Understanding the popularity of aluminum radiators

When purchasing components for an autonomous heating system, batteries can account for up to 50% of the cost. Aluminum heating radiators will help reduce costs, since they cost approximately 30% less than their bimetallic counterparts and are comparable in cost to steel ones. However, the choice of this type of device must be taken responsibly and study all the pros and cons.

High-quality aluminum heating radiators provide excellent heat transfer, look attractive, and are easy to install and operate. At the same time, the technical characteristics of not all models are suitable for installation in apartment buildings and private buildings with a closed heating system.

What are aluminum radiators?

Radiators that are similar in design can have very different characteristics. This is due to manufacturing technology and the integrity of the manufacturer, who independently selects raw materials for their products.

Design and device

Aluminum radiators are a prefabricated structure made up of individual sections. Panel heating devices are not made from aluminum due to the properties of the material.

Most often on sale there are batteries assembled from individual elements already at the factory. The technological chain involves strength testing with maximum permissible pressure. Buying a ready-made battery of 4, 6, 8, etc. assembled sections, you are more likely to get a high-quality product.

Types of batteries by design

There are two types of batteries: collapsible and non-removable.

Collapsible sectional radiator

Non-separable model

In the first case, the sections are connected with threaded bushings, and sealing is carried out with silicone, rubber or paronite gaskets.

The joints are the weak link of the product:

  • during heating/cooling cycles, depressurization of joints is possible due to regular changes in dimensions caused by thermal expansion;
  • It is impossible to visually determine what material the gasket is made of.

Rubber gaskets can withstand system pressures of up to 6 atm and temperatures of up to 90 °C, which is only sufficient for individual heating systems in a private home. Paronite gaskets fully satisfy the requirements for reliability and durability for apartment buildings, but it is impossible to be sure that this particular design is used.

The advantage of collapsible radiators is the ability to replace a section if it is destroyed.

Monolithic (non-separable) radiators are resistant to pressure drops, since the individual sections are factory welded together. However, if there is a malfunction, the entire battery will have to be replaced. On the other hand, the work of a technician and the cost of a spare section may bring the cost of repair closer to the purchase of a new battery.

Comparison of parameters and qualities of bimetallic and aluminum heating radiators

Raw materials used

In almost all enterprises, radiators are produced on automated lines, eliminating the human factor. The quality of the product depends mainly on the raw materials used.

The best radiators are made from so-called highly purified primary aluminum, containing a minimum of impurities. To give the alloy the necessary properties, the following are added to it: magnesium, manganese, zirconium, scandium, which affect the individual properties of the metal. Radiator compositions should contain from 0.5 to 10% silicon. Its introduction prevents cracking under the influence of external factors (pressure and temperature).

In small enterprises, in order to reduce costs, they use secondary aluminum obtained by melting scrap. It is impossible to predict the exact chemical composition of the metal, the presence of additives and the properties of the alloy. It is not advisable to purchase Chinese-made products for installing batteries in apartment buildings. Such products are also used with caution in private buildings, where depressurization can lead to great material damage.

Floor heating convectors

Floor heating radiators are a relatively new technology for Russia. A heat exchanger is installed in a niche in the floor, covered with a decorative grille. The copper radiator pipes are covered with aluminum fins.

Steel pipe is often used instead of copper. Floor radiators are ideally combined with panoramic windows, when the chic view is not blocked by huge figures of heating radiators.

Floor radiators are often installed in lounges, swimming pools and air terminals. Among the “advantages” of floor heat exchangers, it is worth noting the structural strength (resistant to corrosion), do not take up much space, and ease of installation. The room warms up evenly.

Types of batteries by production technology

Radiators are manufactured using one of two methods:

  • injection molding;
  • extrusion of softened raw materials.

If everything is clear with casting technology, then the production of radiators using the extrusion method occurs using a different method.

On production lines, blanks of section ribs are separately obtained by pressing the softened alloy in special molding machines. Next, the ribs are welded to the collectors. By the presence of a seam at the joints, it can be determined that the battery is made by extrusion.

Welding seam indicating extrusion manufacturing. In cast radiators there are no seams between the collectors and fins.

Important! Extruded radiators are cheaper and have poorer technical characteristics compared to cast products. Because of this, sellers can mislead buyers by selling cheap (extrusive) goods at the price of cast ones.

Anodized radiators

Well-known manufacturers necessarily protect the internal cavities of the radiator, preventing the formation of hydrogen upon contact between aluminum and coolant. The phenomenon is dangerous due to an increase in pressure in the system and destruction of the battery housing, pipelines or parts of the heating boiler.

Technologically, protection is carried out by electrochemical anodizing in baths with special solutions. After processing, a film is formed on aluminum that is not subject to chemical interaction with the coolant. Anodized radiators are the best solution, but their cost is usually several times higher.


