Rating of the best stoves for wood-burning saunas in 2022: TOP 10 models

Regular visits to the steam room provide a powerful healing effect and help prevent many diseases. The reader is offered a rating of wood-burning sauna stoves mass-produced by Russian companies. To obtain the correct steam, an efficient heating device with certain technical characteristics is required.

History has proven that the best stoves for a wood-fired sauna are the only ones capable of creating that unique microclimate, which provides such a powerful effect on the body. The emotional component is important in a steam room, and the formation of the desired mood is also influenced by the pleasant aroma from burning wood. No other type of fuel can give such an effect.

True adherents of bathhouse traditions may argue that the proposed rating of bathhouse stoves for Russian baths considers finished products made of cast iron or steel. There is a widespread belief that the heating equipment for a “correct” steam room should be made of brick. However, there are very few real masters of the stove business who know it thoroughly. The services of such stove makers are extremely expensive, and our review is intended for a wide range of lovers of health treatments.

The best manufacturers of sauna stoves

In our country there are a number of companies that specialize in the manufacture of metal heating devices and have achieved some success in this matter. The list of the best manufacturers of wood-burning sauna stoves includes the following enterprises:

  • "Teplodar". The company uses original metalworking technologies that provide products with high reliability and durability. The use of high-quality materials and an effective control system for production processes virtually eliminates the risk of burning out the furnace elements.
  • Termofor. The stoves of this manufacturer are distinguished by their exceptional smooth heating of the room and the special softness of the steam. This is achieved due to the fact that the critical elements are given a special shape, providing the necessary density and intensity of heat flows.
  • "Vesuvius". The highlight of the products of this brand is the unusual design and original design. The company offers many models designed in a wide variety of styles, from traditional classics to avant-garde high-tech.
  • ETNA. Sauna stoves from this manufacturer are distinguished by well-thought-out designs; the developers accurately calculated the thermal load on each of the elements. This made it possible to reduce the wall thickness, which means reducing metal consumption and the price of each product while maintaining strength characteristics.
  • “Throw it down.” The company offers an extensive catalog of products in all price categories, from budget to premium. This approach allows the manufacturer to satisfy the needs of all categories of consumers and helps expand the customer base.
  • TMF. The company is engaged in mass production of inexpensive, but exceptionally high-quality models without complex design delights and bells and whistles. The brand's products enjoy deserved popularity among consumers.

The following rating of wood-burning sauna stoves for 2022 is based on the principle of increasing their technical and economic indicators. When evaluating products, the advantages and features of each design are taken into account, taking into account practical experience from operation. For objectivity, information for analysis is taken from customer reviews published on open Internet platforms.

Video description

This video shows 7 important rules for choosing sauna stoves:

Hephaestus PB-04

This model is made of cast iron. To operate the stove, it must be mounted inside a brick insert. The combustion channel of this model is elongated, which allows it to be moved into a separate room adjacent to the firebox. An important feature of the stove is the wall thickness of 1-6 cm, eliminating the possibility of burnout. The parts of the device are made of cast iron with a high chromium content.

The device is equipped with: an afterburning system and a flame arrester, which promote more complete and prolonged combustion of fuel.

The features of this oven are as follows:

  1. Wall mounting is used.
  2. The furnace power is 8 kW.
  3. Designed to heat a room with a volume of 15 cubic meters. m.
  4. An open type heater is used, which can hold 180 kg of stones.
  5. The cast iron from which the stove is made heats up quickly and releases heat slowly. The efficiency of the device is 87%. The door is decorated with gilding and ornaments. The weight of the fully assembled structure is 700 kg.

7th place: “Vesuvius Legend Standard 16” (DT-4) cast iron


Wood stoves

Cast iron sauna stove “Vesuvius Legend Standard 16” (DT-4)

24 990 ₽ 24 240 ₽

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In installments from RUR 2,080/month.

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This product is rightfully included in the top ten best sauna stoves for Russian baths in our rating. Its main advantage is its modular design, consisting of three parts. To connect them, reliable bolted connections are used, and the joints are laid with ceramic cord. This seal can withstand temperatures of 1200 °C and ensures complete tightness of the combustion chamber, which makes the operation of the Vesuvius Legend Standard 16 model absolutely safe.

The product is an improved version of the Russian sauna stove, which was supplemented with a ventilation-convection casing to increase efficiency. The structure is welded from 6 mm steel rod with a heat-resistant coating, which provides this sample with exceptionally high technical characteristics:

  • Steam room volume: minimum – 8 m2; maximum – 18 m2.
  • Weight of stones: up to 120 kg; ovens – 95 kg.
  • Material: cast iron of special grades.
  • Thermal power: up to 16 kW.

