Technical characteristics of the gas water heater Oasis - detailed overview of models

The Oasis water heater is presented on our market by a Chinese manufacturer in compliance with all standards and regulations for the use of equipment in Russia. The equipment has a low cost, so it is very popular among the population. At the same time, the manufacturer proves the reliability and practicality of the gas device by providing a long warranty period. The Oasis geyser with a variety of designs allows you to choose a model to suit any interior.

General description of the model range

Oasis instantaneous gas water heaters will fit perfectly into the interior of an apartment or house. Thanks to their compact size, they take up little space and weigh no more than 11 kg. The model range includes options with and without chimney.

Presented models with power up to 26 kW. The maximum gas flow reaches 2.6 m³/h. Built-in safety sensors automatically turn off the system in the event of a sharp increase in temperature, lack of traction, or gas leak.

The mesh water filter protects against debris and blockages in the pipes. On the body of the Oasis speakers there are knobs for regulating the water temperature and gas supply power.

There is also an LCD display on which the desired temperature mode is set and error codes are displayed when they occur. Ignition occurs automatically if you open the water tap. Shutdown - when closing.

Malfunctions and methods for their elimination

Before you start troubleshooting the Oasis brand column and choosing a solution, you need to make sure that there is normal water pressure in the system and draft in the chimney.

It is better to check the draft with a candle or match; the flame should deviate well until it extinguishes.

Let's consider the most common malfunctions that appear during the operation of Oasis speakers, possible causes of their occurrence, and methods of elimination.

If the Oasis gas water heater does not light up, there may be several main reasons.

Let's talk about the main ones:

Insufficient power supply to the speaker

Insufficient power supply or no power supply. The most likely and simplest reason for this malfunction lies in dead batteries.

If, when you open the tap, you hear a discharge crackling sound, there is a spark, the pressure is normal, but the gas does not ignite, then the reason is most likely in the batteries.

Over time they lose their capacity. Their power drops, they cannot supply the required current to the load. It is only enough to start a high-voltage generator, and there is not enough power to open the solenoid valve.

Deterioration of contacts in the battery compartment due to corrosion and contamination can also cause ignition problems. Corrosion can be caused by leaking batteries or moisture entering the contacts from the outside.

Repair instructions: replace the batteries with new ones. Alkaline elements should be installed. First you need to check the condition of the contacts. If necessary, wipe them with alcohol, or clean them with sandpaper, a knife or a file.

If corrosion damage occurs as a result of moisture ingress, the source should be identified and the leak repaired.

For chimneyless speakers, the lack of ignition may be due to a faulty power supply. Only in this case there will be no spark discharge.

Weak pressure at the water heater outlet

Deterioration of water flow through the column is a common occurrence.

If the water pressure in the system is normal, but the outlet of the column is weak, then there may be several options:

  • the filter at the inlet of the water block is clogged;
  • the throughput of the heat exchanger coil is impaired due to scale;
  • the mesh divider (aerator) on the hot water tap is clogged;
  • a piece of scale got into the flexible hose supplying hot water to the tap.

Remedy: remove, clean, rinse mesh filters under running water. Replace flexible hose. Clean the heat exchanger.

Water unit malfunction

Under the pressure of the incoming water flow, the membrane pushes the rod, which opens the mechanical gas valve and presses the microswitch button that activates the ignition.

This mechanism may fail for the following reasons:

the membrane is worn out, over time it loses its properties, elasticity, and breaks; the rod is stuck.

Repair instructions: disassemble the water unit. If the threaded connections are stuck, treat them with anti-corrosion agent WD-40 or brake fluid and leave for half an hour.

Then replace the membrane, lubricate the rod, spring and seal. It is better to install a new silicone membrane; it will last longer.

Malfunction of microswitch or solenoid valve

You can check the serviceability of the microswitch and solenoid valve with a multimeter. To do this, it must be switched to resistance measurement mode with a minimum limit.

Connect the probes to the microswitch terminals and alternately press and release the button.

If the readings of the device vary from one ohm to infinity, then the switch is most likely working. If the readings do not change, the microswitch is faulty.

