Heating project for a private house - we design the system correctly

If you are building a country house or are seriously renovating an existing one, already at the planning stage you need to take care of how the premises will be heated during the cold season.

Correct design of heating systems in private residential construction is a guarantee of winter comfort, rational use of resources and efficient operation of equipment.

In this material we will look at heating systems for a private home, tell you how to choose the best option and show with an example how to properly design a heating system.

Color combinations

Stylists advise taking into account the following nuances:

  • direction in the interior;
  • combination of shades;
  • illumination

It is much easier to choose a palette if the style for the kitchen and living room has already been selected. For example, neoclassicism and Provence have their own combinations. In a classic interior, designers combine pastel colors, pale colors, which are slightly diluted with dark shades. In French country houses you can often see soft blue, pink, and pistachio colors. Art Deco designers make up objects and finishing materials in black and white, sometimes beige and brown or silver and black. The main thing is to choose a shade for the walls. White will become universal, it will expand the space, and later you can paint them with any paint. However, in the cooking area, white ceases to look fresh. Beige or gray shades would be more practical. This background will highlight the other colors. In a monochrome interior, designers recommend gluing wallpaper in an unusual color or with a photo print.

What information do craftsmen need?

Before installation work begins, you should discuss all the nuances with specialists and show your vision of the heating system.

Masters must provide:

  • complete information about the materials from which the building’s roof, wall coverings, and window structures are made;
  • one-story house plan;
  • drawings where the locations of plumbing units are marked.
  • The service life of a heat supply system is influenced not only by the quality of engineering design and skillful installation, but also by the selected materials, installed boiler equipment, as well as the rational use of heating elements.

    Modern heat supply systems are integral attributes of the functioning of private houses, cottages and other construction projects. Professionally executed design is the key to efficient, reliable and long-term trouble-free operation of an individual heating network.

    Heating schemes

    In order for the house to really be warm, the equipment not to break down, and the financial costs of heating not to be exorbitant, it is necessary to carefully plan the choice of appliances. First of all, you should decide on the scheme by which the house will be heated. It can be single-pipe or double-pipe.

    With one pipe

    According to it, all radiators in the house are connected in series and form a single chain. The coolant enters the main pipe, which can be installed in two ways. If the pipe is laid in the upper part of the room, then the radiators are also mounted at the top, which is inconvenient and unsightly. Installing a pipe under heating devices looks more aesthetically pleasing, but requires that each radiator be equipped with a special tap necessary to remove excess air from the battery.

    See also: how to properly bleed air from a heating battery. According to a single-pipe heating system, all radiators in the house are connected in series and form a single circuit

    Designing and implementing a single-pipe circuit is not difficult. Since the system involves a small number of pipes, they will not clutter up the space in the house, and their installation does not require a lot of material. However, the heat will be distributed unevenly according to this scheme.

    You can see a heating diagram with underfloor heating in this video:

    Two-pipe system

    It involves installing not only the supply pipe, but also the return pipe. The water entering the battery through the supply pipe flows back into the main line through the return pipe. Heating devices connected according to this scheme heat up equally, independently of each other. Each radiator can be equipped with a thermostat that allows you to monitor the water temperature and control heat transfer.

    Read more: one-pipe and two-pipe heating systems in a private house.

    Heaters connected by a two-pipe system heat up independently of each other

    The main disadvantage of the two-pipe scheme is its cost. To install a double circuit of pipes, a larger amount of material will be required, which will significantly affect the cost of installation.

    Rules for installing a gas boiler

    Schematic instructions for installing the unit, which must only be carried out by a licensed gas technician, are available in the technical documentation supplied with the product.

    Installation is carried out in compliance with the following rules:

    1. Installation work on gas equipment is allowed to be carried out at air temperatures from 5 to 35 degrees Celsius.
    2. Marking the location of the boiler mounting brackets on the wall is done using a building level.
    3. The location of the boiler must provide easy access to it.
    4. When installing a double-circuit gas unit, a strainer with a ball valve is installed on the coolant return pipe (to protect the heat exchanger from clogging).
    5. A fuel consumption meter and a gas shut-off valve are installed on the pipe connecting the boiler to the central gas main.

    1. A gas leak sensor and an automatic shut-off valve are installed in the boiler room.
    2. The gas unit must be grounded if its design contains components that consume electricity.
    3. The circuit is filled with water after connecting the unit’s pipes to the water and gas supply systems, but in a position disconnected from the power supply.
    4. Filling with coolant is carried out slowly, allowing air to escape from the system through air vents.
    5. Before starting the boiler, a control check of the gas pipeline connections is carried out for leaks by applying soap foam to the areas being checked.

    Heating is started only when the entire system is ready, connecting the equipment to the electrical network, when the defects have been eliminated in full.

    Chimney device for a gas boiler

    Not only the efficiency of a gas heating system, but also the safety of operation of this equipment depends on the correct installation of the smoke exhaust system.

    Gas combustion products, almost invisible visually, are toxic to humans and aggressive to many materials. Therefore, when installing a chimney for a gas unit, it is necessary to take into account many requirements, starting with the design and ending with the material of execution. The chimney, designed to operate a gas boiler, is also suitable for connecting solid and liquid fuel units.

    First of all, the design of the chimney depends on the design of the combustion chamber of the gas boiler.

