High gas consumption in the boiler: why does it occur, how to eliminate it and what you need to know?

During the heating season, homeowners often ask the question: “Why do they have such high gas consumption when using it for heating?” Analyzing the problem, you quite often come to the conclusion that often the gas consumption is, in principle, normal. It’s just that when purchasing a boiler, the homeowner had completely different expectations, which were not met. However, there are situations when gas consumption is really exceeded and the owner of the house cannot understand what is causing this; or when the boiler was working normally, and then for no reason began to consume it in large quantities. This article will discuss all these cases. Find out what causes high gas consumption and how you can reduce it.

The boiler does not turn off or turns off, but rarely

The main reasons for high gas consumption

The gas boiler has automation that fully regulates and controls all processes. If any part of the board is faulty, this may cause the thermostat to not function.

The boiler is turned on for heating only when a temperature difference is created at the outlet and at the inlet. The return flow entering the heater, having passed through all the radiators, starts the automatic process of turning on the boiler for heating.

The reasons why the boiler constantly works and does not turn off automatically may be the following:

  • Incorrectly selected boiler power is a problem often faced by residents of private houses with a square area of ​​more than 100 m2. In order to save money, they use conventional 7 kW parapet boilers, which simply cannot cope with the load. In practice, it looks like this: the boiler turned on, heated the water, and the pump sent it to all the radiators. The return has not yet had time to heat up, so the boiler continues to operate. It’s time to turn off, but the boiler continues to work, because while the coolant has passed a huge circle, on the return line its temperature has dropped again, which forces the gas equipment to wear out in the literal sense of the word.

  • Incorrect installation of the entire heating system - old cast iron batteries of large volumes are installed on the line, which are quite difficult to heat. The pump circulates the coolant throughout the entire system, and on the return water it has time to cool, so the boiler does not turn off, but continues to function as usual.

  • A weak pump, its malfunction - the coolant does not have time to go through a full circle, and the return flow cools down considerably during this time.
  • There is a room thermostat, but the windows in the room are often open - the boiler starts working, since the temperature in the convectors is constantly low due to the cold air entering the apartment.
  • Problems with the thermostat and control board , which incorrectly give ignition commands. It often happens when there is a power surge.

Expert opinion

Grebnev Vadim Savelievich

Heating system installer

The problem of excessive gas consumption is especially noticeable in private homes, when you think that you will save money with gas heating, but it turns out exactly the opposite. But any problem can be solved.

Protherm technology

It is more effective to reduce the power of boilers of this brand by reducing the fuel supply to the burner.
To do this, reconfigure the gas valve. The Proterm Cheetah model is taken as an example.

A Honeywell valve is used here. Externally, it is a yellow connector with wires. It is mounted on a stepper motor, which helps change its settings.

The specified electric motor is controlled through the control panel: you need to go to the service menu. Access to it appears after entering the code.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Press and hold the “Mode” button for 6-7 seconds. The display will show the number 0.
  2. Use the + or – buttons to enter the number 35. This is the code. Press the indicated button again.
  3. When the first line of the menu with 0 signs appears on the screen, also using the + or – buttons, enter the number with the required line number: d.**.
  4. Changing parameters. “Mode” is pressed again. This is a transition from line numbering ** to the indicators themselves. The “=” symbol and the power parameter are displayed in turn on the screen. Change the values ​​using + or -. After three seconds, the new setting is automatically confirmed.
  5. Return the display to its original state: press “Mode” for three seconds. After 15 minutes the screen will return to functional mode.

What to do?

Signs of gas boiler overload

The first thing you need to do is make sure that the gas equipment itself is working properly. To do this, you should call specialists who will diagnose the boiler and tell you how to solve the existing problem with excessive gas consumption.

Usually, if the boiler is working properly, it is recommended:

  1. Check the serviceability of the pump and the correct installation of the heating system.
  2. Installing the thermostat. The boiler will turn off forcibly when the coolant heats the battery to a certain level.

Thermostats simultaneously solve two problems: they control the temperature in the room and make it as comfortable as possible and save gas by forcing the boiler to “rest” when the desired temperature is reached.

Gas valve adjustment

Net heat output can be reduced by reducing the fuel supply to the burner as a result of changing the valve setting

It is important to remember that the burner power is controlled by a complex electronics algorithm, which takes into account several basic indicators, represented by start time, temperature indicators, temperature difference in the direct pipe and the “return”

Adjusting the power indicators of the gas boiler burner is carried out by rotating special adjusting screws located on the valve body counterclockwise. More modern models are equipped with special automation that easily blocks clocking and changes power indicators. For this purpose, hold down the button with the wrench (5 seconds), and use special buttons to select the optimal duration of the intervals (0-15 minutes).

