today, there are 3 types of biofuels:

  • liquid;
  • hard;
  • gaseous;

Liquid biofuel

It is the most discussed species. After all, the life of modern man depends on oil; without it, humanity cannot survive, and oil is a fossil resource and at some point its reserves will run out.

Liquid biofuels have the potential to replace this fossil resource.

Liquid biofuels include:

  • alcohols (ethanol, methanol, butanol),
  • biodiesel,
  • biofuel oil,
  • esters;


This mainly includes wood (wood processing waste and fuel pellets, briquettes). The source for obtaining them is usually forests where grass, shrubs and trees grow.

Gaseous fuel

Includes biogas, hydrogen.

Also, biofuels can be classified by generation. There are biofuels of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations:

  1. The 1st generation includes biofuels obtained by processing agricultural plants into biodiesel and ethanol.
  2. 2nd generation – biofuel obtained from food waste.
  3. The 3rd generation of biofuels includes biofuels obtained using introduced technologies as a result of the destruction of biomass.
  4. The 4th generation of biofuel is produced on lands unsuitable for agriculture and without destruction of biomass.

Another classification of biofuels is the division of biofuels into primary and secondary. Primary biofuel refers to biofuel that has not been processed. To the secondary – processed. Recycled biofuels undergo a variety of modifications before use and can be in solid, liquid and gaseous forms.


The advantages of biofuel are as follows:

  1. Mobility. Biofuel has the ability to be produced anywhere in the world, regardless of climatic conditions and topography, because this type of fuel can be produced from various organic compounds.
  2. Renewability. Since biofuel is obtained from a variety of organic compounds of plant or animal origin, for example, manure, its quantity will not run out.
  3. Environmentally friendly. It is a cleaner type of fuel and, when burned, emits fewer harmful substances into the air than fossil fuels.
  4. Caring for the environment. Biofuel production solves problems associated with waste disposal.

Types of biofuels:

Taking into account the state of aggregation, fuel of biological origin can be in a liquid, solid or gaseous state.

The most common form of biofuel is, by far, solid biomass.

Solid mass is presented in the form of fuel briquettes and granules, combustible peat, biochar, wood chips and firewood.

Liquid (motor) fuel is a product of processing plant raw materials that ensures the operation of internal combustion engines. This includes: bioethanol, biomethanol, biodiesel, biobutanol, dimethyl ether.

In the gaseous state, biofuels are represented by biogas and biohydrogen.

Biofuel engine - a little history and its options

For us today, gasoline and diesel fuel are the only types of fuel on which the engine we are all familiar with runs. But it should be noted that this was not always the case. At the dawn of its existence, for internal combustion engines, everything that was suitable was used as fuel - oil, alcohol, ether, gas, firewood, etc.

So it should be quite interesting to think back on the biofuels that were used before. In this case, it is worth especially noting:

  • alcohol in its various forms;
  • oil;
  • gas.

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Fuel pellets:

Fuel pellets are obtained from wood waste, nut shells, sunflower husks, sawdust, bark and wood chips. At the initial stage of processing, biomass, crushed to flour, enters the dryer, then under the press. Under conditions of high pressure and high-temperature environments, the natural polymer lignin is released, which exhibits adhesive properties. The output is fuel cylinders with a minimum percentage of ash content (no more than 3%).

Ecofuel production in Russia

In the Russian Federation, the new industry is developing slowly. Mainly the production of firewood, fuel pellets and braces has been established. Most of the pellets (80%) are exported. Regional programs to intensify the use of biodiesel are being developed.

The potential for the development of biogas production is high, especially in the Southern, Volga and Central districts of the country.

Solid biofuels have been used in Russia for a long time. Russians know how to make some types of it themselves. For example, dung (dried manure) is prepared in large quantities by residents of Western Siberia.


