Do-it-yourself gas convector: steps for installing factory-made appliances + assembling homemade products

Gas convectors are justifiably popular. They operate on a commonly available type of fuel, which is attractive due to its low price, minimal volume of combustion products and high efficiency. Without any problems, you can install and even mount a gas convector with your own hands, if you know the specifics of performing this work.

We will tell you how to install a gas heating device that provides convective heating. Let us introduce you to the principle of its operation and design features.

In our article you will find a guide to the installation and production of proven homemade products. Our advice will undoubtedly be appreciated by independent home craftsmen.

Principle of operation

The basic principle of operation of a gas convector using bottled fuel is the process of natural heat exchange, in which heated air rises and cold air sinks to the floor surface.
The continuity of this movement allows you to maintain the set temperature in the room. In addition, in addition to natural convection, artificial injection of air masses can be additionally used. In this case, heat exchange accelerates and the air heats up faster. In fact, the entire process of equipment operation comes down to the following points.

  • Gas flows to the burner.
  • Cold air enters the technological openings on the body - air intakes.
  • Passing through the device, the air masses heat up, enter the room, rise and circulate further.
  • Combustion products are discharged through a coaxial chimney outside the room.

Gas convectors with a cylinder connection do not require access to main communications. In this case, the main source of fuel entering the combustion chamber becomes the tank in which the pumped propane is under pressure. In addition to conventional cylinders, options with liquefied gas can be used - in this case, the operating time of the device on one refill will increase by 2-3 times.

Models of gas convectors can be wall-mounted or floor-mounted. The first group of devices is mounted on a rigid connection to the wall surface in a vertical position, without moving during operation. Floor-standing devices can be mobile, equipped with rollers for movement, or stationary.

The design of a gas convector with cylinder fuel contains the following components:

  • a burner with an igniter used to burn fuel in a closed chamber;
  • heat exchange element;
  • gas trap and chimney pipe;
  • thermal relay to maintain a given temperature;
  • automatic system that shuts off the fuel supply in the event of a device malfunction;
  • housing with technological holes to ensure heat exchange processes.

An optional fan is installed to pump air. In addition, inside mobile equipment you can find a compartment for installing a gas cylinder of a certain size. “Home” stationary convectors use a connection through flexible gas hoses with the cylinder removed to a special outdoor cabinet, as required by fire safety rules.


Once the type of heater has been determined, preparations for installation can begin.
You need to stock up on the necessary tools and materials:

  • drill with a set of drills of different diameters;
  • pipe cutting tool;
  • wrenches, adjustable wrenches;
  • perforator;
  • a set of screwdrivers with different sections;
  • screws, dowels;
  • high temperature sanitary silicone;
  • gas tap.


it is necessary to determine the location for the hole where the pipe enters;

The installation stage is the most difficult and can take a long period of time.

  • it is necessary to drill holes for mounting the heater by hammering in dowels;
  • after that, the exhaust pipe is connected. The joint between the heating device and the pipe must be carefully treated with silicone that can withstand high temperatures;
  • mounting heating equipment on the wall. You need to invite a partner, the convector is heavy and difficult to install on your own.

Gas connection

This is the most unsafe stage. If you have no experience connecting coolants to gas, it is better to hire a specialist. Sequencing:

If there is a thread on the gas pipe, the outlet from the convector must be screwed on. If there is no thread on the tap, it must be done by welding it on the pipe; then, the pipeline from the gas source is connected to the apparatus with a fitting

You need to act extremely carefully and carefully; the pipe that is connected is fixed with clips. The step between fastenings should be 1 meter. The pipe is fixed on the outside of the building; joints and fittings are treated with heat-resistant silicone;

The pipe is fixed on the outside of the building; joints and fittings are treated with heat-resistant silicone;

Functionality check

When the installation procedures are completed, there is no need to rush to heat the room. It is necessary to launch and check for proper operation. It is better to start up the equipment for the first time with a specialist who is knowledgeable and will evaluate the operation of the device. The verification process is as follows:

  1. you need to open the gas valve and check for leaks. Can be done with a device, soap solution applied to the joints;
  2. press the start button and hold for about one minute. It is necessary for the gas to penetrate into the combustion chamber;
  3. When the burner is lit, it is necessary to check the operation of the device adjustment.

If everything works well at all steps of the first startup, you can try to heat the room.

Premises requirements

Gas service requirements for premises:

Ceilings should be no lower than two and a half meters, which is important, because many wooden houses are built with low ceilings, and this is with the least powerful equipment; The diameter of the ventilation duct must be equal to or exceed 100 mm, the material from which it is made must comply with SNIP, and the lower part of the ventilation duct must be at least 200 mm below the ceiling; Bottom gaps on interior doors must be at least 25 mm; Each room should have windows to ventilate the room; The boiler room must be equipped with a door to the adjacent non-residential premises, and when installing a boiler with a power of over 150 kW, a separate entrance door; The internal space of the boiler room must have at least 7.5 m3 in volume; for new houses this requirement has been doubled; The chimney must be equipped with two walls, its diameter must be greater than or equal to the incoming pipe of the equipment; Lighting in the boiler room must be safe; for this purpose, open light bulbs without shades are not allowed; In the case of external electrical wiring, it must be placed in specialized cable channels; The indoor gas control system should be installed in a wooden house if the boiler is located in the basement.

Precautionary measures

The use of household appliances requires compliance with safety precautions. Be careful and listen to the advice of manufacturers:

  • You cannot use a convector that has a damaged viewing window,
  • if the device goes out spontaneously, do not re-ignite it earlier than after 3 minutes,
  • To prevent burns, the convector is protected with a protective grille.

It is strictly prohibited:

  • dry things on a running appliance,
  • turn the device on and off for children and people with limited legal capacity,
  • operate the device with the outer casing removed,
  • repair the device yourself,
  • place flammable objects at a distance of less than 1 m from it,
  • leave it on if signs of a gas leak are detected.

If there is an unpleasant odor in your home, take immediate precautions:

  • turn off the gas supply,
  • extinguish all sources of open fire,
  • do not touch switches and mobile phones,
  • ventilate the room
  • urgently call the emergency gas service,
  • Contact a gas convector service center.