    If the unit has an open chamber, that is, to burn gas it consumes oxygen from the air in the room, then a chimney is installed in one direction - removing smoke from the room outside.

    When designing a gas boiler that includes a closed chamber, a so-called coaxial chimney is installed, a pipe in a pipe, through which two flows move towards each other - fuel combustion products and air into the combustion chamber.

    The chimney can be internal or external. The efficiency of a heating system with an internal chimney is higher, since the surface of the pipe is an additional area for heat transfer of the temperature of hot gases into the room, but with this design it is necessary to specially arrange the passages of the smoke exhaust system through the interfloor ceilings and roof.

    The combustion products of gas fuel contain nitrogen and sulfur-containing compounds, which, condensing on the inner surface of the pipe, destroy the chimney if it is made of brick or ordinary steel. Therefore, chimney pipes are equipped with external thermal insulation, and stainless steel and ceramics are considered the best materials for their manufacture.

    The chimney can also be installed from pre-insulated pipes - pipe material on which the insulation is already made between two steel shells. Installation of this design is much faster, but the cost of this material is much higher than the price of conventional chimney pipes. Accordingly, new heating systems for cottages built according to individual projects are equipped with chimneys made from pre-insulated pipes.

    Self-installation of gas equipment is prohibited for good reason - working with gas-powered units requires professional knowledge, and errors during installation can lead to accidents, the scale of which is unpredictable. Therefore, without special training, the information received on the installation of gas boilers should be used exclusively to monitor the performance of work by the contractor, where the presence of the human factor has not been canceled.

    The requirements and standards for installing gas equipment are set out in more detail in the following regulatory documents:

    • SNiP II-35-76* “Boiler installations”;
    • SNiP 4.02-08-2003 “Boiler installations”;
    • SNiP 42-01-2002 “Gas distribution systems”;
    • SP-41-104-2000 - Set of rules for the design of autonomous heat supply systems;
    • SNiP 2.04.05-91 “Smoke protection in case of fire.”

    What is included in the project?

    Professionally drawn up project documentation should include the following items:

    1. company letterhead with seal;
    2. organization license;
    3. explanatory information about the project points;
    4. a detailed plan for routing highways (including high-rise ones);
    5. estimate;
    6. instructions for performing work;
    7. specification of materials and equipment;
    8. project sketch;
    9. drawing detailing all components of the heating main;
    10. plan for wiring communications and connecting nodes.

    Heating scheme

    There are two main types of heating systems - single-pipe and double-pipe.

    • In a single-pipe system, the coolant moves along a ring consisting of one pipe, to which radiators are connected in series.
    • In a two-pipe system, the hot coolant is supplied to the radiators through one pipe, and the cooled coolant is discharged to the boiler through the other.

    The single-pipe system has two major disadvantages, so it is rarely used in private construction, despite the insignificant savings in pipes.

    The disadvantages are as follows. The coolant cools down, so the last radiator is much colder than the first. Therefore, the system cannot be extended, it is applicable in small houses, and the last radiators must be of greater power to equalize the heat output.

    Changing the operating parameters of one radiator affects others. It is difficult to configure the selection of the required thermal power for each radiator.

    Two-pipe systems

    There are several types of two-pipe radiator circuits.

    • Sequential (passing circuit) - all radiators on the same floor are connected to one supply pipeline and one return line. The scheme is the most stable, does not require adjustments, and is applicable in the largest houses.
    • Dead-end (wing circuit) - all heating is divided into several arms consisting of two pipelines - supply and return, between which radiators are connected in parallel. The scheme works great in small houses, provided the shoulders are equal.
    • Beam (collector circuit) - pairs of pipelines depart from the collector to each radiator. There is a disadvantage in the complexity of laying pipes, and the complexity of setting up distribution in the manifold. But the system can be quickly controlled from one place, and all pipes are of small diameter. It is used provided that the collector is installed in the center and all connections are equal.

    Usually, for a private house, they choose a ride if the house is large. Or a dead-end with heating divided into 2 or several identical arms for a small house, which allows reducing the diameters of the main pipelines.

    As you can see, understanding the choice of the main parameters of the heating system is not so difficult. The decisions made also determine the choice of all technical means of the heating system.

    With forced and natural circulation

    All the schemes presented above can be created on the basis of heating boilers of any type. For example, a stove heating scheme for a private house is built on the basis of a wood or coal stove, and pipe routing can be carried out according to almost any of the schemes described above. True, it would not hurt to add forced circulation to many of them. What is it for?

    The main difference between a system with forced circulation of coolant and a system with natural circulation is the circulation pump.

    As we remember, single-pipe heating systems are characterized by a decrease in coolant temperature as it moves away from the boiler - part of the heat remains in the radiators. These losses are partially compensated by the Leningradka scheme, but in some cases this is not enough. In order to correct the situation, a circulation pump is installed in the heating system, providing forced circulation of the coolant .

    Forced circulation is also necessary in many other schemes, including two-pipe ones. The thing is that the small diameter of modern polypropylene pipes, numerous connections and turns create hydraulic resistance. In addition, the use of forced ventilation allows for faster heating of households.

    Advantages and disadvantages of forced and natural circulation

    Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages:

    When heating a room with a large number of radiators, a circulation pump is simply necessary.

