Diesel heating boilers: fuel consumption - reviews

If you, colleagues, are choosing a diesel heating boiler for a private home, fuel consumption for you is the most important value in the characteristics of your heat generator.

Why? Because at the prices for diesel fuel that we are seeing now, the cost of the unit itself cannot be compared with the cost of the fuel itself.

How much diesel fuel do heating boilers for a private home using diesel fuel actually consume? How can you reduce diesel consumption for heating?

In fact, this is what we’ll talk about today. See all my conclusions below.

general information

There is no point in saying once again that from an economic point of view, heating a room with natural gas is more profitable. But often it is not possible to connect to the gas pipeline. In this case, many people pay attention to electric boilers. They are simpler to maintain and operate, but the cost of electricity makes you think about this. So, if the two options described above disappear, you should pay attention to liquid fuel boilers, in our case we are talking about diesel ones.

Such equipment is very effective, since there is no need to pay a lot of money for fuel. Why? You will find out this a little later. Let's talk in more detail about what diesel heating boilers are. Fuel consumption, reviews and technical specifications generally depend on the model, so we will look at several popular manufacturers and talk about the right choice.

How to save on fuel? Criteria for choosing heating equipment

Units consuming liquid fuel are designed for both one and two circuits. And it is quite obvious that in the second case, fuel consumption will be greater, which will only increase costs. For this reason, the best option for dual-circuit appliances can only be to reduce the consumption of hot water, which will help save on fuel.

Experts advise one more thing. According to them, fuel consumption can also be reduced by setting a lower temperature for the coolant. And the final point - it is advisable to install a thermostat in the warmest room. If you follow all these recommendations, you will be able to reduce the fuel consumption required for the operation of the boiler and save a certain amount of money.

On many thematic forms, users are interested in: which units are more economical - diesel or electric? And what is the general fuel consumption of a diesel heating boiler? It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously, since it depends on a number of factors, including:

  • quality of building thermal insulation;
  • cost of the fuel used;
  • area of ​​the heated room;
  • features of a specific climate zone;
  • number of residents in the house.

And if you know about all these factors, then you can roughly calculate the consumption of both fuels by comparing costs. And now - some more practical advice regarding the choice of a heating unit.

  • Heating equipment that consumes diesel fuel, if there is a combustion chamber made of steel, will be immune to temperature changes. At the same time, steel undergoes a rusting process, so it does not last as long as, for example, cast iron.
  • The higher the cost of a heating boiler, the higher the risk that its maintenance will cost you very much (when compared with models that have a lower cost).
  • Devices that are equipped with a cast iron combustion chamber can last up to twenty years, but temperature changes affect them quite significantly. In this kind of heating systems, it is necessary to install valves that will mix the heated liquid into the return pipeline. All this is required so that the combustion chamber simply does not split.

Video – Diesel heating boiler – fuel consumption


Why diesel fuel?

When choosing a heating boiler, each user is guided by specific individual requirements. And if you, for example, live in a locality where there is no centralized gas supply or there are frequent fluctuations in the power supply, then diesel fuel boilers, the consumption of which, as we have already found out, is insignificant, will be the most optimal option.

Moreover, such devices have one more advantage that we did not talk about - the fuel container can be installed in any place convenient for you. And this has become a decisive factor for the fact that the popularity of diesel equipment has only been increasing in recent years.

Equipment design and features

As they say, everything ingenious is simple. This saying applies perfectly to our case. A boiler operating on diesel fuel is much simpler in design than a gas boiler and significantly more reliable than an electric one. In particular, because it is non-volatile, although this does not apply to all models.

The device consists of a diesel burner, a fuel filter, a pump, as well as a control panel and a pair of sensors (pressure gauge, media temperature sensor). The essence of the operation of such equipment is that fuel is supplied to the combustion chamber (to the burner) using a pump, where it is mixed with air. Then the fan sprays and ignites. The resulting gases are discharged into a chimney or coaxial pipe. Here, in fact, is the whole device and principle of operation.

Diesel heating boilers: fuel consumption, reviews

It would be quite logical to pay attention to how much fuel the boiler consumes. Its economic efficiency will depend on this. In general, it is customary to calculate diesel consumption as follows: kW/10. The resulting value will indicate how much diesel fuel our boiler consumes per hour. Let's say, if its power is 10 kW, then this is 1 kg of diesel, if it is 100, then, accordingly, 10.