The convector is designed to run on natural gas for heating premises for various purposes. In this case, combustion occurs in a closed chamber, air is supplied from the street and combustion products are discharged there. The heat released during fuel combustion is transferred to the combustion chamber body and heat exchanger, and then to the indoor air. Due to rapid heating, the air rises, making room for colder air, maintaining an active convection process throughout the room.

A gas convector heats the air faster and more actively than its electric counterparts or, especially, converter-type radiators for a water heating system. This is due to the higher surface temperature of the heat exchanger and the increased rate of heat transfer from the combustion chamber.

A gas convector is an excellent solution in the following situations:

  • The main heating of a small room or house with one or two adjacent rooms.
  • As a replacement for a solid fuel stove, which was previously used to heat the house.
  • For quick warming up and maintaining a comfortable temperature in the garage, utility room, or small country house.
  • As an addition to the central heating system in rooms where installing a water radiator is difficult (basement and semi-basement, attic, veranda, etc.).
  • For heating greenhouses.

As a replacement for main heating, a gas convector is only suitable for small houses or individual rooms. The efficiently heated area is easily calculated based on the available power models of gas convectors. Devices with a power of 2.5-6 kW are more often found on sale, less often up to 12 kW. In the first case, the convector is enough to heat a room up to 50 m2. The most powerful models are in demand only for industrial and public premises with an area of ​​up to 100 m2.


Although a gas convector is not a very popular means of heating, we can still say with confidence that it justifies its cost and the effort spent on its installation. Such a device would be the best option for a country house where you come on vacation in winter. The heater is capable of warming up the air in a room very quickly , it is more economical than its electric counterpart, and can also be powered from a gas cylinder. Perhaps the only significant drawback of the device is that it heats only one room, and not all rooms, as a boiler with a heating system does.

Advantages and disadvantages

Such convectors have both their advantages and disadvantages, which the reviews clearly show.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • Heating a dacha with a gas converter is suitable for virtually any type of premises, since there are no space restrictions for equipment.
  • They have a compact size and excellent design. Thanks to this, they can fit into any type of interior.
  • To install such devices, there is no need to take into account the location of the heating system pipes. There is also no need to take into account their slope or the dependence of heating devices on each other. Installation of such convectors is not difficult.
  • Heating a country house with gas convectors does not depend on adjacent premises.
  • Gas convectors are highly resistant to freezing.
  • In terms of efficiency, some gas convectors are superior even to the latest generation gas boilers.

Modern gas convectors have a beautiful design
. However, gas convectors also have some disadvantages, among which are the following:

  • A gas convector can only heat one room.
  • Heating with gas convectors cannot be used to heat water.
  • They have rather limited thermal conductivity. Most gas convectors have a power of 2 to 7 kW.
  • Gas convectors are not as compact as water convectors, so it is quite difficult to disguise them.
  • In residential areas, hot water was always needed. Double-circuit gas boilers will be able to fully satisfy this need for residents, but gas convector heating will not.
  • Gas convectors have a rather beautiful design, but thanks to gas boilers you can use compact radiators or a heated floor system that is completely hidden from view.
  • The efficiency of gas convectors is approximately at the same level as that of gas boilers.

Gas convectors are large in size

Radiators for water heating

First, we will examine radiators designed for operation in central and autonomous heating circuits.


The simplest and most affordable homemade heating radiators are made from pipes of large (100 - 250 mm) diameter, capped at the ends and connected by jumpers. These devices - the so-called registers - have a large internal volume and, accordingly, significant thermal inertia, which makes them an ideal solution for systems with solid fuel boilers.

How to make a simple horizontal register?

  1. Pipes are cut into sections of 1.5 - 4 meters
    (depending on the expected length of the register).
  2. Holes for jumpers are drilled or burned with a gas cutter
    . An important point: the configuration of the jumpers should create a closed circuit inside the device, eliminating stagnation of the coolant in dead-end areas.
  3. The pipes are connected by jumpers
    - pipes of sizes DN20 - DN32.
  4. Parallel to the jumpers, pipe sections of the same length are welded, but already welded to the blank walls
    . They will add rigidity to the structure.
  5. The ends are capped with bottoms cut from a steel sheet 4 - 5 mm thick
  6. Nozzles are welded into the lower and upper sections
    , which will subsequently connect the register to the supply line.

In most cases, a regular round water and gas pipe is used as register sections. It is attractive due to its low price per linear meter and maximum tensile strength with minimal wall thickness, which is ensured by a circular cross-section.

However, sometimes you can find homemade heating radiators made from a profile pipe - square or rectangular. Its advantages are the relative compactness of the register and a slightly larger surface area for the same cross-sectional area.


The simplest convector is a coil of pipe with plates pressed onto it, increasing the notorious heat transfer surface. The most accessible material is steel. New buildings often serve as sources of ready-made convectors for garage owners: apartment owners in them en masse replace the heating devices installed by the builders with sectional radiators that are more attractive in appearance and have greater heat output.

However, steel has a serious drawback - low thermal conductivity. In order not to be unfounded, we will present the thermal conductivity values ​​for three metals that are most often used in the manufacture of heating devices.

It is obvious that when creating a convector it is advantageous to use non-ferrous metals: their thermal conductivity will sharply increase heat transfer, making the heating of the fins more uniform.

Homemade copper heating radiators come in all sorts of designs based on copper and aluminum plates. Aluminum fins are much more affordable compared to copper; some difference in heat transfer is compensated by its increased area.

To assemble the convector, solder intended for copper water pipes is most often used; somewhat rarer plates.

What is a gas convector

It should be noted right away that a convector is not a type of boiler; it works not only on a different principle (it heats not the coolant, but the air in a certain room), but also has a slightly different area of ​​application. Most often, gas heaters are used in small houses where there is no need for constant heating. They can only heat the room where they are installed.

What does a convector consist of?

The design of the device is not too complicated, it includes:

Diagram of a standard gas convector with a fan for forced convection.

  • a heat exchanger that heats the air;
  • programmer – a device for controlling and maintaining room temperature;
  • control panel, which contains various indicators;
  • gas valve to control gas supply;
  • a fan supplying air to the valve and heat exchanger;
  • a fan that provides forced supply of warm air into the room.

Gas convector - operating principle

As you can see from the diagram, everything is quite simple. The convector plays the role of a gas burner; cold air enters from below under the influence of convection, heats up and exits through the hole at the top.