    • natural circulation is simpler and cheaper - there are no costs for circulation pumps;
    • forced circulation makes it possible to improve heating performance in large buildings - in some cases you can get by with natural circulation, but then the system warm-up time increases;
    • forced circulation is characterized by a slight hum – natural circulation is completely silent.

    That is, everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

    What is included in a professionally designed heating system project?

    When ordering a project from the company’s specialized specialists, the customer should receive:

    1. Title page with the original seal of the organization.
    2. Explanatory note (mandatory) to the created project.
    3. Communications layout plan (general).
    4. Elevation plan of the same wiring.
    5. Estimate: for the project, materials, types of work and their cost.
    6. Specification of materials and special equipment.
    7. The project is in the form of a detailed sketch.
    8. A drawing with precise detail and dimensions of all main and additional components.
    9. Utility wiring plan, connection points and tie-ins.

    Before creating a project, an engineer must arrive on site to take the necessary measurements and draw up a preliminary drawing. After which a contract is drawn up with the customer, all possible options are considered, taking into account the client’s preferences and wishes. Each customer has the right to demand from the design company a copy of the project in electronic form or request a copy of it in paper form.

    How design and installation are carried out

    The design and installation of heating for a private country house is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST and SNiP. If there is no architectural design (floor plan) for the house, then the necessary measurements are taken by specialists from the contractor company. The power of heating equipment and the number of radiators are determined based on the results of thermal engineering calculations. It is carried out taking into account the design features of the house:

    • thickness and material of the roof, ceilings and walls;
    • dimensions of external openings (doors and windows);
    • purpose of premises;
    • location of the house relative to parts of the world, etc.


    To heat your home, you can use electrical appliances: convectors, long-wave infrared heaters or “warm floor” systems. Also, to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to combine several electrical appliances.

    With any of these methods, large payments for energy consumption cannot be avoided, so it is recommended to install them in cases where there are no alternative heat sources.

    Features of coolant circulation

    In private low-rise buildings, it is effective to install heating systems with liquid coolant. To do this, the pipes are filled with antifreeze or water.

    The movement of the working fluid along the heating circuit can be carried out in natural or forced mode. The water heated by the heat generator enters the distribution pipeline, and then to the radiators. This part of the contour is called the forward stroke.

    After entering the batteries, the coolant liquid cools down and is quickly sent to the boiler for heating. This interval is called the return stroke. To speed up the transportation of coolant, a circulation pump is installed inside the system.

    Natural fluid movement

    In the heating circuit, horizontal pipelines are sloped, thereby creating conditions for the movement of working fluid under the influence of gravity.

    An open expansion tank is also installed - a special tank for receiving excess water to ensure proper and safe operation of all components of the utility network.

    Water systems fully work with liquid fuel, solid fuel, gas and electric boilers

    Heating systems operate with natural circulation due to the different densities of heated and cold coolant. According to the laws of physics, hot water rushes upward.

    In a closed circuit, cold flows inevitably displace heated ones, forcing them to move in the opposite direction from the heat source. A moving fluid with kinetic energy potential passes through all batteries, giving off heat. After returning to the boiler equipment, the cycle repeats.

    Today, single-pipe heating systems with water radiators are very popular among consumers. The coolant is water, but it is also possible to use a non-freezing working fluid, which will prevent the destruction of pipes in the winter season

    In order for the gravity-flow design to function fully, the boiler is installed below the central axis of the main circuit. Usually the heat generator is mounted in a recess in the floor, but sometimes in basements, with the exception of gas units.

    The supply pipeline from the boiler is raised vertically to the highest possible point. This creates additional space in a closed loop for acceleration of the working fluid.

    The number of necessary shut-off valves in gravity heating systems is reduced to a minimum. Strict requirements are imposed on the diameter of the installed pipes - it must be at least 32 mm. Since the speed of water movement in the circuit is insignificant, in order to increase the heating efficiency, only large-diameter pipes are installed.

    An expansion tank is installed at the top point of open heating systems. In closed ones, as a rule, an automatic air vent is installed

    An autonomous heating system, the operating principle of which is based on the natural circulation of the coolant fluid, is the simplest. Such a home heating project is easy to implement in practice. However, this option is only suitable for small private buildings, since the length of the heating circuit is limited to 30 meters.

    The main advantage of gravity systems is complete independence from electricity. Read more about heating systems with natural coolant circulation.

    Forced circulation in the system

    For private buildings with a total area of ​​more than 60 square meters. m. they design heating with forced transportation of working fluid. A circulation pump is installed in a closed loop to ensure accelerated movement of the hot coolant to the radiators, and the cooled coolant to the heat generator.

    Installation of pipes in the system can be carried out without a slope in the horizontal plane. Water moves due to the difference in pressure that occurs in the section of the line between the forward and reverse flow of the liquid.

    The presence of a pumping device significantly increases the efficiency of the heating system and minimizes the fuel consumption required to maintain a comfortable room temperature in a private home

    A significant drawback of a coercive system is its energy dependence. For constant circulation of water in the circuit, continuous operation of the pump is necessary, and its performance directly depends on the power supply.

    In the event of a sudden power outage, the equipment simply will not be able to pump liquid. Therefore, experts recommend additionally installing backup generators that can provide stable, uninterrupted heat supply even in unforeseen situations.

