Gas or electric boiler: which one will be better - choice for different conditions

When the question arises whether to choose a gas or electric boiler, the owners first of all evaluate what the costs will be for utilities. This is fundamentally wrong, since before making such calculations, you should study other consumer qualities of each equipment separately.

Boiler for heating residential premises Source

Electric boiler and heating features

An electric heating device is a consumer of fairly high power. Therefore, it is often necessary to build an individual power supply system for it. This is expensive in terms of purchasing the electric boiler itself, as well as reworking the network and increasing its power.

There are boiler models up to 12 kW and higher. The first ones are produced in single-phase version. Equipment that has increased power is already made three-phase. The basis of such a device are electric heaters, heating elements, which transfer their energy through a heat exchanger. Electric boilers do not require constant maintenance, nor do they require special cleaning.

Mounted electric boiler for heating a bathhouse in a residential building Source

Electric boilers are less popular than gas boilers, as they require access to 15 to 40 kW of electricity. This is quite a lot, therefore, not every region has such an opportunity. In fairly remote villages and towns there is no such voltage at all, so you will have to abandon the electric boiler. If such a connection is possible, it is important to study several important points:

  • Installation is simple. For this type of equipment, there is no need to choose a special place where the boiler can be installed, since it does not emit waste during the combustion process, and therefore there is no need to construct a chimney.
  • It is highly safe provided that it is mounted to a grounding system. Even if the device fails, it can give an electric shock, but will not lead to death.
  • Basic maintenance. Repairing a boiler and replacing its heating elements is much easier and cheaper than completely rebuilding the combustion chamber structure. It is also very easy to change the heat exchange medium.
  • Efficiency (coefficient of efficiency). This parameter reaches almost 95%; this is not found in all heating units. This return is due to the fact that in the design the built-in heating element is placed in a container with water, to which it gives off its energy when heated.

Example of calculating heating costs

Let's take as an example a cottage with an area of ​​about 200 m2 in the vicinity of Barnaul. The average heat loss of a house made of aerated concrete with 50 mm insulation will be about 8000 W, and the maximum will be 18000 W. The duration of the heating period is 235 days or 5640 hours.

Let's calculate the capital costs of installing boilers and providing access to energy resources. When organizing home heating using electricity, the costs will be as follows:

  • Connection of additional power up to 30 kW – 15 t.r.
  • Three-phase electric boiler Ferroli Zews 28, power 28 kW - 51 tr.
  • Heat accumulator S-Tank HFWT series for 750 liters – 54 tr.
  • Installation of equipment – ​​4 tr.

Total: Ne1 = 70 tr, and taking into account the heat accumulator: Ne2 = 124 tr.

A boiler of such power is necessary if the consumer plans to heat the house at night using a differentiated tariff. When compensating for average heat losses of 8 kW, a boiler power of 28 kW is required if the equipment operates 7 hours a day. In severe cold weather, a boiler of this power will have to be turned on during the day.

An electricity supply organization can connect more than 15 kW to a house only if this is technically possible. If the networks are overloaded or worn out, a failure may occur

Let's calculate the capital costs of supplying gas and installing boilers powered by it:

  • Technological connection of main gas. The house is classified in the first category, i.e. is located at a distance of less than 200 m from the pipe and does not require the installation of reduction gears. If this is not the case, then the price will be higher. They paid 28 thousand rubles for connection.
  • Laying a gas pipeline through the site. Topoplan preparation, project development, its approval and registration, construction, installation and commissioning works. Payment under the contract amounted to 85 thousand rubles.
  • For liquefied gas, it is necessary to purchase and install an underground gas tank with a volume of 2.5 m3 and lay a pipeline to the boiler. Turnkey price – 270 tr.
  • Gas boiler Viessmann WH1D272, power 24 kW - 90 tr.
  • Installation of equipment – ​​8 tr.
  • Putting the entire system into operation with a call from an Altaikraygas inspector - 45 rubles.

In total, capital costs for heating using main gas will be: Ng1 = 256 tr., and liquefied: Ng2 = 413 tr.

Equipment maintenance costs (minor repairs and maintenance) can be taken equal to 10% of its cost. However, for the supply of gas it is necessary to conclude an agreement, and payment for annual inspection services will also be required. Calling a BarnaulGorGaz specialist will cost 3 thousand rubles.