The stove is a convection-type device that provides quick heating of rooms. Main advantages:

  • Increased flow of penetrating infrared radiation, creating special conditions in the steam room.
  • Large volume and rational placement of the heater, which allows you to get soft, fine steam.
  • Remote fuel receiver. The stove is heated from the dressing room, which is also heated by a massive metal structure.

Yandex Market has two user reviews without text. Taking into account the absence of complaints, they can be considered conditionally positive. On Otzovik the responses are more informative. Users note affordable prices, excellent quality and beautiful design, but at the same time complain about high fuel consumption and some technical shortcomings.

Reviews of the wood-burning stove "Vesuvius Legend Standard 16" (DT-4) on Yandex Market Reviews of the wood-burning stove "Vesuvius Legend Standard 16" (DT-4) on Otzovik

Stove doors: if you want to admire the fire, consider the nuance

Everything is simple here. The door of a wood stove can be solid or glass. Of course, the glass door will allow you to enjoy the view of a live fire and at the same time control the availability of firewood in the stove. It is important to consider the following: if you have a stove without an extension, and the steam room is small, then the glass door can burn your feet with infrared radiation from the firebox of the stove. In this case, we recommend that you refuse this “bonus” and give preference to solid doors.

By the way, there is a story that through a glass door it will be possible to partially heat the room into which it opens. It is a myth. Of course, the door will transfer heat into the room, but it is so insignificant that it can be ignored.

3rd place: “TMF Geyser 2014 Inox vitra” anthracite, with heat exchanger


Wood stoves

Sauna stove "TMF Geyser 2014 Inox vitra" anthracite, with heat exchanger

39 299 ₽

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In installments from RUB 3,270/month.

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The bronze award in our top stoves for Russian baths was won by the product of the company that won the People's Brand 2014 award. The anthracite TMF Geyser 2014 Inox Vitra model is equipped with a built-in heat exchanger that provides light steam. To bring it to the required conditions, a system of two heaters is used: open and closed.

The oven has a height of 900 mm, a width of 500 mm and a depth of 840 mm; it has the following technical characteristics:

  • Steam room volume: ranging from 8 to 18 m3.
  • The total weight of the stove with heater is 129 kg; own weight – 66 kg.
  • The maximum length of logs placed in the firebox is 500 mm.

The described sample is made of heat-resistant stainless steel, and the main thermally loaded elements have an equal thickness of 3 mm. This ensures the durability and reliability of the design, which also has other advantages:

  • The chimney is located in the center, which allows you to intensify the heating of the heater.
  • A funnel with a dosing valve eliminates the possibility of flooding the internal heat exchanger.
  • The temperature of the open heater allows the possibility of soaking brooms.

Reviews about one of the best wood-burning stoves for saunas in our rating are the most positive. Users note the compactness and relatively low consumption of firewood. Among the shortcomings, buyers complain about the inflated price, as well as about the burning out of some samples immediately after the end of the warranty period.

Reviews of the wood-burning stove “TMF Geyser 2014 Inox vitra” anthracite, with a heat exchanger on Otzovik

Furnace firebox material: cast iron, boiler (09g2s), stainless or black steel

The material from which the firebox is made is an important characteristic of a wood stove. Two main metals are used - steel (ferrous, boiler, stainless) or cast iron. Let's look at them in more detail.

Black (structural) steel for furnace heating is the most inexpensive material with a short service life (no more than 7-10 years).

This steel is the least heat-resistant (400°C). The temperature inside the firebox of a sauna stove reaches 500-600 degrees Celsius. Feeling a problem?

Heat resistance is the ability of a material to withstand high temperatures without breaking. After exceeding its thermal resistance limit, the material begins to deteriorate.

To compensate for the low heat resistance of this material, black steel fireboxes are made with a thickness of at least 5 mm (or even 6, 8, 12 mm).

By the way, inexperienced bathhouse builders and sellers mistakenly believe that the greater the thickness, the better, although in reality in this case the thickness is associated only with the low heat resistance of the material.

Boiler steel 09g2s is the same structural steel, but with the addition of alloying elements.

In other words, it is a low-alloy steel, which in terms of properties occupies a middle position between black steel and stainless steel.

Artemenko Vyacheslav Manager of the store on the street. Kollontai, 18

Alloying elements are special additives that increase the heat resistance of steel.