To check the solenoid valve, you need to measure the resistance of the solenoid windings at the connector terminals. It should be about 400 ohms between the black and yellow wires, and the yellow and red.

Between the red and black wires - about 7 ohms. If the measurement results are significantly different, the solenoid valve is faulty.


The design of the Oasis geyser is simple. The delivery set consists of:

  • from a panel with control knobs, an LCD screen, a fire monitoring window;
  • a heat-resistant heat exchanger in which scale does not form due to the special coating;
  • burners;
  • water, gas pipes;
  • fastening elements.

The burner in the Oasis equipment fires automatically when the coolant enters. Cold water is heated in the heat exchanger due to the combustion of fuel, and is supplied heated to the tap.

The ionic coating of the heat exchange surface prevents scale from appearing, and the magnetic filter protects the housing from corrosion. The LCD display shows the operating temperature, and when a malfunction occurs, a breakdown code.

The water heater operates on a gas mixture, so before installation it is important to have permission from the relevant authorities. Installation according to the placement plan is carried out by gas workers. It is important to comply with the requirements for the room where the Oasis speaker will be located:

  • the presence of a good exhaust hood and ventilation system;
  • volume more than 8 m³;
  • cladding of surrounding surfaces with heat-resistant materials.

Also take into account the following:

  • the installation of the device should be such that it is convenient to observe the combustion of gas;
  • it is necessary to provide a free space in front of the front of the device of at least 60 cm;
  • It is prohibited to place heating devices under gas equipment.

The gas service carries out the first switch-on, filling out warranty documents. Before the first and subsequent starts, it is recommended to check the draft, tightness of connections, and unhindered opening of gas valves.

Reviews of storage columns

After reading customer reviews about Oasis geysers, you can understand that the principle of operation of storage devices is completely different. Water is heated in a special tank, which is well insulated. Consumers consider the advantages of such units to be:

  • availability of a constant volume of hot water;
  • comfortable operation;
  • economical work.

Cumulative models, according to consumers, also have their disadvantages, they are expressed in the large size of the structures and high cost. If there is not much free space in the apartment, then placing a storage column will be quite difficult. Buyers emphasize that it is better to purchase such equipment for a spacious private house than for a small city apartment. In the latter case, some difficulties may arise with installing the device.

Despite some disadvantages, consumers quite often purchase Oasis brand products. Customer reviews of the Oasis gas water heater will allow you to verify this. According to consumer opinions, storage models can be quite compact. However, the volume of the water tank will not exceed 15 liters. For a modern small-sized kitchen, such equipment will be a real godsend.


The operation of the Oasis gas water heater depends on the burner. This element is made of heat-resistant steel. Ignition is carried out automatically from 2 batteries when you open a hot water tap. This process takes about 7 seconds, but when you first turn it on it reaches 1 minute.

All Oasis gas models do not have a flame modulation system. The burner power can only be changed manually.

Initially, the gas water heater runs on natural gas. To connect bottled fuel, replace the nozzles and regulator knobs.

It is important to monitor the flame through the window on the body of the gas equipment. If it smokes or sparks, clean the burner:

  • turn off the column;
  • turn off all taps;
  • disassemble the device;
  • remove dust and soot deposits with a brush;
  • Use a damp cloth to remove fumes from the collector and nozzle;
  • remove the burner device;
  • wash contaminated elements with soapy water;
  • All components are dried dry;
  • everything is put back together.

Before turning on, check the tightness and traction. A clogged gas burner impairs performance and, due to the large release of carbon monoxide, leads to gas poisoning. It is recommended to clean this element at least once a year. Under normal operating conditions, the flame on the burner is blue.

How to extend the life of the column?

The longevity of a speaker depends on many factors. The main part of them is laid at the manufacturer, the rest are determined by operating conditions.

By following some rules and recommendations, you can significantly reduce the number of breakdowns and extend the life of the column.

Features of using batteries

Of all the parts, batteries require the most frequent replacement. For geysers, you should choose only alkaline batteries made using Alkalin power technology, size “D” and the first letter “L” in the designation is LR20. Their capacity and service life are five times greater than those of salt ones: from 1 to 1.5 years.