Therefore, for an electric boiler the cost of annual maintenance is: Re = 5.1 t.r., and for gas equipment: Rпг = Rсг = 12 t.r.

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 410 of May 14, 2013, mandatory annual maintenance of in-house gas equipment can be carried out by organizations included in a special register

Let's calculate the amount of energy required for the winter period:

  • electricity: Ve = 46 mW × h;
  • natural gas: Vpg = 5273 m3;
  • liquefied gas: Vсг = 3892 kg.

Energy costs for the entire winter period will be as follows:

  • Electricity. With a single-tariff connection in rural areas, 1 kWh costs 3.2 rubles. Eе1 = 46000 × 3.2 = 147.2 tr.
  • Electricity. With a two-tariff connection in rural areas, 1 kWh = 2.07 rubles. Ee2 = 46000 × 2.07 = 95.2 t.r.
  • Natural gas. Its cost is 6.45 r/m3. Epg = 5273 × 6.45 = 34 t.r.
  • Liquefied gas. Its cost will be 36.1 rubles / kg. Esg = 3892 × 36.1 = 140.5 tr.

The price for liquefied gas is given taking into account two refills of a gas tank with a volume of 2.5 m3.

After these calculations, the heating cost equation will take the form:

  • for electricity at the general tariff: Se1 = 70 + 152.3 × T;
  • for electricity at a two-zone tariff: Se2 = 124 + 100.3 × T;
  • for natural gas: Spg = 256 + 46 × T;
  • for liquefied gas: Sсг = 413 + 152.5 × T.

From these numbers you can get an idea of ​​how profitable a particular type of fuel is.

The dynamics of heating costs can most easily be traced using a graph of the growth of investments versus time. The equations are simple and linear

For this particular facility, we can conclude that the best heating method is to use mains gas. In just three years it will prove to be the most economical type of heating.

Installing an electric boiler is cheaper and faster, as it requires fewer approvals. But subsequently, paying for electricity will lead to more serious expenses than when using main gas. The two-tariff system will pay for itself in the first year.

Heating based on liquefied gas is absolutely unprofitable economically. It can only be used if there is no technical possibility of connecting to both main gas and electricity with a power of 30 kW or more.

Gas boiler and features of its use

Gas boilers are strictly dependent on blue fuel. Therefore, if emergency situations occur on the main line, the owner risks being left without heat. But such situations happen extremely rarely and gas services often find a quick solution to this problem.

If there is a gas main near a country house or in the entrance of a high-rise building, then you should not think about which unit to choose. You definitely need a gas boiler. Such equipment will be cheaper, and utility costs will be lower than with electric heating.

Installation of a gas boiler for heating a residential private house Source

Gas fuel boilers are now available in a wide range on the market. There are wall and floor models. Each of them is convenient in its own way. The peculiarity of this equipment is that it is necessary to construct a chimney duct for them, if there was none previously. It is also possible to use a pipe to which another type of boiler was previously connected. If the boiler is wall-mounted, then making a chimney for it will not be difficult. It is enough to simply build a hole in the wall of the required diameter.

Important! If you previously installed a chimney boiler, and now you plan to replace it with a parapet boiler, be sure to contact the gas service to obtain permission and redo the project.

Below are a few things that are important to know about gas boilers:

  • the efficiency often reaches 80-95%. However, only high-quality condensing equipment can provide such an indicator;
  • As for safety, if there is a malfunction, there may be a leak of toxic fuel, and there is also a danger of explosion if a spark occurs;
  • installation is carried out with a mandatory outlet under the chimney. It will have to be brought outside through the wall or through the roof.

Gas boilers will be more economical than electric ones in terms of utility costs.

Mounted gas boiler with chimney outlet through the wall Source

Device comparison

Moving away from energy efficiency parameters, you need to remember the advantages and disadvantages of both devices. Among the advantages of electrical equipment are the following features:

  • Wide power range (2-60 kW). From these you can choose models up to 20 kW, suitable for individual heating. Thus, the miniature Tenko economy KE 6_220 with a power of 6 kW will heat the average apartment up to 68 m². There are also more powerful 30 kW options, such as Vaillant eloBlock 28 kW with a heating area of ​​about 200 square meters. Such units satisfy the needs of industrial and commercial facilities.
  • Environmental friendliness is another advantage of the technology - it does not produce emissions of combustion products.
  • Variability: electric boilers heat water. Such devices are easy to operate, silent, reliable, and durable.

