How to humidify the air at home without a humidifier?

With the onset of cold weather, people spend most of their time in heated rooms. It is warm and dry here, sometimes even excessively. The optimal level of indoor air humidity is 40–60%, but with the beginning of the heating season it drops to a catastrophically low level of 25–30%. Sometimes these numbers can be even lower. Dry air in an apartment is very harmful to human health, household and computer equipment, pets and plants. Many allergies and colds are the consequences of an uncomfortable microclimate in the apartment. Factory-made humidifiers are expensive, and not everyone can afford them. Then the question arises: what to do, how to humidify the air in the room yourself?

Wet cleaning

Many housewives feel that in winter there is less dust and dirt, they begin to clean less often or give preference to dry types of cleaning. However, this is the wrong approach - wet cleaning will not only get rid of dirt and dust, but will also help to humidify the air in the apartment. The water is distributed in a thin layer over a large area, causing the humidity level to rise in all rooms.

Wet cleaning kills many harmful microbes (especially if detergents or disinfectants are used with water), mold spores, and dust mites.

The only downside is that cleaning takes quite a lot of time.

Cleaning methods and rules

There are many methods and means that will help make the atmosphere in your apartment healthy.

Let's look at the most effective, simple and affordable ones that you can do yourself without spending a lot of material resources.

Ventilation. This is the foundation on which air purity rests. It is necessary to ventilate at least twice a day for 20-30 minutes, regardless of the time of year.

It is advisable to do this more often – 3-4 times. Even if your windows face the highway, do this early in the morning and late in the evening when traffic is minimal.

Clogged windows provoke increased growth of fungi, mold and dampness, and the concentration of toxins increases significantly.

Ventilation costs nothing and does not require any expensive equipment, but is of great importance for maintaining a healthy microclimate.

Wet cleaning. Modern vacuum cleaners have a large number of useful functions, including wet cleaning.

However, vacuum cleaners, floor polishers and other devices do not remove the bulk of the dust that settles on furniture, windows, curtains and other attributes.

A damp cloth will solve this problem in a few minutes, and it will have enormous health benefits. Wash the curtains more often, periodically spray them with water from a spray bottle - this will serve as additional humidification of the air and remove dust particles from the curtains.

Carpets are notorious for accumulating mites and dirt, so it is important to vacuum them well twice a year, take them outside, beat them, and let them sit for several hours in the sun and frost. By doing general cleaning of carpets in summer and winter, you will prevent them from becoming seriously soiled.

By doing a general cleaning of carpets in summer and winter, you will prevent them from becoming seriously soiled.

Purifying flowers are natural air purifiers that kill harmful germs.

An additional positive bonus is the qualities of flowers, such as a positive effect on the psyche and a therapeutic effect.

Phytoncides released by indoor plants have an antibacterial effect, increase humidity, and deal with toxic substances produced by household chemicals.

Here are seven of the best green helpers:

  1. ficus,
  2. Chinese rose,
  3. dieffenbachia,
  4. myrtle,
  5. fern,
  6. violet,
  7. cyclamen.

Air purifiers are designed to act as an air filter, removing all kinds of harmful impurities and dust. They also disinfect and ionize.

Thanks to the design of such devices, in which a system of filtering devices is installed, the smallest particles of pollen, toxic compounds, spores and microbes are retained there.

This is the best option for those who suffer from allergic reactions.

I advise you to purchase devices that are equipped with humidifiers. Air purifiers are not cheap, but if you calculate how much health and money you will have to spend on medicine, then such an acquisition is justified.

Humidifier - such a device is necessary in order to saturate the atmosphere with moisture.

This, firstly, makes breathing easier, secondly, creates the necessary microclimate, and thirdly, it does not allow weed microparticles to fly in space.

It is also an excellent preventative against colds. You can buy a ready-made device, but if you want, put in some effort and make it yourself.

