Installing a heating pump: how to properly install pumping equipment

The circulation pump increases the efficiency of the autonomous heating system and allows 100% use of all heating circuits.

Professional installation of a heating pump guarantees high performance, reduces operating noise and reduces maintenance and repair costs. Installing the device does not cause any particular difficulties, but there are a number of nuances that are important to consider.

We will tell you how to choose a circulation pump, help you decide on the optimal scheme for inserting equipment into the system, outline installation requirements, and also provide step-by-step instructions for installing the device.

What is a circulation pump and why is it needed?

A circulation pump is a device that changes the speed of movement of a liquid medium without changing pressure. In heating systems it is installed for more efficient heating. In systems with forced circulation it is a mandatory element, in gravity systems it can be installed if it is necessary to increase the thermal power. Installing a circulation pump with several speeds makes it possible to change the amount of heat transferred depending on the outside temperature, thus maintaining a stable temperature in the room.

Cross-section of a circulation pump with a wet rotor

There are two types of such units - with a dry and wet rotor. Devices with a dry rotor have a high efficiency (about 80%), but are very noisy and require regular maintenance. Units with a wet rotor operate almost silently; with normal coolant quality, they can pump water without failure for more than 10 years. They have a lower efficiency (about 50%), but their characteristics are more than sufficient for heating any private home.

With warm floor

When filling the system with coolant, it is not always possible to get rid of the air present here. Accumulated gases often block the movement of fluid, and not every manifold can be used as a relief valve. To solve this problem, the circulation pump has a special outlet valve made in the form of a disk.

To release accumulated gases, you need to turn this part with a screwdriver counterclockwise. After supplying water from the slot, the disk is tightened and the pump is started again. A similar procedure is repeated several times in a row.

Circulation pumps are installed in heating systems with forced or natural circulation. It is needed to increase heat transfer and to be able to regulate the temperature in the room. Installing a circulation pump is not the most difficult task; if you have a minimum of skills, you can do it yourself, with your own hands.

Where to put

It is recommended to install a circulation pump after the boiler, before the first branch, but on the supply or return pipeline it doesn’t matter. Modern units are made from materials that can withstand temperatures up to 100-115°C. There are few heating systems that work with a hotter coolant, so considerations of a more “comfortable” temperature are untenable, but if you feel safer, put it in the return line.

Can be installed in the return or direct pipeline after/before the boiler up to the first branch

There is no difference in hydraulics - the boiler, and the rest of the system; it makes absolutely no difference whether there is a pump in the supply or return branch. What matters is the correct installation, in the sense of strapping, and the correct orientation of the rotor in space. Nothing else matters.

There is one important point regarding the installation location. If the heating system has two separate branches - on the right and left wings of the house or on the first and second floor - it makes sense to install a separate unit on each, and not one common one - directly after the boiler. Moreover, the same rule remains on these branches: immediately after the boiler, before the first branch in this heating circuit. This will make it possible to set the required thermal conditions in each part of the house independently of the other, and also in two-story houses to save on heating. How? Due to the fact that the second floor is usually much warmer than the first floor and much less heat is required there. If there are two pumps in the branch that goes up, the speed of movement of the coolant is set much lower, and this allows you to burn less fuel, without compromising the comfort of living.

Is it necessary, and in what cases?

Many owners of country real estate, and especially two-story houses, are interested in the question of installing an additional circulation pump in the heating system. They come to this conclusion after uneven heating of the radiators in the rooms, provided that the boiler has sufficient power. If the temperature difference between the boiler and the coolant in the pipelines exceeds 20 degrees, then it will be necessary to remove air plugs or set the existing pump to an increased speed.

Installation of additional pumping equipment is necessary in the following cases:

  • When adding an additional circuit to the heating system, and especially when the pipe length exceeds 80 meters;
  • For uniform movement of coolant in pipelines.

An additional pump in the heating system may not be needed if it is balanced using balancing and control valves, so before purchasing additional equipment, bleed the air from the radiators and add water to the system. If everything works fine, then there is no point in installing an additional pump.


There are two types of heating systems - forced and natural circulation. Systems with forced circulation cannot work without a pump; systems with natural circulation work, but in this mode they have lower heat transfer. However, less heat is still much better than no heat at all, so in areas where electricity is often cut off, the system is designed as hydraulic (with natural circulation), and then a pump is installed into it. This gives high heating efficiency and reliability. It is clear that the installation of a circulation pump in these systems is different.

All heating systems with heated floors are forced - without a pump, the coolant will not pass through such large circuits

Forced circulation

Since a forced circulation heating system without a pump is inoperative, it is installed directly into the gap in the supply or return pipe (of your choice).

Most problems with the circulation pump arise due to the presence of mechanical impurities (sand, other abrasive particles) in the coolant. They can jam the impeller and stop the motor. Therefore, a mesh dirt filter must be placed in front of the unit.

Installing a circulation pump in a forced circulation system

It is also advisable to install ball valves on both sides. They will make it possible to replace or repair the device without draining the coolant from the system. Turn off the taps and remove the unit. Only that part of the water that was directly in this piece of the system is drained.

Natural circulation

The piping of the circulation pump in gravity systems has one significant difference - a bypass is required. This is a jumper that makes the system operational when the pump is not working. One ball shut-off valve is installed on the bypass, which is closed the entire time the pumping is running. In this mode, the system operates as forced.

Installation diagram of a circulation pump in a system with natural circulation

When the electricity goes out or the unit fails, the valve on the jumper is opened, the valve leading to the pump is closed, and the system operates as a gravity system.

