Boiler operating map: contents, order of compilation

Home page / Documents / Boiler regime map Boiler regime map is an internal document of the organization, drawn up by the responsible person (developer), agreed upon and approved by responsible persons or managers. The document is drawn up and executed on the basis of the data received during commissioning or operational adjustment work. The boiler regime map is drawn up individually for each boiler. A corresponding entry is made in the card, the registration number of the boiler and its name are indicated.

The regime map is a working document for the execution and control of parameters by maintenance personnel. These can be either full-time boiler room operators or an outsourced operating organization (contractor).

For domestic boilers, the regime card is not a mandatory document. In organizations that operate a boiler for industrial or commercial purposes, the document is mandatory.

The regime card is valid for 3 years.

What should be displayed on the regime map?

Almost all the indicators that actually make up the boiler operating map are shown as percentages. The following data shows us such indicators.

  1. The ratio of the following gases in percentage: oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon.
  2. The volume of gas located outside the boiler device.
  3. Efficiency of the heating device (gross, net).
  4. What are the heat losses that accompany the process of burning fuel (in particular, gas).
  5. What are the heat losses caused by chemical deficiencies?
  6. Finally, what percentage of heat is lost during the operation of heaters.

These are just the main indicators in the map, but there are a number of additional ones.

  1. The volume of steam produced over a certain period of time.
  2. What is the temperature of this steam when it leaves?
  3. What is the air pressure in the burners?
  4. What is the gas pressure?

Each indicator has its own units of measurement - degrees, for example, pascals, etc. It is typical that each boiler must have a regime map.

Click on the image to enlarge

Important! Regime cards are necessary for the correct operation of gas or steam appliances, as well as water heaters.

The main advantage of the map, which allows you to control the performance of the boiler, is that during operation you will be able to personally observe all functional changes. For example, you can determine what degree of air pressure is required for a particular load on the equipment. At the same time, complete combustion of fuel must take place, as well as absolute safety of the equipment.

Equipment required for commissioning

In order to carry out qualified commissioning of the boiler, it is necessary to use special equipment from the following list:

  • gas analyzer - a device that allows you to monitor the smoke removal system; the set parameters allow you to make corrections for combustion modes;
  • leak detector configured for flammable gases - monitors the tightness of gas connections for leaks;
  • electronic differential pressure gauge – monitors response parameters for gas equipment safety automation;
  • a set of pressure gauges – monitors the operation of safety automatics for units;
  • pyrometer – sets the accuracy of thermometers, duplicating the parameters of heating water or steam.

You should know that commissioning of boilers cannot be carried out without a gas analyzer, because data on the tightness of the chimney, as well as the composition of the exhaust gases, ensure the safety of the residents of this living space. After all, the concentration of CO2 and O2 are values ​​demonstrating the efficiency of fuel combustion.

The concentration of CO determines the composition of carbon monoxide, which is odorless and poses a real danger of suffocation, especially during sleep. Errors in settings, as well as depressurization of the chimney can lead to serious consequences. At a CO concentration of 400 ppm, which is unacceptable by safety rules, death is possible within 3-4 hours.

Regime map of a gas boiler sample

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- a document drawn up on the basis of operational and adjustment and balance sheets

tests, containing the main operational and control parameters of the boiler, the value

Efficiency, specific fuel consumption at different performance levels, etc.

A regime card is required for its correct and competent operation.

The boiler regime is re-compiled or adjusted every 3-5 years (link).

We draw up operating charts for any type of boilers and equipment.

Samples of boiler operating maps:

Certificate of readiness of heating systems and heating networks sample

Certificate of readiness of heating systems and heating networks of the consumer for operation in the heating period 2014 - 2022.

Settlement "____" _____________20___ We, the undersigned, the Perm Department of EDMTO represented by (position, full name) carried out the acceptance of the building’s heating networks and heating networks

The test and inspection results are as follows:

1. During the hydraulic test, the pressure was raised to the required gf/cm2 according to the instructions. In this case: a) after 15 minutes. After turning off the press, the needle dropped to ____ gf/cm2. b) the specific point of water per 1 m3 of volume did not exceed __________ t/h, m3.

2. When inspecting the system, the following defects: a) in the insulation of buildings b) insulation c) in instruments d) in taps

3. Condition of hatches on external consumer networks

4. Flushing the network and system

The consumer is obliged to eliminate the defects established by this act of readiness of heating systems and heating networks by

Provided that the above defects are eliminated, the system can be allowed to connect to the heating network of the heating supply organization

The defects have been eliminated, the subscriber’s system is complete and is considered accepted since “______” ________________ 20_____.

