How to legally install individual heating in an apartment

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Published: 02/12/2022

Reading time: 16 min



Every year, as the heating season approaches, citizens have questions about the high cost of utilities and the quality of housing and communal services provided. Against the backdrop of rising fuel tariffs, individual heating in an apartment building is becoming more and more relevant. However, when studying information on how to do this, you may give up, because there are too many bureaucratic nuances and collection of documents.


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However, by seeking advice from a lawyer and planning your actions, you can disconnect from the central system.

5 alternatives to central heating.

  • 1 Advantages and disadvantages of an autonomous heating system 1.1 The amount of payment for individual heating compared to central heating
  • 2 Legislative regulation in 2022
      2.1 SNiP on the use of an autonomous heat supply system
  • 3 Alternative space heating options
      3.1 Gas boiler 3.1.1 Requirements for the premises in the apartment where a gas boiler can be installed
  • 3.2 Autonomous electric heating system
      3.2.1 Using an electric boiler
  • 3.2.2 Heating of premises with electrical appliances Electric heaters in the individual heating system in apartment buildings
  • Warm floor system
  • 4 Preparation and approval of documentation for the transition to an individual heating system
      4.1 Procedure for approving the transition to an autonomous heat supply system
  • 4.2 Nuances of unauthorized connection to an autonomous heat supply system
  • 4.3 Where to apply for permission to switch to an individual heating system
  • 4.4 Necessary documents for conversion to an autonomous heating system
  • 4.5 Nuances of preparing a project for an autonomous heat supply system
  • 4.6 Possible obstacles when transferring to an individual heating system and overcoming them
  • 5 Judicial practice on transferring an apartment in an apartment building to an individual heating system
  • What is an autonomous heating system?

    The transition to individual heating involves abandoning the use of a communal heating system and dismantling the radiators and pipes associated with it. Instead, new pipes and batteries are installed, which are connected to the heater. In apartments, two types of heating systems are usually used - gas and electric boilers. The principle of operation of the boiler is simple: it heats up the water and forces it to circulate through the system, heating the room in the required mode.

    Boiler types

    All boilers can also be divided into two types:

    • single-circuit – working exclusively for heating;
    • double-circuit – additionally providing hot water supply.

    Depending on the installation method, heating boilers can be wall-mounted or floor-mounted. The former are more popular due to their compactness and lower price. Floor-standing boilers have greater power and a longer service life.

    Electric boilers

    Installations powered by electricity are affordable and have a high level of safety. An electric boiler can be installed anywhere in the apartment. Unfortunately, such a boiler is not suitable for a house with old wiring due to the risk of constantly knocking out plugs.

    Gas boilers

    Gas boilers are more expensive, but they last a long time and quickly pay for themselves during operation, since they use a cheaper source of energy. The gas-fired boiler has a special combustion chamber and a smoke exhaust system to avoid any inconvenience to the apartment's inhabitants.

    The choice of boiler depends on many conditions, including the size of the apartment, so its choice must be approached very responsibly.

    Tip: it is believed that to heat a standard room with a three-meter high ceiling, the area of ​​which is 10 m2, you need 1 kW of heating boiler power. To calculate the required power of the heating boiler, divide the area of ​​the entire room by 10.

    How much does it cost to install a gas boiler?

    Let's look at approximate prices for installing a gas boiler. Cost may vary depending on complexity of work and location.

    1. Installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler with a capacity from 0 to 36 kW/h costs 9,400 rubles.
    2. Installation of a wall-mounted condensing boiler with a capacity from 0 to 30 kW/h costs 12,700 rubles.
    3. Installation of a wall-mounted condensing boiler with a capacity of 31 to 60 kW/h will cost 15,300 rubles.
    4. Installation of a wall-mounted condensing boiler with a capacity from 61 to 100 kW/h costs 17,800 rubles.
    5. Installation of a wall-mounted condensing boiler with a capacity of more than 100 kW/h will cost 22,600 rubles.
    6. Installation of a floor-standing gas boiler with a capacity of 0-30 kW/h will cost 12,700 rubles.
    7. Installation of a floor-standing gas boiler with a capacity of 31-60 kW/h will cost 15,300 rubles.
    8. Installation of a floor-standing gas boiler with a capacity from 61 to 100 kW/h will cost 17,800 rubles.
    9. Installation and hydraulic piping of a floor-standing boiler will cost 19,700 rubles for boilers with a capacity of more than 100 kW/h.

    Year-round heating of the room together with gas heating in the apartment

    Living in an apartment, many people face problems such as “freezing in winter.” Therefore, gas heating in apartments is becoming increasingly popular. After connecting your private unit, you become a completely independent person. Now you no longer have to freeze and wait for utility companies to connect the gas - now you decide when to turn on the boiler in the apartment and when not.

    Rice. 1 Gas individual heating system in the apartment

    But, unfortunately, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Connecting individual heating requires considerable preparation. Many people argue about this. Some say that it is impossible to install a gas individual boiler in apartment buildings, while others, on the contrary, are in favor of connecting it. As they say, as many people as there are so many opinions.

    Thanks to individual heating, you will no longer need to wear a huge amount of warm clothing in order to keep warm. This will all remain a thing of the past, because you will discover the heating season in your apartment yourself. If you managed to obtain permission to install individual heating, then you will understand that winter is a wonderful time of year.

    Preparation and approval of documentation for the transition to an individual heating system

    Switching heating to apartment heating in an apartment building means completely abandoning the central system. This procedure leads to the re-equipment of all utilities and instruments with the subsequent entry of information into the object’s passport.

    According to Art. No. 25 Residential Complex of Russia, such events are referred to as “reconstruction of an apartment or house.”

    The procedure is covered in Chap. No. 4, in urban planning regulations on the reconstruction of the intra-house heating system and contains:

    • creating a project;
    • getting permission;
    • drawing up a commissioning report;
    • other.

    Replacing heating devices used to heat an apartment in an apartment building means that it is necessary to coordinate all actions. This procedure falls under Article No. 25 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and clause No. 1.7.1 “Rules and Standards for the Operation of Housing and Communal Funds” (PP No. 170).

    Contour diagram of the IO.

    In Art. No. 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation states that refurbishment of housing is necessary only after agreement with the authorized department of local significance. Moreover, you need to comply with the requirements and regulations, and also wait for the decision to be published.

    Procedure for approving the transition to an autonomous heat supply system

    Re-equipping the room must be carried out in agreement with the department responsible for the territory on which the high-rise building is located. To do this, the owner must submit an application. The document template was approved in PP No. 266 dated April 28, 05.

    In addition to the application, the citizen needs to collect papers, the list of which is covered in Art. No. 26 Residential complex of Russia. The provisions of the code also provide a list of technical documents. The project is properly prepared for the correct installation of individual heating. The heat supply source can be gas or powered.

    The project is ordered from special companies. A citizen should request certificates confirming the right of admission to such events. The certificate is issued by the construction municipality.

    When installing heating units in an apartment, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the technical parameters.

