How to cover up cracks in a stove: the right mixtures and procedure

Cracks are often found on brick stoves, so SNIP standards provide for regular preventive inspections of heating devices in dachas and private homes. After identifying the damage, the owners are interested in the question of how to cover up the cracks in the stove. We understand the reasons for their appearance and learn to diagnose the extent of the danger. Having studied the issue, you will be able to choose the right plan of action, select the appropriate composition and correctly eliminate the defect.

How to preserve the beauty and functionality of the stove Source

Causes of cracks

Owners of brick fireplaces, having discovered a problem, rush to find out how to cover the stove in the house so that it does not crack in the future. It is important to understand that damage is caused by various reasons, and not all of them can be eliminated by cosmetic repairs. In most cases, violation of the integrity of the masonry is not dangerous and can be easily eliminated. Seams crack for the following reasons:

  • Irregular use. In winter, the house is heated with long breaks (for example, the owners come to the dacha on weekends). Temperature changes inevitably lead to the appearance of cracks in the seams of the furnace walls.
  • Violation of operating rules. Cracks cannot be avoided if the stove is not given time to stand and dry well after laying.
  • Design flaws. Different zones of the structure are heated unevenly, and the material expands differently when heated. Cracks run along the boundaries of areas with different temperatures.
  • Finishing errors. Poor quality solution selected; its layer is too thick, or, conversely, too thin.

The problem is obvious Source

  • Error in choosing masonry mixture. Problems arise when masonry is done with the wrong mortar, causing the thermal expansion of the brick and the mortar to mismatch. The result is a network of microcracks, which appears on the heated structure.

The question of how to coat a stove with clay so as not to crack goes to another level if the reasons for the damage are more fundamental:

  • Construction errors. If errors are made in the foundation design, restoration of the seams will not help, and the owners will face a major overhaul. The solidity of the furnace walls is also compromised if there are defects in the furnace design. Both options are life-threatening due to through cracks, a source of carbon monoxide.
  • Calculation errors. If the physical characteristics of the materials were not taken into account when calculating the seams and no reserve was left for thermal expansion, the resulting cracks create a threat of collapse. The stove structure will have to be rebuilt.

Note! Before you begin eliminating cracks, it is worth conducting diagnostics. If the cause is global, restoration makes no sense. You can start choosing a mixture if the reason is insignificant.

Cracks around the fire Source

How to cover the gap in the oven between the bricks and the door

The practice of bathhouse owners shows that one of the weak points in a sauna stove is the area between the masonry and the metal frame of the door. During combustion, adding fuel and mixing coals, the doors are constantly opening and closing. This provokes loosening of the door block and cracking of nearby bricks. If there are problems with the stove door closing tightly or there are gaps in the masonry, there is a danger of the combustion material falling out. This may cause a fire. To minimize damage or seal the resulting gap in the masonry, use clay mortar and fireclay.

In the first case, you can strengthen the new seam using a stainless steel plate or using a piece of metal mesh with small cells. The interlayer reduces the thermal load on the brickwork around the door. Fireclay clay is also suitable for preventing the stove from smoking. Compared to clay-sand mortar, which you can make yourself, this material has high heat resistance.

On a note!

The gaps must be removed immediately, since the presence of gaps in the stove increases the likelihood of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Solutions and mixtures for restoration

External defects on the stove can be corrected using several compounds; Some of them are mixed independently, others can be purchased ready-made. Each of the compositions has its own characteristics, but all of them will reliably seal the cracks and prevent carbon monoxide from entering the room.

Fireclay putty

Chamotte is clay with fire-resistant properties, a professional option for stove restoration. Chamotte is sold in construction stores; it has valuable advantages. It is often chosen by owners when evaluating options for how to coat the stove to prevent it from cracking.

The main advantage is the combination of heat resistance and strength. After application and drying, the clay becomes vapor-tight and moisture-resistant. It is also important that fireclay is a natural, healthy material suitable for use in residential premises.

To prepare the mixture for restoration, mix one part of M-500 cement, two parts of fireclay and seven parts of river sand. Water is added until a plastic consistency is obtained. The materials are pre-prepared: sand and cement are sifted, clay is soaked in water for several hours.

Fireclay putty recipe Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the design and installation of fireplaces and stoves

Sand-clay mixture

An inexpensive solution for restoration is made from ordinary building clay and sand. The mixture is quickly prepared and serves as a quick solution to the problem of how to cover the stove so that it does not crack. The mixture is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • To obtain a solution, the clay is poured with water at the rate of one part clay to three parts water.
  • The clay is infused for 24 hours, then it is mixed and sifted through a sieve with a mesh size of 3x3 mm.
  • The solution is allowed to settle and excess water is drained. The remaining solution should have the consistency of thick sour cream.
  • River sand is added to the container in a 1 to 1 ratio and mixed with clay until smooth.

Then the mixture is brought to the desired condition - sand is added to it in parts; As a result, there are 2.5 parts of sand for one part of clay. If you plunge a shovel into the container and pull it out, the correct mixture remains in homogeneous clumps. After application and drying, the sand-clay layer remains flexible enough to withstand high temperatures.

Kneading clay Source

Ready-made adhesive mixtures for stoves and fireplaces

Construction stores offer glue for repairing fireplaces and stoves, eliminating the problem of covering up the stove. There are two options for glue, plastic and hard, with the following composition:

  • The filler for all brands of glue is quartz sand.
  • Binder: a mixture of fireclay and sand, or heat-resistant aluminosilicate cement and kaolin,
  • Mineral plasticizer: fireclay fiber, liquid glass or soapstone flour (furnace or soapstone).