The device works quite simply: the operating principle is based on the phenomenon of convection - warm air rises when heated and cold air falls. Gas models can operate using either natural or forced convection. In the latter case, a special fan is used to supply air.

Advantages and disadvantages

The quality of the device itself, as well as its performance, depend on the price. By choosing a cheap model, you will not save money, since the device may last you less than a year. Repairs in the current situation will not be cost-effective. Therefore, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages based only on high-quality devices. So, the pros:

  • efficiency and quick heating of the room;
  • easy installation of a gas convector with your own hands;
  • there is no need to make a heating system (water);
  • low price;
  • unlike electric analogues, gas models do not burn oxygen;
  • completely autonomous operation mode;
  • not connected to electricity (except for convectors with forced circulation);
  • It is possible to connect the heater to a gas cylinder.

But gas convectors are not without their disadvantages:

  • if gas is used from a centralized system, then it is necessary to obtain permission to connect the device;
  • it is necessary to punch holes in the wall outward where the heater will be mounted;
  • considerable dimensions;
  • if you decide to install several convectors, then gas will have to be supplied to each of them, and only from outside the building.

Types of convectors

Devices can be classified by their power, as well as by design. If everything is clear with power: choose the one that can heat the room, then with the types of performance things are a little more complicated.

There are two types of heaters:

Wall-mounted models can fit very well into the interior.

  1. Floor-standing – devices are installed on the floor and do not require special installation skills. Such a convector can heat a fairly large room (even an industrial one), but it is heavy and requires a special base.
  2. Wall-mounted are more compact models that fit well into the interior of the house. Often the devices are mounted under the window to create a thermal curtain from cold air passing through the glass. Convectors of this type have low power, so they are only suitable for heating rooms in houses up to 100 square meters.

When choosing a convector, you should also pay attention to the material of the heat exchanger. The latter can be made of steel, cast iron or copper

Nowadays, models with a steel heat exchanger are more common, but cast iron ones have greater efficiency due to the properties of the alloy, and are also able to last longer. Their only drawback is their heavy weight. Copper analogues are effective and durable, but expensive.

Gas supply: main stages

The installation of the gas convector has been completed, now we need to get started with the gas supply. This stage is quite complex and responsible at the same time. To supply gas, do the following:

  1. According to regulatory documents, the pipe leading to the convector must go along the street. There are two options here: the first is that the pipe has a pre-installed threaded connection, the second is that there is no such connection. If there is a thread, then you can screw on the gas valve yourself, which will shut off the gas supply to the convector. If there is no withdrawal, one must be made. To do this, call professional gas welders from your local Gorgaz or similar office.
  2. After installing the gas tap, it is necessary to run a metal-plastic pipe to the convector itself. Using a tape measure, calculate the length of the pipe, simultaneously determining the presence of fittings.
  3. You need to buy pipe and fittings. The principle of purchase is that the seller must clarify the availability of a certificate of conformity of these pipes and fittings for this type of work.
  4. Lay the pipe, secure it with clips every m. To install the clips, you need to drill holes in the wall.
  5. When installing the necessary fittings, carefully lubricate the pipe and the fitting itself with silicone, which will provide additional sealing. Silicone will also serve as a lubricant and will make pipe installation easier.

As a result of the work, you should receive a convector mounted on the wall with a gas pipe connected to it.

Now the last stage of installation remains. A test run is required.

Before starting, open the gas tap and go over all fitting joints and threaded connections with a brush moistened with a water solution of soap or shampoo. This way you will be able to notice inflated bubbles (if any), which indicate gas leaks. If this happens, immediately turn off the gas supply valve. After checking the joints, start the convector. To do this, hold down the gas button for one minute. This way the gas will have time to pass through the pipes and enter the combustion chamber. Press the piezo igniter, a spark should ignite the gas. A blue flame will flare up in the firebox.

Adjust the operation of the convector by setting a comfortable temperature. During the first few hours of operation, you may smell an unpleasant odor of burning oil. This is normal, since the convector is new and the combustion chamber burns out. If the smell lingers for a long time, then you should turn off the gas and check all joints and threaded connections again.

It is advisable that all work on the installation of gas convectors be carried out by a professional who has sufficient experience in performing such work. This is also due to the fact that installing a convector yourself may void your warranty on the device. The gas convector must be accepted into the balance sheet by Gorgaz.

You must have a documented permit for the tie-in. In addition, all installation decisions, as well as the conclusions of the commission for acceptance of the device into operation, must be documented and signed in the appropriate manner.

Gas convectors are not as popular as their electric counterparts. Gas-powered devices require a centralized gas supply or cylinder, and are also not as safe. But gas models are cheaper to use, so they will be an excellent solution in a country house or cottage, where constant maintenance of heat in the room is not required.

Advantages of backup heating of the house with liquefied gas from cylinders

In the article: “House heating with gas cylinders. Personal experience”, we explained in detail whether it is profitable or not to heat a cottage with liquefied gas. To summarize the material, this option is worth considering:

  • If the house has a small area (about 50-70 sq. m).
  • The house is well insulated.
  • The property owner has no other alternative, and the allocated power of the electrical grid is not enough to afford cheap heating with electricity at the night tariff.

To this we add the constant loss of time and money (for gasoline), because... The owner of a liquefied gas heating system will most likely have to take cylinders to refuel weekly.

Therefore, we will consider heating with gas cylinders only as a temporary, backup and energy-independent heating system, so as not to freeze in winter and somehow survive for 2-3 days in case of failure of the main heating system or a power outage.

I built a frame house with an area of ​​90 square meters. m in the form of a coaxial yurt. The house is currently being used in the “dacha” mode, i.e. I only come there on weekends. There is no main gas. Electricity is one phase. The voltage fluctuates from 150 to 230 Volts. There are no long outages, but once a truck knocked down a power pole. No one is immune from emergency situations. I was wondering how I could heat the house, and this is what I came up with.

The user analyzed all types of heating available to him:

  • solid fuel stoves-fireplaces;
  • gas tanks;
  • electric boilers;
  • IR heaters;
  • heat pumps;
  • alternative energy.

