Gas consumption for heating a house of 70, 100, 150 and 200 m2: average consumption

The average gas consumption in a private house or apartment is usually calculated to determine the cost of heating, hot water supply (DHW) and cooking. This is done at the building design stage or before choosing an energy carrier and boiler unit for comparison with other types of fuel.

There is a simplified method for calculating the maximum and average gas consumption for heating and hot water supply, and it will be discussed in this material. Although it will not be possible to perform such a calculation with great accuracy, you will be able to find out the order of the numbers for the upcoming payment.

Types of gas connection - what determines the cost and quality of heating

Many consumers begin to think about how much “blue” fuel was consumed only after receiving a significant bill for the consumed heat. If the amount is significant, then the homeowner begins to figure out how to spend less gas.

There are different methods to determine what the consumption of a gas boiler will be for heating a private home. It is important to take into account one point here - gas can enter the home in different ways:

  • main gas. The composition is purified from methane, but a fragrance is added to it, which makes it possible to detect a leak. The mixture is supplied through gas transportation systems to consumers;
  • liquefied gas. Propane is mixed with butane and enters the gas tank. In the future, an autonomous supply of gas to the living space is ensured. Before supplying the composition, the liquid turns into a gaseous state and the pressure in the container increases. The usual red cylinders are used as an analogue of a gas holder.

Note! Each option has its own advantages. The gas tank provides complete autonomy, but it is very expensive to maintain. Main gas is cheaper, but its quality is worse.

Why does gas consumption increase when heating a home?

Before you begin calculations and determine how much gas a gas boiler consumes per month, you need to know what factors can affect the final figure:

  1. Climatic features of the territory. All calculations must be performed taking into account the lowest temperature indicators characteristic of these geocoordinates.
  2. The area of ​​the building, the number of floors and the height of the room that needs to be heated.
  3. The type of building, and what material it is made of - wood, stone, brick or other types.
  4. The type of profile on the windows, the presence of double-glazed windows. How the ventilation system works.
  5. Power within the limits of the heating equipment.
  6. Year of construction of the building and location of heating radiators.

All these factors are important to take into account when calculating the number of liters of gas that a room of 100 square meters can consume on average per day.

How to calculate the consumption of main gas when heating a home?

Standard calculations are performed based on the current formula. The general formula for each case is A = Q / q * ɳ, where:

  • Q is the boiler power that is required to heat a certain area. To calculate this indicator, you will need the number of square meters. meters in the home multiplied by the base value;
  • q is the type of gas and its specific heat. For example, G 20 gas has a characteristic of 9.45 kW;
  • ɳ is the efficiency of the boiler, expressed in relation to unit. If the efficiency is 95%, then the described indicator is 0.95.

Now it remains to use this formula to make calculations for rooms of different sizes.

So that readers can get a more clear idea of ​​how special calculations are carried out, we will create a table. For each example, let’s take the gas consumption of a 24 kW double-circuit boiler and the gas grade G 20. The efficiency of the unit will be 95% (0.95), and the base value for determining Q will be 50. Taking into account all the indicators, we will make calculations for rooms of different sizes .

Room area, in sq. meters How much is the Q indicator, in kW?How many cubic meters of gas per hour will be used for heating?Gas consumption per dayMonthly fuel consumptionNumber of cubic meters of gas per year
100(100*50)/1000=55/9,45*0,95=0,5570,557 *24=13,368401,044812,48

Summing up the results, we can conclude that the larger the housing, the more gas mixture will be consumed for its heating per hour, per month and per year.

Additional Information! The lower the efficiency of the heating boiler, the greater the consumption of the gas mixture during the main supply.

Gas consumption rate in 2022 per person

The most popular fuel in Russia is gas. It is used for heating rooms, cooking food and heating water. For the consumer, the resource costs relatively little, but this is subject to the presence of a metering device.

If there is none, payment is calculated in accordance with the state norm, which represents the amount of gas required for one person, calculated by the state.

How is the gas tariff determined?

It is worth noting that the consumer pays not just for the resource he uses, but also for the process of gas production, transportation and maintenance of gas supply networks. The gas tariff is indexed every year, due to inflation, as well as the increasing coefficient of the region.

From this diagram it becomes clear that the consumer pays absolutely all production costs and the maintenance of gas is paid by the consumer. It is necessary to understand in detail how the state gas tariff norm is formed.

Gas consumption rate without a meter

The amount of gas consumed directly depends on the type of gas equipment and geographic location (the further north the location, the more gas is needed for heating.

It has been scientifically calculated that on average one person needs about 10 cubic meters of gas per month. This indicator varies from region to region and is regulated by Russian Government Decree. It is important to have central heating (CH) and central hot water supply (CHW) in the house.

Initial data for calculations

To perform a preliminary calculation, you need to find out the following parameters:

  • calorific value (calorific value) of natural gas supplied in your area;
  • thermal load on the heating system;
  • Efficiency of the boiler that is planned to be installed in a house or apartment.

The calorific value of the fuel is taken based on the value of the lower calorific value of the main gas.

Theoretically, when burning 1 m³ of blue fuel, 9.2 kW of thermal energy is released. In practice, this value differs and, as a rule, to a lesser extent. Due to the same rise in price, some unscrupulous suppliers dilute gas with air, which is why its calorific value can decrease to 7.5-8 kW/m³.

To determine gas consumption for heating a house, it is better to find out the caloric value from the management company, and when this fails, use a reserve figure: 8 kW/m³. If they share with you information about the specific heat of combustion and give you a figure expressed in other units, kcal/h, then you can convert it to Watts by multiplying by a factor of 1.163.

