Features of the use of instruments for measuring air humidity

A positive microclimate in an apartment or house ensures the normal health of all family members. If the room is too damp, the risk of disease increases. To avoid deviations from the norm, indicators can be monitored using a device for measuring air humidity. The devices are produced in different modifications, differing in the measurement method and design features. Let's figure out which device is most suitable, what recommendations to follow when choosing a device.

Modern electronic devices provide results with maximum accuracy Source static-int.testo.com

Description of the indicator and the importance of compliance

To make a room comfortable, it must have the appropriate temperature and humidity. The latter indicator is characterized by the amount of steam in the air. Its level may rise or fall depending on the situation.

For example, if a family actively uses heating and air conditioning systems, the air becomes dry. The lack of exhaust hood and ventilation leads to the formation of dampness in the apartment.

Dryness is harmful for people prone to allergic reactions and colds. A humid climate promotes the growth of mold on walls.

Special devices help to monitor the parameters. They will help to promptly identify deviations from the norm and eliminate the problem before it can harm residents.

Principle of operation

To solve the question of how to make single-pipe heating in a private house, it is necessary to study the principle of its operation. The main element of a single-pipe scheme is a gas or solid fuel boiler. With its help, water is heated, which subsequently goes into the pipes and radiators of the heating system. During the movement, the coolant gradually cools down and returns to the boiler through the return pipe.

The peculiarity of such a system is that the first and second radiators will heat up more, and in the last radiators the water temperature decreases significantly, therefore, it will be colder in this room

In this case, it is important to understand how to properly make a one-pipe heating system.

You can solve the problem as follows:

  • Increase the heat capacity of radiators located far from the boiler, which helps to increase heat transfer.
  • Increase the temperature of the water leaving the boiler.

However, both options require significant material costs, which makes the entire heating system expensive.

Equipment options

A device for measuring humidity is called a hygrometer. There are certain standards that the climate in the house must meet. In winter, moisture is allowed at 30-40%, and in summer – 30-60%. Testing devices are made from different materials, which, under the influence of moisture, change their characteristics: they lengthen, become heavier, etc. The range of equipment is quite extensive, to suit different tastes and budgets.

Home appliances should be convenient and compact Source alicdn.com

Device on hair and film

Hair devices have a simple design. The main element of the device is synthetic hair, which is pre-degreased. When the state of the air changes, a change in its length can be observed. The hair is stretched between the spring and the arrow end. Under the influence of vibrations of the hair, the arrow moves along the plate with divisions, from which the values ​​are determined.

The device covers values ​​from 0 to 100. Therefore, detailed information about the state of the air can be obtained. The device is easy to use. It can be placed on the wall and constantly monitor the humidity level.

The principle of operation of a hair hygrometer Source prezentacii.info

There are also film hygrometers. The main element in them is a special film of organic origin. Under certain conditions, it can stretch or contract; these changes are visible on the dial of the device.

Measuring humidity with these devices is practiced in rooms with low temperatures.

Determination of humidity using condensate

The devices determine absolute humidity. They are used in laboratory conditions; they are not suitable for home use.

Condensation meters consist of a flat surface onto which moisture settles, a thermometer to detect condensation, and a beam of light to capture the first condensation.

The device allows you to get the most accurate results, displaying the climate situation in the room. It consists of a metal box, a thermometer, a rubber bulb, a heat-insulating gasket, a front wall, and a ring.

Such devices provide highly accurate results, which is necessary for laboratory research.

The condensation hygrometer is more suitable for scientific research in laboratories Source prezentacii.info

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They analyze the temperature and condensation deposited on the glass. A beam of light is directed onto the mirror, whose temperature gradually decreases, causing drops of water or ice crystals to form on the surface. An electronic thermometer under the mirror detects the temperature, and the design converts the data into humidity parameters.

There are options for improved modification. They have a built-in display on which readings are displayed. The main advantage of the equipment is its long service life and stable performance. The devices have an increased range of action and cover results from 0 to 100%.

