PLEN heating: technical characteristics, reviews from real owners

Here you will learn:

  • What is PLEN
  • Positive and negative consumer reviews

In this review we look at reviews from real owners about PLEN. Film infrared heating allows you to heat households with minimal energy costs. But since it is an innovation, consumers need ratings from existing users. Let's see what people are saying about this new product. Along with the reviews, the review will give the identified advantages and disadvantages.

What is the PLEN heating system?

PLEN is a heating system that is based on the use of an electric film heater, the individual design of which produces infrared radiation.

The laminated coating 100% prevents liquid penetration onto the heating resistor.

A film heater can be ceiling-mounted, or installed on a wall or floor, and then masked with a decorative coating (tile, plasterboard, plastic, MDF).

The system operates from a 220 V power supply and can withstand voltage surges from 160 V to 300 V.

The PLEN design is used:

  • for heating dachas, cottages;
  • for heating premises for production, warehouses, garages;
  • for heating retail and administrative areas;
  • for heating restaurants, cafes and bars;
  • for heating apartments;
  • for heating greenhouses;
  • for drying wood;
  • for drying in car paint shops;
  • for a healing small sauna.

Design and principle of operation of a film electric heater

The film heater is characterized by a multilayer lavsan construction with a maximum thickness of 1.2 mm. Inside the lavsan films there are built-in special heating elements made of metal and aluminum foil, which can heat up to 45 °C.

Lavsan material is intended for the functions of electrical insulation and external finishing.

When the PLEN heating is connected, electricity moves to resistive elements that heat the foil. The IR rays that are produced as a result have a length of 9.4 microns and heat objects in the room, equipment, floors, and people. Therefore, a favorable microclimate is maintained in residential premises at all times.

Infrared heating PLEN can act both as the main source and as an additional one.

The flow of warm air from the IR film is distributed evenly throughout the room.

How it works

  • You install the system and connect it to the power supply.
  • Flowing through the resistive elements located between the PLEN films, electrical energy is converted into thermal energy. Due to direct contact with aluminum foil, which covers the entire plane of the film, heat exchange is ensured and then heat distribution throughout the entire substrate.
  • Proper placement of resistive elements has a beneficial effect on creating a layer at different points of which almost the same temperature is maintained.
  • A surface heated to a temperature of 40-45 °C becomes a source of infrared radiation in the mid-wave range.
  • Reaching the opposite surface (in our case, the floor), the radiation is absorbed and releases heat.
  • Thus, we get a heating surface with a relatively low temperature, uniformly heated and warming up the heavy lower layers of air and then throughout the entire room.

Advantages and disadvantages

How does the PLEN heating system work?

A film electric heater, in addition to saving energy, has a number of other advantages:

  1. Easy and quick installation. To start the film heater, you do not need to install additional communications, you only need an electrical network. Installation of a turnkey system for an area of ​​100 m² will take about two days.
  2. If the need arises, the heating system can be dismantled without damaging its functionality.
  3. The operational period of the PLEN IR system is at least 50 years.
  4. Voltage drops and instability of the power supply are not scary.
  5. PLEN heating is fireproof.
  6. It is stable and can only become unusable along with the premises.
  7. Creation of a favorable microclimate.
  8. Heating the air in a room from 10 to 20 °C will occur in just 40–50 minutes (while convective air heating from 10 to 20 °C will require more than 10 hours).
  9. Since the system is self-regulating, it will independently maintain the specified heating temperature stable by automatically turning the heaters on and off (a thermostat is installed).
  10. The PLEN system can operate from the power supply all year round.
  11. When heating using this method, oxygen is not burned and the air does not dry out.
  12. No dust (since the principle of convection is not applied).
  13. Infrared rays do not have a negative effect on human health.
  14. When installing the PLEN system in rooms in areas with a humid climate, humidity indicators will be normal due to effective drying.
  15. When the device operates, there are completely no combustion products.
  16. The operation of the system without noise ensures its installation in country houses, cottages, recreation centers, pavilions, etc.
  17. Aesthetics. PLEN heating can be covered with various decorative materials that do not contain metal.
  18. Fast payback. This heating system pays for itself to the owner within 2-3 years.