As disadvantages, we cannot keep silent about:

  • High amounts of energy payments.
  • Outlet dependencies.
  • Electrical wiring required.

If we talk about gas analogues, then they also have their own characteristics. So, the advantages of gas-powered boilers:

  • The power of gas equipment is enough to heat objects of colossal size. Model NOVA FLORIDA CATU32MF99 will heat 1000 m2!
  • Gas in automatic boilers is supplied continuously; they will turn off as soon as the fuel supply stops (which happens infrequently, unlike the supply of electricity).
  • Easy to use. The equipment is designed for long-term operation.

There were some downsides:

  • A complex installation that comes with many nuances. You will have to touch on the technical side of the issue and the bureaucratic side, drawing up the appropriate documentation, permits, and approvals.
  • The need to equip a chimney that removes waste substances.
  • The need for good ventilation and separate access to the street.
  • There is no benefit from installing such boilers in rooms up to 100 m2.

Let's summarize what has been said. Our calculations have finally decided: the efficiency of an electric boiler is beyond doubt, although its gas counterpart with a condensing mechanism competes with it in energy efficiency.

Don’t forget about the increased efficiency of an electric boiler - it is 25% higher than that of a relatively cheap gas device, for example Ferroli DivaProject. All this says one thing: feel free to choose an electrode boiler if you need to heat an ordinary apartment up to 100 square meters, and you won’t regret it!

Related video: Heating a home is four times cheaper than a gas boiler

Electric gas boilers as an alternative

There are cases when residents in their own homes install two types of heating equipment: both gas and electric. This is in case there is a power outage in one of the power sources. Such a solution will be very expensive, so you should use an alternative - install an electric gas boiler that can operate on two sources.

Electric gas boiler for home heating Source

Typically such devices will switch between modes automatically. There are very few models of combined boilers in the range, so they will be quite expensive. Inside such devices there is a gas burner and water heating elements.

Important! Such a device requires a separate room in the house. Due to such operating conditions, they try to use such structures exclusively in regions with harsh climatic conditions in winter.

Advantages of an electric gas boiler:

  • the device has compact dimensions;
  • has a high efficiency, which can reach 97%;
  • the unit is economical, as the cost of producing thermal energy is reduced;
  • not only heats the home, but also supplies hot water for kitchen faucets and showers;
  • has a reduced level of environmental load due to minimal emissions.

As a rule, such installations make all the necessary switching automatically, but the user can always start it manually.

Design of an electric gas boiler for heating residential premises Source

Operating principle of combined equipment

Electric gas boilers have a separate internal structure, which is not similar to simple non-combined heating devices. In the body of such a device there is a separate chamber in which the gas mixture is burned and a separate one with an internal heating element.

Both chambers are installed in a structure one above the other, which ensures that the boiler independently switches to the required type of fuel. In the event that both fuel resources are missing, the equipment goes into standby mode. And when fuel arrives, it can automatically turn on.


Electric heating cost

Any homeowner will tell you: electricity is the most expensive heat available. A large house is heated with electricity, with tears in their eyes, when there is simply no other choice. They are trying to use favorable night rates and heat with wood or pellets during the day.

Judge for yourself: in December 2022, the cost of kWh in the Moscow region is 5.29 rubles. By the way, the tariffs for your region can be easily found on the map here.

At this rate for a house of 100 sq. m will cost approximately 15 thousand rubles per month. 10 kW is consumed per hour at 5.29 rubles, per day (based on 10 working hours of heating) - 529 rubles. In 30 days you will earn 15,870 rubles.

If you use heating in a house with an electric stove and only at night, at reduced rates, then the amount will be approximately half as much - 5-7 thousand rubles. And this is payment only for heating, excluding electrical appliances.

In a village (rural settlement, not a dacha community) tariffs are much lower (1.4-1.5 rubles per kW/hour), but there it would not even occur to anyone to “heat” with electricity - the entire pension will “burn out”.