Installation features

There is one important point, without which the installation of the circulation pump will require rework: it is necessary to rotate the rotor so that it is directed horizontally. The second point is the direction of flow. There is an arrow on the body indicating which direction the coolant should flow. This is how you turn the unit so that the direction of movement of the coolant is “in the direction of the arrow”.

The pump itself can be installed both horizontally and vertically, just when selecting a model, make sure that it can work in both positions. And one more thing: with a vertical arrangement, the power (pressure created) drops by about 30%. This must be taken into account when choosing a model.

Options for single-pipe heating of a private house

Below is a simple diagram with bottom connection of radiators.

Typical single-pipe heating system of a private house.

The system is of the open type - its expansion tank 3 is connected to the atmosphere. Overflow pipe 2 serves to release air and drain water during the initial filling of the circuit. Shown above is a single-pipe heating system with forced circulation, which is provided by circulation pump 4 installed on the “return” in front of the boiler. This is due to the fact that the temperature of the liquid in the “return” is lower than in the “supply”, and operating the pump at a lower temperature of the pumped coolant simply increases its service life.

There is a supply of network water through filter 12 and make-up valve 11 (the system is also initially filled through them). Drain water (for repairs and at the end of the heating season) through valve 5 and sewer drain 10 with valve 11 closed.

The bottom connection of radiators 7 was used, i.e. Only their lower collectors are connected to the pipes, and the outlets of the upper ones are plugged. Devices are installed in the bypasses (indicated in the diagram by the letter “a”) to regulate the flow (needle valves), but a simpler circuit without them is also possible. It is shown below and is called “Leningradskaya”.

Scheme of the “Leningrad” single-pipe heating system with forced circulation.

In it, the closing sections 14 are bypasses in their pure form without shut-off or control valves with a diameter less than the main pipeline. At the same time, part of the flow through the batteries increases, but it also cools faster, since more cooled water is mixed into the general flow as it flows. In private homes, this is done in order to reduce its overall consumption (and, accordingly, the electricity consumption of pump 4 for forced circulation), as well as to increase the heat transfer of the batteries, although they warm up very unevenly.

It is possible to connect heating devices diagonally, as shown in the diagram below.

Single-pipe system with diagonal connection of radiators.

Here, the uneven heating of the batteries in the chain remains (and even becomes higher), but the heat transfer of each of them increases by several percent due to the intensive flow of water around them with the simultaneous presence of forced and natural circulation. After all, its temperature at the entrance to the upper collector is several degrees higher than at the exit from the lower one, due to cooling in the device itself. Therefore, conditions arise for the natural circulation of water through the batteries (as in corresponding systems without pumps). The pressure in bypass 14 will not allow this flow to close, but it will rise up to valves 13 quite intensively.

How to implement alternative heating for a private home

Two-pipe heating system for a private house - classification, types and practical design skills

Single-pipe and two-pipe heating distribution in a private house

Purpose of the pump for heating

Previously, circulation pumps were used only in centralized heating systems, and for private housing construction the natural movement of the coolant caused by temperature differences was the norm.

Now forced circulation is used everywhere thanks to the emergence of compact and inexpensive models designed to service the heating networks of small houses and cottages.

Due to the increase in the speed of movement of the coolant in the pipeline, thermal energy flows faster to the heating radiators, and accordingly, the rooms are warmed up faster. The load on the boiler has decreased because the water is also heated faster.

The need to install bulky and inconvenient large-diameter pipelines has disappeared; contours have become easier to camouflage under floor coverings or be buried in walls.

The main disadvantage of pumps for heating systems is their dependence on electricity. If the power supply is intermittent or there is a risk of a complete power outage for some period, it is necessary to install a backup power generator or at least an uninterruptible power supply.

The remaining disadvantages relate to the designs and functionality of various types of devices. For example, monoblock units and devices with a dry rotor are noisier and require constant maintenance, while a pump with a wet rotor is demanding on the quality of the coolant and has a pressure limitation.

Selecting the right unit

To ensure long-term uninterrupted operation of the system, it is better to entrust the selection of equipment to a professional technician.

  • low energy consumption,
  • durability,
  • uniform heat distribution,
  • noiselessness,
  • automatic regulation of maximum and minimum pressure,
  • sufficient water flow in the heating system.

To do this, it is necessary to calculate the following parameters: the total length of the system line, the material and diameter of the pipes. Take into account the type of heating units and quantity, types of control and shut-off equipment, automation characteristics. The heating circulation pump, which has the function of regulating the frequency and speed of the rotary shaft, is characterized by reduced energy consumption, noiselessness, and durability. An automatic change in the speed occurs when the temperature of the water (glycol mixture) decreases or increases. Retrofitting the device with air vents eliminates the problem of air locks.

Among the many models, professional craftsmen call a popular, cost-effective, low-noise device a Wilo circular pump (Wilo Top and Wilo-Stratos), which has a wet rotor installed inside the coolant pipeline. The low weight of the device allows it to be mounted on the pipe surface without additional supports. The models are high-performance, universal: suitable for any heating system. Popular domestic units are linear units TsVTs, Livgidromash.

Choose a heating pump model that has two or three operating modes, and through testing you will find the optimal option for heating the room.

Approximate circulation calculation: for an area up to 250 sq. m. – the circulated volume of water is 3.5 cubic meters. m. per hour, at a pressure pressure of 0.4 atm.

Increasing the area to 350 sq. m. requires 4.5 cubic meters. m per hour and 0.6 atm.

If the area exceeds 350 sq. m, close to 800 sq. m. you need permission up to 10 cubic meters. m., at 0.8 atm.