As you can see, all these activities will not take much time and money, but will bring enormous health benefits. Do not forget that you must constantly monitor the cleanliness and microclimate of the places where you spend your time.

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Ventilation of rooms

Changing the air in the room is the simplest, most hygienic and requires neither time nor effort. However, its level of effectiveness is low. Thus, the air in the room is well humidified in rainy, damp weather, while in summer and winter, when it’s cold, the air outside is also dry. With regular ventilation, the humidity level rises by several percent, the air in the room is refreshed and ventilated. This is an effective method of combating various bacteria and harmful microorganisms that thrive in dry microclimates and do not like water.

Water containers for air humidification

A very simple option for humidifying the air in a room: you can place basins or vases with water throughout the apartment. The water will evaporate, and the level of air humidity will increase due to this. You can show your imagination and place around the house not just basins of water, but original decorations. For example, decorate an ordinary jar or bottle, place a composition of stones, shells inside, put a small decoration for an aquarium in the container, etc. When using this method of moisturizing, you must remember the following:

  • The water must be changed regularly, and the vessel itself must be washed periodically, as dirt accumulates in it. Plaque forms on the walls and bottom, and sediment accumulates. All this needs to be removed.
  • You need to monitor the water level and add liquid in a timely manner; in dry rooms it evaporates into the air very quickly.
  • Vessels with water should be placed in places where they will not be dropped or overturned. You need to be especially careful if there are children or pets in the house.

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You can add a few drops of essential oil to vessels with water, and the air in the rooms will become fragrant. To increase the efficiency of this method, you can place water tanks on the battery - then the water will evaporate faster.

Aquarium with water as a humidifier

If you have had a desire for a long time, then you can get fish. Water from the aquarium also evaporates, just like from any other container. At the same time, the air in the rooms is humidified. However, in this case there will be more worries and troubles: regular cleaning, caring for the fish, buying special food, and the necessary equipment is not cheap. On the other hand, watching fish calms the nerves; interaction with the living world has a beneficial effect on children. However, you need to understand that a small aquarium is unlikely to sufficiently humidify the air in the entire apartment.

Fountain in the apartment

Another variation on the theme of a water container. This is the most effective way to humidify the air. It works on the following principle: water is poured into a special reservoir, the device is connected to the network, and the liquid begins to circulate in a circle. This fountain humidifies the air well, makes the indoor microclimate more favorable and decorates the interior.

There are a huge number of design options for water fountains. You can limit yourself to a desktop model or purchase a larger product. But you need to take into account that the water in the fountain is constantly gurgling. This sound calms some people, while others, on the contrary, irritate them. In the latter case, buying a fountain would not be the best idea.

Houseplants humidify the air

Indoor plants will help solve the problem of excessively dry indoor air. In this case, water evaporates from several sources: from the ground in the pot after watering, from the stand under the pot if liquid gets there, and from the leaves of the flowers themselves. Thanks to a home garden, you can constantly maintain air humidity at an optimal level. Plants with large leaves, such as ficus or philodendron, are especially good for this. Cyperus is a record holder for water evaporation: it can release up to 3 liters of moisture through its leaves. Flowers also filter the air well; many saturate it with useful substances and fight harmful microorganisms.

Plants can be used as a home hygrometer: if the air in the apartment becomes too dry, the edges or tips of their leaves begin to dry out.

Of course, there is a lot of hassle with an indoor greenhouse: you need to take care of it, water it in a timely manner, prune it, replant flowers, fertilize the soil, treat it against pests, and so on. On the other hand, you can choose unpretentious plants, for example, fat plants and other succulents, which can survive for a long time without watering, while they are quite capable of humidifying the air at home. This is a very convenient option for those who are often away from home. Chlorophytum, aloe or pike tail are very undemanding to external conditions; they can take root even in the most forgetful owner.

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Flower drinkers are often used at home. Water flows out of these reservoirs in portions, which also helps to increase the level of air humidity in the apartment.

