Domestic gas heating boilers for industrial use

Home / Boiler rooms


Published: 10/22/2019

Reading time: 3 min



A boiler room is a complex engineering system consisting of a large number of mechanisms and components designed to generate thermal energy for industrial needs and heat supply to residential and public buildings.

The boiler room at the enterprise, as a source of heat, is closely connected with utility networks located both on its territory and outside.

  • 1 Types of industrial boiler plants
  • 2 Operating principle
  • 3 Boiler equipment
  • 4 Smoke exhaust systems
  • 5 Requirements for industrial gas boiler houses

Types of industrial boiler plants

Industrial gas boilers are classified according to power into low, medium and high power units. The first group includes water heating, steam and condensing generators with a power of up to 20 MW and an efficiency of up to 96%. They are usually used for heat supply to small enterprises.

For integrated heat supply with the delivery of heating, hot water supply and ventilation loads, enterprises install boiler houses with a total capacity of up to 100 MW.

Such equipment is installed in large district boiler houses, capable of providing heat not only to industrial, but also to residential consumers. To supply hot water and steam to large factories and regional city heating network enterprises, gas boilers with a capacity of 600 MW or more are used.

According to their purpose, gas boiler houses at the enterprise are divided into:

  1. Heating – for centralized supply for the needs of heating, ventilation and hot water supply for domestic and industrial consumers;
  2. Industrial – for technological supply of heat in the form of steam and hot water to industrial enterprises.
  3. Heating and production – for integrated heat supply to heating systems and technological processes.
  4. According to the scheme, boiler houses are divided into a closed type, when all network water through the main heating networks returns back to the source, and an open system, when part of the hot coolant is consumed for technological or domestic needs.
  5. In industry, technological consumers of thermal energy in the form of steam are paper, chemical and metallurgical production, petrochemical complexes, rectification and chemical reactors, sorption-desorption units for the gas purification process, galvanic lines and devices for laminating surfaces.

A promising direction has become the installation of combined boiler rooms, steam-hydrogen boiler rooms, autonomous block modules, and rooftop heat supply systems.

Good mobile systems are considered to be block-modular, assembled at the factory and transported to the installation site in assembled form.

On-site launch of such systems takes place according to an accelerated turnkey program, taking into account that installation and commissioning work is carried out in production.

Coolant for boiler

In many ways, installation with connection to the heating system itself plays a large role in the selection of the installation.
The key element in the systems is the coolant, which is received by the boiler, subjected to heating, and then released to flow through pipes and radiators. At such points of consumption, the heated agent gives off heat directly to the radiators and pipes, which heat the room. Industrial models can be universal in terms of receiving and processing a specific coolant with thermal energy. But for industrial use, there are often boilers that can accept only one type of coolant. The choice is usually presented between three main types of liquid distillation medium:

  1. Water.
  2. Antifreeze.
  3. Propylene glycol.

Inhibitor mixtures are also added to such liquids to maximally neutralize the aggressiveness of media flowing through metal pipes. This is done to avoid metal corrosion. When using plastic pipes, such means are necessary to eliminate scale. This is especially true for water or steam.

Principle of operation

Gas industrial boiler houses, regardless of their power, practically have the same control scheme and operating principle. Structural differences are observed only in water-water and steam-water boilers. Boiler installations of industrial enterprises consist of main and auxiliary equipment.

The main ones include the boiler itself and the devices enclosed in its body - pipe packages, separators, manifolds, drums. Auxiliary equipment includes a gas burner, pumps, fans, smoke exhausters, fittings, fittings, and an automatic control and safety system.

In hot water boilers, water is heated to a maximum temperature of 150 C as a result of fuel combustion and heat transfer from flue gases to the main coolant. The panels are made gas-tight to increase heat transfer; for this purpose, steel pipes are welded together.

After combustion, the flue gases of the water, under the influence of the vacuum created by the smoke exhauster, enter the convector block, where the pipes are mounted in a checkerboard pattern, which increases the heating surface and the rate of transfer of water to the network coolant.

In a hot water boiler, water moves forcibly; the speed of movement is determined by network pumps, which provide the necessary performance and pressure. Water enters and exits through the boiler manifold.

The operating principle of a steam boiler differs from a hot water boiler. The movement of water in its internal circuit occurs due to the natural circulation of cold and heated steam-water media.

As a result of the heat transfer process, saturated or superheated steam is obtained at the boiler outlet. To collect it, modern boilers install drums and separation devices in the upper drum to remove the smallest particles of boiler water from the steam.

Network water does not circulate through the steam boiler; it is fed with chemically purified feed water using special feed pumps. The network water circuit does not intersect with the feed water, and it is heated in steam-water network heat exchangers, in which steam from the boiler through a pipe system heats the supply coolant to a maximum temperature of 150 C.

