Insulating the foundation of a house from the outside with Penoplex - step-by-step instructions

Do-it-yourself insulation of the foundation with penoplex.

Preparation of the work front.

To carry out the work you will need the following tools: tape measure, construction knife, hammer drill, concrete drill 200 mm long (according to the diameter of the dowel), mixer for mixing glue, wide brush, shovels, tamper.
You can calculate the number of slabs knowing the area of ​​the insulated foundation and the area of ​​the slab. The area of ​​the foundation is calculated by multiplying the perimeter by the height of the foundation, and the area of ​​the slab is 0.72 m2.

It is ideal to carry out insulation during the construction phase

But this can be done in a house that has already been built and it doesn’t matter how long the building costs

To insulate the foundation from the outside, it is necessary to dig it around the perimeter to the depth of soil freezing. This is a different indicator for each region, but usually it fluctuates in the range of 0.6 - 1.2 m, unless we are talking about the permafrost zone.

The width of the trench should allow work to be carried out on fastening slabs and applying waterproofing without being particularly crowded.

The exposed walls must be cleared of any remaining soil and roots. If the foundation wall is uneven, it is necessary to level it with cement mortar. After the leveling layer has dried, you can begin insulation.

The thickness of the foundation walls in private housing construction is usually 0.4 or less than 0.6 m. To insulate such walls, 10 cm thick penoplex is used.

Installation of polystyrene foam boards.

Before installing penoplex slabs, a layer of waterproofing must be applied to the walls. This work is carried out using a wide brush and bitumen mastic. To make the work easier, you can use a ready-made bitumen primer that has the consistency of slightly thickened paint.

The primer has high adhesion to concrete surfaces and adheres well to the wall. The drying time for the primer is one day. The next day you can begin attaching the insulation.

Penoplex boards are attached to the wall using cement adhesives for fastening polystyrene foam. You need to dilute the glue according to the instructions on the package and let it sit for a while.

The slabs can be glued in both vertical and horizontal orientation. It all depends on the depth of the foundation. At a depth of 1.0 m, you can dig below the laying level in order to attach the insulation vertically without cutting off the remainder. If the depth is no more than 90 cm, then you can turn the slab in a horizontal plane, and cut the slab installed in the second row in half along the long side.

The adhesive must be applied pointwise to the slabs. A continuous layer of glue can be applied if the foundation wall is perfectly flat. After applying the glue, the insulation is pressed against the wall and left for a short time. The next slab is combined with the groove of the previous one and thus moved along the perimeter of the house. Fastening the slabs begins from the bottom. The groove in the slab gives a tight fit to each other and eliminates the appearance of gaps, cracks and cold bridges.

Then, additional fixation is performed using dowel nails

This is especially important when the insulation of the foundation is combined with the formation of the base of the house and part of the insulation extends above ground level. On each slab it is necessary to install five dowels in an “envelope” pattern - one in the center and two in the corners

Having finished fixing the slabs with dowels, some of the slabs that extend above ground level and form the base are plastered over a plaster mesh.

Additional insulation elements

When planning thermal insulation of the underground part of the building using polystyrene foam, it is also worth thinking about how to insulate the basement of the house from the outside. Of course, it is possible to arrange a “wet facade” or “ventilated facade” system using mineral wool or other insulating materials. But it is more logical to continue work using penoplex.

They can - and they should! – insulate the blind area near the house, garden paths, porch and entrance areas. Thanks to this, the thermal radiation of the house into the space will be noticeably reduced, thereby reducing the cost of heating and air conditioning of the building.

How to finish the foundation of a private house

If thermal insulation is installed, the freezing zone does not penetrate into the house and does not reach the foundation wall. And this immediately gives many advantages. The entire height of the strip foundation - from the bottom to the top of the basement - will be in approximately the same temperature conditions. This means that the reinforced concrete structure will not have strong internal stresses, which are often caused by significant thermal disturbances. The lack of insulation of the strip foundation becomes one of the reasons for the rapid wear and tear of the building.

How to insulate the foundation? Until recently, a mixture of clay and straw was used to insulate the basement, but over the past few decades, technology has improved. A large number of new thermal insulation materials have been developed, which are characterized by a convenient shape and ease of installation. All modern materials must meet the following requirements:

  1. Low thermal conductivity. The lower the thermal conductivity coefficient, the better the thermal insulation properties of the building material.
  2. Low level of water absorption. Insulation that is susceptible to moisture absorption does not fulfill the requirements assigned to it and loses its consumer qualities. This is especially dangerous if the material absorbs moisture in winter, when freezing water disrupts the structure of the sheets.
  3. High compressive strength. The soil exerts a lot of pressure on the base, which the insulation must endure without changing its properties.
  4. Resistance to harmful microorganisms. Material that is susceptible to fungal growth and mold will quickly become unusable. Also, insulation sheets should not be exposed to rodents.

Quite often, expanded clay is used to insulate the outside of private houses.

The price of foundation insulation will depend on the working conditions, on whether the work is carried out during construction or already at the stage of its completion. The cost is also influenced by the type of material used, where the main ones are:

  • sprayed insulation – polyurethane foam;
  • thermal insulation sheets - polystyrene foam, penoplex, mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam;
  • expanded clay - an inexpensive, bulk type of thermal insulation;
  • thermal panels - consist of three layers, including the finishing layer, where plaster or facing tiles are used;
  • warm plaster;
  • priming.