How to measure humidity

There are several ways.

  • Use a hygrometer. This is a special device designed to measure humidity. Now there are a variety of types on sale (mechanical and electronic). If you want to use it for household purposes, you can buy the simplest and cheapest option.
  • Experiment with a glass. A folk method that works as follows: fill a glass with cold water and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. The water should cool to 3-5 ºС. Then take out the container and leave it in the room, but away from the battery, otherwise the experiment will not be clean. Watch. If after some time the surface of the glass becomes foggy, but dries very quickly, this is a sign of excessive dryness. If there is too much condensate and it flows along the walls, this indicates increased dampness, which also needs to be dealt with. And if during the same period of time the surface did not dry out, but did not flow, then the humidity level is normal.

If the instruments show minimum parameters, you must definitely humidify the air in the apartment; this is not difficult to do with your own hands. If you neglect and leave it dry, health problems and other troubles may arise.

Drying clothes indoors

Drying clothes is an excellent solution to the question of how to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier. Moreover, this method does not require additional effort: all people wash things periodically. They can be dried at home, not outside. A lot of water evaporates from the laundry, so the air humidity level in the apartment will quickly return to normal. To speed up the process, you can hang your laundry on radiators. If you add conditioner when washing or use powder with a pleasant smell, then the rooms will always have a light, pleasant aroma.

General recommendations and advice

Do not rush to use special chemicals and flavors. They give a pleasant aroma, but pollute the air with chemical elements. This negatively affects the health of humans and pets. As a result, an allergic reaction, respiratory problems and other problems may occur.

Therefore, experts advise using folk remedies and natural products. These are aromatic, spicy and aromatic spices, including cloves, cinnamon and vanillin. Oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits, any essential oils, ground coffee beans, and so on help.

Folk remedies make the air clean and fresh, eliminate bacteria and disinfect the space, creating an atmosphere of comfort. If there is an unpleasant odor in the apartment, first find the source of the latter. If you can't find the source, no amount of flavoring will help. When you find and eliminate the cause of the unpleasant odor, you can add freshness with spices, herbs and aromatic oils.

Ventilation of the bathroom

The wettest room in any apartment is the bathroom. Here they are constantly doing something with water: washing, washing, taking a shower, etc. Because of this, the level of air humidity in the room is very high and reaches 80–90%. Why not use this for the benefit of the entire apartment? Airing the room for 10-15 minutes after taking a bath will prevent mold and mildew from appearing in the bathroom and will raise the humidity level throughout the apartment by several percent. You can also leave the door open while hand washing or washing.

How to reduce humidity

High humidity is not always a good thing. If mold, mildew appears on the walls, or condensation constantly collects, it must be reduced. You can use one of these methods:

  1. Dehumidifiers. Special devices absorb excess water molecules, taking air from the room. The principle of operation of such a device is based on the condensation of steam in the room. The air conditioner performs part of the functions of a dehumidifier - it also takes water from the air.
  2. Good ventilation. Clogged air ducts do not cope with the function of removing excess wet air from the apartment.
  3. Drying clothes outside or on the balcony. When drying, the fabrics release water molecules into the air, which circulates throughout all rooms and increases humidity.
  4. Sunlight. When it enters a room, it causes water to evaporate, so it is recommended to open windows regularly.

Some factors that increase humidity cannot be influenced:

  • the more people live in an apartment, the lower this figure will be;
  • if all the windows face north, the rooms most often have dampness;
  • In some cities, climatic conditions determine constant high humidity.

Sprayer for air humidification

Something as simple and cheap as a spray bottle can help solve the problem of excessively dry air. You can simply spray a little water into the air - small drops will collect dust and imperceptibly settle on the floor along with it. You can also spray water on curtains and tulle. Moisture will evaporate from the fabric gradually, due to which a relatively constant level of air humidity will be maintained in the room. However, before using the proposed method, you need to make sure that there are no stains left on the curtains from drops and splashes. Otherwise, the products may lose their appearance.