The main advantage of industrially produced glue is its uniform texture, which cannot be achieved at home. Different brands are characterized by different limits of heat resistance, as evidenced by their characteristics: the composition can be heat-resistant, heat-resistant or heat-resistant. The composition and temperature ranges are indicated in the instructions.

The glue is quickly prepared for use and sets quickly, so it is prepared in small portions. Plastic varieties are applied to cracks and cracks, while hard ones are intended for plastering the entire surface.

Grout adhesive Source

Rules for grouting

To properly coat the stove with clay, you must follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. The surface, cleaned of plaster, is generously moistened with primer or water.
  2. Using a chisel, knock out the gaps between the bricks.
  3. The oven is warming up.
  4. Using a trowel, apply the clay mixture into the cracks and spread it over the entire surface in an even layer. If you don’t have a tool, you can do the smearing by hand. The mixture does not cause irritation or damage to the skin.
  5. When the surface is dry, another layer of the mixture is sprayed. Particular attention is paid to cracks - there should be a dense layer of mortar between the gaps.
  6. Using a damp wooden trowel, grout in a circular motion to remove any unevenness.
  7. The last step is plastering the stove.

The process of sealing with fire-resistant adhesive is carried out according to the same scheme, but includes an additional step. After filling the cracks with plastic material, the entire surface is treated with a hard type of glue so that the stove no longer smokes. It takes half an hour to dry, which can be spent on decorating. It is important to remember that the structure can be used after the solution has completely hardened.

Sequence of work

The first time the cracks are plastered or covered is no earlier than six months after the stove has been installed. It is necessary to wait for the natural shrinkage and shrinkage of the materials, otherwise the restoration will have to be repeated. Having decided the question of how to coat the stove, it is important to do it correctly. The work consists of the following stages:

  • Cracked seams are opened: they are deepened by removing the plaster. This will help fill a larger area with the solution and increase adhesion (quality of adhesion).

Firing the furnace Source

  • The prepared surface is treated with a deep penetration primer (it can be replaced with water). Then the stove or fireplace is heated with a small pile of firewood. The flow is an important part of the technology; it dries the surfaces prepared for restoration.
  • While the walls remain warm, a base is applied to the working surface: a liquid clay solution. The clay is applied with a paint brush and allowed to dry.
  • A reinforcing fine-mesh mesh is laid on top, which is fixed with self-tapping screws. An alternative to mesh is old burlap. It is glued or fastened with nails in the joints between bricks.
  • The selected mixture (factory or homemade) is applied in two steps. The thickness of each layer of plaster is 4-5 mm.
  • After the plaster has dried, it is rubbed down, the walls are painted with a chalk composition or whitewashed with liquid lime.

Whitewashing a stove with lime Source

Restoration of a metal stove

Fireplaces and stoves made of metal can also crack. Owners do not always notice cracks on the walls due to their small size, but such a defect is signaled by the smoke that appears in the room during the fire.

In such cases, a welding machine will not always help. The problem is easier to solve with the help of a special putty-sealant, ready-made or made by yourself.

The basis of purchased heat-resistant sealants is silicone; additives determine the properties of the paste:

  • Fire-resistant grades contain iron oxide; such compositions have a reddish-brown tint. They are used where the heating is maximum.

Applying sealant Source

  • Neutral sealants are needed at the joints of brick (concrete) and metal elements. When drying, they lose moisture and alcohol, after which they acquire the necessary strength.
  • Acidic compounds are not used on metal surfaces. As they dry, they release acetic acid and start the corrosion process on the metal.

There are recipes for making your own sealant paste. They are quite complex in composition and require precise proportions between ingredients. However, the result is not always acceptable, since the components may contain impurities.

Only high-quality materials Source

Nuances of testing clay plasticity

Different clays differ in their plasticity. There are:

  • “fat” clays with high plasticity;
  • material of medium ductility;
  • “lean” clays with a low level of plasticity.

I determine the level of plasticity using a simple method. The clay is poured with water to turn it into a dough-like mass suitable for molding. The material is used to make cylinders seven centimeters long and 30 mm in diameter, the ends are pinched with fingers and slowly torn apart. Plasticity is judged by the shapes that the cylinder takes at the point of rupture, by its elongation. A plastic material is characterized by the formation of a long and thin neck, and if the clay is thin, the neck will be thick and short.

The level of plasticity is determined in another way. Flagella about twenty centimeters long and 1.5–2 mm in diameter are rolled out of the working material and bent into semicircles or pretzels. If cracks appear on the materials at this time, the clay is thin. Cracks that form during bending indicate that the clay is of medium plasticity, and fatty clay can be identified by the complete absence of cracks in the samples.

Briefly about the main thing

If cracks appear on the stove, it is important to find out how critical they are and what to do about them. Inspection of the masonry allows you to determine the cause. We can easily eliminate the defect if the cause of the cracks is infrequent or improper use, finishing errors or design flaws. Restoration will not help if a problem with the foundation or an error in the calculations is revealed.

Ready-made and home-made compounds are used for smearing. All of them, from sand-clay mixtures to ready-made adhesive compositions, are capable of qualitatively eliminating defects. To prevent cracks from appearing again, a technique has been developed for applying a plaster layer to the stove; special sealant pastes are used to restore metal surfaces.

Terms of use

Emergency Situations Ministry workers claim that most fires in both residential and utility rooms occur due to the human factor. The cause of which is cracks.

Therefore, the use of stoves with this defect is prohibited! Otherwise, you can harm not only property, but also people’s lives. And also for animals, if the stove is used to heat a utility room for housing livestock.

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