It is better not to buy elements that are too cheap, as they may turn out to be fake. It is possible to install NiMH or Li-Ion batteries, but their price with a charger is higher

High-quality batteries cost from $1.2. There is a radical way to reduce the cost of replacing batteries - converting the speaker to power from the mains.

To do this, you can buy a special 3 V power supply, or use a 5 V mobile phone charger with an additional stabilizer. The main requirement is that its power is sufficient for ignition, which occurs at a supply voltage of 3 V and a current of 350 mA.

In case of a power outage, you can always keep batteries in reserve; fortunately, alkaline batteries have a shelf life of 5 years or more.

Column heat exchanger quality

When choosing a column, special attention should be paid to the quality of the heat exchanger. The type of metal and its quality have a great influence on the lifespan of the radiator. They are made of galvanized steel, stainless steel, copper.

The most durable of stainless steel, but inferior in thermal conductivity to copper. Accordingly, they are less economical and have lower efficiency. Copper is the most efficient in heat transfer, but also the most expensive.

When replacing the heat exchanger with a new one, pay attention to the thickness of the metal and the weight of the radiator. Quality should not be too light

The high cost of copper leads to the fact that manufacturers save as much as possible on the thickness of the heat exchanger wall, bringing it down to 0.5 mm, which significantly reduces the service life. For the same reason, other metals are added to copper. The alloy obtained in this way may have unpredictable properties. As a result, such a heat exchanger cannot even be soldered.

System water quality

If the water in the system is subjected to frequent chlorination, this will negatively affect the condition of the copper heat exchanger. In combination with the thinned walls of the pipeline, this can quickly lead to corrosion and the appearance of fistulas.

Increased water hardness in combination with heating causes no less problems. Scale deposits require periodic washing.

You can improve water quality using aquafilters and magnetic softeners. Detailed information and rules for choosing a filter for purifying tap water are given in the following publication.

Overheating of the geyser

The most important factor leading to malfunctions and reduced service life of the column is its overheating. It is important not to raise the temperature to 65 degrees or higher.

To reduce the risk of the water becoming too hot, do not use the faucet to cool the water. Only change the temperature using the flame and water flow control knobs intended for this purpose.


Oasis instantaneous water heaters with a power from 12 to 26 kW are capable of heating up to 13 l/min. The speakers turn off automatically if there is no water or gas supply. Heat-resistant heat exchanger, does not heat the housing.

For long-term, high-quality operation of the Oasis gas water heater, the manufacturer recommends:

  • annually carry out full maintenance with replacement of sealing elements, lubrication of connections, checking the operation of sensors;
  • regularly change filters in the water heater;
  • keep the burner clean;
  • wipe the body from dust and dirt;
  • clean the chimney;
  • Before each use, inspect the device;
  • Protect the water heater from freezing.

For wintering, turn off the gas water heater completely, drain the remaining water, and dry all the elements dry. It is important to keep the machine clean both inside and out. It is prohibited to use strong chemicals containing abrasives to remove dust and dirt.

It is recommended to additionally install gas and water filters, and also to prevent overheating above 45°C to extend the life of the Oasis water heater. In case of scale formation due to hard water, wash with 10% citric acid solution. In this way, the heat exchanger, pipes, and all connections are cleaned.

If repairs are necessary, it is important to purchase original spare parts for Oasis geysers from service organizations.

Rules for replacing a gas water heater in an apartment - important tips and nuances in our article.

Pros and cons of the Oasis gas water heater

The range of geysers from the Oasis company allows you to choose a device to suit every taste. A wide range of capacities and mechanisms allows you to purchase a model that meets the required technical parameters. Given the pleasant, unobtrusive design, the device does not need to be built into a cabinet; the compactness of the gas installation allows it to become an element that complements the interior. To summarize, among the advantages of the technology we can highlight the following parameters:

  • wide range of design solutions;
  • compactness;
  • easy installation method;
  • affordable price;
  • large branch of power levels.
  • quiet operating mode.