What you should know about Penoplex

If the basement of the house will be used, then it is necessary to properly insulate its walls to prevent heat loss. Penoplex has high moisture resistance, mechanical strength and a long service life. The material has zero water absorption, thanks to which extruded polystyrene foam does not lose its excellent thermal conductivity characteristics even in a humid environment.

Comparison of building materials by thermal conductivity

Thermal insulation of columnar foundations

Columnar or pile foundations are used for light or small buildings - frame houses, bathhouses, extensions or verandas. Even if the structures rest on solid soil below the freezing level, the supports experience uneven lateral soil pressure and loads from heaving forces that tend to twist or push the pillars outward.

To avoid skewing of the pillars, it is necessary to insulate the foundations using one of these methods:

  • thermal insulation of the false base and blind area, in which the soil under the house does not freeze during the winter;
  • insulation of the area directly around the support, when a small volume of soil adjacent to the pillar is protected from freezing.

In the first case, penoplex is mounted on a sheathing attached to poles or piles. From the outside, the false base is covered with finishing materials - base siding, corrugated sheets or plastic panels. You can lay out the base with facing bricks on a pre-filled monolithic reinforced concrete strip or metal supporting profile.

In the second case, a hole is torn out around the support, polystyrene foam slabs are laid as tightly as possible and sprinkled with sand or dry soil. This is a more budget option than the first. It is used if the basement is not planned to be finished or the building is unheated.

Constructive decisions

Our company has extensive experience in arranging thermal insulation of plinths. We are happy to advise anyone who wants to insulate the basement using PENOPLEX ® with their own hands. Below are schemes for insulating the base with various types of finishing.

Rice. 1. External insulation of the base followed by plastering over a metal mesh:

Rice. 2. External insulation of the base followed by “heavy” finishing with natural (or artificial) stone or clinker tiles:

Rice. 3. External insulation of the basement followed by finishing with facade panels (basement siding, block house):

Technology of insulating the base with penoplex

Installation of metal profile

There are certain rules for installing such a profile, the implementation of which will help to obtain a high-quality and durable structure:

  1. Metal guides should be fixed at least at three points. This will prevent profile deformation from the effects of temperature changes.
  2. Aluminum slats are secured with dowels.
  3. If the unevenness is large enough, it is necessary to use pads for leveling.
  4. The gaps between the guides and the wall are filled with polyurethane foam.
  5. During installation, corner slats are cut so that a gap of three millimeters is formed at the joints, this is necessary to prevent deformation of the structure.

Installation instructions for penoplex

Compliance with the following insulation instructions is mandatory:

  • The working surface is cleaned, degreased and primed to improve adhesion. It is also necessary to make holes for ventilation.
  • Next, foam boards are prepared. The material is cut in accordance with the location of drains, water pipes and other pipes.
  • An adhesive composition (foam or glue) is applied to the surface of the prepared products along the entire perimeter of the slab. Liquid nails provide better fastening, but this method is quite expensive.
  • Installation of penoplex slabs begins from the corner of the house. This is necessary for rational use and cutting of the material. After applying the adhesive mixture, the products are tightly applied to the wall, after the glue has set, the seams are sealed with sealant.
  • Fastening heat-insulating boards with dowels is used only in the ground part. Dowels are not used on the foundation, as they can damage the waterproofing layer. To ensure maximum thermal insulation effect, penoplex slabs are laid in two layers so that the joints of the lower layer do not coincide with the joints of the upper one. For example, when calculating thermal insulation with a thickness of 10 centimeters, they take 5 centimeter-thick products and lay them in two layers.
  • It is recommended to glue all slab joints with bitumen tape; this will provide additional insulation and improve the quality of installation.
  • After installing the slope corner, glue the reinforcing mesh onto the surface of the slabs using glue.
  • After drying, everything must be primed. Next, apply a layer of putty.

Note! Since the corners of the building are most susceptible to low temperatures, slabs with a thickness of 6 to 10 centimeters should be used in these places.

Necessary tools and materials during insulation

Basically, penoplex sheets are produced in thicknesses ranging from 20-120 mm. Insulation of the basements of houses located in the middle climate zone is usually carried out using insulation up to 50 mm. If the work is carried out in more severe conditions, then preference is given to thermal insulation material with a higher density.

Before insulating the base of the house with penoplex from the outside, the sheets used must be cut in accordance with the existing ventilation, water and other pipes, making holes of similar sizes in the material.

In addition to the insulation itself, during the work it is also necessary to have the following:

  • hammer drill or drill with impact function;
  • spatulas of different lengths for further filling;
  • hammer or construction gun;
  • brush, brush, roller for treating surfaces with primer and other compounds;
  • building level;
  • trowel and similar tools for sealing cracks and leveling the base if necessary;
  • brush for cleaning the surface;
  • a knife or hacksaw for cutting penoplex;
  • aluminum profiles;
  • dowels that allow you to fix the profile structure and, if necessary, the insulation itself;
  • putty;
  • deep penetration primer;
  • bitumen mastic;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • roofing felt or other rolled waterproofing material;
  • glue for fixing penoplex;
  • reinforcing mesh.