    Such schemes can be used when installing heating in buildings of any size. You just need to select a circulation pump with suitable power ratings and provide power supply.

    Wiring options

    We will present all possible schematic diagrams for water heating of a one-story house; however, the author strongly recommends abandoning two of them in favor of the third. Rationale? Let's start with getting acquainted.


    The diagram of a two-pipe heating system for a one-story house looks like this:

    • There are two pipelines running along the perimeter of the house (under the floor or in the living room) - supply and return.
    • Radiators, registers, fan coils or convectors are embedded in them as jumpers, creating a kind of short circuit.

    It is clear that water will tend to circulate through the heating devices closest to the circulation pump. To ensure that those further away also get heat, the heating system is balanced: the passage of water through some of the radiators is limited by throttles.

    There seem to be two disadvantages to this scheme:

    1. Unreasonably high pipe consumption.
    2. Risk of defrosting without balancing.

    It is enough for a curious child to open the nearby throttles all the way - and after a short time the circulation in the distant batteries will decrease to zero. The author had the opportunity to restore two-pipe heating systems after such events: both pipes and radiators were torn apart by ice.

    Two-pipe heating. This is possible, but there is a simpler and more reliable option.


    This diagram of the heating system of a one-story house looks like this:

    • Collectors are mounted on the forward and return pipelines - combs with chokes on each branch.
    • From each pair of bends (one from the supply and one from the return) a pair of pipes goes to the battery.

    In terms of adjustment, its capabilities and convenience, such a scheme is beyond praise. But with installation everything is worse: you will be faced with the need to hide at least half a dozen pipes in the floor screed or behind false walls. More often - much more. Of course, their total cost will not please you either.

    You definitely can’t call beam wiring simple and cheap.


    The simplest diagram of a single-pipe heating system for a one-story house, the so-called Leningradka, is mounted as follows:

    A large diameter pipe is installed around the perimeter of the house (no smaller than DN32. Bigger is better).

    The pipe is mounted inside the living space: then all the heat that is given off by its surface will serve to heat the room. And where it is most needed - near the external walls. On the supply side, the wiring should be slightly higher than where the return flow returns to the boiler.

    1-boiler 2-expansion tank. 3-heating registers. 4-chokes. 5-circle of the entrance door. 6-reset. The arrows show the slope of the pipes. This scheme ensures natural circulation.

    Radiators or convectors are cut into the loop with a pipe of smaller diameter (usually DN20). It is advisable to install chokes and heater shut-off valves on the supply lines; An air vent in the top plug wouldn't hurt either. However, this heating scheme for a one-story house allows you to start the heat without additional fittings.

    Chokes are useful to equalize the temperature of radiators along the ring; The air vents will release air, which without them will be displaced by water into the upper part of the heating device and will somewhat reduce the efficiency of heat transfer.

    What do we get?

    • The described heating of a one-story private house can be installed with your own hands very quickly and at minimal cost.
    • No heat is lost: all communications are located inside the living rooms.
    • When the circulation pump stops, the movement of the coolant will slow down, but will not stop. The thermal expansion of water is sufficient to continue circulation.

    The key point here is the diameter of the ring around the perimeter of the house. The smaller it is, the slower the natural circulation of water.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The pros and cons of a two-pipe system should be considered taking into account the operational properties and technical characteristics.

    Same coolant temperature in all radiatorsIncreased pipe consumption - 2 branches need to be led to the radiator, inlet and outlet
    Adjusting the heat output of each batteryLarge diameter riser pipes and supply pipes to the first radiators in the circuit
    Low hydraulic resistance
    Operation of the entire system in case of failure of one or more radiators
    Use in high-rise buildings
    Flexibility of hose options – in the floor, in the walls, along the walls, under the ceiling and behind a false ceiling

    The table shows common to all two-pipe networks. However, each wiring option may have negative qualities that limit its use, which we will consider later.

    How a single-pipe heating system works: we explain it in diagrams

    Other tips

    The living room with the kitchen can be combined and decorated with various shortcomings

    It is important to calculate and anticipate everything in advance. Decorators and craftsmen share tips that will help avoid problems during repairs and furnishings:

    The result depends on how detailed the project is drawn up. Oddly enough, it is worth taking into account the growth of loved ones and relatives. It is also recommended to calculate the approximate number of possible guests. You can get rid of food smells by installing a strong hood or ventilation system.

    Small models are more suitable for housewives who do little cooking. If you plan to have a sleeping place in the living room, then it is important that the ringing of appliances and other kitchen utensils is not heard. Silent dishwashers and other appliances will come in handy.

    In addition, you can install a sliding door and install a soundproof partition. If there is sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, the owners hang thick curtains made of light-proof fabric. If household appliances do not match the direction of the interior, they are hidden behind furniture or put away in kitchen cabinets. When installing luminaires and lamps, they are guided by several criteria

    It is important that the light falls evenly throughout the entire space. Especially bright lighting is preferable in the kitchen area and where the dining table is installed

    In the living room, designers create a subdued atmosphere using wall sconces and table lamps. Multi-level stretch ceilings with LED strip also look good in this room. Moisture-resistant finishing materials are more durable and easy to clean. Thus, they retain their appearance for a long time. The kitchen combined with the living room combines:

    • personal tastes of the owners;
    • reliable finishing materials;
    • current design ideas;
    • convenience;
    • trends. The best photos of kitchen living room design

    Two-pipe heating system

    The main difference between a two-pipe house heating scheme is the presence of one pipe for supplying water and another for returning it. Moreover, the first one receives hot liquid, while the second one sends the already cooled coolant to the boiler.