Parameter table

The speaker manufacturer Oasis produces devices capable of heating from 6 to 13 l/min. The model range of the Standard series is presented in the table.

power, kWt1216202426
Productivity, l/min.68101213
Gas consumption, m³/h.1,21,62,02,42,6
Dimensions, cm44x33x1252x33x14.559x34x14.562x34x1865x42x18.5
price, rub.from 6000from 6400from 7500from 8000from 8900

All models operate continuously at low gas pressure, are equipped with a safety system, and weigh less than 11 kg. The columns are painted white, but cladding with a pattern can be ordered.

Some water heaters are available with a flueless system, this makes installation in apartments easier. Some models are equipped with a “winter-summer” system that controls fuel consumption depending on weather conditions.

Customer reviews about flow models

Among the positive aspects of flow equipment, buyers highlight:

  • automatic switching on;
  • the presence of a regulator that controls the water heating process;
  • no dependence on electricity;
  • opportunity to minimize costs.

As for the lack of dependence on electricity, it is ensured by operation, which is carried out using replaceable batteries. The design provides for a regulator with which you can control the heating process depending on the time of year. Consumers emphasize that flow-through models also have their disadvantages, which are expressed in the high cost of the devices. But buyers emphasize that such devices pay off in durability and practicality.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Detailed recommendations for choosing a good geyser from an experienced technician are presented in the video below:

The above rating of top models from trusted manufacturers includes devices that are optimal for domestic conditions, which will reliably and efficiently heat water even if the general water supply and gas systems are not functioning properly.

A gas water heater, which can be installed without connecting to a chimney, remains a real godsend for most buyers. Such models are distinguished by fairly simple installation, stable operation and rich functionality.

But do not forget that a gas water heater is dangerous equipment, so it is very important to invite a specialist to connect the water heater, which will help to avoid troubles. And also do not forget about fire safety rules when using it .

Have you recently chosen a geyser and are quite satisfied with your purchase? Share with other users the main difficulties that you encountered during the selection process. Tell us what parameters of the column, in your opinion, should be paid attention to first. Add a photo of your column in the comments block.

Briefly about installation

The number of brackets that will be needed to install a storage water heater depends on its location:

  • 2 - with vertical;
  • 4 - when horizontal.

The manufacturer recommends the use of its line of fasteners, even if they are not included in the package.

When choosing a location for such a device, you need to remember that there must be a distance of at least 30 cm between its protective cover and surrounding objects. If a model with a tank with a capacity of 100 liters is used, the free space must be at least 50 cm.

Such water heaters cannot be fixed to drywall. The fasteners must be long enough to reach the main wall.

All threaded connections to the pipeline should be sealed and treated with sealant. Allow at least 4 hours for it to dry.

It is recommended to install instantaneous water heaters as close as possible to the riser to ensure better pressure. In this case, the same requirements for the strength of the walls and the reliability of the connection to the water supply must be observed.

Self-installation of any type of device will void the manufacturer's warranty.

How to choose a storage type gas boiler

There are several dozen different models of boilers on the gas water heating equipment market.

When choosing, experts recommend paying attention to several technical characteristics:

