How to choose an electric heated floor for tiles - pros and cons, TOP manufacturers

The main advantage of ceramic tiles is the possibility of laying them on any of the existing heating systems: water or electric, since they have high thermal conductivity.

If the question is which type of heated floor is best to choose for tiles, then our answer is electric , because it is easy to install and does not put pressure on the ceiling like a water heating system.

Let's take a closer look at all floor heating devices used under tiles to find out which is better in each specific case.

Types of electric heated floors: pros and cons

One of the best combinations is tiles with electric heated floors. This cake is easy to install, compared to water-heated floors, because most types do not require a concrete screed. We conducted a comparative analysis and determined which floor is better - water or electric.

The main advantage of the electrical system is the possibility of year-round operation. Electric-type heated floors differ in design, heating method and installation.

Cable floors

Cable-type electric heated floors are the cheapest and simplest model that does not require additional maintenance. Suitable for both apartments and private houses. Long service life. It looks like a simple wire, which is fixed to the floor at a distance of 10 cm from the walls, and filled with a screed. Electrical devices of this type are divided into:

  1. Resistive - made from a single or two-core cable, the difference lies in the connection method, but they operate on the same principle. The current passes through the wire, leading to heating of the wires, which transfer heat to the screed, after which the warm air disperses throughout the room and evenly warms the area. A two-core one is better suited for the bedroom, and in the living room, where people spend less time, you can put a single-core one, thereby saving the family budget.

The cost of resistive electric heating systems is much lower than other types. In addition, it is possible to install this type of floor in rooms with a non-standard layout.

  1. Self-regulating - the operating principle differs from the resistive type. In this design, two wires run parallel in one braid. A polymer semiconductor is placed between them, through which a transverse current is supplied.

In a self-regulating device, heat transfer is affected by the ambient temperature. This option is best used under tiles, as it does not lead to overheating of the heated floor surface.

Before laying the cable type of heated floor under the tiles, it is necessary to carry out calculations and draw up a circuit layout diagram. This design requires a screed; its thickness should be 3 - 5 cm so that it completely covers the heating elements.

The presence of a concrete layer significantly increases the load on the floors and raises the floor level, but the concrete layer is not as thick as when constructing a water floor. When using a thin cable under tiles, it can be installed in a layer of tile adhesive.

The main disadvantage of this heated floor is that if the heating element is damaged, the entire structure fails. Major and expensive repairs will be required.

Worth sq. meter of cable is 1.5 thousand rubles, and laying sq. meter will cost 1 thousand rubles.


This is a type of cable flooring, but with a more convenient shape, so it is considered a better option. The wire is secured to a special fiberglass mesh with a snake, this greatly simplifies the installation process.

Another plus is that thermomats can only be installed in a separate area that requires heating. The mesh thickness is only 3 mm, so they are better suited for rooms with low ceilings, as they do not reduce the distance from floor to ceiling.

Electric heating mats are:

  • single-core - they are not expensive;
  • two-wire - their price is higher, but they are safe, since they do not have electromagnetic radiation.

Thermal mats are the best option that can be placed under the tiles. In this case, no screed filling is required. Installation is easier than a cable pie, and the efficiency is no less. Mats are placed on the subfloor, fixed with glue and covered with a decorative covering (tiles). If necessary, it is possible to cut the mesh in order to turn it in the desired direction, the main thing is not to damage the wire.

The positive side of the mats, which distinguishes them from cable floors, is that when the mats are connected in parallel, the failure of one structural element does not lead to a stop in the operation of the entire device.

Their main disadvantage is their high price . If we compare cable flooring and mats, if they equip the same area, then thermomats will cost 30% more. Installation of mats will cost an average of 750 rubles. per sq. m, and the price per set ranges from 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles. per square meter

Film systems

Infrared film is produced in the form of mats, 1 mm thick. This is the best option for rooms with low ceiling heights, since the thickness of the film is small, it does not take up useful space. The heating element is carbon strips connected by copper busbars, located between layers of heat-resistant polyester.

The device works by emitting infrared waves, which heat the surface of the flooring. The resulting electromagnetic field is weak and therefore does not cause any harm to humans.