The heat resistance of such material is within 500 degrees Celsius. Accordingly, it also needs to be compensated for by thickness, but less.

Please note that although the thickness of boiler steel fireboxes is no more than 3-5 mm, the service life of such stoves can be longer than black steel fireboxes. Therefore, there are brands that prefer this material. For example, the Grill'D company produces all its oven models from this kind of steel (except for the PRO models, which are made of stainless steel).

Stainless steel is, of course, the strongest and most heat-resistant steel.

Generally, the standard thickness with competitive price is 2mm. At the same time, the heat resistance of steel is 800 degrees, which means that scale will not form under any circumstances. In fact, the heat resistance of the material allows us to make fireboxes even thinner, but in this case the thickness of 2 mm is due to the mechanical load that the stove must withstand.

Note that there are also professional models made of stainless steel, the thickness of which can be 4 and 6 mm. The service life of such furnaces is 15, 20 or more years. But such models, of course, will cost more.

Cast iron is an almost ideal material, but there is one “but”...

An inexperienced specialist will claim that cast iron is the ideal material for making a firebox. This is partly true - cast iron is the most durable metal and practically does not burn out, and with proper operation the stove will last 10 years or more. But there is one drawback - it is fragility!

And here the phrase “When used correctly!” comes first. For example, with sudden temperature changes, cast iron can simply burst, but steel fireboxes are not afraid of such an outcome under any circumstances.

In terms of price, cast-iron wood-burning stoves will cost you a little more than stoves made of black or boiler steel (20-25 percent). But there are, of course, professional expensive models that are comparable in price to steel stoves with a thickness of 4-6 mm.

To compare the cost of stoves made from different materials, use the stove selection filter.

How to choose a wood-burning stove for a sauna?

For true steam room connoisseurs, not only the temperature inside the room matters, but also the properties of the steam. From this point of view, the right choice of a wood-burning stove for a bathhouse is half the success. There are a number of points that need to be taken into account:

  • features of the heating device;
  • thermal power;
  • material used;
  • operating principle;
  • contents of delivery.

When choosing a wood-burning stove for a Russian bath from among those presented in this rating, you should remember the additional characteristics. We are talking, first of all, about the weight and size indicators of the heating device.


Which wood-burning sauna stove should you choose, based on the features of the device? Various designs are possible:

  • with open or double heater;
  • conventional and with ventilation-convection casing;
  • with a central or offset chimney location.

When deciding which wood-burning stoves are the best for a sauna, you need to take into account the requirements for use. To ensure intensive heating of the room, a design with an additional casing is recommended, which also significantly reduces hard thermal radiation.


The thermal performance of a particular stove depends on the shape and volume of the firebox, the flow area of ​​the chimney and some other factors. The rated power of the heating device is usually indicated in the technical description or passport. When choosing the model you need, you should proceed from the ratio of 1 kW per 1 cubic meter. m of room volume.

The best wood-burning sauna stoves of 2022, presented in our rating, have in their descriptions an indication of the minimum and maximum dimensions of the steam room. This greatly simplifies the process of selecting a product for specific requirements. Significantly exceeding the required characteristics leads to unjustified financial costs, and if there is insufficient thermal power in the steam room, it will not be possible to achieve the desired temperature.


The best wood-burning stoves for a Russian bath are made of structural or stainless steel, as well as heat-resistant cast iron. When choosing a specific model, you should pay attention to the thickness and grade of the material. Highly alloyed alloys have excellent strength characteristics, which are also resistant to corrosion.

To protect steel and cast iron parts of furnaces from adverse environmental factors, paint and varnish coatings are applied to external surfaces, preferably powder compositions. You will find information about the materials used in the technical documentation of the model you have chosen or from sales consultants.

Principle of operation

To answer the question of which stove is best for a Russian bath, you need to understand the features of its functioning. The proposed rating considers only wood-burning models, but there are also gas and electric ones. In the first and second variants, heat generation occurs as a result of fuel combustion. In electric furnaces, heating is carried out through the use of heating elements.

Wood stoves, in addition to heating the room, create a special microclimate, filling the atmosphere with the aroma of burning wood. This makes the process of receiving health procedures especially pleasant and brings it as close as possible to something that can only be obtained in a traditional Russian bathhouse.


Heating appliances are supplied to the consumer with a full set of elements. How to choose a wood-burning stove for a sauna, and which configuration is considered the best? It all depends on the financial capabilities of the consumer.