  • Tank type - how to correctly calculate the volume of a storage tank is explained below. In addition to calculations, you need to decide on the choice of tank material. Manufacturers make tanks from the following types of metal:
      Stainless steel is the optimal material, characterized by long-term operation and corrosion resistance. The only drawback: high cost. Stainless steel has several classes. Only special food-grade stainless steel can be used for the storage device.
  • With an enameled tank - there are several types of coating. Previously, the boiler tank was protected using ordinary enamel, which was used to cover dishes. Cheap water heater models still use this type of protection. Disadvantages: susceptibility to mechanical damage and thermal effects. The service life, even with careful use, does not exceed 5 years. Glass-ceramic coating is a modified enamel with good strength characteristics and heat resistance. Glass ceramics have a longer service life, up to 7-8 years of service.
  • With titanium coating - the characteristics of boilers are similar to those made of stainless steel. The tank of a capacitive boiler will work freely for at least 10 years, and the durability is not affected by the intensity of water heating (as is the case with a conventional enamel coating).
  • Burner type - there are conventional atmospheric and closed burner devices, with forced oxygen supply into the chamber. When choosing, they are guided by the technical conditions of the room used for installation. There are several types of storage tanks:
      Atmospheric gas boilers - they take air from the boiler room using natural circulation.
  • Turbocharged storage water heaters with a closed combustion chamber - oxygen is supplied from the street (models with a coaxial chimney) or from the room, in a forced manner. Turbo boilers are economical. Disadvantages: noisy when turned on, volatile.
  • Ignition type - not all water heaters work the same. Based on the inclusion principle, there are two main types of drives:
      Automatic ignition - runs on batteries or mains. Switching on occurs when the water temperature drops below the specified parameters. Water heaters with an electronic ignition system operate in fully automatic mode. The consumer is only required to set the heating temperature.
  • Piezo ignition - in this case, a constantly working wick is provided inside the water heater. Ignition is done manually. The igniter flame is ignited by a piezoelectric element. The wick works continuously and lights the main burner.
  • Fuel type - tank-type boilers operate on propane (bottled gas) and methane (from the central line). There are universal models. The latter can be easily converted to alternative fuel after changing the injectors and switching the mode. Water heaters with the ability to operate from a cylinder can be connected to a gas tank.
  • Installation principle - the drives are designed in two solutions. The first ones are intended for floor installation. The volume of storage capacity is practically unlimited. Water heaters for wall mounting are limited in volume. The maximum capacity usually does not exceed 100 liters.

After selecting a storage tank according to the 5 criteria described above, we proceed to calculating the volume of the storage water heater. You can do the calculations yourself.

Oasis water heaters

Oasis water heaters are available in 3 types:

  • electric storage;
  • electric flow;
  • gas flow.

Each of them, in addition to the standard series, offers a number of models designed to solve a particular user problem, for example, if there is a need to use liquefied gas or there is no chimney.

Among the devices powered by electricity, miniature versions are offered, suitable for installation above the sink. The devices are also available in narrowed bodies, suitable for installation in a small bathroom.

Oasis geyser device (with diagram)

The internal part of standard hot water gas equipment is presented:

  • plate heat exchanger with a water tube;
  • gas burners;
  • exhaust gas collector;
  • piezoelectric element or automatic electric ignition.

The electronics are powered through batteries, from the mains, or using a miniature built-in turbogenerator. The water temperature control in budget models is carried out by a water reducer or so-called frog, and in more complex and modern models - automatically via electronics.

Gas boilers are characterized by the presence of an open or closed combustion chamber, and the difference between models of the first type is represented by the intake of air masses directly from the room.

Exhaust gases are removed naturally through a chimney system, or using forced ventilation and a coaxial chimney.

The components and main components of flow-through gas equipment that require competent maintenance and explain the principle of operation are listed in the diagram.

Modern gas water heating equipment Oasis is equipped with protective automatic gas supply shutoff

Modern water heating equipment is characterized by the presence of protective automation, represented by flame control and a traction sensor, which allows you to shut off the gas supply automatically.

How to connect and configure

Gas water heating equipment is installed in the kitchen or any other non-residential but heated room in accordance with the gasification project and in accordance with the basic requirements of gas supply organizations:

  • water heating equipment is connected to a chimney system that has good and stable draft;
  • It is prohibited to install equipment above any open flame sources or heating devices;
  • before installation, permission from gas service specialists to install equipment must be obtained;
  • installation of the unit is carried out by the operating organization of the gas industry or other licensed companies;
  • installation is carried out on non-flammable coatings, including brick, concrete and ceramic tiles with mandatory insulation with galvanized sheets and BTK;
  • the protective layer of insulation should protrude beyond the body by at least 10 cm along the entire perimeter;
  • the column is suspended using brackets attached to the wall, supplied with the gas equipment;
  • all shut-off valves in the form of water supply to the gas supply to the unit are located in an easily accessible place;
  • a filter system is installed in front of the water heating equipment to purify the water supplied for heating;
  • to connect to the water supply, pipes or flexible hoses are used with an internal diameter of 13–14 mm or more.

Below is a standard connection diagram for a gas boiler.

Connected gas equipment must be registered

After installation and until it is put into operation, the water heater must be registered with the gas service.

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