The operation of the heated floor is adjusted using a temperature sensor. There are models whose operation can be programmed for a long period.

The main advantage of this type of heating is the ease of installation, and the fact that the temperature of the heating elements themselves does not increase, that is, energy is not wasted. However, it is worth noting that this warm floor is not recommended to be laid under tiles, as the film adheres poorly to the tile adhesive, thereby reducing the efficiency of the floor.

In addition, the film is exposed to moisture and does not have grounding, so installation with a screed or in rooms with high humidity is not acceptable.

You can choose an infrared film heated floor for laying tiles if you wish, but this will require a number of additional steps. It is necessary to lay a fiberglass mesh and lay a backing of gypsum fiber board sheets on which the tiles will be installed.

But such a system should be used only in cases where other options are not suitable, since installation is complicated and the film is expensive. Price sq. meter of film starts from 450 rubles, and installation will cost 500 rubles. meters square

Rod infrared heated floor

Rod heated floors also belong to the infrared heating system. It consists of two conductors arranged in parallel, with heating rods between them. In the process of applying current, infrared waves are emitted, which heat the surrounding space.

The best aspects of the device:

  • the rods are independent - if one breaks, the entire structure continues to function;
  • self-regulation - when the temperature rises or overheats, the device turns off;
  • placement under heavy objects is allowed - which allows you to rearrange the furniture.

Electric water heating

Electric-water heating is a structure made of polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 2 cm. Antifreeze circulates inside the circuit, and a nickel seven-core cable coated with Teflon is stretched. For such a warm floor, a screed is required.

If the integrity of the communication is damaged, antifreeze seeps to the surface, thus marking the location of the breakdown. This makes the diagnosis and repair process easier.

The control is carried out by a thermostat; it automatically turns on the heating process when the temperature drops. Average consumption of electric water floor is 14.4 W/sq.m. When current is applied, the heating elements are heated, which transfer heat to the antifreeze, and it boils almost instantly.

Therefore, the floor surface heats up quickly, retaining heat for a long time. The model is resistant to overheating, therefore, it can be laid under furniture without fear of consequences.

For your information! Since cooling of antifreeze is a slow process, the energy consumption is low.

How to calculate an electric heating system?

The main parameter that needs to be calculated before installing an electric floor is the power parameters.

Recommended power options for heated bathroom floors under tiles:

  • 130-150 W/sq. m, if the bathroom has a main heating source and the heated floor is considered an addition to the heater or radiator. This power is quite enough to evenly warm the room together with the battery and heater.
  • 180-200 W/sq. m, if electric heating in the bathroom is the only source of heating.

For further installation, you need to divide the area of ​​the bathroom by the length of the cable used. It is worth considering only that part of the room that is free from furniture and other interior elements - there is no need to warm the floor under them.

We will determine the optimal type of heated floor for tiles

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Which electric floor heating is better? Purpose of the main types of electric heated floors

Since ceramic tiles are a durable and environmentally friendly coating, installing an electric heated floor underneath it is the best option, which provides great opportunities. The main indicator that influences the choice of a high-quality heated floor for tiles is full functioning and rational, uniform consumption of heat.

Experts advise considering the following points when choosing an electric heated floor for tiles:

  1. Functions. The power and type of model depends on what type of heating under the tiles will be - main or additional. The choice of heated floors under tiles as an additional source of heating is much greater.
  2. Screed. It is necessary to decide whether a concrete screed will be poured when constructing floors for tiles or not, and its thickness.
  3. Room type. Owners of private buildings are not limited in their choice, but owners of apartments in high-rise buildings need to take into account many points: the floor, the characteristics of the floors, the possibility of connecting to stationary heating when installing a water floor.
  4. The price of the system and its operation. A device that is not expensive does not mean it is economical. When choosing a floor, you need to take into account: the cost of the device itself, the installation method and operating conditions.