    The equipment must have:

    • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion confirmed by a certificate;
    • permission from Rostekhnadzor;
    • certificate of conformity.

    Due to the fact that the heating system in an apartment building is common property, its area must be reduced with the consent of all owners. A similar situation is associated with the ongoing re-equipment of heat supply in at least one room. The norm is enshrined in Article No. 36 of Part No. 3 of the Housing Code of Russia.

    Thus, wishing to refuse heating in an apartment building, the applicant must obtain permission not only from the municipality, but also enlist the support of the owners of the apartment buildings.

    For your information: in the absence of the necessary documentation, a citizen’s actions to switch to individual heat supply are regarded as an unauthorized disconnection from the central resource.

    Nuances of unauthorized connection to an autonomous heat supply system

    If a person intends to arbitrarily disconnect from the central system, then the actions are regarded as unauthorized misadjustment of the utility networks of the house. It doesn’t matter if it’s a panel MKD or a brick one – in any case, the measures entail incorrect distribution of resources, overheating of communications or underheating of individual premises. As a result, people's civil rights to receive heat will be infringed. Accordingly, the resource provider can sue the owner.

    Note: an illegal transition to individual heating in an apartment inexorably leads to disruption of the entire system and increased fuel consumption. This is due to the fact that during construction the project included a certain diameter of pipes on the main line.

    When some of the consumers living in the apartment building lose power, the power reserve in the boiler room increases. Such actions negatively affect the work of the supplier company and also negatively affect the quality of the services provided. For example, the tariff for heat increases, which entails a violation of the rights of other citizens.

    Examples of the use of air source heat pumps for heating apartments.

    Where to apply for permission to switch to an individual heating system

    In order to legally turn off the heating in an apartment and connect an individual heating supply, you must submit documentation to the administration of the locality. Additionally, you can submit papers through the MFC.

    As a rule, these departments send a refusal to register and register the re-equipment. Officials are motivated by the fact that the project does not comply with current norms and standards or that the papers lack some information.

    However, it is necessary to understand that the actual grounds for refusal are:

    1. Officials of the authorities do not want to accept responsibility for issuing permission to reconstruct the premises, since shortcomings and errors in calculations can lead to emergency recognition of the house.
    2. This process is unprofitable for housing and communal services and supplying enterprises, since it leads to a reduction in the amounts in receipts.

    In case of disputes, citizens should contact the judicial authorities.

    A sample application for redevelopment is available for download here.

    Necessary documents for conversion to an autonomous heating system

    To agree on the installation of autonomous heating in a room, it is necessary to collect papers approved by Article No. 26 of the Housing Code of Russia:

    1. Application. The text of the document must contain the address of the apartment where the refurbishment is planned. Approval is carried out by all owners. Additionally, the approximate scope of work and other technical indicators are indicated.
    2. Certificate confirming the right to own an apartment - purchase agreement, lease, certificate of ownership.
    3. Residential refurbishment project.
    4. Technical passport.
    5. Written consent of all citizens living at the site to install an individual heating system.
    6. Conclusion from the department for the protection of architectural heritage and permission to carry out redevelopment. This document is required if a private or apartment building is recognized as a cultural monument.

    Nuances of preparing a project for an autonomous heat supply system

    The main problem when installing gas or electric heating equipment is that the apartment building already has a general heating system. The owners of the highway are the owners of the premises.

    Installation of autonomous heating entails updating information that:

    • the system belongs to a number of persons;
    • is an element of a large engineering network owned by the supplier company and housing and communal services.

    Removing even a small part, as well as making adjustments to documents, entails the following work:

    • create a project;
    • correctly select communication elements and equipment;
    • install the system so that the rights of other citizens are not affected and do not increase the risk of an accident.

    Therefore, the first stage is to coordinate upcoming events with the owners of apartment buildings, and not just with the municipality.

    Possible obstacles when transferring to an individual heating system and overcoming them

    Installation of autonomous heating in an apartment building has a number of nuances. Thus, during installation, citizens are faced with the problem of formalizing and legitimizing the procedure. The disadvantage of individual heating is that it is necessary to select heating elements, since the main mistakes relate specifically to equipment.

    When the owner lives in an apartment building connected to central heating, it is difficult to obtain official permission to install an autonomous system. Or you may need to invest a large amount. At the same time, expenses concern not only funds, but also time.

    The difficult part is the technical documentation. When planning the installation of an individual heating system, the legislator imposes requirements on the applicant to collect papers. At this stage, one is often faced with banal bureaucracy. In 2022, it will be quite difficult to abandon central heating. In this case, the decision remains with the municipality, but government officials, as a rule, refuse to carry out redevelopment.

    The reasons and motivation of the official are understandable, since there is always the possibility of making mistakes that will lead to a decrease in the heat level in neighboring rooms. In addition, incorrect calculations can lead to disruption of the central heating system as a whole. Accordingly, an imbalance will arise in the high-rise building system.

    However, there is another side to the coin, which also relies on existing laws. So, if a citizen has no debt to the supplier company, then he has the right to install an autonomous heating system. As a result, the contract with the state company will be terminated. To achieve your goal, you need to be persistent and contact lawyers.

    Project development and installation work

    Installation of a new system begins with the dismantling of old heating equipment.
    You need to plan a private heating system for an apartment taking into account its area and planning features.

    The project must be done taking into account the following restrictions:

    • moving the riser;
    • removal of heaters to the balcony;
    • demolition of the partition between the kitchen and living room;
    • moving the bathroom.

    When planning a strapping scheme, the choice is made from the following options:

    • radiators - cast iron, steel, bimetallic;
    • pipes - plastic, brass, steel;
    • method - one-pipe or two-pipe;
    • circulation - natural or forced;
    • wiring - top or bottom;
    • connection - vertical or horizontal;
    • interchange scheme - with dead-end highways or throughways.

    It is recommended to pour distilled water into the system to avoid scale formation.
    The construction of an individual heating system is carried out in the following sequence:

    1. Dismantling of old communications. It is no longer advisable to use them; it is better to install new and more efficient ones. First, the batteries are disconnected, then the piping, and lastly the pipes near the riser. The holes are welded tightly or a pipe with a thread for a plug is attached to them. In some cases, part of the riser with bends is cut off and a new fragment is welded in its place.
    2. The boiler is being installed. If necessary, a stable base is made for it next to the external wall. Then the product is aligned vertically.
    3. Radiators are being installed. To fasten them, strong and reliable hooks with dowels or anchor products are used if the work is carried out in a brick building.
    4. The harness is being laid. Branches extend throughout all rooms. It is advisable to use reinforced polypropylene pipes, which have better characteristics compared to analogues. Assembly is carried out with a special soldering iron.
    5. Ball valves are installed in front of the batteries, after which they are connected to the supply and return.
    6. The tightness of the assembled circuit is checked. To do this, use a compressor with a pressure gauge or soap foam.
    7. The boiler is connected through a meter to the gas main. A shut-off valve is installed on the pipe.
    8. The circuit is filled with water. Air is released through Mayevsky's taps.