It is extremely important to pay attention to consumer reviews. The fact is that not all diesel heating boilers, the prices of which are not too high, are of high quality. Thus, reviews indicate that it is better to buy models with a replaceable burner. This will allow you to change the fuel type from liquid to gas and vice versa. In the case of a built-in burner, the boiler will cost less and weigh an order of magnitude less.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of such heating equipment include:

  • Equipment autonomy;
  • No permitting documentation is required to install such a boiler;
  • These units have high power;
  • No special chimney design is provided, due to the turbine, which pushes out combustion products;
  • It can easily be converted to gas heating (replace the burner);
  • You can make such heating equipment yourself.

As with any heating equipment, diesel heating boilers have their drawbacks:

  • The diesel fuel that is used must be of good quality, since the frequency of replacing nozzles and servicing the heating installation as a whole depends on this;
  • Such boilers are installed in a separate boiler room, since during operation the smell of diesel fuel and noise are released.

How to choose a diesel fuel heating boiler?

A little later we will talk about the technical characteristics of the equipment, but now it is worth considering the issue of choice a little. The fact is that currently the manufacturer offers a large selection, and it is very easy for a beginner to make a mistake. In this case, a lot of money will be spent, but the benefit from this will be minimal. The first step is to look at the material of the heat exchanger. Today they are made either steel or cast iron. The latter are distinguished by durability and heavy weight, while the former are economical and light in weight. In general, a cast iron option is suitable for a private home, especially if you take into account that such boilers are in most cases floor-standing.

What will fuel consumption depend on?

There are a number of factors (including various loads) that influence the performance of heating equipment. But first of all this:

  • area of ​​the heated room;
  • quality of thermal insulation of the building.

Of course, the larger the room itself, the greater the diesel fuel consumption will be. As for the efficiency of the equipment described, in most cases it varies between 90 and 95 percent. But, which is typical, to achieve this result, the speed during operation of the boiler must be maximum. Therefore, when choosing a heating device, you should not purchase a model whose power has a small reserve. This way you will be able to avoid unnecessary expenses, since here the liquid fuel boiler will consume less diesel fuel.

Single-circuit or double-circuit?

It’s easy to guess that diesel boilers for heating a house, just like gas ones, can have one or two circuits. In the first case, the medium is heated solely for heating the room. Therefore, you will not have DHW, although you can provide a storage tank or something like that.

Double-circuit diesel heating boilers, the prices of which, although slightly higher, are more preferable. But there are exceptions when, say, the load on the heating system is too high. In this case, you don't have to worry too much. Install a single-circuit boiler and boiler. Thus, the problem with heating and hot water supply will be completely solved.

Some technical characteristics

It is not so difficult to guess that the cost of equipment increases with the improvement of operational and technical characteristics. In particular, you need to take into account power. Usually 1 kW is enough to heat a room measuring 10 square meters. Therefore, if you have a house of 100 square meters, then you need to buy a 10 kW boiler; such equipment will consume about 1 kilogram of diesel per hour.

As for weight, this parameter in most cases is not so important. Almost all models are placed on the floor. True, it is worth looking at the dimensions, since sometimes there is no room to install a wide or, conversely, tall boiler. If we talk about the power/weight ratio, then it is difficult to find any pattern. Much depends on the manufacturer and the materials used during assembly. So, boilers of 10-20 kW weigh approximately 100-160 kg, 25-30 kW – 170-200 kg and so on.

How to decide on the manufacturer?

Another important point is the manufacturer. The fact is that there is high-quality equipment, and there is not so much. So, at first glance it is quite difficult to understand what exactly you are dealing with. In most cases, you need to look at the company's notoriety. For example, the Kiturami diesel heating boiler, regardless of the model, is in good demand. At the same time, the number of positive reviews reaches 95%. This suggests that this company produces quality products. The same applies to Germany, which supplies Logano diesel boilers to our market. Although they have a high cost, they are distinguished by a long service life, high reliability and efficiency. In general, it makes sense to take a closer look at domestic manufacturers, since our companies make very high-quality equipment. At the same time, its price is significantly lower than European models.

Briefly about service

Periodic cleaning of the boiler is essential. The fact is that during the combustion of oil, diesel fuel, etc. fuel produces quite a large amount of soot and ash. All this settles on the walls of the chamber, thereby worsening performance characteristics. An approximately 2 mm ash layer increases fuel consumption by 5-10%. It is extremely important to periodically clean the burner from carbon deposits. The regularity of such events must be determined depending on the quality of the fuel. The cleaner it is, the slower soot forms on the burner divider. In any case, before the start of the heating season, it is advisable to entrust a specialist to carry out preventive work. This way you will protect yourself from unexpected boiler failure in severe frosts. In addition, diesel double-circuit heating boilers contain a large number of sensors and electronics.


The choice of model depends on the set of necessary characteristics: power, heat exchanger material, type of combustion implemented in the boiler, as well as the need for hot water supply.