The word "extrusion" is translated as "squeezing out". This method produces individual radiator elements, after which they are assembled into a common structure. This mainly concerns vertical elements, the raw material for which is aluminum with additives. As for the collector, it is poured out of silumin: the extrusion method in this case is used much less frequently. After this, all parts are pressed to secure them together. The extrusion method is an order of magnitude cheaper than casting, but the products obtained in this way cannot be improved during operation.

Comparison of technical characteristics

Characteristics important for comparative analysis are collected in the table.

CharacteristicProduction method
Heat transfer of 1 section for radiators with a section height of 500 mm, W*80–210up to 200
Working pressure, atm10–166–10
Crimping pressure, atm15–2010–15
Breaking pressure, atm60–10040–50
Operating coolant temperature, °Cup to 120up to 100
Manufacturer's warranty, years10–255–10

*Heat transfer is measured at a temperature difference between the coolant and air in the room of 70 oC.


In this case, each section is made separately from silumin (an alloy of aluminum and silicon). The part of silicon in the material does not exceed 12%, which is quite enough to obtain the required strength. The casting process takes place under high pressure conditions, which allows the sections to be given any desired shape. Finished products are designed for a working pressure of 6-16 atm. To achieve free circulation of coolant inside the radiators, the water channels are expanded. Improving the strength of batteries is achieved by increasing the wall thickness.

Advantages and disadvantages of aluminum radiators

The positive and negative aspects of aluminum radiators should be assessed according to the consumer qualities that are subjectively perceived by the consumer and the technical characteristics that are important for installation companies and operating organizations.

Table. Assessment of consumer properties of aluminum radiators.

The price is lower compared to bimetallic analoguesPresence of low-grade products on sale
Attractive appearance, various designs, incl. factory painted in different colors (delivery upon pre-order) The need for periodic bleeding of formed gases
Good heat dissipationRestriction on use in multi-family buildings
Minimal maintenance - convection currents prevent dust from accumulating on the edges of the sectionsThe likelihood of leaks and the need to repair radiators assembled from separate sections
Availability of control devices
Low inertia, heating begins immediately after the coolant is supplied.

Detailed comparison of steel and aluminum radiators

Table. Features of design and technical characteristics.

The characteristics of products from well-known manufacturers allow radiators to be used in any conditionsImpossibility of using inexpensive low-quality products in apartment buildings
Light weight, allowing installation on non-permanent partitionsMandatory equipment for automatic air vents, even for anodized models that lose their properties over time
Standardized dimensions allowing you to select the size to fit the existing supply pipe system
Availability of models with side, bottom and diagonal connections, which is important when installing a heating system
Small internal volume of sections, reducing the amount of coolant in the system

How to choose aluminum radiators

Minimum power

To accurately calculate the total thermal power, specialists carry out a thermal engineering calculation, which takes into account:

  • long-term average annual climate indicators in the region of residence;
  • thermal conductivity of building materials of walls, ceilings and building foundations;
  • quality of insulation;
  • glazing area, its characteristics, frame material, number of glasses in the package and cardinal directions where the windows face;
  • area and volume of premises.

Losses are taken into account depending on the method of installation of radiators. For example, installation under a window sill reduces productivity by 4%, and in a wall niche by 7%. The screen has a similar effect on heat transfer, reducing it by 7–8%.

Changes in the thermal power of the radiator depending on the placement and presence of a screen.

Below we will present a calculator for such a calculation, but first we suggest you familiarize yourself with a simpler and more common method.

In most cases, for buildings made in accordance with Building Codes and Regulations, it can be assumed that heating one square meter of premises will require a thermal power of 100 W. Sometimes they are calculated by volume, then an indicator of 50 W/m3 is chosen.

Example. The area of ​​the house is 100 m2, and the ceiling height is 2.7 m. In this case, you will need to install radiators with a total power of 10 kW.

Next, for the calculation, we study the product passport, which indicates the power of one section, for example, 180 W. Thus, it is necessary to divide the required minimum power by the performance of one section: 10,000/180 = 55.5 sections.

There is another way: it is believed that heating 2 m2 requires 1 radiator section. If we divide the area of ​​100 m2 by 2, we get approximately the same figure - 50 sections.

Advice! To avoid having to heat the coolant in a private home to a temperature of 80-95 oC, we recommend providing a 10% reserve for the power supplied by the batteries. This will allow you to operate the boiler and all elements of the heating system in a “gentle” mode, which will significantly extend the service life of each element.

Operating pressure

Almost any commercially available aluminum radiators are suitable for installation in private homes.

The working pressure in individual heating systems of a 2-3 storey building is limited by the characteristics of the boilers; they are designed for a pressure of up to 3.5 atm.