Another important indicator that directly affects fuel consumption is the thermal load on the heating system, which consists of heat losses through the building structures and losses due to heating of ventilation air. The best option is to perform or order an accurate calculation of all heat losses, but in the absence of any other option, you can determine the load using enlarged methods:

  1. If the ceiling height does not exceed 3 m, then the heat consumption is assumed to be 0.1 kW per 1 m² of heated area of ​​the building. Thus, for a house of 100 m2 you need about 10 kW of heat, 150 m2 - 15 kW and 200 m2 - 20 kW of heat energy.
  2. Apply 40-45 W of heat per 1 m³ of heated room volume. The load is determined by multiplying this value by the volume of all heated rooms.

The efficiency of the heat generator, which affects the efficiency of fuel combustion, is indicated in its technical data sheet. If the unit has not yet been purchased, then you can take the efficiency of gas boilers of various types from the list:

  • gas convectors - 86%;
  • boilers with an open combustion chamber - 88%;
  • heat generators with a closed chamber - 92%;
  • condensing boilers - 96%.

How to calculate liquefied gas consumption

To perform the calculations, the same formula is used here, but with a slight difference in the initial values. The fact is that the density of the mixture of propane and butane is 5.24 (while the gas supplied through the main line is 9.45).

To perform the calculation you will need to use the standard formula, but with different values. We present the data in a table.

Room area, in sq. meters How much is the Q indicator, in kW?How many cubic meters of gas per hour will be used for heating?Gas consumption per dayMonthly fuel consumptionNumber of cubic meters of gas per year
100(100*50)/1000=55/5,24*0,95=1,01 *24=247208640

Important! Considering that the capacity of one gas cylinder is approximately 42 liters, we can say that for an average area of ​​100 square meters. meters you will need a little more than one cylinder to heat the room for two days.

Consumption of liquefied propane-butane mixture

Not all owners of country houses have the opportunity to connect to a centralized gas pipeline. Then they get out of the situation using liquefied gas. It is stored in gas holders installed in pits, and replenished using the services of certified companies that supply fuel.

Liquefied gas used for domestic purposes is stored in sealed containers and reservoirs - propane-butane cylinders with a volume of 50 liters, or gas holders

If liquefied gas is used to heat a country house, the calculation formula is taken as the basis. The only thing you need to take into account is that the bottled gas is a G30 mixture. In addition, the fuel is in an aggregate state. Therefore, its consumption is calculated in liters or kilograms.

Formula for calculating fuel mixture consumption

A simple calculation will help you estimate the cost of a liquefied propane-butane mixture. The initial construction data is the same: a cottage with an area of ​​100 square meters, and the efficiency of the installed boiler is 95%.

When calculating, it should be taken into account that fifty-liter propane-butane cylinders, for safety reasons, are filled to no more than 85%, which is about 42.5 liters

When performing calculations, we focus on two significant physical characteristics of the liquefied mixture:

  • The density of bottled gas is 0.524 kg/l;
  • The heat released during the combustion of one kilogram of such a mixture is equal to 45.2 MJ/kg.

To facilitate calculations, the values ​​of heat released, measured in kilograms, are converted into another unit of measurement - liters: 45.2 x 0.524 = 23.68 MJ/l.

After which joules are converted to kilowatts: 23.68/3.6 = 6.58 kW/l. To obtain correct calculations, the same 50% of the recommended power of the unit is taken as a basis, which is 5 kW.

The obtained values ​​are substituted into the formula: V = 5/(6.58 x 0.95). It turns out that the consumption of the G 30 fuel mixture is 0.8 l/h.

An example of calculating liquefied gas consumption

Knowing that on average 0.8 liters of fuel are consumed per one hour of operation of a boiler generator, it will not be difficult to calculate that one standard cylinder with a 42-liter refill will be enough for approximately 52 hours. This is a little more than two days.

For the entire heating period, the consumption of the combustible mixture will be:

  • For a day 0.8 x 24 = 19.2 liters;
  • For a month 19.2 x 30 = 576 liters;
  • For a heating season lasting 7 months, 576 x 7 = 4032 liters.

To heat a cottage with an area of ​​100 square meters you will need: 576/42.5 = 13 or 14 cylinders. For the entire seven-month heating season, you will need 4032/42.5 = from 95 to 100 cylinders.

To accurately calculate the number of propane-butane cylinders needed to heat a cottage for a month, you need to divide the consumed monthly volume of 576 liters by the capacity of one such cylinder

A large volume of fuel, taking into account transportation costs and the creation of conditions for its storage, will not be cheap. But still, in comparison with the same electric heating, such a solution to the issue will still be more economical, and therefore preferable.

Gas consumption and rate for heating a house of 100 m2

Today, one of the most popular types of heating systems is equipment operating on gas. In terms of environmental friendliness, this method is at the level of electrical installations, it is considered a reliable and economical option; naturally, we are talking about installing a stationary type of system, and not about cylinders that require regular refilling.

In order to decide on the type of heating installation, you must first calculate the gas consumption for heating a house of 100 m2. Thus, the owner will be able to determine how much he can expect to pay for utilities after installing the equipment.

What to consider when calculating?

If the device is already installed, we suggest exploring ways to reduce the average gas consumption in a private home.

When making calculations, it is very important to consider the following factors:

  • How many floors are there in the building;
  • What type of insulation material was used to build the cottage;
  • Total area of ​​the house and dimensions of heated rooms;
  • Are there plastic windows, solid doors or open interior arches?
  • What is the maximum power produced by gas heating equipment.

VIDEO: Gas consumption by a boiler for heating 1 sq. m. / year in apartment

Procedure for calculating blue fuel consumption

The meaning of natural fuel type is any type of gas used as a fuel mixture, extracted from the bowels of the earth. At the moment, this is the most optimal option for network heating systems, since it has a relatively high level of energy efficiency and low cost. It is also worth noting that there is no need to create fuel reserves.