Firewood today is considered one of the most popular types of fuel of biological origin. To obtain large volumes of firewood, energy forests are planted, with which fast-growing forests, shrubs and grasses (acacia, poplar, corn) are associated. Planting of biotechnological crops is usually carried out in a checkerboard pattern or in a square-cluster method. It is often practiced to plant other fast-growing agricultural crops in the spaces between trees (combined method). At least 4-6 years must pass from the moment of planting to the complete cutting of trees or plant crops. In developed countries of the world, maintenance of entire plantations of fast-growing poplar and willow is practiced. In Northern India, huge areas have been allocated for planting eucalyptus and poplar. The main goal of these activities is to obtain large volumes of environmentally friendly and energy-intensive fuel for heating homes and closed production sites.

Preparation of charcoal

Charcoal is of interest to homeowners as a fuel used in home grills and barbecues. It is no secret that buying such coal in a store is quite expensive, while at home you can burn it for free, just by spending your time. By the way, it makes no sense to burn it in solid fuel boilers or stoves; it is much easier to put ordinary firewood in the firebox.

Charcoal is burned from wood in 2 ways:

  • in barrels;
  • in the pits.

The first method requires an ordinary 200 liter steel barrel and a household vacuum cleaner. The latter will serve to pump air, so a pipe must be cut into the bottom of the barrel to connect it. Light a fire at the bottom of the container, then fill it halfway with wood and turn on the vacuum cleaner. Then the wood is piled up to the top, covered with a lid and covered with clay. When everything has burned down and the barrel has cooled, sorting is done to separate the charcoal from the ash.

In a similar way, wood is burned in a pit. The latter is dug 0.8 m in diameter and no more than 0.6 m in depth. The bottom of the pit is compacted, after which a fire is built in it and firewood up to 30 cm long is laid in layers. Filling occurs as the previous layer is burned, the process lasts about 3 hours. At the end, the pit is covered with branches and moss, and sprinkled with earth on top. After 2 days, the coating can be removed and the coals removed.


Bioethanol is a classic biofuel substitute for gasoline, which occupies a leading position in the list of motor fuels of biological origin. The main application of bioethanol is as fuel for running car engines, but in recent years the product has been used as biofuel for home fireplaces.

When mixed with gasoline, bioethanol has many advantages: it increases engine power, does not overheat during operation, does not form soot and soot, and does not emit smoke.

When used as fuel for fireplaces, bioethanol demonstrates better environmental qualities than conventional firewood: it emits a minimum of carbon dioxide and does not produce soot and smoke. Bioethanol as fuel for fireplaces even in apartment buildings.

To produce ethanol, raw materials containing starch, sugar or cellulose are taken, and the latter option is considered the most economically feasible.

Starch or sugar is found in corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, barley, sugar beets, grains, and sugar cane. Ethanol production from sugarcane is more profitable than from corn.

At the moment, there are two known methods for producing bioethanol: alcoholic fermentation (microbiological method) and ethylene hydration (synthetic method).

When carrying out the fermentation reaction, a 15% solution of bioethanol is obtained, which subsequently goes through several stages of purification and concentration through distillation.

On an industrial scale, bioethanol is produced through the process of hydrolysis from cellulose-containing raw materials (sawdust, straw). The resulting mixture is subsequently subjected to alcoholic fermentation.

Making briquettes

Setting up the production of biofuel from sawdust, straw and other waste at home is somewhat easier. The only equipment you will need is a hand press made specifically for this purpose. It can be purchased ready-made, ordered from craftsmen, or, if you have the appropriate skills, made yourself. A factory-ready press costs a lot of money, so the last option will cost you the least.

The production of briquettes begins with the preparation of the mixture. Sawdust, seed husks, straw and even soaked waste paper are used as raw materials. Of course, such fuel can burn wonderfully in a stove or solid fuel boiler, but due to the low bulk density, the firebox will have to be loaded too often. Ready-made solid biofuel made from straw or sawdust will burn much longer.

