10 best monolithic quartz heaters of 2022

Name Rating Nomination
1TepplEco4.87Most Popular Product
2EXO4.75The best ratio of price and quality
3TeploPlit4.71The most reliable design
4Teplodar4.64Better heat dissipation
5WarmHoff Premium4.58Original design
6TeplopitBel4.53Maximum configuration
7Hintek IW-034.46The most compact model
8NIKATEN4.35Best price
9Noirot Verplus 15004.31

What it is?

Older people will probably remember how additional heating was created before. An ordinary clay brick was laid on a gas stove. It quickly heated up, but then cooled down for a long time, giving off heat to the room. The same principle is used in quartz systems, only instead of gas, an electric heating element acts as a heater. So, a monolithic quartz heater is a plate with a wire running inside it. When connected to the network, the wire heats up, heating the quartz itself. After switching off, such a stove cools down for a very long time, which makes the device economical in terms of electricity consumption.

Classification of quartz aggregates

A quartz heater is a practical modern device for arranging alternative heating, which contains elements of quartz sand. It can serve as both main and auxiliary heating equipment.

To function correctly, it is connected to the electrical network and creates comfortable heat by passing current through a high-resistance element. Demonstrates an impressive level of efficiency and does not burn oxygen.

It works on a resistive principle and is considered the safest for users, since it does not generate a magnetic field and does not heat metal accessories on the clothes of a person who comes too close to the unit.

It uses electricity wisely and makes it possible to save on utility bills without compromising your own comfort.

Manufacturers of heating equipment today offer two types of quartz units: infrared and monolithic (MKTEN). Both devices cope excellently with their tasks and have their own positive qualities.

Pros and cons of quartz heaters

At first glance, the device seems as simple and convenient as possible, but before purchasing, you still need to evaluate its pros and cons. Looking ahead, we note that there are both. The advantages include:

  1. Safety. The device is completely isolated and protected from influences. A small amount of moisture will not harm it, which is why monolithic heaters are often installed in bathrooms.
  2. Economical. The coil does not need to be heated constantly. The stove gives off heat for a very long time, and for greater convenience it is recommended to use such a heater together with a thermostat that will turn the device on and off.
  3. Durability. The problem with spiral heaters is that they often burn out when interacting with the environment. The monolith is not guilty of this. Its wire is securely hidden in a powerful plate, so burnouts are a very rare occurrence and rather an exception to the rule.
  4. Fast heating. No need to wait hours for the stove to heat up. This is the peculiarity of quartz: it heats up quickly, but then cools down for a long time. The approximate time to reach operating temperature is 20 minutes.

Such advantages captivate many, but one cannot draw conclusions without assessing the disadvantages:

  1. Low maneuverability. Monoliths are recommended to be installed permanently. True, there are heaters on wheels, but this is rare.
  2. Heavy weight. A quartz slab weighs from 10 to 15 kilograms. If you want to hang it on the wall, evaluate your capabilities. A simple plasterboard partition simply won’t support it.
  3. Overheated surface. At its peak, the heating of the stove can reach 120 degrees. The surface is very hot, so you need to be careful with the heater, especially if there are children in the house.
  4. Low maintainability. Yes, the wire burns out infrequently, but if this happens, there is no question of any repairs. Just a dump.

You should also look carefully at the manufacturer. There are many Chinese nonames on the market that cannot boast of anything other than low prices. True, they form these prices due to the low quality of their devices. Russian and European brands are preferable in this regard. They have all the relevant documentation, and their products comply with GOSTs and standards.

Operating principle

The heating pad is a container with a supersaturated saline solution of sodium acetate. The solution is in a state of equilibrium. When the trigger stick is bent, the solution leaves the state of equilibrium. The bent trigger becomes the center of crystallization, causing a phase transition of the solution from liquid to solid. The transition is accompanied by the release of heat and the heating pad warms up to a temperature of 52°C. The operating time ranges from 30 to 60 minutes depending on its size and external temperature.

In addition to the fact that the salt heating pad can heat up to a temperature of +52 degrees in a matter of seconds, it is also an excellent cold accumulator! Cold has the opposite effect of heat on the body - blood vessels constrict. This weakens the development of the inflammatory process.