Natural fuel is the most inexpensive heating method

To calculate natural gas for heating a 200 m2 house, you should take into account the performance of not only the boiler, but also the entire heating system as a whole. If you want to obtain more accurate data, in addition to the main factors, additional additional factors are taken into account:

  • in what climate zone the property is located;
  • what material is the house built from?
  • is there a heat-saving installation in the cottage;
  • what is the total area of ​​the building and the maximum elevation of the ceilings.

Before deciding on future expenses, cottage owners calculate the required thermal power of the equipment for heating a certain area. When identifying the optimal value, it should be taken into account that the power indicated in the device passport is considered the maximum indicator that the indicator can produce. Based on this, you need to select a device with higher values. For example, if during the calculation it turned out that 13-14 kW is required to heat the area, then preference should be given to models with a power of 16 to 17 kW.

This factor is explained in such detail in order to clarify the situation - whether the required power for heating the individual parameters of the house was initially calculated correctly, so that subsequently the spending rate would be closer to real indicators.

Often, property owners use a simple heat engineering formula - for a house of 100 m2 there is 10 kW. It should be taken into account that the heat-conducting liquid is consumed almost twice as much as it comes out according to the formula. Since the air temperature is not stable throughout the heating season, the meter readings in the cottage will also change daily from higher to lower consumption values.

Example: for every square meter there is 1 W of energy, but if we take into account real indicators, it comes out to 0.5 W/m2/hour. It turns out that for heating a house 100 sq. m. 5 kW/h required. This option is considered very convenient, but the solution to the problem will have large errors.

To correctly calculate the gas consumption for heating a house of 100 m2 in cubic meters, you should use the formula:


"I"The value that determines the required volumes of fuel for heating in cubic meters
"G"Maximum thermal power consumption (kW)
"QH"Lower calorific value of the fuel mixture = 1.175 kW/m3
«0,92»Equipment efficiency

Substitute the values:

5/(1.175 x 0.92) = 0.53 m3/h

Next, we multiply the resulting value by 24 hours (days) and 30 days, result = 384. This is the gas consumption for heating a house of 100 m2 in cubic meters.

Knowing all the necessary values, you can easily calculate expenses for one day, month, or even the entire heating season. It is enough just to count the number of days when the heating system will be used and multiply them by the daily consumption of natural fuel.

Calculation of liquefied fuel

Using a centralized gas pipeline is undoubtedly convenient and easy, but not everyone has this opportunity, since it was simply not installed in some settlements. Owners of such real estate use liquefied gas instead of natural fuel, which is stored in cylinders or gas tanks.

Calculation of liquefied gas for heating a house or apartment

The consumption value of this type of fuel has some differences. If you need to calculate the consumption of liquefied gas for heating a house of 100 m2, which burns for 60 minutes, you need to insert the designation of the efficiency of this fuel into the basic formula.

Remember, the result of the liquefied mixture consumed is indicated in kilograms, which then need to be converted into measurement units - liters. The coolant combustion level is 12.8 kW/kg.

5/(12.8 x 0.92)=0.42 kg/h

Naturally, if it is necessary to calculate gas consumption for heating a private house with total dimensions of 300 m2, the value of “5” must be multiplied by three, since it corresponds to heating 100 m2.

Next, we convert kilograms to liters, 1 liter of propane-butane = 0.54 kg, it turns out that for one hour of gas operation you need 0.78 liters = 0.42-0.54. For a whole day, 18.7 liters are spent on heating a room with an area of ​​100 sq.m., per month - 561 liters.

If we take into account that standard cylinders are designed for fuel with a volume of 42 liters, then in 30 days the average gas consumption for heating a house will require 14 filled tanks, which is considered very expensive compared to natural gas.

For quick orientation, we present an approximate table of calculations with standard dimensions, what gas consumption will be for a larger heated area.

100 m2561 l
150 m2841.5 l
200 m21122 l
250 m21402.5 l

Expert advice - options for reducing heating costs

There are some construction and technical measures that can significantly reduce the total consumption of fuel intended for heating a cottage. Naturally, first of all, you will need to replace all windows and entrance doors, since these factors are one of the main causes of heat loss. Next, you should pay attention to the insulating material and use it to create a heat-insulating layer on the outside of the walls, floors and roofs, especially for cottages built of brick or reinforced concrete.

You can reduce the average gas consumption in a private home using the following tips:

  1. Install a “warm floor” system, the maximum temperature level of the device’s coolant reaches 50°C, which is 40°C less than radiator units, but the effect is the same.
  2. Program the equipment for several home heating modes. For example, if heating is less intense during the day than at night, you can save up to 30% of fuel. Besides, what is the use of heating the house strongly during the day when the owner is at work?
  3. Carry out high-quality thermal insulation of a house or apartment, including replacing windows and doors - this is the very case when it is better to spend money once, in order to later save up to 40% on heating costs.

Is it worth fooling yourself with calculations?

Indeed, it would seem why it is needed - after all, the boiler’s passport data usually indicates the approximate gas consumption. Multiply it by the number of hours of work - and here is the finished result!

Well, try it, multiply... You will almost certainly end up with such a high consumption rate that it will become scary! And why? Yes, because the nameplate power of the boiler and the real value of the necessary thermal energy to ensure full heating are far from the same thing!

And what is the value of multiplying? The passport may show a range, that is, two boundaries - minimum and maximum flow. And the difference between them is very significant.

Table with passport data of the Navien Prime line of gas boilers. There are no specifics either on the area of ​​heated premises or on gas consumption (and there cannot be). So what should we take into account?