    Boiler selection

    The most economical option is a solid fuel stove with a heat accumulator.
    To heat a room efficiently, you need to choose the right energy source. It is desirable that the supply of fuel to the boiler be constant.

    The simplest solution is to install a solid fuel stove burning coal or wood. There is no need to obtain permission to construct such a structure. In addition, there is no need to connect to a water supply system. The closed circuit is filled once, and then water is added in small portions as it evaporates from the expansion tank. The disadvantage of this option is regular cleaning of the chimney and rapid burning of fuel. The way out of the situation is to buy a long-burning stove. At one gas station, a good fireplace works for up to 12 hours. You should constantly monitor the availability of coal and firewood, regularly replenishing their supply.

    Electric boilers are distinguished by their compactness and clean heating process. The energy you receive is limitless, you just need to pay your bills on time. In case of a blackout, you can buy a small generator that has a place on the balcony or in the closet. The downside is that electricity is expensive, the heating season will cost a pretty penny. Therefore, such systems are in most cases installed in non-gas high-rise buildings.

    Gas boilers are the most suitable choice for creating an individual heating system. The products are reliable, small in size and high in performance. The devices are completely safe thanks to automation, which turns off the gas supply when its pressure drops to a certain level. The downside is that you need to drill a hole in the wall to lead the chimney to the street. This negatively affects the strength of load-bearing structures and the aesthetics of the facade.

    How to install a gas boiler for heating in an apartment

    It’s not worth saying much about the operating principle of a gas boiler, since everything is already clear there. Water enters the heat exchanger, then it is heated to the required temperature, and then distributed throughout the heating system.

    What you need to have or do before installing individual heating:

    • In order to install gas heating in an apartment, you must first obtain permission for this (from the gas service).
    • Select, calculate and then purchase the necessary equipment for individual heating of the room.
    • The room or area where the boiler will be located must be prepared accordingly. You can make the appropriate repairs, punch a hole for the coaxial pipe if there is no chimney, etc.
    • Thanks to the gas heating system in the apartment, you will no longer depend on a centralized gas main.
    • You also need to think about ventilation of the room, as this guarantees the safety of using the unit for all family members.

    Of course, it will not be possible to quickly install an individual heating system, since collecting documents according to the list will take a lot of time.

    Rice. 4 Autonomous heating in the apartment

    Below are the conditions under which gas heating can be installed in apartments:

    • An individual gas boiler in an apartment can be installed in rooms with an area of ​​more than 4 m², but in no case less.
    • There should also be more natural light in the room where the individual heating system will be located, that is, the presence of a window (with a window that will open for ventilation) is mandatory.
    • There must be a cold water pipeline.
    • For individual gas heating you need a chimney. If this is not the case in a high-rise building, then you can install a coaxial pipe that passes through the wall.
    • When the gas unit is operating, ventilation should also work well.

    If you follow all these simple rules, then the installation of individual heating in an apartment will take place quickly and without any problems. You can install an individual system yourself, but it’s still not worth it - it’s better to contact a specialist.

    Autonomous heating in the apartment

    Selecting a boiler model of the required power

    The main advantage of an apartment with autonomous heating is the ability to adjust the temperature. For this you need a suitable boiler. The type of equipment depends on the resource consumed - gas or electricity.

    Gas boilers

    The disadvantages of this type of equipment include high cost and less safety, because the work process involves open gas combustion.

    But these boilers:

    • more durable;
    • pay for themselves faster;
    • significantly more economical due to the lower cost of gas compared to electricity;
    • equipped with a special smoke exhaust system;
    • do not cause inconvenience to users.

    Read more in the article “Gas heating in an apartment.”

    Electric boilers

    The undoubted advantage of this type of equipment is the lower cost of the boiler itself and its installation. In addition, they are safer to use than gas ones.

    However, there are also disadvantages:

    • high electricity consumption;
    • dependence on electrical networks, which are often worn out and not designed for such power;
    • In the event of a power outage, there will be no heating in the apartment.


    • It is necessary to take your heating system more seriously, monitor the serviceability of the equipment, and periodically clean the chimney. After all, if the boiler fails, the owner will be left alone with the problem. And if it’s -40°C outside, and it’s night at that, in the best case they will only come to you the next day. Therefore, before installing individual gas heating in an apartment, you should weigh all the pros and cons.
    • It is necessary to vent combustion products outside.
    • High cost of equipment and installation.
    • A gas burner at high-power operating modes “eats” the oxygen in the apartment. To replenish oxygen, you must constantly keep some window open.
    • The consent of the other residents of the house should be obtained.
    • The heating system is completely dependent on gas supply.
    • Replacing heating radiators in an apartment and private house
    • Heating on balconies and loggias: implementation options
    • Infrared ceramic heater: types, application, operating principle
    • Gas heating convectors: design, installation, advantages
    • Gas fireplace for a country house and cottage
    • Outdoor temperature sensor for gas boiler

    How much does it cost to service a gas boiler?

    Any gas boiler is a technically complex device that must be constantly monitored. This is why you need to periodically service your gas boiler. Let's look at approximate prices for services:

    • Departure within a small concrete ring – 2500 rubles;
    • Tariff for visiting a site outside the small concrete ring, per km. in both directions - 30 rubles;

    One-time gas boiler maintenance:

    • Wall-mounted single-circuit - 4000 rubles;
    • Wall-mounted double-circuit - 4000-4500 rubles;
    • Wall-mounted condensing (up to 49 kW) from 6,000 rubles;
    • Wall-mounted condensing (over 50 kW) from 7,000 rubles;
    • Floor-standing with atmospheric burner (up to 59 kW) - 4,000 rubles;
    • Floor-standing with atmospheric burner (60-99 kW) - 5,000 rubles;
    • Floor-standing with atmospheric burner (100-150 kW) - 6,000 rubles;
    • Floor-standing with a forced-air burner (up to 29 kW) - 6,000 rubles;
    • Floor-standing with a forced-air burner (30-59 kW) - 6,000 rubles;
    • Floor-standing with a forced-air burner (60-119 kW) - 7,000 rubles;
    • Floor-standing with forced-air burner (120-249 kW) – negotiable;
    • Floor-standing with a forced-air burner (over 250 kW) – negotiable.

    Heating scheme

    Centralized heat supply systems use a single-pipe circuit, which is inferior in efficiency to a two-pipe circuit. A single pipe system can only be used for a small number of radiators in situations where savings are needed.

    The optimal choice for individual heating is a two-pipe scheme. It has many advantages:

    • use of pipes and fittings of smaller diameter;
    • high pressure stability in the system;
    • the ability to use automatic flow regulators on all batteries, which will operate without compromising the heating of other radiators;
    • independent connection of each radiator, allowing it to be removed for maintenance or gaining access to the niche during repairs.

    Features of heating a city apartment

    Installation of heating systems

    In an apartment building, it is difficult to equip separate chimneys and ensure a normal level of air supply to create effective draft and improve gas combustion.