As a finishing material in the future, you can put tiles, natural or artificial stone on the base. A more affordable option for this task is to use decorative plaster or facade paint.

Insulation of the foundation from the outside with polystyrene foam

The foundation of the house, as is known, directly interacts with the external environment, as it is located on the ground. Therefore, just like waterproofing, foundation insulation is an important stage in construction and repair work, on which the comfort of housing during the cold season will depend. In addition, thermal insulation is of great practical importance, since it prevents the penetration of dampness into the basement floors and does not allow the resulting condensation, which appears due to the temperature difference between the outside and the inside of the house, to adversely affect the laid communications and the supporting structure as a whole.

Foundation insulation scheme.

There are varieties of this material, for example, penoplex or expanded polystyrene, but in essence these are identical insulation materials, therefore the same technology is used to thermally insulate a strip foundation.

Due to the fact that such insulation is produced in the form of slabs with ready-made grooves, the installation of this material is very simple, and provided that you have construction skills, any adult can cope with this. The heat insulators listed above have the property of not being exposed to water, so the slabs do not deform.

It should be noted that insulation of the base can be done both from the inside and outside. The choice of option depends on many factors. So, if it is planned to insulate the foundation from the outside, then this will allow it to be laid to a shallower freezing depth, which reduces the costs allocated for building a house. In addition, in the case when the building stands on heaving soil, thermal insulation of the supporting structure from the outside will neutralize the impact of sub-zero temperatures on it, which will prevent movement of the foundation, and this greatly affects its durability and strength.

Also, having carried out insulation in this way, this material will serve as additional waterproofing. In other words, this option is the most optimal. Now, having understood all the nuances and decided on the material, before starting work, it is necessary to study the process of insulating the foundation from the outside with either polystyrene foam, penoplex, or expanded polystyrene. Let's look at everything in order.

Cost of insulation

How much will it cost to insulate walls using this material?

To do this, you need to calculate the geometric plane that needs to be insulated.

If a house has a perimeter of 42 meters and a foundation depth of 1 meter, then 42 square meters need to be insulated.

There are no sheets 120 mm thick. But, there is Penoplex Foundation 100 mm and 20. You will have to insulate it in 2 layers. A sheet 100 mm thick costs approximately 375 rubles and has an area of ​​0.72 m3. A sheet 20 mm thick costs about 70 rubles. In total, we need 59 sheets of each type. One hundred square meters will cost us 22,000 rubles and the second layer 4,200, totaling 26,000 rubles for the insulation.

If you add several cylinders of adhesive foam, then you can definitely meet the 30,000 mark.

Mandatory surface treatment

In order to reduce the amount of mixture for self-leveling floors and achieve the consumption rate declared by the manufacturer, it is necessary to carry out mandatory treatment of the base. The list of procedures includes:

  • cracks that are capable of absorbing a large volume of self-leveling solution are sealed;
  • potholes and holes are filled with putty. In places where concrete crumbles, it is removed, if possible, to a durable surface;
  • garbage and dust are swept away, wet cleaning is carried out;
  • so that each square meter of surface absorbs approximately the same amount of the mixture for self-leveling coating, get rid of greasy stains and protruding salt. For this purpose, special chemicals are used;
  • Treatment is done with deep penetration primers. Universal, acrylic water-based compositions are used;
  • for concrete - it makes sense to use epoxy-grade primers. They not only penetrate the surface, but also reduce the absorption rate.

When treating the base with primers, the quality of the surface improves. Namely, dust binds, strengthens, equalizes absorption characteristics, and reduces moisture loss from the finish coating. Therefore, the listed work must be carried out so that the calculation of self-leveling floor per 1 m2 shows reliable data.

The result of the treatment is obtaining a coating with an equal level runout in quadrature (for example, a floor with a slope, depression or drop in level around the perimeter of the room).

Floor repair


It would seem that all you have to do is protect the foundation from moisture in the soil, and you can be sure that the rooms above the basement will always be warm if the heating is carried out correctly. This opinion is not always correct, because in some regions the temperature in winter can be very low. So even the thickest foundation will not save you from the penetration of cold from its side.

And, as the practice of construction and operation of buildings shows, it is through the floor that heat loss reaches 60%. And even if they are thermally insulated, the contact of the foundation with the walls still reduces the temperature inside the premises by up to 30% precisely through the wall surfaces. And this is one of the main reasons why it is necessary to insulate the foundation.

The second reason lies in the foundation design itself. Its lower part is located below the soil freezing level, and the upper part freezes through. At the junction of the two parts, stress increases due to different linear expansion of the concrete structure. That is, the concrete does not expand at the bottom because it is in a zone of positive temperatures, but at the top it, on the contrary, narrows. It is the border that is the most vulnerable zone, which leads to the aging of a concrete structure.

The third reason is the dew point, which, when the foundation is not insulated, is located on its inner surface, that is, on the basement side. This is where condensation forms and turns into ice. It simply gradually destroys structures.

Reason number four . Any concrete structure has its own frost resistance indicator, that is, it can withstand a certain amount of freezing and defrosting. And this figure is quite large. But you should not avoid expenses that can be used to increase this indicator or even do without it.