The mixture consists of raw materials, water and clay, which serves as a binder. Straw or paper must first be crushed, then mixed with clay in a ratio of 10:1 (1 kg of clay per 10 kg of waste) and water. The amount of water must be selected so as to ensure uniform mixing and the ability of the mixture to be molded. You should not add a lot of clay to the solution; do not forget that it will remain in your boiler in the form of ash.

A special form is filled with the mixture, then it is placed under a press. After pressing, the finished briquette is carefully removed and laid out to dry in the sun. You can see the pressing operation in the video:


Biomethanol is used as a motor fuel for internal combustion engines. The total share of the product used as fuel for cars and trucks is 20%. on the basis of biomethanol , which is an alternative to the use of heating oil, but unlike it, it has a higher energy intensity and does not require the use of special boilers. Among the striking advantages of this product, it should be highlighted: low carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and the ability to recycle organic waste. The disadvantages include: the presence of a colorless flame, which can create an emergency situation and etching of the internal cavities of carburetors and aluminum systems.

The technology for the production of biomethanol is currently not clearly established. A promising direction is the process of obtaining a product from phytoplankton through the biochemical transformation of feedstock. The conversion process involves fermentation of biomass and then direct oxidation of methane.

The advantages of this technology are obvious: fresh water and soil are not required. Phytoplankton has good energy output and is highly productive.

The scope of application of biomethanol is not limited to the automotive industry - the product is also widely used in the chemical industry to produce methylamines, formaldehydes, solvents, and is added to antifreeze and natural gas.

Historical reference

The first steps towards the creation of biofuels were taken with the advent of butanol (butyl alcohol). Then, a fermentation process was used with the participation of the bacterium Clostridium acetobutylicum, also called the ABE process after the name of the three end products of fermentation - acetone, butanol and ethanol. The automotive industry played a huge role in the development of biofuels. Already in 1826, the American inventor S. Mori created an engine for which alcohol and turpentine served as fuel. It has been proven that vegetable oil can be used as fuel for steam engines and ships. In 1876, the German inventor N. Otto created the world's first four-stroke internal combustion engine running on ethanol. We still use various modifications of this engine today. Even more unusual projects were created. For example, in 1895 R. Diesel proposed a type of diesel engine based on the use of peanut oil. G. Ford was so confident in the future of alcohol cars that he even built a distillery in the Midwest of the United States, where he invested considerable funds. During World War 1, cars in most countries around the world used ethanol as fuel along with gasoline.

In the 17th century J. B. van Helmont discovered that decaying biomass releases flammable gases. A. Volta in 1776 came to the conclusion that there is a relationship between the amount of decomposing biomass and the amount of gas released. In 1808 Sir G. Davy discovered methane in biogas. The first biogas plant was built in Bombay in 1859. In 1895, biogas was used in Great Britain for street lighting. In 1930, with the development of microbiology, bacteria involved in the process of biogas production were discovered. In the USSR, research was carried out in the 1940s; in 1948–54 the first laboratory installation was developed and built. There is a steady tendency to use biogas to solve a wide variety of energy issues: heating homes, generating electricity, producing reliable automobile fuel. At the same time, the mechanisms for its production are constantly being improved, new, more practical and economical ways to obtain high-quality fuel are being developed.


Biodiesel is a product of biological origin based on animal and vegetable fats (oils), as well as their derivatives.

Biodiesel has many advantages:

a) excellent lubricating qualities of the product can significantly extend the life of internal combustion engines;

b) completely disintegrates when released into the soil, without causing harm to animals and plants;

c) does not contain sulfur, unlike diesel fuel;

d) allows previously unused low-quality agricultural land to be put into circulation;

e) the residual component of biodiesel production - cake can be further used as livestock feed.

For the production of biodiesel in different countries of the world, rapeseed and its varieties, soybeans, castor, coconut and palm oil, and the jatropha plant from the euphorbia family are used.

In recent years, scientists have been working to improve the technology for producing biodiesel from algae. Experts estimate that 2,400 liters of palm oil can be obtained from one acre of land, and 3,570 barrels of bio-oil (where one barrel is equal to 150 liters) can be obtained from the water surface.