The fact is that the nameplate power of the boiler is its maximum capabilities. And it is quite natural that when choosing equipment, a certain reserve is always laid down. For example, by carrying out calculations it was found that 8.6 kW of thermal energy is needed to heat a house. The optimal solution would be to purchase a boiler with an upper power limit of 10÷12 kW. There is quite a solid reserve of power, but at the same time, this reserve does not look excessive, leading to an unjustified increase in the cost of equipment.

It is far from certain that this reserve will ever be in demand. But anything can happen - for example, an abnormally cold winter for a particular region.

That is, when choosing a boiler, it is important to find a model that would become the “golden mean”, fully meeting the needs for thermal energy for the most unfavorable conditions and with an adequate power reserve.

But what will the gas consumption be during normal operation of the boiler, and not at the limit of its capabilities?

It would be more correct to base the calculations on the actually required thermal power of the heating system and on the energy potential of the fuel used. This is exactly the algorithm proposed in this publication.

Well, knowing the predicted flow rate has quite practical applications. For example, an expense item of the family budget is set for the upcoming heating season. And when using not network, but imported liquefied gas, this also means planning the regularity and volumes of replenishment of “blue fuel” reserves.

Information about normal gas consumption often helps to identify emerging problems and outline ways to maximize resource savings.

In addition, information about consumption rates can act in a unique psychological way. For example, it can stimulate home owners to analyze consumption and seek opportunities for maximum resource savings.

You may be interested in information about what types of electric boilers are available for heating a private home

Calculation method for natural gas

The approximate gas consumption for heating is calculated based on half the power of the installed boiler. The thing is that when determining the power of a gas boiler, the lowest temperature is set. This is understandable - even when it is very cold outside, the house should be warm.

You can calculate gas consumption for heating yourself

But calculating gas consumption for heating using this maximum figure is completely incorrect - after all, the temperature is generally much higher, which means much less fuel is burned. That’s why it is generally accepted that the average fuel consumption for heating is about 50% of the heat loss or boiler power.

We calculate gas consumption by heat loss

If you don’t have a boiler yet, and you estimate the cost of heating in different ways, you can calculate it from the total heat loss of the building. They are most likely known to you. The technique here is this: they take 50% of the total heat loss, add 10% to provide hot water supply and 10% to remove heat during ventilation. As a result, we obtain the average consumption in kilowatts per hour.

Next, you can find out the fuel consumption per day (multiply by 24 hours), per month (by 30 days), and, if desired, for the entire heating season (multiply by the number of months during which the heating operates). All these figures can be converted into cubic meters (knowing the specific heat of combustion of gas), and then multiply the cubic meters by the price of gas and, thus, find out the heating costs.

Natural gas1 m 38000 kcal9.2 kW33.5 MJ
Liquefied gas1 kg10800 kcal12.5 kW45.2 MJ
Coal (W=10%)1 kg6450 kcal7.5 kW27 MJ
Wood pellets1 kg4100 kcal4.7 kW17.17 MJ
Dried wood (W=20%)1 kg3400 kcal3.9 kW14.24 MJ

Example of heat loss calculation

Let the heat loss of the house be 16 kW/hour. Let's start counting:

  • average heat demand per hour - 8 kW/h + 1.6 kW/h + 1.6 kW/h = 11.2 kW/h;
  • per day - 11.2 kW * 24 hours = 268.8 kW;
  • per month - 268.8 kW * 30 days = 8064 kW.

    The actual gas consumption for heating also depends on the type of burner - modulating ones are the most economical

Convert to cubic meters. If we use natural gas, we divide the gas consumption for heating per hour: 11.2 kW/h / 9.3 kW = 1.2 m3/h. In calculations, the figure 9.3 kW is the specific heat capacity of natural gas combustion (available in the table).

By the way, you can also calculate the required amount of fuel of any type - you just need to take the heat capacity for the required fuel.

Since the boiler has not 100% efficiency, but 88-92%, you will have to make further adjustments for this - add about 10% of the obtained figure. In total, we get gas consumption for heating per hour - 1.32 cubic meters per hour. Next you can calculate:

  • consumption per day: 1.32 m3 * 24 hours = 28.8 m3/day
  • monthly demand: 28.8 m3/day * 30 days = 864 m3/month.

The average consumption for the heating season depends on its duration - multiply by the number of months while the heating season lasts.

This calculation is approximate. In some months, gas consumption will be much less, in the coldest month - more, but on average the figure will be about the same.

Boiler power calculation

The calculations will be a little simpler if you have the calculated boiler power - all the necessary reserves (for hot water supply and ventilation) have already been taken into account. Therefore, we simply take 50% of the calculated capacity and then calculate the consumption per day, month, per season.

For example, the design power of the boiler is 24 kW. To calculate gas consumption for heating, we take half: 12 k/W. This will be the average heat demand per hour. To determine fuel consumption per hour, we divide by the calorific value, we get 12 kW/hour / 9.3 k/W = 1.3 m3. Then everything is calculated as in the example above:

  • per day: 12 kW/h * 24 hours = 288 kW in terms of the amount of gas - 1.3 m3 * 24 = 31.2 m3
  • per month: 288 kW * 30 days = 8640 m3, consumption in cubic meters 31.2 m3 * 30 = 936 m3.

    You can calculate gas consumption for heating a house using the design capacity of the boiler

Next, add 10% for the imperfection of the boiler, we find that for this case the consumption will be slightly more than 1000 cubic meters per month (1029.3 cubic meters). As you can see, in this case everything is even simpler - fewer numbers, but the principle is the same.

By quadrature

Even more approximate calculations can be obtained based on the square footage of the house. There are two ways:

  • You can calculate according to SNiP standards - on average, heating one square meter in Central Russia requires 80 W/m2. This figure can be used if your house is built according to all requirements and has good insulation.
  • You can estimate based on average statistical data: with good insulation of the house, 2.5-3 cubic meters/m2 is required;
  • with average insulation, gas consumption is 4-5 cubic meters/m2.