As a result, electric and gas convectors turned out to be the easiest to install, cheapest in cost, easy to use and easy to automate. Moving a little away from the main topic of the article, let’s say that electric convectors are controlled through timers and thermostats. This allows Dekagon to arrive for the weekend (by Friday evening) to raise the temperature in the house from the “standby” level to a comfortable level in advance. Those. from + 15 °C to + 23 °C and do not waste time warming up the premises.

Now the arguments for using a body generator powered by liquefied gas are interesting.

When my house was being built in winter, the builders lived in a change house. There was no electricity either. I was thinking about how to warm the workers. I wanted to buy them a “potbelly stove”, but a good solid fuel stove is expensive. We still need to install a chimney. Harvest, store, saw, chop firewood. Extra hassle. I took a gas convector with a power of 2.2 kW. In 2014, it cost me 8,500 rubles. The device is immediately ready for use, just connect it to the cylinder. During operation, the gas convector showed its best side. Works efficiently and safely, autonomously. The thermostat keeps the set temperature. In general, I liked it so much that I decided to move it into the house in case of a power outage.

For gas, the user bought a modern composite (rather than heavy steel) 24 liter cylinder. I also additionally purchased a kitchen tile with two electric and two gas burners.

A year later, Dekagon bought a stationary gas fireplace with a capacity of 7 kW.

The fireplace operates from a second gas cylinder, is automatic, and combustion products are discharged through a coaxial chimney.

Installation of a gas fireplace or convector is not difficult and is accessible to everyone. The user made a hole in the wall, hung the heat generators on the wall and connected them to gas cylinders.

Bottom line: Dekagon heats the house with electricity and from time to time gas heat generators. Let's look at the costs for a combined heating system. So, the heating season lasts 7 months. In addition to electric and gas convectors, the house is equipped with infrared electric heaters and several IKZK lamps. Water for domestic hot water is heated from electricity. Household appliances, lighting, etc. work.

  • Electricity consumption for the heating season 2014-2015 is 8000 kWh.
  • Electricity consumption for the heating season 2015-2016 is 6800 kWh.

In the 14-15 season, the electricity tariff is 3.15 rubles. for 1 kWh. Total (8000 x 3.15 = 25,200 rubles) / 7 months. = 3,600 rub. 1 month for electricity.

In the 15-16 season, the electricity tariff is 3.45 rubles. for 1 kWh. Total (6800 x 3.45 = 23,460 rub.) / 7 months. = 3,350 rub. 1 month for electricity.

Liquefied propane-butane gas (LPG) is used as backup heating and for cooking. During the season, 3 cylinders (20 liters of gas) are used. This is about 1200 rubles.

Idea N4: Heater with a spiral

The classic version of a spiral-type heater involves connecting heating coils to the network. Heat-resistant dielectrics were used as the basis for installing the spiral in such models. But these are quite simple options, so in this article we will look at the principle of manufacturing a device whose characteristics are not inferior to a gas heater. It uses the same principle as a heat gun, but with less heat output.

To make it, you will need a heating coil, an electric fan, a metal pipe or box for the housing, a dielectric heat-resistant frame, and a power cord. The heater manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  • Cut the asbestos cement pipe to the required length (in this example it will be used to make the supporting frame).

    Rice. 17: Cut the pipe to the required length

  • Drill several holes in the pipe from different sides so that you can insert a nichrome spiral into them.
  • Insert a spiral into the holes, in this example they are made in the form of a lattice, but this is not important, it is important that the heating elements have a different angle of inclination. Rice. 18: position of the spiral in the pipe

If you are assembling several pieces of spiral, connect them together on the outside of the pipe.

  • Place a fan on one side of the pipe to force air flow. The direction of the blades should ensure the movement of air towards the spirals stretched in the pipe. The distance from the fan to the heating element must ensure safe operation so that the blades do not melt. For additional cooling, the fan and asbestos pipe can be separated in the housing.

    Rice. 19: separation of fan and pipe with heater

  • Insulate the electrical connections both from the fan to the power cord and from the nichrome spiral. To insulate the spiral joints, you can use micanite tape, which is wound directly onto the asbestos surface.
  • Place the finished heater in the most suitable housing. In this example, to protect against accidental contact with the spiral, an additional grill is installed in front of the pipe.

It should be noted that the fan power should not be too high so that the coils have time to warm up. In practice, you should achieve a blowing effect, and the heating performance can be adjusted by the length of the spiral. It is also advisable to coat the inside of the asbestos pipe with heat-resistant varnish to prevent asbestos particles from entering the air. It would be a good idea to ground the heater body to a ground loop.

How to maintain a trench convector?

Like any other heating equipment, trench heating convectors require periodic cleaning. This is done using a vacuum cleaner, after removing the protective grille. Clean the finned surface of the heat exchanger, using a brush if necessary, to remove dirt and dust. The grill itself can be washed with water.

During hydraulic tests, when the pressure in the heating system exceeds the nominal one, it is necessary to make sure that the convectors do not leak. To do this, just open the grille and inspect the box. If it is dry, it means that the convector has passed the test with honor.

Subject to the installation and maintenance rules, in-floor water heating convectors will bring warmth to your home without violating the overall design idea. A convector installed in front of the front door can trap up to 90% of cold air when it opens and create a thermal curtain. At the same time, they are silent, look stylish and, thanks to the variety of colors, fit perfectly into any interior, giving coziness and comfort.

With or without a fan?

Fans on in-floor water convectors significantly increase the power of the system as a whole, since they force air through the radiators. Using fans, you can absolutely precisely regulate the volume of air passing through and, accordingly, the air temperature in the room. Of course, such a system upgrade will take a little more money out of your pocket, but if you are ready to spend money for greater comfort, feel free to install it, you won’t go wrong!

Types of heating systems

First of all, the house can be heated using an autonomous structure with forced or gravitational (natural) coolant circulation. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, there are situations when it is better to use one or another variety.

Advantages and disadvantages of natural circulation

Gravity pumping is entirely based on the laws of physics. More precisely, the coolant moves through the pipeline due to the difference in weight between cooled and heated water.

A hot liquid has a much larger volume, but much less mass. Accordingly, it rises up the riser, moves further through pipes that are laid at an angle, and is pumped into heating radiators, where it is cooled.

Before making a final choice in favor of a certain type of fluid circulation in the system, you need to consider the pros and cons of each heating option

The list of advantages of such a solution should include ease of installation. A system with natural circulation lasts much longer and is stable. At the same time, the absence of a pump allows you to get rid of excess noise and ensure independence from the availability of electricity.