Safety of use

Industrial gas devices are convenient and safe to use. There are certain requirements for their operation, the mandatory implementation of which will reduce the risk of industrial accidents and accidents. The gas burner may go out, which can even lead to a gas explosion. Such situations may arise if:

  • the pressure in the system does not meet certain standards;
  • the power was suddenly cut off;
  • the draft in the chimney has stopped.

To avoid these situations, manufacturers install built-in security systems in manufactured models. Now on the gas boiler market you can purchase modern equipment with self-diagnosis systems, also equipped with thermostats that protect against water overheating, pump blocking, and a controller that regulates the intensity of the flame.

Apart from these benefits, there is another important feature. In gas installations, the anti-scale protection system is activated. This happens thanks to special fuses built into the heating circuit. Multifunctional gas boilers are more expensive equipment, but this increases their stability and reliability, and most importantly, warranty and safety.

Boiler equipment

Boilers are the main element of the organization and implementation of the steam power cycle of the heat supply system. The body of low-power low-pressure boilers is made of cast iron, and the body of medium and high-pressure boilers is made of boiler steel.

In order to correctly select the type and number of boilers, technical and economic calculations are performed, taking into account the following factors:

  1. Maximum and minimum heat load of consumers in winter and summer.
  2. Distance and diameters of heating networks broken down to each consumer.
  3. Quality of water and fuel.
  4. Level of automation of a gas boiler room.
  5. Boiler room dimensions.

The next most important element of the boiler unit is the burner device, where the process of mixing gas and air and igniting the gas-air mixture to form a torch takes place. The combustion process itself takes place in the combustion chamber.

The choice of boiler based on the heat output of the burner must correspond to its power, taking into account the emergency reserve. Good Lemax gas equipment can be purchased in Ishim.

The operation of the burner is ensured by the gas equipment of the boiler room: gas distribution unit or hydraulic fracturing unit, regulators, filters, control devices and a security system. All elements of the gas industry are classified as high-risk objects; their operation is regulated by SNiP II-35-76 “Boiler installations”.

Boilers with water circuit

This device is a regular heating boiler in which a boiler is installed. The latter, as in the case of a hot water boiler, can be located both above the firebox and on the side of it.

The simplest and at the same time the most famous representative of this category of equipment is titanium.

The heat exchanger located inside the firebox is connected to the heating circuit, as a result of which the coolant is pumped through it - now water. Part of this coolant is supplied through a separate branch to a heat exchanger installed inside the boiler, due to which the water in the boiler is heated.

In order for a heater to supply heat to two systems at the same time, it must have significant performance. Therefore, developers use various design solutions to ensure complete combustion of fuel and assimilation of the maximum possible amount of energy released.

To maximize heat transfer from a solid fuel boiler, use only well-dried fuel.

Smoke exhaust systems

The boiler room smoke ventilation system is used to create a vacuum in the gas path of the boiler unit and remove flue gases from the boiler into the atmosphere. It consists of a smoke exhauster, a fan, chimneys and a chimney.

Instrumentation and safety automation (ICS) are designed to monitor the operation of the installation according to regime maps, regulate the boiler load and ensure safe operation of the equipment.

In all modern boiler units, the installation of instrumentation and control equipment is a mandatory requirement, in accordance with the norms and regulations for the operation of boiler installations.

Boiler equipment protection is triggered by activating sound and light alarms to alert operating personnel.

Instrumentation and automation protection parameters:

  • separation of the torch in the boiler;
  • high pressure of steam, gas, water;
  • low vacuum in the boiler furnace;
  • power outage;
  • low water level in the boiler;
  • low pressure of air, water and gas.

When the alarm is triggered, after a short time, if the operating personnel have not corrected the failure, the boiler is stopped by the instrumentation and control system, through forced shutdown of the gas supply to the furnace.

Boilers with water circuit

Today, it is possible to ensure the operation of the heating system and heat water for domestic needs using just one device - a boiler with a water circuit.
This device is a regular heating boiler in which a boiler is installed. The latter, as in the case of a hot water boiler, can be located both above the firebox and on the side of it.

The simplest and at the same time the most famous representative of this category of equipment is titanium.

The heat exchanger located inside the firebox is connected to the heating circuit, as a result of which the coolant is pumped through it - now water. Part of this coolant is supplied through a separate branch to a heat exchanger installed inside the boiler, due to which the water in the boiler is heated.

In order for a heater to supply heat to two systems at the same time, it must have significant performance. Therefore, developers use various design solutions to ensure complete combustion of fuel and assimilation of the maximum possible amount of energy released.

To maximize heat transfer from a solid fuel boiler, use only well-dried fuel.

Requirements for industrial gas boiler houses

Gas boiler houses are fire hazardous facilities; they are subject to special requirements at the stages of design, installation and operation. The basic requirements are enshrined in SNiP II-35 - “Boiler installations”.