Device with two thermometers

The action of the psychrometer is based on the interaction of a dry and wet thermometer. The device is equipped with two thermometers, which contain red and blue liquid.

On one tube there is a cotton cloth, part of which is located in a reservoir with a solution. Once the fabric is wet, the moisture evaporates and the wet bulb thermometer cools. To determine the percentage in the table for the humidity determination device, you need to find the value indicated on the thermometer and calculate the difference at the intersection of the indicators.

Psychrometer is actively used in residential premises Source mypresentation.ru

Psychrometers are:

  • Stationary. With a dry and wet thermometer and the principle of determining humidity according to the table;
  • Aspiration. The design includes a fan that blows air onto the thermometers to speed up the measurement process;
  • Remote. These are pressure gauge and electrical instruments with silicon sensors.

Scope of application

Despite the fact that this material appeared on the market relatively recently, it is already widely used for interior and exterior work. Transparent and semi-matte water-based varnish are often used to cover parquet boards. There are specially developed compositions that make it possible to obtain a particularly durable and elastic coating that can withstand regular friction.

It should be taken into account that a special varnish, acrylic parquet, is suitable for covering only the specified flooring material. If it is used on solid plank floors, it will quickly lose its appearance.

Floor varnish of this type must include special additives to ensure its durability. In this case, the material must be applied in 2 and sometimes 3 layers to create a high-quality coating. Special acrylic urethane varnish has a fast drying speed. How long water-based acrylic varnish takes to dry depends on the temperature in the room, but in most cases 1-2 hours are enough for it to harden. This allows you to speed up the coating creation process.

A special composition has also been developed for indoor walls. It can even be used effectively to decorate walls in bathrooms and kitchens, because... It is distinguished by its ability to withstand high humidity and temperature changes. It is often used to treat the surfaces of railings, steps and windows located in the house.

Acrylic clear varnish can be used to process products made from wicker, figurines and homemade furniture. A special varnish for paintings has also been developed. It is suitable for paper of any thickness and coating of canvases. It can be used to process frames. There is a composition on sale that is suitable for decoupage. Water-based glossy acrylic varnish is often used in the restoration of antique wooden furniture.

Polyurethane varnish, which is resistant to various weather conditions and ultraviolet radiation, is often used to cover open wooden verandas, gazebos, and external walls. In addition, it is well suited for treating interior walls and floors in baths and saunas, because... has high water-repellent properties and the ability to withstand temperature changes. It is often used for exterior treatment of house walls. It can be applied to decorative plaster, increasing the service life of this finish.

Tips for selecting equipment

Indoor air humidity is measured using special equipment. It does not take up much space and does not harm human health or the environment. The results are always accurate or with minimal errors.

The manufacturer indicates the deviation coefficient in the technical characteristics of the device. There are multifunctional models that not only determine humidity, but also show time, atmospheric pressure, and temperature.

Some devices are equipped with a Wi-Fi module. Once connected to the internet, they show weather data. There are models that hang on the wall, place on the table, mechanical and digital designs.

How to maintain relative humidity in your home

Indoor environmental conditions are constantly changing. If at a given moment in time there is a need to influence the humidity, and it is not possible to wait for the value to change naturally, it is recommended to resort to improvised methods.

If the humidity is low

Effective methods:

  • ventilation, which normalizes the circulation of air flows;
  • wet cleaning;
  • There are several containers of water around the apartment.

A humidifier, air conditioner, and thermostat are used in the room.

If the humidity is high

Eliminate any sources of moisture:

  • clothes to dry are hung on the balcony, not in the room;
  • adjust the windows to increase the flow of air flow;
  • include compact heaters;
  • Air dehumidifiers are used.