Power selection

The most important characteristic, the correct choice of which determines heating efficiency and economical fuel consumption. The power of diesel heating equipment is measured in kilowatts; it is indicated in the technical documentation for any boiler. There is a special method for calculation that takes into account all the nuances.

It is more convenient for an ordinary consumer to focus on the area of ​​a heated private house - this indicator is also indicated in the main characteristics of any model. As a rule, for a temperate climate you can use a simple formula: the total area of ​​​​all rooms in the house is divided by ten, the result is the required boiler power. For colder climates, this value should be increased by 20-30%.

A simplified method of calculating power is relevant only for houses with a simple layout with a ceiling height of up to 3 m. For multi-storey buildings with heated staircases, it is better to calculate based on the volume of the premises.

Fuel consumption calculation

Diesel fuel consumption directly depends on the boiler power; on average, it is calculated as follows: the boiler power in kilowatts is divided by 10, and the hourly diesel fuel consumption in kg in heating mode is obtained. In temperature maintenance mode, consumption is reduced by 30-70% depending on the degree of thermal insulation of the house. On average, the consumption of domestic heating boilers in a medium-sized private house is 0.5-0.9 kg.

Heat exchanger material - what depends on it?

The heat exchanger in diesel boilers can be made of steel or cast iron. Both materials have both advantages and disadvantages:

  • boilers with a steel heat exchanger are lighter and cheaper, react faster to temperature changes, and are more resistant to local overheating, but they are highly susceptible to corrosion;
  • a heat exchanger made of stainless steel is durable, is not afraid of the effects of aggressive compounds, has uniform heat distribution, and the price is slightly higher;
  • the price of boilers with a cast iron heat exchanger is higher, they are heavier, are more fragile and can crack under sudden temperature changes, but they are more resistant to corrosion and durable when used in an aggressive environment;

When diesel fuel burns, a large amount of soot containing sulfur compounds is formed. Combining with condensate, they form weak acids, which leads to rapid corrosion of the boiler elements and its failure.

The appearance of condensation can be avoided by using a properly installed return supply system to the boiler, which will be discussed in the corresponding section.

Single or double circuit?

Diesel boilers for a private home can not only provide heating, but also heat water for domestic needs. Such boilers are called double-circuit boilers. When choosing a double-circuit boiler, it is necessary to increase the design power by 20%, otherwise it may not be enough for efficient heating and water heating.

When purchasing, you need to evaluate the feasibility of purchasing a dual-circuit model; if the hot water consumption is insignificant, it is better to install a separate water heater and not complicate the heating system.

Heat generation method - which is better?

Based on the principle of heating the coolant, diesel boilers come in traditional types and condensing boilers, which additionally use condensate energy. They offer increased efficiency and lower fuel consumption, but they come at a higher price.

Do you need a replacement burner?

Diesel burners are very similar in design to gas burners, so there are many models on the market that allow you to use any of these burners in one boiler. Replacing them is so simple that it does not require calling a technician - you can do it yourself at a convenient time.

If a diesel boiler is purchased as a temporary source of heating, and it is planned to connect to the gas mains in the foreseeable future, it is better to choose a model adapted to replaceable burners.

Advantages of a diesel boiler and burner

Low installation cost

. No other option for heating water for heating will cost you less (in terms of installation) than heating with diesel fuel. Even the simplest and cheapest gas boiler, if you have gas and I don’t, taking into account the construction of a chimney, approvals, fireman, etc. will cost much more. Of course, the installation of any heater by law requires approval from the fire department, but no one does this, and gas simply will not be allowed to be consumed for heating if there is no firefighter approval. An electric boiler is very cheap, but it requires electricity of 10 kW or more to operate. In our villages there is almost no such miracle anywhere.

You can read about gas heating here.

No need for a chimney

. Please note that many boilers using light heating oil can be installed without a chimney at all, if the room with the boiler is not in contact with living rooms. A hole is simply made in the wall, a piece of the chimney pipe is inserted into it - a sandwich, so that the wall does not catch fire from the heating of this pipe. Do not need anything else. The turbine in the burner pushes out the air itself. This is exactly how my boiler is installed. Works great, doesn't smoke into the boiler room.

Automatic operation

. The boiler itself automatically maintains the desired water temperature in the heating system. The burner turns on itself when the water has cooled and turns off when it has heated to the desired temperature. The burner has a number of protection systems that ensure its reliable and safe operation. I can say that diesel heating, if the entire system is properly organized, provides an almost urban level of thermal comfort. About how to properly organize heat distribution.

