Gasification of a private house in 2022, how to provide electricity and water to a summer cottage

You can heat a private house with solid or liquid fuel boilers, as well as with electric and gas heating equipment. Operating boilers of the first type is a rather troublesome and expensive task, because you constantly need to bring in fuel, load it into the working chamber of the boiler, and clean the chimney and boiler from ash.

Electric boilers and water heaters are easy to maintain, but consume a lot of electricity, so the home owner will have to pay considerable utility bills every month.

The most economical option is to use gas heating, because blue fuel is an inexpensive energy resource and after connecting the house to the gas main, the owner will only need to follow safety rules and carry out timely maintenance of gas appliances. This article will tell readers how to supply gas to a private home and what documents are required to collect to obtain a gasification permit.

Which houses can be connected to gas supply?

Centralized gas supply provides for the transportation and delivery of natural gas to the consumer. Connecting a permanent structure to the gas main includes two stages - organizational and technical actions. The set of organizational measures includes the preparation and collection of the necessary technical documentation, filing an application for gasification and concluding an agreement in the event of a positive decision by the gas service.

Technical actions: connecting the gas main to the land plot, connecting the house to the gas distribution network, installing a gas meter and starting the gas.

Gasification of a residential building is clearly regulated by law. According to Government Decree No. 1314, gas connections are permitted to capital buildings. If residential, country or garden houses, as well as garages and utility buildings, have a strong connection to the ground, that is, they are installed on a foundation and registered as real estate, then there will be no problems with their connection. In any other case, gasification will be denied. An attempt to connect gas supply to non-capital construction projects is prohibited by law and, depending on the consequences, is punishable by a fine or criminal punishment. In an apartment building, gas is connected to the entire house. To connect permanent buildings located on the territory of garage cooperatives, gardening or holiday villages, an application for technological connection is submitted by the owner of the territory.

Required Documentation

To consider an application for technological connection of a residential building to the gas distribution network at the gas distribution organization (GRO), you need to collect the following documentation:

  • documents confirming the applicant’s ownership of the house and land;
  • a document confirming the compliance of the technical conditions of the house with the gas distribution network (TU);
  • copy of passport;
  • diagram of the land plot and adjacent territory;
  • calculation of planned gas consumption;
  • gasification project.

The application also indicates the location of the house that needs to be connected to the gas main, the applicant’s passport details and postal address, email address or telephone number for contact. The application can be submitted in electronic format on the GRO website, sent by mail or at the document acceptance center of the gas distribution organization. For the unreliability of documents attached by the applicant in electronic format, the legislation provides for administrative liability. The address of the GRO can be found in local authorities or found on the Internet, indicating the name of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Stages of gasification at home

The Contractor reviews the application within three days from the date of receipt. If the applicant has not fulfilled all the requirements, he is notified that he must provide all missing information and documents within 20 days. Consideration of the application is suspended at this time.

Ownership documents

If you are not the sole owner of the land plot, then consent to gasification of all adult owners is required. Your rights and the rights of other owners can be represented by third parties under a power of attorney executed in a notary's office.

If your house is connected to the gas distribution network from a neighboring plot, the consent of the owner of the plot is required. However, power assignment is possible only if the neighboring building has been connected to the same gas distribution network for at least 5 years and there are no technical contraindications to connecting a new consumer.

A land plot diagram (situation plan) can be obtained free of charge from the local administration, as well as from the BTI and from cadastral engineers, however, you will have to pay for their services. The calculation of the planned gas consumption is compiled by the contractor’s employees (GRO). If it does not exceed 5 cubic meters. m. per hour, no document is required.

Schemes for organizing water heating

To heat cottages, heating systems with water as a coolant are installed, consisting of:

  • boiler (single-circuit or double-circuit);
  • pipelines and fittings (metal or polypropylene);
  • bypasses , allowing you to disconnect individual heaters from the network;
  • batteries (cast iron, aluminum, steel and bimetallic);
  • expansion tank.