The mentioned top of the best stoves for Russian baths in 2022 contains models with metal doors that can be replaced with heat-resistant glass. The relatively small surcharge is worth the opportunity to watch the flames dance in the firebox. When purchasing a heating device in a store, you can also order a filler for the heater.

additional characteristics

What are the best wood-burning stoves in a bathhouse? This is one of the most common questions asked to experts. To answer this, in addition to such key factors as thermal power and strength indicators, a number of additional characteristics should be taken into account:

  • efficiency;
  • fuel consumption;
  • firewood sizes.

The significance of these parameters should not be exaggerated, but also cannot be completely ignored. The low efficiency of the stove will not allow you to achieve the required temperature and humidity conditions, as a result, the very meaning of visiting the steam room is lost.

Customer Reviews

Evgeny A.

Harvia M2

Advantages: connects without problems, has all the documents from the manufacturer, including a 3-year warranty Disadvantages: none Comment: I liked the stove from the very beginning with its design and stated power. The design is really simple, but I personally can’t stomach the bells and whistles, so it fits perfectly into our mini-sauna. There were no problems with connection either. Works like a clock. Acceleration takes about 10-15 minutes. There is no need to wait at all. It’s tiny, but it produces such power that even my father got chills, and in all the bathhouses he always turned up his nose that it wasn’t hot enough

Victoria Litvinenko

Vesuvius Sensation Aqua 22 (DT-4)

Advantages: Laconic and Scandinavian design Inexpensive Interesting ratio of dimensions Top loading of stones Generates fine steam Thermostats are comfortable Disadvantages: none Comment: Our steam room is quite large, 12 square meters. We thought we wouldn’t find something inexpensive to heat it and warm it up properly. This model was chosen because of its power, interesting design and built-in thermostat (we don’t like external ones at all, we like to tweak them as we go along). It has been working flawlessly for three weeks now (turned on four times). Heats the air very quickly. Happy with everything)

Ippolit Zyulev

Harvia M3 SL

Advantages: Compact, not expensive. Disadvantages: Design Comment: I bought this sauna stove on the advice of a friend. I can say that the stove is excellent both in quality and in its properties. The stove is hanging, quite compact, but it’s enough for me. Powerful and also not expensive. I took it for 17 thousand. For such a price it completely justifies itself. Works well, heats up quickly. I hung it up without any problems. Everything is thought out. It doesn't get very hot on its own. If you choose from inexpensive but powerful stoves, then feel free to take this one. The only thing was that the design didn’t suit us very much, but we took it anyway. Still, the characteristics came first.

Snezhana Kondratyuk

Vesuvius LEGEND FORGING 16 (205)

Advantages: Yes, it is small, but it works and warms up the sauna as if it had the power of some large stove. Well, the price speaks for itself - also a plus. Disadvantages: No, it seems to me, but we didn’t really have time to try it, we only turned it on a couple of times until we discovered the shortcomings. I’m not surprised that this stove has become the choice of buyers, because the price is delicious, The build quality is good, it floats unusually for its size, but in size it is also something, it doesn’t eat up extra space. The casing has not deteriorated in a month, there are no signs of corrosion. Using stones and electricity, you can save money by turning off the oven ahead of time. I see only advantages in this little girl and rejoice at her impeccable work. I recommend it for purchase.

Dashka F.

Vesuvius Legend Retro 24 (DT-4)

Advantages: Yes, it is small, but it works and warms up the sauna as if it had the power of some large stove. Well, the price speaks for itself - also a plus Disadvantages: No, it seems to me, we didn’t really have time to try it out, we only turned it on a couple of times until we identified the shortcomings Comment: The stove covers the specified heating area well, well, it doesn’t have time for that you don’t need that much, up to 70 degrees, and the temperature rises in about half an hour

Leonid Gerasimov

Ermak 20 Standard mesh (cast iron)

Advantages: 1. Hangs firmly on the wall. 2. Excellent assembly of all elements, including thermostats. 3. Powerful. 4. Hot. 5. Cheap. Disadvantages: a little too angular in appearance) Comment: The stove showed itself to be excellent in use, I didn’t even expect that for 17 thousand you could work so quickly and normally. The installation was in the “brought - hung - connected” style, without any stress or problems at all. They were specially hung at a medium height so as not to reach the thermostats under the hot body. On the plus side, it really doesn’t heat up at all. The adjustment knobs are slightly warm, nothing melts. The power is sufficient for an average steam room, 3 by 4 in size, for example (we have one). The comfortable value is not even on the last division, but on the penultimate one. If anyone wants something hotter, there is a “corridor” for this. I like everything, but the design could use some more work)

Anna V.