​Composition A special, especially strong film, soldered using high-frequency current; this method of welding the seam gives it special strength. Saline solution - sodium acetate, absolutely safe, is used in the food and medical industries. Starter stick (trigger) - a stainless steel spring with coils tightly adjacent to each other, which allows you to start the salt heating pad.

Top 10. KeramoQuartz

Rating (2021): 4.21

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 2,500 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Rated power (kW): 0.4
  • Maximum surface temperature: 80⁰
  • Heating speed: 80⁰ in 20 minutes
  • Volume of heated space (cub.m): 18
  • Dimensions (mm): 610×310
  • Weight (kg): 13

A quartz heater is quite simple to manufacture. This explains the huge number of manufacturers on the market, both local and foreign. The problem is that their products are often not different from each other at all. Like, for example, the device from KeramoKvarts. It has standard parameters for heating a room of 8 square meters or 18 cubic meters. Consumption and rated power are 400 watts, but unlike other models, heating occurs only up to 80 degrees. But it reaches operating temperature in literally 20 minutes. Simply put, the manufacturer did not provide any original ideas, so customer reviews are rare. But it looks very attractive. You can choose a device that imitates natural marble, granite, and even wood. And for special aesthetes, there are models with full-fledged pictures. True, it is difficult to say how they behave during operation.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Attractive design
  • Diverse catalog
  • Low maximum heating temperature

Application area

To solve the problem of heating private or industrial buildings, a quartz heater is used. And also such equipment is widely used in production for quick drying of painted surfaces.

The scope of application of quartz equipment is quite large. Let's consider more popular options:

  • Application in hospitals and other medical institutions;
  • For heating cafes, stadiums and other open areas;
  • In wood drying or paintwork industries;
  • For heating residential premises.

Quartz electric heaters are most popular in medical institutions, since the heat that is emitted has a beneficial effect on people's health.

Top 9. Noirot Verplus 1500

Rating (2021): 4.31

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 9,000 rub.

  • Country: France
  • Rated power (kW): 1.5
  • Maximum surface temperature: 98⁰
  • Heating speed: 98⁰ in 20 minutes
  • Volume of heated space (cubic meters): 25
  • Dimensions (mm): 600×500
  • Weight (kg): 12

We have before us a unique quartz heater from a French manufacturer. It is slightly different from the usual monolithic devices, as it uses several heating options at once. An electric heating element placed in a solid alloy of quartz and basalt works as the main heater here. The back and sides are covered with screens. They direct the generated heat to the sides so that the device does not heat the wall on which it is installed. The design is unique. Reflective screens are located at an angle. That is, a process of natural convection occurs, due to which the device requires much less time and energy consumption to achieve the optimal temperature in the room. But, as in any case, there are pros and cons. If you read user reviews, it becomes clear that the main complaint about the product is its price. Indeed, the heater is very expensive. Yes, it has a unique design. There are several unusual solutions, but even they do not offset this price tag.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Unique design
  • Very fast heating of the room
  • The thinnest slab
  • Many degrees of protection
  • Very high price tag
  • Rarely found in retail stores

Tips for use

Any quartz heater should be used with care and be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions. In order for the device to work properly and serve for a long period of time, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • When connecting the heating device to the electrical network, carefully inspect the wires. This will allow you to detect and repair possible damage in a timely manner.
  • If the unit is not additionally equipped with a thermostat, then you cannot dry things on it for a long time. Otherwise, a fire may occur.
  • For monolithic options, the panel is too fragile. Therefore, it is important to handle them very carefully: do not drop them, avoid any blows to the body.
  • Use electrical appliances without a protective shield with caution. This is especially true when there are children in the room: they can get seriously burned.