The temperature on the boiler is set incorrectly

For example, you decide to save money in winter and keep the room temperature around 18℃. It seems to you that if you set the boiler to 1 (maximum 2), you will create a pleasant microclimate and save gas. But in practice everything turns out differently. You will spend 2-3 times more gas than if the boiler were at 3-4. A paradox, but quite understandable from the point of view of physics.

The problem is especially relevant in large heated areas, when the boiler heats the water, the pump pumps it, and while the coolant has bypassed all the radiators, it returns already cooled. This encourages continuous operation of your equipment. Accordingly, the boiler practically does not turn off, but constantly works and consumes more gas than at higher regulator settings.

Use of other economical sources

Savings on gas supply for heating are also possible by connecting alternative heating methods. These include:

  • heated floors in rooms, bathrooms and showers, which allow for more efficient energy transfer from the coolant;
  • using a foundation based on an insulated Swedish slab. The method is effective for small, one-story buildings;
  • heat pumps. Installing them is currently not cheap, but they quickly bring economic benefits. The operating principle is based on the use of heat from the earth's interior;
  • Solar heating allows you to save up to 20% of costs even in winter. The effectiveness of this method depends on the number of sunny days per year.

Scale on the heat exchanger

The situation is dangerous because the boiler can work with increased load, which sooner or later will lead to overheating of the heater and its failure.

If you are offered to do preventative cleaning of the boiler once a year, do it. It's not a waste of money, believe me. Many people believe that such additional services are not needed, but when you notice high gas consumption in the boiler, take your words back. Let's take a closer look.

The heater is responsible for heating the water in the heating system. A kind of metal container in which the water is heated by our gas. Next, warm water flows through the system, returns and the process repeats. Metal can oxidize if it comes into frequent contact with water. Due to the temperature difference, a kind of scale forms.

Expert opinion

Grebnev Vadim Savelievich

Heating system installer

By its nature, scale is a durable composition of water sediment that has crystallized under the influence of high temperatures. A similar picture can be seen in a teapot. Scale adheres tightly to the heater, causing the heating process to deteriorate. If previously you needed a little gas to heat water, now gas consumption will increase with the same volume of coolant.

How does it manifest?

Several signs that there is scale in the boiler:

  1. An increase in temperature in the boiler, but no heat in the house. The batteries do not hold the heat that should be at 60-70℃, set in the boiler.
  2. High gas consumption and slightly warm batteries.
  3. The boiler practically does not turn off.

The main thing you need to pay attention to is the lack of reaction of the boiler to an increase in the amount of gas. That is, you added gas and are waiting for heat, but in fact there is none.

Method number 2: Reduce hot water consumption

The most difficult thing about energy supply at home is saving on hot water. Water of any temperature is always needed, and controlling yourself in this case is even more difficult than in consuming food. And, nevertheless, there are some rules and principles.

  • It is believed that a shower is more economical than a filled bath. This is not always true, but it is worth considering this opinion.
  • A good automatic washing machine uses a lot of electricity, but saves water. Most of it is spent on the rinsing process, which is automated in the machine. When manually rinsing, the amount of water is determined by the will of the person and his ideas about the cleanliness of the laundry. So in a duel with a stylish car, both sides can be more economical.

However, if a person sets out to save water, he will do it better than a machine.

The best way to save hot water is to ensure that pipes and taps are in good working order, as well as having meters that can be used to track expenses. One drop at a time, more can flow from the tap than the family spends on its real needs.

How to solve?

The contamination of the heater is determined empirically, that is, the boiler should be disassembled, removed and inspected for contamination. It is not recommended to do this yourself, as there is a risk of damaging the parts.

If scale is detected, it should be cleaned. Specialists use acidic solutions that dissolve dense sediment. To avoid possible excess consumption of gas, do not ignore annual descaling of the heater.

Several atypical reasons

Few people think about it, but even such a small thing as the lack of insulation of walls, windows and floors can lead to excessive gas consumption in the heating system. If your home does not retain heat well, and this is facilitated by gaps in the walls, cracks, any convectors will cool faster and heat up worse.

Atypical causes of high gas consumption

What does this lead to? That's right, to the non-stop operation of that same boiler, the return water of which is so cold that it does not allow the equipment to turn off as intended by the designers.

Saving on the boiler can also be the reason for its constant operation without shutdowns, when the heating system has more than 10 convectors, and the power of the gas equipment is barely designed for 3-4 apartment batteries.