Light heating oil

. The heater is designed to operate on light heating oil. It's almost diesel fuel, but not quite. It contains special additives that make it unsuitable for use in cars. Thus, it is exempt from a number of taxes and fees. The requirements for its composition are weaker than for automobile diesel fuel. The price ends up being 25-30 percent lower. They should be the ones to heat a diesel boiler.

Advantages and disadvantages

We have already looked at the main types of diesel boilers. All that remains is to go through their advantages and disadvantages - and there are many of them here.


  • Diesel boilers do not create a large load on the electrical network - this is relevant for rural areas, where there are often problems with the power supply;
  • Decent efficiency - liquid fuel units allow you to quickly warm up large areas;
  • Automatic operation - unlike solid fuel models, they can automatically maintain the desired temperature and dose the flow of fuel from the tanks;
  • Ability to operate on different types of liquid fuel. There is also the possibility of switching to gas (depending on a particular model);
  • Compactness - diesel heating boilers practically do not differ in size from their gas counterparts.


Installing a diesel boiler will require quite a lot of free space, but even more space will need to be allocated for a fuel tank.

  • The smell of fuel in the premises - despite the tightness of the fuel system, it can manifest itself and cause inconvenience to household members;
  • The need to store a large amount of fuel - for this you will have to purchase fuel tanks and organize a fuel line to the equipment installation site;
  • Unlike gas equipment, diesel equipment requires regular cleaning. It’s good that you don’t need to do this as often as in the case of solid fuel units;
  • Many models of diesel boilers require electricity to operate - it is used to operate fuel pumps, burners and automation;
  • Low fire safety - it is necessary to constantly monitor the integrity of the entire fuel system and promptly repair leaks.

Some disadvantages are quite serious.

Purchasing an uninterruptible power supply or generator to power modern heating equipment is an additional cost that is added to the cost of purchasing fuel tanks.

Disadvantages of a diesel boiler and burner

High heating costs

. Even taking into account the use of light heating oil, the cost of obtaining one unit of useful power is the highest of all available options. Comparison of different heating systems at the link. Even heating with electricity is cheaper. Even if a kilowatt is 10% more expensive, the efficiency of electric heating is almost 100%, and diesel heating is from 75% to 85%.

The need for constant monitoring

. Despite the automaticity of the system, it requires constant human presence. The boiler can be left running for 12 hours while you are at work, if you live permanently in this house, but it cannot be left for a week if you only come for the weekend, and especially for a month when you are on a business trip. The reason for this is the poor quality of the fuel, which leads to periodic shutdown of the boiler. In 12 hours the house, of course, will not freeze, but in a week the entire water supply will freeze and burst. A solution could be a system for automatically informing you via SMS about the condition of your home. Usually you don’t go to your dacha during the week, but sometimes (not often, twice a season) you receive an SMS. And you break down and restart the burner. There will be an article about such an information system later. Installing and setting it up at home is not at all difficult and not expensive.

Regular burner and boiler maintenance

. There will be a separate article about this.

High requirements for fuel quality

. The fuel may contain various impurities - suspended particles, they can clog the nozzle and break the pump, but this is not a problem, they are perfectly retained by the filter - paraffins and other viscous substances, they interfere with the passage of fuel through the burner channels, they are more difficult to deal with, they instantly clog the filter and leak through it.


. The burner makes a lot of noise during operation.

Energy dependence

. The burner requires a fairly high quality power supply to operate. An attempt to power the burner from a regular UPS was unsuccessful. I had to design an uninterruptible power supply with an ideal sinusoidal output voltage.


Having discussed the advantages of using diesel heating devices, we should also talk about their disadvantages:

  • For the heating installation to work fully, it must be installed in a separate room. There should also be a place for a container in which diesel fuel will be stored and free space for a water boiler;
  • The boiler room must be ventilated. It will have to install supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • at low outside temperatures it may be necessary to heat the fuel;
  • Mostly diesel models are produced in floor-standing versions. Wall-mounted structures are characterized by very low power and there is no point in buying them. But when installing floor-standing units, a fairly large space in the room is occupied;
  • The burner usually includes a fan. When it works, noise is created. This fact must be taken into account when choosing the location of the boiler room.

Using diesel heating devices, you can organize an efficient heating system in your home. But in some situations, difficulties arise when using them. Before purchasing equipment, certain preparatory work should be carried out:

  • calculate the volume of diesel fuel required to heat the usable area of ​​the building;
  • find a place to install the heating structure;
  • make sure there is good sound insulation;

Additional Tips

Replace the fuel filter

. Throw away the filter that came with the burner immediately after purchase. It is intended for Europe. Instead, you need to install a filter from some heavy-duty diesel vehicle. In general, a filter works well if it is the size of half a burner; the larger the better. The filter must be dismountable so that it can be cleaned.