    Each battery is served by both a supply and a return riser. This makes it possible to regulate the amount of heat received by individual radiators. If we do not take into account the cooling of the coolant in the pipes, it turns out that all heating elements receive liquid at the same temperature.

    This is what a standard two-pipe heating system looks like, in which heating of the liquid coolant is provided by a double-circuit gas boiler

    The two-pipe heating circuit includes:

    • heat generator;
    • batteries;
    • expansion tank;
    • pipes;
    • shut-off valves and special devices for air release.

    A pipe with hot water runs from the boiler to the expansion tank. Then it is connected to the distribution line in the heating circuit. In addition, an overflow pipe is cut into the tank to promptly drain excess coolant into the sewer system.

    Pipes emerge from the bottom of the heat exchangers, combined into one return line. Through it, the cooled coolant returns back to the boiler. The return pipeline is laid strictly parallel to the upper pipes. It must pass through all rooms where the hot water supply line is installed.

    Two-pipe forced systems are considered the most efficient for one-story houses and cottages, but they can also provide heat for two-story large buildings.

    And these allow you to evenly and very quickly warm up the room and maintain different temperature conditions in the rooms. In addition, dual-circuit design makes it possible to organize not only heating of the house, but also hot water supply.

    The circulation pressure in a two-pipe system directly depends on the installation height of the heating elements

    Closed heating systems with forced circulation are installed in two versions - with horizontal and vertical wiring.

    The first method is implemented in one-story houses with a long pipeline. In such situations, connecting water radiators to a heating circuit with horizontal wiring is the optimal solution.

    With the second wiring option, the riser is located vertically, which makes it possible to use the scheme even in multi-story buildings. In such systems, air does not accumulate, since the resulting bubbles instantly rise in a vertical direction, directly into the expansion tank.

    District heating design

    Heating scheme for an apartment building

    It is much more difficult to design a heating system for an apartment building. Difficulties are associated with adapting the system to the central pipeline, as well as uniform distribution of the coolant among all consumers.

    Until recently, the organization of heat supply to multi-storey buildings was carried out in only one way - by connecting to the central heating main. This entailed the impossibility of changing the temperature regime of the system by apartment residents, as well as a direct dependence on the quality of services of the management company.

    Special engineering bureaus are engaged in the design of heating systems for apartment buildings. The following factors are taken into account:

    • Number of storeys of the house, its area. Parameters for residential and non-residential premises are calculated separately;
    • The degree of thermal insulation of walls and window structures. In this case, the calculated temperature of the outside air for heating design must be compensated by the heated air inside, taking into account the heat losses of the building;
    • Thermal operating mode. To reduce losses when hot water passes through external pipes, its temperature can range from +90°C to +110°C. To reduce this indicator, an elevator unit is installed in each house, which is also taken into account when drawing up technical specifications for heat supply design.

    Taking into account all these features, most residents of apartment buildings refuse central heating services at the first opportunity. As an alternative, autonomous heating systems for an apartment building are designed, which are almost completely similar to those described above.

    Over time, the performance of a home may deteriorate. Accordingly, it is necessary to either improve the thermal insulation of external walls or increase the level of air heating in apartments.

    Heating a cottage without gas - possible options

    Scheme of electric heating for a cottage
    But what to do if it is not possible to organize gas heating for the cottage? Installing solid fuel boilers is not always advisable. Therefore, country property owners are considering alternative options for heating a cottage without gas.

    The easiest way to maintain a comfortable temperature in the rooms of a cottage is to install an electric heating boiler. It can be either the main source of thermal energy or an auxiliary one. However, it will be characterized by high energy consumption costs. This will significantly affect the family budget of those living in a large cottage.

    Therefore, we suggest considering other alternative methods of heating a cottage without gas. Each of them has specifics of service and configuration and is not always suitable for organizing the heat supply of a particular residential building.

    Along with the installation of an electric boiler for heating the cottage, it is recommended to install a heat accumulator. With its help, you can switch to the night mode of operation of the equipment - at this time there is a preferential tariff for heating payments.

    Stove heating for the cottage

    Stove heating together with an electric boiler
    During the initial analysis, we can conclude that stove heating of cottages is ineffective. However, it is necessary to take into account the operating features and characteristics of a country house - its total volume, degree of thermal insulation and frequency of residence.

    For small buildings and in the absence of a gas main, combined heat supply can be installed. Considering that many old cottages have stove heating installed, a small modernization is being done to improve its characteristics:

    • Installation of an electric boiler . It must have a coolant temperature sensor and a function to turn off the heating element when optimal water heating is achieved. A heat exchanger is installed in the furnace and connected to a common water heating system. As a result, the coolant is heated from it, and the electric boiler only maintains the desired temperature level;
    • Air heating . A solid air pocket is installed around the furnace firebox, which is isolated from the combustion chamber. Air lines are connected to this structure, which deliver hot air to the premises of the cottage. To increase the air exchange rate, it is possible to install fans.