    The better the house is insulated, the lower the gas consumption for heating will be.

Each owner can assess the degree of insulation of his home; accordingly, one can estimate what gas consumption will be in this case. For example, for a house of 100 sq. m. with average insulation, 400-500 cubic meters of gas will be required for heating, for a house of 150 square meters it will take 600-750 cubic meters per month, for heating a house with an area of ​​200 m2 - 800-100 cubic meters of blue fuel. All this is very approximate, but the figures are derived based on many factual data.

We calculate how much gas a gas boiler consumes per hour, day and month

When designing individual heating systems for private houses, 2 main indicators are used: the total area of ​​the house and the power of the heating equipment. With simple average calculations, it is generally accepted that for heating every 10 m2 of area, 1 kW of thermal power + 15-20% of the power reserve is sufficient.

How to calculate the required boiler power Individual calculation, formula and correction factors

However, for planning expenses it is more convenient to measure the work of gas boilers directly per cubic meter. m/hour (cubic meters) – if natural gas from the pipeline is used; or in kg/hour (kilograms) - if liquefied gas is used (which is much more expensive).

It is known that the calorific value of natural gas is 9.3-10 kW per m3, which means that for 1 kW of thermal power of a gas boiler, about 0.1-0.108 m3 of natural gas is needed. At the time of writing, the cost of 1 m3 of main gas in the Moscow region is 5.6 rubles/m3 or 0.52-0.56 rubles for each kW of boiler thermal power.

But this method can be used if the boiler’s passport data is unknown, because the characteristics of almost any boiler indicate the gas consumption during its continuous operation at maximum power.

For example, the well-known floor-standing single-circuit gas boiler Protherm Volk 16 KSO (power 16 kW), operating on natural gas, consumes 1.9 m3/hour.

  1. Per day – 24 (hours) * 1.9 (m3/hour) = 45.6 m3. In value terms – 45.5 (m3) * 5.6 (tariff for Moscow region, rub.) = 254.8 rub/day.
  2. Per month – 30 (days) * 45.6 (daily consumption, m3) = 1,368 m3. In value terms – 1,368 (cubic meters) * 5.6 (tariff, rub.) = 7,660.8 rubles/month.
  3. For the heating season (suppose from October 15 to March 31) - 136 (days) * 45.6 (m3) = 6,201.6 cubic meters. In value terms – 6,201.6 * 5.6 = 34,728.9 rubles/season.

However, these are only approximate theoretical calculations, since in practice the boiler does not operate 24/7 at full capacity: in this case, the wear of its elements accelerates many times over. A gas boiler correctly selected in terms of power (taking into account the area, heat loss of the house and a small power reserve of 10-20%) consumes only 50-70% of the values ​​​​calculated above for the maximum possible operating mode of the boiler.

That is, in practice, depending on the conditions and heating mode, the same Protherm Wolf 16 KSO consumes 700-950 cubic meters of gas per month, which is about 3,920-5,320 rubles/month. It is impossible to accurately determine gas consumption by calculation!

To obtain accurate values, metering devices (gas meters) are used, because gas consumption in gas heating boilers depends on the correctly selected power of the heating equipment and model technology, the owner’s preferred temperature, the arrangement of the heating system, the average temperature in the region during the heating season and many other factors , individual for each private home.

Consumption table for well-known boiler models, according to their passport data

Modelpower, kWtMax natural gas consumption, cubic meters m/hour
Lemax Premium-10100,6
ATON Atmo 10ЕВМ101,2
Baxi SLIM 1.150i 3E151,74
Protherm Bear 20 PLO172
De Dietrich DTG X 23 N233,15
Bosch Gaz 2500 F 30262,85
Viessmann Vitogas 100-F 29293,39
Navien GST 35KN354
Vaillant ecoVIT VKK INT 366/4343,7
Buderus Logano G234-60606,57

Calculator for quick calculations

Let us remind you that the calculator uses the same principles as in the example above; real flow data depend on the model and operating conditions of the heating equipment and can only be 50-80% of the data calculated under the condition that the boiler operates continuously and at full capacity .

Gas consumption per house 100 m2

Let's take a closer look at the need for heating in houses and year-round country cottages with a small area using a liquefied gas boiler.

The required volume of liquefied gas is calculated using the formula V = Q / q × B, where: V is the estimated amount of gas; Q – thermal power required for heating housing (taken at 5 kilowatts at a nominal 10 kW, since throughout the heating season the ambient temperature can vary widely, which allows saving on the rate of LPG production); q – calorific value of fuel, for liquefied gas it is assumed to be 12.8 kW/m; B – efficiency of the existing heating boiler in absolute value (that is, less than 1).

Thus, the gas consumption for a house of 100 m2, based on the given formula for a boiler with an efficiency of 93%, is:

V = 5 / 12.8×0.93 = 0.42 (kg/h).

Based on this, the daily gas consumption for heating a 100 m2 house is: 0.42×24 = 10.08 cubic meters.

Accordingly, the monthly consumption of liquefied hydrocarbons will be: 10.08 × 30 = 302.42 cubic meters of fuel.

Taking into account that a liter of liquefied hydrocarbons weighs 0.54 kg, then the hourly gas consumption for heating a house of 100 square meters of area will require 0.42 / 0.54 = 0.78 (l) of liquefied hydrocarbons.

Speaking in more tangible terms, per day the consumption of liquefied hydrocarbons for heating a 100 m2 house will be 18.7 liters, and per month – 561 liters.

Accordingly, knowing the duration of the heating season in your place of residence (5-6 months), you can rationally select a gas holder of the optimal volume, one or two refills of which will be enough for all the household and heating needs of the inhabitants of your cottage.