When talking about insulation methods using Penoplex, you need to pay attention to the fact that the surfaces adjacent to the foundation will also have to be thermally insulated. This mainly applies to walls and blind areas. Everything is simpler with walls; their thickness, included in the house design, already determines that they will not cause high heat loss.

With blind areas it is more difficult, because it is just a layer of concrete screed around the perimeter of the building. Therefore, a layer of thermal insulation will have to be laid under this structure. Typically, perlite or expanded clay 10-20 cm thick is used for this. You can also use Penoplex insulation, placing it on a waterproofing base.

How to insulate a floor

Floor insulation is done in several ways:

  • Creating a backfill layer of insulation between the bottom flooring and the subfloor.
  • Continuous backfilling of the underground with arrangement of the floor on the ground.
  • Construction of a deck with insulation and pouring of a heated floor system.

The choice of the optimal option is made based on existing conditions, configuration and availability of communications in the underground. The most common options include creating a layer of insulation between the bottom and subfloor and pouring a heated floor system.

The procedure for both options starts the same:

  • Logs are installed. They must ensure the immobility and strength of the floor; ideally, they rest on the surface of the piles.
  • Planks are attached to the lower edges of the joists, which will serve as sides for laying the flooring boards.
  • The plank flooring is being laid. Edged boards are used, laid transversely between the joists.
  • A heat insulator is laid on top of the boards. You can use polystyrene foam, penoplex. If the thickness is sufficient, expanded clay is used, but for effective service a layer of at least 30 cm is required, which is not always possible.
  • A layer of waterproofing is laid.

After this, either subfloor materials are laid and the finishing coating is laid, or underfloor heating pipes are laid, all connections are made, functionality is checked, and then a layer of screed is poured (about 10 cm).

This option is gaining more and more supporters, as it allows you to heat the room economically and efficiently.

Preparatory work

Before properly insulating the base of a house with penoplex from the outside, it is also necessary to carry out preparatory work. They must be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to dig a trench from the outside of the foundation along its perimeter to the full depth of the base. The width of the ditch should be comfortable for the work to be done, reaching about 1 m.
  2. Afterwards, you need to clean the base from soil, dirt and old waterproofing.
  3. Next, you need to level the surface and seal the cracks with plaster.
  4. At the next stage, it is necessary to open it with a primer, and after it has completely dried, apply bitumen mastic.
  5. Next, you need to glue roofing felt or other rolled material used as waterproofing, ensuring an overlap of at least 10 cm.
  6. Then a second layer of mastic should be applied.

At this stage, the preparatory activities are completed, after which the installation of insulating material can begin.

Insulation of the base from the inside or outside - what to choose

The degree of protection of the foundation depends on where the insulation will be attached - outside or inside the basement. To most effectively protect the foundation from the negative influence of the external environment, insulation of the foundation with penoplex is carried out from the outside, and it will be easier and faster to do this during construction, rather than during the operation of the housing. The old foundation will have to be excavated, insulated and covered with soil again, and this is a large and labor-intensive job. If the insulation of the base or foundation is carried out from the inside, then there will be no external protection against moisture, soil heaving and frost near the walls. Therefore, the most effective, but more expensive way is to insulate the base both inside and outside, together with laying waterproofing materials in front of the heat insulator. The better the insulation of the base and foundation from the outside:

  1. The base walls do not freeze, moisture does not condense on them;
  2. Concrete lasts longer;
  3. Thermal insulation prevents the penetration of underground and groundwater into the walls, and also serves as protection for waterproofing against soil pressure;
  4. The material of the insulated base evens out seasonal changes in outside temperature, thanks to which a constant optimal microclimate is maintained in the basement;
  5. During external insulation, the dew point moves outward, which means that the walls will not become wet and rot.

Scheme of insulating the foundation of different rooms with penoplex. Internal insulation of the base and foundation will leave them unprotected from negative temperatures, moisture and heaving forces.

Advantages and disadvantages of penoplex

Penoplex has a huge number of advantages and disadvantages, which are worth learning about in advance.

Penoplex has a huge number of advantages and disadvantages, which are worth learning about in advance. The advantages of the material include the following points:

  • Low vapor permeability. Due to this, penoplex can absorb only a minimal amount of moisture.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Can withstand quite heavy loads due to its excellent compressive strength.
  • It has a fairly long service life, which can reach 40 years.
  • Fast and easy installation.
  • It belongs to the middle price segment and pleases customers with a good price-quality ratio.

At the same time, penoplex also has some disadvantages, which if not taken into account, then all insulation work will be ineffective.

  • Quite a high fire hazard rate.
  • May be damaged by rodents.
  • Penoplex has a higher cost than polystyrene foam.

In general, pnoplex can be called a very good material for insulating the foundation of a house, which is why today it is very popular among buyers.

What you should know about insulation

Penoplex is one of the environmentally friendly materials, of course, if technology was not violated during production.

But since we are talking about a material of artificial origin, the chemical components from it can evaporate over time under the influence of various factors. In this regard, the insulation is always additionally covered with a variety of finishing materials.

In general, penoplex is completely safe for human health. But if the material burns, it releases very harmful fumes that can cause serious health problems.