  • https://nagdak.ru/otoplenie/kvarsevyi-obogrevatel
  • https://m-strana.ru/articles/kvartsevye-batarei-otopleniya-dlya-chastnogo-doma/
  • https://gadgetok.ru/top-14-luchshih-kvartsevyh-obogrevatelej.html
  • https://beston.market/top/bytovaya-texnika/7-luchshih-kvarcevyh-obogrevatelej.html
  • https://chtoluchshe5.ru/nikatjen-ili-tepljeko-obogrevatel-kvarcevyj-chto-luchshe/
  • https://otoplenie-expert.com/sistemy-otopleniya/top-7-infrakrasnyh-panelej-dlya-otoplen.html
  • https://StroyGuru.com/otoplenie/kvartsevye-obogrevateli-plyusy-i-minusy-rejting-modelej/


Rating (2021): 4.35

Best price The cheapest monolithic heater, costing about 15% less than its closest competitor with similar characteristics.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 1,700 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Rated power (kW): 0.5
  • Maximum surface temperature: 95⁰
  • Heating speed: 70⁰ in 20 minutes
  • Volume of heated space (cubic meters): 14
  • Dimensions (mm): 600×300
  • Weight (kg): 12

Even the best monolithic heater has its pros and cons, but if we bring it to a common denominator, then the difference between models from different manufacturers is small, which cannot be said about prices. We have before us the cheapest option, which costs less than its analogues. This is a young brand that produces the lion's share of its products in China, hence the attractive price tags. The device has a high level of moisture protection and is designed for installation in damp rooms or in parts of the house where the greatest heat loss is observed. For example, under the window. Installation is exclusively wall-mounted. The device weighs 12 kilograms. This must be taken into account during installation, since a plasterboard partition may not withstand such a load. Rated power 500 watts. Quite a lot for such a device, especially considering the slow heating. Also, the kit does not include a thermostat. It will have to be purchased separately and this must be done first of all in order to reduce energy consumption during operation.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The most attractive price
  • High level of moisture protection
  • High energy consumption
  • Fragile design
  • Can only be installed on the wall

Types of IR devices

The heating element in quartz infrared heaters is a nichrome, tungsten or carbon spiral. In open devices, it is wound around a ceramic base, behind which a reflector is placed.

Units of this type intensively burn oxygen and have a high level of fire hazard. It is strictly not recommended to use them.

In closed-type modules, the working element is the same spiral, only enclosed in a sealed tube made of durable quartz glass. The air from there is completely pumped out and oxygen combustion does not occur. The device demonstrates high efficiency and easily copes with heating small rooms.

If the heater is located in a place accessible to people, children or pets, the radiator must be equipped with additional protection: a transparent partition or metal mesh. This avoids accidents and protects residents from burns.

Top 7. Hintek IW-03

Rating (2021): 4.46

The most compact model Heater in a compact form factor, designed for small rooms up to 5 square meters.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 1,500 rub.

  • Country: China
  • Rated power (kW): 0.3
  • Maximum surface temperature: 120⁰
  • Heating speed: 100⁰ in 20 minutes
  • Volume of heated space (cub.m): 5
  • Dimensions (mm): 300×170
  • Weight (kg): 3.3

If your country house or cottage is already connected to heating and does not require additional heaters, you will probably have a room in which this heating is not available or is insufficient. In this case, there is no need to install an expensive, bulky heater. Such a baby is quite enough. This is a full-fledged quartz monolithic heater placed in a steel case. This is done for protection, since the thickness of the plate here is only 15 millimeters, which is very small and makes the device fragile. This is not to say that this device is the best in some way and outperforms its competitors, but you will no longer find such a small option from any other manufacturer. For example, it can be placed on a balcony or loggia. It will keep it warm there and prevent it from cooling down in winter. But you should be careful when installing. The surface heats up to almost 120 degrees. The heater is placed stationary, with wall mounting. By the way, the weight is only 3 kilograms, so even a plasterboard partition can easily support it.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Compact size
  • A light weight
  • Low price
  • Protected housing
  • Designed exclusively for small spaces
  • Very fragile slab

Variety of installations

Before you start creating a solar heating system for your dacha and home with your own hands, you need to find out what kind of batteries even exist. Today's solar collectors come in the following types:

  • vacuum. In the design of such a battery, there is a vacuum between the shell of the unit and the heating body. With this device you can heat water up to 300 degrees. The downside here is the inability to independently clean snow and frost;

  • flat. Externally, such a collector looks like a transparent outer panel. This type of solar cell has tubes inside it, and the back is equipped with a thermal insulator. There is more heat loss here, but the structure is easy to assemble with your own hands. In addition, you can clean it yourself from frozen snow and ice. Heats water up to 200 oC. The disadvantages include the presence of a large load on the device’s clamps in strong winds, since the battery has a poorly streamlined shape;

  • air. Air acts as a heat carrier here. Such batteries can easily be made with your own hands. But the main disadvantage here is the inability to use the device to heat water, as well as the low efficiency of the device;

  • tubular. A unit of this type consists of four tubes filled with a base coolant. Its circulation is carried out due to the temperature difference between the battery and its lower zone. Such devices are characterized by a large surface plane;

  • a mobile system used to heat a house with solar energy. These are specially designed installations that can rotate according to the movement of the sun. Today, there are various models capable of rotating their various parts.