Ways to save gas

The above calculations made by the gas heating consumption calculator relate only directly to heating your home. But gas costs also include heating water and cooking. Overall, there are a few tips you can use to save some gas legally.

So, if you use gas a lot, then it is best to use a gas main. This is the most profitable option, differing in cost from other systems.

In addition, please note that your heating equipment - boiler, fittings, additional appliances - must be modern and of high quality. Gas consumption for heating largely depends on this indicator. For example, if you have a modern boiler that is equipped with a temperature sensor and a circulation pump, the result will be energy savings when starting a cold system.

Modern boilers can save up to 20% gas

If the gas boiler is equipped with a hydraulic arrow on the piping with a frequency-controlled pump and is connected to a room thermostat, then it will itself regulate the temperature of the water in the system. Thus, the boiler will turn on less often and its operation will occur more optimally. If the system has a programmer, then with its help it will be possible to set up an operating mode where at night or in the absence of the owners of the house the temperature in the premises will drop by several degrees, and some time before arrival or awakening, it will automatically rise to the required level .

You can place thermal heads on the battery, and a heat-reflecting foil screen in the place between the battery and the wall. Also, to ensure free heat dissipation from the batteries, there is no need to close and clutter them with curtains and furniture.

Installing a reflective screen allows you to direct heat into the room rather than heating the outside walls

It would be best to install a gas meter. So, you will pay for the volume of gas you actually used, which is much more profitable than the overestimated rate of gas consumption calculated by someone for heating and other purposes.

Regarding the use of the stove, to save gas, you should not ignore this condition after the liquid boils, if it needs to be cooked over low heat.

It’s the same with cooking over high heat: remember that the maximum temperature is only in the area of ​​the flames. Therefore, if the fire spreads more than the diameter of the vessel, then you are simply heating the air. In addition, this may have a negative effect on some types of cookware.

Heating without gas and electricity

How to calculate gas using a calculator

The amount of fuel consumed is determined according to the following rules:

  1. LPG consumption excluding hot water: S x Hп x Qк x K, where: S – heated area, Hп – ceiling height, Q – thermal energy losses through the enclosing structures, K – coefficient used for additional premises (storage room, attic, basement) .
  2. Consumption for hot water: values ​​obtained in kW/h must be converted into units of l/h (converted through Kcal and m3).
  3. We recalculate the final l/h to an annual value (we multiply the consumption per hour by the operating hours of the equipment for the year).

When calculating, we take the following coefficient values ​​(K):

  • K hot water supply – 1.15;
  • K (o) heated additional areas (basement + attic) - 0.95.
  • K (n.o.) total (unheated (n) basement + heated (o) attic – 1.
  • K (o) basement – ​​1.
  • K (n) basement – ​​1.05.
  • K without basement and attic floor - 1.1.
  • To convert Q (thermal) values ​​in kW to Kcal – 1.163.
  • To convert m3 to l of liquefied fuel - 2.37.
  • The number of operating hours of equipment annually is 2,265.
  • The average equipment efficiency is 0.92.

LPG gas boiler: fuel consumption for heating

1. Boilers running on liquefied gas

2. Range of boilers on the domestic market3. Calculation of power of gas boilers using liquefied gas: fuel consumption

Today, autonomous heat supply systems are in demand among owners of private households. The source of heat for them is often liquefied gas for heating the house. The type of “autonomy” using a gas boiler using liquefied gas, the consumption of which is minimal, is the most popular.

Boilers running on liquefied gas

Modern gas heating using liquefied gas involves the use of a whole complex consisting of several types of equipment and a heat supply system.

But the main unit still remains the boiler, which provides heat from fuel.

As in traditional heating designs, a liquefied gas boiler for private buildings allows, through its combustion, to provide heating for residential premises and hot water supply, since a combination of these two functions is possible.

Even with low pressure in the design, liquefied gas heating has insignificant fuel consumption. This allows you to save a considerable amount of money from the family budget. At the same time, liquefied gas for heating will be used as efficiently as possible.


Owners of private households should know that liquefied gas heating boilers can be easily switched to another operating mode - using a different type of fuel, or rather main gas. For this purpose, not only injectors are replaced, but also other equipment elements.

Thus, it turns out that the buyer purchases two boilers in one and saves a lot of money and time. The choice of heating units operating on liquefied gas on the domestic market is simply huge. There are also products from various global manufacturers. Each model has unique performance characteristics and, accordingly, cost.

In order for heating a country cottage or summer house with liquefied gas from a gas tank to be economical and efficient, it is necessary to choose the right type of heating unit and take into account all the operating features.

When purchasing a device, you should consider:

Type of heating device. Heating boilers using liquefied gas are single-circuit and double-circuit. The first of them are intended exclusively for heating, but the second type provides both space heating and hot water supply. Heating devices can be hung on the wall or installed on the floor. And the combustion chambers are made open or closed.

Efficiency It can be said that all units operating on liquefied gas are characterized by high efficiency rates (90-94%). Therefore, they are installed in houses, country houses or other buildings. As a result, the higher this indicator is for the equipment, the more economically and efficiently the fuel is used.

Power. It is one of the main parameters for this type of heating equipment.

Manufacturing company. As practice has proven, it is advisable to give preference to companies that have been proven for a long time, whose products are distinguished by quality that meets the standards, reliability, and long service life.