As for the disadvantages, this kind of solution can only be used when heating a small house. In addition, the system requires laying large-diameter pipes, which significantly increases the cost of organizing a home heating system.

When choosing natural circulation, you need to take a responsible approach to installation - errors will lead to a serious decrease in the speed of pumping the coolant

Distinctive features of pumping systems

To make water move faster through the pipes, a circulation pump is installed into the heating system. With its help, you can move the media with virtually no loss of temperature. As a result, a wooden building warms up much faster, which saves a considerable amount of fuel.

The main advantage of forced circulation is that the area of ​​the heated house can be practically unlimited. At the same time, the owner is given the opportunity to control the amount of heat and the speed of the pump. The disadvantages of this solution are the dependence of the system on the availability of electricity and the high noise level of the equipment.

When installing a heating pump, you can use pipes of small diameter. This allows you to save on the purchase of plumbing fixtures

Mounted gas boiler

Diagram of a mounted gas boiler.

Heating via a mounted gas boiler is convenient due to its lightness and small size. It must be mounted on a load-bearing wall. The mounting rail is placed at a height of 1 meter square meter to 1.6 m. For the exhaust of a coaxial type chimney, it is better to use a detailed diagram. The pipe diameter must clearly correspond to the boiler opening. Self-connection of the boiler to the gas pipe is carried out using a rubber hose, but it is much better to ask gas wiring organizations for help.

Then you should make sure that the connection is tight by applying a soap-based solution to the threads of the connection joints.

Heating from a gas-fired boiler is considered one of the most economical and environmentally friendly types of heating systems for wooden houses. The range of the heated area of ​​one boiler can reach about 350 m2

When selecting the power of a gas-fired boiler, it is necessary to take into account that for every 10 m2 1 meter square meter sq. kW is enough. There are double-circuit and single-circuit boilers. General heating is installed using single-circuit heating systems, while double-circuit heating systems must, in addition to this, solve the issue of hot water, heating from 60 to 200 liters of hot water

There are also 2 types of ignition: automatic and manual, activated with a button. There are natural and forced draft of boilers. If the removal of exhaust gases is carried out due to the draft created in the smoke exhauster, then this is a natural draft gas water heater. When gases are removed using a built-in fan, it is a forced draft boiler

General heating is installed using single-circuit systems, while double-circuit systems. In addition to this, the issue of hot water must be resolved, heating from 60 to 200 liters of hot water. There are also 2 types of ignition: automatic and manual, activated with a button. There are natural and forced draft of boilers. If the removal of exhaust gases is carried out due to the draft created in the smoke exhauster, then this is a natural draft gas water heater. When gases are removed using a built-in fan, it is a forced draft boiler.

When installing a gas-fired boiler in a wooden house, any installation process and installation must strictly comply with repair and technical regulations and strictly follow safety needs. Control devices for gas-fired boilers have automatic functions. The housing contains burners, a heat exchanger, a device for determining pressure, a security system, circulation pumps, a thermometer, and an expansion tank. Installing a gas-fired boiler without outside help, without the services of heating system companies, is quite possible. Everything related to the installation of the device itself, the installation of pipes for the water supply system and the connection of electrical power can be done with your own hands.

However, it is better to contact special organizations regarding gas distribution. A gas heating boiler is the most popular method of general heating system today. Inexpensive organization, installation and work make it possible to choose in favor of purchasing and installing gas-fired boilers for wooden houses.

Gas water heaters for heating systems

More details on the website

Methods of water circulation in heating systems

The efficiency of water heating depends on the constant circulation of coolant through the pipelines. There are two ways to move hot water in a closed heating circuit:

  • Natural way of circulation. The principle of moving hot water through pipes is based on the natural gravity of the warm coolant moving up and flowing down as it cools. In order for natural circulation to be good, it is necessary to install the pipework with a slope (for every 1 linear meter, the pipe should be lowered by 10 mm).
  • Forced coolant circulation. In modern individual heating lines, the constant movement of hot water through the pipes is ensured by a circulation pump. This electromechanical device increases the speed of coolant movement, which leads to improved heat transfer.

What is a gas convector

It should be noted right away that a convector is not a type of boiler; it works not only on a different principle (it heats not the coolant, but the air in a certain room), but also has a slightly different area of ​​application. Most often, gas heaters are used in small houses where there is no need for constant heating. They can only heat the room where they are installed.

What does a convector consist of?

The design of the device is not too complicated, it includes:

Diagram of a standard gas convector with a fan for forced convection.

  • a heat exchanger that heats the air;
  • programmer – a device for controlling and maintaining room temperature;
  • control panel, which contains various indicators;
  • gas valve to control gas supply;
  • a fan supplying air to the valve and heat exchanger;
  • a fan that provides forced supply of warm air into the room.

Gas convector - operating principle

As you can see from the diagram, everything is quite simple. The convector plays the role of a gas burner; cold air enters from below under the influence of convection, heats up and exits through the hole at the top.

The device works quite simply: the operating principle is based on the phenomenon of convection - warm air rises when heated and cold air falls. Gas models can operate using either natural or forced convection. In the latter case, a special fan is used to supply air.

Advantages and disadvantages

The quality of the device itself, as well as its performance, depend on the price. By choosing a cheap model, you will not save money, since the device may last you less than a year. Repairs in the current situation will not be cost-effective. Therefore, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages based only on high-quality devices. So, the pros:

  • efficiency and quick heating of the room;
  • easy installation of a gas convector with your own hands;
  • there is no need to make a heating system (water);
  • low price;
  • unlike electric analogues, gas models do not burn oxygen;
  • completely autonomous operation mode;
  • not connected to electricity (except for convectors with forced circulation);
  • It is possible to connect the heater to a gas cylinder.

But gas convectors are not without their disadvantages:

  • if gas is used from a centralized system, then it is necessary to obtain permission to connect the device;
  • it is necessary to punch holes in the wall outward where the heater will be mounted;
  • considerable dimensions;
  • if you decide to install several convectors, then gas will have to be supplied to each of them, and only from outside the building.

Choose models with a built-in fan. They are more efficient than their fanless counterparts.

Types of convectors

Devices can be classified by their power, as well as by design. If everything is clear with power: choose the one that can heat the room, then with the types of performance things are a little more complicated.