When the room in the house is larger, it is necessary to install an additional pump in the heating system.

The correct installation of the pump influences the smooth functioning of the device.

Criteria for proper selection of equipment

All installation efforts will be reduced to zero if the equipment is selected incorrectly. In order not to make a mistake, it is necessary to first analyze all aspects of a particular heating system and make the necessary calculations.

Main types of pumps

According to their design features, all devices are divided into 2 categories: with a wet and dry rotor.

Wet type pumps . This option is suitable for private homes. The unit is compact, almost silent and has a modular structure that is convenient for maintenance and repair.

But, unfortunately, it does not have high productivity - the maximum efficiency of modern models reaches 52-54%.

Pumps with a dry rotor are productive, unpretentious to the quality of the coolant, capable of operating under high pressure and do not require a strictly horizontal position on the pipe. However, they are noisier, and their operation is accompanied by vibration. Many models are installed on a foundation or metal support frame.

For installation of console, monoblock or “In-line” models, a separate room is required - a boiler room. It is advisable to use them when a flow rate of more than 100 m³/h is required, that is, for servicing groups of cottages or apartment buildings.

Brief overview of technical characteristics

When choosing a pump, you should definitely study the technical characteristics and compare them with the requirements of the heating system.

The following indicators are important:

  • pressure , which covers hydraulic losses in the circuit;
  • productivity - volume of water or supply over a certain time interval;
  • operating coolant temperature , max and min – for modern models on average +2 ºС… +110 ºС;
  • power – taking into account hydraulic losses, mechanical power prevails over useful power.

Structural details are also important, for example, the inlet/outlet diameter of the pipes. For heating systems, the average parameters are 25 mm and 32 mm.

An example of a unit for equipping a residential heating network with an area of ​​100 m² is a Grundfos UPS with a 32 mm pipe connection, a capacity of 62 l/s and a weight of 3.65 kg. The compact and low-noise cast iron device is inaudible even behind a thin partition, and its power is sufficient to transport liquid to the 2nd floor.

Pumps with built-in electronics allow you to quickly switch equipment to a more convenient mode depending on changes in temperature or pressure in the network. Automatic devices are equipped with digital displays that provide maximum information on the operation of the pump: temperature, resistance, pressure, etc.

Additional information on the calculation and selection of a circulation pump for heating is presented in the articles:


Dry pump

In a “dry” device there is no direct contact of the rotor with water, since it is protected by several o-rings. O-rings are made from carbon agglomerate, high-quality steel or ceramics, aluminum oxide - it all depends on the type of coolant used.

The movement of the rings relative to each other initiates the start of the equipment. Perfectly polished parts, in contact with each other, form a thin film of water

. The difference in pressure levels between the outside space and the atmosphere of the heating system creates a sealing connection. Thanks to the springs, the rings are pressed towards each other, and as a result of wear of the parts, they fit together without outside help.

The service life of the sealing rings is at least three years, while the stuffing box packing is less durable and requires constant lubrication and cooling. The main feature of this unit is its high noise level, which means its installation in a separate room. The efficiency is 80 percent.

When using a “dry” circulation unit with sliding end rings, you should monitor

the presence of suspended matter in the pumped liquid and the general degree of dustiness of the room. This is explained by the fact that when a pump operates with a dry rotor type, air turbulence is created that attracts dust particles. When small debris gets into the coolant, it damages the surface of the sealing rings and breaks the seal. The operation of a “dry” pump is characterized by the gradual destruction of the end rings, so they need a water layer between the working surfaces. The water layer acts as a lubricant.

In turn, “dry” pumps are divided into:

  • Vertical;
  • Horizontal;
  • Block.

Horizontal pumps

Otherwise they are also called console ones. The front part of the shaft is equipped with a suction pipe, and the housing is equipped with a discharge pipe. The electric motor is installed horizontally.

Vertical pumps

The pipes have the same diameter and are located on the same axis. The electric motor is mounted in a vertical position.

Block pumps

The coolant enters in the axial direction and is discharged in the radial direction.

"Wet" pump

It differs from a “dry” device in that the impeller is immersed in a coolant, which simultaneously lubricates and cools the engine. The electrical part of the engine is protected from moisture by using a sealed stainless steel cup, which is installed between the stator and the rotor.

Ceramic is used to produce the rotor; graphite or ceramics

. The equipment body is made of brass, bronze or cast iron. The main feature of the “wet” type is low noise level, durability, simple settings and repairs.

The efficiency of a “wet” pump is lower than that of a “dry” unit by approximately 30 percent and amounts to 50 percent. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to seal the metal sleeve, which separates the stator from the coolant, with a rather large rotor diameter. However, for domestic use, where there is no need for water circulation in long-distance heating systems, it is advisable to use such equipment.

The design of “wet” pumps includes:

  • Equipment housing;
  • Electric motor with stator;
  • Box with terminal blocks;
  • Working wheel;
  • A cartouche consisting of a shaft with bearings and a rotor.

The modular assembly of the “wet” pump allows you to replace the broken part of the unit with a new one.

Single- or three-phase electric motors are installed in “wet” circulation units. The equipment is fastened to the heating system pipeline using a threaded or flanged connection - the type of fastening is influenced by the power and performance of the pump.

Due to the strictly horizontal position of the shaft, water access to the bearings

, which is used as a lubricant. Therefore, in order for the operation of the equipment to be uninterrupted and long-lasting, this rule must be observed.

Requirements for installation of a circulation pump

There are a number of standards that regulate at the legislative level the installation of a circulation pump in a heating system. Some of the rules are set out in SNiP 2.04.05 “Heating...”. For example, it talks about the priority of schemes with forced circulation in heating networks.