Only employees of companies professionally involved in the supply and installation of such heating units can make accurate calculations of the power of heating equipment operating on liquefied gas. To do this, they will need to provide all the data about the room in which they plan to install it. Also, when calculating heating a cottage with gas, the characteristics of the model are taken into account and the liquefied gas consumption of the gas boiler is determined. Such calculations are not cheap, so many consumers limit themselves to rough calculations performed independently. To do this, it is generally accepted that for 10 “squares” of room area, 1 kW of thermal energy is required to provide heating, despite the fact that the ceiling height does not exceed three meters. This option for gas heating of a country house is not very accurate in determining the required power, but it will help you choose heating equipment. If it is necessary to accurately select a unit, a large number of parameters and factors should be taken into account, including the volume of the room, the presence/absence of additional insulation, the size and number of windows and doors, etc. The propane-butane mixture, which is the main source of energy in autonomous gas supply systems, is an economical and inexpensive type of fuel and therefore it is not advisable to save on the boiler.

Starting a gas boiler using liquefied gas, video:

Gas consumption using specific examples

To determine what the natural gas consumption will be when heating a one-story house of 100 m2, you first need to determine the heat load.

Heat load calculation

To obtain the most accurate data on the heated volume of the house, the volume of each room and auxiliary premises where it is necessary to maintain heat is separately calculated. Length and width measurements are taken along the baseboards using a regular or laser tape measure.

We will do it simpler: we take the ceiling height as 2.5 meters, multiply it by the indicated area and get the volume of the house V = 250 m3.

If the room has a complex architectural shape, it is divided into rectangles, triangles, circles, the area of ​​each of them is calculated and summed up

To determine ΔT, column 6 in table 3.1 SP 131.13330.2012 is used. The air temperature of the coldest period is indicated here, calculated based on average monthly temperatures.

We find the name of the locality where the heated facility is located. Let's say this is Bryansk, therefore, the desired value is -12 °C. The temperature in living rooms according to GOST R 51617-2000 should be within 18-24 °C. Taking the average value of 22 °C, we get ΔT= 34 °C.

We determine the degree of thermal insulation of the house and apply the appropriate coefficient. In the context of rising prices for coolants, most homeowners strive to increase the energy efficiency of heating by improving the thermal insulation of their home, so it is quite reasonable to use the first indicator of the average degree of thermal insulation, which is equal to 1.

We summarize all the values ​​using the formula:

250 m3 × 34 °C × 1 / 860 = 9.88 kW/h.

Let's apply the rounding rule to the nearest integer and get Q = 10 kW/h.

Don’t neglect automatic control - set different heating modes for night and daytime to ensure a comfortable microclimate regardless of the temperature outside and save up to 30% on gas

Let us remind you that we have only done a thermal engineering calculation of the house and now the next step is to calculate the gas consumption. But for now it would be appropriate to make a small digression and clarify that the heating load can be calculated in a simplified way.

Note that the power of a gas boiler can be calculated for a specific facility, taking into account all the technical nuances. According to average data, for every meter of standard living space there is 100 Wh of thermal energy. Therefore, for a house with an area of ​​100 m2, this figure will be 100 W/h × 100 m2 = 10,000 Wh or 10 kW/h.

In this case, calculations using the formula and the simplified method gave the same result, but this does not always happen, and the difference often reaches 20% or more. Moreover, heating engineers always recommend buying turbocharged and atmospheric boilers with a margin of 20-25%, with the expectation of being able to cover heat losses on days with critically low temperatures.

Calculation formula for main fuel

The power of the boiler affects gas consumption in a private home, so the owner must first calculate the fuel consumption, focusing on gas equipment. The area of ​​the cottage is also taken into account. Each room is calculated separately, based on the average annual street temperature and starting from the obtained minimum value.

To calculate gas consumption, the identified number must be divided by 2, since each winter season has different air temperatures. In the northern regions, it can reach serious disadvantages; accordingly, resource consumption will be higher than in the southern regions.

According to all the rules, it is calculated as follows: the ratio is 1 kW per 10 sq. m. area of ​​the house. Divide the resulting number in half, resulting in 50 watts for 60 minutes of heating. A house with an area of ​​100 m² will consume approximately 5 kW. Formula for calculating gas consumption in a private home (A=Q/q*B):

  • A - cubic meter of resource consumption in 60 minutes;
  • Q is the power of equipment for heating the house, in this case 5 kW;
  • q - determines the minimum specific heat, it all depends on the type of fuel, for example, for G20 - 34.02 MJ per 1 cubic meter comes out to almost 10 kW;
  • B is the efficiency of the equipment, for example, it works at 90%, which means they take the figure at 0.90.

All that remains is to substitute the required numbers instead of the letters in the formula. In this case, gas consumption per 100 sq. m. will be like this: 0.560 cubic meters per 60 minutes of boiler operation. For heating a room with an area of ​​150 sq. m. it will turn out to be 0.840 cubic meters and 7.5 kW. For suburban real estate, 1,115 cubic meters and approximately 10 kW will be spent on 200 m².

For a room of 250 m² it will be 1,392 cubic meters. A house of 300 m² will use 1,662 cubic meters. resource. The resulting number is multiplied by 24 hours and the consumption per day is determined, and then multiplied by 30 days.

Liquefied gas consumption

This formula (A=Q/q*B) helps to accurately calculate all types of fuel. This also applies to liquefied fuel for heating equipment. Natural gas has a different calorific value. For example, if you take 46 MJ per 1 kg and convert it to kilowatts, you get 12.8. The efficiency of the device is 92%. All approximate numbers are substituted into the formula and you get 0.43 kg per hour.

Initially, the natural resource is calculated in kilograms, and then converted to displacement. To calculate a house with an area of ​​100 sq. m. You will need to divide the resulting number from the formula by 0.54 - this is the mass of 1 liter of fuel. At the end there will be a multiplication by 24 hours and 30 days. For fuel consumption for the entire season, it is enough to increase the final figure by 3 times. The average consumption of liquefied gas for heating a house is 100 m² per month, what volume is required:

  • for a room of 100 m² approximately 570 liters will be spent;
  • a house with an area of ​​150 m² will consume 845 liters;
  • gas consumption for heating a house of 200 m² consumes 1125 liters;
  • for 250 m² - 1404 l;
  • for 300 m² - 1685 l.