    You can also opt for traditional stove heating at home. Then you should make a system of air ducts and chimneys. With their help, the wall next to which the stove is installed will be heated. Stove heating requires annual cleaning of chimneys. A large amount of soot inside the pipes will worsen traction performance.

    Criteria for choosing types of heating radiators for an apartment

    1. Operating pressure.

    This indicator can be found in the product passport, which you should definitely pay attention to. It should not exceed the pressure in the heating system (in any case, no more than 1.5 times)

    If we take into account the operating features of Russian utility organizations, pressure drops (test and working) become one of the most important causes of failure of modern heating devices.

    For example, the average pressure level in five-story old residential buildings is usually up to 8 atmospheres. While in modern multi-storey buildings, a coolant with an operating pressure of up to 15 atmospheres is most often used.

    1. Resistant to water hammer.

    This determines the service life of the product and the operating efficiency of all types of heating radiators. It is impossible to protect yourself from water hammer in an apartment with centralized heating. Therefore, it is necessary to choose heating devices with high resistance to water hammer.

    1. Number of sections.

    Some heating devices can be expanded during use. And if you do not have the opportunity to immediately determine the required size of the radiator, or you are not sure of the efficiency of a particular model, you should give preference to these types of heating radiators.

    1. Radiator power.

    This factor is certainly key. Not all types of heating devices are capable of maintaining an optimal microclimate in homes if the temperature drops to -40 °C in winter

    Then you should pay attention to the maximum coolant temperature. Some models from foreign manufacturers are rated up to +90 °C

    But in those regions where severe winters are expected, it is necessary to select products with a maximum temperature of up to +130 ° C.

    1. Coolant composition.

    Almost no Russian utility organization is distinguished by the high quality of the coolant, which wears out the walls of the radiator. When choosing a heating device, you should take this factor into account and choose a radiator with thick walls.

    1. Design and design of products.

    If you are choosing a battery for an apartment with modern decoration, then you probably do not want to install an old-style volumetric structure.

    1. Product service life.

    This criterion is determined by the working conditions and technical features of the utility service. Replacing batteries in an apartment is not the cheapest thing, so when choosing a device, give preference to types of heating radiators that will last you at least 20–25 years.

    1. Easy to install.

    This is important if you plan to install radiators yourself. A heavy cast iron structure is not suitable for these purposes, while lightweight panel batteries can be installed by anyone.

    1. Manufacturer.

    As a rule, the fame and impeccable reputation of the manufacturing company is important. The modern market offers products from numerous European and domestic manufacturers. Consumers often give preference to German and Italian companies, as well as Spanish, Austrian and Polish brands.

    Radiators from AQUALINK are quite popular. These heating devices are suitable for installation in both autonomous and centralized heating systems. Heating devices made of aluminum and bimetallic types of radiators are designed specifically for use in heating systems in the Russian Federation. Due to the high heat transfer of the sections, the AQUALINK device is suitable for use in low-temperature heating systems, and due to the low inertia, fast and effective thermoregulation in rooms is carried out.


    supplies aluminum and bimetallic radiators to Russia. The main areas of our activity are presented:

    • large wholesale trade in engineering plumbing equipment;
    • organizing the delivery of our goods throughout the Russian Federation and the CIS;
    • production of sanitary products.

    Aluminum and bimetallic types of AQUALINK heating radiators are presented in a rich assortment with a different number of sections - 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. All radiator models are painted with snow-white epoxy enamel. You can also choose components for heating devices, which are represented by kits for connecting batteries, mounting brackets, adapters, plugs, manual air vents, control and shut-off valves. All products are insured and have passed the voluntary certification procedure in the GOST R system.

    Installation and replacement of pumps

    One of the main activities of our company is the replacement and installation of water pumps of all types: surface, submersible and semi-submersible. The company’s specialists with extensive experience will install, dismantle and install the following pumping equipment in the shortest possible time:

    • borehole pumps;
    • well pumps;
    • water pumps;
    • circulation pumps;
    • booster pumps;
    • irrigation pumps.

    In addition to installing and replacing pumps, we also carry out work on complex pumping stations, carrying out complex operations for installation, dismantling and installation of equipment.


    • https://sdelat-dom.ru/remont/otoplenie/otoplenie-chastnogo-doma/
    • https://cotlix.com/otoplenie-v-chastnom-dome-svoimi-rukami-podrobnoe-rukovodstvo
    • https://sovet-ingenera.com/otoplenie/razvodka-o/razvodka-otopleniya-v-chastnom-dome.html
    • https://master-houses.ru/shemy-otopleniya-dlya-chastnogo-doma-kakie-luchshe/
    • https://oboiman.ru/teplo/sistemy-otoplenia-castnogo-doma-svoimi-rukami-shemy-razvodki.html
    • https://otivent.com/kak-sdelat-otoplenie-chastnogo-doma-ili-kvartiry
    • https://www.tproekt.com/razvodka-otoplenia-v-castnom-dome-svoimi-rukami/


    Instructions for designing heating systems

    If you approach it correctly and wisely, you can design heating and water supply systems yourself. First, choose the system that suits your home. Many houses in rural areas are heated by stoves. It is reliable, proven over centuries. But there are small disadvantages: you need to regularly prepare firewood and temperature changes often occur in the house.

    A stove is one of the easiest ways to heat a private home.