How much does it cost to refill a gas tank?

The first expense, also known as an investment, when choosing autonomous gas heating is the installation of an underground gas tank, from where the fuel will flow into the heating system.

Installing a gas tank on a site costs from 200 to 700 thousand rubles. Then you fill up with fuel once every six months or a year + call specialists to inspect the tank in spring and autumn.

Gas holder heating: cost per month

The cost of periodically refilling a gas tank depends on the volume of heated premises, the insulation of the house and the tariffs of your supplier. If you count monthly, you get quite reasonable money.

Here are calculations for LPG consumption for heating houses of different sizes. Please note that we are calculating at a high winter price: 21 rubles per liter of liquefied gas. In spring, the cost of a liter of LPG is 12-14 rubles.

Calculate yourself

Tariffs 2022. Moscow region

Multi-tariff metering using a tariff differentiated by day zones
night zone T2 (23:00-7:00)2,251,571,572,25
half-peak zone T3 (10:00-17:00; 21:00-23:00)5,293,713,715,29
peak zone T1 (7:00-10:00; 17:00-21:00)6,884,824,826,88
House size, sq. m LPG Expenses per month, rublesLPG Cost for 12 months, rubles*Electricity Expenses per month, rubles. Regular rate. We heat for 10 hours Electricity Cost for 12 months, rubles*. Regular rate. We heat for 10 hours Night tariff Expenses per month, rubles. We heat for 8 hours Night tariff Cost for 12 months, rubles. We heat for 8 hours
1004 07548 90012 696152 3525 40064 800
1505 51266 15023 805285 6608 10097 200
300-35011 025132 30047 670571 32016 200194 400
45014 166170 00071 415856 98024 300291 600

*Calculations were provided by Ilya Pechenin, head of the autonomous gasification department at Termo Life.

What is more profitable from an economic point of view in the end?

Despite the fact that the installation of gas boilers requires the creation of additional structures, compliance with standards for the area of ​​​​the room in which it is installed, and this, not counting the cost of purchasing the boiler itself and its components, such heating will be more economical than electric.

Profitable heating of your own home with a boiler Source

Due to the current economic situation, gas heating is much more profitable than an electric appliance. But an electric boiler can also find its application and justify the costs in premises with a total area not exceeding 40-60 m2.

On a note! An electric boiler will be economically beneficial for houses in which residence is temporary, for example, a weekend getaway. In a few days, the equipment will generate less kilowatts than a gas unit of cubic meters.

Main types of heating costs

To correctly estimate the cost of heating a country house, you need to take into account all types of expenses that the homeowner will have to bear.

When using gas or electricity, automatic heating is possible. This gives many advantages to people living in a country house and allows them not to waste their time maintaining the desired microclimate in the premises. However, automation will increase the cost of both systems.

The presence of a gas pipeline near the house does not mean the possibility of connecting to it. To find out the answer, you need to request technical conditions from the gas supply organization. They are given out free of charge

Costs can be categorized as follows:

  • Capital investments in installing a heating system based on gas or electricity differ only in the connection of communications, the cost of the boiler and the price for its connection. The water circuit, shut-off and control valves do not depend on the type of energy carrier.
  • Annual costs for repairs and maintenance of equipment. This expense item is usually the smallest, but you also need to remember about it.
  • Energy costs. They depend on the volume consumed, tariffs adopted in the region, the location of the facility (urban or suburban area) and some other factors.

Thus, costs S (rub.) can be calculated using the following formula:

S = N + (R + E) × T , where:

  • N – capital investments;
  • R – annual costs for equipment repairs;
  • E – annual cost of energy carrier;
  • T – number of years in the calculation period.

When comparing several heating options, a situation often arises where high one-time costs for equipment can pay off over time due to the relative cheapness of the energy carrier.

How to significantly save fuel to reduce costs

Each owner has a real opportunity to reduce the cost of electricity or blue fuel, even if the device does not provide automatic mode switching. To achieve significant savings, you will have to separately purchase a thermostat and install it on the equipment.

A room thermostat is usually programmable and during its operation it is guided by the air temperature in the room. For normal operation and performance of the function specified by the thermostat, it is necessary to program the settings not only for the next day, but also for the entire week in advance.