Almost all requirements are justified by the operating efficiency of the system as a whole and the circulation device in particular. For example, the shaft of a device with a wet rotor must be installed on the pipe strictly horizontally in level so that there are no air pockets inside and the pump parts do not wear out prematurely.

A filter for dirt and abrasive particles is needed in any case, even when installing monolithic models. Filtered coolant will cause much less damage to pump parts than liquid with sand and suspended matter.

The mudguard is installed with the plug down in the direction of water movement to reduce resistance and facilitate system maintenance.

Some rules are dictated by manufacturers. For example, it was customary to install old models of certain brands exclusively on the return line, since they could not withstand high temperatures.

Now pumps have become more versatile and can be installed in any suitable location, but subject to power parameters.

Hydraulic separator

If there is a need to install an additional pump, then another device must be included in such a heating system - a hydraulic separator. In the list of terms used, a hydraulic separator can also be called an anuloid or a hydraulic arrow.

Where to put

In the autonomous heating system of a private house, it is recommended to install circulation pumps with a wet rotor, which rotate without the use of special lubricants. The coolant and lubricating element here are the coolant. When installing such a device, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • The pump shaft must be in a horizontal position relative to the floor surface;
  • The movement of water flow in the system must coincide with the direction of the arrow on the device;
  • To prevent liquid from entering the pump terminals, the box should be installed on the top or side of the equipment.

Correct installation of an additional pump in the home heating system
According to some users, it is better to install the pump on the return pipeline. Here the coolant temperature is minimal, which will increase the service life of the device, but not all experts agree with this statement. The fact is that the pump is designed for operation in a coolant environment whose temperature can reach 110 degrees.

Analysis of installation technology

The installation process itself is quick; to secure the housing, you need to secure two union nuts. This is very convenient for further maintenance and repair work. But before installation, it is necessary to choose the right installation location, otherwise the pump will either work intermittently or will soon fail.

Schemes for inserting a pump into the network

When choosing one of the schemes, it is necessary to take into account the type of heating system, boiler model and ease of maintenance.

Option 1. This is the most common solution: the pump is mounted on the “return”, through which the cooled coolant returns to the boiler. Warm water does not have such an aggressive effect on the parts of the device, so it lasts longer.

Option 2 . This solution is relevant if for some reason it is not possible to install a pump on the return line. Then it is fixed at the beginning of the circuit, at the supply, but not near the boiler, but after the safety group.

Modern devices can easily withstand high temperatures, but there are still experts who reject such a scheme.

There is such a heating network option as an open system with an expansion tank installed at the highest point of the circuit.

If you install a circulation pump, you will be able to operate it in two modes: natural and forced. Natural circulation will come in handy if there are power outages.

The last scheme applies only to networks with a solid fuel boiler. The supply pump is not installed due to the risk of explosion. The fact is that with solid fuel boilers it is impossible to quickly stop the heating process, as a result of which the water boils.

Boiling water with steam gets inside the pump, it reduces productivity, the cooled water in the circuit does not have time to flow back into the boiler in the required quantity - and it heats up even more. The result of overheating is an explosion.

If you run cooled water from the circuit into a heating boiler, condensation will form. To prevent this from happening, the water is first heated in the small circuit to +55°C, and then the thermostatic valve smoothly switches to the large circuit.

As a result, cold water is mixed with already heated water and “temperature shock” does not occur for the boiler.

How piping is done

The circulation pump piping is the equipment necessary for its proper functioning, as well as for the smooth operation of the entire heating system.

First you need to finally decide how many pumps there will be. For one simple circuit, one device is enough, but with complex wiring it is possible to install two or more.

If you plan to use a “warm floor” system in your house or install an indirect heating boiler, then it is better to increase the number of appliances to two. If two boilers are installed - solid fuel and electric - you will also need a separate pump for each unit.

As mentioned above, ball valves are mandatory elements. They are mounted together with the pump, and in the event of an emergency, they will have to be used.

A check valve made of brass or cast iron is also required so that the coolant moves in one given direction. It is mounted on the pipe immediately after the pump, in the direction of water movement.

A “dirt filter” will be required to prevent solid particles from entering the device housing. Fine filters are not installed in heating circuits. If clean water is needed, it is pre-purified before being poured into the system.

There is a risk of air getting into the network, so there is a need to install an air valve. It can turn on automatically, but there are also manual models.

After installing all the devices, the pump is connected to power. A big mistake is to use an ordinary outlet without grounding. This is a safety violation and can cost lives in the event of an accident.

There are smarter ways to power power:

  • via uninterruptible power supply (UPS);
  • through a differential circuit breaker;
  • by connecting to the boiler automation.

The easiest way is to use a circuit breaker: you will need an 8 A switch itself, contacts, and wires. But for practical use, a solution with a thermostat is very convenient.

If you plan to install a UPS, you can connect an uninterruptible power supply to both the pump and the boiler at the same time.

Basic heating schemes

Heating systems, where forced circulation of coolant is provided, can be organized according to a variety of schemes. The most common ones are discussed below. You should start with single-pipe water heating schemes:

Figure 2: Single-pipe horizontal system with end sections.