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A spray bottle is also used to spray plants with water. This procedure will clean the leaves from dust and moisten both them and the air.

How does professional equipment work to dehumidify indoor air?

The most reliable way to get rid of annoying dampness in your home is to buy a professional dehumidifier. Especially when other methods did not have the desired effect.

There are two types of professional dehumidifiers:

stationary dehumidifier - installed on the wall, in the future it will be impossible to move it, so choose the right place for mounting;

Stationary dehumidifier

portable - not attached to the surface, it is easy to use and mobile, it is small in size, so it is easy to move it to the required room.

Portable dehumidifier

Wet towels versus dry air

If laundry is not dried in the apartment often, and water stains form on the curtains, then you can do it differently: use wet towels. To do this, they are moistened under the tap, wrung out so that no water drips, and hung on heating radiators. As it dries, the procedure is repeated. It is better to use terry towels, as they hold more water and will take longer to evaporate it into the air.

Improvised air humidifier

Running around with towels can quickly get boring, so you can do the following: make a small installation from scrap materials that will humidify the air. To do this you will need a plastic bottle, a piece of fabric made from natural materials (cotton, linen) or gauze, a rope, a knife and water. How to make such a device, step by step:

  1. A small hole-window is cut out on the side of the bottle.
  2. The bottle is tied to a radiator or heating pipe.
  3. One end of the gauze or piece of cloth is dipped into the bottle, the other is wrapped around the pipe.
  4. Pour water into the bottle.

That's it, the improvised humidifier is ready. Water will rise up the fabric and quickly evaporate into the air thanks to the heated radiators.

As you can see, there are many ways to humidify the air in an apartment. This can be done regardless of the season, but in winter, when the heating is on, some methods become especially effective. Air humidification does not require much effort or large expenses. At the same time, you will be able to avoid many health problems: allergies, rhinitis, dry and flaky skin - all these are consequences of low indoor humidity levels. As a result, the skin and mucous membranes dry out and cannot fully perform their functions. Lack of water is also detrimental to pets, office equipment, many valuable trinkets, books and various household items. So you need to take care of the microclimate in your home, especially since it doesn’t cost anything.

What does deviation from the norm lead to?

If the average room humidity is significantly higher than normal (more than 20–30%), various problems may arise:

  1. The appearance of mold. A humid and warm environment is the optimal condition for the development of fungal spores. Mold most often forms in the bathroom, kitchen, and corners of rooms. In children and people with weakened immune systems, it can cause respiratory problems and allergic reactions. For asthmatics, damp rooms are dangerous because prolonged exposure to them provokes frequent attacks.
  2. Increased heat transfer. In hot summer weather, high temperatures are felt worse when there is an increased content of moisture particles in the air. The result may be overheating or heatstroke.

Dependence of the development of diseases and fungi on the humidity in the apartment
It is the state of health of the residents of the room that determines what humidity should be in the house. Too high is not suitable for asthmatics, allergy sufferers, small children, people with hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and immunodeficiency.

If the humidity level in a room for a person is not met and the air is too dry, this is also harmful to health:

  1. Dry mucous membranes. This can manifest as itching and irritation of the eyes, especially in people with contact lenses, a sore throat, and a hacking cough.
  2. Difficulty breathing. When the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx dry out, they do not perform their protective functions. A person becomes susceptible to colds and infections, nosebleeds, chronic rhinitis, and exacerbation of bronchial asthma.
  3. Deterioration of skin condition. Peeling, irritation, redness, the appearance of wrinkles - all this occurs against the background of a violation of the hydrobalance of the skin. High air humidity has a particularly bad effect on people with psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and other dermatological diseases.

Most unpleasant symptoms do not appear immediately. But if there is no normal humidity in the apartment, sooner or later its residents will begin to experience discomfort.

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