If you don’t know which boiler will be better in your case, seek the help of specialists and companies who will help you correctly plan your heating system and guide you in the power of the boiler. A stingy person always pays twice.

Another atypical problem that few people pay attention to (but in vain!) is a malfunction of the gas meter. This ultra-precise instrument can also malfunction and display incorrect values.

If you suspect that the meter is moving even when the gas is turned off, be sure to report this to the gas service. There is no point in paying for air when the room is cold. If there is a malfunction, the device should be replaced with a new one.

Expert opinion

Grebnev Vadim Savelievich

Heating system installer

Never use meters that have not been previously tested to ensure they are working correctly. Before installation, each device must obtain permission from special services that guarantee the serviceability and accuracy of the equipment.

The quality of the supplied gas, which the consumer cannot verify in any way, has a different heat capacity. It seems to you that the meter is shaking, but the heater itself is not working well, the batteries are cool. Don't rule out this possibility either.

No. 7. Follow our recommendations

To achieve significant savings, also use the following tips.

  • Be sure to perform regular maintenance on your gas-using equipment. It is necessary to repair, clean and configure it on time. Thus, you not only increase its efficiency and reduce fuel consumption, but also protect yourself from its major repairs or replacement.
  • Do not cover radiators with panels, curtains, furniture, or clothing. Install energy-reflective foil screens.
  • Monitor the operation of the gas water heater: the burner should not be constantly burning.
  • Save gas consumption when cooking. To quickly cook food, cover the pans with a lid and adjust the intensity of the flame.
  • Do not use a gas stove for space heating.

How to eliminate high gas consumption in a boiler: general tips and recommendations

The most correct and accurate advice in this situation would be to call the gas workers. They will test the boiler for faults, and look into the heater for scale, and check for leaks, if necessary.

You can do the following with your own hands:

  1. Insulate the walls, window slopes and floors - heat consumption will be less, the coolant will cool down longer, and the boiler will be able to take a break from work.

  2. Set the temperature values ​​on the gas boiler that the manufacturer recommends - do not be afraid to set 5-6 in severe frosts. This will not cause such excessive gas consumption, which will be 1-2.
  3. Check the airiness of the system by periodically draining a little water in the radiators.
  4. Check the serviceability of gas equipment before the start of each heating season.
  5. Correctly calculate the boiler power for the entire heating system.

If you smell gas, you should call the gas emergency service. Overuse can also cause leakage.

No. 4. Use modern, efficient equipment

Try to use only highly efficient equipment with high efficiency. For example, consuming huge amounts of fuel, old boilers have an efficiency that barely reaches 60%. Remember that the device must completely burn the fuel and produce maximum heat.

Do not try to save money: usually such units are very limited in power and are not electronically controlled. Take a closer look at condensing gas boilers: they use waste gases to produce additional heat. Due to this, their efficiency increases (up to 97%) and fuel consumption decreases (up to 20%).

Contact a professional to accurately calculate the required power of the device, as well as design the correct pipe layout for maximum efficiency.

Questions and answers

I have a 7.5 kW boiler, but I added 4 more batteries to the heating system. Gas consumption has increased, is it possible to increase the pump speed to save money?

This will not help, since the coolant will not have time to heat your batteries, will quickly cool down and return to the heater. Accordingly, the boiler will work almost non-stop. Try adding more gas; if that doesn’t help, then you need to increase the power of the boiler itself by replacing it.

I wanted to clean the heater, but the product corroded the walls and eventually holes formed. Is there any point in patching or is it better to buy a new one?

It is better to buy a new one, and further descaling treatment should be carried out only with special means and according to the rules. Call special services to help solve the problem.

I have a single-circuit boiler, it worked fine, but recently it literally stopped turning off. Gas consumption is incredible, and the batteries are cold, what is the reason?

Check if the return filter is clogged. To do this, unscrew the thread on the pipe. Perhaps, due to poor quality water, debris has accumulated there, which prevents the full passage of water into the heater. It is also necessary to eliminate scale from the heater and, if necessary, clean it.

The boiler was cleaned of scale, but it began to consume even more gas. The temperature of the batteries did not increase. Could the problem be in the gas itself, or rather in its composition?

Yes, gas quality plays an important role in the heating process. If the proportions of the basic units change, there is a risk that you will have to pay more, but it will still be cold.

No. 5. Improve your ventilation system

Quite a lot of heat leaves the house through the ventilation system. Make her work for you. Heat exchangers are installed that take warm air from the room. They are then connected to the inlet pipes, allowing the cold air from outside to warm up. As a result, excess heat is not released into the street, and a smaller volume of gas is required for heating.

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