    Explore examples of heating system projects. See how heating systems using electricity and gas boilers suit you. If you are confident in the uninterrupted supply of electricity, then you can use them. Boilers do not have the disadvantages that a furnace has, but they depend on electricity. Therefore, combined heating may be a good solution. It includes a wood stove and a boiler, such as a gas one. Then you will be less dependent on various surprises.

    First, you need to know the volume and area of ​​the room that will be heated, take all measurements and make a table in which you will summarize the volumes of residential and utility rooms. Make it convenient for you so that it is clear and easy to view the necessary information. Then, on the house diagram, highlight the places where you want to install heating devices (such as risers, stoves, boilers, radiators, and so on). Make a diagram of the heating pipes, of course, if you have one.

    Heating system drawing

    When designing and calculating heating systems, it is necessary to take into account the relative location of residential premises. If the house has more than one floor, you will need to draw up a floor plan and indicate the places where chimneys, risers and other communications will be installed

    It is imperative to provide a fire protection system for the home. This is especially necessary if you decide to use stove heating, especially where the heating pipes will be vented outside.

    The development of a heating project also takes into account the location of the house in relation to the wind rose and even the sides of the horizon. It would be nice to have data on the wind load on average per year; they will make heating more efficient and economical. And correctly calculate the required power and number of heating devices.

    Wind load map of Russia

    Taking into account the type of heating you choose, prepare the materials, tools and equipment you will need. To make your work easier, you can make a detailed list of everything you need

    Calculate financial costs. It is not at all necessary to purchase materials in large quantities, in reserve.

    If you find it difficult to design heating and ventilation systems yourself, it is better to use the services of professionals. They will conduct a consultation, during which all technical and organizational issues regarding the design of heating and other engineering systems will be considered. Based on the data on your home, the designers will run a heating design program and you will find out how much the heating project costs.


    The program for designing a heating system is carried out taking into account the technical specifications given by the customer, data about the house, and the contract for system design. Then, at a meeting between the designer and the customer, various nuances, technical specifications are discussed, and the cost of heating design is determined. If the parties have no questions or complaints against each other, they enter into an agreement

    It is very important at this stage to find out and clarify the nuances. This is done in order to eliminate various misunderstandings and discontent in the future.

    It happens that a specialist goes to the site. This is usually necessary when designing is carried out for an already constructed building, which complicates the designer’s work.

    How to heat a country house

    A competent project does not stop at the type of equipment that the company is interested in selling to you, but offers different options for heating your home. For example, you have a gas main connected to your house. Gas is a fairly inexpensive type of fuel with a high calorific value. A single or double circuit boiler is installed. Gas boilers are relatively inexpensive, very efficient and operate without replacement for several decades.

    Sample diagram of a gas heating project for a house

    If we are considering mains gas, it is possible to deliver gas in cylinders.

    Disadvantages of autonomous home heating with gas

    Gas in cylinders:

    1. It will require installing an expensive reducer in the boiler to reduce pressure.
    2. It will fly away like smoke down a chimney, literally. For example, a house of about 150-200 m2 with a double-circuit boiler powered by bottled gas may require 10-14 bottles per week.

    These are real life examples. There are houses with not the worst thermal insulation, the temperature outside the window is down to minus 25, the area does not differ critically, but they are unlucky - there is no gas pipeline nearby. Which exit? Use other heat sources or calculate an unconventional heating system.

    Which system should you choose?

    The design of the heating of a private house is carried out taking into account the energy carrier that will be used to heat the room. There are several most common systems through which heat is supplied to all interior spaces of a building:

    An “open fire” means a fireplace hearth or stove. Both of these heat sources are ineffective in providing full-fledged home heating, as they distribute hot air unevenly. They are most often included in a heating project as decorative elements. Let's look at other systems in more detail.

    A heating project based on the most common water system is the planning of a closed circuit through which hot water is continuously circulated. In this case, the function of a heater is performed by a boiler, from which pipes are distributed throughout the rooms and adjacent to radiators that give off the main amount of heat.

    Having carried out heat transfer, the water flows back into the boiler, where it is heated again and repeats the technological cycle. Boilers operating on any fuel serve as heaters for water heating. The water heating system is divided into two types: natural and forced.

    Natural circulation

    In the first case, the coolant circulates through pipes and radiators without the influence of additional force. This effect is achieved by a certain method of installing heating main elements.

    The design of heating with natural circulation of water provides for the necessary angle of inclination of the pipes, allowing the process to proceed under the influence of gravity.

    Hot water is lighter than cold water, so it flows to the highest point of the riser. Having given up its heat to the radiators along the way, the cooled coolant is displaced by the hot one and drops to the lowest point of the system (into the boiler), where it heats up again.

    Forced circulation

    The forced movement of water through the system is achieved by the operation of a circulation pump integrated into the heating boiler. Unlike natural circulation, forced circulation requires a source of electricity from which the pump is powered.

    Natural and forced water circulation systems can be used for single-pipe, two-pipe and collector installations. In the first case, the design of heating systems involves the installation of one pipe, which performs the function of supplying and draining water simultaneously.

    With this scheme, the temperature of the radiator farthest from the boiler will be lower than that of the one closest. In addition, if one battery fails, the others will also cease to function, since they cannot be turned off individually.