    Therefore, heating an apartment with a parapet-type gas boiler is the most convenient and acceptable option. This device differs from conventional products in that its operation does not require the construction of a separate and bulky chimney.

    1. To supply oxygen, which is necessary for fuel combustion, there is a horizontal chimney with an additional pipe built inside. This product is called a coaxial chimney.
    2. Air enters through an external pipe, and combustion products are discharged through the inside of this device.
    3. The coaxial product is installed horizontally through the outer wall of the room.
    4. As a heat exchanger in such devices, as a rule, copper pipes are used, which have a high level of thermal conductivity and rapid heating. The efficiency factor (efficiency) of parapet gas boilers is at least 90%.

    How much does a floor-standing gas boiler cost?

    One of the inexpensive Korean gas floor-standing boilers is equipment from Kiturami with a power of 15.10 kW. The cost of such a unit is 36,300 rubles. It is worth highlighting a gas floor-standing boiler with a capacity of 27.10 kW from Protherm, model Bison, costing 48,000 rubles. The equipment is characterized by durability and reliability, as well as reasonable cost.

    For heating large industrial premises, a gas floor-standing boiler from Proterm, model Bizon, with a power of 3500 kW, is suitable. Such equipment can heat up to 35,000 sq.m. The cost of a gas boiler is 2,051,000 rubles.

    What types of boilers are there for individual heating?

    There are many types of heating units that can be installed in apartments:

    • Single-circuit boiler.
      This device is only suitable for heating a room. If you also need to heat water for family use, then such a unit will not be suitable. Of course, you can install it, but you will also have to additionally purchase a boiler to heat the water, and this, in turn, is fraught with extra costs.
    • Double-circuit boiler.
      This heating unit is the most popular, since thanks to it you can also use hot water around the clock. The dimensions of such boilers are quite compact, so they can be installed even in a small kitchen.

    If you choose from these two options, then, of course, the second option will be the best. Individual boilers in apartments are installed on the walls, which saves usable space in the kitchen. Many modern high-rise buildings do not have chimneys. But this is not a reason to give up on your dream - installing a gas unit. After all, there is another excellent way through which combustion products are removed outside. This is the installation of a coaxial pipe, or it is also called a coaxial chimney.

    Gas boilers can have an open combustion chamber or a closed one. For an open chamber, a chimney is a prerequisite for installing gas heating in apartments. If an individual heating unit has a closed combustion chamber, then a coaxial pipe can be installed to remove combustion products, which simultaneously supplies oxygen to the combustion chamber and removes unnecessary substances through another hole.

    Rice. 2 Gas heating in the apartment

    What are the benefits of boilers with a closed combustion chamber:

    • Such units for individual heating are safer to use for others, as they prevent combustion products from entering the room.
    • They are easy to use and have a much longer service life.

    Also, many gas heating units only work when there is electricity. Therefore, if you live in an area where electricity often goes out, then you need to acquire an additional power source. After all, you don’t want to freeze in severe frosts.

    How much does a double-circuit gas boiler cost?

    To heat and supply hot water in a small house, you can choose a gas double-circuit boiler from Protherm. The Jaguar model with a power of 24 kW will perfectly heat the entire area of ​​the house. The cost of such equipment is 31,565 rubles. A similar option is the double-circuit wall-mounted boiler Baxi Main 5 14 F, which is distinguished by its reliability and durability. The cost of the heating boiler is 32,154 rubles.

    For large rooms, a more powerful gas boiler De Dietrich Zena Plus MSL 28 MI FF worth RUB 63,061 is suitable.

    The Japanese company Rinnai is popular. You can purchase a gas boiler from this manufacturer for 32,000 rubles.

    general information

    You should prepare for the fact that the heating supply organization will be against installing autonomous heating, because Almost throughout the entire territory of Russia, it is prohibited to disconnect an individual apartment from the central heating supply and switch it to an autonomous one (an exception is if the transition is carried out by the entire house). There are quite understandable reasons for this, such as:

    • An installed individual boiler can unbalance the entire heating system of an apartment building, which will “suffer” neighboring apartments;
    • The hydraulics of the system will be disrupted;
    • Often, to install autonomous heating in a separate apartment, it is necessary to increase the diameter of the gas supply pipes, because otherwise, the pressure in the system may drop, which in turn will lead to malfunctions of gas stoves;
    • There is no guarantee that the apartment owner will comply with all necessary security requirements;

    Also, before installation, you should pay attention to the presence of a chimney system in the house, which is mainly present in old houses. Unfortunately, in modern houses ventilation is provided only in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen

    Important! It should be remembered that if you managed to install autonomous heating, you must periodically clean the chimney, which becomes clogged with soot, which negatively affects the efficiency of the gas boiler

    Gas wall-mounted boiler Bosch Gaz 4000W. ZWA24-2A23 S5700

    How much does a wall-mounted gas boiler cost?

    One of the budget options is the Baxi Fourtech 1.14 wall-mounted gas boiler costing 30,712 rubles. Such heating equipment is a good option in terms of price and quality. But the boiler is single-circuit. Inexpensive double-circuit boiler - Protherm Jaguar 24 JTV costing 31,309 rubles.

    You can buy a gas wall-mounted boiler from the Japanese company Rinnai for 32,000 rubles. A gas boiler De Dietrich Zena MS 24 worth 34,422 rubles is considered a high-quality heating equipment.

    For heating a large house, a condensing wall-mounted boiler Baxi Luna Duo - tec MP 1.110 worth RUB 240,221 is suitable. A similar unit is produced by De Dietrich, model Innovens Pro Mca 115, costing 292,723 rubles.

    Where to get the necessary documents

    Collecting documents can take a lot of time and effort, because you will have to contact many services and organizations.

    1. For permission to disconnect your apartment from the general heating system, go to the city heating network. You can receive a refusal only in one case - if dismantling the radiators leads to disruption of the operation of equipment in neighboring apartments.
    2. Specifications for the installation of gas equipment are provided by the gas service. To receive them, you need to go to the district housing office, from where you must send a letter with the request to the service.
    3. The refurbishment plan is handled by the design organization. This plan should contain all information about the future system, technical solutions and calculations.
    4. A completed redevelopment project requires approval from the authorities from whom you received the technical specifications, as well as the fire service and SES authorities.

    Characteristics of an autonomous heating system

    AO allows you to regulate the temperature and select fuel, which significantly reduces heating costs.
    A massive transition to stove gas heating in apartment buildings was observed at the end of the last and beginning of this century. This event was then banned as problems with central supply began to arise. To install a boiler and refuse the services of a management company, you must obtain a decision from the city council, which always stands on the side of large service providers.

    From the consumer’s point of view, individual heating in an apartment building has the following advantages:

    • The ability to make an independent decision regarding when to start the heating season. At the same time, you can adjust the temperature, on and off time. And this can only mean an increase in the level of living comfort.
    • You only need to pay for the energy actually consumed. When using the services of public utilities, you have to pay for heat loss, the organization’s profit and other related expenses.
    • Possibility of independent choice of heating technology and layout of heating elements. Selection of installation options not only according to technical, but also aesthetic criteria.
    • Minimum and controlled energy consumption with high heat output. Setting the optimal temperature depending on the weather and physiological state.