Keep an eye on the temperature the fuel is rated for.

If the fuel barrel is installed outdoors, then you need winter light heating oil. If the barrel is buried 5 meters or more, the pipelines from it are protected from the cold, or the barrel is generally thermally insulated and heated from the same boiler, then a summer one will do. Summer fuel feels relatively normal up to -5 degrees C. At -36, even winter fuel froze. So it’s better to build a heated barrel. Firstly
, summer fuel is cheaper.
, with proper thermal insulation of the barrel, the energy consumption for heating it is not at all large.
It does not need to be heated to 25 degrees, up to 5 degrees is enough. A well-protected barrel consumes 100 W for heating. Thirdly
, there is no need to carry out expensive earthworks or dig a foundation pit.
, you are guaranteed not to have problems with fuel freezing.

An 8 cubic meter fuel barrel takes up only 2 x 2 x 2 meters.

Install an uninterruptible power supply system and SMS information system


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Please tell me, are there any restrictions on the use of diesel heating in gardening, where plots are 6 acres each? During the cold season, the neighbor constantly maintains the heat by coming over on weekends. When we arrive in early spring, we are suffocated by exhaust fumes and, in addition, we are worried that the gases poison the soil, and the point of growing organic vegetables is lost. I kindly ask you to read the answer.

Advertisement: I will sell cheap, dark, substandard, thick heating oil (based on motor oil and fuels) with cubes. The oil product fell apart into fractions. Without preheating, pumping at subzero temperatures is not possible. Shipment: Moscow region, Lyubertsy/zheleznodorozhny. Quantity 8000 l in 9 cubes. 8-985-253-07-15 Alexander. Price 3 r/l Read answer.

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Diesel heating boilers - features and advantages

Diesel heating boilers are one of the most economical ways to heat large areas. There are also low-power boilers designed for small houses or garages.

As you already understood, diesel boilers can differ in type for home and garage. The former have a more advanced safety system in terms of removing combustion products, while the latter are distinguished by the ability to operate safely without supervision.

In addition, diesel boilers can be either wall-mounted or floor-mounted; options combining 2-in-1, for example, are also common.

Diesel boilers for heating can be made of steel, cast iron or iron. In terms of functionality, they are not much different from gas boilers.

By the way, the latest models produced can easily be transformed from diesel to gas and vice versa - you just need to replace the burner and remove the remaining old fuel.

Boilers can also be single- or double-circuit. The latter type allows not only to obtain heat, but also to ensure uninterrupted hot water supply, which is especially convenient in places where “civilization” has not yet reached or has not done so fully.

Buderus brand heating equipment is associated with high quality and reliability. Buderus gas boiler - a brief overview of the models is presented on the website.

Read about the features of operating long-burning coal boilers.

Floor-standing boilers are usually more powerful than wall-mounted ones. We will tell you in this topic what to look for when choosing a device.

Diesel boiler, which company is better to choose?

Diesel boilers differ from each other in technical characteristics, design, heating methods, country of origin and other features. The best diesel boilers are created by the following manufacturers:

  • Danvex is a company founded in 1996 in Finland. It produces household appliances for the home, including dehumidifiers and humidifiers, heating boilers and others. The price is affordable, each product undergoes thorough testing and strict quality control.
  • Ferroli is an Italian company that has been producing gas boilers since 1958, using modern production technologies. Equipment under the brand is supplied to all countries of Europe and America and is known on the world market.
  • Protherm is a European manufacturer that creates high quality heating equipment. The brand offers more than 95 items, including boilers, gas, condensing, electric, and diesel boilers.
  • Buderus is a brand that has been producing its products since 2003. The German brand supplies products to all European countries and uses modern technologies. Has partners in some American countries.
  • ACV is a brand that has been producing products since 2005 and offers high quality diesel boilers. The product is supplied to many European countries, and the brand cooperates with America.
  • Sime is a brand that has been producing heating devices since 1972. It supplies products to the European, American, Russian and Ukrainian markets. The Italian brand values ​​​​its reputation, therefore it offers only high-quality products.
  • Viessmann - a company founded in 1917, supplies diesel and gas heating appliances to all countries. Since 1994, products appeared in Russia; in 1998, enterprises opened in Moscow, St. Petersburg and 6 other cities of the country.
  • Lamborghini is an Italian company that produces diesel boilers created using the latest technologies. The goods are supplied throughout Europe, cooperate with American brands, and are transported to the USA.
  • Unical is an Italian brand that produces air conditioning systems and heating boilers using modern technologies. They create products from safe, environmentally friendly materials. The company cooperates with European and American stores.
  • Kiturami is a Korean company founded in 1962 in the city of Shinsang. Over the 40 years of its existence, it has grown into a large manufacturer of heating devices. The product is supplied to many European countries and has affordable prices.
  • Navien - a company founded in 1978, produces high-quality diesel boilers that provide heat to large rooms. Cooperates with many foreign brands and supplies goods to the USA.