Which penoplex is suitable

When choosing the most suitable type of penoplex, it is necessary to take into account the general condition of the soil, the presence or, conversely, absence of groundwater, and the region of residence. In the case of penoplex insulation of the base, there are only two types of material that fully comply with the necessary characteristics and allow you to get really good results from use.

  1. Penoplex Wall. In practice, this material has repeatedly demonstrated the highest level of efficiency and can therefore provide reliable protection from moisture and other negative environmental influences. It allows you to retain the maximum amount of heat in the house.
  2. Penoplex Comfort. This material is often used for additional wall insulation. This insulation was developed so that you could independently carry out all the work related to the insulation of the room. Thanks to the use of this type of penoplex, you can get excellent results and maintain maximum heat in the house for a long time.

Calculation of materials and components

In order to independently insulate the basement of a private house, experts recommend using Penoplex 45. The size of the slabs of this material is 60x120 centimeters. The weight of one slab does not exceed 2.5 kilograms. The thickness can be from two to ten centimeters.

It is first necessary to calculate exactly how much material will be needed to insulate the base. This can be done using a special formula, which indicates the area that needs to be insulated, as well as the dimensions of the material used. It is worth noting that it is worth buying a little more material for insulation, so that during installation work you can avoid all sorts of unforeseen situations.

Basic properties

It is thanks to its basic operational properties that penoplex has earned its popularity in construction. It is suitable for insulating not only foundations, but also wall structures made of various materials. Let us note the most significant characteristics that are most favorable for use in the ground.

  • Hygroscopicity - penoplex has minimal moisture absorption rates - only 0.6% of the total mass of the sheet.
  • Thermal conductivity is only 0.03 W, which is three times lower than any other stone material. In combination with minimal moisture absorption, this is ideal for foundations even if they are constantly exposed to conditions of high soil moisture.
  • Vapor permeability (ability for gas exchange) is one of the lowest among other insulation materials.
  • Environmental safety - does not emit substances harmful to humans into the surrounding air or soil. The freons used in production are harmless to people and the atmosphere.
  • Increased resistance to open flame - does not emit carbon monoxide and hydrocyanic acid, which are hazardous to health.
  • Chemical resistance - tolerates interaction well with most construction materials, including paints and varnishes. Resistant to alkalis, acids and vegetable fats. Does not disintegrate when interacting with them. Requires special attention when painting with oil-based paints and near organic fuels.
  • The service life established by the manufacturer is not less than 50 years. Absolutely neutral to frequent temperature changes.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress - under short-term loads it returns to its previous shape. It is recommended to avoid impacts when performing work and during operation.

For foundations, the manufacturer recommends Penoplex with a density of at least 33 kg/m3. The material is easily cut with a construction knife with a sharp blade and a hacksaw blade with fine teeth. Produced in sheets with standard dimensions 60 x 120 cm.

Extruded polystyrene (Penoplex)

Extruded polystyrene foam in our country is better known under the brand name “Penoplex”. Expanded polystyrene, or more precisely, its extruded variety, is the general name for a polymer insulation material produced on the basis of styrene. Penoplex is the brand name. Thermal insulation is produced in the form of sheets or plates, the thickness of which can vary from 2 to 15 centimeters. The sheet size is 60*120 centimeters; there is a special groove along its long side to facilitate installation.

The advantages of this material include:

low thermal conductivity coefficient;

high level of strength compared to brittle foam;

low moisture absorption rates by the material;

long service life due to resistance to destruction and rotting - up to 50 years;

good resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Penoplex has only one main drawback - its increased flammability. Since during external insulation of the foundation the bulk of the material will be below ground level, this nuance will not have a negative impact on the structural parts of the foundation. However, if you decide to insulate the entire building from the facade with this material, this point should be taken into account.

Foundation thermal insulation

The use of modern methods of thermal insulation is of great importance, especially in areas with harsh climatic conditions. This prevents a significant portion of heat loss and freezing of soils, which increase in volume, which leads to a rise in their level.

Foundation insulation with polystyrene foam

Insulating the foundation of a house from the outside with polystyrene foam is an excellent option for improving the thermal insulation qualities of the base of the house and preventing freezing.

Expanded polystyrene is an improved type of foam. Its use is more profitable, and installation is easier.

The video describes in detail how to insulate the base of a residential building with your own hands.

The process works as follows:

Preparing the base. This stage can be carried out both during the construction of the building and after its completion. To do this, you need to dig out the foundation, clean it of soil, debris, rust and grease. Sheet selection

In this case, you need to pay attention to two factors: density and thickness. They mainly use sheets with fire retardant additives and a density of 35 kg/m3. Waterproofing

This will prevent the influence of groundwater and its penetration through the insulator layer. Fastening polystyrene foam sheets with contact adhesive. You can attach two layers, but so that the panels of the second layer cover the joints of the first. Protection of insulation with a reinforcing mesh to avoid strong mechanical stress and the penetration of rodents. A layer of cement mortar can be applied to the protective mesh. Providing drainage. This step is considered mandatory when constructing a building on wet soils. Basement insulation. The base also needs to be insulated in the same way, followed by finishing. After the glue has dried, the panels are additionally secured with nails. Soil insulation. The event involves isolating the surrounding land with a blind area insulated with polystyrene foam slabs.


