How to connect underfloor heating from central heating in an apartment?

Heating private houses and apartments using water heated floors is a fairly popular option, since the system is efficient and economical. Warm air rises evenly from bottom to top, creating optimal indoor comfort. Warm floors can be implemented in different ways; it can be a warm floor from central heating in an apartment or an electric one, which requires laying a heating cable. Considering the cost of electricity, many residents find the idea of ​​installing radiator-powered floor heating in their apartment more attractive. Costs will mainly be on equipment, and heating costs will not be so high.

Is it possible to make water floors in an apartment?

The legislation strictly punishes anyone who makes changes to the central heating system of an apartment building. Independently connecting a water heated floor in an apartment is fraught with sanctions, court decisions, fines, etc.

The reason for the lawsuit is usually flooded neighbors downstairs. Therefore, before installing a water heated floor in an apartment with your own hands or with the help of hired builders, you must first calculate all the advantages and disadvantages of the solution, take into account possible risks and negative consequences.

According to SNiP, it is possible to make changes to the heating system of the apartment, subject to coordination of the modification with representatives of housing and communal services and the Heating Network. In practice, this is only possible in the case of autonomous heating provided for in the design documentation.


Warm floors in an apartment from central heating: is it legal? Yes, but only if we are talking about a new building, the communications of which provide for the possibility of such changes. In the case of houses built earlier, any such intervention is essentially prohibited. However, practice shows that this rarely stops those who want to live comfortably.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to make a heated floor from central heating in an apartment largely depends on how much energy is allocated to the apartment. If the structure you are installing consumes more than it should, the balance may be upset, and the neighbors will not receive enough of their rightful heat. Such destabilization is easily eliminated with the help of regulators, but even the presence of an impeccable installation diagram does not mean that you can get to work.

So, if you ask whether it is possible to install water-heated floors in an apartment building, you will most likely be refused. Freelance? Independent intervention in the operation of the heating system is fraught not only with serious penalties, but also with the need to subsequently dismantle the structure. Of course, you can take a risk and live in eternal fear of visits from supervisory authorities, but do you need it? The law prohibiting the installation of water heated floors in an apartment building, in principle, can be circumvented using various bureaucratic tricks. Let's say you managed to coordinate the redevelopment with the official authority and come to an agreement with the neighbors below. This means that we can begin to implement the project.

What is needed for a water floor in an apartment

Decoration - the reasons why underfloor heating is prohibited in apartments are as follows:
First reason: According to housing standards, it is not allowed to increase the heating power in an apartment when replacing radiators or making changes to the central heating pipeline.

This standard is made in order to maintain the coolant temperature level within normal limits for each room in the house. Any changes associated with an increase in energy costs are unacceptable. Therefore, it is prohibited to install water heated floors in an apartment with central heating.

You can bypass this norm if, after installing the water circuit, the total thermal power remains the same. And for this you will have to reduce the number of radiators, which is not always practical.

Second reason: It is forbidden to lay due to possible leakage of the circuit. You will have to draw up a project of work and prove that if the integrity of the pipe is damaged, the likelihood that the water will ruin the housing of the neighbors below is negligible.

To legalize the installation and use of water floor heating in an apartment, you will have to use high-quality waterproofing and make a project with the materials specified in it. It may be necessary to put insulating corrugation on the pipes to prevent leakage, and to comply with other heating network conditions.

The likelihood of leaks - even if the waterproofing layer is installed correctly, it is unrealistic to completely prevent the possibility that neighbors below will not be flooded due to a pipe rupture.

And since a home-made warm water floor in an apartment is a reconstruction of the living space, financial responsibility for the damage will fall entirely on the culprit of the leak.

If it is not possible to reach an agreement peacefully with the neighbors, you will have to pay compensation, including repair work, court costs, etc.

Official registration - obtaining permission is so problematic that most owners go the other way and simply install the heating system themselves, connecting the circuit without the necessary approvals. This is regarded as illegal redevelopment of the apartment. And independent changes lead to the inability to sell living space.

The only solution is to install individual heating in the apartment. In this case, you will only need to register changes in the layout in the BTI, which is much easier than resolving issues with the Heating Network.

A fine for having a water floor in an apartment is not the only punishment. The authorities legally oblige the owner to dismantle the water circuit.

What is more profitable: hot water or a water heater in an apartment? Is a water heater beneficial for you? We count

Before deciding whether you need a water heater or not, experts recommend answering several questions:

— You need to understand where the buyer will install the boiler - in a house, apartment or garden house; roughly calculate how many cubic meters of water a family spends, and don’t forget about the load on the power grid,” says Eduard Khakimov, a salesman at one of the Pervouralsk specialized stores.

So, let's take ideal (standard) conditions - a family of three or four people, daily consumption - 200 liters of hot water, that's 6 cubic meters per month. The apartment has a two-tariff electric meter. During the day and late in the evening, the family spends about 150 liters, in the evening - 50. The water heater is 100 liters, the power is small - 1.5 kW.

Let's calculate the cost of a cubic meter of hot water from a water heater for such a family:

Heating time

Calculation formula: temperature difference (60-10) * volume (100 l) * 4.2 (kJ/kg * degree - coefficient of heat capacity of water) / power (1.5 kW) = time (14000 sec)/60 = 233 minutes = approximately 4 hours

Power consumption: 1.5 kW*4 hours = 6 kW.

6 kilowatts are needed to heat 100 liters of water. For 200 liters - an average of 12 kW. Of these, 9 kW are at the daily rate - for Pervouralsk it is equal to 4.07 rubles/kW, 3 - at the night rate (1.92 rubles/kW).

The amount per day is 42 rubles 40 kopecks. Per month - 1272 rubles for electricity. Considering the cost of water - 20.06 rubles / cubic meter. m - only 1392 rubles *.

*We do not take into account the downward error that can occur due to the fact that the boiler maintains the water temperature, like a thermos, for several hours. Accordingly, it does not warm up cold water from 10 degrees every time. Taking this into account, the final amount for electricity may be lower than announced. However, keep in mind that when purchasing a boiler, you will need to pay a certain amount one-time - directly for the equipment and for its installation. We omit these numbers because they are purely individual.

How to lay pipes on the floor

The service life of a PVC water circuit does not exceed 50 years. It is strictly forbidden to use ferrous metal pipes, which will rot in the concrete floor within a few years.

Where to connect water floors

Installation features and possible errors

It is necessary to connect the water circuit in such a way that after it is turned off, the coolant continues to circulate in the central heating system.

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