Representative of the heat supply organization ________________ Representative of the consumer ________________ “______” _______________20____

Incoming search terms:

  • act on the technical readiness of heating networks and energy receiving devices of installations (24)
  • flushing of heating networks before the start of the heating season, form of act (1)
  • act on preparation for the heating season form (1)
  • act on preparation for the heating season (1)
  • act on readiness for the heating season sample (1)
  • act of readiness for the heating season form (1)
  • certificate of readiness of the heating system for the heating season sample (1)
  • act of readiness of the heating system and heating networks of the consumer for operation during the heating period 2017-2018 (1)
  • act of readiness of the facility for the heating season sample (1)
  • certificate of facility readiness for the heating season (1)

A selection of the most important documents upon request Heating season

(regulatory legal acts, forms, articles, expert consultations and much more).

Regulations: Heating season

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated N 354 (as amended) “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (together with the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”) 5. If thermal energy for space heating needs is supplied to the in-house engineering systems through centralized engineering support networks, then the contractor begins and ends the heating period within the time limits established by the authorized body. The heating period must begin no later than and end no earlier than the day following the end of the 5-day period, during which, respectively, the average daily outside air temperature is below 8 degrees Celsius or the average daily outside air temperature is above 8 degrees Celsius.

Articles, comments, answers to questions: Heating season

Circumstances of the case: During the heating season, an accident occurred on the heating main. It was possible to turn off the heat supply for no more than three hours. In this regard, the customer entered into a contract to eliminate the consequences of this accident with a single contractor. There was no competitive procurement procedure. The antimonopoly authority recognized the customer’s actions as unlawful.

The conclusion is based on the fact that in an emergency situation related to the supply of heat to the house during the heating season, the employee was obliged to provide access to her apartment for repair work. Her absence from work was due to valid reasons.

The document is available: in the commercial version of ConsultantPlus

Document forms: Heating season

Form: Certificate of verification of readiness for the heating period of municipalities (heat supply and heating network organizations, heat consumers whose heat-consuming installations are connected to the heat supply system) (recommended sample)

The document is available: in the commercial version of ConsultantPlus

Form: Passport of readiness for the heating period of a municipality, heat supply organization, heating network organization, heat consumer, in respect of which the readiness for the heating period was checked (recommended sample) (Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated N 103)

The document is available: in the commercial version of ConsultantPlus

Compilation prices

You can order the work and issue a schedule card from any company engaged in setting up, maintaining and repairing power equipment, the list of services of which includes maintenance and adjustment work.

The cost greatly depends on the type of boiler (hot water or steam) and its power. Some contractors make calculations individually. However, the average cost of work for hot water boilers is 20-50 thousand rubles, for steam boilers (1-30 Gcal/hour) - 35-80 thousand rubles. The cost of work on low-power, relatively industrial-scale water heating boilers with a heating capacity of 25-100 kW can be 5-20 thousand rubles. Also, prices vary greatly depending on the region.

PPR program

In order to understand the purpose for which the official regime adjustment of heating boilers is carried out, it is necessary to take a brief excursion into the goals and objectives that this procedure pursues. So, before carrying out work, you need to draw up an adjustment program, methodology and work schedule.

The PNR program includes:

  • selection of the optimal mode for the installed equipment;
  • choice of duration and number of experiments performed;
  • selection of equipment characteristics at the design points at which measurements are taken;
  • carrying out commissioning work involves calculating a measurement scheme;
  • Using the total thermal data of the fuel, the losses of thermal energy not obtained from unrealized residues due to the lack of complete chemical combustion are calculated.

Calculations carried out during operational adjustments demonstrate that as a result of the work, it is possible to reduce fuel consumption by up to 5% and increase the service life of the unit. The program is coordinated with the customer and Rostekhnadzor.

You can find a standard PNR program from me. Let me also remind you that before commissioning, you need to agree on the work methodology, and upon completion, provide the customer with operating mode maps. More on this later.

Other options for compiling this document

This method of card design is not the only one. This auxiliary form of card is used when the burner installed in the boiler is a horizontal slot burner, or, in other words, an injection burner. And the structure of the documentation itself has been slightly changed - the usual air pressure has been replaced by the location of individual components. These are the nodes that regulate the flow of air:

  1. Air control damper.
  2. Curtain gaps that are on the blower sheet.

In addition, indicate the placement of profile dampers and an air proportioner on the bypass window.

Many general cards come bundled with economizer cards. Such documents are required only when testing economizers, after which a special statement is drawn up that demonstrates the results of all tests and measurements. For the most complete description of the capabilities and parameters of the heating boiler (by and large, this is also necessary so that when repairing and setting up the unit you can easily understand it), a complete technical manual is compiled. report. This report depends only on what measurements and studies, or possibly auxiliary procedures, have been carried out.

When the unit has a new configuration, and re-equipment has been carried out, in those. The report should indicate how well the results of the changes correspond to the preliminary objectives of the update. It would be good if all the procedures performed were analyzed.

