How is heating in an apartment calculated according to the standard?

One of the most expensive items in utility bills is heating. You can regulate electricity yourself by purchasing devices with low energy consumption. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to reduce heating costs. In new buildings, individual heating is installed, but in old apartment buildings, a central system is predominant. In the first case, the calculation is made using meters for actual heat consumption. With central heating, payments must be made according to the established standard.

Who sets the standard for thermal energy consumption for heating?

The standard for thermal energy consumption for apartment buildings is established by a special institution that monitors organizations. Most often, this is a regional energy commission, which is an executive body of government and regulates tariffs for the services of organizations that operate in the city. All changes are made on the official website of the commission, which can be viewed by anyone. Management companies must promptly monitor new tariffs and set payment standards.

Any utility service has a consumption standard, which is presented for payment in the absence of metering devices. If the apartment has an individual water meter, then payment is made based on actual consumption.

Standards are established not only for separate services for residential premises, but also for general household needs.


How many Gcal is needed to heat 1 sq.m. according to the standard

Gcal is a measuring unit for calculating thermal energy. You can calculate heating in Gcal yourself, but you need to study information about energy.

Payment for heating in an apartment building depends on which meter is installed in the house and apartment. If there is no common household appliance, then tariffs are calculated in accordance with the standard. Local authorities set consumption standards and payment schedules. For example, pay throughout the year or only during the heating season.

The heat consumption standard is related to the temperature standards in the room. On average per 1 sq.m. residential premises require 0.0342 Gcal per month. The indicator may vary depending on the region and climatic conditions.

Owners of residential premises can apply for a recalculation of heating payments. The utility organization cannot refuse and is obliged to provide data. Thus, you can adjust the payment already made.

If the apartment owner has the opportunity to install a meter, then the standards will be increased in accordance with the increase factor. Heating calculations are carried out according to standards. The established standard is multiplied by the total area, as well as the tariff that is adopted in a certain region. Then you should add the payment for the general building consumption of thermal energy according to the standard and divide it among all apartments. The total amount must be paid monthly during the heating season or the entire year, depending on the chosen payment option.

Calculation of heating fees in a residential building (household)


Despite the fact that today many residential buildings (households) or, as they are also called, private houses, have autonomous sources of thermal energy, that is, their own stoves and boilers for heating, there are also residential buildings that have a centralized heat supply.

For such residential buildings, the current legislation provides for methods for calculating the amount of payment for heating, which are specified in the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 No. 354, “ On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (hereinafter - Rules).

Calculation of heating fees in a residential building

According to the Rules, consumers of residential buildings (households, private houses) pay for heating provided in the residential premises (that is, directly in the house), and for heating consumed when using the land plot and outbuildings located on it .

For residential buildings equipped with an individual heat meter heating fees will be calculated according to the readings of such a meter .

If heat energy meter based on the consumption standard for a residential building , and the payment for heating consumed when using the land plot and outbuildings located on it will also be additionally calculated .

The choice of formula and methodology for calculating the amount of payment for heating a residential building (household, private house) will depend on the presence or absence of an individual meter for heat energy in a residential building, as well as the period of payment for heating (heating period or evenly throughout the year), which installed in a specific region.

Calculation No. 1 - A residential building (household, private house) is equipped with an individual meter for heat energy; the heating fee is calculated during the heating season

Calculation No. 2 - A residential building (household, private house) is equipped with an individual heat energy meter, the heating fee is calculated evenly throughout the year (12 months)

Calculation No. 3 - A residential building (household, private house) is not equipped with an individual meter for heat energy; the heating fee is calculated during the heating season

Calculation No. 4 - A residential building (household, private house) is not equipped with an individual heat energy meter, the heating fee is calculated evenly throughout the year (12 months)

Calculation No. 5 - Calculation of payment for heating (thermal energy) consumed when using a land plot and outbuildings located on it, in the absence of an individual heat energy meter in a residential building (household, private house)

Calculation No. 1 A residential building (household, private house) is equipped with an individual meter for heat energy; the heating fee is calculated during the heating period.

Formula No. 3(5) of Appendix No. 2 of the Rules is used in the case of:

→ A residential building (household, private house) heat meter

→ The heating fee is calculated during the heating period .