Movable solar panels

Despite the different structure, the operating principle of solar collectors will be almost identical.

Top 6. TeplopitBel

Rating (2021): 4.53

Maximum configuration The heater is ready for use right out of the box. It does not require the purchase of additional equipment and modules.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 3,500 rub.

  • Country: Belarus
  • Rated power (kW): 0.45
  • Maximum surface temperature: 98⁰
  • Heating speed: 98⁰ in 20 minutes
  • Volume of heated space (cubic meters): 5-14
  • Dimensions (mm): 590×340
  • Weight (kg): 10

Reading customer reviews about the most popular models of monolithic heaters, you notice that many complain about the need to buy something more. Most often, this is a heat sensor that manufacturers do not put in the box, and without it the heater has to be turned on and off manually, directly from the outlet. The Belarusian manufacturer has gone further than its competitors. Its product is ready to go right out of the box. It already has a switch installed, a thermostat to automate the operation, and even a convenient control panel where you can set the required temperature. All this not only offsets the not-so-low price tag, but also makes the heater the best in terms of cost. You don’t have to buy anything at all, and thanks to the thermostat, energy consumption will decrease several times. At full power of 450 watts, the device operates for only 20 minutes. But during this time it reaches its maximum temperature and then simply maintains it. You will also be pleased with the variety of the catalog in terms of colors and texture patterns. There are even models with imitation wood and stone.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Complete basic equipment
  • Extensive catalog
  • Easy to use
  • Not recommended for use in damp areas
  • Weak, unstable stand

Top 5. WarmHoff Premium

Rating (2021): 4.58

Original design Heater in a non-standard form factor and with the ability to apply different texture patterns.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 2,900 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Rated power (kW): 0.6
  • Maximum surface temperature: 96⁰
  • Heating speed: 90⁰ in 20 minutes
  • Volume of heated space (cub.m): 20
  • Dimensions (mm): 650×350
  • Weight (kg): 12

The brand name WarmHoff is misleading to many. In fact, this is a purely Russian product, albeit produced using German technologies and German equipment. The first thing that catches your eye when looking at devices from this brand is the original form factor. If you are tired of simple rectangular shapes, then this heater will surely please you with its rounded lines and elegant shapes. There are also simple models in the catalog, and at the most attractive prices. WarmHoff products are one of the cheapest on the market. Like everything, it has its pros and cons, and numerous customer reviews help to form an impression of the quality of the product. This is a fairly powerful monolithic heater, consuming 600 watts. With such energy consumption, the heating rate and heat transfer are quite low. According to the documents, the device is designed for 20 meters of area, but in reality the value is much less. In addition, not every dacha has wiring that can withstand such voltage for a long time. But as an additional heater in the off-season, it is an excellent option, and also looks as attractive as possible.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Original design
  • Stand included
  • There are big discounts on buying a set
  • Inflated parameters
  • High power consumption

Top 4. Teplodar

Rating (2021): 4.64

Better heat dissipation Heater with an additional screen at the rear for improved heat dissipation.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 3,200 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Rated power (kW): 0.4
  • Maximum surface temperature: 93⁰
  • Heating speed: 75⁰ in 20 minutes
  • Volume of heated space (cub.m): 12
  • Dimensions (mm): 680×350
  • Weight (kg): 11

This is the best quartz heater in terms of heat output. It is mounted on the wall, like most similar models, and in order not to heat up this very wall, it has a special reflective screen installed on the back. Thanks to it, the room is heated much faster, although the device’s operating temperature is not the highest. In 20 minutes, the stove heats up to only 75 degrees, but consumes 400 watts. But the cooling here is very slow. If other systems lose approximately one degree per minute, here this value is several times lower. This is facilitated by the same protective reflector and the unique composition from which the plate is made. The manufacturer does not use pure quartz, but dilutes it with basalt. This is a naturally energy-intensive material, but has an important drawback - fragility. It is better to install heaters from this manufacturer permanently, so as not to break if accidentally hit or dropped.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Increased heat dissipation
  • Many design and color options
  • Energy efficient basalt in the composition
  • Slow lag
  • Fragile structure
  • Small heated area