Raw materials

The prefix “bio” indicates plant (biological) origin, lack of negative impact on the climate and environmental benefits. The raw materials for biofuel production are:

  • animal waste,
  • oil plants,
  • grain crops,
  • sugar beet or cane,
  • wood and its waste,
  • energy plants.

There are 3 generations of the most environmentally friendly fuel, although there is no clear boundary between them. To produce first-generation energy carriers, plants with a high content of fats, sugars, and starch are taken. Second-generation fuel is obtained by processing wood, grass, and crop residues that are not suitable for consumption. Energy sources from algae belong to the third generation. The biological productivity of aquatic organisms is much higher than that of terrestrial plants.

Important criteria for assessing the potential and environmental friendliness of biofuels are yield and price.


Biohydrogen is a gaseous product obtained from biomass by biochemical or thermochemical methods.

With the biochemical method of exposure, the process of biomass breakdown is initiated by special bacteria. In the thermochemical method, biomass is heated to 800°C without access to oxygen. During the reaction, H2, CO and CH4 are released from the biomass.

Hydrogen can also be produced from sewage or seawater by certain species of green algae (for example, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii).

On an industrial scale, the use of hydrogen is limited, since when it interacts with air, an explosive mixture is formed, which is extremely explosive.

Gaseous fuel

The raw materials for biogas production can be manure, bird droppings, grain and molasses stillage, spent grain, beet pulp, fecal sludge, fish and slaughterhouse waste (blood, fat, intestines, cane), grass, household waste, dairy waste (salted and sweet whey), biodiesel production waste (technical glycerin from the production of biodiesel from rapeseed), waste from the production of juices (fruit, berry, vegetable pulp, grape pomace, algae), waste from the production of starch and molasses (pulp and syrup), processing waste potatoes, chip production (peelings, skins, rotten tubers, coffee pulp). In addition, biogas can be produced from specially grown energy crops, such as corn silage or silphium, as well as from algae.

Landfill gas is one of the types of biogas. It is produced in landfills from municipal household waste, which can effectively solve the problem of litter in large cities and significantly improve the environmental situation.

One of the main tasks of biogas stations (in addition to obtaining electrical and thermal energy) is recycling waste, obtaining fertilizers, and improving the ecological situation of the environment. The technology for the production of biogas (methane fermentation) is carried out in an apparatus (digester), including a raw material loader, a reactor, mixers, a gas holder, a water mixing system, a heating system, a gas system, a pumping station, a separator, and control devices. Biomass (waste or green mass) is periodically supplied to the reactor using a pumping station or loader. The reactor is a heated and insulated tank (reinforced concrete or coated steel), equipped with mixers. Beneficial bacteria live in the reactor and feed on biomass. To maintain the life of bacteria, feed is required, heating to 35–38 ° C and periodic stirring. The resulting biogas accumulates in a storage facility (gas holder), then passes through a purification system and is supplied to consumers (boiler or electric generator). The reactor operates without air access, is sealed and non-hazardous. To ferment some types of raw materials in their pure form, a special technology is required, for example, processing using a single-stage technology without chemical additives, but with co-fermentation (mixing) with other types of raw materials, such as manure or silage.

Composition and quality of biogas: 50–87% methane, 13–50% CO2, minor impurities of H2 and H2S. After cleaning biogas from CO2, biomethane is obtained - a complete analogue of natural gas, the only difference is in the origin. The yield of biogas depends on the dry matter content and the type of raw material used. A ton of cattle manure produces 50–65 m³ of biogas with a methane content of 60%, and from various types of plants 150–500 m3 of biogas with a methane content of up to 70%. The maximum amount of biogas can be obtained from fat - 1300 m³ with a methane content of up to 87%. The main task of biogas stations is to process waste, obtain fertilizers, improve the ecological situation of the environment, and only then – obtain electrical and thermal energy.