What types of thermostats are there?

There are many advantages of using the heating system in question. However, it also has disadvantages:

  1. It is worth saying that a film IR heater on the ceiling is not very effective. Warm air accumulates near the ceiling and it seems as if only the upper body and head are warming up, while the legs remain cold.
  2. With high heat transfer, the PLEN heating system only works in rooms with good thermal insulation.
  3. The surface on which the system is installed must be hard, level and dry.
  4. The IR design should be treated with care; it cannot withstand various mechanical impacts.
  5. Using the PLEN system as the main source of heating in very cold rooms can lead to significant energy costs.

You can read more about infrared electric heaters here.

What types of IR heaters are there?

The modern market offers so many varieties of products that it is easy to get confused in this abundance.
Let's divide all types of heaters into categories. According to the type of installation, infrared heaters can be divided into the following: ceiling; floor; wall-mounted Ceiling heaters are considered the most effective in terms of heating the room. Their radiation covers almost the entire area of ​​the room. Such heating is safe, harmless, and comfortable. Some models are installed at the junction between the ceiling and the wall.

Floor heaters are not as efficient as ceiling heaters. However, their advantage is ease of use (they do not require special installation, they are plugged into an outlet). It is recommended to buy such devices to replace oil heaters, since they are much more comfortable and economical.

Wall-mounted IR heaters are used outdoors. This is a separate class of IR heaters - convective-infrared heaters. This is a type of device that not only emits IR heat, but also warms up the air next to it. In this they are similar to Soviet cast iron batteries.

Types of heaters by wavelength

According to the wavelength, IR heaters can be: short-wave;
medium wave; long-wave. Shortwave heaters. They have a high heating temperature (up to 800 degrees Celsius) and glow red. Short-wave heaters are halogen, quartz, carbon.

As a rule, they are mounted on the wall or installed on the floor. It is very comfortable to be under the rays of such a device for a long time, since the temperature is high. As a rule, shortwave models are installed outdoors.

Medium wave devices. They are also not recommended for heating residential premises. These are models of heaters with an open heating element. Medium wave heaters consist of a steel tube heated to a red glow, surrounded by a reflector. Application: rooms with high ceilings (workshops, warehouses), rooms exposed to drafts (subway).

Long wave heaters. They emit a fairly gentle flow of heat. It is this variety that is recommended for use for basic or additional heating of residential premises, as well as children's and medical institutions. The heat from long-wave devices is felt much less, but it is much more comfortable and pleasant.


Having considered the advantages and disadvantages, everyone has the right to make a personal choice in favor of heating with a film electric heater. To be sure to compare it with other types, we present the main technical characteristics. We suggest viewing several useful tables.

Technical characteristics of the PLEN heating system.

Supply voltage220 V
Power120-160 W/m²
Maximum power160 W/m²
Rated power20-40 W/m²
Wavelength6-20 microns
Heating element operating temperature40-45 °C
DimensionsMade to order
Weight0.9 kg/m²
Protection by classIP 44
Width of PLEN strip200, 300, 400 and 600 mm
Warranty period3 years
Life timemore than 50 years
Infrared radiationAt least 90%
Heating element film thickness0.3 mm

Calculation of the PLEN heating system for various premises.

Heated area, m²Average monthly electricity consumption, kW/hApproximate cost of a heating system kit, rub.
8589 200
128713 380
1813020 070
3626040 140
9064898 280

For compact rooms or rooms with complex geometric configurations, systems with a voltage of 110 V are available.

Alternative and traditional heating of a country house prices and options

Let's consider the main types of fuel that can be used to heat private households in our latitudes:

  • firewood and coal;
  • fuel oil, diesel, gasoline, mining;
  • network and bottled gas;
  • electricity (grid, solar or wind);
  • geothermal energy.