    Two-pipe wiring allows for uniform heating of the batteries due to the fact that the supply pipe is connected in parallel to each of them. The second pipe carries the cooled coolant back to the boiler. If a tap is installed on each radiator, they can be turned off individually.

    Manifold wiring is the most convenient, since after its installation you can regulate the temperature of the coolant in each individual room. This method of heating the room will require the installation of a collector cabinet.

    Such a system can be installed exclusively at the construction stage. It is not suitable for a finished private house. This is explained by the need to install metal, plastic or textile air ducts through which hot air heated by the heat generator is blown out.

    A warm flow enters the room from under the ceiling and displaces cold air, which, in turn, returns through the air ducts to the heat generator.

    Designing heating using the air heating method allows you to install a system for external intake of clean air, which is mixed with the flow. Circulation can be achieved by gravity or by force.

    Natural air exchange occurs due to temperature differences, and forced air exchange is carried out using special ventilation equipment. The heat generator can burn diesel fuel, natural gas (mainline or bottled) and kerosene. Combustion products are discharged through the chimney.

    Price list

    Important: the prices indicated are for the design of household systems with a power of up to 100 kW. The cost of designing systems with a power of over 100 kW is discussed individually.

    Minimum prices for design sections:

    • Heating: 16'500 rub.
    • Ventilation: RUB 11,000
    • Air conditioning: 11'000 rub.
    • Water supply: 5'500 rub.
    • Sewerage: 5'500 rub.

    The minimum cost of the project is 16,500 rubles.

    Type of workPrice
    Drawing up a dimensional plan for premises up to 500 m²60 RUR/m²
    Drawing up a dimensional plan for premises of 500 m² or more46 RUR/m²
    Thermal engineering calculations up to 500 m² (floor height up to 4 m)60 RUR/m²
    Thermal engineering calculations for 500 m² or more (floor height up to 4 m)46 RUR/m²
    3D heating design up to 500 m²121 RUR/m²
    3D heating design for 500 m² or more91 RUR/m²
    Calculation of systems based on heat pumps632 RUR/kW
    Calculation of systems based on solar collectors632 RUR/kW
    Calculation of systems based on combined energy sources316 RUR/kW
    Calculation of systems of increased complexity (non-standard solutions)316 RUR/kW
    Selecting heating in 4 steps!
    Calculation of automation and dispatch systems for boiler houses316 RUR/kW
    Calculation of systems based on cascade installations316 RUR/kW
    Boiler house design up to 30 kWRUR 25,300/pcs.
    Boiler house design up to 60 kWRUB 31,625/pcs.
    Boiler house design up to 100 kWRUB 37,950/pcs.
    Design of a boiler house 100 kW or morenegotiable
    Snow melting system design379 RUR/m²
    HVAC engineer consultation (30 minutes)2200 rub./pcs.
    Subscription service "Standard"1650 rub./pcs.
    Premium subscription service3850 RUR/pcs.
    Heating cost?
    Subscriber service "VIP"7150 RUR/pcs.
    Heating installation

    Price list

    Water supply installation

    Price list

    Sewage installation

    Price list

    How an air system is designed

    Creating a project is an important preparatory moment: if it is done with errors, the owner will face difficulties in the process of using heating. Thus, incorrect calculations lead to a lack/excess of power, improper ventilation, and uneven heating of rooms

    In order for air heating at home to function without failure, you need to pay attention to the following points:

    Heat loss calculations are made for each room. They depend on how many doors and windows there are in the room, since heat escapes through these parts more intensely.

    The calculation of heat loss for ventilation depends on the number of permanent residents to provide people with fresh air.

    Location of the main elements on the diagram, relationship with other utilities, structural elements of the house and interior items

    Determining the type of fuel and power of the heat source

    When calculating, it is important to remember that the heat source is calculated not only for normal winter temperatures, but also for unexpected negative temperatures.

    Selection of optional equipment - such as air conditioner, humidifier, bactericidal cleaner.

    The project includes calculation of all system components, volume and cost of materials and consumables. Only professionals can make a competent project.

    A competent design allows for optimal placement of equipment and main elementsSource seaside-home.ru


    An innovative development of Russian scientists is the PLEN infrared heating system. It consists of the thinnest polymer film and a resistive heating element made of carbon filaments.

    PLEN emits the thermal component of sunlight, which is absorbed by the floor, ceiling, furniture and creates a comfortable room temperature.


    The maximum surface temperature of this structure is 60°C, but to create the most comfortable conditions in the house, 30° - 40°C is sufficient.

    PLEN can be laid over the entire surface of the base of the room, covering it with laminate or any other type of covering. If you mount the system on the ceiling, you will get a feeling of warmth and comfort like from the sun. It is also possible to attach the structure to the walls, but its effectiveness will suffer.

    One of the advantages of a film heater is the absence of liquid coolant. This eliminates the need to install complex systems, leaks, and freezing of liquids. In addition, film heating systems have a number of other advantages:

    • do not dry the air;
    • there are no intense heat flows;
    • do not create convective currents;
    • fireproof;
    • easy to install;
    • completely safe for humans and the environment.

    Another argument in favor of PLEN for a country house is many years of research by scientists. They proved that long-wave infrared radiation at moderate power has a beneficial effect on the human body.

    The main disadvantage of an infrared heating system is its high cost. To install a heating system for the entire house, you will have to make serious financial investments, which will not pay off very soon.

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