Requirements for pumps are specified in SP 89.13330.2012. Water and steam must comply with GOST 20995-75, 2761-84, and the chemical water treatment system must comply with SNiP 2.04.02-84 “Water Supply”. More detailed information on the requirements and rules can be found in the book “Boiler installations of industrial enterprises” (L.N. Sidelkovsky, V.N. Yurenev).

Industrial boiler boiler boilers are installed in a separate building, whose fire resistance is determined by production requirements. For installation of large-sized elements and components of the boiler, installation openings must be provided.

The design and construction of industrial boiler houses is carried out taking into account existing building plans and utilities in the area of ​​the proposed construction.

The project should include a boiler room, a pump room, a fuel facility, premises for chemical water treatment and instrumentation.

Classification by type of accommodation

Wall-mounted water heating boilers have a relatively small weight, unlike floor-standing models

Water heating devices, depending on power and design, have different weights and sizes. This largely determines the place where they can be installed.

Floor products are characterized by significant weight and dimensions. It is impossible to hang them precisely because of these factors, since not every load-bearing surface can withstand such a load. The advantage is that such devices are more reliable and functional.

Wall-mounted boilers are compact and light in weight. Their development was initially aimed at ensuring that the products could be installed in tight spaces - kitchen, bathroom, basement. Due to size restrictions, such boilers are not designed for high power; the close arrangement of parts makes them difficult to service and reduces the level of reliability.

Pyrolysis combustion boilers

Among the numerous options with semi-automatic fuel combustion, gas generator or pyrolysis boilers are distinguished. Such boilers are designed to burn only one type of fuel - dry wood, which makes it possible to organize a system with a consistently high efficiency of up to 85%. The pyrolysis combustion method is designed to extract heat as efficiently as possible: in addition to burning the fuel itself, gases emanating from the burning of wood are burned. Firewood in a pyrolysis solid fuel boiler with a water circuit does not burn with a “bright flame”, but gradually smolders. Automation and a forced-air fan with dosing of primary and secondary air are responsible for uniform smoldering of the fuel. Maximum burning of wood in this mode allows you to make the system the most environmentally friendly; afterburning of gases significantly reduces the volume of emissions through the chimney. Gas generator models do not leave traces or soot outside the house.

Introduced about 30 years ago, long-burning gas generator boilers remain very expensive equipment. The price of the boiler can be justified by solving numerous heating problems. If the regular supply of dry wood is not difficult or difficult, financial capabilities allow and you need to organize a highly efficient environmentally friendly heating system, then a pyrolysis boiler is an ideal option.


The service life of industrial gas boilers, if the manufacturer’s requirements are met, is long and reaches 20 years. The minimum value is 10 years. The service life depends on the type of equipment and before the first cleaning of internal contamination is about 3,000 hours.

3 years must pass between major repairs. The total service life is 10 years if the output does not exceed 4.65 MW. This takes into account the annual work duration of about 3,000 hours.

If the productivity reaches 35 MW, the service life of an industrial gas boiler will be 15 years. The term increases to 20 years with increasing productivity above 35 MW.

What to look for when choosing

If right now you are faced with choosing an electric wood-burning boiler for a private home, then there are several points that are worth analyzing for the selected models:

  • power;
  • material of manufacture;
  • number of circuits;
  • availability of automation;
  • heat exchanger material.

A lot can be said regarding power, but for an electric wood-burning boiler it’s worth choosing the one that will suit your area. If the power is greater, then it can consume more fuel. If it’s smaller, then you’ll have to freeze in winter. The calculation principle is similar to that used for gas boilers. One kilowatt of power will be used to heat 10 m2 of area. This means that for a house with a total heated area of ​​280 m2, you will need a 28 kW electric wood-burning appliance. It happens that there is no exact power value that would suit the area of ​​the house. Then it is better to take one or two kilowatts more powerful. There will be no problems from this.

Take a close look at the thickness of the metal used and its quality. Check with the seller what kind of steel is in the electric wood-burning boiler. The service life of the electric wood-burning boiler will depend on this. Some manufacturers insulate the walls so that the user does not get burned if he touches them. Also, thanks to the insulation, heat is retained longer in the firebox of an electric wood-burning boiler. If you have to opt for a powerful boiler, then it is worth considering that its weight can be significant. You will have to think in advance about whether there will be a need to strengthen the floor, as well as additional equipment for loading and installation.

An electric wood-burning boiler, in addition to heating the room, can supply the bathroom and kitchen with hot water. But for this you should take a model that has a second circuit. It may cost more, but the money spent is worth it. The water will be heated in parallel with the total mass of liquid in the system. It’s good if the main heat exchanger of an electric wood-burning boiler is cast iron or stainless steel. The first one is inert when heated, but also takes longer to cool down. This means that it will not respond quickly to a drop in temperature in the firebox. The boiler grates will also last longer if they are made of cast iron.