In private homes, systems are filled with clean water or antifreeze; this eliminates chemical reactions; the walls of radiators do not thin out over time, which means they will not collapse due to increased pressure.

In apartment buildings, a working pressure of up to 8-10 atm is created to circulate the coolant. It is necessary to raise the coolant to the upper floors and overcome the hydraulic resistance to fluid flow. At the time of annual pressure testing, the pressure is increased to 15 atm, identifying possible coolant leaks, and during water hammer, up to 30 atm can be applied to the radiators.

Based on these parameters, heating radiators are selected

Important! For apartment buildings, radiators are purchased that are designed for an operating pressure of 10-16 and pressure testing up to 20 atm.

Center distance

The center distance must be known for ease of installation, especially when replacing radiators. Parameter is important

(see photo below), when the supply pipe is connected to the upper collector of the battery, and the coolant is removed from the lower one. If the distance does not match, then additional turns will have to be made, which worsens the appearance of the structure.

Diagonal connection.

In most cases, the piping pipes are located at a distance of 350 or 500 mm. Based on this, radiators are purchased; there is no need to weld or solder additional turns. The parameter is usually indicated in the name of the convector, for example, Royal Thermo Revolution 500. The value 500 is the center distance.

With a bottom or side bottom connection, take into account the possibility of connecting pipes to the radiator from the desired side; the center-to-center distance in this case does not matter.


The geometric dimensions of radiators directly affect heat transfer (power). However, there are restrictions during installation:

  • the distance from the floor should not be less than 70-100 mm;
  • the distance between the battery and the window sill is chosen to be at least 80 mm;
  • 80 mm is left to the side walls, and about 30 mm to the wall of the house.

If the requirements are not met, convection will deteriorate, which reduces the performance of the device.

Exact installation recommendations are indicated in the operating instructions or data sheet for a specific model.

Detailed diagram from the instructions using the Royal Thermo Vittoria as an example.

When purchasing, take into account the thickness and width of the assembly, since if the window sill is not wide, the radiator will extend beyond it, which will worsen the design of the room.

Installation process

In general, you should entrust the work of installing a radiator to a qualified specialist. But, knowing all the features, you can control the process yourself.

The installation process consists of several stages:

  1. Assembly. It is carried out before the entire heating system is installed. At the outer section, auxiliary equipment is installed: plugs, plugs, locking devices, and so on.
  2. Determination of attachment points. Recommendations for battery placement should be strictly followed to ensure maximum performance of the device.
  3. Installation of brackets. These elements are fixed with dowels. If desired, a cement solution is used as a fastening material.
  4. Battery installation. The mounting hooks must be installed so that they are located between the sections of the device. The lower parts have their own holders to prevent sagging. It is very important that the radiator is installed strictly horizontally, for which you need to use a level.
  5. Connection to the system. Depending on how the sections of the device are located, the heat pipes can be connected by one or two connections. The supply pipes must have a valve or thermostat. In order for all sections to warm up evenly, it is imperative to bleed the remaining air from the system.

Installation of heating equipment is not difficult. If the owner of the house does not have enough experience, it is recommended to seek help from specialists, which will guarantee long and efficient operation of the heating system. Learn how to insulate a wooden floor by following the link.

The best known manufacturers and models: characteristics and prices

The most widely used brands are:

  1. Oasis . The Chinese concern was founded in 2006, so the factories are equipped with modern equipment, which guarantees quality. Some products are produced under licenses from Western European companies.
  2. Monlan , a Chinese company focusing on the market of the Russian Federation and some CIS countries. Economy class products are intended only for private homes, since the manufacturer saves on materials, the walls of the sections are thin and are not designed for high pressure. The reliability of work in private homes is not satisfactory. When purchasing, check the appearance - the color of the radiators may vary even in the same batch.
  3. Purmo , Finland, a recognized leader in the production of heating equipment.
  4. Tessen is one of the best Chinese manufacturers. The walls of the radiators are sufficiently thick; the technical characteristics of some models allow installation in apartment buildings.
  5. Global Radiatori , the concern's factories are located in European countries, cheap products are delivered from China.
  6. IPS , Italy. Produces radiators of the highest quality. Factories are located in Italy and Slovakia. The price of products is high, which limits the distribution of products.
  7. Rifar , Russia. The production is located in the Orenburg region. The manufacturer insures its products against destruction, but to obtain it, the installation of products must be carried out by a specialized organization.
  8. Royal Thermo , Russia. All products undergo quality control; aluminum radiators are necessarily processed using anodizing technology.
  9. Radena , Italy. All production is located in Italy, which gives additional confidence in quality. If other countries are indicated in the passport, this means counterfeit products.
  10. Mandarino , a Russian company operating under an Italian license. High quality is a distinctive feature of the products.