It is difficult to say for sure which model of electric floor and which installation method (screed or not) is better to choose for tiles. Each system is good in its own way, for a particular room:

  • if the height of the room is not critical, then it is better to choose a cable floor; it is also great for complex room shapes;
  • self-regulating infrared rod type - expensive, but with a large heating area - this is the best option;
  • thermomats are the most suitable type for tiles, as they are easy to install and have a small pie thickness.

As for film infrared floors, as mentioned above, it is better not to buy them for installation under tiles, and to use them only when it is not possible to install other types.

For your information! If the electric floor under the tiles is installed by craftsmen, you can opt for an inexpensive cable model. And when laying the structure yourself, it is better to buy heating mats.

It is important to choose the right tile for a warm floor, because not every tile can withstand sudden temperature changes.

Comparative analysis of two systems

A comparison of electric and water floors is presented in the table, which reflects the main points that are important during repairs.

Cost priceIt wins in terms of installation complexity, but the cost of materials is much higher. You will need to additionally purchase a temperature sensor and the cables themselves. The main disadvantage is the complex installation (due to lack of experience). You only need to buy water pipes and installation mats
SafetyIt is comfortable to walk on such a floor not only in shoes, but also barefoot. The risk of electric shock is extremely small and may occur in the event of a rare electrical short circuit. Water pipes are absolutely safe for human health. Possible leaks
ReliabilityHigh degree of strength, durability. The cables themselves cannot fail; over time, it may be necessary to replace the temperature sensor or power regulator Durable and reliable water circuit. In case of leakage, you will have to completely remove the screed and replace it with a new one.
PowerRange from 15 to 30 degrees.Temperature up to 50 degrees

TOP 10 best flooring manufacturers

Today, many companies specialize in the production of high-quality types of heated floors, which produce products using the best European technologies. In addition, using foreign experience, manufacturers also apply their own developments in this direction, which allows them to produce inexpensive, competitive products.

Let's take a closer look at several brands of underfloor heating, their pros and cons, to make it easier for you to choose a system for tiles.

The main Russian manufacturers of the best heated floors at affordable prices:

  1. Thermo (Russia) is the very first enterprise in Russia engaged in the production of products in this segment. The product range is huge - cable heated floors of varying power for tiles, which allows you to choose the best device for any room. They are equipped with proprietary thermostats, which make it possible to effectively use the generated heat and set the required mode. The device monitors the temperature and prevents overheating of the heating elements.

The company has released a catalog with calculations of thermal options, which simplifies the calculation of the amount of material required for a specific room.

Thermo produces models of heating cables and mats that can be installed both indoors and outdoors. This technology allows you not to be afraid of ice forming on the steps. Monitoring the appearance of ice is carried out by a separately equipped sensor.

  1. Teplolux (Russia) is a large European manufacturer of heating devices, owned by the group. This brand is one of the best, so you should also pay attention to it when choosing an electric heated floor for tiles.

The production workshops are equipped with automated equipment from well-known world companies, which makes it possible to produce 400 types of heating devices. All models are of high quality, with a long service life. They can function in rooms with high humidity (bathtub), which is achieved by using two-core shielding wires.

In addition, the company produces Teplolux Glims mixture for cable installation. It protects heating elements from mechanical damage.

The range allows you to choose a warm design for rooms with different areas and temperature parameters. If the room is small, “Mini” is suitable, for increased heating - “Tropix”. The average service life of all models is 50 years, 20 of which are guaranteed. The cost of products starts from 1800 rubles. per sq.m.

  1. “National Comfort” (Russia) is also a branch of the group. The company not only produces cable products, but also designs new heating models. The assortment includes single and double-core cables, and single-core mats.

Product quality is achieved through the efforts of the team and a series of sequential activities: calculations, testing, and only then the product is launched into production. Therefore, the service life is long. There is a huge network of dealer centers, which makes it possible to carry out service and warranty service without any problems. The price of products starts from 1650 rubles. per sq. m.

Among foreign companies, the most popular in the market are:

  1. "Devi" (Denmark) - cables and thermomats of this brand have a warranty of more than 20 years, during this period the company makes repairs free of charge. According to user reviews, these are the best products in this segment, they are reliable and effective. Prices for products start from 2500 rubles per square meter.