Saving fuel resources when heating your home Source

If it is a working day and the owners are absent, then the temperature limit is set to 15 degrees. During sleep, it is rational to set priority to 18-19 degrees. By specifying these parameters, the level of comfort will not decrease, and fuel consumption will noticeably decrease. This can be determined by the amount of utility bills.

Specified conditions

As I already wrote above, the task is to heat a house - an apartment of 100 square meters, if you believe our SNIPs, then we can say that for comfortable heating you need to apply thermal energy of 100 W - square meter, that is, if we have 100 square meters, we need energy – 100 X 100 = 10,000 W or 10 kW, is that a lot? Of course yes, a lot!

How will we count?

I propose a simple diagram, but it will show the completeness of the picture:

Let’s say it’s frosty now, the heating of the house (apartment) works in the mode - it warms for 5 minutes, rests for 5 minutes! Thus, it turns out that the heating works exactly 12 hours a day! Of course, if your home is well insulated, then this interval will not be 50/50, the heating will be turned on less often, but this is very good insulation with foam plastic on the outside and thick walls, of which there are still few in ordinary (ordinary) houses!

The conditions are set, we begin to identify what is more profitable:

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Heating with gas and electricity: which is cheaper, comparison.
In the case of the second, the owner must find out about the condition of the power line near the house and what parameters the nearby transformer station has. It must provide enough voltage to the equipment to keep it running smoothly. Also, the electrical network must be able to create a three-phase connection with a voltage of 380 Volts.

Options for gas and electric boilers for home heating Source


Many countries have a complex electricity tariff system. Sometimes choosing a tariff for electricity is as difficult as choosing a tariff for a cellular operator. There are tariffs that use several levels of power at different prices. There are special tariffs for heating, night tariffs. It all depends on where you live and what your conditions are.

Adhere to the basic condition that 1 kW of electricity is equal to 1 kW of thermal energy. This will help you calculate the exact difference.

Summarizing all of the above

Weighing all the pros and cons, all the pros and cons, we can definitely say the following: if the house was purchased with gas heating already connected, then of course it is not worth changing it.

If you are not ready to invest almost a million rubles in your house so that it has gas, and the speed of heating the rooms is also important to you (in this regard, gas heating loses to electric heating), it is better to give preference to electric heating.

The fact is that electrical systems do not have this drawback, especially if you use a boiler-air system. The whole trick of quick warming up is convection - room air is taken in by the system, then heated and returned to the room, taken in again, and so on in a circle. Such systems are characterized by very high efficiency - and produce more heat than they consume energy.

Electricity is a worthy replacement for gas due to its absence

Economical, efficient heating of a private home or cottage without gas should be more focused on maintaining familiar living conditions. The level of comfort determines the choice of an alternative heating method, and today’s technology provides ample room for maneuver. The availability of electricity will allow you to achieve gas savings in the cold season. It is not without reason that many owners of country houses and country cottages, due to the lack of technical capabilities for connecting to the gas main, prefer electric heating systems.

Compared to other heating devices, electric heating devices have almost 100% efficiency. An electric boiler is easy to maintain and inexpensive. In this case, there is no need for exhaust hood and chimney equipment

Electricity remains the most affordable alternative to gas heating today, taking into account efficiency and ease of maintenance

In addition to installing an electric boiler for a water heating system in a house, convectors, heat guns and infrared emitters are actively used to heat small residential buildings. The installation of heated floors in a private home is becoming a fashionable phenomenon today. The technology is quite new, however, it has already proven its effectiveness. The variety of heat sources offered gives you the opportunity to make a choice as to how best to heat your home.

In the event that a heated floor is your main source of heating residential premises, the power of the equipment should be 150-180 W per m2 of living space. Warm floors must have an area of ​​at least 70-80% of the total area of ​​the building itself. Otherwise, the expected heating effect will be negligible.

When heating a private home using other methods, you can achieve even higher economic indicators. Without gas, an economical and uninterrupted source of thermal energy in your area can be obtained using a heat pump. The operating principle of the equipment is based on the difference in temperature, deep in the soil and on the surface. With the help of a heat pump, which really costs a lot of money, you can provide yourself with an almost eternal source of heat in a country house. The effectiveness of this system is confirmed by simple calculations. An indicator of the successful operation of a heat pump is the heat conversion coefficient (COR).