There are two types of heaters:

Wall-mounted models can fit very well into the interior.

  1. Floor-standing – devices are installed on the floor and do not require special installation skills. Such a convector can heat a fairly large room (even an industrial one), but it is heavy and requires a special base.
  2. Wall-mounted are more compact models that fit well into the interior of the house. Often the devices are mounted under the window to create a thermal curtain from cold air passing through the glass. Convectors of this type have low power, so they are only suitable for heating rooms in houses up to 100 square meters.

There is another subtype of heaters - built-in. They can be installed in the floor or wall, and not only do not spoil the interior, but also decorate it. In terms of parameters, such models do not differ from wall-mounted ones. But installing them is more difficult, since it is necessary to prepare a niche for the device in advance.

When choosing a convector, you should also pay attention to the material of the heat exchanger. The latter can be made of steel, cast iron or copper

Nowadays, models with a steel heat exchanger are more common, but cast iron ones have greater efficiency due to the properties of the alloy, and are also able to last longer. Their only drawback is their heavy weight. Copper analogues are effective and durable, but expensive.

All convectors under consideration are closed. Open ones also exist, but they take the air necessary for gas combustion from the room, and the waste enters the general ventilation. Due to these properties, it is highly not recommended to install open-type heaters in residential premises.

Wall backing material

The main requirement in finishing walls, floors and ceilings is fire protection. For this purpose, a special substrate is used for a gas boiler in a wooden house. It should not support the combustion process and protect the walls from temperature effects.

Recommended backing material:

  • Basalt wool. A layer with a thickness of 50 mm or more is installed on a rigid base (metal sheet). The density of wool is maximum.
  • Basalt fireproof sheets. In the event of an open flame, they will protect the wooden surface of the walls from thermal effects.

It is prohibited to use polymeric materials – polypropylene, polystyrene foam

For floor-standing models, special attention is paid to preparing the floor surface. It is leveled, fire-resistant material is installed

In this case, basalt wool is not recommended, as it will shrink under the weight of the boiler. The solution is to install basalt sheets.

Gas boiler for floor

A gas boiler for the floor is mounted either on a concrete base or on an aluminum sheet protruding at least 300 mm beyond the perimeter of the device. If this is a closed chamber combustion system, then a coaxial type chimney is used, the opening of which can be located either on the back wall of the device or on the top panel. The chimney must be placed away from the window to prevent gases from penetrating back into the room. The smoke exhaust pipe must have a slope to remove condensate due to the temperature difference. When installing vertical heating equipment, the hole for the smoke exhauster in the top panel must be at least 15 centimeters higher than the equipment itself. After the installation of the chimney is completed, you can turn on the water supply devices.

If you need to determine a gas water heater for individual buildings, then the device must be placed in a specialized pocket, which has a recess of about 30 centimeters with a concrete screed and walls lined with fireproof materials.

Building regulations

Pipes may be laid in the outer walls of the building, but the diameter of the outer casing should not be less than the thickness of the fence. Vertical deviation is allowed no more than 30°, horizontal deviation - 1 m. Cutting is done where the pipe passes through the ceiling structure.

Chimney distance standards:

  • to fireproof structures - 5 cm;
  • to fire-resistant (plastered walls and wooden ceilings) - 25 cm;
  • to fire-resistant ones, covered with asbestos sheets and galvanized - 10 cm, if the insulation protrudes beyond the edge of the channel by 15 cm on both sides.

The chimney is checked for density if the device uses the principle of self-production. The chimney end hole above the roof is closed. If smoke accumulates in adjacent ducts or adjacent rooms, the chimney duct is loose or not isolated.

The requirements for smoke ducts are:

  • density sufficient to prevent the passage of gases and smoke;
  • the diameter coincides with the outlet pipe of the heating unit;
  • Permitted materials are used during construction;
  • chimneys provide the required draft force;
  • there should be no blockages or blockages inside the pipes;
  • are not installed in the area of ​​wind pressure.

Advantages, disadvantages


  1. Easy to install and operate. It comes down to three steps: remove the packaging, hang it on the wall, plug it into the socket. The controls are intuitive.
  2. Reliability, long service life - up to 15-20 years. Virtually no moving parts, proven designs.
  3. Safety - maximum heating temperature of the thermoelement is 80 degrees. Fire and serious burns are not possible. Location on the wall or ceiling reduces the risk to a minimum.
  4. Environmentally friendly - does not burn oxygen.
  5. Efficiency - up to 97%.
  6. You can fit the convector into any interior by placing it on the wall, ceiling, or floor.

The disadvantage is the cost of electricity needed to operate. But, due to rising prices for other energy sources, the disadvantage is less noticeable in comparison with the advantages.


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Hello, I’m interested in gas heating from Bolons, I need to heat 200 sq m, how much will it cost and do you work in installments for a year in advance?

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We welcome you, dear friends!
We suggest we talk about how to install a gas convector with your own hands .
These heating devices are less popular among consumers than their electric counterparts. The fact is that this type of heater implies the presence of a centralized gas supply or a gas cylinder. But such models are much cheaper to operate. They are usually installed in dachas or country cottages - that is, in those locations that do not require constant heating.

When and why is it effective to use gas convectors?

Gas convectors have low resource consumption, but are not able to develop the required power to heat large rooms. Therefore, the scope of their application has become small private houses with one or two living rooms, cottages, garages and temporary buildings. In such conditions, the heating gas convector provides the following advantages:

  • compactness, relative cheapness and ease of installation of equipment;
  • no need to develop and approve project documentation;
  • autonomy when the convector is powered from gas cylinders;
  • high efficiency (up to 90% in industrial devices and up to 80% in home-made convectors);
  • resistance to low temperatures, no “freezing effect”;
  • using atmospheric oxygen rather than indoor oxygen;
  • fuel versatility, that is, the ability to switch from methane to propane by replacing nozzles.

Among the disadvantages of the system, the most significant are serious losses in efficiency when heating large rooms and an increase in their warm-up time.

The second problem is partly eliminated by installing convectors with forced circulation, that is, equipped with a blower fan, however, in houses with three or more rooms, the rationality of such a solution is very doubtful.