Harvia 20SL Boiler

Advantages: Price, characteristics Disadvantages: None Comment: We took this stove for a large home bath of 12 cubic meters. The stove copes with this volume without difficulty, works well and with virtually no unnecessary noise. It is compact and does not interfere with anyone during rest. Well, it’s very easy to operate, but I’m generally silent about its unpretentiousness in care and maintenance. Strong, well assembled, made of stainless steel, galvanized, steel body. Consumes energy moderately. I also liked that the stove is relatively small, and the regulator is removable and can be moved from one side to the other. I was pleased with the stove, that's for sure.

Nina Apraksina

TMF Geyser Micra 2022 Carbon

Advantages: I hope to continue to see only advantages in this stove - its good performance and a modest design that is pleasing to the eye. I didn’t pay a lot of money for it, the price is fair, and it works wonderfully. Although, maybe I don’t understand much about stoves, but it soars great! Disadvantages: None, at least not yet. Comment: I ordered this stove for my bathhouse on the advice of friends of avid bathhouse attendants, they said that the company is good, so we’ll see - so far only a week has passed since the installation and the first test of the stove, the flight is normal.

Liliya Shevikova

Teplodar Rus 12 L

Advantages: Cost-effective purchase. It’s already inexpensive, but I also got it at a discount, it’s absolutely lovely. Savings are in this regard, and it also consumes very little electricity, and if you turn it off a little earlier than you’ve finished steaming, it’s actually quite economical, all thanks to the stones - they retain the heat. Comment: In general, it’s a good purchase, and it works great! I’ve never understood lovers of wood-burning stoves - electric heaters are much more convenient, but at least this stove.

Sonya Lova

Ermak 12 Classic

Advantages: Price Uninterrupted operation Saving space in the bathhouse due to its small size Metal does not rust even in aggressive conditions of the bathhouse The control panel does not heat up even at very high temperatures How to set the mode is clear from the regulators They have provided a great guarantee Disadvantages: None Comment: The oven is excellent, for yourself The Savo website came out by accident, this model was chosen first out of purely visual preferences, then based on the parameters. Works for 5 points.

Savely Fokin

Harvia 20SL Boiler

Advantages: -Familiar ruler with a removable regulator. — Easy to install and connect to existing networks. — There are all documents from the manufacturer itself. Disadvantages: none Comment: This seems to belong to the stoves of the economy segment, but the results are as if you bought something more expensive and higher. The quality of the “procedures” taken in the sauna is remarkable. You can set any heating level. The kids liked the low ones, my wife and I usually put them higher. Even without adding water, it produces such fine steam into the room, it may be enough if you don’t want to spend money on a steam generator, but the standard method of splashing water on the stones is also suitable. Everything in it is provided for a great holiday) We like it very much))

Nora Shevikova

TMF Geyser Micra 2022 Carbon

Advantages: Functionality Price Reliability Compliance with the stated characteristics Convenient use Clear controls No special care Does not rust due to humidity Few stones required Easy installation Plenty of steam Heats the air well Disadvantages: None Comment: We bought this stove after our parents, so far we like everything, steamed using different heat levels, the stove heats the air well, and then quickly distributes it throughout the bathhouse, taking up very little space. Delicious price. I recommend!

Useful tips

When choosing the best stove for a Russian wood-burning bath, you should listen to the recommendations of experts. The most frequently asked questions are:

  1. Which heating device is better: steel or cast iron?

    The first heats up faster, the second is capable of providing light steam. Prices for cast iron stoves are noticeably higher.

  2. What is the difference between sauna and Russian bath stoves?

    The air in the sauna should be dry, and there should be steam in the bath. Accordingly, ovens for them should have different heating modes.

  3. Is it possible to make a sauna stove yourself?

    Theoretically, this is possible if the materials, equipment and appropriate skills are available, but the costs can be significant and significantly exceed the cost of factory products.

A good stove for a Russian bath is a complex structure made of high-quality steel or cast iron. It is impossible to repeat the production process at home, which means the characteristics of such a product will be low.

Main selection criteria

There are a variety of sauna stoves on the market, which ones are best? Their different types and designs are worth comparing based on key parameters, each of which we will now consider in detail.

Furnace tunnel equipment

It is useful for three reasons:

  • takes oxygen from adjacent rooms and supplies it to the steam room;
  • protects against excess dirt (for example, soot from firewood);
  • makes it possible to admire the play of a living flame (if equipped with a heat-resistant glass door).