The volume of a classic cylinder is 42 liters. It remains to divide the final gas consumption by 42. In this way, the number of required products is determined. Now we need to find out the price and calculate how much money it will cost to heat a 100 m² house for all 3 months of winter.

Example for district heating


The initial data was taken for a gas mixture of grade G 20. It is this that enters houses from a centralized main.

In order to calculate gas consumption for heating, you need to use a fairly simple formula.

V= Q / (Hi x efficiency)


V – fuel consumption m3/h; Q is the estimated thermal power required to heat the house; Hi is the lowest value of specific heat during fuel combustion. In accordance with the DIN EN 437 standard, for G 20 fuel this value is 34.02 MJ/m3. Efficiency is the efficiency coefficient of the boiler unit, the value of which shows the efficiency of using the thermal energy released during the combustion of the gas mixture to heat the coolant.


Initial data: house area 100 m2, recommended heat generator power 10 kW. The efficiency of the boiler unit is 95%.

  1. The first thing to do is convert joules to watts. To do this you need to know that 1 kW = 3.6 MJ. For G 20 gas, the calorific value will be 34.02/3.6 = 9.45 kW.
  2. The value of 10 kW is the amount of heat that will be required to heat a house in the most unfavorable conditions. During the rest of the heating season, significantly less power is required to heat the house. Based on this, for correct calculations it is necessary to use half of the recommended power. In our case, half is 5 kW.

We substitute the obtained data: V = 5 / (9.45 x 0.95) Total: gas consumption for heating a house of 100 m2 is 0.557 m3/h. Based on the data obtained, it is easy to calculate the consumption of main gas per day and for the entire heating season, which in most regions of Russia lasts 7 months.

  • In 24 hours 0.557 x 24 = 13.37 m3;
  • For 30 days 13.37 x 30 = 401.1 m3;
  • For 7 months (heating season) 401.1 x 7 = 2,807.7 m3.

Knowing the tariffs for paying for a cubic meter of “blue fuel”, you can quite accurately calculate the financial costs of heating for the billing period.

Stepping away from the topic, we would like to inform you that we have prepared comparative reviews on gas boilers. You can familiarize yourself with them in the following materials:

  • Gas wall-mounted double-circuit boilers - comparison of models from world brands
  • Rating of gas wall-mounted single-circuit boilers with a closed combustion chamber
  • Russian-made gas floor-standing boilers: ATON, Concord, Lemax
  • How to choose a gas floor-standing boiler based on reliability? Rating of proven models

Liquefied gas consumption per month and year

Let's go over the costs of refilling a gas tank for houses of different sizes. We use the LPG price current at the beginning of 2022 - 17.80 rubles/l. This is the cost of refueling in our company.

House area (m2) Gas consumption per month (l) Gas price per month (rub.) Gas consumption per year (l) Gas price per year (rub.)

50–1003165 6243 80267 675
1504758 4555 703101 153
20063311 2677 603135 533
25079214 0979 504169 171
30095016 91011 405203 009
350–4501 42515 36517 107304 504
500–6001 90033 82022 809406 000
8002 53445 10530 412541 334


  • gas consumption for heating a house of 100 m2 is 68 thousand rubles per year;
  • gas consumption for heating a house of 150 m2 is 101 thousand rubles per year;
  • gas consumption for heating a house of 200 m2 is 136 thousand rubles per year.

Heating a house with a gas holder

It is better to calculate the required amount of gas in relation to the barrel. That is, how long will each container last for different room sizes?

The gas tank is selected according to the number of refills. The optimal rate is 1-2 times a year. At a minimum, the tank should last for 7–8 months—the heating season.

Liquefied gas consumption per season

According to SP 131.13330.2012 Construction Climatology (updated edition of SNiP 23-01-99), the heating season in Russia is 207 days. This is approximately 7 months.

Also important information: the boiler does not operate around the clock. On average, heating operates 10 hours a day.

We carried out calculations based on the initial data:

  • brick house without attic and basement;
  • floor height 3.2 m;
  • The efficiency of the gas boiler is 92%.

Indicators for refueling frequency are averaged. We assumed the same fuel costs for each month. In reality, residence may be seasonal or temporary, and consumption differs depending on the season.

The ratio of the area of ​​the house and the volume of the gas tank (GG)

GG volume (m3) Full gas charge (l) How long will gas last (months)
50–100 m2150 m2200 m2250 m2300 m2350–450 m2500–600 m2800 m2
3,802 l/year5,703 l/year7,603 l/year9,504 l/year11,405 l/year17,107 l/year22,809 l/year30,412 l/year
2.52 1256.74.532.721.51.10.8
2.7 2 295753.632.
4.63 9101286542.721.5
4.8 4 08012.
4.85 4 112138.
54 25013.4975.44.532.21.7
6.45 4401711.
6.55 52517.411.
6.65 61017.612976432.2
8.67 310231511.597.753.82.9
9.17 73524.416129.785.443
9.15 7 77724.516.412.
9.6 8 16025.71713108.
108 500271813.410.7964.53.4

Interpretation of colors in the table:

irrationalCapacity supply is too large or too small
optimalFor seasonal or permanent residence with 2 refills per year
perfectIt is best to install for the heating season
with reserveOne-time refill is enough for a year

Houses with an area of ​​800–1000 m2 are served by:

  • gas tanks with industrial volumes of more than 10 m3 (installation is more complicated);
  • two containers located side by side (8.6, 9.1 or 9.15 m3).
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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