Another problem that may arise when trying to convert an apartment for convector heating is a ban from the municipal gas service, caused by the potential danger of the device for neighbors. Therefore, residents of apartment buildings need to coordinate such work in advance.

Idea N3: Oil heater

Since technical oil has good heat transfer functions, it is widely used in heaters. You can assemble this oil heater yourself at home. To do this, you will need an old heating radiator (cast iron or bimetallic battery, register or other tubular structure), a tubular heating element, the oil itself as a coolant, sealed plugs for placing the heating element.

Rice. 11: Example of using a register control unit

To maximize the safety of the oil device, it can be supplemented with a heating sensor, the open contacts of which are connected to the power circuit.

The manufacturing process of an oil cooler is as follows:

  • Take the old radiator, it is important that it is replaced due to the modernization of the system, and not due to a violation of the integrity of the case. It is advisable to verify this yourself by adding liquid or at least through an external inspection. Rice. 12: Take an old radiator
  • Prepare two holes in the heater - for the heating element and for filling the oil. The first hole must be equipped with a thread and located in the lower part so that the heated masses rise upward. It is more convenient to place the second hole in the upper part; when putting the heater into operation, it will also have to be sealed. In addition, holes can be made for draining the oil and for the emergency pressure relief valve. Rice. 13. Prepare two holes
  • Screw the heating element into the hole on the radiator. When choosing a specific heating element model, it is important to make sure that the thread diameter matches the hole diameter, and that the kit includes oil-resistant rubber gaskets. Rice. 14: screw the heating element into the bottom hole

Another important point is that the diameter of the heating element must be such that it never touches the walls of the radiator. For sealing, linings, special compounds and tow are used.

  • If you left necks for oil drainage and for installing sensors, install the appropriate equipment in them. Seal all holes that will not be used in the future, leaving only the neck for filling the oil.
  • Fill the heater with technical oil approximately 85% of the total volume. A margin of 15% is necessary for the free space that the liquid will occupy after heating and thermal expansion. Never fill oil too close. Close the oil filler neck. Rice. 15: Close the oil filler neck
  • Ground the heater to a ground loop.

It should be noted that to increase the service life of such a device, the heating element should be selected in accordance with the housing material. Otherwise, due to the large difference in the output voltage of the particles of these metals, destruction of the elements will occur. Also note that the heater will have a decent weight, so it is advisable to ensure it is securely fixed in space or make a structure for ease of movement.

Rice. 16: Wheeled design

Selecting a convector

How to choose a gas convector? First of all, attention is drawn to the technical characteristics of the unit. The best option is a device with a closed combustion chamber and a cast iron heat exchanger

The presence of a programmable control unit is considered important. Let's look at other factors that you should pay attention to when choosing a household gas convector.

Device power

Since heating occurs due to air circulation, the units operate effectively in only one room. Therefore, each room will require the installation of a separate unit. Power is determined from the calculation: 100 W are required per 1 m2 of area.

Heat exchanger material

Since gas heating convectors operate on gas, which burns in a special chamber, the heat exchanger is exposed to strong temperature effects. If it burns out after some time, the device fails. Therefore, the material of this part must be resistant to high temperatures. The leader among materials for heat exchangers is cast iron. This metal is resistant to thermal stress; in addition, it cools very slowly and distributes heat evenly. Gas convectors with a cast iron heat exchanger can last up to 50 years. The main disadvantages of such devices are the high price and large mass of the unit. A heater with a steel heat exchanger is cheaper and lighter

But when choosing a unit, you should pay attention to the quality of the steel. Steel heat exchangers can last at least 20 years

Combustion chamber type

Heaters may differ in design based on the type of combustion chambers:

  1. Open combustion chamber. Installation of a unit with such a chamber requires the installation of a chimney with access to the roof. In addition, when the unit is operating, air will be taken from the room to maintain the combustion process. Therefore, good ventilation of the room is required.
  2. Closed combustion chamber. Such models are more popular because they do not require a pipe outlet through the roof (a coaxial pipe is installed opposite the device). And another advantage is that the oxygen in the room is not burned, since the air is taken from outside the building.

Availability of a fan

A gas convector with a fan quickly and evenly heats the entire room. Due to the forced air supply to the heat exchanger, the latter is cooled better. And since overheating is prevented, the service life of the heat exchanger is significantly increased.

Room type

If you want to install a convector in an apartment, then the best choice would be a device that has a closed combustion chamber and a chimney with a coaxial pipe. This type of device does not burn oxygen in the room. In private buildings, any type of heater can be installed. But when using a device with an open combustion chamber, the room must have fresh ventilation.

Type of fuel

The use of liquefied gas is prohibited in apartment buildings. Therefore, the device is connected only to the main line. In private homes, a gas convector using bottled gas can be used, provided that the bottle is installed outdoors in a special metal cabinet.

Amount of fuel consumed

Fuel consumption in gas heating equipment is considered economical. To calculate gas consumption, the following basic parameters are accepted:

  • 1 kW of power will require 0.11 m3 of gas from the main;
  • 1 kW of power will require 0.09 m3 of liquefied gas.

Based on these indicators, you can make a calculation. For example, a 4 kW heater (designed for 40 m2 of area) will consume 0.44 m3 of gas per hour of operation, and 10.56 m3 per day. But, since the device does not work constantly, this figure will be significantly less.

Similarly, you can calculate the flow rate for a gas convector running on liquefied gas.

Sandwich chimney device

For a wooden building, this system is an ideal option. Such a chimney consists of two pipes of different diameters located one inside the other. A heat insulator is placed between their walls. Such a chimney installed in a wooden house differs from a traditional brick one in a lot of advantages. Watch the video about the sandwich pipe:

The roof structure, made of wooden materials, even when dried well, seems to play a little over time. Displacements invisible to the eye and seemingly insignificant can lead to the destruction of a brick chimney, even the hardest one. But the sandwich, thanks to its design features, is not afraid of these threats.

And it is not surprising that the chimney in a wooden private house is increasingly being made in exactly this way. All its many advantages include the excellent fire safety of the pipe compared to a brick pipe.

Color combinations

Stylists advise taking into account the following nuances:

  • direction in the interior;
  • combination of shades;
  • illumination

It is much easier to choose a palette if the style for the kitchen and living room has already been selected. For example, neoclassicism and Provence have their own combinations. In a classic interior, designers combine pastel colors, pale colors, which are slightly diluted with dark shades.