A correctly drawn up operating schedule for a heating boiler is required to ensure that a steam, gas or other water heating device operates as efficiently as possible. Experts recommend keeping this document near the boiler at all times - this way you will not damage the equipment during use and will not confuse any indicators.

The Territory Heat company conducts operational testing of boilers and burners using gaseous and liquid fuels. These tests are necessary to monitor equipment performance, improve productivity and ensure safe operation.

With the help of operational and adjustment tests, it is possible to identify shortcomings in the condition of boiler equipment and take measures to improve the efficiency of processes.

Technical operation rules require that gas boilers undergo operational and adjustment tests at least once every 3 years. Solid and liquid fuel boilers - once every 5 years.

Work carried out in preparation for the heating season

All actions to restore heating networks must be linked to a plan for repairing the thermal power forces of heat sources. Persons responsible in accordance with the previously mentioned order must draw up appropriate acts and provide data on the volume of repairs made and the results of inspections carried out.

Checking boiler room equipment

In preparation for the period of heating work, it is necessary to carry out the required measures, which include: repair of boiler heating surfaces, replacement of defective parts of pipes, boiler fittings, air heaters and other installations; repairs to restore fans and pumps; repair and restoration work of chemical water treatment facilities, fuel supply and electrical power equipment; as well as preparing furnaces for heating work and checking heat measuring instruments.

Upon completion of all restoration work, thermal circuits of boiler plants are assembled, where equipment is hydrotested with a pressure of 1.25 of the operating pressure of the steam in the boiler.

Repair work

Based on the results of spring inspections, the following types of repairs should be carried out:

  • replacement of pipe parts that are in poor condition;
  • repair of various pumps, valves, air vents and flaps;
  • restoration of thermal insulation and coating that prevents corrosion;
  • repair or replacement of valve control mechanisms and starting devices, as well as instruments that carry out control and measurement work;
  • cleaning tanks and mud traps;
  • setting up security automation.

After the necessary measures have been taken, the thermal circuit is collected and subsequently tested.

How should devices be checked?

There are certain rules according to which any source and receiver of heat must be equipped with commercial metering devices, and boiler rooms and consumer heating equipment must be equipped with elements of a security system.

In order for all devices to work smoothly and reliably during the autumn-winter period, a thorough check should be carried out, and if necessary, repair of the following devices: adjustment of heat loss and temperature; maintaining pressure in heat supply devices; automatic operation of drainage pumps; as well as devices:

  • to protect thermal systems from excess pressure or temperature in the supply network or pressure drop;
  • to automatically turn on the spare pump and protect the battery tank from overcrowding;
  • by pressure in the network pipeline.

Starting pad and mode cards

Flushing and testing of heating networks with hydraulics is followed by commissioning work on thermal power plants for both companies and consumers. After their implementation, operating schedules for this equipment must be established.

The most important data taken into account in the described cards:

  1. Estimated volumes of coolant for operational sections of the heating network.
  2. Operating parameters for pressure in network pipelines: forward and return lines.
  3. Working temperature graph of network water, taking into account air temperature.
  4. Waste of thermal fluid from consumers.
  5. Calculation of heating network temperature expansion.
  6. Analysis of operating modes of the heating network.
  7. Calculation of the dimensions of limit washers and nozzles of elevator units for the consumer.

Document on readiness for the heating season

Based on the completion of the necessary repair activities included in the plan, deadlines are set for checking the quality and completeness of the scope of all actions, namely how they correspond to the plan.

To assess how prepared consumers are for the heating period, a special commission checks:

  • the completeness of the scope of implementation of all plan activities;
  • quality of insulation of objects;
  • technical condition of pipes and fittings;
  • the presence of washing, pressure testing of devices, regime maps and the availability of commissioning tests;
  • operability of devices that take into account electricity;
  • functioning of security automation;
  • availability of supporting necessary passports.

If complete readiness for the start of heating for the autumn-winter period is revealed, then the preparation of an act that complies with all the rules, signed by members of the special commission, begins. This document may be supported by any important notes on troubleshooting, by eliminating which the passport can soon be received by consumers.

Sample for liquid fuel diesel DKVR-4113

It is worth recalling that there is no universal sample regime map for gas, solid fuel or liquid fuel boilers, since the parameters prescribed in the document depend on the type of boiler, its model, modification, piping, fuel and coolant used.

PPR technique

Before commissioning, it is imperative to draw up and approve with Rostechnadzor a methodology for carrying out commissioning of the boiler room. It is necessary to agree with the customer on the commissioning schedule.

I won’t tell you what should be in the methodology and graphics, but will simply post sample files here. You can download and watch. Link to the method here. The link to the schedule is here.