Flow (Fig. 1). For small houses, a single-pipe horizontal flow-through water heating system is perfect. It provides the following operating scheme: the coolant enters the main riser, and is then distributed among all horizontal risers and begins to flow sequentially through the batteries, cooling, it immediately returns through the return line. With closing sections (Fig. 2). There is another horizontal single-pipe system, which provides for the creation of sections that are subsequently closed. During its organization, a valve designed to remove air must be installed on each radiator. To regulate the temperature of the heating elements, shut-off valves are provided, which are installed at the beginning of the heating system with forced circulation on each floor of a country house. Single-pipe (Fig. 3). A water heating system that provides forced circulation can be vertical. In this case, the coolant immediately reaches the top floor of the house, then it flows through the risers into the installed radiators, then the liquid goes into the heating elements located on the previous floor, and so on until it drops to the very bottom. Such a water heating system can be organized both according to a flow-through circuit, and according to one where there are closing sections

It is important to take into account that it has one significant drawback: heating of the batteries in the house on the floors occurs unevenly.

Figure 3: Single-pipe vertical heating system.

There are also two-pipe water heating systems, where forced circulation of the coolant is provided (Fig. 4). They can be organized according to 3 schemes:

  1. Dead end. Here, each subsequent element of the heating system in the direction of movement of the coolant is located at the farthest distance from the heating element. This scheme leads to an increase in the circulation circuit, which makes it difficult to control the operation of the heating equipment. However, this system provides for a short pipeline length, which allows minimizing the costs associated with organizing heating for the home.
  2. Along the way. There is equality of circulation circuits here. This factor makes it easier to regulate the operation of the heating system, where forced circulation is provided. However, here the length of the pipeline increases significantly compared to a dead-end circuit, which leads to additional costs when installing heating.
  3. Collector. This provides for connecting each heating element individually to the heating system. Thanks to this, the coolant enters the radiators at the same temperature. However, this also implies a large consumption of pipes when installing the system.

Figure 4: Two-pipe horizontal system.

In addition, there is another scheme for the vertical organization of forced heating (Fig. 5). It implies the presence of a lower wiring. Here, the coolant enters the boiler using a pump, then it enters the pipeline and is distributed throughout the entire system, and then passes into the heating elements, giving up its heat, the liquid returns through the return pipeline through the pump and expansion tank to the heating element. A vertical heating system can also be organized with overhead wiring (Fig. 6). This means the location of the main pipelines above the heating elements (in the attic or under the ceiling of the upper floor). The water, which circulates using a pump, enters the boiler, then is distributed through the risers to the heating elements; the liquid, having given up its heat, goes into the return line, which is located in the basement or under the floor of the lower floor.

Brief installation instructions

A common option is to install the pump on a bypass. This is due to two good reasons: it becomes possible to quickly dismantle or temporarily disconnect the device from the network, for example, if problems arise with electricity.

Various modifications of ready-made pumping units are available for sale: for welding or flange connection, with places for installing taps or valves, with a special area reserved for the pump.

But if you cannot purchase a ready-made unit or there is not enough space for its installation, you can independently organize the bypass piping and fix all the parts in the places allocated for them.

The following tools and materials are required for work:

  • a set of open-end or adjustable wrenches for assembly;
  • pliers:
  • linen thread or tow;
  • Unipak sealant.

American nuts are usually supplied with the pump, but taps, adapters or fittings will also have to be prepared. Attention should be paid to more reliable materials for making fittings and the diameter of the products.

  1. Assembling units with taps . Two will be located on the edges of the pump, the third will become part of a straight pipe. It is important to measure the “return” section in order to accurately weld the fragment with the tap.
  2. Assembling the pump loop. Tightening the nuts must be postponed until the final stage of installation, but for now they just need to be screwed on.
  3. Trying on the bypass loop . Mark the places where the units are welded into the pipe.
  4. Welding should be left to a qualified welder.
  5. Assembly of the lower unit is on the “return” side.
  6. Connecting the pump to the power supply.

As an example, install the GRUNDFOS .

Maintenance of the installed pump is carried out in operating mode. It is necessary to clean the filter more often and check the pressure gauge readings.

If the values ​​do not correspond to the norm, the device must be removed and adjusted. It is better to do this in a specialized workshop.

Selecting an expansion tank for closed heating

The coolant in heating systems of private houses is usually ordinary water. When heated, water tends to expand, thereby increasing the pressure in the system. If the pressure in a sealed system exceeds a critical point, a pipeline rupture may occur. How to make a closed heating system that will not damage pipes?

To solve this problem, expansion tanks were created that eliminate excess fluid, thereby preventing pressure build-up.

The expansion tank consists of two parts: a metal body and an elastic diaphragm, which is located inside and divides the body into two halves. The “back” part of the tank is filled with air or gas, and the expanded liquid enters the lower part. As the temperature rises, the water continues to increase in volume, affecting the membrane, which begins to shrink.

Membranes in tanks can be of two types:

  1. Fixed
    . Such a membrane is fixed around the perimeter of the expander and ensures stable operation, but if it is damaged, the entire tank will need to be replaced.
  2. Replaceable
    . Membranes of this type are usually produced in the form of bulk rubber products that are filled with water. Replaceable membranes are installed on the tank flange, and if they rupture, you can replace them yourself.


The heating system is an important element of the house, and its calculation must be carried out in accordance with all rules. The question of which is better: a closed heating system with your own hands or one built by professionals remains open, but it is not the most important.

It is very important to choose the right system elements that will ensure maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness, are reliable and of high quality. A closed heating system, the diagram of which is shown in the photo, can be an excellent choice to ensure that all requirements are met

If everything was done correctly, the closed heating system will heat the building for many years, creating a cozy and comfortable environment.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Theoretical knowledge is quickly absorbed when accompanied by an interesting video that reveals the sequence and features of the work on installing devices.

Video review of the WILO pump – configuration and installation:

Practice shows that advanced home improvement enthusiasts can handle installing a circulation pump on their own.