Gas heating units are equipped with a specific safety system, including a solenoid valve and a thermocouple. The devices are connected to each other by wires.

If the heating unit is functioning normally, the thermocouple junction is heated by the igniter. At this time, current flows freely through the winding of the solenoid valve, which ensures the open position of the valve.

When the thermocouple cools down, the gas access is blocked by an electromagnetic valve.

According to the battery connection diagram, they are single-pipe and double-pipe. In the first case, water is supplied and discharged from the radiator using one pipe. In the second, the heating device is connected to two separate pipelines (supply and return).

Heating pipes to the radiators can be connected in a bottom, top, side or diagonal pattern

Heating circuits, based on the principle of water movement in pipes, come with natural and forced circulation. When installing the second option, the coolant circulates in the system due to convection and gravity. And the forced scheme involves the installation of a circulation pump.

To ensure normal operation of a system with two or more circuits connected to the manifold, it provides for the installation of a hydraulic arrow. The hydraulic arrow eliminates pressure drops and the possibility of water hammer.

The expansion tank can be open or closed (divided inside into two parts by a sealed membrane). For gravity heating systems, an open option will be sufficient. A closed tank is designed for forced circulation circuits.

When using an open expansion tank, the water is saturated with air, so that this does not become a problem, the system should be supplemented with an air removal circuit

For small cottages, the natural principle of water movement will be sufficient. However, if a residential building has two or three floors, then you cannot do without a pump. The length of the circulation circuit in the first scheme is limited to 30 meters. The boiler will not be able to “push” water over a greater distance.

With natural circulation of the coolant in the gas heating circuit of a private house, there is no pump. If the boiler is chosen to be non-volatile, then the entire heating system is independent of the power supply. There are simply no elements that consume electricity.

On the one hand, it is more stable in operation, but on the other, the quality of heating in it is lower (the water reaches the radiators farthest from the water heater when it is very cold).

The latter especially applies to pipelines and batteries made of steel or cast iron. These materials have high hydraulic resistance, which reduces the coolant current.

In addition to using standard radiators in a country house, you can organize gas heating using “warm floors”

It is also possible to organize a combined heating system. In it, the circulation pump is connected to the main line through a bypass. If it is necessary to quickly warm up the air in the rooms, it is turned on to accelerate the water circulation.

In other cases, it is cut off from the main pipe by shut-off valves, while the system continues to function in a natural (gravitational) mode.

Technical conditions for gasification of a residential building

A request for technical specifications is also submitted to the gas distribution service. They cannot refuse to accept an application for the provision of technical specifications if gasification is permitted by law and the applicant has submitted all the required documents. The examination will be carried out within the established time frame.

The basis for refusal to issue a document on technical specifications may be the lack of possibility of technological connection. In this case, the contractor must notify the customer about the approximate timing of such an opportunity. If the contractor unreasonably refuses to issue the technical specifications document, the customer may file a claim in court to force the issuance of the necessary documents and compensation for damage caused by such refusal.

The technical specifications document indicates the following parameters:

  • maximum gas flow (m3/hour);
  • name of the property;
  • timing of connecting the house to the gas distribution main;
  • characteristics of the network at the connection point;
  • validity period of the technical specifications.

The calculation takes into account the area of ​​the house, as well as the technical characteristics of heating and water heating equipment. When developing specifications, the throughput of the gas main and the number of connection points are taken into account. The connection point is the place where the gas consumption network is connected to the gas main.

Connection point of the house to the central gas system

According to the established regulations, the house must be connected at one point. If there are two residential buildings on the site, it is possible to connect each house separately.

The technical specifications document is valid for 70 days, excluding weekends, unless the date of its validity is indicated. During this time, you need to have time to develop a gasification project and conclude a connection agreement. If you do not meet this time, you will have to re-conduct a technical examination and draw up a report.

Calculation of maximum hourly gas consumption

Owners of private farmsteads may well be guided by a gas consumption rate of 5 m³/h (the first category of gasified farms) - this volume is most often sufficient for domestic use.