Availability of a convector

Don’t forget about it when you’re thinking about how to choose the right stove for a sauna, because with it, air masses constantly move around the room and due to this, all rooms are heated evenly. If it is installed, there will definitely not be a situation where your head is hot and your feet are cool, so it will not be superfluous.

All sauna stoves have convective and radiant types of heat transfer. Heating from the walls of the firebox, hot air rises, and cold air enters from below to replace it. Thanks to the described circulation, the heated one gradually fills the entire steam room. To accelerate convection, special channels are provided in the design.

In wood-burning stoves, the role of a convection channel is played by the air gap between the walls of the firebox and the outer casing. The steam, heated by the hot walls of the firebox, rises up and enters the steam room through special holes in the upper part of the casing.

Why are stones used?

The stone backfill serves as a heat accumulator and steam generator. The stones accumulate and release heat for a long time, preventing the steam room from cooling down, maintaining the working temperature in the room. When water comes into contact with hot stones, steam is generated - this makes it easy to regulate the air humidity in the steam room.

Depending on the stove model, the stones are placed inside the firebox, in a special box closed on three sides, or in a lattice basket. The volume of backfill is determined by the design of the heater and the area of ​​the room - it may require from a couple of tens to a hundred or more kilograms of stones.

Buying a heater: the low price trap

You shouldn’t skimp on a sauna stove. A low price tag for a heater usually means that:

  • low quality metal used;
  • the thickness of the walls of the firebox and body is minimal;
  • the equipment is meager;
  • manufacturing technology is outdated.

But an excessively high price does not always indicate impeccable quality. The price tag is inflated due to the popularity of the brand or advertising costs when promoting a new product to the market.

Russian steam room with open heater

Heating stones in a closed furnace to 350-700°C allows one to obtain steam with a finely dispersed structure and a relatively low moisture content. This steam does not burn and does not change blood pressure.

If you heat the backfill in an open heater to high temperatures, the air will quickly overheat, and the water that gets on the stones will create heavy, moist steam that is dangerous to the body. If an open type stove is installed in the steam room, then a special device - a steam generator - will help to obtain dry steam. The steam gun is located on the side of the heater and takes up minimal space.

Requirements for a modern heater

A high-quality sauna stove meets a number of requirements:

  • made of materials designed to withstand intense thermal loads over several years of operation;
  • safe to use, the risks of fire, carbon monoxide poisoning, etc. are minimized;
  • a balance is maintained between the heating rate and cooling intensity, ensuring a comfortable level of humidity;
  • uses fuel economically;
  • as compact as possible without sacrificing performance;
  • convenient to use.

Features of choosing electrical options

It is necessary to give preference to a model of a modern design, that is, with two reliable housings, and such that the outer one cools the inner one, in which the heating element will be located. And it needs to be placed in the corner of the steam room, and it should be installed on a ceramic base and with a protective fence - to prevent injuries that can be caused by accidentally touching a hot surface.

Advantages of electric heaters

When choosing an electric oven, focus on the following parameters:

  • good heating rate with a high degree of safety;
  • the ability to flexibly adjust the temperature and the presence of other additional functions;
  • ease of maintenance and operation;
  • Possibility of use in an apartment.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • high cost of electricity;
  • use only in sauna and dry-air steam room mode.

There is an opinion that during operation such equipment produces electromagnetic radiation. But so far no one has provided convincing evidence of the validity of this point of view. And in any case, the heat generator does not produce a frequency above 50 Hz, at which the generated field could be harmful to health, so you can calm down.

Top 3. Grill'D Aurora 160 Short

Rating (2021): 4.73

Original design Stove-heater of an unusual shape with high efficiency.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 20,700 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Heated volume (cub.m): 16
  • Dimensions (D/W/H): 78/46/61 cm
  • Construction: floor
  • Weight (kg): 40

A Russian bathhouse can be both classic and completely modern. If the latter is closer to you, then you need to select the appropriate oven. Before us is the most unusual model from a Russian manufacturer. Semicircular design with a figured box for stones. It seems to be the same heater, but it looks very unusual. There is also something to look at in terms of characteristics. The heated volume is 16 cubic meters, which is quite a lot considering the small size of the stove. The box holds approximately 20 kilograms of stones, but thanks to a complex system of channels, heating occurs very quickly. True, it won’t take long for it to cool down, but there’s nothing you can do about it.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Unusual shape
  • Compact size
  • Small firebox
  • Fast cooling
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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