The calculation of the fee according to formula No. 3(5) will be made based on heat energy meter the heat energy tariff established in your region for your service provider.


Pi = ViP x TT


Pi is the amount of payment for heating in a residential building (household), which will be obtained as a result of calculation in rubles.

ViП - volume (quantity) of thermal energy consumed according to the readings of an individual meter, when paid during the heating period .

TT is a tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

An example of calculating the amount of payment FOR HEATING A RESIDENTIAL (private) HOUSE using formula No. 3(5) when paid during the heating period


An individual metering device for thermal energy (heating) is installed in your residential (private) house .

The heating fee in your region is calculated during the heating season .

According to the readings of your individual meter for the billing period (month), you consumed 1.5 gigacalories (Gkl) of thermal energy.

The heating tariff (thermal energy) for your region and service provider is 1800 rubles per 1 gigacalorie.

The heating fee for your home will be calculated as follows:

1.5 Gkl x 1800 rub. = 2700 rubles.

2700 rubles - payment for heating in your home according to the indications of the IPU.

Calculation No. 2 A residential building (household) is equipped with an individual meter for heat energy; the heating fee is calculated over a year (12 months).

Formula No. 3(5) of Appendix No. 2 of the Rules is used in the case of:

→ A residential building (household, private house) heat meter

→ The heating fee is calculated evenly throughout the calendar year (12 months) .

If in your region a decision has been made to pay for heating throughout the calendar year in equal installments, then the payment amount is calculated using formula 3(5) of the Rules, using the average monthly readings of an individual heat energy meter. In the first quarter of the year following the billing year, the amount of the fee is adjusted taking into account the actual readings of the individual meter according to formula No. 3(4) of the Rules.


Pi = ViP x TT


Pi is the amount of payment for heating in a residential building (household), which will be obtained as a result of calculation in rubles.

ViП - volume (quantity) of thermal energy based on the average monthly consumption of an individual metering device, when paid evenly throughout the calendar year .

TT is a tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Pi = Pkpi - Pnpi,


Pkpi - the amount of payment for the heating utility service consumed over the past year in a residential building that is equipped with an individual meter, determined by formula 3(5) , based on the readings of an individual heat energy meter.

Pnpi - the amount of payment for a heating utility service accrued over the past year to a consumer in a residential building that is equipped with an individual meter, determined by formula 3(5) , based on the average monthly volume of heat energy consumption for the previous year.

An example of calculating the amount of payment FOR HEATING A RESIDENTIAL (private) HOUSE using formula No. 3(5) when paid during a calendar year


An individual metering device for thermal energy (heating) is installed in your residential (private) house .

The heating fee in your region is calculated evenly throughout the year (12 months) .

The volume of thermal energy for 2022 according to your individual heating meter was 8.4 Gcl.

The volume of thermal energy for 2022 according to your individual heating meter was 7.6 Gcl.

The heating tariff (thermal energy) for your region and service provider is 1800 rubles per 1 gigacalorie.

The heating fee for your home will be calculated as follows:

1. Let's calculate the average monthly heating fee in 2022 according to the readings of an individual meter for the previous 2018.

To do this, divide the volume of thermal energy for the previous year 2022 according to your individual heating meter (8.4 Gkl) by 12 (number of months) and multiply by the tariff set for thermal energy (1,800 rubles).

(8.4 Gkl / 12 months) x 1800 rub. = 1260 rubles.

1260 rubles is the monthly heating fee for your home.

So, according to formula 3(5), we have determined that the monthly heating fee for 12 months in 2022 will be 1260 rubles. , the annual amount you will pay will be 15,120 rubles. (RUB 1,260 x 12 months)

According to the actual readings of the individual meter for 2019, you consumed 7.6 Gcal, which equals 13,680 rubles. (7.4 Gkl x 1800 rub.).

The adjustment of the fee for 2022 according to formula No. 3(4) will look like this:

13680 rub. — 15120 rub. = -1440 rub.

That is, from the amount of the heating fee for the previous year (2019), according to the actual readings of the individual meter (13,680 rubles), it is necessary to subtract the amount of the fee that was actually presented for payment (15,120 rubles). The difference, that is, the overpayment, is 1,440 rubles. countable.