However, it is possible to independently calculate the approximate gas consumption of heating equipment using the formula:



  • B – natural gas consumption by household equipment, m³/h;
  • q – heat performance of gas-consuming equipment, kW;
  • n/a – efficiency of gas-consuming equipment (usually 90-92%);
  • 1,163 – the value of the conversion factor from kW to kcal;
  • 8000 – calorific value of natural gas (lower), kcal/Nm³.

Using this formula, we calculate the peak consumption of heating equipment. For example, the heated area of ​​a cottage is 120 m² and it is planned to use a 12 kW boiler with an efficiency of 90% to heat it.

We consider: B=12·1000/0.9·1.163·8000=12000:8373.6=1.5 m³/h (rounded)

The thermal power of other household appliances must be found out from the technical data sheets. A gas four-burner stove with oven, for example, usually has 10 kW of power. Then its peak gas consumption will be (efficiency is not taken into account):

B=10·1000/1.163·8000= 10000:9304=1.1 m³/h (rounded). By calculating the maximum consumption of natural gas per hour for each consumer in the house and summing it up, we obtain the value of the required gas consumption per hour (MRG) for the entire household.

Gasification project

Project documentation is drawn up based on information about the specifications. The list of documents includes the following information:

  • the place where the gas pipe enters a private house;
  • distribution of communications throughout the facility and inside the house;
  • list of necessary work when connecting;
  • security measures;
  • work estimates;
  • recommendations on the technical characteristics of gas equipment.

Gasification project for a private house
To develop design documents, the designer takes the necessary measurements on site, taking into account the customer’s wishes regarding the location of gas appliances. The gasification project can be drawn up by specialists from the gas distribution company, but the law provides for the possibility of engaging third-party companies to develop the project, but their services will be more expensive. However, in this case the documentation will be compiled faster. When contacting a third-party design organization, you need to check that it has a license to carry out this work.

Previously, a project for gas distribution throughout the house was needed only for buildings of 3 floors or higher with 1 family living. However, according to SP 402.1325800.2018, from 06/06/2019, the gas supply project will become mandatory in other cases when connecting to gas.

Help form 20

Let's look at the information on the certificate from the fire service, form 20, in more detail. Let's start with the fact that the Form 20 act for gas supply means an initial check of the chimney and ventilation.

In general, the frequency of inspection has been established, for example, twice a year for seasonal use of gas boilers and, accordingly, ventilation ducts. However, the certificate will only be needed once when connecting. For example, the photo below shows the same act of Form 20 (form).

Fee for gas connection to a private house

After completing all legal formalities, the contractor sends an application to the executive body for tariff regulation to establish the cost of technological connection. In this case, the customer must be notified no later than 5 days from the date of sending the application. The application is accompanied by a connection agreement, a positive expert opinion of the estimate and design documents, estimate documentation indicating the cost of each type of work.

Having studied all the documentation, the executive authority, within 22 days, excluding weekends, approves the amount of payment for each type of work separately. If the applicant refuses to connect the household to the gas pipeline after concluding an agreement and conducting examinations, the owner of the household will compensate the contractor for all confirmed expenses.

Termination of contracts

The subscriber has the right to terminate the gas supply contract unilaterally at any time, provided that he has fully paid the gas supplier for the consumed gas and the costs associated with the work to disconnect the in-house gas equipment from the gas distribution (connected) network.

Expenses incurred in connection with the work to disconnect in-house gas equipment are paid to the gas supplier, unless otherwise provided by the agreement on maintenance of in-house gas equipment concluded by the subscriber with a specialized organization.

The contract is recognized as terminated from the day the in-house gas equipment is disconnected from the gas distribution (connected) network, which is confirmed by the act of disconnecting the in-house gas equipment from the gas distribution (connected) network, signed by the parties with the obligatory indication of the date of disconnection.

The gas supply agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties from a date determined by the parties.