Diesel heating boiler for a private home – reviews

Now let’s see what those who have already installed them in a house or other room say about boilers operating on diesel fuel.

  • An excellent choice for those who constantly experience power outages. Thanks to the installation of such a boiler, your heating system will become not only autonomous, but also ideal - minimal fuel consumption, absence of a specific smell, thanks to a well-thought-out ventilation system, and quick heating of the room - these are not all the trump cards that I noted during use.
  • A diesel heating boiler is the best option for heating a room in a country house or garage. I installed a boiler last year - I couldn’t be happier - it heats perfectly, at -30 in a foam block garage without insulation in Tashkent, in terms of costs - it takes about 6-7 liters per day. In general, I recommend it.
  • An excellent boiler - diesel fuel is the most inexpensive, although fuel prices are rising every day. Heats perfectly - a house of 200 square meters warms up in 3 hours even after a long unheated period. I also want to say that for two floors it takes me about 8-10 liters per day, that is, only 900-1000 rubles per month. A very acceptable heating method, especially for large rooms.
  • After I started receiving kilometer-long bills for electricity and I was pretty fed up with it, I decided to install the most powerful and at the same time not voracious boiler for the heating system. I chose for a long time and meticulously, in the end I decided to install a diesel one. And the reviews about it were good and friends recommended it. In general, I didn’t make a mistake. I am very pleased, especially that the bills have now been reduced by almost three times.
  • A boiler running on diesel fuel is a real godsend for those who do not want to pay a lot for heating, but are not able to provide gas heating. In addition, the price of consumables for repairs is low - I found out before purchasing in a company store. True, after 3 years of use, they were never useful to me.
  • A diesel fuel boiler is an excellent alternative to a conventional country stove. Firstly, fuel consumption is less, and secondly, the size of the boiler also differs to a smaller extent. The price is really high for all the equipment, but it fully justifies itself in the first year of operation. So if you can’t or don’t want to install a stove at home, and gas heating is not available to you for some reason, buy a boiler and you won’t regret it at all.
  • A boiler running on diesel fuel can easily outperform its main relatives in terms of efficiency and heating costs. The only competitive option is probably gas. But if for some reason it is not available to you or for other reasons you do not want to carry it out, then a diesel boiler is your salvation.
  • The boiler is excellent, heats up quickly, there is no peculiar smell, it does not make noise, everything has been thought out for safety, including for small children. I am very pleased that my husband decided to insist on this option while I suggested buying an electric one.
  • Do you want to save on heating without losing quality? Then diesel boilers seem to be created for you - I was convinced from my own experience. It’s hard to think of a better one, buy it – you won’t regret it.
  • Do you need warmth and comfort in your home but don’t have the opportunity to constantly light the stove? Or do you need to leave for a while, and it’s scary to leave an open fire? I had the same problem and I solved all the problems in one fell swoop - I installed a diesel boiler. By the way, it is very easy to install - my husband did it in half an hour. In addition, refilling it is very simple - you poured diesel fuel and forgot - time passes, heat comes in, you are busy with your own business. I feel very comfortable with this type of heating system, how about you?
  • Quite recently, on the advice of friends, we bought a diesel boiler to heat the garage; in the end, we liked it so much that we decided to buy a similar option for our dacha. Tomorrow we are going to choose a model that can quickly heat our two-story house in the winter cold.
  • We installed a boiler at the dacha, my mother came to visit - her delight knew no bounds. As a result, yesterday they installed it for her in a village house, let her warm herself up!
  • A boiler of this type can be quickly installed, does not require special attention, and rarely fails - this is what we read in the reviews that we studied before purchasing. At first they even thought that such an ideal technique does not exist, but as it turned out, they were mistaken. Such equipment does exist, and we already have it; we recommend that you purchase it as quickly as possible.