Calculation No. 3 A residential building (household, private house) is not equipped with an individual heat energy meter; the heating fee is calculated during the heating period.

Formula No. 2 of Appendix No. 2 of the Rules is used in the case of:

→ A residential building (household, private house) is not equipped with an individual heat meter.

→ The heating fee is calculated during the heating period .

The calculation of the fee according to formula No. 2 will be made based on the total area of ​​your home , the standard established for thermal energy and the tariff for thermal energy established in your region for your service provider.


Pi = Si x NT x TT


Pi is the amount of payment for heating in a residential building (household), which will be obtained as a result of calculation in rubles.

Si is the total area of ​​the residential building for which the fee is calculated.

NT is the heating utility consumption standard.

TT is a tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

An example of calculating the amount of payment FOR HEATING A RESIDENTIAL (private) HOUSE using formula No. 2 when paying during the heating period


Your residential (private) house is not equipped with an individual meter for thermal energy (heating) .

The heating fee in your region is calculated during the heating season .

The standard for heating (thermal energy) in your region is 0.023 Gcal/m2.

The total area of ​​your house is 84 m2.

The heating tariff (thermal energy) for your region and service provider is 1800 rubles per 1 gigacalorie.

The heating fee for your home will be calculated as follows:

84 m2 x 0.023 Gkl x 1800 rub. = 3477.60 rubles.

3477.60 rubles - heating fee for your home for the billing period

Calculation No. 4 A residential building (household, private house) is not equipped with an individual meter for heat energy; the heating fee is calculated evenly throughout the year (12 months).

Formula No. 2(1) of Appendix No. 2 of the Rules is used in the case of:

→ A residential building (household, private house) is not equipped with an individual heat meter.

→ The heating fee is calculated evenly throughout the year (12 months) .

The calculation of the amount of payment according to formula No. 2(1) will be made based on the total area of ​​your home , the standard established for thermal energy , the tariff for thermal energy established in your region for your service provider, as well as the coefficient of frequency of payment for heating. (The use of the frequency factor for paying heating fees will be discussed below in the calculation example).


Pi = Si x (NT x K) x TT


Pi is the amount of payment for heating in a residential building (household), which will be obtained as a result of calculation in rubles.

Si is the total area of ​​the residential building for which the fee is calculated.

NT is the heating utility consumption standard.

K is the coefficient of frequency of payments by consumers for heating utility services, equal to the number of months of the heating period, including incomplete ones, to the number of months in the calendar year. Applies to the standards in force in your region approved for the heating season.

TT is a tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

An example of calculating the amount of payment FOR HEATING A RESIDENTIAL (private) HOUSE using formula No. 2(1) when paid within a calendar year (12 months)


Your residential (private) house is not equipped with an individual meter for thermal energy (heating) .

The heating fee in your region is calculated over a calendar year (12 months) .

The standard for heating (thermal energy), approved for the heating period , in your region is 0.028 Gcal/m2.

The total area of ​​your house is 84 m2.

The coefficient of frequency of payment by consumers is 0.583 (that is, the number of months of the heating period in your region - 7 months must be divided by the number of months in the year - 12 months: 7 / 12 = 0.583) (K - in the formula);

The heating tariff (thermal energy) for your region and service provider is 1800 rubles per 1 gigacalorie.

The heating fee for your home will be calculated as follows:

84 m2 x (0.028 Gkl x 0.583) x 1800 rub. = 2468.19 rubles.

2468.19 rubles - heating fee for your home for the billing period

Calculation No. 5 - Calculation of payment for heating (thermal energy) consumed when using a land plot and outbuildings located on it, in the absence of an individual heat energy meter in a residential building (household, private house)

If your residential building (household, private house) is not equipped with an individual meter for heating (thermal energy), then in accordance with paragraph 49 of the Rules, you must additionally pay for heating (thermal energy) consumed when using the land plot and located on there are no outbuildings.

The calculation in this case will be made according to formula No. 22 of Appendix No. 2 of the Rules, based on the consumption standard established for thermal energy for heated outbuildings, the area of ​​heated outbuildings located on the land plot, as well as the tariff established for thermal energy for your region and service provider.