The most in demand are white radiators with a number of sections from 4 to 10 and with an interaxial distance of 350 or 500 mm - these are the products that are on display in construction supermarkets.

How to actually choose the cheapest heating radiators on the market

Below are the models that are leaders in sales and consumer ratings.

Royal Thermo Biliner Alum 500

The plant of the Russian company is located in the Vladimir region. The manufacturer draws attention to the unusual aerodynamic shape of the products, developed by the Italian company IPG Design Studio. Additional fins provide high performance. The center distance of the model is 500 mm. The gaskets are made of cotton with the addition of silicone and graphite, which allows them to withstand coolant temperatures up to 130 °C. Dimensions: 580x80x87 mm.

Painting occurs in 7 stages, which ensures the stability of the layer for the entire period of operation. The warranty for the model is 10 years. Royal Thermo Biliner Alum 500 is one of the best aluminum radiators for a private home and apartment.

Royal Thermo Revolution 500

Radiators of the series are presented only in white. The wave-like shape of the ribs ensures increased convection of air flows.

The paint is completely safe and is highly resistant, so the series radiators can be installed in bedrooms and children's rooms, as well as in wet areas. Dealers are located in dozens of cities.


A series of Italian radiators with a center distance of 500 mm and side connections, painted in RAL9010 and RAL9016 colors. The manufacturer notes the simple installation of the radiator and the availability of control valves, since the connecting dimensions are standard for similar products. The aluminum body provides low inertia - the sections quickly heat up when the boiler is turned on.

An important condition set by the manufacturer: the quality of the coolant must meet the requirements of SO-153-34.20.501-2003, which is difficult to achieve for houses connected to old heating systems. The warranty may not apply if it is proven that the requirements of the document have not been met.

Global VOX R 500

Radiators are produced by an Italian company founded in 1971. The model was developed taking into account Russian conditions (low water treatment of the coolant and pressure drops in the system).

Heat transfer measured at a difference in coolant and air temperatures of 50°C is 181 watts/section, and at a difference of 70°C - 276 W, which is the best indicator for devices of similar dimensions.

Rifar Alum 500

The line includes radiators of the same shape, but different in axial distance. Reliability is achieved by milling the end of the section for a specially designed gasket. The locking connection is patented by the manufacturer. Radiators with a number of sections from 4 to 14 are commercially produced.

The Alum series includes Ventil types for bottom connection. Rifar Alum Flex – radiators with a radius of curvature for installation along rounded walls.

Radena 500

The radiator was designed by Italian designers and has an oval channel section for coolant circulation, which increases the contact surface area and, accordingly, the heat transfer of the section, amounting to 195 W.

ROMMER Al Optima 500

The batteries are produced by a Russian brand at a Chinese factory. Quality is ensured by automatic production lines and careful output control of all product parameters. Model color is white.

Features of the model: wall thickness 1.8 mm, anti-corrosion treatment of internal surfaces, two-stage painting with a mandatory primer.

Among the disadvantages are the low heat transfer of one section - 133 W and the maximum coolant temperature of 110 °C.

Mandarino 500

The peculiarity of the product is that the series is assembled from square or round pipes without fins and has a one-piece design with anodic oxidation of surfaces. The products look unusual and elegant.

Chinese products

The most famous and trusted manufacturers from China are Konner and Bilux. Their products are the cheapest. You should know that many well-known companies sell their licenses specifically to China, so today it is quite possible to purchase inexpensive and fairly high-quality Chinese aluminum heaters.

To do this, it is recommended to arm yourself with the following tips:

  • You should carefully familiarize yourself with the parameters of the heating radiators indicated in the passport. If such information is missing or there is no accompanying documentation for the product, it is better to refrain from purchasing such a device.
  • It is advisable to purchase batteries exclusively from a specialized store. The fact is that the market never gives a guarantee.

When purchasing any aluminum radiator, it is important to remember that devices of this type are very sensitive to water with a high pH level. This parameter should in no case exceed 7.5 units. Therefore, the use of aluminum heaters is permitted only if there is a coolant of appropriate quality in the pipeline.

Prices: summary table

ModelHeat transfer per section, VitWorking pressure, atmBreaking pressure, atmAverage price per sectionPrice for 1,000 W of power
Royal Thermo Biliner Alum 50017516487604 300
Royal Thermo Revolution 50017020508505 000
Global VOX R 500Up to 27616487205 000
Rifar Alum 50018615507504 000
Radena 50019515409604 900
ROMMER Al Optima 50013312243883 000
Mandarino 500210152516007 000

When choosing aluminum radiators, we primarily focus on technical characteristics and operating conditions. The right choice will allow you to avoid troubles in the form of structural destruction and flooding of premises, which can result in high repair costs.

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