    The main disadvantage of JSC is the high cost of initial investment in equipment.
    The disadvantages are as follows:

    • Dependence on centralized energy supplies. If the gas pressure decreases or there is a power failure, the boiler stops working.
    • High cost of initial investment. It is necessary to pay for technical conditions, materials and equipment, the work of craftsmen and subsequent repairs, since installation is accompanied by damage to the finish.
    • Regular inspections, checks and adjustments are required. All this requires a waste of time and money.
    • The need to purchase and keep backup heating devices in readiness. This is not only additional financial costs, but also the allocation of space for their storage.

    How to convert an apartment building to individual heating

    Converting an apartment building to individual heating is possible. However, the bureaucratic difficulties in this case are even greater than when one apartment is disconnected from the network.

    The main problem is that it will be necessary to redevelop many engineering and construction communications of the entire building, and not just a separate part of it. In this regard, the process of obtaining permits becomes very complicated.

    If utility networks are recognized as the joint property of the residents of the house, first you need to hold a general meeting at which the residents will discuss whether everyone is willing to install autonomous heating in the apartment building or not.

    If the utility system is owned by the municipal authorities, then most likely it will not be possible to obtain permission.

    Next you need to proceed according to the scheme given above.

    It is worth keeping in mind that the cost of materials, work and projects will be significantly higher, because we are talking about the refurbishment of the entire apartment building.

    Individual heating in the apartment will help avoid cold evenings in winter

    It's no secret that apartment buildings (most of them) are poorly heated in winter, and this leads to the fact that all family members get sick more often. But with individual heating in the apartment, these problems can be avoided. After competent specialists connect you to autonomous heating equipment, you will be able to heat the room at any time of the year.

    Rice. 1 Individual heating in the apartment

    In an apartment, of course, connecting gas equipment will be more difficult than in a private house, but there is nothing wrong with that. You just need to prepare for installation ahead of time - and everything will be fine. Before buying heating equipment, you must first become familiar with those modern units that are the most popular and safest on the heating unit market.

    There are many differences in human opinions. Some people say that you can’t install individual heating in an apartment, while others, on the contrary, are for it. In any case, only you will have to weigh the pros and cons. But it is worth noting that after installing heating equipment, you will no longer wear a lot of warm clothes and look like a stuffed animal. Now you will be warm and comfortable in your own apartment.

    Rules and regulations by law

    All nuances are clearly regulated; to familiarize yourself with the information in detail, before starting to implement your plan, you should take a look at Article 26 of the Housing Code.

    In this document you will find a list of necessary papers and learn the main aspects regarding the transition to autonomous heating. In 2022, an equally important decree, Federal Law No. 190, was changed, namely, Article 14 covers such points as:

    1. Conclusion of a contract and the possibility of connecting to the existing infrastructure for the implementation of heat supply.
    2. Situations are considered in which it is not possible to abandon the central heating center.
    3. Standards and algorithm of actions for the installation of all communications that are necessary for autonomous heating.

    You should also look at decree number 1314 if the equipment will be powered by blue fuel. The document is able to clarify the following:

    1. Is it possible to connect to the main line of the building in which the apartment is located and how does this happen?
    2. Details of the procedure.
    3. Basic requirements for the project and its preparation.

    Clause 7.3.7 of SNiP numbered 31-01-2003 provides important nuances that relate to the transition to individual supply. If you carefully study the papers, it becomes clear that such changes can be made in new buildings where such an opportunity was provided.

    You can refuse central heating only when installing units with a closed chamber. The design documentation is taken into account, in which you can find information on the following points:

    1. General information about heating an apartment building.
    2. Gas supply input diagram, information about the devices.
    3. Ventilation and house communications, pipes for removing combustion products.
    4. The area of ​​the room where the boiler is installed should not be less than 15 square meters. m.

    It is worth considering the point that it will be possible to completely disconnect the central heating riser from the house with the consent of all residents, without exception. Selective or partial disconnection is prohibited, since the communications will not function properly and the radiators in some apartments will become warm, which is not enough to properly heat the home.

    Installation features

    Installation and adjustment of gas boilers

    If you choose from all types of gas devices, then the most acceptable option for an apartment is a wall-mounted double-circuit boiler. With its help you can provide heat in the room and hot water for domestic needs. And placing it on the wall will significantly save usable space.

    If in private houses you can even choose a separate room for a heating unit, then for a city apartment the most acceptable option is a kitchen, which already has a gas stove, cold water supply and, as a rule, reliable ventilation. Therefore, installing gas heating in the kitchen is the best solution for a small city apartment.

    Modern double-circuit type products include a circulation pump, the operation of which requires a constant supply of electric current. In the event of an emergency with electricity supply, a backup power source in the form of a power plant is installed in country houses.

    Important! This cannot be allowed in an apartment, so for emergency connection you can use an uninterruptible power supply, like for a computer, only more powerful. It will last for several hours of operation until the emergency on electrical networks is eliminated.

    For normal operation of a gas boiler, an expansion tank is also required, which must constantly contain water for the heating system. When heated, water or another type of coolant expands, and its excess enters this container, and when cooled, it goes back into the system. That is, the principle of operation of the expansion tank is the same as for the car cooling system.

    Installation of gas boilers is strictly prohibited in the following cases:

    • installing devices near flammable objects
    • in the hallway and bathroom due to increased humidity and reduced fresh air supply
    • in dormitories
    • in the basement and on the balcony
    • in the basement, which is located below ground level
    • in rooms not equipped with windows

    Regarding the basement floor, installation of gas equipment is allowed if there is special permission from the regulatory authorities.

    How much does a gas boiler cost for a private home?

    For residents of country life, the issue of heating arises. For those who have a gas main nearby, there are no difficulties. But, nevertheless, I want to choose a high-quality and efficient gas boiler at an affordable price. On the Internet you can find many reviews about different manufacturers of heating equipment. Let's look at the most popular gas boiler companies and their costs:

    1. An excellent solution for heating a private home is the installation of gas boilers from Baxi. Such boilers are distinguished by their reliability and high quality. Gas equipment is manufactured according to all standards. The manufacturer provides a long warranty period, so you don’t have to worry about problems with the equipment. The most inexpensive model is Baxi MAIN 5 14F, which costs 29,998 rubles. This boiler is suitable for heating small country and country houses. The maximum power is 14 kW. The most powerful and expensive equipment of this company includes the Baxi POWER HT 1.320, costing 750,052 rubles.
    2. Gas boilers from De-Dietrich are considered no less popular. The French company is one of the largest in the production of heating equipment. The cost of De-Dietrich gas boilers varies between 488,201-4,144,199 rubles.
    3. Rinnai gas boilers are reliable and safe. The cost of equipment starts at 33,900 rubles. The most expensive model costs 56,900 rubles.
    4. Protherm gas boilers are manufactured as single-circuit, double-circuit, atmospheric and turbocharged. The cost of the equipment is in the range of 31927-134296 rubles.
    5. Manufacturers of Electrolux gas boilers produce high-quality equipment at an affordable cost. The Electrolux Basic Space 24 Fi gas boiler costs 34,673 rubles, and the most expensive model is the Electrolux FSB 35 MPi/HW costing 149,432 rubles.
    6. Haier gas boilers cost from 22,542 to 34,138 rubles.
    7. Popular gas equipment are gas boilers from the Korean company Kiturami. You can purchase an inexpensive model for 25,000 or choose powerful equipment worth 615,000 rubles.