Insulating the foundation and blind area can significantly increase the temperature in the structure and protect the foundation from destruction.

Insulation of the foundation with liquid polyurethane foam

It is considered a fairly effective method that reduces heat loss by 20–25%.

To do this, two liquid components are mixed with each other, forming a thick foam. When applied, it increases in volume and hardens, forming a protective seamless layer with excellent thermal insulation and waterproofing properties. The optimal application thickness is considered to be 60 mm.

Wooden building

The polyurethane foam layer can be applied at a temperature not lower than +5 C. Surface preparation involves cleaning from contaminants, and surface quality is an unimportant factor.

As the foam hardens, it changes color. When performing work, various problems may arise related to equipment and neglect of weather conditions.

For example, when applied in sub-zero temperatures, cracks may appear that must be repaired in the future, otherwise water may accumulate in them and freeze. After polymerization, the polyurethane foam layer has low plasticity.


Foundation insulation using EPS

As a rule, not all insulation materials are suitable for thermal insulation of the base. To choose the right material for this purpose, you need to consider its service life: it must be as durable as the building itself.

Insulation with extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) is considered a more reliable method than, say, polystyrene foam, since this material is more durable and has excellent performance characteristics.

Blind area with trays

For this purpose, you need to purchase heat insulation boards and suitable glue for attaching it. After this, a number of preparatory activities should be carried out:

  1. Dig a trench around the foundation, digging into the ground.
  2. Apply EPS to the freezing depth of the ground.
  3. Clean the foundation from debris and dirt.
  4. Apply a special primer in two layers, wait for it to dry and absorb into the concrete.
  5. Provide waterproofing with bitumen mastic.
  6. Apply glue to the boards.

Attaching the slabs to the outer part of the foundation is allowed 1 minute after applying the glue. If the panels have a large area, you need to apply the glue in several strips using a comb spatula. If the slabs have locks, then a few days later the seams are sealed with polyurethane foam, and the slabs themselves are additionally secured with dowel nails.

Two-story mansion

Requirements for insulation

To obtain a high-quality result, it is not enough just to carry out all activities professionally.

It is quite difficult to choose insulation that is optimally suited for a specific purpose, both in quality and financially. After all, today you can find many options for insulation in different price categories and from different manufacturers.

Do-it-yourself installation of extruded polystyrene foam on a plinth

Therefore, when choosing, you should pay special attention to the following qualities of the material:

  1. Low hygroscopicity. This parameter is very important, as it determines the degree of moisture absorption. At a high rate, the material will absorb moisture and as a result will collapse, which will lead to the destruction of the base itself.
  2. High strength. The thermal insulator must withstand heavy loads of underground compressive forces. For example, the impact of soil, which increases in volume when frozen.
  3. Low thermal conductivity. The thermal insulator must have a reduced thermal conductivity coefficient to ensure good thermal insulation.
  4. Long service life. The thermal insulator should have approximately the same service life as the building, because replacing it is a rather labor-intensive process.

Taking into account all these requirements, you can choose the most suitable material for insulating the outside of your house with your own hands.

Coating waterproofing and penoplex

Insulation of slab base: technology

To insulate the slab foundation, as well as the sole of the strip-type base, Penoplex slabs are used, the thickness of which is about 10 cm.

The following sequence of actions is carried out:

  1. The territory is marked, and after that the top soil is removed. In this case, it is worth adhering to the depth that corresponds to the calculations of the construction project. When removing soil, it is necessary to ensure that the bottom is level. To do this, the last 30 cm are removed manually. When the site is ready, it is filled with sand, which is subsequently compacted.
  2. Temporary formwork is created, and then the concrete base is prepared. In this case, the formwork is filled with concrete (a thin layer is used). As for reinforcing the base, this is not necessary.
  3. When the concrete base hardens, the foundation is insulated with Penoplex, the video confirms this. In this case, you must try to align the mounting groove, avoiding gaps. A polyethylene film is placed on top of the slabs; it is desirable that it be as thick as possible. The joints are glued using tape. Thanks to the film, it is possible to provide a waterproofing layer and also prevent concrete from leaking through the joints of the insulation.
  4. Then formwork, reinforcement, and pouring of the foundation are performed. When it hardens, the formwork should be removed. Next, its walls are lined with Penoplex slabs.
  5. After this, the sole is insulated, which is done using a similar technology.

Features of installing insulation on the foundation

As a rule, the foundation needs insulation in the same way as the walls. Various methods of insulating the base of a building with penoplex are used.

  1. Vertical method.

Along the entire foundation there is a lower level for laying insulation.

The slab is covered with adhesive and pressed in the right place.

The entire foundation is covered with insulation using the same method. An exception may be places that are in the ground. The slabs in this place are pressed tightly against the foundation with soil.

  1. Horizontal method.

In this way, the foundation from below is protected from freezing. The work is carried out at the initial stage of construction, when the foundation is just being laid.

The slabs are tightly placed on the concrete base of the formwork.

Waterproofing is laid on the insulation, and then the foundation is poured and reinforced.

After removing the formwork, the sides of the foundation are insulated.

  1. Thermal protection around the house.

In this case, the foundation and the surrounding area are simultaneously insulated.