How to choose

Each of the existing varieties of quartz heating batteries is suitable only for a specific type of room and has special installation requirements. Having the same dimensions, the devices are able to heat rooms of completely different dimensions. Therefore, when choosing a heating device, it is better to listen to the valuable recommendations of experts:

  • First of all, it is important to determine which room is planned to be heated with a quartz heater, whether the latter will be used independently or to complement the main type of heating. In addition, you should take into account the quality of the room's insulation. If it is low, then it is better to choose an infrared electrical appliance.
  • It is advisable to compare the main characteristics of the units, pay attention to the manufacturer, cost, and warranty period. At the same time, you need to remember: a domestically produced electrical appliance costs much less than its foreign counterpart.
  • The dimensions of the quartz heater must necessarily correspond to the area of ​​the room. It is also necessary to think in advance whether such a device will require mobility in the future. If not, then it is better to purchase a stationary wall or floor model.

When choosing a heating device, it is important to carefully study the manufacturer’s instructions and immediately take into account individual needs. In the future, this will allow creating the required temperature conditions indoors with minimal energy costs.

When choosing a quartz heater, preference should be given to models with a thermostat: they are a little more expensive, but use electricity more efficiently.

Top 3. TeploPlit

Rating (2021): 4.71

The most reliable design The heater is made of special quartz with an aluminum frame that prevents chipping.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 2,800 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Rated power (kW): 0.45
  • Maximum surface temperature: 98⁰
  • Heating speed: 95⁰ in 20 minutes
  • Volume of heated space (cubic meters): 16-18
  • Dimensions (mm): 600×350
  • Weight (kg): 11

Quartz is a fairly hard and durable material, but a monolithic heater is a thin slab and very often it chips at the corners. With the model from TeploPlit, such problems will not arise. All of its heaters have an additional protective frame around the entire perimeter. It can be aluminum or steel, but painted in the color of the monolith with special powder paint. With such a device, you do not need to be afraid of accidental bumps or even falls. True, in the second case you should still be more careful. The surface heats up to 98 degrees, and very quickly, in just 20 minutes. The energy consumption of the heater is almost half a kilowatt, but due to the very rapid rise to operating temperature at peak, the device operates for a very short time. Ideally, it is better not to save money and immediately purchase a thermostat for the heater, which will save energy and turn off the device as soon as the room reaches the desired temperature. In this case, the electric meter readings will increase by only 2.5 kilowatts per day.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Fast heating
  • Chip protection
  • Vertical installation possible on a special frame
  • Relatively fast cooling
  • Just one color option

See also:

  • 15 best electric convectors

Options for self-assembly of the heating system

Today, there are several ways to assemble a solar heater with your own hands. Let's look at the most popular assembly methods. First option. Here you need a galvanized container for water. It should have a volume of approximately 100-200 liters. The technology for creating a solar battery has the following algorithm:

  • We place the container on the roof. It should be installed on the south side of the roof;
  • the roof surface must be covered with a metal sheet with a shiny surface;
  • put pipes on top of it;
  • we connect them to a barrel and a container for heated water.

Homemade solar collector option

With the help of such a battery, 100 liters of water can be heated by 60 degrees. This installation has high efficiency. But in winter, such a unit will not be effective. Second assembly option. To create this type of collector you will need:

  • steel boxes;
  • several flat steel radiators;
  • glass;
  • metal-plastic elements - fittings and pipes.

The system builds in this case proceed as follows:

  • steel boxes are mounted on the roof;
  • radiators are placed there;
  • Cover them with glass on top. This will reduce the water heating time;
  • the tubes must be laid with a downward slope;
  • be sure to ensure that the top of the device is located below the storage tank;
  • A plastic barrel with water is installed in the attic. Suitable volume - 160 l;
  • it must be connected to the radiator and water supply using metal-plastic devices - fittings and tubes. The water tube itself needs to be connected slightly above the middle of the tank;
  • Drain valves are installed at the bottom of the radiator. With their help, water is drained during the cold season.