    Types of autonomous heating

    Scheme of autonomous heating in a private house - the heating circuit is connected to the stove.
    Autonomous heating is a system independent of the utility network that provides heat to real estate. This structure consists of a heating device, pipes and radiators. The difference lies in the energy source and coolant.

    Traditional system

    Traditional gas heating in an apartment building is a closed water circuit connected to a central water supply. The liquid is heated in the boiler, and circulation is ensured by the temperature difference in different parts of the piping. Such a design can be called completely autonomous, conditionally, since its performance depends on the supply of water, electricity and gas to the building. If one component is missing, the device turns off.

    • environmental friendliness, absence of harmful emissions;
    • silent operation;
    • safety achieved by installing high-quality control devices;
    • no need for expensive maintenance;
    • long service life;
    • tangible money savings.

    Design disadvantages:

    • expensive and complex installation;
    • apartment renovation required after installation;
    • regular inspections by inspectors.

    Air system

    The air in the room is always fresh, since there is a constant intake from the street.
    The design consists of a heating boiler, a blower and an air duct system that passes through all rooms. Warm air, after cooling, passes through filters, enters the heater and is again supplied to the rooms. An electric coil, gas or water circuit is used as a heater. To keep the air fresh, it is constantly taken from the street.

    • effective distribution of heated masses throughout the room;
    • efficiency due to controlled ventilation;
    • simplicity and reliability of design;
    • no risk of defrosting;
    • possibility of air purification and sterilization;
    • ease of maintenance.

    Design disadvantages:

    • dependence on electricity;
    • bulkiness of air ducts;
    • difficulty in combining highways in the interior of the apartment.

    Direct electric heating

    Electric heating is cheaper than gas
    heating Home heating with electricity is convenient because you do not need to create complex and bulky circuits or be tied to water and gas. It is enough to purchase reliable cables and high-quality equipment. To heat the premises, convectors, fans, oil and infrared heaters, heated floors and heated towel rails are used.

    Advantages of using electrical appliances:

    • environmental cleanliness;
    • noiselessness;
    • reliability;
    • no need to obtain permission;
    • possibility of DIY installation;
    • equipment mobility;
    • no need for maintenance;
    • use for heating water for domestic needs.

    Disadvantages of electrical equipment:

    • shutdown when the current supply is interrupted;
    • the need to lay a separate line, additional protective and distribution devices;
    • large amount of energy consumed, high electricity bills.

    Autonomous electric heating

    Installing electric heating is much simpler than gas heating. If only because there is a wider choice of where to install the boiler or other equipment, since the power supply is distributed throughout the apartment, and ventilation and a combustion product removal system are not required.

    When planning the installation of electric heating, first of all, you need to consult the Energonadzor institution (or a similar organization). It is necessary to check the availability of resources in the house for the release of additional energy. If written consent has been received from this organization, then you must contact the heating network service with it and with a request to disconnect the apartment from the centralized heating supply.

    The list of remaining documentation should be clarified with the energy company and local government authorities. The fact is that when installing electric heating in different regions of the country, the requirements for its installation may vary significantly. The only thing that needs to be noted is that the number of documents and approvals will be much less compared to the gas option for heating the apartment.

    Thanks to modern technologies, today you can choose one of two options for electric heating. One involves the use of a heating unit with conventional piping for coolant circulation. The second involves direct heating by separately installed devices or systems - electric convectors, infrared heaters, underfloor heating systems.

    Heating using an electric boiler

    The system uses coolant, that is, the pipework and radiators remain in place. But they are connected to an electric heating boiler, and the coolant will be heated from it, and not from the central heating line.

    Electric boiler - much easier to install, but requires a dedicated power line of the required power

    Most modern models of electric heating units are equipped with automatic control. Therefore, the system can be programmed so that the heating of the premises to the required temperature does not occur constantly, but only at the time set by the owners. You can save a lot on this function, for example, by using the nightly reduced tariff to “charge” the heat accumulator.

    On sale are wall-mounted electric boilers, which can have a power of 5–60 kW, as well as floor-standing options, their power exceeds 60 kW.

    Experts will tell you which one to choose when submitting documents for drawing up a project for an electric heating system, which will contain a diagram of its arrangement. The choice of boiler will depend on the area and location of the apartment in the house, the degree of its insulation, the number of windows and balconies, as well as the material used to make the frames. Usually, when choosing a boiler power, they rely on established technological standards, that is, 1 kW of electricity per 10 “squares” of area.

    We must not lose sight of the fact that if a unit with a power exceeding 9 kW is purchased, then there will be a need to re-equip the apartment electrical network and install a three-phase meter. If you plan to install a heating boiler with a larger capacity, then before purchasing it, you must consult and obtain written permission from the local energy company.

    It should be taken into account that household electric boilers are not designed for a large number of radiators; therefore, their installation is optimal for heating small areas, up to 80 - 90 m². In addition to the boiler, “warm floor” systems can be used, which consume electricity quite economically.

    Electric units operate according to a standard automatic heating system. The coolant (water or antifreeze) is heated as it passes through the boiler and then enters the heating circuit with radiators installed in it. Along this path, the coolant cools down and returns to the boiler for heating, etc. To make the circulation more intense and the radiators to warm up faster, a circulation pump is installed in the heating circuit.

    An electric boiler, unlike gas equipment, can be installed in any utility room where it is convenient to install the power line, and from where it will be easier to carry out the general wiring of the heating circuit pipes. Most often, a kitchen or bathroom is also chosen for this. But sometimes it is also installed in the corridor, recessing the circuit pipe distribution into the wall surfaces.

    What is an electric heating boiler?

    The variety of such devices is quite large, not only in size, power and other operational parameters, but even in terms of heating principle. Read more about this in the special article on our portal dedicated to electric heating boilers .

    Direct space heating with electrical appliances

    Heating using separate electrical appliances or a “warm floor” system, which can be combined or work separately, is called a direct heating system.

    Electric convectors sometimes become an excellent alternative to conventional heating batteries

    This option is preferable to choose if there is a desire to get rid of numerous pipes and volumetric radiators, since, for example, electric convectors have a more aesthetic appearance and compact size. The “warm floor” system can be cable rod or film - but in any case, it is completely invisible to the eye.