  • The boiler itself is wonderful, but when connecting the pipe for the battery, we managed to break the nut - either it was a defective one, or we tried too hard. As a result, we had to visit all the stores in the city, but we couldn’t find the same one. I had to order from the official manufacturer and wait for it to be delivered. We waited a long time, about a month. And so far, this is the only thing that has spoiled the impression of the equipment, otherwise it works like a clock - for 5 years already.
  • Do you need a boiler that takes little and gives a lot? Buy a diesel one - you won't regret it. Even taking into account the constant rise in fuel prices, it justifies itself. During the season, we spend no more than 7 thousand rubles, while about 15,000 were spent on stove heating.
  • We installed such a boiler a long time ago - I didn’t specifically write a review earlier, I was still waiting for the first problems to appear. Oddly enough, I didn’t wait. Five years have passed - everything is working properly, I only replaced the burner, but I don’t consider this a problem, since it is more of a consumable item. By the way, it was inexpensive, so the boiler is not only reliable, but also inexpensive to maintain.
  • The boiler is wonderful - my wife and I spent a long time choosing a method for heating our dacha, and eventually settled on this option as the most budget-friendly one. Of course, the boiler itself and its “appendages” are not cheap, but you don’t buy them for one day.
  • The boiler is not bad for its purpose, but personally I still feel an unpleasant smell when it is working, even if it is not strong, not sharp, but it is still there. For me, this is a significant drawback, although my family members say that they don’t notice anything and I’m just self-hypnosis.
  • We bought a boiler two years ago and are happy with the results. We can safely recommend it to you for installation both in the garage and in a country house, especially if you heat with electricity - the bill for services will be global.
  • We bought the boiler just a couple of months ago, installed and connected it quickly, all that remains is to test it in action - we’ll see...
  • Boilers running on diesel fuel are the most economical heating option, especially if the room is large. I was convinced from personal experience. Thanks to the manager who literally forced me to choose this equipment.
  • In our cottage, the boiler works flawlessly, but when we purchased it, we slightly miscalculated the additional heating for the attic and winter garden, so we had to install heaters here and there. In general, we spend no more than 3-3.5 thousand rubles a month on heating a house of 270 square meters, I think that this is more than economical, especially a house made of aerated concrete.
  • A boiler running on diesel fuel is the type of heating that satisfied all the needs of our family: warm, comfortable, without tedious adding firewood or turning equipment on and off, economically. Overall, we are very pleased and would not trade the diesel heating system for anything.
  • The boiler is wonderful, it works quietly and stably. However, when pouring oil into the burner, you can notice the smell of diesel fuel, and I personally find it difficult to get from a full canister into a small hole - I often spill it past, but maybe I’m the only “special” one?
  • A boiler of this type is an excellent replacement for an electric boiler, especially in those populated areas where power outages are a frequent “guest”. If the benefits of civilization have not yet reached you or have only reached you weakly, then it is worth purchasing a boiler for heating. You'll see, the savings will be dramatic, and an autonomous heating system will bring peace of mind and stability.
  • When I bought it, I came across a boiler with a manufacturing defect, I had to go get it replaced, but overall, I can’t say anything bad - it works, heats, everything is great.
  • Boilers of this type have always seemed to me the most optimal and economical for heating a village house. However, I want to say that not only its durability, but also the level of efficiency depends on the quality of the fuel you pour into it, so don’t skimp on diesel fuel, fill only high-quality fuel from a reliable supplier and everything will be fine.
  • If it were not for the frequent change of consumables, I would say that the boiler is ideal. And so, I can only give 4+ or 5 - depending on who you like.
  • We bought a boiler five years ago - everything suits us, it works efficiently and stably, which is the most important thing. The only thing that upset me was the price. Even at that time it was quite high, but even with such efficiency, it seems to me that the boiler does not cost that much. But this is purely my individual opinion.
  • We bought the boiler six months ago, just before the winter frosts. It warms wonderfully, even if you had a bath. In addition, it works flawlessly and, most importantly, is absolutely quiet. I am very pleased with the purchase, I recommend it.