Biogas is used as a fuel to produce electricity, heat or steam, or as a vehicle fuel (for example, Scania also produces buses with biogas-powered engines). Biogas plants can be installed as wastewater treatment plants on farms, poultry farms, distilleries, sugar factories, and meat processing plants. A biogas plant can replace a veterinary and sanitary plant, i.e. carrion can be recycled into biogas instead of producing meat and bone meal. Among industrialized countries, the leading place in the production and use of biogas in terms of relative indicators belongs to Denmark (up to 18% in its total energy balance). In absolute terms, Germany occupies the leading place in the number of medium and large installations (8,000 thousand units). In Western Europe, at least half of all poultry farms are heated with biogas. In India, Vietnam, Nepal and other countries, small (single-family) biogas plants are being built. The gas produced in them is used for cooking. China is currently the world leader in the implementation of biogas production technology. The total production of biogas in the country is 14 billion m3/year. According to experts, if the current growth rate of the biogas industry is maintained (and this is an almost annual doubling of the market), China will become a world leader in biogas production by 2020.

Biohydrogen is hydrogen obtained from biomass by thermochemical, biochemical or other means. With the thermochemical method, biomass is heated without access to oxygen to a temperature of 500–800 ° C (for wood waste), which is much lower than the temperature of the coal gasification process. As a result of the process, H2, CO and CH4 are released. Biohydrogen can be produced thermomechanically from wood waste, but the cost of this method is still too high. In the biochemical process, hydrogen is produced by various bacteria, for example Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Enterobacter cloacae. It is possible to use various enzymes or enzymes [from lat. fermentum – leaven; usually protein molecules or their complexes that accelerate (catalyze) chemical reactions in living systems] to accelerate the production of hydrogen from polysaccharides (starch, cellulose) contained in biomass. The process takes place at a temperature of 30 °C and normal pressure. Hydrogen can be produced by a group of green algae, such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Algae can produce hydrogen from seawater or sewage.

A project is being developed to produce biohydrogen by microbiological means using principles similar to those used to produce biogas. Using the method of butyl fermentation of sucrose or starch, up to 140 m3 of hydrogen can be obtained from 1 ton of molasses, 1 ton of sweet sorghum stalks - 50 m3, 1 ton of potatoes - 42 m3.

The use of hydrogen in transport and energy is currently due to the lack of developed infrastructure, limited to the creation of conceptual models of hydrogen cars and equipment operating on hydrogen fuel cells. The possibility of using hydrogen as a fuel is also complicated by safety problems: hydrogen can create an explosive mixture with air - explosive gas; Liquefied hydrogen has exceptional penetrating properties, requiring the use of special materials.

Synthesis gas (cigas) is a mixture of gases, the main components of which are CO and H2; used for the synthesis of various chemical compounds. Currently, synthesis gas is produced by conversion of natural gas or petroleum products (from light gasoline - naphtha to oil residues) and only on a small scale by chemical processing of wood, as well as gasification of coal. Depending on the raw material used and the type of conversion (water vapor or non-stoichiometric amount of O2), the ratio of components in the gas mixture varies within wide limits. Synthesis gas is also obtained, along with the target product acetylene, during the oxidative pyrolysis of natural gas.

Impact of using fuel of biological origin on the environment:

In many countries around the world, the demand for fuels of biological origin is increasing. In pursuit of profit, most suppliers of wood pellets are increasing their trade volumes, thereby contributing to the deforestation of forests and other green spaces.

The question of carbon neutrality of bioenergy still remains an intrigue - scientists argue whether there is a risk of adding CO2 to the atmosphere or whether the share of such emissions will not affect the natural balance.

In some Asian countries, due to ill-conceived government actions, in connection with the withdrawal of agricultural land from cultivation and its allocation to energy crops, there is an acute shortage of food.

How our enterprise for the production of sawdust pellets was created

The idea of ​​stirring up something had been hanging in the air for a long time. There were also acquaintances who were ready to participate in the process, and there was enough experience and skills in commercial activities. I just needed an idea. The idea is understandable, clear, and somewhat unique. And...... free.