    When combining individual devices into a single system, it is possible to connect it to a common control unit, with the help of which temperature conditions are set by time of day and day of the week, taking into account the family’s daily routine.

    Installation of film infrared “warm floor”

    When choosing any type of electric heating, for safety reasons it is necessary to provide grounding, without which permission to put the system into operation will not be issued.

    The advantage of electric heating is that, unlike gas heating, it is safer. And compared to the central system, it can be easily and very accurately adjusted, setting the required temperature.

    The main disadvantage of the electrical system is that if there is a power outage, the apartment will be left not only without lighting, but also without heating. Therefore, if in a particular locality this phenomenon repeats itself with frightening consistency, then it is better to opt for autonomous gas heating of the apartment. In addition, the obvious “disadvantages” include very high electricity tariffs.

    Features of the arrangement of electric heating lie in the observance of certain conditions that are not provided for the gas heating option. So, experts recommend:

    • Run a separate power cable for the electric heating system from the distribution board, which will stabilize the load on the general house electrical network.
    • RCD systems are installed today in all apartments of new buildings equipped with autonomous electric heating. If it is not there, then you will have to worry about purchasing such a block. This is reliable protection against electric shock when it leaks onto the device body.
    • It is highly desirable to install a two-tariff meter, which will help save money if the heat supply to the premises occurs during preferential hours.

    Devices and systems for direct space heating – what to choose?

    The variety of such devices is extremely wide. You can take a closer look at energy-saving heaters Another publication will tell in detail about the types and specific features of various electric “warm floor” .

    How to install a gas boiler in an apartment

    The operating principle of such units is quite simple - water from the heating system passes through the heat exchanger. As a result of the combustion of blue fuel, it is heated in a heat exchanger and then distributed through pipes and radiators.

    • obtain a number of permissions from the relevant services
    • purchase equipment
    • prepare the room
    • remodel the heating system - cut it off from centralized communications
    • equip ventilation and provide for the installation of a chimney

    The list of documents that need to be collected will be provided to you by the gas supply organization. Moreover, this is not an easy, troublesome and quite lengthy task.

    Installation of a gas boiler in an apartment is carried out by specialized organizations subject to certain rules:

    1. The area of ​​the room in which the equipment will be located must be at least 4 square meters.
    2. Good natural light - per 10 square meters of area a window measuring 0.3 square meters is required. m. A prerequisite is the presence of a window.
    3. The width of the entrance door is at least 80 centimeters.
    4. The height of the room is at least 2.5 meters.
    5. Availability of a cold water pipeline.
    6. Output from the ground loop.
    7. Chimney installation.
    8. The presence of a ventilation duct.
    9. Smooth and plastered walls.

    If the room is equipped in compliance with these simple rules, and the appropriate documents are available, then you can begin installing gas equipment. It is strictly prohibited to carry out installation on your own, as this should only be done by employees of a specialized organization.

    Types of heating

    The cost of services and features of equipment operation will depend on the type of heating system.


    The following equipment features should be taken into account:

    1. a gas boiler is installed;
    2. preference should be given to wall-mounted units with closed burners;
    3. such boilers, given that they are used in small apartments, do not consume air from the room, and also do not require a chimney system;
    4. the equipment is compact;
    5. boilers are available for use throughout the year and have good power;
    6. the possibility of purchasing a double-circuit boiler, which additionally allows you to heat water, which significantly saves on housing and utility bills;
    7. before installation, the owner independently chooses whether a single-circuit or double-circuit boiler will be used (the desired type must be indicated in the application for a permit);
    8. It is mandatory to comply with a number of requirements for the property.

    The boiler can be installed in a room with an area of ​​more than 4 square meters, with at least one window, the width of the entrance door is 80 cm or more. Installation takes place on a wall made of non-combustible materials with a distance to the nearest gas equipment set at 3 meters.


    An alternative heating method that does not require the purchase of a special boiler. The heating system consists of installing an infrared or electric floor throughout the apartment or in individual rooms.

    How to get permission

    For permission to install autonomous heating, you need to contact the district administration, or rather, the interdepartmental commission responsible for the use of the housing stock. No later than a month and a half later, the commission gives an official response. At the administration you can get a list of documents that you need to provide to obtain permission.

    Sample list of documents

    Since the installation of an individual heating system relates to the refurbishment of a residential premises, the list of documents will include:

    • a statement written in a special form;
    • documents establishing your right to own housing: state registration certificate, ownership transfer agreement, gift agreement, document confirming the right of inheritance (original documents or copies certified by a notary);
    • certified copies for all owners and a statement signed by all owners (if the apartment is in shared ownership);
    • a copy of the technical passport of the premises;
    • consent of family members of the tenant and all residents of the apartment building, documented in the form of minutes of the meeting of apartment owners (if the apartment is municipal);
    • conclusion of the body responsible for the protection of architectural monuments, historical or cultural heritage on the possibility of redevelopment (if the house is an architectural, cultural or historical monument).

    The most difficult thing will be to prepare and provide technical documentation. These include:

    • redevelopment project for the installation of a gas boiler, including gasification of the premises and changes to the central heating system;
    • a copy of the passport for the electric boiler, technical conditions, agreement confirming the permission of the maximum power, which exceeds the boiler power (when choosing an electric heating device);
    • Specifications for disconnecting the wiring in the apartment from the communal heating system;
    • Specifications for ventilation;
    • Specifications for connecting gas networks.

    A package of necessary documents for “autonomization”

    In order to organize autonomous heating in an apartment, you will have to do some redevelopment, and this, as you know, is a rather labor-intensive process. It should be taken into account that the preparation of permitting documents can take from three to five months, and installation work can take about a week. In this regard, the preparation process must begin in advance.

    All work on organizing autonomous gas heating of an apartment must be carried out exclusively in accordance with the developed and approved project

    Preliminary approvals and obtaining permits

    So, the first step is to decide on the documents that will be required in order to begin developing the project, purchasing equipment, and then installing an autonomous system. The list of documents is approved by Art. 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation “Grounds for the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises.”

    Any reconstruction of residential premises is carried out taking into account the established requirements and in agreement with local authorities. For approval, it is necessary to collect a package of documents, which includes standard title documents for the ownership of this housing, which include the following:

    • Application-petition for housing reconstruction. The application form is standard and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
    • Certificate of state registration of ownership of the apartment - this may be the right of inheritance or an agreement on the transfer of ownership of housing. A copy of the document certified by a notary will be required.
    • The technical passport for the apartment is a photocopy certified by a notary.
    • An apartment redevelopment project, completed in accordance with the established form.
    • A certified copy of a document indicating all persons registered in the apartment.
    • Consent to the reconstruction of the heating system from all residents of the apartment. This document is drawn up on one sheet of paper, where all persons living in the apartment are listed, and then they put their signatures, confirming their consent.
    • A document from the organization for the protection of architectural monuments, if the house where reconstruction is planned belongs to the category of architectural monuments.