Note! If you do not plan to use the electrical part of the boiler during the day, then it is better to turn off the power. The fact is that they function in pairs. The heating element can compensate for the temperature drop in the combustion chamber until the next load is made

The consequence of this may be greater expenditure of family budget funds

The heating element can compensate for the drop in temperature in the combustion chamber until the next load is made. The consequence of this may be greater expenditure of family budget funds.

High-power electric wood-burning boilers can occupy a large room, which takes up living space. Therefore, electric wood-burning boilers are often placed in a separate room. If this is the case in your case, then take care of its insulation, because most of the heat will be dissipated through the boiler itself. For an electric wood-burning heating appliance, it is necessary to provide a high-quality substrate. It is better to make a small pour of a reinforced concrete slab, which will be larger in size than the boiler itself by 20 cm on each side.

A sheet of galvanized metal is laid in front of the firebox of an electric wood-burning boiler for heating. It will protect the surface from falling splinters. This can happen if a mechanical temperature regulator is installed on the blower. Not all wood-burning boilers with electric heating elements have insulated walls. Because of this, an electric wood-burning boiler can greatly heat the walls of the room. To prevent this from happening, asbestos sheets or stone wool covered with galvanized sheets are installed around it.

Particular attention must be paid to the junction of the outlet pipe to the boiler. Everything must be sealed to prevent carbon monoxide from leaking into the room. It is better to provide a separate automatic device for the electrical part of an electric wood-burning boiler. It will be good if it is paired with an RCD. In this case, if the slightest malfunction occurs in the heating element, the current will not flow through the pipes of the heating system, but will be instantly turned off. For greater clarity, watch the video:

Note! If you are not confident in your abilities to install an electric wood-burning boiler, then contact the professionals. This will protect you from unforeseen situations, as well as fires.

Step-by-step production of a solid fuel boiler. Subtleties and nuances

You will not be able to make the most economical homemade solid fuel boiler, but you can create a heating apparatus that is quite suitable for heating and hot water supply. The fact is that the assembly of industrial products is carried out on high-precision industrial equipment from specially selected materials in compliance with technological parameters. Each factory boiler model is based on accurate thermal calculations. The possibilities of working at home are incomparably more modest than in industrial conditions, therefore, when choosing a model to be manufactured, one must proceed from existing realities, including one’s personal potential as an installer.

Tools and materials

Having a drawing and specification of the heating unit, you can determine the list of necessary tools. Whether you want to make a large boiler or plan to assemble a small solid fuel heating device for your dacha with your own hands, the list of accessories will be approximately the same.

Tool kit for self-production of a solid fuel heating unit

To work you will need the following tools and accessories:

  • welding machine;
  • small grinder with cutting and grinding discs (safety glasses);
  • electric drill with metal drills;
  • gas keys No. 1, 2;
  • hammer;
  • a set of open-end or ring wrenches and screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • 90 degree square

The main material in production is steel, the thickness of which for the boiler must be at least 5 mm, for grates - from 7 mm.

In addition, you will need:

  • steel corner 50x50 - for the boiler frame;
  • sheet stainless steel - if there is a storage tank in the design;
  • thick-walled steel pipes with a diameter of 32-50 mm - for the manufacture of a coil heat exchanger.

A complete list of materials and their consumption is prepared in advance on the basis of technical drawings.

Manufacturing of the housing and heat exchanger

The boiler body, which often acts as a combustion chamber, is the basis of the entire structure. To reduce the deformation of the walls under the influence of high temperature, the enclosing structures of the firebox are made in two layers with a backfill between the layers of dry sifted sand, which plays the role of a geometry fixator. The outer and inner shells of the firebox are made of frames, which also increases the rigidity of the structure. In addition, to increase the strength of the combustion chamber wall, the outside can be sheathed with a steel angle or profile in the form of stiffening ribs.

Rules and regulations

Maintenance of ship steam boilers is regulated by the Rules for the technical operation of ship steam boilers of the Ministry of the Navy. According to the Rules, the use of ship boilers must be carried out taking into account maximum heat output, without causing damage to their technical condition, ensuring safe operation and the lowest fuel consumption.

Proper organization of work and adherence to the Rules for the Technical Operation of Ship Boilers plays a major role in fulfilling the above requirements. Violation of the Rules is fraught with accidents and unstable work.

Application of electric boilers in industry

The high price of electricity prevents the widespread use of electric boilers in everyday life. There is no doubt that this price has been raised artificially to make it possible to sell gas. After all, a well that has started to work is not easy to plug. Therefore, as long as gas is produced, one cannot hope for a reduction in prices for electricity, pellets, firewood and coal. Due to the high price of electricity for enterprises, industrial electric heating boilers are used extremely rarely. They are used as a reserve to provide heating in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

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