K - the number of directions for using the heating utility when using a land plot and outbuildings located on it in a residential building (household)

Bk.i - area of ​​heated outbuildings located on the land plot

Nkku - standard established for heating (thermal energy) for heated outbuildings located on a land plot

Tkrtarif (price) for heating (thermal energy) established for your region and service provider in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation

An example of calculating the amount of payment for heating consumed when using a land plot and outbuildings located on it according to formula No. 22


Your residential building (household) is not equipped with an individual meter for thermal energy (heating) .

On the land plot of the household there is a garage with an area of ​​25 m2.

The standard for heating (thermal energy) for heated outbuildings located on the land plot of a household is 0.017 Gcl / 1 m2.

The heating tariff (thermal energy) for your region and service provider is 1800 rubles per 1 gigacalorie.

The amount of payment for heating consumed when using the land plot and outbuildings located on it will be calculated as follows:

25 m2 x 0.017 Gkl x 1800 rub. = 765.00 rubles.

765.00 rubles - payment for heating consumed when using the land plot and outbuildings located on it for the billing period

Previous entry Calculation of heating in an apartment building for the period from 2022 to 2022

Next entry Calculation of heating fees in an apartment building in 2022, 2022 and 2022

Calculation of heating in an apartment according to the standard per square meter

In order to calculate the heating in the apartment, you need to find out the heating standard for 1 sq.m. from your service provider. and tariff. Then you can calculate the price of heating m2 of living space.

When calculating heating in an apartment, it is necessary to take into account which meters are installed in the house:

  • A common house appliance has been installed, and individual rooms have individual ones.
  • A common building system has been installed, but individual meters are not installed in the apartments.
  • There is no metering device in the apartment building.

Do not forget about the consumption of thermal energy for heating water for household needs when making calculations.

Option 1

In an apartment building there is a common device, and in some non-residential premises or apartments there are individual devices, then payment is made according to formulas 1 and 2.

The first calculation is performed:

2*1300=2600 rub., where:

  • 1300 – payment for 1 Gcal of heat;
  • 2 – volume of heat in Gcal, which is shown by the meter.

Formula 2 is used to calculate:

0.0342*80*1300=3556 rub., where:

  • 0.0342 Gcal – consumption rate per 1 sq.m.;
  • 80 – apartment area.

Calculation of heating in an apartment depends on whether there is a personal meter in the apartment. The second part of the receipt is calculated using formulas 10 and 13. The first part is used to calculate payment for heat, and the second part is calculated for the volume of service.

(250-10-6000*0.25-9-28)*806000, where:

  • 6000 – area of ​​all apartments;
  • 10 – the volume of thermal energy that is spent on heating non-residential premises;
  • 9 – volume of heat spent in apartments;
  • 28 – the amount of thermal energy that is spent on hot water supply.

In order to calculate the cost, it is necessary to multiply the resulting volume by the established tariff.

Option 2

For the calculation, a third formula is used, which uses standard heating indicators or meter parameters. All values ​​are taken into account in Gcal:

  • the resource consumed was 250 Gcal;
  • the total area of ​​all premises is 6 thousand sq.m.;
  • apartment area – 80 sq.m.;
  • the tariff is 1300 rubles.

Calculation: 250*80/6000*1300=3900 rubles.

In accordance with the example, you can calculate the first part of the receipt, while the second is calculated using formulas 10 and 14. To determine the volume, the area of ​​residential and non-residential premises should be taken into account.

If the area is 6000 sq.m., then the calculation is as follows: 250* (1-6000/6000)*80/6000.

Consequently, payment for thermal energy will be the amount obtained according to the first and second formulas.

Home heating calculator

In order to calculate heat loss and heating output of the boiler, it is necessary to set the following parameters:

  • Glazing type.
  • Type of thermal insulation in the house.
  • Glazing area ratio.
  • Minimum temperature of the region.
  • The number of walls facing the street.
  • The height and area of ​​the room.

The calculation must be made for each room separately. If heating calculations for a home are performed without breaking them down into rooms, the accuracy is slightly reduced. In this case, in the item “number of walls facing outside” you need to set “four”.

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