Installation of a gas pipeline to a private house

The connection fee obliges the contractor to bring the gas distribution network to the connection point and prepare the facility for gas start-up no later than the deadlines established by the contract. Distribution of communications around the site and inside the applicant’s house is paid separately. If this work is carried out by specialists from a gas distribution organization, then their cost will be calculated according to tariff rates. To save time for carrying out work within the boundaries of the site and inside a permanent structure, third-party companies can be hired. In this case, payment is calculated at market prices.

Installation of a meter when introducing gas into the house from outside

If a gas distribution network is laid to the border of the site, installation work to supply gas to a private house for citizens of the first category must begin no later than 9 months after payment for the technological connection. Connecting the house to the gas pipeline must be completed within 10 days from the start of work.

The final stage of installation work is installing the meter, connecting gas appliances, checking the system for possible leaks, checking ventilation and testing the gas. This work can only be carried out by GRO employees. After this, a certificate of readiness is signed, the owner of the house receives a technical inspection receipt, and the documents are again sent to the gas distribution organization. Within three weeks, city gas workers must come and seal the gas meter. Then a gas supply agreement is concluded with the consumer and the capital structure is included in the gas supply system. These relations are regulated by Government Decree No. 549.

Insertion into the central gas pipeline to connect a residential building

What is the MX-20 uniform?

MX-20 is a unified form of reporting on the movement of inventory items in the places where they are stored. The report is submitted to the accounting department by the financially responsible person (MRO) after the established reporting period. The form of this document was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee dated 08/09/1999 No. 66.

The report, drawn up in the MX-20 form, indicates, in particular:

  • names of goods and materials;
  • assortment, quantitative indicators of goods and materials;
  • accounting prices of specific inventory items;

Entries in this report are made in correlation with each primary receipt and expense document, as well as taking into account inventory balances.

The document is signed by the MOL, and then by an accountant who certifies that the form has been verified.

How many copies of form MX-20 are needed is determined based on the accounting policies of a particular business entity. Similarly, at the internal document level, the completeness of the report is established. Thus, the accounting department may oblige the MOL to supplement the report on the movement of inventory items with other supporting documents. In this case, information about their number is indicated in the “Appendix” column of the MX-20 form.

The report form on the movement of inventory items in the MX-20 form is available for download on our website.

Download form MX-20

You can also download a completed sample of this form.

Benefits and subsidies for gas supply to a private home

According to Federal Law No. 69-FZ (as amended on July 26, 2019), Article 24 approves a list of persons who can be provided with benefits and subsidies for connecting gas supplies to private households and supplying gas. These include the following categories of citizens:

  • pensioners;
  • disabled people of groups I, II, III;
  • veterans, combatants and their widows;
  • large families;
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl accident;
  • low-income families.

The amount of benefits is regulated at the federal and regional levels. In most cases, a 50% discount on gas connections is provided to owners of private houses belonging to these categories of citizens. However, regional authorities of individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation can return up to 90% of the connection cost. Veterans and disabled people of the Second World War, survivors of the siege, as well as persons over 80 years of age, can be provided with 100% compensation.

Payments for gas connection to the house to benefit groups

To apply for compensation, you need to contact the social insurance fund at your place of registration. You need to have with you:

  1. Passport.
  2. Documents confirming ownership of a capital structure.
  3. Pension certificate (for pensioners).
  4. Medical documents confirming disability (for disabled people of groups I, II, III).
  5. Certificate of family composition.
  6. Certificate of income (for low-income citizens).
  7. Agreement with a gas distribution organization and a gas supply agreement.
  8. Acts of completed work.
  9. Payment receipts (to confirm the purchase of gas equipment and gas supply connection).

If false information is provided, there is a debt, missing documents or an incorrectly completed application, compensation will be denied. Working pensioners may also be denied a subsidy. According to the law, preferential categories of citizens are required to confirm their status annually.

In conclusion of the article, it is worth noting that the ease of use and low cost of blue fuel will pay for the troublesome and expensive gasification procedure.

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