  1. Caleo , country of origin South Korea, produces its patented thermal film model. The film has a thickness of 0.4 mm, and therefore its construction requires care. A square of the product costs from 1,300 rubles.
  2. Energy (Great Britain) - heating mats and cable systems produced by the company are famous for their environmental friendliness and efficiency in terms of energy consumption. The range of products is huge, the minimum price for which starts from 1900 rubles square.
  3. Esto , country of origin: Finland - the products of this company are famous for the best indicators of moisture resistance and uninterrupted operation under any conditions. The price of heating mats and cables ranges from 3,000 to 11,000 rubles. for 1 sq. meter
  4. Rehau (Germany) - is represented on the market by thermomats and heating cables, the basis of which is a two-core shielded cable. Suitable for installation under any floor covering, including tiles. Price from 1600 rub.
  5. Unimat (South Korea) - specializes in all types of electric heated floors: cable, thermomats, infrared film, rod. Warranty period 20 years. Price - from 2200 rubles per square meter. In Russia, the company's products are popular when installed under tiles.
  6. Raychem (USA) - produces various devices for floor heating. The products are characterized by high efficiency and systematic heating of the surface. Minimum price per sq. meter 2200 rub.

The presented brands have a good reputation in the market, their products undergo constant quality control, and therefore are considered the best.

Photo of an electric heated floor under tiles

Each warm electric floor has its own characteristics of installation, base and combination with the flooring. Therefore, before deciding which warm floor is best to choose for tiles, you need to read the manufacturer’s instructions, which are included with the product. This will help make the right heating system, thereby creating a comfortable atmosphere in the house.

Step-by-step instructions for installing underfloor heating with water heating

Installing a water-heated floor is more difficult than an electric floor. Particular attention should be paid to the installation of water pipes so that they do not burst from overvoltage and high temperature. This type is inferior to the electric one because it does not have the ability to regulate the temperature. At the same time, it ensures even heating of the entire room.


The surface must be perfectly flat so that installation problems do not arise. This is necessary for good water passage. The old floor covering and screed must be removed, the same goes for the waterproofing system.

Preparatory work covers the following stages:

  1. Installation of a new screed with a height of 3-7 mm.
  2. Waterproofing system. Polyethylene film will do. Cover the floor with damper tape and lay insulation on top to prevent heat from escaping through the bottom. If a water floor is used as an additional heating system, penofol will be sufficient.
  3. In houses located on the ground floor or above unheated rooms, it is better to use expanded clay.
  4. A reinforcing mesh is placed on top to secure the screed.


Connecting water heating pipes can occur as follows:

  • Snail . The pipes are laid around the perimeter of the room, tapering towards the center and forming a so-called snail. Each row is laid with coolant. The method is suitable for shifting the center of the system to the center of the room in large areas.
  • Snake . The pipe is installed in waves: it goes along the outer wall and returns back in the next row. Suitable for small bathrooms.
  • Meander . A combined scheme that is suitable for standard-sized bathrooms. The loops of the snake are placed in parallel, which ensures the movement of warm and cooled coolant through the pipes.

Installation of a warm water floor

The next stage is laying the pipeline. The pipeline is attached along the marked line, at a distance of about 1 meter. If the wire fastening method is used, it is better to leave a sufficient gap between the rows, otherwise the pipeline may become deformed after a few years. It won't be easy to fix it on your own.

Water heating pipes are installed in one of the following ways:

  • Polyamide tension clamp. The pipes are quickly attached directly to the mounting grid.
  • The fixing track involves a U-shaped PVC strip that fits under pipes with a diameter of 16 to 22 mm.
  • Aluminum distribution plate. Not suitable for tiles, only used when laying wood floors.
  • Fastening steel wire.
  • Polystyrene mats.
  • Stapler and clamps. A method of quick fixation to the thermal insulation system.


To screed a water floor use:

  • A mixture that conducts heat well. The composition can be very different.
  • Classic concrete with the addition of a plasticizer.

Screed height – 3-7 mm. The screed must be laid after the water pipes have been completely laid under a given pressure. On average, a concrete screed takes 25 to 30 days to dry.