In French country houses you can often see soft blue, pink, and pistachio colors. Art Deco designers make up objects and finishing materials in black and white, sometimes beige and brown or silver and black. The main thing is to choose a shade for the walls. White will become universal, it will expand the space, and later you can paint them with any paint.

However, in the cooking area, white ceases to look fresh. Beige or gray shades would be more practical. This background will highlight the other colors. In a monochrome interior, designers recommend gluing wallpaper in an unusual color or with a photo print.

Fire safety

What should you pay special attention to when installing gas heating in a wooden house?

What do the fire safety instructions require?

The boiler is mounted exclusively on a fire-protected surface. A typical solution is a sheet of galvanized steel with an asbestos backing. At the same time, both the stand for the floor-standing boiler and the substrate for the wall-mounted one must overlap its dimensions by at least 10 cm in all directions.

Galvanization protects a wooden wall from excessive heat.

  • The minimum horizontal distance from the boiler or gas convector to other gas or electrical appliances is at least 30 cm. Installation of wiring or any electrical appliances above a gas convector is extremely undesirable: hot air will inevitably render the insulation unusable over time.
  • The chimney of a gas boiler must have a diameter no less than the pipe on the boiler, and no more than three bends. The cross-section is only round. The best material is stainless steel.
  • A larger opening is made in the wall or roof for the chimney. Gas combustion products leave the boiler relatively cold, but additional insulation from the walls with asbestos or a piece of asbestos-cement pipe is needed. The same applies to coaxial pipes of a gas convector.

  • A separate room with an area of ​​at least 4 m2 with a door at least 80 cm wide and a window is allocated for a gas boiler.
  • The chimney must be at least half a meter higher than the roof.

Combustion products will not heat the roof leaving the chimney

Types of heating of wooden houses

To keep a log house cool in summer and warm and cozy in winter, it is important to choose the right heating options based on modern heating systems

Electric heating

Heating a wooden house using electric heating guarantees residents ease of control of appliances and the absence of harmful emissions. In addition, there is no need to build a separate boiler room and chimney.

The electrical system has virtually no shortcomings, but it can be affected by external factors in the form of constantly increasing resource costs and imperfect operation of electrical networks with frequent voltage drops. To protect yourself from such problems, you can stock up on a generator, but in this case the issue of saving becomes moot.

If electric water heating is used, the risk lies in the coolant, which can leak or freeze if the equipment is not used correctly.

Electric heating is provided by:

  • heaters (mounted, floor, built-in - such as underfloor heating);
  • radiators equipped with individual heating elements;
  • radiator heating circuit, the “heart” of which is considered to be a heating electric boiler.

Gas heating

Gas heating in a wooden house is an easy-to-maintain and fairly effective method that provides high efficiency, but at the same time requires increased attention to safety precautions. This is especially true for wooden structures in which it is planned to install a gas boiler.

In addition, not all suburban settlements are supplied with gas, which is also a problem that can be solved by installing a special container on the site for storing imported gas - a gas holder or purchasing cylinders, but this will significantly increase costs.

Solid fuel

Solid fuel equipment is considered the best option for heating those houses that do not have access to a gas pipeline and where there is questionable operation of electrical networks.

Such heating is effective and less expensive than an electric unit, and is also attractive due to the low price of the equipment and the ability to install all the elements yourself. Modern models of solid fuel boilers include components and parts that improve their efficiency: for example, an automatic machine for dosed supply of coal into the boiler.

For normal operation of the unit, it must be installed on the ground floor or in a specially built boiler room.

The raw materials for heating this type of boiler are coal, peat, firewood, sawdust or pellets. The device becomes very hot during operation, which increases the risk of fire.

To ensure safety, it is important that the boiler room is lined with non-combustible material. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the premises intended for storing raw materials


Stove heating in a wooden house provides warmth and comfort. The most commonly used stoves are the Swedish type, which combine not only heat transfer functions, but are also equipped with a hob and oven. If desired, such a stove is complemented with a fireplace and sleeping places are arranged against its wall.

The disadvantage of stove heating is the likelihood of poisoning by combustion or ignition products. In addition, the stove can heat a house with an area of ​​no more than 100 square meters using wood or coal. m.

Liquid fuel

Oil boilers are also particularly popular in areas where other heating options are not possible.

Diesel fuel (diesel fuel) is used as the main raw material. The advantage of this type of heating is considered to be the low cost of raw materials, and the main disadvantage is the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning, the occurrence of fires if safety precautions are not followed, and the need to equip special premises.


Considering the difficulties with popular heating systems, an innovative and efficient heating scheme based on infrared radiation was developed.

The principle of operation of this equipment is the operation of heating elements that radiate thermal energy on the surface of a wooden house (furniture, walls, ceilings, floors), which, when heated, release heat into the air. At the same time, warm air rises and mixes with cold air, which avoids overheating and saves up to 70% of energy.

Sometimes combined types of heating are used, when several types are used simultaneously. This can be heating with an electric boiler, the functions of which, in the event of a power outage, begin to be performed by a solid fuel unit.

Raised beds

Recently, raised beds have become especially popular. With this method of their formation, the upper level of the bed is raised above the ground by 20-50 cm and placed in a separate box. This method has a number of advantages over a vegetable garden located in the same plane with the ground, namely:

  • ease of care for the garden bed, since there is no need to bend over to carry out normal procedures (planting, weeding, loosening);
  • you can create a bed from specially brought soil if the land on the site is not suitable for gardening purposes;
  • much fewer weeds and pests settle in the garden bed;
  • beds enclosed in separate high boxes look unusual and, with proper organization of space, become an independent aesthetic object.


Gas convectors are mainly divided according to two criteria: power and design. The power issue is more or less clear. You need to choose a device that can heat the room.

Depending on the design, the following heaters are distinguished:

  1. Floor-standing - installed on the floor. No special skills are required to install the floor-standing device. The device can heat fairly spacious rooms.
  1. Wall-mounted. This is a more compact option. The device fits perfectly into your home interior. Most often it is mounted above a window to create a thermal curtain from cold air. The power of the devices is low. They are suitable for use in houses up to 100 square meters.

When choosing a convector, be sure to pay attention to the material from which the heat exchanger is made. It can be steel, copper or cast iron

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