However, if difficulties arise, it is better to turn to specialists: only qualified craftsmen know how to properly tie and install a heating pump, observing all the nuances of the chosen scheme.

Do you have personal experience installing a circulation pump? Do you want to share your accumulated knowledge or ask questions on the topic? Please leave comments and participate in discussions - the feedback form is located below.

One and two-pipe heating systems

Many heating schemes have been developed and installed. But they are all modifications or combinations of two system options that can be defined as basic options.

Basic or basic schemes can be considered:

Single-pipe heating circuit

A simple one-pipe system is popular. how does it work? Simple, extremely simple. Hot coolant flows from the boiler through one pipe and, after passing through a sequential chain of batteries, returns to the boiler. This principle is actually used by the heating scheme of a one-story house with forced circulation, and installing a bypass on the pump turns it into a “gravity” system.

  • uneven heating of radiators;
  • To replace the battery you need to turn off the system.

The disadvantages of the above-described scheme are practically eliminated in the modernized single-pipe heating scheme, which is known as the “Leningradka”, after the place of its invention in St. Petersburg.
In St. Petersburg, “Leningradka” is used even in multi-storey buildings. Ball valves at the battery inlet/outlet will allow you to replace or repair batteries without turning off the heating. The batteries cut into the supply pipe in parallel. When organizing a heating circuit for a two-story house with forced circulation, a vertical wiring diagram is installed.

The pipeline rises to the second floor, water enters the batteries located horizontally in series. Then, from the last radiator, the pipeline goes down and is connected to a horizontal line of radiators, and then the coolant that has cooled down and given off its energy enters the boiler. The disadvantage of such a system is considered to be uneven heating of the radiators. This drawback is especially noticeable if gravity flow is used, but if a circulation pump is installed, the difference in temperature is almost unnoticeable.

Two-pipe heating circuit

The most optimal are considered to be heating system designs with forced circulation in the circuit. Such systems are effective for one-story cottages, houses and dachas and can easily provide heat for a two-story house with a large area. To implement this scheme, two pipes are installed - a supply pipeline and a return line. The batteries are connected in parallel, they are equipped with shut-off valves and devices for removing air. This scheme ensures uniform heating of the batteries, but the pipe consumption for installation is much higher. Additional costs are offset by efficient heating operation.

Vertical two-pipe scheme

A vertical closed heating system with forced circulation is implemented in two versions - with lower (horizontal) or upper wiring. Horizontal wiring is organized as follows. The “supply” pipe rises to the top floor, and all the batteries that are connected to the “return” are connected to it. The disadvantage is the presence of two pipes in the room.

Installation Rules

The circulation pump is a hydraulic unit that converts the movement energy of a mechanical engine drive into an energetic fluid flow. It transports liquid in a closed circuit and imparts directed pressure energy to it.

The circulation pump is sold in specialized stores at a reasonable price

In order to install and connect the pump, there are certain rules.

These rules use knowledge of the operation of a closed fluid flow system. To begin, select a scheme for increasing the hot water pressure and connecting to the heating system (mounting to the wall). You can turn on the pump through the bypass into the system when the pressure allows the maximum part of the boiler energy to be used to support normal circulation of the coolant. In this case, it is necessary to follow the rules for installing these pumps in order to do without (additional) replenishment of the process at times. In the case when the system cannot do without additional replenishment, the pump must be placed vertically on each heating riser (multi-storey heating scheme). In the heating pipeline, the device is placed in each circuit.

What rules should you follow:

  • Follow the flow diagram for the direction of the coolant on the housing according to the marks;
  • To prevent the device from overheating and its performance from decreasing, install the rotor in a horizontal (or vertical) position;
  • Follow safety rules;
  • Before starting the device, it is necessary to fill the system with water and rid it of any air lock that has formed.

If you have previously dealt with pipes (cuts, devices, connections), then installing and placing a circulation device will not be difficult.

Forced circulation system elements

Forced circulation is a process that requires the installation of not only a pump, but also other required elements.

  • These include:

expansion tank to compensate for the volume of coolant when temperature changes; safety group, including pressure gauge, thermometer, safety valve; radiators connected according to one of the wiring diagrams; Mayevsky taps or air separator; check valve; system fill and drain taps; coarse filter.

In addition, when using a solid fuel boiler as a heater. without the automatic fuel loading function, it is recommended to include a heat accumulator in the system - a storage tank of the required volume. This will equalize the temperature of the coolant and avoid its daily fluctuations.

Connection methods

The pump can have a variety of connection options and wiring diagrams.

There are two possibilities for connection: direct contact - to the electrical network and to an uninterruptible power supply.

The first method involves installing an electrical outlet close to the place where the circulation pump is being installed. Sometimes they come complete with a plug and cable. In this case, you can simply connect the device to electricity using an outlet. You just need to make sure that there is a third (grounding) contact in the outlet. The wires must be stranded copper, which will provide resistance to bending. For a permanent connection, a non-flexible copper or aluminum cable can be used. Its immobility must be ensured by installation. To do this, the cable is secured with clamps along the entire route. A differential circuit breaker (residual current device) is used in this embodiment. You can use a regular single-pole circuit breaker instead and pass only the phase wire through the device. The cable from the machine to the pump must be three-core if the device is installed in a panel with a PE bus. If there is no such bus, then the PE terminal should be connected to a grounding device. This connection can be made with a separate wire.

To install the circulation pump you need to have the usual tools

What materials are needed for installation:

  • Detachable connections;
  • Shut-off ball valves;
  • To arrange a bypass - pipes;
  • Reliable additional filter, which is necessary for rough cleaning;
  • Connection couplings and various limit switches.