    To obtain permission to re-equip the heating system, you will have to collect a considerable package of documents.
    The applicant should remember that self-government bodies do not have the right to demand other documents not provided for in this article. After accepting the package of documentation for consideration, the applicant must be issued a receipt with a list of accepted documents.

    Next, the collected documents by the self-government organization are sent to the authority, where they must be approved. Most often, such issues are resolved in the city government administration.

    Review and decision on consent or refusal must be carried out no later than 45 days from the date of submission of the documentation. The document developed by the commission must be issued to the applicant no later than 3 working days after the decision is made.

    According to the norms and rules for the technical operation of housing, which were approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia No. 170 dated September 27, 2003, a refusal to redevelop or reconstruct a residential premises may follow if these actions worsen the living conditions of all or individual residents of the building where the applicant’s apartment is located.

    However, that's not all. The list of documents indicates a redevelopment project, which must be approved by the gas and heat supply regulatory organizations, since permission must be obtained to disconnect from the central heating system and install gas equipment. And after receiving such permits, a project for redevelopment and installation of an autonomous system is drawn up, which must be agreed upon with the relevant authorities.

    Therefore, it is necessary to prepare all the above documents, since they will have to be presented to all organizations that directly influence the preparation of the project. Documentation is completed in the following order:

    • The first organization you need to contact is the city or district heating networks. It is there that permission is given to disconnect the apartment’s heating circuit from the central heating system. Consent can be issued if the shutdown does not lead to disruption of the engineering equipment of nearby apartments or the entire building. In principle, there cannot be any other reasons for refusal.

    If an unfounded refusal is received from this organization, then this is a reason to go to the courts. It should be noted that sometimes an application for disconnection is submitted through the organization of self-government of the housing stock.

    • Then, with the received letter of agreement, you must contact the gas service of the district or city to obtain technical conditions for the installation of autonomous heating. This document must be issued within 10 days from the date of the applicant’s application.
    • After receiving the specifications, taking all the documentation for the apartment, you can go to a design or energy organization that is engaged in drawing up such projects. If the boiler was purchased before the project was drawn up, and it meets all the requirements for installation in an apartment in a multi-storey building, then documentation for it should also be provided to the design organization. The project will be prepared taking into account the provided technical conditions.

    Most of the requirements imposed by regulatory organizations, including the gas service, are specified in the document “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”, paragraph 6.2 “Apartment heat supply systems” SNiP41-01-2003.

    To free yourself from going through all the authorities, you can entrust the preparation and approval of all necessary documents to the design organization. In some regions of Russia, this function is taken over by the gas service. Naturally, all this additional work comes at an additional cost.

    Autonomous heating project

    Separately, it is necessary to say about the heating reconstruction project. First of all, before contacting specialists who will carry out design work, you need to carefully study the technical conditions used in drawing up the project, and it is advisable to draw up a preliminary sketch of the approximate location of the heating elements.

    The location of the heating boiler should be determined by design specialists, taking into account the wishes of the apartment owners, if this is permissible

    Its exact location can be determined after specialists study the apartment plan, which is in the technical passport.

    So, the project is a necessary document when carrying out any reconstruction of a residential premises. Based on it, a new heating circuit and heating boiler will be installed. How correctly and accurately this document is drawn up, and then the equipment is installed according to it, the more efficiently it will work.

    The project includes data on external and internal factors that determine the type of heating:

    • Climatic conditions of the region in which the house is located.
    • Engineering and technical characteristics of the structure.
    • Available energy sources on which the heating system can operate.
    • Technical characteristics of heated housing - the number of rooms, the presence of loggias, as well as the area and volume of the premises.
    • The financial side of the issue.

    Based on these data, not only the installation location of the heating unit is selected, but also its type, as well as power.

    To make heating efficient and economical, it is recommended to entrust the development of its design to specialists. This stage is best handled by energy companies that themselves control or interact with organizations that approve the heating sector, with whom the project will subsequently be coordinated, which will definitely ensure the correctness of its preparation, and therefore approval.

    To obtain a positive result and an optimal technical solution, the customer must work closely with the organization developing the project. During the process of creating a project, several options are usually considered. The customer selects the one that suits him most, after which the technical parameters of the unit and all the necessary equipment are determined. The project is being developed in several stages:

    • If the customer has not provided his own version of the sketch, then work begins with it.
    • A heating circuit diagram is being developed, on the basis of which the system will be installed.
    • Documentation for the designed heating system is being prepared.
    • An estimate is drawn up.

    If this work is entrusted to professionals, then at each specific stage of project development, specialists in the field of heat supply, ventilation, architecture, and energy supply will participate in it.

    The project consists of several parts, which present certain data from different aspects of the project:

    • The narrative part provides information about the content and significance of the project. This section of the document, in turn, is divided into several paragraphs, which contain the following technical data:

    — location of the apartment or house, if autonomous heating is planned to be installed in the private sector;

    — location of residential premises and layout features.

    The descriptive section of the document clarifies the technical characteristics of the premises, taking into account their location and climatic characteristics of the region where the building is located. This description is necessary in order to determine the types and types of heating equipment. This information will subsequently be used to carry out calculations and determine the power that the heating system should have, as well as the temperature parameters in the apartment.

    • Technological calculations are the main part of the project, which summarizes the parameters of the volume of the required energy carrier when the unit operates in different modes, as well as the optimal coolant temperature that provides the necessary heating of the apartment rooms. It is especially important to determine the power of the heating and hot water supply boiler, since on the basis of these calculations the selection of equipment and components for it is made.

    In the same part, heat losses when heating rooms are calculated, on the basis of which it will be possible to draw conclusions about the efficiency of the system.

    The calculated parameters will also show how appropriate this or that wiring is and the type of connection of radiators to the system circuit. The calculations also include the use of automatic control devices in the heating system.

    Further, all the data obtained is necessarily reflected on the diagram of the heating system, which will become a guide for installers during the work. Deviations from the scheme developed by specialists and approved may lead to refusal to put the system into operation, which is permitted by the selection committee.

    The project must take into account everything - from the power of the boiler and heat exchange devices to the diameter of the circuit distribution pipes

    • Specification . This section contains data on the main materials and elements of the heating system, and their main technical characteristics. This part of the project also includes a diagram of the heating system with marked components and devices listed in the list.

    The specification lists in detail the number and parameters of all components, elements and parts of the heating system.
    This information is key to calculating the hydrostatics of the system, as well as the required heating temperature. If these calculations are carried out incorrectly, the system will be ineffective and gas consumption will be exceeded.

    • A graphic representation is an important section of the project, which visually represents what the overall design of the heating system will look like. This part of the project is carried out using special computer programs, most often in three-dimensional projection.

    The image clearly shows the location of the heating unit, pipeline and connecting nodes.
    When submitting an application for project development, it is necessary to clarify for specialists the reasons for the transition to an autonomous type of heating. The more justification there is, the more accurate the calculations will be, since specialists will know what to pay special attention to when carrying out them.

    A copy of the design documents must be submitted to the gas company, which will subsequently maintain the installed equipment.

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