Option with plastic barrel

Third option. It is used to heat a fairly large room. Has an efficiency of 45-55%. To create this type of heating system you will need the following materials:

  • any thermal insulation material;
  • wooden frame with a plywood bottom;
  • black metal mesh;
  • deflector;
  • transparent polycarbonate sheet;
  • several fans

The structure is assembled as follows:

  • drill round holes in the ramp. They are cut through for air intake;
  • to remove hot air we make rectangular holes at the top of the frame;
  • We put thermal insulation material on its bottom. A metal black mesh will act as a heat accumulator;
  • fans built into round holes;
  • then we install the support strips for the deflector. After this, we install the deflector itself. It will shape the air flow;
  • We install a transparent sheet on top.

With the help of such a unit, you can effectively heat your home, as well as heat water.

Top 2. EXO

Rating (2021): 4.75

Best value for money Quartz heater with top technical characteristics and an attractive price tag.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 2,200 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Rated power (kW): 0.38
  • Maximum surface temperature: 98⁰
  • Heating speed: 70⁰ in 20 minutes
  • Volume of heated space (cub.m): 18
  • Dimensions (mm): 680×360
  • Weight (kg): 12

A monolithic quartz heater is not only convenient, but also cheap. At least when compared with its oil counterparts. For example, a product from Exo can be bought for just over 2 thousand rubles. A very attractive price, while other characteristics are at a high level. The device consumes only 380 watts per hour and is capable of heating a room with a volume of 18 cubic meters. This corresponds to approximately 9 square meters. The surface heats up to 98 degrees, so it is advisable to use a heater in conjunction with a thermostat. This will help save money and also adjust the room temperature to the optimal one. The manufacturer is relatively young and not so often found on the market. But on its official website you can buy everything you need at once. There is no need to run anywhere and look for something. There is even a movable platform on 4 wheels. It is very convenient if you have a small house or cottage, and the heater needs to be moved rather than installed permanently.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Economical consumption
  • Sale of all components
  • Long service life
  • Can be placed in damp rooms
  • Molded fork that cannot be repaired
  • No color options

See also:

  • 20 best heaters for home

Reviews from real users

Monolithic quartz heaters received the largest number of negative reviews, although there are also positive ones among them. If we discard fake responses, the average user rating is 3.5 on a five-point scale. Here are a few different examples:

Galina, Moscow.

I bought this “excellent” device for heating a small closed terrace at the dacha, the area is only 6.5 m2. At an outside temperature of +10 °C, the room took so long to warm up that I was tired of waiting; the heat was felt only 10 cm from the surface of the heater. In addition, when unpacking the product, I discovered that the paint was peeling off. Conclusion: the household appliance does not meet the declared characteristics.

Valery, Krasnodar.

We were looking for a suitable heater for the children's room, went through a lot of options and came across a quartz one. We decided to buy it, since the price is reasonable. In essence: the device heats well and holds heat for quite a long time, but at the same time it gives an electric shock and gets very hot, you can’t touch it. How to put it in the nursery? We called the company, they advised us to use a protective screen, and again costs. Considering the unpresentable appearance of the heater, the overall rating is a stretch of four.

Vera, Mezhdurechensk.

We bought a quartz heater to test for one of the rooms in a private house. It is far away, so the heat from the stove flows there poorly. Installed, connected, tested and were satisfied. Now you can sleep in this room and not freeze. Although it is unknown how the heater would cope alone, without a stove. To check, you need to cool down the house, but you don’t want that. I'm thinking of putting another one in the hallway.

Infrared devices can be used for heating outdoors

For reference. You can read more reviews and truthful assessments about quartz heaters on the pages of the well-known forum.

Often negative responses are caused by excessive trust in advertising and increased demands for a product in the budget price category. The second point is the unsuccessful selection of power based on savings, which again are promised by advertising. It is advisable to find out as much reliable information about the product as possible before purchasing. The most famous manufacturers of quartz heaters:

  • TeplEco, St. Petersburg (RF);
  • TeploPlit, St. Petersburg (RF);
  • Texture, Nizhny Novgorod (RF);
  • Teplopit (Republic of Belarus);
  • Heat Center (Ukraine).
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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