About the procedure for filling out regime cards

To fill out this kind of documentation, quite a lot of tests and measurements must be carried out, and they are carried out during production and commissioning. There are special companies whose specialty is commissioning. They are the ones who should be doing the testing. This is done every three years, but other additional calculations are possible.

The regime map itself is, in fact, an ordinary table consisting of a certain number of columns (from two to five). The number of columns depends only on which operating modes the specific boiler model will be adapted to. There can be four such modes:

  • 30%;
  • 50%;
  • 79%;
  • 100%.

Regarding the number of lines, it is quite difficult to accurately indicate it, since all the previously indicated indicators will be written in them separately.

Important! The unit of measurement when specifying parameters is in the first column; it does not need a separate column.

In addition, the boiler operating map can exist in the form of a graph, but it is, of course, rare due to its specificity and, possibly, inconvenience.

Cards are not produced in a single copy. There must be at least two of them, possibly more, and one of them must accompany the boiler, often in the form of a sticker on it. If you have doubts about the safety of the document, you can make yourself several photocopies of it. And in order for the user’s trust in the card to be one hundred percent, the document must also bear the seal of the company that carried out the commissioning procedures, or, in extreme cases, the sign of this company.

As we noted above, the map indicates not only the main indicators, there are also several additional ones - the dependence of gas pressure, for example, the relationship of this pressure with air pressure, the performance of the device, etc. All this is required so that the owner or specialist installing the boiler can adjust its operation as accurately as possible strictly according to the map, but taking into account intermediate loads.


The population of Naberezhnye Chelny is 526 thousand people.
The city's heating networks are operated by a branch of Tatenergo JSC - Naberezhnye Chelny Heat Networks (NCHTS). Heat supply to the city is provided from two sources of thermal energy: NchCHPP and the Boiler Shop of the BSI. The installed thermal capacity of the NchCHPP is 4092 Gcal/h, that of the BSI Boiler Shop is 589.2 Gcal/h.

According to the project, the heat supply scheme for the South-Western part of the city, which includes the microdistricts of ZYAB settlement, HPP settlement, Sidorovka settlement, Zamelekesye settlement, Industrial site, BSI Industrial zone (its old part), is closed, North-Eastern part (New city ​​and Industrial Zone) – open.

1. Diagram of heating networks in Naberezhnye Chelny.
Until 2006, NchCHPP provided thermal energy to the North-Eastern part, and the BSI Boiler Shop to the South-Western part of the city.

In 2006, the two parts of the city were united into a single heat supply system through the construction of a heating jumper No. 410 (2 DN 1000). Thus, the main heat source for the entire city is currently the NchCHPP. The BSI boiler shop locally operates for a small part of the industrial zone, and in the city’s heat supply system it is a backup source (Fig. 1).

The design connected load of the NchCHPP as of 01/01/2017 is: heating - 1077.05 Gcal/h; ventilation – 233.34 Gcal/h; DHW – 857.72 Gcal/h (with maximum DHW).

Since 2005, the city began to implement energy saving measures, namely:

• installation of thermal energy metering units at facility inputs – 100%;

• installation of automated individual heating points (AITP) – 92%;

• installation of apartment meters for cold and hot water – 98%;

• sealing and insulation of buildings, including door and window openings;

• relaying of heating networks using thermal polyurethane foam insulation in a factory shell (PPU) – 31.8%;

• insulation of heating network pipelines in the basement of buildings – 100%;

• introduction of variable frequency drives (VFD) at all pumping stations in the city;

• measures to eliminate central heating stations and transfer hot water preparation centers directly to the input facilities - 100%;

• measures to close the heat supply system in the North-Eastern part of the city – 70%.

The effect of these activities was noticeable. Thermal energy supply and network water consumption in the city as a whole decreased by 30%.


Carrying out commissioning work by people who do not have the appropriate certification and permission can not only deprive users of the opportunities associated with warranty obligations, but also lead to tragic consequences.

In this case, there is a risk of the following situations:

  • the possibility of an explosion cannot be ruled out;
  • damage to adjustments in gas fittings;
  • excessive fuel consumption can increase several times;
  • contamination of the boiler with soot from unproductive combustion;
  • failure of heat exchangers due to operation at extreme loads.

By using the services of unqualified specialists, each user risks facing premature repairs that involve replacing expensive components.

In addition, you will have to carry out re-commissioning work and lose the possibility of warranty service at the service center. A gas boiler is accepted for warranty service only after recording it in the warranty card, which can only be done by service technicians.

Security automation settings, verification procedure

The parameters that provide for emergency shutdown of the boiler are checked comprehensively once a month and a report is drawn up.

Every shift, a check is carried out on one of the parameters by the senior operator together with the instrument operator with an entry in the shift log. The parameters are checked according to the schedule.

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