Video description

About the features of an electronic hygrometer, watch this video:
You need to buy a device taking into account the following parameters:

  • Required level of measurement accuracy. Indicators may differ in models from different manufacturers. More modern and complex devices give accurate results, simple designs give approximate parameters. For home use, too precise instruments are not needed; approximate values ​​are sufficient.
  • Location in the apartment. Not all devices can be mounted on the wall, but for the home this is the most convenient option used for control.
  • Complete set of measuring instrument. The device for measuring relative air humidity must be complete with indicators and psychrometric tables. These elements indicate the high quality of the equipment.

There are many types of humidity meters Source infourok.ru
If difficulties arise, you can consult with the seller to select a device that meets all your needs and conditions. The cost of equipment depends on the brand and technical parameters. The most expensive devices with a wide range of values ​​and additional functions.

The heating threshold is taken into account if you plan to install the device in a bathhouse or sauna. For these locations, it must withstand temperatures up to 120 degrees.

Humidity range and heating threshold

According to GOST, the norm in winter is considered to be relative humidity of 30-45%, and in summer – from 30 to 60%. When choosing a hygrometer for indoor use, consider the range of values:

  • 20-80% in the bedroom;
  • bathroom – 100%, because the indicators here are constantly increasing;
  • balcony, pantry, kitchen - from 10 to 90%; in these rooms the humidity also often increases.

The hygrometer can be used when the air temperature rises to +120°C, which allows it to be used in a sauna or bathhouse.

Briefly about the main thing

An air humidity measuring device is necessary in order to monitor the indicator and avoid problems associated with dryness or dampness in the room.

Manufacturers produce different versions of equipment, differing in materials of manufacture and measurement features.

  • The most understandable operating principle is for devices that operate on the basis of hair and film. Weighing and condensing devices are preferred by scientists.
  • The psychrometer has a complex design and is considered one of the most accurate instruments.
  • Electronic devices will show accurate data in a short time.
  • Home weather stations combine a barometer and a hygrometer and have Internet access.

When choosing, you should take into account the installation location, technical parameters, on which the cost of the equipment depends.

How to choose an air humidity meter

There are a number of parameters that you pay attention to before purchasing:

  • hygrometer type;
  • accuracy (the best option is an electronic device);
  • device capabilities: take into account the range of measured humidity values;
  • operating conditions (pay attention to the permissible air temperature);
  • the ability to move the device from place to place.

Modern models of electronic devices perform different tasks, for example, they are also used as an alarm clock, barometer, some of them have a Wi-Fi function.

Method number 1. Glass of water

This is perhaps the simplest option for measuring humidity levels at home. You will need a glass. Fill it halfway with water and chill in the refrigerator for several hours.

For the correct effect, the water temperature should be only 3-5 degrees. When your “homemade hygrometer” has reached the desired condition, place it in a room away from the battery. After 5-10 minutes, it will be possible to draw some conclusions based on the reaction:

  1. if the condensation on the walls has completely dried, then the air is very dry;
  2. if condensation forms droplets and flows down the walls of the glass, then the air is too humid;
  3. Well, if nothing described above happened (it didn’t leak or dry out), then you have a normal level of humidity in the room.

Features of microclimate measurements

The microclimate parameters in the room are measured taking into account the actual temperature outside. Regulatory requirements depend on it. In winter, the relative humidity can be reduced to 30%, while in summer it should not fall below 35%.

In production, educational institutions, and public organizations, microclimate indicators are monitored at least 3 times a day. The peculiarities of the labor process, the presence of heating and ventilation systems are taken into account. Only by analyzing all the factors can you identify the main problems and take the right measures to eliminate them.

Carrying out measurements of microclimate parameters is necessary when assessing working conditions at an enterprise or organization. There are also programs in production, according to which the values ​​of external factors must be measured in order to know whether they meet the requirements of the technological process.

At home, you can also control microclimate parameters. For this purpose, universal devices or separate devices are used. Pressure is measured with a barometer, temperature with an alcohol or electronic thermometer, and humidity with a hygrometer.

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