First of all, the foundation is insulated vertically.

Then formwork is made around the foundations with an indentation of 100 mm, and the blind area is prepared.

Insulation is laid in a dense layer on the compacted surface between the foundation and the formwork.

A waterproofing film is installed on top of the insulation, overlapping the foundation, after which the formwork is filled with concrete.

Using polyurethane foam

Methods for thermal insulation using foam are the most expensive, since installation will require special equipment and qualified craftsmen. The cost of polyurethane foam itself is also quite high. The material resembles polystyrene in structure, but is inferior to it in terms of quality. Its durability is similar to high-quality foam. The main advantage of polyurethane protection is the absence of joints and seams on the surface during application. The use of the material eliminates the need for waterproofing, since the foam itself performs these functions.

Application technology:

  • Foam spraying is carried out using a high pressure unit. A special gun sprays the finished composition onto the base at a speed of 350 l/min. Before starting the installation process, you must make sure that the equipment is in good working order and that there is an electrical outlet with a current of 220V.
  • The foam is applied to a previously cleaned and dry surface without traces of oil in several layers to ensure maximum adhesion at the joint. The first layer should be from 5 to 10 mm thick, depending on the topography of the foundation. Performing thermal insulation using this method requires certain skills, so it cannot be done independently.

What is extruded polystyrene foam

Not everyone clearly understands what polystyrene foam actually is. In general, this is nothing more than ordinary and well-known foam plastic, used in everyday practice, mainly for packaging fragile items. This is a durable, lightweight, heat-saving, biodegradable and almost insoluble material obtained by filling styrene granules with gas and then heating them.

When exposed to temperature, the granules “swell” until they occupy the entire volume available to them and sinter together.

Extruded or extruded polystyrene foam is distinguished by a special manufacturing technology. For ordinary polystyrene foam, polystyrene granules are simply heated with water vapor, while to obtain EPS, several processes are used at once: the granules are mixed and heated, a foaming agent is introduced, and then extruded under high pressure, i.e. pushed through the molding hole.

This technology provides greater uniformity and, therefore, greater strength of EPS compared to foam plastic.

Material characteristics

Several types of polystyrene are produced under this brand; we are interested in Penoplex Foundation insulation. These are slabs measuring 1200 by 600 mm. They have different thicknesses from 20 to 100 mm. We especially highlight 3 features of this material:

  • Thermal conductivity - 0.030 W/(m×°K);
  • Compressive strength (density) - 0.27 (2.7; 27) MPa (kgf/cm2; t/m2);
  • Water absorption for 28 days is 0.5% by volume.

The table below shows more complete characteristics of Penoplex.

Useful tips

Most homeowners turn to external rather than internal wall insulation with penoplex. This is explained by the fact that the second option hides the usable area of ​​the room.

When decorating floors after insulation, they often turn to grouting. For this it is better to use sandpaper. You can proceed to this stage after the reinforcing layer has completely dried. Despite the strength of penoplex, you should be careful when working with it, since this material can still be damaged or broken.

Select high-quality and most effective glue for penoplex. A special adhesive foam is ideal for laying this insulation: it firmly and tightly attaches the material to the base and holds it quite reliably. Make sure that the thickness of the penoplex for wall insulation is at least 5 cm. Ensure that the insulation is securely and tightly attached to the base. Use both nails and glue.

When installing insulation, you cannot do without a profile, especially when it comes to installing a frame structure. It is advisable to purchase a bubble or laser tool, which is both easier and more convenient to use.

To make the external insulation of a house more effective and complete, it is recommended to insulate the foundation in advance (the basement can also be insulated along with it). In this case, all the work is done quite simply: first you need to dig out the foundation, clean it of any dirt, and then glue the foam sheets. After this, the base can be buried.

When installing penoplex on the facade of a building, you must ensure that the panels overlap each other by about 10 cm. This way you can avoid the formation of cracks.

Extruded polystyrene foam is a strong and durable material, but it does not tolerate contact with the following substances:

  • gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene;
  • acetone and other ketone solvents;
  • formaldehyde and formaldehyde;
  • benzene, xylene, toluene;
  • various esters;
  • polyesters;
  • coal tar;
  • oil paints.

It is most convenient to apply glue to materials using a notched trowel. In this case, it is advisable to make the adhesive layer no more than 10 mm.

Facade penoplex glued to the ceilings needs to be bandaged vertical seams. This technology is very similar to laying bricks.

If you are going to plaster a wall insulated with penoplex, then you should first apply a base composition with a reinforcing mesh. The density of the latter must be at least 145 g/m2. Make sure that the size of the overlap is about 10 cm. Next, you need to lay a leveling plaster layer (its thickness should be at least 5 mm). Only then should the thermal insulation material be covered with decorative finishing.

If you are sheathing a house with penoplex in 2 layers, then first glue the starting layer, and on top of it place the next layer with a slight offset. Before this, it is worth treating the slabs with a roller.

Before installing insulation, old coverings should be removed only if they have noticeable damage or crumbling areas. If the previous finish does not have any defects or complaints, then penoplex can be placed on it.

Penoplex can be installed on a variety of substrates. It can be safely used for a private/country house or city apartment. In addition, you can easily install this insulation not only on walls, but also on the roof/ceilings.