The location of the device and the characteristics of the heated object determine the choice of a specific option.

Nuances of calculating the installation of a heating system with forced circulation

The proper installation of the heating circuit determines how long and trouble-free the heating in the house will operate. Since the liquid in a closed system is not in contact with the environment, it cannot evaporate. When heated, the coolant expands, thereby increasing the pressure inside the system. Since a closed heating system with forced circulation does not imply the possibility of water leaving the circuit, an expansion tank is needed that will absorb the excess volume.

The tank is connected to the return pipeline, just like the circulation pump, because It is in this area that the heating of the coolant is minimal. Since hot liquid shortens the life of the pump, it is better to install it in a place where the water temperature is minimal.

Due to the fact that the pipes in a system with a pump have a smaller cross-sectional diameter, the volume of coolant circulating through them is less than the volume of liquid required to heat a similar house without a pump. This factor has a positive effect on the operating conditions of the expansion tank; in a system with a pump, the tank does not fail longer. A heating system with forced circulation does not cause as many inconveniences as natural circulation.

Also, modern models of heating boilers often have mechanisms for regulating water temperature depending on the time of day, which work automatically. This nuance allows you to make the operation of the circuit more economical.

A modern heating boiler has great capabilities and various adjustments, which makes it easier to operate.

In order to increase the heating surface, a finned heating pipe can be installed in the circuit. The well-known heating radiators made of cast iron are a type of finned tubes. Such designs, by increasing the surface of the heater, provide more uniform and high-quality heating of the room. It is better to install finned pipes in non-residential premises, because... Due to their complex shape, they easily accumulate dust.

Unlike a gravity circuit, where there is no circulation in the heating system, a design with a pump requires a careful approach. One of the primary problems that needs to be resolved when designing is whether it will be a single-pipe forced circulation heating system or a two-pipe one. The first option is more economical and easier to install, but a two-pipe forced circulation heating system is more productive.

The heating circuit of a three-story house with gravity circulation can easily be converted into a circuit with forced water circulation. To do this, attach a water pump and an expansion tank to it. Thus, they modernize the heating circuit and maintain a comfortable temperature in the home, regardless of the weather outside the window. Selecting a circulation pump

When buying a circulation pump, take into account its reliability, the amount of electricity consumed and its clear operating principle. Forced heating depends on the power of the unit and the pressure it is capable of creating. When assessing these characteristics, they are based on the size of the room for which the pump is purchased. So, for a private house with an area of ​​250 sq.m. you will need a pump with a pressure of 0.4 atmospheres and a capacity of 3.5 cubic meters. m/hour. If the house is spacious and its area exceeds 500 square meters. m, then the required pump power is 11 cubic meters. m/hour, and the pressure is 0.8 atmospheres. When purchasing a pump for a specific room, it is advisable to carry out an individual calculation that takes into account individual characteristics: length of the circuit, number of heating radiators, pipeline diameter, pipe material, type of fuel.


Heating with forced circulation reduces heat transfer when air pockets form inside the pipeline. The movement of coolant along the circuit becomes difficult. Air congestion occurs near radiators, in vertical sections of the circuit. To avoid this problem, a Mayevsky tap and automatic air vents are installed on each radiator. This is an effective way to prevent system disruptions caused by air getting into the pipes. The forced circulation heating system is always at its best.

Is it possible to install the pump on supply or return?

You can install circulation devices using both of these methods. Their durability and performance will not be affected in any way by the location where they are installed.

When installing a boiler, the main condition must be met - ease of maintenance.

If you put it on the supply side, the device will fail faster, since the temperature is higher here. If it is on the return line, the unit will not last long. The density of water is less at supply and it is difficult to pump. In the return, the pressure is higher - this means it is easier for the pump to work. All these arguments are not entirely correct and cannot be treated unambiguously. In what position the device will stand is up to you.

Operating principles of the device:

  • The permissible temperature is +110-115 degrees. The correct temperature in the heating system usually reaches 80 degrees, and sometimes 90. Therefore, where to install the pump does not matter here.
  • It also does not affect the density of water. The difference between this parameter is so small at temperatures of 50 and 80 degrees that it will not affect the operation of the unit in any way.
  • The pressure difference between the value in the main line and the coolant is very small. It makes no sense to calculate it.

The main thing during installation is to do everything correctly.

Device and principle of operation

Circulation pumps are highly specialized equipment whose purpose is to force water circulation. Pump includes:

  • The body is made from stainless metals (steel, cast iron, brass, bronze) and alloys;
  • Rotor. Ceramic or high-quality steel is used for production;
  • Rotor shaft. Includes an impeller wheel with blades;
  • An electric motor having a certain power to drive the rotor.

A vertical pump, as part of a closed pipeline, sucks in liquid

on the one hand, due to the rotation of the impeller, it accelerates its movement, and then pushes out the water on the other side. Thanks to this process, a discharged space is created at the inlet, and compression is created at the outlet pipe.

Due to the uniform operation of the equipment, a certain level of pressure in the heating system is maintained. However, to increase its indicator it is necessary to use a special device. The circulation pump is primarily used to overcome resistance in areas of the heating system.

How to install a pump in a gas boiler: can you do it yourself?

A pump unit with the necessary fittings is already integrated into the design of many gas boilers. However, the unit’s performance may not be enough to “pull through” an extensive heating system. This, as well as the lack of a pump in the kit, forces homeowners to install additional “circulators” outside the heater.