Finishing work

The final stage of laying a heated floor in a bathroom under tiles is finishing work.

A few nuances that are worth paying attention to:

  • Quality of tiles and official manufacturer. The tiles should not burst when the room heats up, and also not deteriorate from the release of harmful substances.
  • Thermal insulator is not always used.
  • Before laying, the tiles should be placed in a regular room for several days so that they warm up to the optimal temperature.

Installation work on laying heated floors in a bathroom under tiles can be carried out independently, without experience. Provides additional heating of the room, which is necessary in the warm season when radiators and heaters cannot cope. It is comfortable to walk on this floor barefoot and wearing slippers.

Detailed instructions for laying heated floors help you do it quickly and efficiently. Attention should be paid to the materials so that they last for many years.

Thermal mats. Film type infrared heaters

A thermomat is the same heating cable, only it is already laid perfectly evenly and with the correct pitch on a special mesh made of mineral fiber and attached to it. Low-power cables with a relatively small diameter are usually produced in this form.

Thanks to special connectors at the ends of the cable, individual mats can be combined into a single circuit.

Thermal film for floors

These heaters are made as follows: a set of tracks of graphite paste (has high resistivity) are applied to a thin polymer film in an almost continuous layer, then the whole thing is covered with another film on top.

The small thickness of the tracks is compensated by the high heating temperature, due to which they transfer a significant part of the heat to the floor covering in the form of infrared radiation.

Block 1

Video description

About the features of laying heated floors on thermal insulation in the video below:

Control and management

In order to receive information about the degree of heating of the heated floor, it is necessary to install a temperature sensor. For it, a groove is made in the wall from the thermostat vertically downwards, then passes along the floor. The sensor must be placed in a corrugated pipe that is laid in such a way that it ends at the temperature control point.

A thermostat is used to control the heating mode. It is installed on the wall next to the outlet. With its help, you can set the desired operating mode for the heated floor.

Checking electrical parameters

Before installation, it is necessary to check how accurately the resistance of the thermomat corresponds to the value stated in the description. An accuracy of 10% is considered acceptable. This can be done using a multimeter.

Water heated floor Source

Laying the heating layer

If a cable is being installed, it is convenient to attach it using mounting tape. When installed on top of the mesh, the wires can be secured to it using plastic cable ties. It is enough to arrange the thermomats according to a pre-drawn diagram and after that the heated floor is connected to the thermostat. After installation is completed, another measurement of the wire resistance is carried out. It must match the one received earlier.

Now, how to connect the thermostat:

  1. First, remove the decorative frame.
  2. The power supply is connected to the In socket, taking into account the polarity.
  3. The wire from the heated floor is connected to the Out input.
  4. The temperature sensor must be connected to the Censor.

After this, the thermostat will be in working order.


To fill it, prepare a cement mortar. It should include: sand, cement, crushed stone, water in a ratio of 4:1:5:0.6. It is also necessary to add 1% plasticizer to the mixture. The thickness of the screed should be 3-5 centimeters. It must be remembered that the cement mixture will dry completely after 4 weeks.

The tiles must be installed very carefully Source

Laying tiles

After the screed has dried, apply a layer of tile adhesive on top. You can do this in 2-3 days. If a thermomat is used, the glue can be placed directly on the mats without installing a screed. After this, the tiles are laid.

Installing a thermomat Source

Advantages and disadvantages of electric flooring in the house

Advantages of installing electric floors:

  • The use of electricity makes it possible to conveniently change the degree of heating.
  • When such a floor operates in the lower part of the room, uniform heating occurs over the entire area. One consequence of this is the absence of air currents from top to bottom or in horizontal directions. There is no accumulation or movement of dust and dirt particles.

Cable laying for heated floors
Cable laying for heated floors

  • High level of security. The parts of the device are securely hidden, which eliminates the possibility of accidental burns or electric shock.
  • This heating system works efficiently. Since there is convenient adjustment, you can set the optimal degree of heating depending on the specific situation.
  • The installation of such heating devices can be done without professional skills. Simple installation allows almost any owner to install the system themselves.

These floors have a long service life.

Benefits of use

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