Financial and technical issues did not bother us much. All participants were in “themes”, and everyone had, if not chocolate, then marmalade. Four people participated in the project. Everything is in equal shares. It would be incorrect for me to share information about who they are and how they live without their knowledge. I'll omit this information. I’ll just say in general: these are all real people with very difficult destinies. As for me personally, I was simply bored at work. Everything worked, hummed, loaded and sold. You can't jump any higher. It was necessary to move somewhere, to develop.

Where it all started

So, it all started with the construction of a bathhouse on my summer cottage. Well, I really wanted a bathhouse - a real, chopped one. After a short search, I found the “specialists” and went to them, in the suburbs, for a meeting to discuss the process and come to an agreement.

What I saw on the spot defies normal perception. Fields littered with sawdust and slabs for many square kilometers. Money, mountains of money lay under our feet. They just had to be picked up, cleaned and put in your pocket.

This was the very idea we had been waiting for. Freebies, freebies and money. We will omit the process of building a bathhouse. I’ll say this: I built it, and then I built my daughter’s house, and now I’m building another house for myself.

Market analysis

We sat with the guys. Let me remind you that there were four of us. Everything is in equal shares. We discussed the idea of ​​biofuels and decided to pump everything up. There is always a problem, and in all businesses related to production there is one and it is the most important:


And lo and behold, the market analysis says, no, it screams:

EVERYONE WILL BUY!!!!!! They will buy it immediately and for euros!!!! Guys, do it!!!! Guys, YOU WILL HAVE A TURN!!! Forward !!! Forward!!!! Money burns my thigh!!!

You will not have problems with the sale of biofuel; everyone will buy it. This is true . The question is whether you can produce enough and with such profitability to stay afloat and cover expenses. That's the problem.

Investment and getting started

Well…. We found a promising site for production, an engineering company for the design and construction of the enterprise, distributed responsibilities among ourselves, drew up a business plan, registered, signed up, calculated, estimated - we need about... yam... green... and more than one...

To begin with, we chipped in. We rented an apartment. We moved to live at a new place of work.

What is biogas?

Here's what biofuels roughly look like from a chemical point of view:

  1. Methane.
  2. Carbon dioxide.
  3. Impurities of other gases, for example, hydrogen sulfide.

If you process 1 kilogram of organic matter, you can get up to 0.5 kilograms of biofuel.

Why did we leave this business?

Now we are no longer engaged in this business.

Advice for those wishing to build their own production in the biofuel sector

Finally, I will say the following, and this is my personal, subjective opinion, and I have every right to it: if you now had such an idea - in the sense of producing biofuel - I would drive it like hell, and here's why:

  1. There are only a few people in Russia who understand and can design and build an enterprise for the production of fuel from sawdust in Russia!!!!!!!!
  2. The overwhelming majority of those companies that are engaged in so-called “engineering” are “air” sellers, especially Muscovites!
  3. If you still decide to start this business. Find an existing enterprise and work there for at least 2-3 weeks as a regular worker. You will understand everything right away. A tour in an expensive car in a shirt and suit will not open your eyes to the realities of this business.
  4. The basis of production is a drying complex with a heat generator. Its power is determined in megawatts per ton of water evaporated. You need at least a 2 MW heat generator. It’s realistic to make it so that it threshes 200 days a year, 24 hours a day; in Russia, about five people can do it. And these are not companies or factories. These are private traders with drawings on their knees.
  5. All sources of free raw materials are selected and shared by well-known businessmen.
  6. Organizing production on the basis of the “OGM-5 press + drying complex” combination is only partially possible. And it will be a “dance with a tambourine”.
  7. Buying used equipment from the Baltic states and deploying it in the Russian Federation means wasted money and bankruptcy.
  8. Business is profitable only when you have a constant source of raw materials. That is, you are the owner of a pulp and paper mill or a large forest processing complex, and the production of pellets is an add-on to the main business.
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