You can install the pump unit yourself if no changes are made to the design of the gas boiler. Otherwise, you need to entrust the work to specialists. Before installing the pump unit, it is necessary to check whether it can be used in an existing or planned heating system. To do this, calculate the required performance and pressure, which will ensure efficient operation and heating. Based on the obtained parameters, a pump is selected, choosing a standard size with a larger nominal value.

How the pump should stand: installation process

    should be secured with union nuts;

Installation involves sequential placement of the necessary components, without which the pump will fail.

Shut-off valves (installed on both sides; if necessary, the section with the pump is disconnected from the system).

A separate branch for the pump (bypass) is provided , this will allow the use of natural circulation.

  • coarse filter (placed in front of the pump);
  • check valve (needed in systems with an expansion tank or when installing two pumps );
  • an air valve for removing air from the pipes (in some models it is built-in initially, then it is not needed in the chain).

One pump is enough for a system with one boiler; additional devices are installed if:

  • two or more boilers;
  • complex circuit ramifications;
  • buffer tank installed
  • with a large length of the circuit (several floors);
  • with a “warm floor” system;
  • there are two or more boilers with different types of fuel;
  • a heat accumulator is installed (an additional container in which the liquid is cooled and supplied to the system if necessary);
  • pumping devices are installed on the bypass , which will allow the use of natural circulation.

Attention! A separate cable with a machine is laid for the pump. It is not recommended to simply plug it into a regular outlet. For safety, there must be grounding and a circuit breaker that triggers during power surges.

What to consider when choosing the right location

When installing the device in the circuit, the following is taken into account:

  • correct orientation (indicated in the instructions, horizontal or vertical);
  • correct harness (correctly selected set of additional devices);
  • if there are two or more branches, then the best option is to install a separate pump for each (in this case, it is possible to immediately achieve equal temperatures in the rooms for each branch and use fuel more economically).

Where is it better to install: supply or return

Professionals recommend installing the pump before the first branch of the circuit. The device is designed for temperatures of the pumped liquid up to 115°C, so the choice of supply or return pipe is not important.

This is significant when installed in a system with a steam boiler, since the coolant at the outlet has a temperature above 100°C, which is unacceptable. On the return pipe, the temperature is set within normal limits.

Return is the only option for solid fuel , with the exception of systems with automated control.

Important! Boilers without automation often overheat the coolant to boiling , so steam enters the pump installed in the supply. This leads to an almost complete stop of fluid movement along the circuit and an emergency situation, even an explosion .

The return pump may also be filled with steam , but in this case the response time of the safety valve increases, which allows you to solve the problem and avoid disaster.

Dry rotor pumps

The entire internal working unit of dry devices does not come into contact with water and is completely isolated. These products are slightly larger and heavier. There is noise and vibration. Here, more often there is a need for a separate place, a fence, installation on the floor with larger piping and wiring. But the devices can also crash in the standard way, like wet ones - directly into a pipe, bypass on the line.

“Dry” pumps are installed to transport significant masses of coolant along long-distance circuits, for example, for a large number of apartments in a high-rise building, for objects with several floors, entertainment centers, administrative and industrial buildings.

The design features are as follows. Between the electric motor and the hydraulic working segment there are sealing insulating gaskets (2 rings). There are 2 discs with a close fit. One is movable on the shaft, the other is static, firmly fixed inside the housing. A thin film of the pumped resource is created between the wheels, pressing on the elements, increasing the tightness.

The efficiency of dry pumps is 85%, according to this parameter they are the best, but they are used less often for home systems due to the noise and vibration created by the cooling fan.

Dry circulation pumps can be of the following sizes:

  • monoblock - motor, all parts of the pump in a single body. Advantages: ease of maintenance and installation. But such devices, like console ones, are more often installed for MKD, on large objects, and these products are usually with a stand-foundation;
  • console option. Assembled on a single base, the axes of the elements are on 1 line, but the shaft and pipes are remote from the drive;
  • in-line. Compact, placed directly on the pipe. The pipes are on the same line (there are no snails, as in the previous version). There is automatic compensation for seal production. These are the popular options; they are usually used for not particularly demanding standard home heating.

In-line pump:

Advantages and disadvantages of dry circulation pumps Advantages of dry circulation pumps:

  • productivity, higher power, efficiency 85%;
  • more energy efficient;
  • does not require horizontal positioning;
  • low requirements for cleanliness of the coolant; abrasive particles will not damage the working parts of the mechanism, since they do not come into contact with it. Can be used on all systems - open, closed. The filter does not have to be mounted, although it is desirable;


  • Dimensions and weight are slightly greater. For high performance, a typical installation option is on the floor (not directly on the pipe, as with most dry pumps). Accordingly, installation becomes more complicated and costs increase. But such a need does not arise often, since for home systems a compact, not particularly powerful model is sufficient; in most cases, the device is mounted directly on the pipe;
  • Large devices require lubrication. For compact sizes, such a procedure may not be required or may be required extremely rarely, but this should be prescribed in the instructions;
  • if the cooler breaks down, the device will overheat, with a high probability of failure;
  • The cooling impeller is noisy and vibration occurs. A very significant drawback, since extraneous sounds, unnerving users, will nullify all the advantages. Sound insulation will be required, at least a box/fence with it or installation in a remote segment;
  • repairs and replacement of spare parts are somewhat more labor-intensive: the design is complicated by the cooling impeller, there are features associated with the insulation of internal parts;
  • expensive.

This type of equipment is productive, unpretentious to the coolant, works with high pressures, and does not require horizontal placement. But the device is noisy, with vibration, and is often made in overall sizes; this sometimes entails the need for installation on a foundation or a metal frame.

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