Eg. When a heat pump consumes 1 kW of electricity necessary to ensure the operation of the entire system (Htn), the heat conversion coefficient (COP) is 3.0, which means:

Rtn x COP = 3 kW Rp energy output. The savings and efficiency of this heating method are more than obvious.

There is no clear answer to the question whether it is more profitable to heat a private house with gas or other types of fuel. In each individual case, the presence of a variety of factors plays a role, not least of which are the economic and technical capabilities of the consumer.

Instead of gas for heating, you can use almost any fuel. Another thing is how well you can fully heat your own home in cold weather and create comfortable living conditions for yourself. When faced with a situation like this, the choice is yours. How to save money and make your heating costs optimal depends on you, on your attitude to the very fact of saving energy and technical capabilities.

  • Design and calculation of a brick fireplace with your own hands
  • How to lay and insulate heating pipes in the ground?
  • Why do you need a plinth for heating pipes?
  • Selecting ribbed registers, radiators and heating pipes
  • How to hide a heating pipe?


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Choosing an energy carrier based on ease of use

Comfortable operation of boiler equipment that supplies heat to water heating is an important factor, since any unnecessary hassle and inconvenience is your time and money. That is, total costs indirectly increase in accordance with how much effort is put into maintaining the operation of the system. In some cases, economical heating systems no longer seem so economical after the first season, and sometimes you want to pay extra money just not to deal with such problems.

Unlike financial indicators, ease of use is a constant value for each type of fuel, so it can be found out immediately, which will help you make a choice. We will evaluate convenience according to the following criteria:

  • the difficulty of repairing or maintaining the boiler installation;
  • necessity and convenience of storage;
  • comfort in daily use (need for loading fuel, etc.).

To find out which energy carrier will provide comfortable and economical heating for a private home, we will draw up a second table, where for each of the criteria we will rate all types of fuel using a five-point system, and then summarize.


Electric boilers do not require any maintenance, other than sometimes opening the lid and brushing off dust or cleaning the contacts, for which they receive the highest rating. Some actions are required if you heat a country house with liquefied gas. Once every 2 years it is recommended to check and, if necessary, clean the igniter and burner, which is why propane is a solid four. Pellet boilers receive 3 points because they require cleaning the combustion chamber several times a year and the chimney once.

Accordingly, wood and coal units need to be cleaned frequently as they become dirty. The worst situation in this regard is with diesel fuel, since its quality often leaves much to be desired, which is why the frequency of maintenance is unpredictable.


It is clear that electricity does not require storage space, while liquefied gas and diesel fuel may require some space. But when economical heating of a private house with wood is organized, then a lot of space for a warehouse will be required. The same goes for pellets, since they require a dry room or a special silo. As for coal, it produces a lot of waste, dust and dirt, so this is the lowest rating.

Ease of use

And here, economical electric heating turned out to be excellent, since it does not require any intervention during operation. Pellets and liquefied gas must be replenished periodically, 1-2 times a week, or even less often

You should pay attention to diesel fuel a little more often, more to supervise the work than to add fuel

Well, what traditionally causes the most trouble is autonomous heating in a private house using coal and wood; here, loading into the combustion chamber is needed from 1 to 3 times a day.

In the last column, by summing up, the results are summed up, according to which the most comfortable and convenient way is to heat a country house in winter using electricity. If this result is considered in conjunction with financial costs, then electricity may not be the worst option.

What's cheaper to heat a house? comparison table

Choosing the optimal method of heating a country house comes down to comparing all types of fuel and technical characteristics of heating systems.

Fuel comparison table:

Heat sourceBoiler efficiencyCalorific value 1 kg per kWh Requirement for a house 100m2Costs per season
Diesel fuel7511,92500071500
Liquefied gas75132500065500
Electricity including night tariff9925000112500
Electricity. Two tariffs 992500089131
Electricity. One tariff 992500059300

* — main gas was not taken into account in this calculation, since it is beyond competition.

After carrying out all the calculations and comparing the positive and negative aspects of all types of heating, we find out what is cheaper to heat a house and it turned out to be ordinary firewood. It is advisable to install two types of boilers. The one that is more profitable and convenient during a certain period will be used.

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