Experts advise not to rush to insulate the house until it shrinks completely. Otherwise, the layer of plaster will become cracked and may begin to crumble. To carry out thermal insulation work, it is necessary to select only high-quality materials and tools.

Leveling the bases for laying penoplex can be done with plasterboard. However, the presence of this material will reduce the additional space in the room. Owners of city apartments with uneven floors often turn to such solutions.

If you decide to lay penoplex on a wall made of foam concrete, then it will come in handy to install a vapor barrier material. These components are not needed only if we are talking about bases whose structure is not porous.

Necessary equipment

It is important to understand here that each case is individual, and the set of materials and tools depends on the stage at which the work begins. After all, you must agree that, for example, insulating a foundation with foam plastic around which a concrete blind area is made is one thing, but working with soft soil is something completely different... We will consider the option when insulation needs to be done around the foundation of an already built house and at minimal financial and time costs

We will consider the option when insulation needs to be done around the foundation of an already built house and at minimal financial and time costs.

But in any case, the minimum required set is there, and the number of other necessary components can only increase.

So, a list of necessary equipment.


To get started you will need this:

  1. Shovels for digging and discarding soil near the foundation.

American shovel

  1. A crowbar for splitting large stones in the ground or prying something open.
  2. Buckets for glue mixture;
  3. Drill with mixer for stirring foam glue;
  4. Hammer, various spatulas and a large primer brush.
  5. Hammer.

Now about consumables.


Here, too, you won’t need anything super expensive.

You will have to take care of the availability of the following materials:

  1. About roofing felt. It is advisable to buy it in order to additionally protect the foam insulation for the foundation;
  2. About foam glue, primer, and dowels (umbrellas work best).

In principle, in order to fully carry out the process of insulating the foundation, this set should be sufficient.

Let's start work.

general information

What is important when insulating the foundation of a house? Thermal insulating properties, strength, biostability and zero water absorption. When backfill stones fly onto the slab, when groundwater rises to the very surface, and in winter the thermometer freezes at around 30 degrees below zero - you need real materials that can withstand extreme tests

There is such insulation - it’s Penoplex Foundation.

Why do we insulate the foundation with PENOPLEX? To solve the main problems that arise during the construction of basements and the construction of foundations of private houses. This material creates highly effective thermal insulation, preventing frost heaving and the appearance of heat-conducting “bridges”.

Penoplex foundation insulation reliably protects the waterproofing layer and provides groundwater drainage, reducing its pressure on the underground structures of the building or the basement.

The use of Penoplex insulation during the construction of a shallow foundation on heaving soils can significantly reduce the labor intensity and cost of work, while avoiding soil heaving and creating comfortable conditions in the basement (basement) parts of the building.

  • The high resistance to mechanical stress of PENOPLEX slabs allows for reliable protection of the waterproofing coating.
  • PENOPLEX has virtually zero water absorption and does not require additional waterproofing to protect against groundwater. Moreover, in the case of thermal insulation of foundations, this will be a mandatory requirement.
  • Insulation of the PENOPLEX foundation will ensure stability of thermal characteristics even under extreme conditions in water-saturated soil.
  • PENOPLEX thermal insulation is not biodegradable, which means that there is no danger upon contact with water and soil. The thermal insulation layer of PENOPLEX FOUNDATION slabs will ensure the durability of the entire foundation or basement structure.

How to insulate the foundation of a house

When insulating a traditional foundation from the outside, PENOPLEX Foundation slabs are mounted on a layer of waterproofing and then covered. Mechanical fastening of the plates is not required. As a rule, the slabs are installed vertically overlapping along the perimeter of the building, starting from the bottom row.

The top slabs should protrude above the level of the added soil to a height of 400-500 mm to prevent groundwater from rising to the walls of the first floor. Drainage pipes are backfilled with sand and gravel to a height of 1000-1200 mm. Deep laying.

The actively developing suburban housing construction market requires reducing material costs and saving labor resources. The use of new construction technologies and materials that are used in the construction of various parts of structures helps to achieve significant savings in resources, reduce labor intensity and reduce construction time.

One of these directions was the use of PENOPLEX slabs in the construction of shallow foundations. After all, it is known that a significant share of the total cost of buildings is the cost of constructing the foundation.

Frost-protected shallow foundations are similar to conventional foundations, with the exception of the location of the PENOPLEX Foundation thermal insulation boards and the depth of foundation. Small foundation.

With additional insulation of the foundation from the inside (thermal insulation of the basement walls from the inside), in winter moisture may form in the wall. Due to their low vapor permeability, PENOPLEX COMFORT slabs significantly reduce the process of vapor condensation in the wall (unlike mineral wool), but do not eliminate it completely, because With internal thermal insulation without a vapor barrier, it is almost impossible to avoid the process of moisture condensation. For internal insulation, a vapor barrier made of foil polyethylene film of 160-200 microns is required on the warm side of PENOPLEX COMFORT slabs. Compliance with these rules will prevent the wall from getting wet and the appearance of mold, ensuring comfortable living conditions in your home. Insulation of basement walls from the inside.

Penoplex insulation is successfully used to insulate basement floors from the outside and inside.

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