Heating with diesel fuel, despite reviews and price

Why is heating a residential building with diesel fuel becoming an increasingly elusive prospect for the owner of a city or country house?
There are two reasons for this - the constantly rising price of diesel fuel and reviews from owners on the operation of heating a private house using diesel fuel. I, despite reviews from owners of diesel boilers and prices, heating my house with diesel fuel. But with one small caveat - the diesel boiler is not the only heat generator in my house.

In addition to the diesel boiler, I also use an air heating furnace (convective) and an electric boiler.

Heating the house with diesel fuel, of course, would be ruinous if I only heated myself with diesel. Winter temperatures in our region often exceed -40C and such frosts can last for two to three weeks, as was the case last year and the year before. This year the winter is milder, frosts reached -40C, but lasted only a week in January and a week in February. The rest of the time the temperature stably “spins” around -25C.

In such a situation, heating a house with diesel fuel becomes “golden”, because with a price per liter of 32 rubles, a lot of this fuel is required - my house is 200 square meters. And we gradually move on to the consumption of diesel fuel for heating the house.

Fuel requirements

The problem of quality fuel for heating or cars has been acute for a long time. There are several types of diesel fuel - arctic, winter and summer.

We will not bore the reader with the meaning of cetane numbers, which characterize the suitability of the fuel for climatic conditions - it is only important to know that for heating with a diesel boiler only the winter version is required. Then such diesel fuel will not get stuck at temperatures down to -35⁰C.

Unfortunately, the average person does not have access to knowledge about impurities in the fuel, and in vain - they can affect the operation of the boiler. The presence of harmful substances can only be determined by breaking down the boiler and inspecting its components. So:

  1. The formation of corrosion on the injector indicates the most common lack of fuel - it was diluted with water. To prevent the problem from destroying the diesel heating of a country house, reviews of diesel fuel should be obtained at gas stations. Car owners are usually very vocal.
  2. Damage to the system filters indicates mechanical impurities - paraffin, resin, sulfur. All components are capable of preventing complete combustion, which leads to clogging of the system as a whole and excessive fuel consumption.
  3. Dust and other dirt can also appear due to the negligence of the owners themselves. If the container with fuel reserves is not transparent, then the presence of fuel in it is checked with some kind of probe. Usually, the owners do not think about its cleanliness and, thus, independently ensure the unit’s untimely death.

If the owners of a diesel boiler have been convinced more than once that the gas station is fraudulent, then it makes sense to hold the staff accountable. Naturally, you will need proof of the purchase of fuel and an expert’s opinion on its negative impact on the boiler. If you want to start a long, exhausting war, go ahead.

Diesel fuel consumption for heating a house

Let's calculate the consumption of diesel fuel for heating a house, and then compare it with the actual consumption - “by eye” from a barrel.

To heat a house of 200 square meters, you will need 20 kilowatts of thermal energy per hour. This is a well-known formula for a well-insulated house that complies with modern SNiP. My house is a little better insulated and work on its local insulation and permanent sealing has been ongoing continuously for the past three years. Small drafts and small cracks that I had not noticed before are constantly present and foaming.

So, for my small house of 200 square meters, I need from 6 kilowatts of thermal energy at an outside temperature of -5C to 23 kilowatts of thermal energy at -40C “outside”.

The average winter temperature in our area is approximately -20C to -28C. This temperature lasts half of December, all of January, February and March. And, as usual, there are “exacerbations” down to -40C and warming up to -5C.

I heat my house with a 25 kilowatt diesel boiler. In the most severe frosts, I should need approximately 16 liters of fuel, based on calculations of the calorific value of diesel fuel and the boiler power.

The actual consumption of diesel fuel is slightly different from the calculated one.

In some places, the calculations diverge a little from reality - diesel fuel consumption for heating a house in the most severe frosts ranges from 18 to 20 liters. I can see this on the measuring scale on the side of the barrel from which the diesel boiler is powered.

Alternative home heating with diesel fuel

What could I do to make heating my home with diesel a little less expensive, so that I could use a diesel boiler as the main source of heat for my home?

The first thing I think of is using a waste oil burner. I install such a burner during testing and collect virtually free fuel wherever I can - at service stations, at express oil change kiosks, and so on.

What are the disadvantages of this option? The first and most basic is the price of the burner. The cost of the burner during testing is 60,000 rubles. Which is comparable to purchasing almost 2 tons of diesel fuel.

An exhaust burner might solve the problem of heating a house with a diesel boiler, but it is not cheap.

Secondly, the waste also needs to be collected, waste of gasoline and time, transport it in cans to the house, settle it somewhere and store it during this time.

And thirdly, I’m not the only one who is so smart. More than once I have watched my comrades collect waste from the service station and take it away for their own needs. This is exactly the same issue as with making your own pellets. It seems like the sawdust is free. But in fact, it turns out that it is easier to heat with briquettes than to make pellets yourself from “free” sawdust.

There is, of course, also diesel oil and light oil. But there are also pitfalls there. Starting from the fact that a standard burner will not be guaranteed to work on these types of fuel, and ending with the complete impossibility of obtaining this fuel in some regions.

Here an analogy with the Karborobot coal boiler suggests itself. The boiler is good, no doubt about it. But in our region there is no fuel for it, there is no coal of the required fraction, there are no good suppliers. And bringing it from somewhere is incredibly expensive.

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System components

Autonomous diesel heating has the following equipment:

  • Diesel burner;
  • Heat exchanger;
  • Control system (automated);
  • Chimney;
  • Pipeline;
  • Circulation pump;
  • Heating elements (radiators);
  • The combustion chamber.

Each of the constituent elements performs its own specific functions, the quality of which directly determines the efficiency of heating a house with diesel fuel.

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