Each of the listed types has its pros and cons

When choosing the type of heating, it is important to take into account the financial capabilities of the family to purchase and operate the system, the availability of fuel and the possibility of combining different types of fuel

It is worth considering that cheap equipment is usually short-lived

Saving on qualified technicians can result in system problems

That is why it is important to think through everything down to the smallest detail, draw up a project competently and entrust the work to professionals


Do-it-yourself installation of the PLEN system is characterized by simplicity and low time investment.

For convenience, the device is produced in different parameters. The length can vary from 1 to 5 meters, width - from 0.35 to 0.65 meters.

If you choose PLEN as the main heating system, then think about the level of air exchange. The higher the indicator, the greater the efficiency will be.

The PLEN system is installed on 80% of the ceiling surface and is perfect for plasterboard structures, suspended and suspended ceilings. After starting the system, the IR rays gradually begin to warm up the room, and after 13 days on average they are fully installed at the level of normal heat energy distribution.

If you decide to install the IR device yourself, then think carefully. Even minor errors can have a negative impact on safety, which costs more than the prices of the experts.

Installing a film electric heater on the ceiling

Installation instructions:

  1. Initially, you need to prepare working surfaces, which must be reliably insulated, leveled, and cleaned.
  2. Due to the dispersion of infrared radiation on the sides, it is necessary to direct it to the center of the room; for this, foil is glued to the surface under the PLEN, which is in contact with the surface of the walls, floor or ceiling with the foil part. The foil film can be replaced with penofol. In this case, fastening is carried out using a construction stapler with staples.
  3. Attach the PLEN strips with a special stapler.
  4. The foil sheet is overlapped by 2-3 centimeters and sealed with foil adhesive tape. Heating strips can be placed leaving a gap of up to 20 centimeters.

It is recommended to install the cable channel into which the wiring of infrared devices is planned to be installed directly next to the heating film. Remember to be careful: do not violate the integrity of the system.

Wiring laid in the cable channel must be connected parallel to the main line. The cross-section of the wire can be different and depends on the power parameters of the heating system.

Now it’s time to choose the optimal location for the thermostat. It is installed at a height of 1.7 meters from the floor in any chosen location. For the results to be fair, the surface above the device must be warm. In a small room, the thermostat can be connected to a break in the line so that you do not have to pull the power wire from the panel and start it using a magnetic contactor.

In order to complete all the work efficiently, it is recommended to start the heating system to be sure of its functionality.


We looked at the options and prices for heating a country house. The cheapest types of fuel are gas and coal. It is possible to connect to a free geothermal heat source, but the cost of installation is not yet affordable for most consumers.

In any case, when planning a home heating system, take into account the availability of energy sources and choose the best option

Take the time to do careful calculations and consult with heating experts. Their professional opinion will help you make the right choice.

Most owners of private houses are accustomed to gas heating from a boiler, which is considered the most economical and affordable. However, what about those where it is not possible to install such a heating system? An excellent alternative option is PLEN heating. Specifications, prices and reviews vary between models. We will analyze all the features and independent installation of such a “warm film”.

Installation option in a wooden house

Tips for choosing a PLEN system

In order to make the right decision when choosing this infrared heating, it is worth taking note of some nuances. Otherwise, you risk not only “throwing money away”:

  1. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the thermal insulation of the living space (walls, floors, windows, ventilation systems), where it is planned to install the electric heater, and the thermal conductivity of the coating under the PLEN system. Otherwise, even in the calmest weather, heat energy losses will be significant.
  2. The second tip is to analyze the climate in which your home is located. The heat losses of the room, which is located in the zone of constant winds, are very high. This means that in order to create a favorable microclimate, the PLEN heating system must be turned on frequently, which in turn means that electricity costs will be significant.

If you follow these simple recommendations, you will make the right decision and choose a quality device, thereby providing yourself and your loved ones with a comfortable and cozy stay and reducing energy costs.

Installation of the PLEN heating system on the floor

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